Greenpine Entertainment in Somerton | Cinema
Greenpine Entertainment
Locality: Somerton
Phone: +61 477 124 535
Address: 17/882 Cooper Street 3062 Somerton, NSW, Australia
Likes: 2508
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25.01.2022 Anzac Day is a day to remember the fallen who gave the ultimate sacrifice for this nation we call ours today. . As Australian Turks with a joint heritage of both proud nations, we are further proud to be part of both sides of those who took part in the Gallipoli battles of WW1. . History has shown that this battle is the only battle where true mateship has won and become an example to the world of how meaningless wars are and the only truth is the innocent lives that are ...lost, and the tears that follow for those fallen. . The great Turkish leader of the Ottoman forces at Gallipoli, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, has summed up the mateship bond the two nations share in his words to the mothers of all fallen ANZACs in one of the bloodiest single battle in history where the ANCACs and Allied forces lost over 44,000 (over 8,000 Australian) and the Ottoman defending forces lost over 86,000 young men and women; . Those heroes that shed their blood and lost their lives... you are now lying in the soil of a friendly country. Therefore rest in peace. There is no difference between the Johnnies and the Mehmets to us where they lie side by side here in this country of ours. You the mothers who sent their sons from far away countries wipe away your tears. Your sons are now living in our bosom and are in peace. Having lost their lives on this land they have become our sons as well. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk - 1934 ANZAC Memorial at Gallipoli, Turkey Lest We Forget! . . . #anzacday #lestweforget #johnnies #mehmetçik #gallipoli #gelibolu #anzac #australia #turkey See more
24.01.2022 South and South-East Melbourne, it’s finally your turn! IKI GOZUM AHMET Sonunda Chadstone sinemalarnda SYD - MELBOURNE/DANDENONG Hoyts Cinemas Chadstone Thursday - 10 Dec 2020 - 18:50... For up-to-date session times visit Simdiden Iyi Seyirler #movie #cinema #turkishcinema #ikigozumahmet #ahmetkaya #hoyts #dandenong #keysborough #noblepark #melbourne #iyiseyirler
24.01.2022 Melbourne LAST 3 DAYS for the Ahmet Kaya biopic IKI GOZUM AHMET Melbourne SON 3 GÜN: VIC - CHADSTONE/DANDENONG Hoyts Cinemas Chadstone Monday - 14 Dec 2020 - 18:50... For up-to-date session times visit Simdiden Iyi Seyirler #movie #cinema #turkishcinema #ikigozumahmet #ahmetkaya #chadstone #hoyts #melbourne #dandenong #keysborough #noblepark #iyiseyirler
23.01.2022 Greenpine Entertainment ailesi olarak hepinize, güzellik, birlik, beraberlik dolu, her zamankinin bir öncekinden daha güzel ve mutlu geçtii bir Kurban Bayram diliyoruz. Büyüklerimiz ellerinden, küçüklerimizin gözlerinden öpüyoruz. #kurbanbayram #eidmubarak
22.01.2022 Bu gece Müslüman aleminin en kutsal gecelerinden, Kur'ân- Kerim'in inmeye balad, Kadir Gecesi. Tüm insanla hayrlara vesile olmasn diler, hepinizin kandili kutlu olsun. #kadirgecesi #mübarekolsun #dualarinizkabulolsun
21.01.2022 Chadstone, tonight is your last chance to watch Mucize Ak 2! . TONIGHT MELBOURNE SCREENINGS United Cinemas Craigieburn 18:20 and 20:00... Chadstone Hoyts Cinemas 19:00 . Herkese yi Seyirler #movies #cinema #nightout #melbourne #sydney #turkishcinema #mucizeask #tonight #datenight See more
21.01.2022 Uzun bir aradan sonra, Melbourne sinema severler, sinemalarna bu akam itibariyle kavuacak Her akam, 19:30 ve 20:45 seanslar ile, Ahmet Kaya’nn hayatnn ele alnd K GÖZÜM AHMET filmi United Cinemas Craigieburn'de sizleri bekliyor olacak imdiden Hepinize yi Seyirler! Finally the Cinemas are BACK! Starting tonight, and every night for a week, two sessions daily at 19:30 and 20:45 the biopic movie of Ahmet Kaya’s life IKI GOZUM AHMET begins at Unite...d Cinemas Craigieburn Simdiden Hepinize Iyi Seyirler! @craigieburnunitedcinemas #melbourne #movies #cinema #entertainment #exciting #announcement #greenpineentertainment
21.01.2022 ENGLISH: American actor, Chadwick Boseman, most noticeable known for his role as Black Panther, had lost his 4 year battle with colon cancer. He was aged 43. #RIP #chadwickboseman #blackpanther TÜRKÇE: Black Panther filminin barol oyuncusu, Amerikal aktörü, Chadwick Boseman, 4 yldr kolon kanserine kar verdii sava kaybetti. 43 yanda idi. Greenpine Entertainment ailesi olarak, ailesine ve tüm sanat severlere ba sal dileriz.
21.01.2022 Thank you to all who have liked our official Instagram page we are officially over 500 likes and counting for all the latest Greenpine information, news and updates @greenpine_entertainment . #cinema #movies #thankyou #instagram #500followers #500likes #milestone #thankful
20.01.2022 Following the restrictions being eased across Australia, we are excited to announce plans are being made and finer details discussed with relevant bodies and officials to bring back Turkish movies to the Big Screen! Stay tuned for further details and keep on following Greenpine Entertainment for updates...
20.01.2022 Islam aleminde, Hz. Muhammed'in göe yükselerek Allah'n huzuruna kabul edildii bu kutsal gecede, Müslüman aleminin mübarek Miraç Kandilini kutlar, tüm dualarnzn kabul olmasn dileriz. #miraçkandili #kandil
19.01.2022 Günahlarmzn aff ve temize çkabilme gecesi olarak kabul edilmesi nedeniyle Berat kandili olarak bilinen bu kutsal gecede, Müslüman aleminin kandili mübarek olsun ve tüm dualarnzn kabul olmasn dileriz. . . #beratkandili #mübarekolsun #allahkabuletsin
18.01.2022 Tonights Sessions for IKI GOZUM AHMET Bu aksam ki seanslar: VIC - MELBOURNE/CRAIGIEBURN United Cinemas Craigieburn Saturday - 21 Nov 2020 - 19:20 and 20:30... For up-to-date session times visit Simdiden Iyi Seyirler #movie #cinema #turkishcinema #ikigözümahmet #ahmetkaya #unitedcinemas #melbourne #iyiseyirler
17.01.2022 Last Melbourne Session for IKI GOZUM AHMET Son Melbourne Seans: VIC - MELBOURNE/CRAIGIEBURN United Cinemas Craigieburn Wednesday - 02 Dec 2020 - 21:00... For up-to-date session times visit Simdiden Iyi Seyirler #movie #cinema #turkishcinema #ikigozumahmet #ahmetkaya #unitedcinemas #melbourne #iyiseyirler
17.01.2022 Greenpine Entertainment is the exclusive feature movie distributor of all and any Turkish movies from Turkey and Europe. Partnering with our sister company AF-Media in Europe and Asia, we are part of the biggest Turkish film distribution network in the world. Our name derives from the sobriquet "Yeilçam" referred to the Turkish film art and industry which literally translates to "Green Pine". It is an important part of Turkish culture, and has flourished over the years, deli...vering entertainment to audiences in Turkey, expatriates across the world, and more recently prospering across the Middle East and Balkans. In addition to distributing the best that the Turkish film industry has to offer, Greenpine Entertainment also is the exclusive operator of all the in cinema advertising for these movies. Currently Greenpine Entertainment has an exclusivity arrangement with United Cinemas and Hoyts Cinemas across Australia with plans for future growth into New Zealand. Please feel free to contact us either via email [email protected] via our official Facebook page or callus on 0477 124 535.
17.01.2022 Greenpine ailesi olarak hepinize, guzellik, birlik, beraberlik dolu, her zamankinin bir oncekinden daha guzel ve mutlu gectigi bir Ramazan Bayram diliyoruz. Buyuklerimizin ellerinden, kucuklerimizin gozlerinden opuyoruz.
13.01.2022 Today, 23 April 2020, marks the centenary of the "National Sovereignty and Children Day" in Turkey, which was given (the day) as a gift to the children by the founder of the Republic of Turkey, Atatürk. It is also the day where the concept of an International Children's Day Festival originates from and celebrates the children of the world whom are our future. . 100. yln bugün kutladmz, hepimizin 23 Nisan, Ulusal Egemenlik ve Çocuk Bayram Kutlu Olsun! ... . . #23nisanulusalegemenlikveçocukbayram #23nisan #23nisankutluolsun #kutluolsun #atatürk #tbmm100yanda #bayrammzkutluolsun See more
13.01.2022 Sydney, tonight is your last chance to watch Mucize Ak 2 on the Big Screen! . TONIGHT MELBOURNE SCREENING United Cinemas Craigieburn 20:45... . TONIGHT SYDNEY SCREENING Hoyts Cinemas Bankstown 21:10 . Herkese yi Seyirler #movies #cinema #nightout #melbourne #sydney #turkishcinema #mucizeask #tonight #datenight See more
12.01.2022 Tonights Sessions for IKI GOZUM AHMET Bu aksam ki seanslar: VIC - MELBOURNE/CRAIGIEBURN United Cinemas Craigieburn Friday - 20 Nov 2020 - 19:20 and 20:30... For up-to-date session times visit Simdiden Iyi Seyirler #movie #cinema #turkishcinema #ikigözümahmet #ahmetkaya #unitedcinemas #melbourne #iyiseyirler
12.01.2022 Happy Mother’s Day #happymothersday . . Anneler Gununuz Kutlu Olsun ... #annelergününüzkutluolsun See more
11.01.2022 Today marks the 106th anniversary of "18th of March Martyrs Commemoration Day" (18 Mart ehitleri Anma Günü), which also marks the day of victory at the Dardenelles for the Turkish military lead by the one and only Atatürk, imbedding in history the phrase "Çanakkale Geçilmez!" (Çanakkale is impassable!) Tüm ehitlerimizi sayg ile anyor, gazilerimize ükranlarmz sunuyoruz. Ruhlarnz ad ola. #çanakkalegeçilmez #ehitlerölmez #atatürk #18martçanakkalezaferi #minnettarz
11.01.2022 19 Mays Atatürk'ü Anma, Gençlik ve Spor Bayramnz Kutlu Olsun! . Taking pride in knowing that the tomorrows are in the hands and wisdom of the youth, who believe in and can achieve a brighter future. Wishing everyone a happy 19 May, Commemoration of Atatürk , Youth and Sports Day. Celebrating the republic and the birth of a nation! . Umut dolu bir gelecee tayacan inandmz gençlerimizin 19 Mays, Atatürk'ü Anma, Gençlik ve Spor Bayram'n kutluyoruz!... . . #atatürk #19mays #atamizindeyiz See more
10.01.2022 ENGLISH: Today marks the 98th anniversary of the final battle in Dumlupnar, ending the Turkish War of Independence in 1922, dedicated to the armed forces and remembering the 15,055 martyrs...Happy Victory Day to all! TÜRKÇE: Bugün, anl Türk ordusunun 1922 senesinde Dumlupnar'daki zaferinin 98.inci yl dönümü. Hepimizin Zafer Bayram olan 30 Austosumuz, Türk Silahl Kuvvetlerine ve Kurtulu Savanda ehit dümü 15.055 kahramana adanm, ulusal deerlerimizden biridir...Zafer Bayramnz Kutlu Olsun!
10.01.2022 It’s a joyous day, a day of celebration, as the cinemas return to Melbourne and with it, so does the Turkish movies at the cinema! Starting tonight, and every night for a week, two sessions daily at 19:30 and 20:45 the biopic movie of Ahmet Kaya’s life IKI GOZUM AHMET begins at United Cinemas Craigieburn Simdiden Hepinize Iyi Seyirler! ... #melbourne #movies #cinema #entertainment #exciting #announcement #greenpineentertainment
09.01.2022 Melbourne's South-East, it is your turn to enjoy the Ahmet Kaya biopic IKI GOZUM AHMET Melbourne Güney-Dou semtlerine müjdeli haber: VIC - CHADSTONE/DANDENONG Hoyts Cinemas Chadstone Friday - 11 Dec 2020 - 18:50... For up-to-date session times visit Simdiden Iyi Seyirler #movie #cinema #turkishcinema #ikigozumahmet #ahmetkaya #chadstone #hoyts #melbourne #dandenong #keysborough #noblepark #iyiseyirler
09.01.2022 Today, 23 April 2021, marks the 101st anniversary of the "National Sovereignty and Children Day" in Turkey, which was given (the day) as a gift to the children by the founder of the Republic of Turkey, Atatürk. It is also the day where the concept of an International Children's Day Festival originates from and celebrates the children of the world whom are our future. . 101. yln bugün kutladmz, hepimizin 23 Nisan, Ulusal Egemenlik ve Çocuk Bayram Kutlu Olsun! ... . . #23nisanulusalegemenlikveçocukbayram #23nisan #23nisankutluolsun #kutluolsun #atatürk #tbmm100yanda #bayramimizkutluolsun See more
07.01.2022 ENGLISH: Today marks the 37th anniversary of the birth of the Turkish Republic Of Northern Cyprus, Happy Birthday Yavru Vatan! TÜRKÇE: Bugün Kuzey Kbrs Türk Cumhuriyeti 37.inci doum gününü kutluyor, ilelebet hürriyet, ilelebet KKTC! #kktc #kbrs #ilelebethürriyet #cumhuriyetbayram
03.01.2022 #Repost @craigieburnunitedcinemas We've missed you! We look forward to welcoming you back when we re-open our doors next Thursday June 25th. Stay tuned for session times #UnitedCinemas #Movies #Cinema #Film #craigieburncentral #craigieburn
03.01.2022 Today marks the 105th anniversary of "18th of March Martyrs Commemoration Day" (18 Mart ehitleri Anma Günü), which also marks the day of victory at the Dardenelles for the Turkish military lead by the one and only Atatürk, imbedding in history the phrase "Çanakkale Geçilmez!" (Çanakkale is impassable!) . Tüm ehitlerimizi sayg ile anyor, gazilerimize ükranlarmz sunuyoruz. Ruhlarnz ad ola. . .... #çanakkalegeçilmez #ehitlerölmez #atatürk #18martçanakkalezaferi #minnettarz See more
02.01.2022 Wetherill Park, tonight is your last chance to watch Mucize Ak 2! . TONIGHT SYDNEY SCREENINGS Bankstown Hoyts Cinemas 19:00... Wetherill Park Hoyts Cinemas 19:00 . Herkese yi Seyirler #movies #cinema #nightout #melbourne #sydney #turkishcinema #mucizeask #tonight #datenight See more
01.01.2022 ENGLISH: Turkish aktor, Rasim Öztekin, has died following a heart attack yesterday. He was aged 62. #RIP #rasimöztekin TURKCE: Ünlü aktör ve tiyatrocu, Rasim Öztekin, dün gecirdigi kalp krizi sonucu hayatn kaybetti. 62 yasnda idi. Greenpine Entertainment ailesi olarak, ailesine ve tum sanat severlere bas saglg dileriz. #allahrahmeteylesin
01.01.2022 Last week to catch Mucize Ak 2 on the Big Screen! . TONIGHT MELBOURNE SCREENINGS Craigieburn United Cinemas 20:50... Hoyts Hoyts Cinemas 21:10 . Herkese yi Seyirler #movies #cinema #nightout #melbourne #sydney #turkishcinema #mucizeask #tonight #datenight See more
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