German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria | Businesses
German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria
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25.01.2022 Hello Northerners Classes for tomorrow are Puppies ( these groups are for young ones under 6 months ) Class 1 and Class 2 for dogs over 6 months. See you tomorrow.
25.01.2022 Hello Northern trackers.... tomorrow morning's session will be held once again at the cafe at around 11 o'clockish::))) See you there.
25.01.2022 A reminder to members who are renewing for 2020. Your renewals were due on the 31st December. Please be advised that your renewal must be completed by the 1st February which is our first Saturday training session for 2020. You can simply renew here: New membership applications will take preference over renewals on Saturdays, so we suggest you complete your renewal on line to avoid any disappointment.
24.01.2022 Hello Northerners To confirm the bleedin' obvious, training is suspended from Saturday July 11 to Saturday August 15. Stay safe, see you all when we get back. Regards Terry and the Committee
23.01.2022 Hello Northern trackers. Due to an instructors meeting, this Saturday's tracking session will be cancelled.Hello Northern trackers. Due to an instructors meeting, this Saturday's tracking session will be cancelled.
22.01.2022 Class 3 and 4 waiting for the Easter bunny. He didn't show up:(
22.01.2022 Hello Northerners Good news this week. Finally the planets have aligned and we will be back next week June 6th. Same time, same station. But there will be some major restrictions that we will need to adhere to for the time being: Classes will be a maximum of 20 which will be ok unless we have to combine classes. No issue here. Social distancing of 1.5 meters in and out of class. Instructors will tune your class accordingly.... There will be no canteen facilities. The clubhouse and surrounds within the compound will be closed with limited access to the committee only. Limited equipment sales. We will sell Royal Canine under strict protocols as per recent weeks. Please no cash sales. Class fees apply, please bring the correct coins for ease of handling. Money from New Zealand, Singapore, USA and Kazakhstan amongst others is banned. Please have your badge in your hand at the time of scanning. Makes it easier for Zora and once again social distancing applies. There will be no play equipment available for the time being. Hand sanitizer will be available. Toilets will be open. So there you have it up, up and away. See you next week.
22.01.2022 Good morning Northern trackers. Unfortunately due to your instructors being unavailable, sniffing classes are cancelled for today. Apologies for the late notice. Hope to see you at obedience classes.
21.01.2022 Hello Northerners. Another successful Christmas party was held last week. With 90 participants, great company, yummy food and the beautiful weather organized by Terry Skinner, the day surpassed all our expectations. Thanks to all who contributed. The committee wishes you all a very happy Christmas and New Year.
20.01.2022 Hello Northerners Training is on this Easter Saturday at the normal time...See you there.Hello Northerners Training is on this Easter Saturday at the normal time...See you there.
19.01.2022 Hello Northerners Please take note of revised training arrangements at Northern from this Saturday. These are necessary to comply with VicGov COVID restrictions. June 27 Puppies, Class 1, Class 2... July 4 Puppies, Class 1, Class 3 & 4 July 11 Puppies, Class 1, Class 2 July 18 Puppies, Class 1, Class 3 & 4 .and so on for as long as deemed necessary by VicGov. Classes 3 & 4 can have a rest this Saturday Part of our compliance with COVID restrictions is to make a note of names and contact numbers of everyone on the training ground, so could we ask that the first thing you do upon arrival is to line up along the witches hats and register. We also ask from this week that training is strictly one dog and one handler in classes. We completely understand that some folk enjoy watching classes. However, it would be a huge help if family members, partners etc. stay outside the fence line having arrived at the ground, thereby lessening our admin and enabling us to concentrate strictly on dogs and their handlers. Royal Canin and equipment will be available for sale from the side gate as per normal. Thanks for your assistance. See some of you on Saturday
18.01.2022 Northerners at training yesterday.
16.01.2022 Hello Northerners and friends. Due to a directive from Bundoora Park Management, training and related activities at Northern have been suspended until further notice. There was no timeline specified. I will keep you informed as circumstances change. So bunker down and stay safe. Regards Terry Taukus... Branch Manager See more
16.01.2022 Good morning Northerners. Due to the forecast of 39 today, yep you guessed it, training is cancelled for tonight. Please ensure especially for puppies, that they have access to plenty of water and shade or alternatively spend bonding time with you indoors enjoying the air-con. Have a great Christmas, see you on the 8th.
15.01.2022 Greetings Northerners. Our Xmas Party is coming up soon love you to get involved for a fun day.
14.01.2022 Hello Northerners and friends. A reminder that class 2 has a rest this Saturday replaced by class 3 & 4. The way things are tracking at the moment, we may soon be able to revert back to to all classes on the day. Fingers crossed. Regards Terry and the Committee
14.01.2022 Hello Northern trackers. As the season is drawing to a close, there will be one more official session to finish off the year. This date will be advised over the next week or so. We would encourage you to continue meeting together at the normal location.
12.01.2022 Hello Northerners. Training is on tomorrow!! See you there :)Hello Northerners. Training is on tomorrow!! See you there :)
12.01.2022 Hi Northerners, training is on tomorrow as usual. See you there.
10.01.2022 Hello everyone Good news. We are back in action this Saturday 7/11. Normal time applies. Classes this week will be for puppies, 1 & 2 . Sorry 3 & 4 you’re back the following week. There are restrictions most of which you have already experienced. These are mandated by DHHS, Dogs Victoria, Darebin Council and Bundoora Park Management:... All participants and on lookers will be asked to wear a face mask unless an exemption can be presented. No mask no train! Contact tracing will be done through a Covidtracer app using a QR code. Downloading a QR reader app on your phone prior to Saturday will assist us in moving quickly through this process. Please scan in before anything else upon arrival. Everyone entering the training ground will need to scan in. Hand sanitizer will be readily available. Social distancing of 1.5m at all times. Access to the clubhouse and compound will be limited to necessary committee only. We will sell dog food towards the end of the day. Plastic transactions only with minimum handling and contact. All onlookers will be asked to position themselves around the perimeters of the ground where practical. I would like to suggest where possible, family and friends visiting the grounds are kept to a minimum. Partners and family will not be able to join classes so one trainer, one dog applies. At the completion of classes, members who have no official business ( advice, purchase of dog food, membership etc ) are encouraged to move off the training grounds. Please remember to wear your membership badge. For new members signing up: You can arrive from 12.30 onwards. The earlier the better. You will need your dog’s vaccination certificate, treats ( chicken, cheese, sausage are good for the moment, bring plenty ) collar and lead and squeaky toy. Payment by plastic only. Regards Terry and the Committee
10.01.2022 Hello Northerners and friends, Melbournians will be hanging on every word from the Premier tomorrow with restrictions hopefully being relaxed. That probably will mean a return to training on October 31 or November 7. It's all supposition right at the moment so I will wait for tomorrow's press conference before setting anything in stone. We will also need the go ahead from Bundoora Park along with adherence to dare I say it...strict Covid protocols. Right at this time we do not have their green light. These details amongst others will be circulated to you as soon as we have a firm date. With regard to new members, if you haven't made an enquiry, please email me at [email protected] to register your interest. Please do not text me, I prefer an email for data purposes. Stay tuned for more info in the coming days. Regards Terry
10.01.2022 Training at Northern. Happy days.
08.01.2022 Hello Northerners. Please read this important message from Tony Mercieca, GSDCV President. To all Members of the GSDCV, ... In these uncertain times, I wanted to reach out to you personally regarding the current situation of Global, National and Local Health situation relating to the COVID-19 Corona Virus strain. The GSDCV wishes to advise that we intend to follow any relevant Victorian State Government or similar direction, if or when such policies are advised regarding the meeting or gathering of groups. At present, the gathering of individuals for clubs such as ours are not yet prohibited, and therefore Club and Branch activities may continue as usual. We will however ask that you; DO NOT ATTEND your branch activities if you are unwell DO NOT ATTEND your branch if you have any reason to believe that you may have been in contact with anyone who may have the COVID-19 Virus Please practice sterile behaviours when greeting and being in close proximity to other members Canteen staff (if applicable) are to be extra vigilant regarding health and hygiene practices Do not congregate in groups indoors Keep your distance while outdoors-social distancing While these restrictions may seem to be an inconvenience, I feel that they are a common sense approach to our current situation. Please keep an eye out for any changes to the situation via your normal channels of social media and please find and like the "German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria" Facebook page ( and also that for your branch to remain up to date with changes as they arise. If anyone knows of fellow members who do not have access to email or social media, please feel free to share this message in any way you wish. Yours sincerely Best regards Tony Mercieca President German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria
08.01.2022 Vale It is with sadness that we inform Northern members of the passing of former Branch Manager Daryl Bourke. In addition to being a Northern committee person and willing participant in branch activities, Daryl was instrumental as the technical developer in the revision and design of the GSDCV website upgrade in 2008 and contributed invaluable assistance in setting up the GSDCA data base. Both these tasks required his expert technical IT skills and both organisations appreciated his skills and effort. Daryl will be remembered by those who knew him as a loveable larrikin, generous and possessing a gregarious sense of humour. Daryl was also a founding member of Northern's Mt Vanarama Bathurst 1000 group. Memories abound!!! Our thoughts are with his extended family and friends.
07.01.2022 Good morning Northerners. Training this evening has been cancelled due to the forecast of 36 degrees. See you on the 22nd January.Good morning Northerners. Training this evening has been cancelled due to the forecast of 36 degrees. See you on the 22nd January.
07.01.2022 Hello Northerners. After careful deliberation and contrary to previous announcements, please be advised that Northern will be closed on Grand Final week end September 28.The Branch will be under resourced on that day so we will look forward to seeing you the following Saturday.
06.01.2022 Hello Northerners and friends A quick update for you. We are waiting on a directive from Darebin Council as to how and when we may resume training. It is looking more like at this stage it will be November 7. So hang in there. There is nothing we can do to fast track any decision, we just have to wait. Regards Terry and the Committee
06.01.2022 Hi Northerners.... a gentle reminder that tomorrow the committee will be holding our branch AGM at which time relevant reports of our endeavours for 2020 will be chronicled along with your new committee being announced and presented. To get the afternoon rolling we invite you to a free sausage sizzle prior to training. Hope to see you tomorrow.
06.01.2022 Good morning Northerners, a reminder for you that this Saturday is our last training session for 2019. The following Saturday is our Christmas Party ( see below for details ) which you can still purchase tickets for this week, your last opportunity!! Over the break, your hard working instructors will be conducting summer classes on the following Wednesdays: December 11 & 18 January 8, 15, 22 & 29 Parking in Curtain Street at the rear of the clubhouse, please be on the ground ready for a 7.30 start, your $3.00 training fee applies and note that the clubhouse will not be open. Please make sure you view our heat policy here: as typically at least one session is cancelled due to hot weather. From the committee, have a great Christmas and a safe New Year.
04.01.2022 Northern is open this long weekend. See you there.Northern is open this long weekend. See you there.
03.01.2022 Hello Northerners, happy new year. A reminder that there is training tonight for puppies and class1. Parking in Curtain Street at the rear of the clubhouse, please be on the ground ready for a 7.30 start, your $3.00 training fee applies.
02.01.2022 Hello Northerners Seems like things are on the move. See what Danny boy has to say on Monday. Royal Canin will be sold again tomorrow between 1.00 and 1.30 at the clubhouse. Please park at the rear in Curtain Street and walk in.
02.01.2022 Hello Northerners We would like to let you know of the arrangements that the committee and instructors of Northern have put in place in the midst of the current environment. We understand that numbers may be down, however we would encourage puppy owners to be involved. We will be training this Saturday but there will be some restrictions:... The canteen will be closed. The clubhouse interior will be out of bounds to everyone except for specific branch officers. Scanning will be done outside of the compound. There will be no general equipment sales. Royal Canin sales will continue with a limit of one bag, per dog, per household. Credit card/ EFTPOS sales are preferred. Those sales will only take place on Saturdays. Classes will be conducted with social distancing in mind. Instructors are very aware of their responsibility. We would like to minimise the number of people sitting inside the fence line. We would ask that anyone feeling unwell, or has been in contact with someone self isolating or anyone that has had contact with someone displaying covid19 like symptoms to please stay away. If necessary, these restrictions will be reviewed for the following week/s and have been put in place to ensure as best we can, the safety and well being of our members.
01.01.2022 ...... surprise, surprise. Hang in there. Decisions put back at least 2 days. November 7 looks like our target. More later when the smoke clears. Terry
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