THC Australia in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Patio/garden
THC Australia
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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25.01.2022 MAGNESIUM DEFICIENCY Magnesium (Mg) deficiency is a detrimental plant disorder that occurs most often in strongly acidic, light, sandy soils, where magnesium can be easily leached away. Magnesium is an essential macronutrient constituting 0.2-0.4% of plants' dry matter and is necessary for normal plant growth. Excess potassium, generally due to fertilizers, further aggravates the stress from magnesium deficiency, as does aluminium toxicity. Magnesium has an important role in ...photosynthesis because it forms the central atom of chlorophyll. Therefore, without sufficient amounts of magnesium, plants begin to degrade the chlorophyll in the old leaves. This causes the main symptom of magnesium deficiency, interveinal chlorosis, or yellowing between leaf veins, which stay green, giving the leaves a marbled appearance. Due to magnesium’s mobile nature, the plant will first break down chlorophyll in older leaves and transport the Mg to younger leaves which have greater photosynthetic needs. Therefore, the first sign of magnesium deficiency is the chlorosis of old leaves which progresses to the young leaves as the deficiency progresses. Magnesium also acts as an activator for many critical enzymes that are essential in carbon fixation. Thus low amounts of Mg lead to a decrease in photosynthetic and enzymatic activity within the plants. Magnesium is also crucial in stabilizing ribosome structures, hence, a lack of magnesium causes depolymerization of ribosomes leading to premature aging of the plant. After prolonged magnesium deficiency, necrosis and dropping of older leaves occurs. Plants deficient in magnesium also produce smaller, woodier fruits. Magnesium deficiency may be confused with zinc or chlorine deficiencies, viruses, or natural aging since all have similar symptoms. Adding Mono Magnesium nutrient may magnesium deficiencies. A plant lacking magnesium may look similar to a potassium deficiency. The key difference is that a magnesium-deficient plant will almost always yellow around the edges of its leaves, not brown. Magnesium is a necessary element in chlorophyll, and therefore light absorption for photosynthesis. To rectify this issue use THC Reskue or THC Mono Magnesium (MgSo4) or THC CalMag (MgCa) source: THC
24.01.2022 Potassium (K) The main role of potassium is to provide the ionic environment for metabolic processes in the cytosol, and as such functions as a regulator of various processes including growth regulation. Plants require potassium ions (K+) for protein synthesis and for the opening and closing of stomata, which is regulated by proton pumps to make surrounding guard cells either turgid or flaccid. A deficiency of potassium ions can impair a plant's ability to maintain these proc...esses. Potassium also functions in other physiological processes such as photosynthesis, protein synthesis, activation of some enzymes. Typical symptoms of potassium deficiency in plants include brown scorching and curling of leaf tips as well as chlorosis (yellowing) between leaf veins. Purple spots may also appear on the leaf undersides. Plant growth, root development, and seed and fruit development are usually reduced in potassium-deficient plants. Often, potassium deficiency symptoms first appear on older (lower) leaves because potassium is a mobile nutrient, meaning that a plant can allocate potassium to younger leaves when it is K deficient. Deficient plants may be more prone to frost damage and disease, and their symptoms can often be confused with wind scorch or drought. The deficiency is common in several fruit and vegetable crops. To treat Potassium Deficiency use THC Mono Potassium (K), a high grade of pharmaceutical mono mix that will target issue directly head on. THC Roid and THC Reskue will also aid in the recovery process. THC Mono mix is an additive and should always be used as a supplement to a full balanced base mix such as THC Coco, Grow or Bloom A+B.
24.01.2022 The importance of Potassium-K Potassium is a standard ingredient in most fertilisers and you can also get it on its own in a crystalline form, which you can dissolve in water, and in a granular, slow release form which you sprinkle directly around plants. You'll also able to get high quality pure mono-K in liquid form as well. Along with nitrogen and phosphorous, potassium is what's known as a macro-nutrient - plants need a lot of it. If you buy fertilisers, you'll see them d...isplayed on the back of the pack - 'N' for nitrogen, 'P' for phosphorous and and 'K' - that's Latin for kalium which stands for potassium, and this is how it works. Firstly, potassium helps plants to move water and sugar inside themselves, so it makes fruit juicier and sweeter and it also improves the quality of flowers. Secondly, potassium helps strengthen plants by thickening their cell walls. If general purpose fertiliser is used, containing nitrogen, it will produce a surge of growth, but the growth is soft and prone to rot. Applied on its own, potassium produces the same surge of growth, only that growth is strong and less susceptible to rot. Thirdly, potassium helps defend plants against disease. By creating thicker cell walls, it makes it difficult for germinating fungal spores to punch a hole through the side of the cell wall and cause disease. Some fruit trees suffer from a fungal disease known as anthracnose, and usually gardeners discover this when it's too late - when the fruit has spoiled. Disease prevention starts in winter - using potassium - and you apply it once a month during winter and spring and that prevents the flowers becoming invaded by the disease. How much potassium to use varies according to the brand, so check the label and remember that a little bit goes a long way. You can overdo potassium and as a result can kill plants. THC has Potassium in all their base mixes, also in a partnership with Phosphorus as an additive in product ROID, and as a MONO Potassium - THC Mono-K source: thc, abc, adobe See more
24.01.2022 Benefits of Hydroponic Vegetable Farming When Compared To Traditional Soil-Grown Crop Production, Hydroponics Has the Following Advantages: Up to 90% more efficient use of water. Production increases 3 to 10 times in the same amount of space.... Many crops can be produced twice as fast in a well managed hydroponic system. Decreasing the time between harvest and consumption increases the nutritional value of the end product. Indoor farming in a climate controlled environment means farms can exist in places where weather and soil conditions are not favorable for traditional food production. No chemical weed or pest control products are needed when operating a hydroponic system. Farmers can have total control over a hydroponic system. They are able to manage pH and nutrients to make sure plants are getting the exact nutrients they need. The systems are closed and recycle the water that is not used by plants. The ability to grow indoors allows farmers to control temperatures and lighting schedules to improve plant production. Systems can be designed to make use of vertical space and increase planting density. Hydroponics also allow us to create farms in locations where soil conditions are too poor to support farming, or space is limited and a farm otherwise couldn’t exist. THC attached a lists of some useful plant growing guide info on some vegetables with recomended CF and pH Levels. (photo attached) Note that values is only a broad guide as plant requirements change according to temperature, seasons, plant stages and other important requirements. source: THC, GOP, hydroponic greenhouses, adobe
20.01.2022 Understanding Pythium Root Rot Pythiums are plant pathogens that cause damping off of seedlings, or nibble on the roots of older plants. There are pythiums everywhere in agricultural and landscape soils. Of all the soil-borne diseases we have encountered and researched, pythium root rot is one of the most frustrating and difficult to get a handle on. There are pythiums everywhere in agricultural and landscape soils and they invade soilless media and attack plant roots in gree...Continue reading
20.01.2022 With lot of us being at home, why not take up a new hobby. Horticulture! and grow your own herbs and other plants you desire, and be sure it will become a growing interest...literally. It doesn't have to be sophisticated set up, nor expensive. You can get started just with couple of things like this LED greenhouse kit and a set of THC A+B Grow base nutrients. All items can be obtained from your local THC stockist or online at
19.01.2022 Cool autumn weather results in unhappy chilli plants These are warm season plants so their days are numbered in southern Australia, unless grown inside, but you can extend the harvest window by giving them weekly doses of B52 and seaweed which is part of THC base mixes, some additives and recommended healthy dosing schedule. It builds resistance against stresses like cold weather and keeps them going a bit longer.
19.01.2022 How to keep your Orchids Happy With over 800 different types and over 20,000 species, orchids are among the most diverse flowering plant families. Orchids, including Moth, Dendrobium, Paphiopedilum, Oncidium, Vanda orchids, and Cambria hybrid orchids are all easy to grow at home and produce beautiful exotic blooms....Continue reading
18.01.2022 Phosphorus Phosphorous ensures healthy cell division, fruiting, and root growth. Similar to nitrogen deficiencies, plants with a lack of phosphorus will struggle to grow. The edges of their leaves may darken to a brown or reddish-purple. Flowers or fruits will not grow. Some contributors to phosphorus deficient soil include cold temperatures, heavy rainfall, overwatering and acidic soil/substrate. To correct the acidity in your system or substrate, add soluble pH UP/Down to a...djust the level required for your particular plant type. Further more adding the THC Mono (P) Phosphorus for period of 2 weeks to increase the Phosphorus level and aid in speedy recovery. In time, the overall growth and color of the plant should return back to normal. More info on THC MONO Phosphorus (P):
15.01.2022 Beneficial Microbes: A Closer Look at the Microbes Living Around Your Plants’ Roots There is an entire world living in the soil, with a complete cast of characters eating, reproducing, and providing food for the plants we grow. In fact, there are more microbes in a teaspoon of soil than there are people on Earth. Microorganisms living in the rhizosphere have a symbiotic relationship with the plants who host them. Bacteria, fungi, nematodes, protozoa, and arthropods are all be...Continue reading
14.01.2022 Zinc Deficiency In Plants Zinc is a mineral and one of many essential micronutrients necessary for a healthy plant diet. Despite plants requiring an astonishingly small quantity of it, it is nonetheless crucial for numerous physiological activities. Zinc is used by the plant to build proteins and macromolecular structures like membranes. It also fundamental to regulate enzyme function. Zinc is also co-factor of gene expression by stabilising both DNA and RNA structures. The ...Continue reading
14.01.2022 As winter approaches, the air to water ratio within root zone requirements change. Increased oxygen with less "wet feet" is what your plant desire. THC has developed an RHP growing substrate to deliver a medium with ratio such that will make your plants flourish. THC RHP PRO CHIPS 60/40 COCO... Extensive development and research has proven that the magic ratio number that is ideal for optimum water capacity to air ratio and capillary action is 60/40 (chips/coco), delivering increased drainage and air porosity for maximum oxygen and nutrient delivery. THC Coco Pro Chips 60/40 is the ideal substrate for oxygen hungry rooted plants or where increase drainage is required, such as orchids. THC Coco Pro Chips 60/40 blend offers unique moisture retaining capacity while delivering ultimate drainage and maximum air porosity due to its open pore structure that aids in faster and more efficient nutrient delivery and rapid root development. THC Coco Pro Chips 60/40 mix is of the highest and cleanest quality guarantee, to deliver the ultimate enriched coco/chips blend that resists breaking down and compacting during cycle to ensure optimum conditions for your plant to flourish. The water holding capacity along with air porosity is vital in growing your plants successfully. Increased drainage, air to water ratio results in healthier, faster and vigorous plant development. THC Coco Pro Chips are treated and completely pest and disease free, pH stable and extremely light weight. THC The Growing Benchmark Global pandemic has effected coco supplies resulting in shortages, but you can rest assured that THC Australia has always plenty in stock to keep every grower in business.
13.01.2022 PHOSPHORUS DEFICIENCY Phosphorus deficiency is a plant disorder associated with insufficient supply of phosphorus. Phosphorus refers here to salts of phosphates (PO43), monohydrogen phosphate (HPO42), and dihydrogen phosphate (H2PO4). These anions readily interconvert, and the predominant species is determined by the pH of the solution or soil. Phosphates are required for the biosynthesis of genetic material ans are essential for life. Phosphorus deficiency can be controll...ed by applying sources of phosphorus such as mono phosphate fertilizers. In plants, Phosphorus (P) is considered second to nitrogen as the most essential nutrient to ensure health and function. Phosphorus is used by plants in numerous processes such as photophosphorylation, genetic transfer, the transportation of nutrients, and phospholipid cell membranes. Within a plant cell these functions are imperative for function, in photophosphorylation for example the creation of stored energy in plants is a result of a chemical reaction including phosphorus. Phosphorus is a key molecular component of genetic reproduction. When phosphorus is present in inadequate levels, genetic processes such as cell division and plant growth are impaired. Hence, phosphorus deficient plants may mature at a slower rate than plants with adequate amounts of phosphorus. The stunted growth induced by phosphorus deficiency has been correlated with smaller leaf sizes and a lessened number of leaves. Phosphorus deficiency may also create an imbalance in the storage of carbohydrates. Photosynthesis, the main function of plant cells that produces energy from sunlight and water, usually remains at a normal rate under a phosphorus-deficient state. However phosphorus usage in functions within the cell usually slow. This imbalance of rates in phosphorus deficient plants leads to the buildup of excess carbohydrate within the plant. This carbohydrate buildup often can be observed by the darkening of leaves. In some plants the leaf pigment change as a result of this process can turn leaves a dark purplish colour. To rectify this issue use THC Reskue or THC Mono Phosphorus or THC Roid. Source: THC Australia See more
12.01.2022 HYDROPONIC CUCUMBERS Cucumbers thrive in hydroponics due to their rapid growth rate and requirements for warmth, moisture and nutrients. They are one of the highest yielding plants commonly grown in greenhouses. One of the most rewarding aspects of growing your own cucumbers is the freshness of the harvested product. Most cucumbers consumed these days are thin-skinned, have lost moisture from the fruit flesh and require over-wrapping in plastic and refrigeration for shipment ...Continue reading
11.01.2022 PYTHIUM Of all the soil-borne diseases pythium root rot is one of the most frustrating and difficult to get a handle on. There are pythiums everywhere in agricultural and landscape soils and they invade soilless media and attack plant roots in greenhouse production systems. As a group, pythiums infect a huge range of plants, from turf grass and vegetables to fruit trees and conifer seedlings. Pythiums are known as young plant pathogens, causing damping off of seedlings, but ...Continue reading
10.01.2022 Powdery Mildew In The Garden You'll be always amazed by how quickly zucchinis grow in horticulture. Sometimes they seem to appear overnight. Unfortunately, so does powdery mildew. During a stretch of hot and humid weather, we notice zucchini plants don't always looking so perfect anymore. Their big leaves can develop white spots all over them. There are few steps gardeners should be taking to fight the infection. If it becomes too severe, it could affect yields and other p...Continue reading
09.01.2022 THC RHP COCO PRO CHIPS 60/40 Extensive development and research has proven that the magic ratio number that is ideal for optimum water capacity to air ratio and capillary action is not 80/20, 70/30, 40/60 or even 50/50 but 60/40 (chips/coco). This proven 60/40 mix is delivering increased drainage and air porosity for maximum oxygen and nutrient delivery. THC Coco Pro Chips 60/40 is the ideal substrate for oxygen hungry rooted plants or where increase drainage is required, as orchids. THC Coco Pro Chips 60/40 blend offers unique moisture retaining capacity while delivering ultimate drainage and maximum air porosity due to its open pore structure that aids in faster and more efficient nutrient delivery and rapid root development. THC Coco Pro Chips 60/40 mix is of the highest and cleanest quality guarantee, to deliver the ultimate enriched coco/chips blend that resists breaking down and compacting during cycle to ensure optimum conditions for your plant to flourish. The water holding capacity along with air porosity is vital in growing your plants successfully. Increased drainage, air to water ratio results in healthier, faster and vigorous plant development. THC Coco Pro Chips are treated and completely pest and disease free, pH stable and extremely light weight. THC Husk Chips are derived from the rough exterior shells of the coconut, and are primarily used creating enriched potting mix and as chips that provide effective ground cover for flower beds around plant base in garden settings. The husk is mainly composed of Lignin rather than Cellulose. Lignin requires many more steps to break down than Cellulose the main constituent of wood and bark products, and so would not appear to be subject to the same wood-rot bacterial action. Lignin and Cellulose has long lasting physical properties and resists degrading. Further more as they are naturally high in Lignins, compound that encourages the development of beneficial bacteria within root zone to promote resistance to diseases while building beneficial flora. Husk Chips make excellent growing medium enrichment because they interact with nutrients and hold on to Calcium (Ca) and Magnesium (Mg) while slowly releasing Potassium (K) and Nitrogen (N). As always, THC ensures only the highest quality product, and this 60/40 mix is no exception. Manufactured to strict Dutch RHP standards, contains more than 53l on average, Buffered with Ca and Mg with Trichoderma added. THC The Growing Benchmark Available now at all you quality re-sellers
09.01.2022 The Art of Growing Hydroponic Grapes WHEN PEOPLE THINK OF GRAPE GROWING, THEY THINK OF SUN-SPLASHED, HILLSIDE VINEYARDS, BUT HERE WE EXPLAIN, DESSERT AND TABLE GRAPES DO VERY WELL IN A CONTROLLED HYDROPONIC ENVIRONMENT. Sweet, aromatic dessert or table grapes are a luxury fruit that often receives premium prices and home-grown vines can produce heavy yields over a short harvesting season....Continue reading
08.01.2022 Nitrogen - N Basic understanding of plant health comes from the soil they grow in. Their nutrition is vital to their health and overall sustainability, so it’s essential for plants to get all of the macronutrients necessary to thrive. However, there are times we still struggle with a plant mysteriously dying off long before its time. It happens, but this is often indicative of a bigger problem with the nutrients in the soil. If one plant is struggling, others nearby may be t...oo. One method that has works is specifying what nutrients appear to be lacking and why. It’s obvious that plants need nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (commonly known as NPK), but plant health is complex and nutrient deficiencies can stem from many places. Pale yellow, stunted leaves are a sure sign of nitrogen deficiency. Nitrogen is essential in photosynthesis, cell health, and chlorophyll development. Nitrogen depletion in soil happens when large amounts of carbon are added to the soil, typically after nearby plants decay and die. Microorganisms will use available nitrogen to break down the new carbon source and quickly deplete the nitrogen available to the plant. This stunts the plant’s growth. To correct a Nitrogen deficiency, use of well balanced base nutrition is essential and booster rich in Nitrogen will help correct it. To rectify Nitrogen deficiency use either THC Mono Nitrogen or THC Nitro+
07.01.2022 KELP - the wonder weed Mountains and land masses are born from the ocean in massive geological upheavals called diastrophism. Then, in nature’s typical cyclical fashion, the process of erosion through wind and rain ensures the gradual return of minerals and topsoil in a relentless flow back to the ocean. Many of the seventy (+) minerals that were present in the first cell that developed in the Precambrian Ocean, are no longer present in our soils. The ocean, however, retains ...Continue reading
07.01.2022 MICRONUTRIENT DEFICIENCY Manganese (Mn) deficiency is a plant disorder that is often confused with, and occurs with, iron deficiency. Most common in poorly drained soils, also where organic matter levels are high. Manganese may be unavailable to plants where pH is high. Symptoms include yellowing of leaves with smallest leaf veins remaining green to produce a ‘chequered’ effect. The plant may seem to grow away from the problem so that younger leaves may appear to be unaffecte...d. Brown spots may appear on leaf surfaces, and severely affected leaves turn brown and wither. Manganese deficiency can be easy to spot in plants because, much like magnesium deficiency, the leaves start to turn yellow and undergo interveinal chlorosis. The difference between these two is that the younger leaves near the top of the plant show symptoms first because manganese is not mobile while in magnesium deficiency show symptoms in older leaves near the bottom of the plant. There is variety of trace element deficiencies, including Molybdenum, Boron, Zinc, Manganese to name a few. All trace elements are in balance in all THC base mixes and are also available as a supplement in THC Mono Trace Elements mix. source: THC, Adobe See more
07.01.2022 Happy Easter from us all at THC
07.01.2022 PRUNING TOMATOES To prune, or not to prune? That's the question. Anyone who has grown tomatoes before will tell you a crop can quickly overtake the garden, especially when growing indeterminate varieties....Continue reading
05.01.2022 Dear THC Distributors, I trust you all remain healthy in the midst of the global pandemic. It is an unparalleled time of huge concern for all and we pray that you and your families will be spared the complications that can occur with this new illness. We would like to let you know that THC Australia is still operating and our staff is working extremely hard to supply and distribute the essential products required for plant and food production. We have implemented strict distancing and hygiene policies throughout the workplace and some team members will be working from home. We can be always reached on our social platform should you have some queries. Take care and stay well. THC Australia Team See more
04.01.2022 Growing Your Own Wasabi Wasabi is a semi-aquatic vegetable, well suited to hydroponic production. Quality, yields, and growth rates can be boosted using soilless methods if the right conditions are provided, meaning that indoor gardeners can now grow this exotic, expensive and exciting plant at home. Environmental Requirements for Growing Wasabi...Continue reading
04.01.2022 THC EKSIT Unrivalled Massive Bloom Performance!!! This product is of the highest quality, organic, packed with all essential macro and micro nutrients with loads of other elements such as Triacontanol to boost your fruits, flowers, buds and blooms with results second to none. Grab a bottle at your local outlet or online today and see for your self and you'll never use any other blooming stimulant, guaranteed. THC the growing benchmark! source: thc, excel, adobe See more
03.01.2022 CALCIUM (Ca) Calcium deficiency is a plant disorder that can be caused by insufficient level of available calcium in the growing medium, but is more frequently a product of low transpiration of the whole plant or more commonly the affected tissue. Plants are susceptible to such localized calcium deficiencies in low or non-transpiring tissues because calcium is not transported in the phloem. This may be due to water shortages, which slow the transportation of calcium to the pl...ant, poor uptake of calcium through the stem, or too much nitrogen in the soil. Possible causes of Calcium deficiency may be acidic, sandy, or coarse soils often contain less calcium. Uneven soil moisture and overuse of fertilizers can also cause calcium deficiency. At times, even with sufficient calcium in the soil, it can be in an insoluble form and is then unusable by the plant or it could be attributed to a "transport protein". Soils containing high phosphorus are particularly susceptible to creating insoluble forms of calcium. Calcium deficiency symptoms appear initially as localized tissue necrosis leading to stunted plant growth, necrotic leaf margins on young leaves or curling of the leaves, and eventual death of terminal buds and root tips. Generally, the new growth and rapidly growing tissues of the plant are affected first. The mature leaves are rarely if ever affected because calcium accumulates to high concentrations in older leaves. Best, fast and effective way to rectify Calcium deficiency is to use THC Mono Calcium or THC CalMag
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