Green Leaves Cannon Hill in Cannon Hill, Queensland, Australia | Childcare service
Green Leaves Cannon Hill
Locality: Cannon Hill, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 7 3899 0087
Address: 864-868 Wynnum Road 4170 Cannon Hill, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 Tuesday fun day... Today was a great and caring day in the Kindergarten room as we have been learning about friendships. This morning, Miss Chantelle read the children a book called Curious - Questions and Answers About Science teaching the children some of the basic principles of science. After which, we settled the children down to watch a video called What Makes a Good Friend. ... Some of the examples in the video were holding hands, taking turns and playing with everyone. Miss Chantelle then played another video called Hello from Elmo on Sesame Street. In this video Elmo taught the children that being a friend is about caring for someone and that it is important to see if people you care about are okay. Miss Chantelle then shared another video called Friendship Soup where other children shared what they think they think the ingredients are to make a good friendship. The ingredients were, 3 cups of fun, 2 cups of honesty, 3 cups of respect, 4 cups of acknowledging each others feelings, 2 cups of safety and lots of trust. We then watched another video called Dean and Diana - Value of Friendship It explored the different values that are present when in a good friendship. Miss Chantelle then shared another video called Friendship Soup where other children shared what they think they think the ingredients are to make a good friendship. The ingredients were, 3 cups of fun, 2 cups of honesty, 3 cups of respect, 4 cups of acknowledging each others feelings, 2 cups of safety and lots of trust. We then watched another video called Dean and Diana - Value of Friendship It explored the different values that are present when in a good friendship. We then engaged the children in some indoor outdoor play where we watered the various flowers, some took part in chalkboard arts and crafts and block play. As part of our intentional teaching, we are supporting the children in learning the difference between left and right. We engaged in a song and game about left and right and after we practiced our letter of the week - U. It was a fun and engaging afternoon for the children.
25.01.2022 What could possibly be better than playdough... CHOCOLATE playdough. The Junior Kindergarten room added some cocoa into their normal playdough recipe, and the smell of cocoa filled the room.
25.01.2022 Junior Kindergarten are using play to investigate, imagine and explore ideas and are following and extending on their own interests with enthusiasm, energy and concentration. With National Recycling Week, it also helps you reduce your waste and recycle right.
25.01.2022 Friday fun in Junior Kindergarten.. We started our day in Junior Kindy looking at our Calendar. We had a look at the day with the children being able to tell the Educator that today is Friday. Using the interactive whiteboard we looked at the calendar on there and the children saw that today is the 17th, they were able to mark the same number on our calendar. We then had a look at the month, the season and what the weather was like outside marking it on our calendar. After, we did our welcome song with the children following the actions, putting their own interpretations on them and singing along. Interest-based Activities and Craft This morning Junior Kindy engaged in different interest-based activities including construction with the mobilo as well as using the dominos to create different items such as houses. They followed their creativity and imagination using the pegboards using the different colours to create their pictures. There was also imaginative play with the wooden pieces and the dinosaurs. During this time the children also took turns having a turn at the collage table using different items from craft activities during the week that were on the table. Using glue sticks they added pom poms, bark, pieces of paper and dots of paper, following their own creativity and imagination to create their artwork. Follow the lead and Fire Brigade We had a game of follow the lead, where the children followed different actions that the Educator showed them. As they saw each different action, they completed it putting their own interpretations on. This can help them further develop their gross motor and balance skills. After awhile the children started to suggest different actions that their peers could follow on. One of the actions that were suggested was holding a hose like a firefighter. This suggestion then led onto a conversation about firefighters, trucks and fires. Using the interactive whiteboard, Junior Kindy looked at some videos and did some research about what is on a fire truck and the different things that we should do if there is a fire near us. We even had a go at making our own siren noises. We will continue to research the different Emergency Services that are within our wider communities.
25.01.2022 Happy Wednesday everyone, it was wonderful to see all the children dressed in green for Green day, thank you for all our family participation! The children in Pre-Kindergarten started off their day with a book called: Where is the green sheep? to help stick to our the green theme today. The children loved this book and it has become a favourite of the Pre-Kinder room. To help celebrate green day, we incorporated our green collage materials to create some wonderful art The children explored the different textures some were soft while some were hard. Some of the children noticed that some of the materials we used were different colours of green. While the children were busy exploring their outdoor environment I noticed some of the children using their imagination in the sandpit to dig for buried treasure. While some of our friends focused on kicking using their lower leg muscles to kick the balls back and forth with each other.While some of our friends used their climbing skills to climb the rock wall. As we are learning about transport we have been busy building railway tracks and car tracks for our trains and cars to travel through. While building our tracks we talked about what vehicles would travel along the roads and tracks. We then looked out the window to see the different vehicles driving on the road and talked about them. We continued to speak to the children about traffic lights and did some more traffic light handprints. The children used cars and wooden traffic light outside with their friends to drive along and stop and go with the colours on the lights. To further the children interest in this the educators are going to be researching this topic further with the children.
24.01.2022 Child-initiated Play at Cannon Today, our Kindergarten learners engaged in a variety of new and old play experiences, including: Shared reading with others... Small group play experiences (i.e. imaginative play in the home corner, construction to explore height with the recycled cylinders) Extending on their writing abilities while writing/spelling new sight words. Threading and puzzle exploration. Whats the Matter? Today we learned about a word that holds great importance to the world around us; matter. We learnt that matter is made up of either a solid, liquid or gas. We discussed how a drink bottle is solid. However, the water in it is liquid. We then watched a video that encouraged us to dance along as different types of solid, liquid and gases examples we discussed. Following this, we had a discussion about how water is a liquid but can become solid when frozen like an ice cube or snow and gas when heated (i.e boiled in a kettle). We watched a video that explained this further. Shape Mats Kindergarten were introduced to new block mats that encouraged them to design different types of objects using shapes. This included boats, stars, dinosaurs, horses etc. Kindergarten showed commitment and patience as they manipulated each block, forming the same object that was displayed below on their card. Vowels and Constants As we have finished our letter-sound alphabet portion of our literacy learning, we moved onto learning about our vowels and constants. First, we held up five fingers on one hand as Miss Chantelle said each vowel letter. Kindergarten then mirrored the same action, verbally communicating the vowels (a,e,I,o,u). We then watched a video that explained this before viewing another that highlighted the constant letters and their sounds.
24.01.2022 Imaginative play with face paint. Welcome back to another week of Kindergarten. We had lots of enthusiasm for sharing our weekend adventures. Kindergarten expressed particularly interested in the following types of play experiences: Practising the letter formation and handwriting skills when writing their first and last name.... Practising the correct order of numbers from 1 - 10. LEGO/brick construction. Independent drawing with a variety of materials. Imaginative play with a face paint. Engaging with the matching emotion card game. Exploring with the magnifying glasses. Reading a big book with others. Healthy Eating We commenced a new week of intentional learning; nutrition. First, we listened to a big book that was read aloud, discussing the importance of maintaining a healthy body (i.e. exercising, food, sleep). We then viewed a video that described what good foods can do to help your body grow. Following this, we explored the difference between healthy and unhealthy foods, sorting them as a class as they appeared on the screen. Kindergarten then learnt how healthy food acts as fuel for our body, much like how a car requires petrol in order for it to work. To extend on this, we looked into the food pyramid, discussing how the foods we should have more of are at the bottom (i.e. vegetables, fruits, grains) while foods like fats and oils should not be eaten in excessive amounts. Alphabet Painting We revisited our knowledge of letters of the alphabet in a fine motor painting experience. Kindergarten was encouraged to write over each letter in the box with either crayon or pencil before painting over it with water colours. We revisited our knowledge of letters of the alphabet in a fine motor painting experience. Kindergarten was encouraged to write over each letter in the box with either crayon or pencil before painting over it with watercolours. We revisited our knowledge of letters of the alphabet in a fine motor painting experience. Kindergarten was encouraged to write over each letter in the box with either crayon or pencil before painting over it with watercolours.
24.01.2022 Welcome Monday!! Miss Jana's pup shows us how to welcome the week!
22.01.2022 Happy Chilly Monday, Junior Kindy started their morning completing our Weather is Fun Chart. We first listened to our Days of the week song, and then discussed the day of the week. We then talked about the weather, Raffi went to the window and let the class know it was Cloudy AND Windy today. Junior Kindy all seemed to have the Monday morning blues, so we read When Im feeling sad book from the feeling series and discussed that its normal to feel sad. We spoke about what ...things can make us feel sad. The group agreed that it made them feel sad when Mum or Dad leaves us in the morning, however once hearing the exciting day ahead and that it was morning tea time soon the group were very excited! As an introduction to this weeks topic of Space and the Solar System, we had a look at the different planets. Each child chose their favourite planet and Miss Paige (attempted to..) drew each one on a paper plate. Each child then used glue and a variety of materials to make a collage of their chosen planet. We had a lot of Saturns and Suns as our favourite. The children then decided they wanted to participate in some construction activities, they chose the toolbox and nuts and bolts as well as the magnetic and the big block pieces. They created rocket ships, houses, assembled tables and assorted blocks by colour. The children are enjoying having the ability to choose the activities they participate in after a structured and planned activity. The children then requested the Planet and solar system song. They are able to sing this song off by heart and they love to shout all the names of the planets. Ethan had the loudest singing voice this morning.
21.01.2022 Winter Warmer Recipe Chef Jesss Potato & Leek Soup! For an extra protein hit add Cannellini Beans with the Potato as Chef Jess does :)
21.01.2022 Sensory and fine motor exploration with coloured spaghetti and scissors.
21.01.2022 Music exploration with babies! Our babies in the Nursery enjoyed making music with us whilst Miss Maggie played us tunes on the xylophone and sang some nursery rhymes.Throughout the day we had so much fun playing the musical instruments and making our own music. Our babies in the Nursery enjoyed making music with us whilst Miss Maggie played us tunes on the xylophone and sang some nursery rhymes. Throughout the day we had so much fun playing the musical instruments and our own music..f-expression. For children music also helps strengthen memory skills. Analysis of learning Music helps the body and the mind work together. Exposing children to music during early development helps them learn the sounds and meanings of words. Dancing to music helps children build motor skills while allowing them to practice self-expression. For children music also helps strengthen memory skills. Our babies in the Nursery enjoyed making music with us whilst Miss Maggie played us tunes on the xylophone and sang some nursery rhymes.Through out the day we had so much fun playing the musical instruments and making our own music.
21.01.2022 What our Junior Kindergarten children have been learning about this week... As a group, (on Thursday) we talked about what day of the week it is. We discussed that if yesterday was Wednesday, and tomorrow is Friday then... today must be THURSDAY! We followed this by looking out the window and talking about what the weather was like. The children observed that there was no sun and today was a cold and cloudy day. We sang along to our listening song, and we spoke about the imp...ortance of listening. We also spoke about the word RESPECT, and what respect means, how we can show respect and we talked about different scenarios within our daily lives we need to show respect to people and belongings. This tied in with our listening song as one way we can respect our peers and teachers is listening to them. As a transition into morning tea, we went through our Alphabet Cards. Each individual child identified one letter and then went to wash their hands in preparation for eating. Morning Activities Junior Kindy was presented with 3 different activities to participate in. Each child had the opportunity to participate in all three. 1. Whiteboard Drawing, Numbers and Letters The children had whiteboards, along with alphabet and number flashcards. The children initiated different ways to use these resources. Some of the children used their imagination to draw on the whiteboards, other children attempted to try writing the numbers or letters onto the whiteboards, and other children used the opportunity to use the flashcards with Miss Leigha in a letter and number recognition game. 2. Dinosaur Colouring In Following this weeks Dino creations theme, the children used textas to colour in a Dinosaur of their choice. Some children experimented with many different colours, creating Rainbow Dinosaurs, whilst others kept their Dinosaurs to one colour. The children spoke about the different colours they were using, and how there were different shades of each colour. 3. Construction and Connectors! On the mat, the children played with construction blocks and connectors. The children were building and creating different items. The children discussed what they were creating and extended off each other, some started off as boats which turned into great big Navy ships. Other children were making glasses, necklaces and suns out of the connectors.
20.01.2022 At 11am our service paused their play for a minute of silence, paying respect to the soldiers, both past and present, for their sacrifice to protect our country. The poppy is the enduring symbol of remembrance of the First World War.
19.01.2022 We started our day looking at our Daily Calendar. As a group, we talked about what day it is today. When we had the name of the day up, we then looked out the window and talked about the weather and what we could see in the sky. Junior Kindy chose the image that they thought best showed the sky, which was part sun part cloud. We then sang our Welcome Song, to welcome everyone to their room for the day. As the song was playing, the children sang along and followed the actions.... When we had finished our morning group time, the children moved to interest-based activities such as imaginative play in home-corner, puzzles, pegboards and construction with the magnet shapes. Counting to 20 Junior Kindy has continued to further develop their knowledge of numbers engaging in a counting activity whilst also doing different body movements. They would listen and watch an example of the body movement, they would then complete the movement putting their own interpretation on it whilst counting up to 20. Polar Bear Silhouette Junior Kindy extended on their creativity and imagination today, as they created Polar Bear Silhouettes using a polar bear shape and some paint. Some of the children held their shape in one hand whilst using the paintbrush in the other, cover some of their pages with paint. Other children asked the Educator to stick their shape down so they could hold their page and cover it all in the paint. As they had finished they all waited for the Educator to take the shape off to admire their artwork. Analysis of learning The children are feeling safe, secure and supported within their learning environment as they are building relationships with their peers and educators. They are responding to diversity with respect as they are exploring the diversity of culture. The children are becoming aware of fairness as they are taking turns and sharing with their peers during different activities and group times. They are becoming strong in their social and emotional wellbeing as they are recognising their own achievement during different activities such as showing their artwork to peers. The children are developing dispositions for learning such as creativity and imagination as they are extending on and following their own ideas. They are interacting verbally and non verbally with their peers as they are engaging in different activities such as talking to their peers during imaginative play and using body language to show their ideas. Opportunities and Possibilities Continue to give the children the opportunity to follow and further develop their creativity and imagination having different activities included in the program such as painting, collage and playdough. Continue to give the children the opportunity to further explore and develop their understanding of the diversity of culture, heritage and background.
19.01.2022 Robot Day in our Junior Kindergarten room, consisted of us all working together as a group to create a robot using recycled materials.
18.01.2022 Our meat trays are ready for our Fathers Day raffle!! Good luck to all of our families for tomorrows live draw, watch this space.
18.01.2022 NAIDOC week 2020 has come to an end, look at all the different ways the children celebrated the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. NAIDOC week theme was: Always Was, Always Will Be. We recognize that First Nations people have occupied and cared for this continent for over 65,000 years.
16.01.2022 Celebrating Educators Day at Cannon... A big thank you to our Educators at Cannon - they are the heart of our service! Thank you for all your hard work!
16.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day, to all dads within our Green Leaves community! Fathers Day is a day of honouring fathers, brothers, uncles and all of the important male figures in our lives. Fathers Day gives us the opportunity to show our love and gratitude to these wonderful people.
15.01.2022 Sensory experience in Junior Kindergarten... Today we created sensy playdough. We added herbs and peppermint essence, to which the children said it smelt like peppermint ice cream - yum!
14.01.2022 Celebrating RU OK? day at Cannon Hill.. Cannon Hill celebrated RU ok day with cupcakes and dressing up in yellow!
14.01.2022 It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas . Our Kindergarten room engaging in some Christmas Tree decorating.
13.01.2022 Happy Friday!! It has been a beautiful day in our Toddler room today. We began the day with some music and movement on the mat and the children particularly enjoyed dancing to Baby Shark (surprise, surprise!), Tooty Ta and the Freeze Dance. They excitedly moved about doing the various accompanying actions to the songs and exploring with their gross motor skills, imaginations and also engaging with each other.... For morning tea, the children ate some delicious yoghurt with banana compote. Afterwards, they were ready to go for a run outside and burn some of their never-ending energy. Our Toddlers are becoming very independent as they get their hats from their bags in preparation for heading outside. Most of our friends moved to the outdoor area and were ready to explore in the different play spaces. Bodhi, George and Frankie happily climbed and balanced on the wooden wobbly bridge while Oaklan and Hadleigh had fun exploring and making discoveries in the garden. Amari, Eliana and Ariana happily played chasey as they ran back and forth along the grassy path. Callum, Thomas and Ishika moved between the indoor and outdoor environments and had fun exploring in home corner and reading stories. While playing outside, the children heard some noises from way up high and looked up to find a couple of noisy birds sitting on the wire. There was lots of pointing and giggling as the children watched on. Inside Miss Nicole had set up an art experience for the children to engage in. Here they discovered some cars parked in blue paint and were encouraged to drive them on their paper. All of the children were keen to have their turn and explore through this creative experience. The children busily explored their own ideas as they engaged with their peers and educators. After a big morning of playing, it was time to have some yummy lunch. The children really loved todays lunch of spaghetti and meatballs with a side of garlic bread. We would like to wish our friends George and Amari a very Happy 2nd Birthday and were looking forward to sharing some delicious cupcakes this afternoon at afternoon tea time.
12.01.2022 Over this week, the Kindergarten children have been prepping themselves for school. We have assisted in the school readiness with Chef Jess packing a healthy lunchbox for the children for morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea. From the looks of their faces, you would agree they were delicious!
12.01.2022 Narwhal Scrape Painting and Learning about the Narwhal Our children allowed their creativity to flow through their Narwhal scrape painting. Our artistic friends painted on three colours they then waited a few moments for it to settle. Using a bit of cardboard our friends carefully scraped off the excess paint revealing a marble like pattern on the outline of the narwhal. Later during the day our friends learnt more about the magical creatures and how they live in super cold ...climates. Our friends were amazed to hear that the Narwhals horn is actually its top tooth! Outside exploring After learning about the Narwhal our friends were eager to get outside and start exploring. Our friends were lucky enough to use the magnifying glasses from Kindy. Our friends were very excited and interested in use them as they looked at things in the garden and made silly faces when they held them up. Junior Kindy also used their gross motor skills on the fort when they climbed the rock wall and slide down the slide. Our friends always thrive while outside as they further developed their communication skill and imagination in all areas of learning. Pink Goop Junior Kindy got their hands dirty, as they explored the science of goop. Our friends were amazed by how this mixture could become a solid then a liquid in their hands. Our friends shared many smiles and laughter while exploring the pink goop. This sensory experience is definitely worth all the laughter and pink gooey mess!
11.01.2022 Sand Creations by Junior Kindy! The children followed their own creativity and imagination as they created their own sand art. Our children used paintbrushes to first, put glue on their page, then using spoons, they sprinkled different coloured sand over the glue. Some would just sprinkle a bit of sand over their page and finish others would sprinkle different colour sand over their page then use the spoons to move it around the page. As they were creating their artwork, they... would talk to their peers about the different colours they were using on their page. When they had finished their sand art they engaged in child-led activities of their choice. These included a variety of drawings, role-play, building, and physical activity. Outdoor exploration The children spent some time exploring their outdoor environment - some time on the obstacle course, further developing their gross motor skills, running games, throwing balls through hoops, etc. They took turns with their peers working their way along the beam, to the climbing frame at the end. Once they were at the frame they would do a big jump off onto the mat. When they had finished on the obstacle course, they went exploring in different areas such as construction with the blocks, exploring different ball games and watering the garden.
11.01.2022 Creating butterflies! While some of our friends enjoyed using their creative imagination with Miss Christi, the children started by placing a variety of different coloured paint onto their paper before folding the paper in half. The children then opened the paper to reveal a beautiful butterfly.
08.01.2022 We have drawn our 2 winners for our Fathers Day Raffle. We have the Nicholson family and the Copeland family. Congratulations to you both, we wish every one a Happy Fathers Day on this coming Sunday.
08.01.2022 Genes for Jeans Day! To start our day off, we all sat together in a group to acknowledge the traditional owners of our land. The children said thank you to the earth, the sky and the people. An Acknowledgement of Country is a way of showing respect to the Traditional Owners of the land. Playing a daily Acknowledgement of Country is essential because it encourages children to engage with the diversity of people. We continued our day with our calendar the children have really t...aken an interest to the calendar and enjoyed helping Miss Anthea complete it today. We started off by changing the date and day then moved to the weather. To help celebrate Genes for Jeans day, the children gathered around Miss Anthea to make some blue coloured play dough. Helping add all the ingredients in the bowl, the children then each had a turn at mixing with the wooden spoon to help combine the ingredients. The children then moved onto making different shapes our of the play dough.
08.01.2022 Welcome back to another fun-filled day in Pre-Kindy. The children started their day by all sitting together in a group to acknowledge the traditional owners of our land. The children said thank you to the earth, the sky and the people. An Acknowledgement of Country is a way of showing respect to the Traditional Owners of the land. Playing a daily Acknowledgement of Country is essential because it encourages children to engage with the diversity of people. Moving forward with... our daily routine the children sat down to do the calendar with Miss Anthea making sure to check the weather outside. Following on with developing their gross motor skills, the children then went ahead and completed the obstacle course outside with their peers. Completing an obstacle course has many benefits for children such as balance improvement, strength in their lower or upper body and can even boost their confidence when jumping it climbing on higher objects. The children then went on a bear hunt Miss Cassie using their imaginations walking through the mud, the tall grass and the snow they used their muscles to push their way through. Moving forward with our letter recognition, the children had the task ahead of them to un-dig the letter from underneath the sand, they used the paintbrushes to move the sand away while. While digging around the children got each letter out one by one once they had removed the letter from the sand they were then asked to identify the letter to Miss Anthea. While completing this many of the children said look, Miss Anthea, Im looking for dinosaurs fossils.
08.01.2022 Welcome to the end of another wonderful week at Green Leaves Cannon Hill. This week, in our Junior Kindergarten room, our focus has been about exploring and learning about the features of our beautiful oceans as well as the types of marine life that exists within its depths. Today was no exception. We began our morning with an exploration of the types of creatures that exist there using a phonics song to assist us to recognise the letter sounds. The Junior Kindy children becoming very confident in their recognition of different marine life. To extend on this, we explored the different types of fish from A-Z. We asked the question Where have you seen a fish before? I saw fish jumping with my dad said Ellie My grandpa bought me a fish at Christmas time said Mackenzie I saw fishies with my mummy and daddy said Charlotte We also discussed who like salmon and tuna to eat when the fish came up on the screen. As part of science and art, we created play dough today. We worked together to create the mixture. The children counted each cup as we poured it in. When I poured the salt into the bowl, holding it up high for all to see, Eden commented Wow it looks like a waterfall. After the water was added the children all took turns to have a stir. Some found the mixture tough to stir, with some encouragement, the children all attempted their turns. Then came the fun part, it was time to play. The children created shapes, snails, houses and used the colourful pegs to decorate cupcakes for their friends. For our art experience, children were invited to create their own aquarium using glue, sand, paper plates and cutouts of fish, shells and jellyfish. With assistance from Educators, the children who chose to participate placed glue on half of their plate. Next came a pinch of sand sprinkled across the glue and then they were able to choose two sea objects that they wanted to see in their aquarium. Upon completing their creation the children held their work up to admire it. Children are taking pride in the hard work they are completing and are taking risks with Educator assistance. Analysis of learning Children are becoming confident and involved learners through learning about their environment as well as sharing their thoughts and understanding with others. Children are confident communicators who share their opinions and stories with their trusted peers and Educators. Children are engaged in science and maths learning through their learning experiences which aid them with learning basic maths concepts such as counting and numerals.
07.01.2022 Happy Tuesday, we have our Rainbow Sparkle dress up day today. Thank you to our Kindergarten children for selecting Rainbow Sparkles for today. Cannot wait to see everyone dressed in their brightest and shiniest.
07.01.2022 Toddler friendships! Special toddler friendships are fostered at Cannon every day.
07.01.2022 Rainbow Sparkle Day celebrated within the service today.
06.01.2022 Educators Day at Cannon 2.9.20 Help us celebrate our wonderful Educators this Educators Day.
05.01.2022 Habitats Habitats.dergarten room, Miss Chantelle has chosen a subject that the Kindergarten children are flourishing and interested in. We began by listening attentively to Goodnight Gorilla, Goodnight before exploring What is a habitat?. They all had great answers for what they know a habitat is. Miss Chantelle has played a video explaining what it is and how it varies according to each type of animal. One video had great information including that a giraffe is 6 foot... tall and has 1 hundred pounds of leaves to eat. It was also great to know if there is no leaves there are no meat eaters. There are all kinds of different habitats like mountain, water and land. Kindergarten learnt that a habitat is where a particular animal lives and requires food, shelter and water to survive. We compared this between several different types of animals including a pig and a crocodile. Kindergarten were eager to revisit the short documentary about Australia Zoo, where Bob Irwin explains all the different animals and what Australia zoo is for and how they look after all kinds of animals and put them back in the wild after they all better. Cutting Kindergarten children have an emerging interest in practising their cutting skills. Miss Chantelle placed paper, with dotted lines where trace along and get to the animals at the end of the dotted line. Some are straight and zig-zag line and swirl lines. Miss Chantelle has also printed some new resources where they have to use the whiteboard markers and find the hidden animals. There was some great team-building and helping our friends with this task. It was so lovely to see. Outside play Outside play today there was a great task that challenged Kindergartens hand-eye coordination skills. Miss Chantelle had gathered some small bean bags and a hula hoop. Todays goal was to place the hoop in one spot and throw the bean bags in the hoop. As the game got harder, Miss Megan held the hoop up high, for the kindergarten to throw the bean bags throw it. They all have done so well.
05.01.2022 Child-initiated play We started our morning routine with an Acknowledgement to Country. We then used this time to reflect on our current emotions and how we were feeling before moving on to participate in the rest of the morning routine. Kindergarten engaged in a variety of play experiences today, all of which extended from their own ideas and interests. This included: Creating a large town in collaboration with others using the blocks and small occupation dolls.... Letter formation to attempt in writing sentences about bucket filling actions. Road track/mobilo construction. Dramatic play when undertaking the role of doctors and patients. Individual drawing while conversing with others about our thoughts and ideas. Turn-taking and sharing with the science resources to create a "party". Piggy Banks We started our group learning focus by listening attentively while Miss Chantelle read a big book called Who Cares About the Weather?. This intentionally extends on Kindergartens current interest in exploring weather. This includes our Weather Song that encourages us to spell descriptive words that describe the type of weather that is occurring as well as the temperature. The book highlights that many people (i.e. farmers, tourists, pilots) care about the weather. Following this, we revisited Australian silver and gold coins as well as notes. Kindergarten demonstrated their increasing confidence in using their muscle memory when matching the money cards together. Today we engaged in the interactive game on the next level that introduced notes with coins. Miss Chantelle then discussed the purpose of a piggy bank. Many Kindergarten children were able to recognise it, contributing to the discussion about their past experiences with coins and a piggy bank. Miss Chantelle placed several piggy banks on the floor and used the coin cut-outs to demonstrate the total coins it took to make the amount of money on the piggy. Kindergarten was then encouraged to partake in identifying the matching coins and place them underneath.
04.01.2022 Terrific Tuesday at Cannon. Whilst we were indoors, we also explored our role-playing skills to cook in the home corner, used our cognitive learning to complete puzzles and engaged in lots of conversational reading with Miss Nicole. It really was the most fantastic day with lots of learning indoors and outdoors. We hope the weather stays nice and sunny for us this afternoon so we can go explore the sand pit. Our favourite learning place. weather. Weve had a busy morning our friends and educators in the Toddler room today. Miss Christie gathered the ingredients for us to make play-dough. The children took turns to help measure and mix the ingredients required and since we are learning about pink this week, we decided to add some pink food colouring to tint our play-dough. It was then time to put the play dough to the test. We talked about the soft feeling of the dough and explored different ways to play with it. A variety of utensils had been set out on the table and the children were able to use their ideas as they explored. We also explored colours in the environment. We discussed and looked at the different resources, colours of our friends clothing, and loved singing the rainbow song. Miss Nicole also read us two books about rainbows and colours, "Over the Rainbow and "Raindrops. Throughout these stories, we talked about colours and how the weather can cause a rainbow. The children engaged in open ended conversations about weather. Analysis of learning The children loved exploring the colour pink today while using their sensory capabilities to play with the play dough. We also loved the parent input of the children dressed in pink clothing items. As a spontaneous experience, we used pipe cleaners to thread with. The children used their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination to thread pipe cleaners through the colanders. The children love this experience and display persistence.
04.01.2022 Kindergarten had the opportunity to engage in two different science experiments today. This included placing a balloon over the top of a jar and observing a marble bounce several times after being dropped on it. Then we witnessed a flower made of paper unfold in a bucket of water due to the paper being absorbed by water.
02.01.2022 Diwali is the Festival of Lights and like Miss Shinam said fireworks is one of the ways to light up the sky. Wishing you a Diwali that brings happiness prosperity and joy to you and all your family.
02.01.2022 Pre-Kindergarten exploring an indoor obstacle course. With some jumping, hopping, sharp turns and team effort!
02.01.2022 Mind and Movement Junior Kindy started their morning off with some dance, this was highly requested by many of our friends. Junior Kindy started moving around the the freeze song as the followed each of the steps. Junior Kindy are always eager and excited to dance they are continually developing their rhythm and movement skills as they move to the beat of the song. Our friends are always laughing and smiling with their friends as they included each other and share their awes...ome moves. Jelly Fish Collage Starting this weeks theme off with a bang, Junior Kindy out their creative skills to the test as they used different coloured tissue paper to decorate the body of their jelly fish friend. Junior Kindy used a paper plate cut in half to create the body of their jelly fish, once their tissue paper and glue has dried Junior Kindy will assist an educator to thread string through the bottom creating the tentacles. While our artist friends were creating their jelly fish we discussed some of their favourite sea creatures, their were all sorts of answers from star fish to sharks. Junior Kindy expressed their excitement to see their finished creations. Outside exploring Junior Kindy all showed a very strong interest in going outside, our friends got their hats and sunscreen on ready to explore what outside had to offer. Our friends explored the sand pit which had some very exciting looking toys, our friends used the resources they could find to expand their imagination, there were sand cupcakes being make as well as large holes being dug. Many of our friends also enjoyed the home area as they dressed up and served customers, Junior kindy always love exploring the home corner in the Junior Kindy room so they were just as excited to find something similar outside.
02.01.2022 Wildlife and Insect day here at Cannon Hill. Our Nursery found a lizard in their garden, Toddlers had insects stuck in ice and Junior Kindy had an insect hunt.
02.01.2022 Discovering a sense of wonder: Seeing insects as tiny treasures. Exploring the natural environment around us, gives us so many learning opportunities. Look at what our Nursery children found today.
01.01.2022 As Fathers Day is fast approaching, we would like to celebrate with a Green Leaves Raffle. How this will work, will be that all our families will go in the draw to win 1 of 2 meat trays. The draw will occur on Friday 4th of September and the draw will be live and winners will be announced and contacted to organise a time to collect. Good Luck!
01.01.2022 A great start to the week at Cannon Today the Kindergarten room explored many experiences relating to mobilo play, building blocks, ribbons, robot factory, LEGO, coloured connectors as well as pyramid blocks. Before our morning learning session, we did our usual routine of completing our calendar, talk and tell as well as acknowledgment to country. Kindergarten engaged well in the learning session about Yoga and its benefits for our bodies. We watched a few videos about Yog...a and had a class discussion reflecting our learning. Some of our friends stated that participating in Yoga strengthens our body, maintains flexibility, provides a sense of confidence and lastly provides a sense of peace to our mind. The Kindergarten room then had a wonderful opportunity to participate in Cosmos Yoga, which is a familiar practice to our room. Excellent effort Kindy! As we ventured outdoors many of our friends enjoyed some spontaneous play time, cultivating the garden bed, spelling own names, as well as our featured activity of collecting items according to a selected number. The featured activity allowed our friends to practice their numeracy skill as they collected the number of items selected by the educator. Some of our friends seemed to enjoy this activity as they collected random items and counted them together as a group. Great work! In addition, many of our friends engaged in dramatic role play with peers. Some were going on a wild adventure, while others were demonstrating the roles of parents to their peers. While others decided they would play hide and seek. Continuing on with our extending knowledge of our zoo animals, we sat in a circle, Miss Christi started to describe a particular animal to Pre-Kindy that we were focusing on today. She started off saying that this animal has two eyes, two fluffy ears, they are grey, they love to climb trees and some sleep in them. Pre-Kindy were trying to guess what it was, expressing bear, dog and polar bear. Miss Christi encouraged their guesses and them told Pre-Kindy that it is.......a........KOALA!!!! Pre-Kindy all screamed in excitement. We then continued to watch a video of koalas in there habitat, how they climb trees and what they eat. After the video had finished, we made our way over to the round table where Miss Cassie had set up our art for the day, this included, black and green crepe paper cut into squares, grey paint, grey crayons and dark grey and light grey material cut into squares. We were making koala masks today. Using a template that Miss Anthea had printed out, the children had the choice of all of the materials to make their own collaged koalas.
01.01.2022 Snow peas from our Nursery! As part of our STEM program, and welcoming Spring, our miniature snow peas have arrived!
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