Growth Improvements in Forrestfield, Western Australia | Business service
Growth Improvements
Locality: Forrestfield, Western Australia
Phone: +61 409 203 489
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24.01.2022 Small crew of Dispatch Yardies gave an overview of Project Yard Shuffle today. While not a huge project financially, not having to drive a forklift equivalent of Perth to Geraldton and back frees them up to do other value add tasks and satisfy customers. Metrics: reduced by 885km/yr in typical yard travel. Best part of 90hrs reduced travel time, plus fuel costs.... Best quote: makes it heaps easier mate, especially when a customer rocks up & wants his shit loaded straight away !! Lean is not rocket science, it's education and discipline
24.01.2022 Visited a company today and one of their featured KPI's was tracking their 'Promises' ... Sounds heaps better than 'Customer Due Date' or a 'DIFOT' measure I reckon !! If that's their culture before Lean, they'll be a great crew to work with
24.01.2022 Double our production was the challenge ... Got 62% of the way there just by implementing the basics ... Need $20k to get the rest: ROI over 1300%... Where do I sign he says ... So much for being a notorious non-spender. #stakeholderengagement
23.01.2022 Always a bit chuffed after a program completes. Project Southern Warrior was a small crew that put 1/4 Mil back into the business with an ROI around 2700% They've still got things to do, but are running a core process 38% higher, using 66% of original resources... Safety improved dramatically as well, with financial correlation ... Great effort; toasting their good health with
22.01.2022 Almost time to wrap this page up, as with my whole business. Only three Green Belt projects to assess, then all done & dusted. For those who enjoy lamb mid loin chops from the WA based fresh food people, let me know if you've noticed a difference in the past 6-9 months. Personally, I think the shift in quality to the customer has been awesome, and still super tasty!!! ... Good for me, and great for business
22.01.2022 Heads up for the 'Corporate Types' out there.... If a Lean team sets out to improve their output by 12%, and achieves 16%, show some reward, recognition and genuine appreciation for the $500k they've put back into the business BEFORE setting a new challenge !!! 21% on top of baseline may be theoretically possible, but only with culturally motivated people.... There endeth the lesson
21.01.2022 Happy Friday !!! Did you 'push' out as much work as possible, or allow the customer to set the pace ???
21.01.2022 Sensational day !!! Closing out team projects @ The Sticker Factory Four presented today; a few more tomorrow. One team even managed zero DPMO in Nov Better than 6 Sigma !!! Stoked !!! Anyhow, point of this post is that it's nice to be appreciated and I've received a lovely bottle of wine and a card ... Thank you
20.01.2022 If you could do better than last year's average production in one process, while diverting $100k of labour into other Value Add tasks, wouldn't you be curious as to how ? Friends of mine are still coming to grips with their success
18.01.2022 You might've noticed I never name who I work with, and use their project names instead. Mostly it because it's their choice what to do with the benefits they make to their business. Do they pass savings to the consumer, all or part; do they reward their team, do they re-invest in maintenance & machinery upgrades ...? That's their call, and while I have an opinion, I have no authority on the decision.... My job is to make them better, faster, safer ... Economy is low atm; and... many managers stress about Sales declining. What if we could reduce CPU by 10 - 20% ? Would that boost sales or inject much needed cash into the system? How much extra productivity do you need for an extra 10% profit ? So sad to see redundancies as 1st option to reducing overheads. Heard it again today - want to make improvements but redundancies are coming Feel free to introduce me to someone who feels they have no option but to slash & burn. Will even work for free for a % of benefit
17.01.2022 Struggling to come up with a way of measuring OEE on a machine with such a diverse range of products..... #GimmeTime
15.01.2022 Good on Project Error Proof !! In a high volume industry they've realised that a .67% defect rate is actually a big thing. 6700 Defects Per Million Opportunities (DPMO) and 3.5 Sigma. Costing them $80k per annum... Target 1 set at 4.1 Sigma; to recover over $20k losses ... Continuous Improvement with SMART targets... Winning !! Perhaps you can do the same. Here's my free (Cost of Poor Quality) COPQ Calculator COPQ Calculator by Growth Improvements Pty Ltd
14.01.2022 If good safety is the absence of bad things happening, and good safety is also good for business, then ... Good business is also the absence of bad things happening !! What are the 'bad things' that occur often at work and that we need to solve ?
14.01.2022 Three day operational study complete, with some great outcomes: Production can increase up to 35% Safety will improve through layout changes associated with production improvement !!... Less impact on cashflow, even with increased production. Lean 'pull system' will work awesomely !! Can't wait to implement
14.01.2022 Note to my GM friends. If a team present a solution and you veto it for one more expensive, and less effective then suck it up and re-consult the team. No-one is perfect and the team will appreciate it. Don't let fear hold you back !!!!
13.01.2022 Same Yardies have upped the ante and reporting great results. Finalised their layout and locked it in with simple visual management and standardised their customer traffic management. Calls to customers are like: Come in and follow the blue arrows. Park in bay 1 and I'll meet you with your stuff. Simple, and everyone's happy. ... Now this business has been around for decades, and it ain't rocket science... So, why was it never done before ?
11.01.2022 Imagine you are part of a proud family business, which has supported yours and the families of employees for a couple of generations... Then, the world gets smaller, faster and competition is increasingly fierce in a stagnating economy. There is help out there, but it takes effort, drive and commitment and you are just so busy reacting to daily spotfires and are exhausted from treading water...... What do you do ???
10.01.2022 Here is my answer to the question of 'What do you like about Lean?' on a Linked-In forum. Have I missed anything ...? The Lean toolkit offers the average work team a suite of simple analysis tools and solution concepts that are quite easy to implement, reduces frustrations on the shop floor, increases morale, productivity and profitability while extending tangible benefits to all customer and supplier relationships.
10.01.2022 Lean Construction Institute held a great open forum panel discussion on Modularisation practices and pitfalls tonight. Over 130yrs combined experience from the panelists from diverse parts of the construction game. Was proud to sponsor the event catering & door prize, and learned a few things myself !! Congrats to the winners !!!
10.01.2022 Any business improvement starts with understanding the current state. Personal improvements are no different ... How: visit the doc, do a fitness assessment or maybe use this app my friends have made: Balance and Wellbeing by Vative... Once you set your goals, then use my Spousebet App to add extra incentive Spousebet by Growth Improvements Pty Ltd
09.01.2022 A dozen years ago, I was at a leadership course dinner, guest speaker was Frank Costa OA, President of Geelong Footy Club. He stated that "only 14% of the clubs activities went directly into the game of playing football." Today, I prepped a business improvement session for a junior footy club committee and support team. ... Not much different in the junior leagues !! Really looking forward to our session !!
09.01.2022 Workplace Culture..... How to change it for the better? Pitfalls to avoid?... Any stories to tell? Discuss
08.01.2022 Every job I've ever worked I've tried to improve the processes because they're often over complicated and wasteful. In 2007, my work caught the eye of the Business Improvement Dept, and was asked if I'd like to apply for a trainee Black Belt role.... Was probably the best career decision I've made; and they got their pound of flesh too, my KPI was saving them $2m/yr.... While that's great, and relative to company size, the absolute best part of being an LSS Black Belt is freeing people up from the frustrating shackles of 'we've always done it this way' and giving the process experts a vehicle to voice and implement their ideas. Incredibly rewarding !!! If you want to do something similar, check out this special and justify it to the boss !!
08.01.2022 One for those with high transport / distribution costs. Project Kill Bill has reduced metro area container trucking by over 700 trucks annually. That's a shiteload of fuel, wear and other costs saved. Equivalent of one truck doing two full laps of the metro area, every day for a year. Oh... customers never missed out either ... How: they worked smarter via Lean Business Systems
07.01.2022 Wow ... What a month !!! Started the new job; people there are awesome, operations are ticking over beautifully and from a BI perspective, most of the 'low hanging fruit' is gone. Just adds to the challenge though ... Family are coping with the change reasonably well. Plenty of fanfare when Dad rocks up ... might get used to that Stoked to get my first pay in six years without calculating GST, PAYG or Super and icing on the cake; a Leave credit. This employee gig's the bomb Taking 2 weeks off over Chrissy; the longest holiday in some time without scoping out BD opportunities I hope you and yours have a wonderful (and safe) Christmas and New Year !! Growy Out
07.01.2022 Update on Southern Warrior for Nov: Produced 76% of 'normal production' with 47% of 'normal resources' ... Best cost per unit over the 20 months of comparison data. ... Best speed per unit (42% faster than baseline). If education is king, the ability for the average worker to influence their environment is at least Grand Wizard status
06.01.2022 Gotta say, I work with some Super Awesome people. This crew of barely 3 dozen, while undertaking a swag of CI Projects just nailed their biggest production month ... ever !!! As a 3rd Gen business, I tip my hat, as I'm sure Pop would too. Well done
06.01.2022 That moment when your team achieve their financial year project targets with over six months to go !! Well done K Krew !!
06.01.2022 Project Southern Warrior are hitting their straps!!! Four months in, production has increased by 32%, and August was their lowest CPU and fastest Takt time in the 16 months of comparative data Well done Warriors !!!! Keep an eye on the prize !!
05.01.2022 It's an end of an era in my little world; started a new role this week as an employee . Running your own business can be very rewarding and frustrating at the same time. Opportunity knocked, and I answered I've worked with 15 clients, and some 430 trainees over the past 6yrs. Clients have averaged over $1m in benefits each (plus soft save and culture benefits). Economies of scale of course, the bigger the client, the more waste there generally is ...... It's been a wild ride; occasionally waking with the project of the day spinning in the head at 3am ... Cheers !!!
04.01.2022 Went through Sep data with the Southern Warriors, curious as to why production dropped off after a good run of improvements ... Their answer made me proud 'Because customer demand had slowed, so we diverted labour to other tasks. Still on par with best speed and cost per unit though ...' In fact, they'd diverted $11k in labour to other value add tasks, and still got the job done !!! Winning !!!
04.01.2022 While I'm updating, company 3 is tackling OEE ... If they don't pull a few hundred K from reducing process waste, I'll eat my wife's Dockers hat. Reckon it's a safe bet though ... let's get this process rocking !!!
04.01.2022 Simple systems work. Spending a few minutes getting organised now can save hours of searching for paperwork throughout the year..... Job done, almost time for the footy. Go Eagles !!!
03.01.2022 Catching up with a great team again 2m. Keen as mustard to make good things happen, but need to know where to best concentrate their efforts. Confident that the Value Stream Map will guide us !!! Let's go !!!
03.01.2022 Another record breaking month by the Southern Warriors... Reduced processing time by 39% and cost per unit by 10% in Feb. Not by working harder; simply smarter. Nice work ladies & gents !!!! ... How's your profitability going? Always up for new challenges
03.01.2022 Planning a 5S project for the back patio / carport over a glass of . Three kids, one spunky mumma & me in the house. But there are six push bikes, five scooters, a power wing, three skateboards and a Unicycle taking up far too much space.... Might be time to borrow the neighbours Mig After the wine of course
02.01.2022 For those who have noticed your lamb chops from your favourite supermarket become trimmed to perfection lately; leave a comment I can pass on to the Yield Masters All about being in the Green Zone
01.01.2022 Quality Manager asked me today for help in calculating DPMO for a corporate report. We used my COPQ Calculator App, which returned the Defects per Million Opportunities (DPMO), Sigma Level and annualised financial losses... Corporate report done, and a $60k improvement opportunity identified !! Too easy ... Ps: COPQ is Cost of Poor Quality. Try it out for free on iOS or Android ...
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