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24.01.2022 He shall reign forever and ever. Revelation 11:15 O friend, the portions in the world are like candles that are consumed by use and then go out in a stink, compared to God your eternal portion! God is yours forever and ever. O sweet word, 'forever'! Millions upon millions are less than drops to this ocean. All the pleasures of creation cannot compare to the fruit of God for a moment. How happy to enjoy Him forever! Friend, little do you think what crowns, sceptres, thrones, k...ingdoms, glories, banquets, angelic entertainments, societies and eternities are prepared for those who choose God for their portion. Take a serious look at the portion offered to you; it is no less than the infinite God. Behold, nations are a drop in the bucket and less then nothing. His portion is spiritual and suitable to your soul. Other portions are mixed portions which have a dark as well as a light side. But God is pure and there is not the least spot in this sun. He is a sea of sweetness without the smallest drop of gall. Earthly portions are perishing and will be left when death calls. The believing soul feasts like Mephibosheth at David's table continually. In His presence is fullness of joy and at His right hand are pleasures for evermore. O what warm embraces you have given to the world and suffered to gain just a little more more of it! His love is infinitely better than life itself. Exalt Him in your heart as your chiefest good and He will make the gift of Himself to you. Here is God, there is the world; here bread and there husks; here substance, there a shadow; here a paradise, there an apple; here is fullness, there is emptiness; here a paradise, there an apple; here is fullness, there is emptiness; here a fountain, there is a broken cistern; here all things, there is nothing; here is heaven, there is hell; here eternity of pleasure, there eternity of sorrow and pain. Now, is not this an infinite reason to choose God for your portion? George Swinnock, Works, IV:44-46
24.01.2022 God cannot be shaken. His gospel cannot be shaken. His Church cannot be shaken. His Bride is enduring. His Word is true and endures forever.... You see, the things that can be shaken *will* be shaken, so that we can put our trust wholly in the One who can *never* be shaken. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
24.01.2022 ! For God alone my soul waits in silence; from him comes my salvation. He alone is my rock and my salvation,... my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken. For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from him Psalm 62:12, 5 Here's Kelly Needham with today's devotion: After spending an evening at a friend's home, you've lost your phone. You remember putting it on vibrate, so you borrow a friend’s phone to call yours and yell at everyone in the room, "Quiet!" How else would you hear the low vibrating sound? Because our phones are important to us, we will do whatever it takes to "hear" them when they’re lost. Is God important enough to us that we'll do whatever it takes to hear Him? In Psalm 62, David's hope in God presents itself in the form of silent and expectant waiting. Why is silence important in seeking God? Silence is a ceasing from speaking, a fasting from activity. Just like quieting a room to hear a vibrating phone, we periodically need to quiet our lives to hear from God through His Word. Creating silence involves knowing what makes the most noise in your life. For some, periodically shutting off the phone is needed. For others, it's not scheduling as many meetings. It isn't always possible to turn off all the noises we'd like to, but there’s usually something we can do to regularly create a quieter atmosphere for our souls to wait on the Lord. The goal is to seek the face of God like Psalm 27:8 describes: You have said, Seek my face. My heart says to you, Your face, LORD, do I seek. Is your prayer life all talking and no listening? If so, it's worth asking if you really want to know Him.
23.01.2022 How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! Psalm 139:17 If you can see God in creation, the plants, birds, minerals and beasts, what thoughts might you have, if God were your portion. Look at the ocean, the storms and tempests, the innumerable fish, both small and great, what would you think of having the author and commander of the earth and ocean for your portion? What would you give to enjoy Him who gave them being and who appoints and knows ...the number of the stars and who calls them by name? If it were possible for you to look into the holy of holies, to mount up to heaven and see the royal palace of this great King and if you could know the satisfying joy, the ravishing delight, the inconceivable pleasure which the spirits of just men made perfect have and if you could see Him as He is, there visible in the glorified Redeemer and really know Him as you are known, then reader, what would you think of this God for your portion? What a poor view you would now have of the beggarly portion that you now admire! What dung, what dog's meat would the world be to you in comparison with God! You would leave the swine of earthly comforts and the foolish children of disobedience who are paddling in the gutter of sensual waters, that you might have your portion among God's children and your heritage among His chosen ones. All your love would be too little and no labour too great for such an inestimable portion. Lord, let me partake of your special mercy. Though others feed on husks, give this bread of life. May you be the portion of my cup. Whatsoever you deny me or howsoever you deal with me, give me yourself and it shall be enough. You are the true paradise of all pleasure, a living fountain of happiness and the original and exact pattern of all perfections. George Swinnock, Works, IV:30-32
23.01.2022 Desperate times call for desperate prayers. Join the 31-day Cry Out! Challenge and link arms with women around the world in setting aside the month of to fervently pray for God to move. More than a prayer emphasis, Cry Out! is a for such a time as this appeal, urging women to pray with renewed determination. Accepting the challenge is a commitment to pray faithfully every day for 31 days, trusting that God will respond to the earnest prayers of His people. Sign up today > See more
23.01.2022 Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7 This duty suggests diligence in prayer. Every Christian who seeks to be a true one in deed and not name only must be a man of prayer. Prayer is like an investment in bonds that give a future return for your investment. Prayer is most certain to increase more. There are, however, a great many Christians full of complaints and discouragements in prayer: 'I have prayed for... so long and I am worse; I had better leave off, seeing I am not the better for it.' But there are conditions and limitations that God has revealed to us in His Word that must be considered. The first condition on our part is that we are in the state of faith and repentance. The promises are for those in Christ. Secondly, we must pray according to God's nature and will. Some things are ill for us and if God does not hear us in them, Christ will not forfeit His word but we must forfeit our prayers. We must also have the right motive in prayer (James 4:3). The order of our desires is also important. There will be no speedy answer for temporal things if we are not first seeking the kingdom of God. If your desires are crossed, it is not because He would put you off without hearing, but He desires to teach you a better way. He desires to teach you what is most important. We may further note that our prayers should be offered in faith, humility and fervency. Delays teach us to watch and pray with perseverance, waiting in hope until God hears us (Psa. 40:1-2). Waiting causes us to focus upon Him. If we are earnest, we will not go away until we speak with Him. Faith remains at the door until He comes. All of us fail in this; we do not wait until we obtain. Let us not blame the Saviour whose promise is firm without change. If we would learn to wait, we would hear more from Him. Richard, Sibes, Works, VIII:232-235
22.01.2022 I am the Lord your God. Exodus 20:2 What is implied in God being our God? It is comprehensive of all good things. He is our strong tower, our fountain of living water and our salvation. It implies the sweetest of relations. He is our Father who tenderly cares for us and never dies. God says, 'You are mine' and the soul answers; 'Lord, I am yours; all I have is yours!' Consider the misery of those without God as their Father. What a sad condition in the hour of distress! A sin...ner without God will get by while his health and estate lasts but when these crutches are broken, his heart must sink. During the flood the waters came to the valleys and the people went to the hills. The waters came to mountains and they climbed the trees. Aye, but the waters rose above the trees and all hope was gone. So it is with those who do not have God as their Father. What a privilege to have God as our God! What a happy condition when nothing can hurt you! If one loses his name, it is written in the book of life. If he loses his liberty, his conscience is free. If he loses his estate, he owns the pearl of great price. If he meets a storm, he has a harbour; God is his God and heaven is his heaven. If God is our God, our soul is safe. It is hidden in the promises, in the wounds of Christ and in the decrees of God. If God is our God, then all that is in God is ours. How happy is he who not only inherits the gifts of God but inherits God Himself! In His wisdom, He is ours to teach us, His power shall support us and His mercy shall save us. God is an infinite ocean of blessedness and there is enough in Him to fill us. He gives us peace in trouble and when there is a storm without, He will make music within. The world gives trouble in peace, but God gives peace in trouble. He loves us and we are the 'beloved of His soul' (Jer. 12:7). Thomas Watson, The Ten Commandments, pp.17-20
22.01.2022 JAKARTA 2020 - online streaming Global Convention on Christian Faith and World Evangelization Kamis-Selasa, 1-6 Oktober 2020 Pembicara: Pdt. Dr. Stephen Tong da...n Tokoh-tokoh Kristen Dunia. Sesi dapat diikuti pada: o 08.00-12.00 (WIB) Pembicara bahasa Mandarin/Inggris o 17.00-20.30 (WIB) Pembicara bahasa Inggris/Indonesia o Keduanya Khotbah setiap sesi akan diadakan dalam 3 bahasa, yakni Bahasa Inggris, Indonesia, dan Mandarin, baik melalui khotbah maupun terjemahan. Pdt. Stephen Tong akan berkhotbah di sesi pagi dan malam. Pendaftaran dapat dilakukan di: Info (WA) +62-813-7000-3900
22.01.2022 For out of the heart come evil thoughts. Matthew 15:19 Consider what a great deal of sin there is in the thoughts of man and how dangerous it is to your soul. O the vile sins that are committed in men's thoughts! Victory begins by avoiding the object from which your evil thoughts proceed. We must keep a sufficient distance from tempting object that fuel evil thoughts. Can you expect that a drunkard could rule his thoughts while he is in the tavern? Or that a glutton could rul...e his thoughts while the pleasing dish is in his sight? Or that a lustful person could keep chaste in his thoughts in the presence of his enamouring toy? Away with the fuel, fly from this infectious air, if you would be safe! Make a covenant with your senses if you desire to have obedient thoughts. Consider too how close a relative the thought is to the actual deed. A malicious thought and deed are from the same spring. A lustful thought is from the same defiled puddle as actual filthiness and thought is the passage to the action. Always be aware that you are under God's government and His law extends to your thoughts. All your thoughts are in His sight. He sees every filthy, covetous, proud, ambitious, unloving, malicious thought. Consider how careful you would be if your thoughts were written on your forehead. O how ashamed you would be if men could see your thoughts! Is not the eye of God ten thousand times more to be regarded? Keep a tender conscience to be aware of the smallest sin. A tender conscience fears evil thoughts and a seared conscience feels nothing. Cast out sinful thoughts in the beginning, before they settle themselves and make a dwelling in your heart. They are easier to be resisted at the beginning. Your heart will allow them to root and grow if you allow them to stay. Remember your hidden thoughts must one day be brought into open light. Richard Baxter, A Christian Directory, I:247-249
21.01.2022 Father, glorify your name. John 12:28 We can admire the wisdom and power of God, who can make His people better by their sufferings. Behold, I show you a mystery: sin brought affliction into the world and God makes affliction carry sin out of the world. God has never intended more good to His children than when He deals most severely with them. He would rather fetch blood than lose a soul. A suffering condition is not as formidable a thing as flesh and blood represents it. Th...e world only judges by outward appearances, for it cannot see the divine teaching upon the heart. Our blessed Saviour was heard when he offered up prayers and supplications, with loud cries and tears (Heb. 5:7). How was He heard? Not in that 'Save me from this hour' but in that 'Father, glorify your name' (John 12:27,28). The best return of our prayers is that which works for our good, though not for our desires. When God does not answer in the letter but in the better, we are no losers by our prayers. It is sad beyond all expression when affliction serves only as an opportunity to vent pride and murmuring as an expression of atheism in men's hearts against the Lord. Men may give God a hearing but are resolved in their own courses. After affliction, the swearer is a swearer still and the drunkard a drunkard still. God's day is coming when things will be judged by another standard; not after sight but as they really are. If the children of God in affliction would sit down and consider the fruit and advantage that God knows how to bring out of their sorrows, this would keep them from undue despondency and dejections of spirit. Do not look at the suffering but at the invisible fruit. This holds up the head, keeps the heart and makes the soul patient. It glories in tribulation, knowing that tribulation works patience, experience and hope (Rom. 5:3-5). Thomas Case, Select Works, A Treatise of Afflictions, pp.122-131
20.01.2022 I will show him how much he must suffer for the sake of My name. Acts 9:16 We must learn to spin out comfort, peace, joy and communion with Christ in our troubles. Grace grows best in winter. Crosses are a part of our communion with Christ. There is no sweeter fellowship than to bring our wounds to Him. A heavy heart is welcome with Christ. The Lord has fully repaid my sadness with His joy and presence. It is a sweet thing to exchange my sorrows for Christ's joys. Losses for ...Christ are but goods invested in the bank in Christ's hand. Troubles come through his fingers and he casts sugar among them. I wonder many times that ever a child of God should have a sad heart, considering what his Lord is preparing for him. What God lays on us, let us suffer. Some have one cross, some seven, some ten and some, half a cross - yet all the saints have full joy and seven crosses have seven joys. The heaviest end of the cross is laid upon our strong Saviour. The floods may swell but our ark shall swim above the waters. Glorify the Lord in your suffering and spread His banner of love over you. Others will follow you if they see you strong in the Lord. Do not be a faint and feeble soldier. Fear not, Christ and his crosses are two good guests worthy of lodging. Men would have Christ cheap but the going price is firm. Christ and His cross are sweet company and a blessed couple. My losses are rich losses, my pain easy pain, my heavy days are holy and happy days. They give me opportunity to testify to my friends. I should be satisfied that joy and sorrow share a part in my life. If sorrow shares the greediest part, I know joy's day will dawn and do more than recompense all my sad hours. My dear brother, let God do what He wills now and He shall make glory out of your sufferings and end them with consolation. Samuel Rutherford, The Loveliness of Christ, pp. 3,8,12, 25-58
20.01.2022 For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison. 2 Corinthians 4:17 Let this encourage you, O Christian, in your conflict with Satan - the skirmish may be sharp but it cannot be long. Let him tempt you and his wicked instruments trounce you but in a little while you shall be rid of him. The cloud rains and then comes the fair weather. Can you not watch for Christ for one hour or two? Can you not keep the field for a few... days? Persevere until the battle is over and your enemy will rise no more. Bid faith to look through the key-hole of promise and tell you what is laid up for you. Can you not hear the shout of the saints as those that divide the spoil? They are receiving their reward for their service and sufferings. Here you stand on this side of the river. Are you afraid to wet your feet with a few sufferings that run between you and glory? This made Job a happy man indeed. When the devil had plundered him to the skin, yet he could trust Christ in the face of death to be his Redeemer. The devil rules this world but not heaven. Heaven fears no devil and he has no power where the saints' happiness lies. Your heart is there because Christ is there. Your friends and kindred in Christ are there and it will be a happy meeting in your Father's house notwithstanding the snare and plots of Satan in the way. The devil took away Job's purse and put him into difficult straits but he had a God in heaven that put him into stock again. Satan may for a time disturb but he cannot blot your name out of the book of life. He cannot destroy your faith. He cannot hinder a happy outcome in your war with sin though he may win you in a private skirmish. God will keep you by His power. Though Satan may disturb your peace as an enemy through outward crosses or inward failures, he cannot rule you as a prince. William Gurnall, The Christian in Complete Armour, I:150-151
20.01.2022 Abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul. I Peter 2:11 In the battle against the flesh we must consider that the appetite itself might innocently desire a forbidden object. It was not the appetite itself that was forbidden but the sinful expression of it. A man in a fever may desire more than he should lawfully drink; this is not in itself a sin but to go ahead and wilfully drink it, is. It is the drinking that is sin, not the thirst. It is not... in our power to control the appetite. That Adam had an appetite for the forbidden fruit was not his sin but that he obeyed his appetite. The appetite is given to us by God. Since the fall, however, the appetite has been corrupted and has become inordinate. It is more impetuous, violent and unruly than it was in the state of innocence. This inordinate appetite is sin by participation though not in itself. Actual sin and habit will even more aggravate the appetite and make it dangerous. If the horse is headstrong and the coachman negligent, the coach may soon be overthrown. Though a man may not by reason and will have the inclination to evil, if he falls to seek higher things, it will be hard to restrain the sensual appetite. This sensual appetite is signified by the term 'flesh'. This faculty is predominant in man and the goal and happiness of the unsanctified. The pleasing of the appetite, in itself, is neither good or evil but as commanded or forbidden by some law of God. To please the flesh by things forbidden is undoubtedly a sin. To overvalue the pleasing of the flesh is a sin. When a desire of the flesh is inordinate it is sin. When pleasing it hinders any duty it is sinful. To avoid sinful flesh-pleasing, seek the joys above. Remember that God would give you more pleasure and not less, and that temporal delights are subordinate to heavenly delights. Beware, the flesh is the grand enemy of your soul! Richard Baxter, A Christian Directory, I:223-230
20.01.2022 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. 2 Corinthians 5:17 We know the kingdom of grace has been set up in our hearts by the change wrought in the soul. There is a new nature, light in the mind, order in the affections, a pliable will and tenderness in the conscience. If there is no change of heart there is no sign of grace. God's children desire God, like the beating of the pulse indicates life. Saints love Him, not only for what He has but for what He is; n...ot only for His rewards but for His holiness. Hypocrites may desire Him for His jewels but not for His beauty. A believer cannot be satisfied without God; let the world heap her honours and riches, it will not satisfy. No flower will satisfy the thirsty. The Christian says, 'I must have Christ, grace and heaven, though I take it by storm.' We desire Christ more than the world and more than heaven itself, 'Whom have I in heaven but you?' (Psa. 73:25). Heaven itself would not satisfy without Christ. He is the diamond in the ring. If God were to say, 'I will put you into heaven but I will hide My face from you', that would not satisfy. A little of God will not satisfy. The pious desires still more. A drop of water is not enough for thirsty travellers. We are thankful for grace received but desire more: more knowledge, purity and more of Christ's presence. We long to see Him face to face and be perfected in glory; to plunge into His sweetness and be swallowed up in Him and to bathe ourselves in the perfumed waters of His pleasures. At first, faith is small. It is full of doubts and fears. As it grows, it will trust God to work a miracle rather than to allow His promises to fail. Though sometimes impertinent thoughts come to mind, they are unwelcome guests. No sooner do they appear but they are turned out. Faith seeks to obey Christ's rule. Grace mourns and fights sin's corruptions which are now fetters and not a crown. Thomas Watson, The Lord's Prayer, pp. 67-73
19.01.2022 If only I may finish my course. Acts 20:24 Every saint is very apt to be a slug in the work of God; 'Ah Lord, I am a dull horse and need the spur of your Spirit.' Does not your own experience find this true, to the grief of your own soul? How can we get rid of this unwelcome guest - spiritual sloth?... 1. By faith - apply the promises of quickening. Promises are steel spurs that will reach the dull heart to draw out the corruption of sloth. Promises are sovereign elixirs to make the soul well (2 Pet. 1:4). David pressed God to be faithful to His word (Psa. 119:25, 107,154). 'They who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength' (Isa. 40:31). Our soul must suck honey from such flowers to quicken itself like a bee. Say to yourself: 'Soul, God has promised I shall mount up with eagles' wings and God is able, true and willing, therefore, I may be assured of His assistance.' O this honey will enliven you more than Jonathan's honey! (1 Sam. 14:29). 2. Consider others that have gained the victory as your example (Heb. 12:1-3). A dull horse will speed up when he sees either horses gallop before him. Consider how Elijah went up in a fiery chariot to heaven in his spirit before he went up in a fiery chariot in his person. Look how Paul pursued with industry and perseverance (Phil. 3:10-15). Remember how Ignatius went to the beasts to be devoured as if he were going to his wedding. Forget not the martyrs in Queen Mary's days, who went to the fire as if to a bonfire. These examples are goads to quicken us. They are fires to light our candles by. 3. Consider too how impossible it is for creeping snails to finish their journey's end. Run that you may obtain (1 Cor. 9:24). Don't creep, but run, not indifferently but industriously. Should we not serve God as actively as we ever did in the ways of sin and Satan? Rev. MR Simmons, Puritan Sermons 1659-1689, I:438-449
19.01.2022 God is love. I John 4:16 Laying a deep apprehension of God's nature increases the peace of conscience and gives a measure of the joy of the Holy Spirit. Under the law, God revealed Himself in grace (Exod. 34:6-7). Also, 'As I live, declares the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked but that the wicked turn from his way and live' (Ezek 33:11). Do not think of God's mercy with diminishing thoughts, for His mercy is as great as His power. There is great to the soul that has a proper estimate of his goodness. It makes God appear more wonderful and you will love Him more readily and abundantly. Affection will follow the understanding. If you think God is against you and delights in your misery, it is impossible for you to love Him. The great reason many do not love God more is because they look at Him in an odious shape and tremble at the thought of Him. Doing this strips God of His divine nature in our thoughts. We must write His love deep in our understanding. When we consider His mercy and lovingkindness, our thoughts of God will be sweet and delightful. We are bidden to love and delight in Him above all. He is infinitely and inconceivably good. This will draw you to God as the magnet draws the iron. If you conceive of God as ten thousand times more gracious and loving than any friend you have in the world, it will make you love Him above all. This takes away weariness in duty and gives more delight in prayer and meditation. When God becomes more lovely in our eyes, it produces growth in all of our graces and encourages further familiarity and confidence. A clear sight of God's merciful nature gives assurance of our happiness. If you fix deep in your understanding the natural goodness of God, even this will fall far short of God's actual graciousness. Richard Baxter, Practical Works, II:887-890
18.01.2022 There remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God. Hebrews 4:9 'Blessed are the poor in spirit" (Matt 5:3). Christ does not begin His sermon with commands and threatenings but His lips dropped as the honeycomb with promises and blessings. His heavenly doctrine was sweet like the sound of music drawing the hearts of stone to Him. He began, 'Blessed'. The fullness of our blessings lie in the future. There are many difficulties in the way of faith. A believer's march is and our hearts are liable to discouraged. It is good to set the crown of blessedness before them to spark their courage and to inflame their zeal. Many passages of Scripture bring this olive branch in their mouth - the tidings of blessedness to believers. 'Blessed is that servant whom his master will find so doing when he comes' (Matt. 24:46). 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father' (Matt. 25:34). This blessedness sharpens Christian discipline and raises spiritual ambition. The fullness of our blessedness is in our heavenly rest. Revolve this often in your mind and meditate upon it. What infinite cause you have to be thankful that the lot of free grace has fallen upon you! Though you forfeited all, God has provided a haven of happiness and He is carrying you to heaven upon the sea of Christ's blood, the gale of His Spirit blowing upon your sails. You are better now than when you had the robes of innocence upon you. God has raised you a step higher by your fall. How many has God passed by and then looked upon you! Millions lie under the bitter vials of God's curses but you He will bring into His banqueting house and feast you eternally with the delicacies of heaven. O adore free grace, triumph in this love! Spend and be spent for the Lord. Lay out yourselves in thankfulness. Never think you can do enough for that God who will shortly set you ashore in the land of promise. Thomas Watson, The Beatitudes, pp. 24,31,33
18.01.2022 For you, O Lord, are good and forgiving, abounding in steadfast love to all who call upon you. Psalm 86:5 Mercy is the nature of God. He is, by His own inclination, a most gracious and merciful God, disposed and ready to forgive. His mercy is included in His purpose and in the resolutions of His will. It is the delight of His soul, the first cause of our salvation and opens a wide door for hope and faith to enter. As Hebrews studies faith, study the mercies of God also as you...r example, your meditation and your pleadings with God. God has published these and has intended them to be a foundation for our own faith. God's mercy and grace come directly from His heart and run with a straight, direct and natural stream. The proclamation of His grace excels and He professes a pardon to all sorts of iniquities, transgressions and sins which He knew and foresaw that the sons would commit. O the riches of His grace! There are two grand pillars of truth revealed in the Old Testament: God's promise of Christ and the manifesto of God's gracious nature. What guilty, but broken heart, would not be encouraged to come to such a God? But there should be no delay if God is near and greatly present to the soul. This is the most acceptable time for praying for all that a believing soul desires. Moses entreated the Lord from God's free mercy (Num. 14:18). David also sought His free compassion and mercy (Psa. 86:15). Moses sought to know God's ways from this root (Exod. 34:6). Jeremiah also and the prophets played this string (Jer. 32:18). This is a main article in the Old Testament creed and the sweetest sermon ever preached and by God Himself. It is the highest subject, the richest text and the most renowned description of the nature of God. The Lord of God, merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness. Thomas Goodwin, Works, VIII:5-25
17.01.2022 ! After this I heard what seemed to be the loud voice of a great multitude in heaven, crying out, Hallelujah! Salvation and glory ...and power belong to our God Revelation 19:1 Here's Nicole Forgette with today's devotion: Hallelujah! I can’t help but say that word with a loud southern gospel voice every time I say, or even think it. Yet how often do we hear those shouts anymore? Tragedies around the world are the headlines each day. The heaviness of even trying to imagine what other nations are facing is overwhelming, even though what we face in our own country is like never before. Yet that should not stop us from praying for global revival; in fact, it should energize us. The prophet Jeremiah saw only horror, destruction, and sin among his people and the nations that were persecuting and deceiving them, yet he clung to God’s promise that nations would come to praise God, not just God’s people, Israel. He knew that when the cares and destruction of the world finally brought God’s people to their end, they would cry out to Him. This revival of His people would also cause other nations to see and turn to the living God because salvation, glory, and power only belong to Him. Hallelujah only appears four times in the New Testament and all are found in the book of Revelation. Just after the final battle of evil in chapter 18, chapter 19 begins with a great multitude in heaven. After this I heard what seemed to be the loud voice of a great multitude in heaven, crying out,Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God This great gathering will be with people of every nation. May that day come soon so we can sing with the psalmist, Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Hallelujah! (Ps. 150:6).
17.01.2022 Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting! Psalm 41:13 Since God is eternal, He has eternal power to match His word. His promises are established upon His eternity and are solid ground for our trust. He can never come short of the capacity to help us. His word is the foundation of our trust and His eternity gives us assurance that He is able to perform it. All of His plans are eternal like Himself and the fruit of His eternal counsel. Men may bre...ak their promises because the are made without foresight, but God, that inhabits eternity, will never change in His purpose. Though there may appear variations to our sight, yet God, who is eternally true to His word, sits at the helm and the winds and the waves obey Him. Though He should defer His promises a thousand years, yet He is not slack with regard to His promise (2 Pet. 3:8-9). The short duration of mankind is set out in Scripture by the vanishing grass. Life is a flower soon withered, a vapour soon vanishing or a smoke soon disappearing. The strongest man is but compacted dust. Let the consideration of God's eternity turn our love from the world and momentary pleasures to an everlasting God. Alas, what is the earth compared with the vast heavens, the seat of angels and blessed spirits! It is but an atom to the greatest mountain, or a drop of dew to the immense ocean. How foolish to prefer a drop before the sea! By frequent meditation of God's eternity, we should become more sensible of the trifling nature of the world. Are we not worthy of contempt to dote upon a perishing glory, to expect support form an arm of flesh when there is an eternal beauty to ravish us and an eternal arm to protect us? God is our portion forever. The proffers of the world are ridiculous when compared with the eternity of God. Stephen Charnock, The Existence & Attributes of God, pp. 90-96
17.01.2022 The Lord is my portion. Psalm 119:57 God is a satisfying portion. This world may fill a man but can never satisfy him. Most have too much but no one has enough. They are like ships that carry a burden heavy enough to sink it but with room to hold more. The world cannot satisfy the senses, much less the soul. Where can true contentment be found? The earth says, 'It is not in me'; no, heaven itself is not enough if God is not in it. If you long for the things of the world, you ...will find them nothing when you receive them. The sun and moon seem bigger at the first rising. If you believe that rest grows in the furrows of the field and happiness is found in the gold mine and that earthly treasures can produce happiness, listen to the preacher: 'Vanity of vanities! All is vanity' (Eccles. 1:2). He spoke by personal experience; the utmost of earthly pleasures fall short of satisfying. Men in great poverty think that if they could rise to a mountain of riches and delights they could reach true happiness, but Solomon found the hill far from satisfying. The world has been weighed in the balance and found wanting. David tells us that if the Lord is your portion, this fountain runs freely to full contentment. This portion is the best possible. It affords full contentment and happiness; 'I have enough and crave no more.' If a man were crowned king of the world to enjoy the treasures, honours and pleasures that all its kingdoms can yield; if he had the society of angels and glorified saints as friends and could enjoy all this for the duration of the world, yet without God, he would be unsatisfied. These like the dew might wet the branches and please the flesh, but would leave the roots dry. However, once let God posses his heart and then, and not before, his infinite desires are satisfied in the bosom of his Maker. God fully satisfies. George Swinnock, Works, IV:33-37
16.01.2022 Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. Colossians 3:2 Why would men choose the world for their portion instead of God? Because of their ignorance of the great worth of this object. The devil courts man for his soul with the brutish pleasures of sin. The world woos the heart with its profits, treasures and honours which are vain and perishing. God comes and He offers for the heart the precious blood of his Son, the curious embroidery of his S...pirit, the noble employment of angels, the fullness of joy and the infinite satisfaction of His blessed self to all eternity. Now why is the devil's money accepted, the world's offer embraced and God's rejected? Truly, men do not know the worth of what God offers them. The money the devil and the world offer is in their own currency and is familiar to them. Swine trample on pearls because they do not know their value. Men prefer the poor things they have because they are in their present possession. The devil seeks to peck out the eyes of men, that they do not see the blessed God and the happiness that is to be enjoyed in Him. O how dull is the world's glass in the presence of true crystal! The magnet of earth will not draw man's affections while heaven is visible. He that has fed on the heavenly banquet cannot savour anything else. A man who sees a candle after fourteen years, having been born in a dark dungeon, wonders at its glory, delights in beholding it and inquires into its nature. Bring him afterwards into the open air to behold the sun and all his wonder will be directed to this great luminary. Man is taken up with the candle of creature comforts. Let him once see the sun of righteousness, the all-sufficient and eternal God, the excellence of His glorious being and that which was glorious before has no more glory in comparison to the sight of God. George Swinnock, Works, IV:28-29
15.01.2022 Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth. Ecclesiates 12:1 God is a sanctifying and enabling portion. The things of the world cannot advance the soul in the least. Like shadows that are ever so long, the body is not taller. Men in high places are the same men; no real worth is added to them than if they were in a low position. Often, many are worse for their earthly portions. If some had not been so wealthy, they would not have been so wicked. Feeding on earthly t...rash takes you away from the bread of heaven. Many perish in their greatest prosperity and have no leisure to be saved. That which will elevate the soul must be more excellent than the soul. Silver is abased by mixing it with lead but ennobled by gold. The world and all it contains is infinitely inferior to the soul of man and we are debased by mingling with it. God is infinitely superior and advances the soul by joining with it. Outward things add nothing at all to the worth of a soul. A godly man is worth millions because he is a cabinet holding an eternal jewel. He has become partaker of the divine nature. God enriches whatever he is joined to. O what a height of honour and happiness would you arrive at if this God were yours! Now, like a worm you crawl and dwell in the dirt. But if God is your portion, you will mount up like an eagle to the heavens and enjoy unspeakable pleasures in Him who is your portion. A life with God as your portion would be high and noble, like a court official whose daily practice is to adore and admire the blessed and only potentate. Do you not find that earthly things obstruct holiness and thereby hinder your soul's happiness? Alas! The best of them are like the wings of a butterfly; though curiously painted, they come off in your fingers. With God as your portion, every day would be nearer to perfection. O the excellence God adds to your soul! George Swinnock, Works, IV:38-40
15.01.2022 You shall be holy, for I am holy. I Peter 1:16 The nature of divine holiness is freedom from all evil. God is separate from every shade of evil. He acts according to the likeness of His own excellence and abhors everything contrary to it. There is no darkness in His understanding and no spot in His will. His mind is possessed with all truth and there is no deviation in His will from it. He loves all truth and goodness, and He hates all falsity and evil. He loves righteousness... and has no pleasure in wickedness. He values purity in His creatures and detests all impurity whether inward or outward. Holiness is the essential glory of His nature and is as necessary as His being. He knows what is right and must do what is just. There can be no contradiction in the divine nature, to know what is right and to do what is wrong. If so, He would not be 'God over all, blessed for ever' (Rom. 9:5). He is as necessarily holy as He is necessarily God. He is without sin and without change. As He was God from eternity, so He was holy from eternity. From eternity He was gracious, merciful, just and holy in His own nature, even if there were no creatures created to receive it. If God had not created the world, He still had in His own nature the power to be able to create the world. If there never existed anything but God, He owned in Himself omniscience and would know everything that was within the scope and compass of His infinite power. Also, He was pure in His own nature though He never had brought forth any rational creature to whom He could manifest His purity. God is at liberty whether He will speak to man or not but if He does, it is impossible for Him to speak that which is false because of His infinite perfection of truthfulness. Holiness is not only an act of His will but is in His very nature. He can by no means be unholy for it is against His nature to be so. Stephen Charnock, The Existence & Attributes of God, pp. 452-454
15.01.2022 Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross. Hebrews 12:2 You may not know what the Lord is doing in a particular circumstance but you will know hereafter. Let Christ know of your heavy cares. Let Him bear all. Dear brother, do not become weary of your Master's chains. We are closer to Christ when we suffer. Keep close by Christ and let the wind blow. Rejoice in His cross. Your deliverance does not sleep and His promise is not slack. Wait for God's appointed tim...e of deliverance. You shall lose nothing in the furnace but dross. Not one ounce too much is laid on you. The devil is just a whetstone to sharpen the faith and patience of the saints. The Lord is cutting and polishing stones for the New Jerusalem. Be content to wade through the waters holding His hand, for He knows all the fords. You may be dunked, yet you cannot drown. Those who went before you went through blood, suffering and many afflictions. Christ has borne the whole cross and His saints bear only chips. Be content, you are His wheat growing in the field. You must pass under the Lord's threshing instrument on His barn floor, through His sieve and through His mill to be bruised as the Prince of your salvation was (Isa. 53:9). Christ has handsomely fitted the rough tree of the cross for your shoulders that it will not hurt you. Your treasures are in Christ's coffers and your comforts greater than you can believe. Do not be afraid when you see the swelling river of death. You may wade after Christ and the current however so strong, cannot carry you down. The Son of God, His death and resurrection, are stepping stones to stay you. You have only these two shallow brooks, sickness and death, to pass through. Christ will meet you and go with you, foot for foot, yea, He will bear you up in His arms. O then! For the joy that is set before you run your race with patience! Samuel Rutherford, The Loveliness of Christ, pp. 59-104
13.01.2022 ! I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do... nothing. John 15:5 Here's Dawn Wilson with today's devotion: Some time ago, while reading the classic book "Prayer" by the Norwegian theologian O. Hallesby, I gained fresh understanding of what most of my prayers were lackingthe humility to see my utter helplessness. Prayer is not using God to my own ends nor attempting to make something happen. Prayer is coming to God, admitting my helpless state, and acknowledging my deep, gut-level need. From the moment I acknowledge my helplessness, the Lord becomes actively engaged in hearing my cry. He stoops down to help me. We may feel our helplessness is overwhelming, like a cyclone in the center of our lives. But in God's sight, our helplessness is both the foundation and the sustaining power of our prayer life. In reality, we can do only one thingpermit the great, sovereign God to have mercy on us, to love us, and take care of us. Jesus said, "Apart from me you can do nothing" (John 15:5). Why does it take so many of us a lifetime to learn this? We tell God how powerless we are by nature to love others, to believe His promises, to hope, to serve, to practice the spiritual disciplines, to struggle against our fleshly desires, to suffer well. This acknowledgement of helplessness puts us in a position to be helped. "As long as we are conscious of our helplessness, we will not be overtaken by any difficulty, disturbed by any distress, or frightened by any hindrance," Hallesby says. "We will expect nothing of ourselves, and therefore, bring all our difficulties and hindrances to God in prayer." We will simply open the door and let Jesus come into our hopeless messes. And in our helplessness, we will see the power of God work in and through us.
12.01.2022 ! Thus says the Lord of hosts: Consider, and call for the mourning women to come;... send for the skillful women to come; let them make haste and raise a wailing over us, that our eyes may run down with tears and our eyelids flow with water. Jeremiah 9:1718 Here's Yamell Jaramillo with today's devotion: God's call to Jeremiah certainly catches my attention: Call for the mourning women to come. The prophet was in the midst of a painful circumstance. The leaders of Judah had not learned anything from the destruction in Israel, and God told him to look for women who were professional wailers, to urge them to come and cry out so that the city of Jerusalem would also be encouraged to cry for itself. They needed to cry out because their city had been shattered. Hear, O women the word of the LORD, and let your ear receive the word of this mouth; teach your daughters to lament, and each to her neighbor a dirge (Jer. 9:20, emphasis added). These women were not only to weep but also to teach their daughters to weepto cry for their city. Death was all around them. Destruction. Devastation. Desolation. Verse 22 paints a very vivid picture: they could not even bury all the bodies. Sound familiar? Do you notice any similarity to what some areas have experienced in these days? Cry Out! is a call for the mourning women. It’s an urgent invitation to come to the Lord with repentant hearts, burdened by the pain of our nations, and to cry out to God for mercy. God has created us with emotions to empathize with those who suffer. Today, let us gather our voices as one and let us cry out. Let us ask the One who can heal our land to bring healing and freedom to the many captives who are close to us and who need to find salvation. Let the mourning women come.
12.01.2022 My heart and flesh sing for joy to the living God. Psalm 84:2 Earthly portions are limited in their nature and the comfort they yield. Health is better than sickness but does not help poverty. Honour is better than disgrace but does not help against pain. Money is said to be the answer of all things but cannot command ease in sickness or much less quiet a wounded spirit. Ahab was miserable in his ivory palace. Haman, though he had the favour of the king and adoration of the p...eople was yet discontented because he wanted Mordecai's submission. If the world's darlings enjoy many good things, they lack all without Christ. God is all good things and every good thing. He is self-sufficient, alone-sufficient and all-sufficient. If God were your portion, you would find in Him whatsoever your heart could desire and tend to your happiness. Are you ambitious? He is a crown of glory. Are you covetous? He is unsearchable riches and righteousness. Do you desire pleasure? He is rivers of pleasures and fullness of joy. Are you hungry? He is a feast of wine on the lees and the fat things full of marrow. Are you weary? He is rest, a shadow from the heat and a shelter from the storm. Are you weak? He is everlasting strength. Are you doubting? He is marvellous in counsel. Are you in darkness? He is the Sun of righteousness. Are you sick? He is the God of your health. Are you sorrowful? He is the God of all consolations. Whatever your calamity, He can remove it. Whatever your necessity, He can relieve it. He is silver, gold, honour, delight, food, raiment, house, land, peace, wisdom, power, beauty, father, mother, wife, husband, mercy, love, grace, glory and infinitely more than all these. There are all sorts of delights in Him. He is the tree of life bearing all manner of fruits and a variety of all comforts. See God and you see all. Enjoy God and enjoy all. George Swinnock, Works, IV:40-41
11.01.2022 ! Here's Laura Elliott with today's Sabbath devotion: Sunday. Sabbath. Silence. ... Don’t you long for it? Could we take a sabbath rest from the noise of our culture, from the noise of the election, from the twenty-four hour news cycle, even from the noise of our own crying out? The answer, friends, is yes. When God instituted the sabbath, it wasn’t just to give Adam and Eve a break from their labors. (Remember, work was instituted prior to the fall, so it must be good.) He gave the children of Israel the Sabbath as a rhythmic reminder that they were dependent, entirely, on Him. Work, work, work, work, work, work, depend on Me. Work, work, work, work, work, work, depend on Me. In this rhythm of crying out, is it possible you’ve begun to think that the fate of the world lies on your shoulders? Have you become so convinced of the power of your tears that you fear the outcome if they stop? Well here’s some good news: the sabbath is for you, too. Cry out, cry out, cry out, cry out, cry out, cry out, depend on Me. While we rest, the LORD sits enthroned over the flood; the LORD sits enthroned as king forever (Ps. 29:10). He’s not standing up, pacing around, wondering when you’re going to get back to it. Today, He simply asks that you depend on Him.
11.01.2022 JAKARTA 2020 - online streaming Global Convention on Christian Faith and World Evangelization akan diadakan pada Kamis-Selasa, 1-6 Oktober 2020 secara online s...treaming dengan pembicara Pdt. Dr. Stephen Tong dan Tokoh-tokoh Kristen Dunia. Khotbah setiap sesi akan diadakan dalam 3 bahasa, yakni Bahasa Inggris, Indonesia, dan Mandarin, baik melalui khotbah maupun terjemahan. Pendaftaran (mulai 6 Sep 2020) dapat dilakukan di: Info (WA) +62-813-7000-3900 -------- JAKARTA 2020 - online streaming Global Convention on Christian Faith and World Evangelization 2020 - will be held on Thursday-Tuesday, October 1-6, 2020 via online streaming with Rev. Dr. Stephen Tong and World Christian Leaders. 101-6 Sermons will be available in 3 languages - English, Indonesian, and Chinese, either by the speakers or interpreters. 3 Registration (starts Sep 6, 2020): 202096 Information/Informasi/ Bahasa Indonesia +62-813-7000-3900 English/ +62-817-000-0300
10.01.2022 O Lord; teach me your paths. Psalm 25:4 In the school of affliction God gradually teaches us the lessons we need to learn. Fruit is not gathered all at once; there must be time for it to ripen. Do not become discouraged if God does not teach you all at once. He lets in light by degrees and teaches His children now a little and then a little; some this week and more next; some by this affliction and more by the next. If God has not taught you as much as another, do not say He ...has not taught you at all. Though God's teaching is powerful, it does not immediately put the soul into an immutable evenness of spirit freed from all insurrections and disturbances. Such a frame is only the privilege of the glorified state. David had his sinkings and Job his impatient fits. We have heard of the patience of Job, yea and of his impatience too! The taught of God may be moved but not removed; they may fall but not fall away - fearfully, but not finally; terribly but not totally. Are we not aware of the whisperings of corruption in our members? Do we not rise with indignation and become displeased with the opposition we find in our nature? Is there not a regular need in prayer to spread our temptations before the Lord? Is there not a need to pray our hearts into a better frame? It was said of Luther that when he found a distemper upon his spirit, he would keep praying until he had prayed his heart into the frame he prayed for. By God's instruction we are able to maintain opposition against the evil we find in our own spirits (Gal. 5:17). The life of a believer is a warfare (Eph. 6:12). As God teaches us, the soul gradually gains ground against its fleshly opposition. Prayer brings in God and God gives strength to take back lost ground. We are comforted that all will be done in God's time. I am not perfect, but I will be perfect (Phil. 1:6). Thomas Case, Select Works, A Treatise of Afflictions, pp.100-104
10.01.2022 O Lord... in the morning I prepare a sacrifice for you and watch. Psalm 5:3 The answers to your prayers are of infinite concern. You should watch for the answers with holy impatience and desire. Like an archer, take careful aim that you may hit the mark. Send your requests to God as soldiers in rank and file. Marshal them so they may not be out of order. And what then? When you have prayed, wait and expect an answer. Though your prayers are mingled with many imperfections, if... they are the travail of your soul and upright, do not give them over for lost. When Moses' mother could keep him no longer, she made an ark and daubed it with pitch and hid him by the river's bank. When Pharaoh's daughter came to wash, she saw the babe and gave him to his mother to nurse. Truly, when the fruit of your heart, your tears, sighs, groans and prayers are ready to be given over for dead in the eye of sense, they lie floating upon the water; let your faith and hope be near at hand to see what will become of them. Though the messenger you send to heaven tarries long, you must wait and expect his return. If you find little fruit of your petitions, do not lay aside that calling, 'Continue steadfastly in prayer' (Col. 4:2). Anglers, though they have fished for many hours and caught nothing, do not break their rods but draw out the hook, check their bait and then throw it in again. So, when you have been earnest in prayer and yet received no answer, reflect upon your prayers and consider what has gone amiss. Is it possible that you have desired stones instead of bread or fuel for your lusts? If any of these are the fault, no wonder they failed! Whatever it is, be diligent to amend it and fall on your work again with confidence. The archer, if he shoots once, and again, and misses the mark, considers what the reason was, reforms his error and shoots to find the target. George Swinnock, Works, I:133-136
10.01.2022 Blessed are the poor in spirit. Matthew 5:3 Many have shot wide of the mark in seeking blessedness. It cannot be found in worldly things but how ready is man to place happiness in them. The tree of blessedness does not grow in an earthly paradise. God cursed the ground for sin, yet many are digging for happiness there and seeking a blessing out of a curse. You may as well seek fire out of water. Earthly things are transitory and not adapted to the soul. 'He who loves money wi...ll not be satisfied with money' (Eccles. 5:10). Riches do not satisfy. They shine in the eye but death shaves off their glitter. If a man were crowned with all the delights of the world, nay, if God should build him a house among the stars, the eye of his mind would be looking still higher. The thirsty soul is unquenchable until it bathes in the river of life. That which is unable to quiet the heart in a storm, is unable to give happiness. Goods cannot soothe a troubled heart or a wounded spirit. Can a wedge of gold satisfy an angry God? King Belshazzar was carousing but when the fingers of a man's hand appeared, his countenance changed, his wine grew sour, his feast was spoiled by the dish served up on the wall. The world can no more keep out of trouble of spirit than a paper shield a bullet. Earthly things are like a castle of snow under the heat of the sun. Sole enjoyments of the world become a curse in the end. How many have pulled down their souls to build up an estate! A ship may be so laden with gold that it sinks. Judas sold his salvation for money and the Pharisees bought their damnation with it. To place our happiness in externals is to seek the living among the dead. A treasured estate will not comfort and it will fall short of our expectation. Outward comforts cannot make you blessed. You might live rich and die cursed. Thomas Watson, The Beatitudes, pp. 24-29
09.01.2022 God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:26 As a merchant in London may import horses from Barbary, spices of Egypt, wares of Alexandria, silks of Persia and embroideries of Turkey, so may you, if God is your portion, import the finest bread to feed you, the choicest wine to comfort you, oil to cheer you, joy to refresh you, raiment to clothe you, jewels of grace to beautify you and the crown of glory to make you blessed; yes, all the wealth of this an...d the world to come. All the riches of the covenant of grace that Christ has purchased with his precious blood and all the good that an infinite God can give, you shall have them. God will fill up your soul to its utmost capacity. When you have these, you desire no more and quietly rest forever. What a portion is this! The pleasures of sin are for a season, a little inch of time. This portion is forever. The greatest estate is like a flood, soon up and down but if God says once to your soul 'I am your inheritance', neither men or devils can cheat it from you. The portions of the world are dying vines, deceitful brooks and shadows. If God is once your portion, He will forever be your portion. When earthly things are taken from you, He is the good part that will never be taken away (Luke 10:42). When dying and withered, He will never leave you or forsake you (Heb. 13:5). Satan cannot part you from your portion. God has him in a chain and like a dog without teeth, he may bark, yet he can never bite. At death, your portion will swim out with you in that shipwreck. Death parts all other portions from the sons of men but gives you your full portion. Then will you know your portion's true worth. When fire burns up the world it will not even singe your portion. You may stand upon the ruins of the world and sing: I have lost nothing, I have my inheritance, my happiness and my God still. George Swinnock, Works, IV:41-43
09.01.2022 Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you. Psalm 73:25 A Christian in his saddest condition can enjoy God as his portion. You, who have chosen the world for your portion, have you not read what a perishing portion it is? I offer you today a portion worthy of your choicest affection, a portion that, if you accept it, the richest emperor in the world would be a beggar to you. It is a portion that contains more wealth than heaven and If a man would offer you a bag of gold or a bag of brass tokens, a bag of pearls or a bag of sand, which would you choose? Surely you know! Will you fail to choose Him for your portion? Would you choose a little honour before the exceeding and eternal weight of glory? This is to choose broken cisterns before a fountain of living water, dirt before diamonds, drops before the ocean and nothing before all things. Man, where is your reason? Why set your heart on earthly treasures when you have the desire of all nations to set your heart upon? If you knew the blessed God and who it is that is offered to you - the sweetest love, the richest mercy, the surest friend, the fullest happiness and the highest honour - then you would leave the merchants of this world who load themselves with dirt and turn your interests to the other world. You would more willingly leave these frothy joys and drossy delights for the enjoyment of God; yes, more than a prisoner would leave this fetters and the misery of a jail, for the liberty, pleasures and preferments of a court. O reader, if you could see the vastness, suitableness and fullness of God as your portion, I am confident, though you used to esteem the world with all of its delights, you would leave these to the men of this world who prefer their own country and would fetch your riches from afar. George Swinnock, Works, IV:27-28
08.01.2022 Through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God. Acts 14:22 If your Lord calls you to suffering, do not be dismayed, for He will provide a deeper portion of Christ in your suffering. The softest pillow will be placed under your head though you must set your bare feet among thorns. Do not be afraid at suffering for Christ, for He has a sweet peace for a sufferer. God has called you to Christ's side and if the wind is now in His face, you cannot expect to rest on the... sheltered side of the hill. You cannot be above your Master who received many an innocent stroke. The greatest temptation out of hell is to live without trials. A pool of standing water will turn stagnant. Faith grows more with the sharp winter storm in its face. Grace withers without adversity. You can't sneak quietly into heaven without a cross. Crosses form us into His image. They cut away the pieces of our corruption. Lord cut, carve, wound; Lord do anything to perfect Your image in us and make us fit for glory. We need winnowing before we enter the kingdom of God. O what I owe to the file, hammer and furnace! Why should I be surprised at the plough that makes such deep furrows in my soul? Whatever direction the wind blows, it will blow us to the Lord. His hand will direct us safely to the heavenly shore to find the weight of eternal glory. As we look back to our pains and sufferings, we shall see that suffering is not worthy to be compared to our first night's welcome home in heaven. If we could smell of heaven and our country above, our crosses would not bite us. Lay all your loads by faith on Christ, ease yourself and let Him bear all. He can, He does and He will bear you. Whether God comes with a rod or a crown, He comes with Himself. 'Have courage, I am your salvation!' Welcome, welcome Jesus! Samuel Rutherford, The Loveliness of Christ, pp. 1-21
08.01.2022 Your kingdom come. Matthew 6:10 When we pray 'Your kingdom come', we are praying that the devil's kingdom will be demolished in the world. His kingdom stands in opposition to Christ's kingdom, Satan has his kingdom by conquest; he conquered mankind in paradise and now he sets up his throne in the hearts of men (Eph. 2:1-2). Most kingdoms in the world pay tribute to him and they are kingdoms of impiety and slavery. Nothing but sin goes on in his kingdom: murder, heresy, lust, ...treachery, oppression and division are the constant trade in his dominions. He is an unclean spirit and his subjects are held captive under his grim tyranny. Other tyrants rule over the body but Satan's kingdom rules over the soul. He rides men as we do horses. Other tyrants have some pity on their slaves. Though they make them work in the galleys, they give them meat and their hours of rest. Satan is a merciless tyrant; he gives his slaves poison instead of meat and dirty lusts to feed on. He gives no rest but hires them out to do his drudgery. When he entered Judas, he sent him to the high priests, from there to the garden and never let him rest until he had betrayed Christ and hung himself. When men have served him to their utmost strength, he welcomes them to hell with fire and brimstone. Let us pray that Satan's kingdom may be overthrown. It is sad to think that men are willing slaves to Satan. They will fight and die for him, therefore he is not only called 'the ruler of this world' but 'the god of this world' (John 12:31, 2 Cor. 4:4), This shows his power over the souls of men. O let us pray that God would break the sceptre of his kingdom, that Michael may destroy the dragon and that the hellish kingdom of darkness may be beaten down! His kingdom must be thrown down before Christ's kingdom can flourish in its power and majesty. Thomas Watson, The Lord's Prayer, pp. 61-62
07.01.2022 Do I not fill heaven and earth? Jeremiah 23:24 God is the mighty King of all the earth, the high and lofty one. He is so immensely great in Himself, that the heavens cannot contain Him. He made heaven and earth and can unmake them. With His breath He can crush us to dust and unpin the world. The mountains quake before Him. He does whatever He wills and weighs the mountains in the scales. Who in the heavens can be compared with the Lord? He has the highest throne,the richest c...rown and the largest dominion. All the angels serve Him and earthly kings rule by His authority. If we belong to Him, we are on the winning side, for He can destroy His adversaries with ease, pull down their pride and restrain their malice. Let us trust this King. Trust Him with your soul for you cannot put this jewel in safer hands. He can make bare His holy arm. If means fail, He is never at a loss; there are no impossibilities with Him; He can make dry bones live. He has the power of life and death in His hand and can cast body and soul into hell. There is great comfort to those who are the subjects of the King of heaven. He puts forth all His royal power for their comfort. He will plead their cause. He will protect His people and sets an invisible guard about them. He is a wall of fire around them, a wall of defence. When it is good for His people, He will raise up deliverance for them. He can save by any means. The fish's belly was a ship that sailed Jonah safe to shore. God will never lack in ways to save His people. Rather than fail, God will use enemies to do His work. He delivers His people from temporal danger and from spiritual danger, sin and from hell. Dare to own God in the worst of times. He is King of kings and able to reward His servants. We may be losers for Him but we shall never be losers by Him. Thomas Watson, The Lord's Prayer, pp.54-58
07.01.2022 Your blessing be on your people! Psalm 3:8 The godly are blessed not only in heaven but as they travel to glory. This is a paradox to flesh and blood; blessed while being reproached and maligned? No matter how sense and reason cast their vote, the godly man is blessed. Though a mourner or martyr, yet blessed. Saints are blessed when cursed or bruised. Not only shall they be blessed, they are blessed. They are partakers of the divine nature, so this blessedness has begun. Beli...evers have the seed of God abiding in them. Grace and glory differ not in kind but degree. One is the root and the other is the fruit. Grace is glory in the dawning. A godly man's heart is a paradise, planted with the choicest fruit and God Himself walks in the midst of this paradise. We are blessed because our sins are gone. The debt book is cancelled in Christ's blood. Saints are blessed because they are in covenant with God (Psa. 144:15). This is the crowning blessing, to have the Lord our God. This sweet love, his Spirit and His mercy are ours. If the sons of a prince are happy, how blessed are the saints who are of true royal blood! We have a title to heaven after the lease of life is run out. Saints are blessed now because they have the first fruits of heaven. We have the earnest of the Holy Spirit. Heaven has already begun in a believer; 'the kingdom of God is peace and joy in the Holy Spirit' (Rom. 14:17). This kingdom is in a believer's heart (Luke 17:21). Israel tasted the fruit of the land before they entered Canaan. Believers have secret incomes of the Spirit, the smiles of Christ's face, those kisses, those love-tokens and they think themselves sometimes in heaven. A Christian sees heaven by faith and tastes it by joy and what is this, but blessedness? This makes a happy man. Thomas Watson, The Beatitudes, pp. 34-37
05.01.2022 I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Luke 10:18 Satan's empire is bounded by this little spot of time. This mock king acts the part of a prince but when Christ comes at the end of the world, Satan shall be degraded, his crown taken off, his sword broken over his head and he shall be hissed off with scorn and shame as a prisoner into hell. No more will he infest the saints but lie with the wicked under the immediate execution of God's wrath. He is already cast out and ...his doom has been sentenced. He knows it; trembling he asked Christ why He came to torment him before his time? This is bad news for the wicked. Their prince cannot sit long on his throne. Sinners may now have a merry time of it and rejoice while Christ's disciples weep and mourn; they rustle in their silks, while the saints wear rags. It is strange to see Satan carry sinners after him with this golden hook. He baits them with honour, property or pleasure, and their hearts skip after it like a dog after a crust of bread. O the naughty heart of man that loves the wages of unrighteousness that the devil promises but fears not the wrath of God! He is like the spaniel that leaps into the river for a bone but only gets a mouthful of water. Sinners swim through the threatenings of the Word to get to their pleasures. They resolve to have them and fall into the devil's snare and are led into those foolish and hurtful lusts that drown them in destruction and perdition (I Tim. 6:9). Yea, this bragging prince tells you what he will give you but goes down himself. 'O', says the sinner. 'the pleasures and honours that sin and Satan offer are present and the promises of Christ we must wait for!' This deception is that which takes many down. It is a vile wretch who loses a future reward to join the devil for ready pay. O what desperate madness it is to accept the wrath of God for joy that lasts but for an hour! William Gurnall, The Christian in Complete Armour, I:148-149
05.01.2022 Train yourself for godliness. I Timothy 4:7 Discipline is a metaphor from wrestlers contending for a prize. It is a resolution to put forth full strength and power. Paul challenged Timothy to godliness at all cost. We must follow our heavenly Captain with the greatest industry and be labourers not loiterers. Lay aside any hindrance, for godliness is not to be a side-business, but a main-business. God is our chief good and portion. Godliness is worshipping in the heart and lif...e according to His revealed will. We must give Him our love, highest joy, deepest sorrow, strongest faith and greatest fear. The fear of God should stand at the door of our heart to examine all that goes in, lest the traitor, sin, should steal in. Godliness is the worshipping of God in the inner workings of the heart and the outward actions of the life. Heart-godliness pleases God best and life-godliness honours Him most. In a godly man's heart, though some sin is left, no sin is liked; in his life, though sin remains, yet no sin reigns. His heart is suitable to God's nature and his life answerable to God's law. The life of godliness lies mostly in his heart. Discipline gives godliness precedence in all of his actions. Whatever is left undone, this business is sure to be done. He allots time every day for his spiritual duties with the utmost power. Whoever is displeased or whatever is neglected, he will take care that God is worshipped. Godliness is the errand for which man is sent into the world, to serve his Master before himself. Godliness takes precedence the first of the day. As soon as he is awake he is with God. Like the lark, he is up early, singing sweetly to the praise of his Maker; and often, with the nightingale, up late, singing the same pleasant tune. Earthly callings must give way to heavenly. He gives God the cream of all his affections. He loves God without measure. George Swinnock, Works, I:27-45
05.01.2022 My soul also is greatly troubled. But you, O Lord - how long? Psalm 6:3 Why does God keep some of His people so long under the discipline of the rod? Truly, God does not only bring His children into the school of affliction but many times He keeps them there a long time. Affliction can lie a long time, for months, for years, or for many years together. The Jews were seventy years in the house of correction at Babylon and four hundred years in Egypt. History and experience cou...ld serve us with instances without number. Thus, you have the people of God often declaring their 'how longs' in their sufferings (Psa. 13:1-2). Verily, God keeps His people sometimes so long under their pressures, that they begin at length even to give themselves up to despair and to conclude that they shall never see deliverance. When deliverance draws near they cannot believe it: 'When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dream' (Psa. 126:1). When Peter was delivered, he did not know whether it was a dream or reality (Acts 12:9). What is the reason that God allows affliction to lie so long upon the back of His children? Truly, one reason is because they have been a long time in sinning and therefore God is a long time in correcting. God puts them in their 'how longs' because they have put God to His 'how longs' (Exod. 16:28) Another reason is that God's work is yet done. A lesson learned would cause the affliction to quickly cease. God does not draw one drop more than He needs (I Pet. 1:6) and does not afflict willingly (Lam. 3:33). When the work is done, deliverance comes. We are not delivered until bettered. God opens the prison and throws the rod into the fire when we are willing to cease from sinning: 'Teach me, Lord, how I have done wickedly and I will do so no more.' Thomas Case, Select Works, A Treatise of Afflictions, pp. 131-135
04.01.2022 Who is like you, majestic in holiness? Exodus 15:11 This verse is one of the loftiest descriptions of the majesty of God in the whole of Scripture. The holiness of God is His glory and crown. It is the blessedness of His nature. It renders Him glorious in Himself and glorious to His creatures. 'Holy' is more fixed as an epithet to His name than any other. This is His greatest title of honour. He is pure and unmixed light, free from all blemish in His essence, nature and opera...tions. He cannot be deformed by any evil. The notion of God cannot be entertained without separating from Him whatever is impure and staining. Though He is majestic, eternal, almighty, wise, immutable, merciful and whatsoever other perfections may dignify so sovereign a being, yet if we conceive Him destitute of this excellent perfection and imagine Him possessed with the least contagion of evil, we make Him but an infinite monster and sully all those perfections we ascribed to Him before. It is a contradiction for Him to be God and to have any darkness mixed with His light. To deny His purity, makes Him no God. He that says God is not holy, speaks much worse than if he said there is no God at all. Where do we read of the angels crying out Eternal or Faithful Lord God of hosts? But we do hear them singing Holy, Holy, Holy. God swears by His holiness (Psa. 89:35). His holiness is a pledge for the assurance of His promises. Power is His hand, omniscience His eye, mercy His heart, eternity His duration but holiness His beauty. It renders Him lovely and gives beauty to all His attributes. Every action of His is free from all hints of evil. Holiness is the crown of all His attributes, the life of all His decrees and the brightness of all His actions. Nothing is decreed by Him and nothing is acted by Him that is not consistent with the beauty of His holiness. Stephen Charnock, The Existence & Attributes of God, pp. 446-452
04.01.2022 They will perish but you will remain. Psalm 102:26 According to promise, the heavens and the earth shall be melted down and moulded into a more beautiful form. The world was subjected to bondage through sin and was cursed in the fall. Consider what a vile thing sin is, that brought the work of God to corruption. What a foolish thing it is to set our hearts upon that which will perish and vanish like smoke! Perishing things can give no support for the soul; we must run to God ...and rest in Him. God in His perfections is without any variation from eternity to eternity. He is the same in nature and the same in will and purpose. He changes all other things as He pleases but He is immutable in every respect and His wisdom, power and knowledge are always the same. God lacks nothing, loses nothing and exists by Himself. He is without any new nature, new thought, new will or new purpose. He is infinitely good, wise, holy and that without change. If God could change, He would not be a perfect being. Are not the angles in heaven who are now confirmed in a holy and happy state, more perfect than when they were in the possibility of committing evil? Are not the saints in heaven, who by grace cleave unalterably to God and goodness, more perfect than if they were as Adam in paradise, capable of losing their happiness? Immutability belongs to all the attributes of God. Every one of His perfections is immutable and none of them will appear glorious without this beam. How cloudy would His blessedness be if He were changeable. How dim would be His wisdom if it might be obscured. How feeble would His power be if it were capable of languishing. O how mercy would lose its lustre if it could change into wrath. Unchangeableness is a thread that runs through the whole web of God's attributes to His eternal glory. Stephen Charnock, The Existence & Attributes of God, pp. 98-106
04.01.2022 It is good for me that I was afflicted, that I might learn your statutes. Psalm 119:71 If we are taught by God in affliction we are blessed. When God teaches, He applies His instruction to the heart. He commands light to shine out of darkness (2 Cor. 4:6). The Holy Spirit brings divine truths in such a clear and convincing light that the soul sits down fully satisfied. The soul both sweetly and freely acquiesces in the revealed truths. When God teaches, the soul experiences t...ruth as David (Psa. 119:71). Some only know notionally but David knew by experience; he became more acquainted with the Word, more delighted in the Word and more conformed to the Word. He knew it more, loved it better and was more transformed in the nature of it. Thus Paul, 'I know whom I have believed (2 Tim. 1:12) - 'I have experienced His faithfulness and His all-sufficiency; I can trust my all with Him. I am sure He will keep it safe to that day.' Those taught of God in affliction can speak experimentally, in one degree or another. They can speak of their communion with God (Psa. 23:4). The sweet singer of Israel had comfortable experience of the Shepherd's upholding, counselling and comforting presence. Those taught of God can say: 'As we have heard, so have we seen. I have experienced this word upon mine heart and can set my seal that God is true.' God's teaching is a powerful teaching. It conveys strength as well as light. Truth only understood needs to be put into action and practice. God's teachings are sweet to the taste. David rolled them as sugar under his tongue and received more sweetness than Samson from his honeycomb. Luther said he would not live in paradise without the Word but with the Word he could live in hell itself. Teaching is sweet because it is suitable to the renewed man (Jer. 15:16). Thomas Case, Select Works, A Treatise of Afflictions, pp. 87-99
03.01.2022 2020 Global Convention on Christian Faith and World Evangelization JAKARTA 2020 - online streaming 10 1-6 8:00-20:00 ... will be held on Thursday-Tuesday, October 1-6, 2020 via online streaming with Rev. Dr. Stephen Tong and World Christian Leaders. Sermons will be available in 3 languages - English, Indonesian, and Chinese, either by the speakers or interpreters. Registration: Information/WhatsApp Bahasa Indonesia +62-813-7000-3900 English/ +62-817-000-0300 /Speakers Stephen Tong Craig Bartholomew D.A. Carson Davi Charles Gomes Govert Buijs Herman Selderhuis James Skillen Joel Beeke John Oh John Piper Os Guinness Peter A. Lillback Richard L. Pratt, Jr. Sinclair Ferguson Steven J. Lawson Timothy Keller William Edgar Ben Chen Bob Fu Enoch Wang Eugene Hong Jason Yeung Peter Liu
03.01.2022 ! For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted a...s we are, yet without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:1516 Here's Samantha Nieves with today's devotion: Jesus knows. I say this a lot. It’s like a reorienting exhale that pushes the anxious tension out of my body. A comforting embrace that tells me I’m seen with compassionate eyes. A heavenly whisper that I’m not walking this valley of death alone. A peaceful recognition that the One who can do something about my situation is more than aware of every detail, every complexity. Jesus knows. He sees. He loves. He doesn’t just watch us endure grief; He empathizes with our pain because His own heart has been crushed. He doesn’t just help us flee temptation; He’s withstood the enticement of the enemy Himself. He doesn’t just listen to our cries; He Himself cries to the Father on our behalf. Jesus, who is fully human and yet fully God, understands our experiences, our emotions, our longings, our fears, and our struggles on a deeper level than we ever couldand instead of stiff-arming us, keeping our messy humanity at a distance, He offers the most precious invitation: Come into My presence. With confidence draw near to the throne of grace. With boldness, courage, and bravery, get raw and gut-level honest with Jesus. His intimate understanding of your life will wrap you in peace, and His compassion won’t ever reject you. He already sees it allthe strangling longings, the heart-stopping fears, the face-twisting anger, the sin that hounds you, the sorrow that’s cracked you, the situation that’s knocked you faithless. Jesus knows. Jesus invites you. Cry out with confidence. Cry out boldly. His mercy and grace are waiting. Don’t hide the messtell Him everything. Don’t hold backask Him to do more than you could imagine. Don’t think your words have to be polishedHe understands you always.
03.01.2022 Making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:16 Time is man's opportunity to accomplish the work for which he is living. He who makes best use of the time considers what he parts with of lesser value than what is gained. It is God that calls you to labour; will you stand by or be doing other things while he expects duty from you? Moses must go to Pharaoh when God bids him, Jonah must go to Nineveh and Abraham must sacrifice his son when God bids him.... And will you go about your fleshly pleasures when God commands you to His service? Heaven and hell are the outcome of our warfare. Have we time to spare in the midst of such a fight? The loss of time is no small part of the enemy's victory. Can we play and loiter away our time with so much serious work to do? We must arise and stir up our soul as if a bear were at our back or our house were burning. Consider in review how profitable redeeming the time has been in time past. How cheerfully would we redeem the time when heaven, communion with God along the way, a life of holy strength and comfort, and a death full of joy and hope are to be gained! Look back on the times past, and tell me which part is sweetest to your thoughts? At death, I can tell you that it will bring unspeakable comfort to look back on a well-spent life. What a joy in going out of the world to be able to say, 'I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to do' (John 17:4) or with Paul, 'I have finished the race' (2 Tim. 4:6-8). O, time well spent is a precious cordial to a soul that is making up its last accounts. How precious is time to a dying man! O what would an ungodly, unprepared sinner give for some of the time he wasted before as nothing! O how they wish they had made much of every minute! What is undone at death must be undone forever. Richard Baxter, A Christian Directory, I:230-234
03.01.2022 Blessed is the man who fears the Lord. Psalm 112:1 The wicked may have many comforts and still he is cursed. The godly may have many crosses, yet still he is blessed. If the wicked has success and his path is smooth, yet there is still a curse upon him. All the curses of the Bible are his portion and at the day of his death this debt is sure to be paid. But a godly man in the midst of all his miseries is blessed. He may be under the cross but not under a curse. This shows the... privilege of a believer. Blessedness has begun in him (Psa. 115:15). Let the condition of the righteous be ever so sad, yet he is blessed: he is blessed in affliction (Psa. 94:12), blessed in poverty (James 2:5) and blessed in disgrace; 'the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you' (1 Pet. 4:14). This is strong medicine for the fainting Christian; he is blessed in life and death. May not this take away the murmuring and melancholy from a child of God? Will you repine and be sad when you are blessed? Esau wept because he wanted the blessing,"Bless me, even me also, O my father." And Esau lifted up his voice and wept' (Gen. 27:38). But shall a child of God be immoderately cast down when he has the blessing? How evil it is to be blessed and yet murmur! What an encouragement is this to godliness! Suppose a rich man would adopt another as his heir and others reproached this heir. He wouldn't care what others thought as long as he was heir. So also, others may reproach you for your faith; no matter, as long as it includes a blessing for you. The very day you become godly, you become blessed. This is a sacred paradox in our Saviour's sermon; poverty begets riches, mourning begets joy and persecution begets happiness: 'Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven' (Matt. 5:10). Thomas Watson, The Beatitudes, pp. 37-39
02.01.2022 Can a man hide himself in secret places so that I cannot see him? declares the Lord. Do I not fill heaven and earth? Jeremiah 23:24 God knows all that is done in the most secret caverns of the heart. No place is deprived of His presence. Though reason and Scripture declare it, we cannot conceive it. He is not measured by time nor limited by space. He is from the height of the heavens to the bottom of the sea and in every point of the world. He upholds His creatures by His and knows them by His wisdom. There is no space, not the least, where God is not wholly present with His whole substance. How much of this attribute of God is forgotten! We pretend to believe it but many live as if He were not present. Men commit sin in the presence of God, which they would be ashamed to do before the eyes of men. What does this really say, but that God is not present with us. How terrible should the thought of this attribute be to sinners! How foolish to imagine any hiding place from the incomprehensible God. 'The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good' (Prov. 15:3). He lies in the depth of our soul and sees our designs before we have even conceived them. This is a shield against temptation. 'God is present', is enough to blunt the weapons of hell. It will secure us from vile attractions and curb the head-strong principle in our nature that would join hands with temptation. Moses, at the sight of Christ, strengthened himself against the luxuries of a prince's court (Heb. 11:26-27). 'God is present' is a strong encouragement when tempted to eat the forbidden fruit. What man would speak an unhandsome word in the presence of his commander? The eye of the General inflames the spirit of a soldier. What attitude might we have, if we counted God present in our shops, chambers, walks and in our meetings? Stephen Charnock, The Existence & Attributes of God, pp. 144-179
01.01.2022 And we urge you, brothers, admonish the idle, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with them all. See that no one repa...ys anyone evil for evil, but always seek to do good to one another and to everyone. Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. | 1 Thessalonians 5:1418 See more
01.01.2022 My soul thirsts for you. Psalm 63:1 There is much in our Lord's pantry that will satisfy His children and much wine in His cellar that will quench all their thirst. Hunger for Him until He fills you. He is pleased with the importunity of hungry souls. If He delays, do not go away but fall a-swoon at His feet. Every day we may see some new thing in Christ. His love has neither brim nor bottom. How blessed are we to enjoy this invaluable treasure, the love of Christ; or rather ...allow ourselves to be mastered and subdued in His love, so that Christ is our all and all other things are nothing. O that we might be ready for the time our Lord's wind and tide call for us! There are infinite plies in His love that the saints will never be able to unfold. I urge upon you a nearer and growing communion with Christ. There are curtains to be drawn back in Christ that we have never seen. There are new foldings of love in Him. Dig deep, sweat, labour and take pains for Him and set by so much in the day for Him as you can; He will be won with labour. Live on Christ's love. Christ's love is so kingly, that it will not wait until tomorrow, it must have a throne all alone in your soul. It is our folly to divide our narrow and little love. It is best to give it all to Christ. Lay no more on the earthly than it can carry. Lay your soul and your weights upon God; make Him your only and best-beloved. Your errand in this life is to make sure an eternity of glory for your soul and to match your soul with Christ. Your love, if it could be more than all the love of angels in one, would Christ's due. Look up to Him and love Him. O, love and live! My counsel is, that you come out and leave the multitude and let Christ have your company. Let those who love this present world have it but Christ is a more worthy and noble portion; blessed are those who have Him. Samuel Rutherford, The Loveliness of Christ, pp. 5'5-
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