G S Kidd Memorial School in Gunnedah, New South Wales | Public school
G S Kidd Memorial School
Locality: Gunnedah, New South Wales
Phone: +61 2 6741 5200
Address: 37 Lincoln 2380 Gunnedah, NSW, Australia
Website: http://www.gskiddmem-s.schools.nsw.edu.au
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25.01.2022 G. S. Kidd Memorial School Newsletter Term 4 Week 4.
25.01.2022 A friendly reminder that students return to school on Monday 12th October. We look forward to seeing all their smiling faces.
24.01.2022 #MathsTrainsBrains
24.01.2022 NSW School Leaver Information Session
23.01.2022 PBL Awards Term 4 Week 5 Room Fish Guya: Alyssa Ferguson - For working hard and showing independence in Maths! Room Turtle Waraba: Braith Mirow - For having a great attitude and persisting with swimming... Room Goanna Yurrandaali: Quincey Scanlon - For achieving her IEP goals Room Kangaroo Bandaarr: Jackie Gordon for persistence, especially in Cooking this year. Room Emu Dhinawan: Angus Hare For willingness to participate and try new food in cooking. PBL Levels: Bronze Level Owen Hubbard Silver Level Dyoaka Morris Gold Level Kenzie Edmunds, Angus Hare, Lochlan Head Sports Awards: Kal-El Pacey, Jayden Rose
23.01.2022 PBL Awards Term 3 Week 4 PBL Awards Room Fish Guya: Aidan Ellery - For being a great role model and a valuable member of the class!... Room Turtle Waraba: Tanikka Pracy for being responsible and safely walking to class when the bell rings. Room Goanna Yurrandaali: Quincey Scanlon - Improved effort in completing set tasks. Room Kangaroo Bandaarr: Jackie Gordon - Continuing to focus on her classroom work in a responsible manner. Room Emu Dhinawan: Angus Hare - For making good choices and following classroom rules. Sports Awards: Kenzie Edmunds & Cameron Tighe
23.01.2022 Blind Sports NSW are coming to Tamworth. This will be a great experience for the students if you happen to be in Tamworth during the holidays.
23.01.2022 Happy Grandparents Day!
23.01.2022 Today is R U OK day. A reminder to start a conversation that could change a life today, or tomorrow. Keep the conversation going when someone says they’re not ok.
21.01.2022 Newsletter Term 4 Week 6
21.01.2022 PBL Awards Term 4 Week 3 Room Fish Guya: Seamus Dridan - Fantastic interacting in the playground! Room Turtle Waraba: Tanikka Pracy - For improvement in her participation in class.... Room Goanna Yurrandaali: Dyoaka Morris - For engaging in cooking lessons Room Kangaroo Bandaarr: Rebekah Thomson for trying really hard in her English Program Room Emu Dhinawan: Kenzie Edmunds: For improved preparation skills in cooking lessons. PBL Levels: Blue Level Jorja Coggan Silver Level Cameron Tighe Gold Level Braith Mirow, Ava Mizzi, Platinum Level Damian Bindley, Shayne Williams, Jackie Gordon
20.01.2022 PBL Awards Term 4 Week 6 Room Fish Guya: Mackenna Hedley - For working hard and showing independence! Room Turtle Waraba: Ava Mizzi - For her consistent effort in completing classwork.... Room Goanna Yurrandaali: Nathan Dawe - For always being responsible with school equipment Room Kangaroo Bandaarr: Cameron Tighe For demonstrating respectful behaviour in the classroom. Room Emu Dhinawan: Lucy Enks for effort and persistence when using her walking frame. PBL Levels: Gold Level Max Edmunds Sports Awards: Jorja Coggan & Brendan Palmer
20.01.2022 PBL Awards - Term 3 Week 6 Room Fish Guya: Danielle Richardson for quietly completing some wonderful maths work Room Turtle Waraba: Lochlan Head - For responsible work in the kitchen and playground Room Goanna Yurrandaali: Nathan Dawe - For showing persistence in Maths Room Kangaroo Bandaarr: Cameron Tighe For improvement in respectful behaviour... Room Emu Dhinawan: Murri Priestley - For great participation in Friday Sport Bronze Level Thomas Friend Silver Level Quincey Scanlon Gold Level Mackenna Hedley Sports Awards - Max Edmunds and Rebekah Thomson
19.01.2022 This week we shine a light on all the great work our dedicated team of support staff do day in, day out at GS Kidd. Thank you one and all.
19.01.2022 Term 3 Week 10 Newsletter
18.01.2022 Lunch ordering from Gunnedah South School canteen will begin again in term four. Lunch orders will be offered Thursdays only with an online ordering cut-off of 9am. There is a new online ordering app with MUNCH MONITOR. Please see the information sheet to set up an online ordering account.
18.01.2022 This Wednesday students have the opportunity to participate in a zoom meet and greet with cricketer Jordan Silk. Start thinking of some interesting questions or jokes to ask Jordan.
18.01.2022 With today marking International Day of People with Disability, we're privileged to share with you the inspirational story of Sixers fan and NSW Blind and Low Vision cricketer Shaun Fitzpatrick. #smashemsixers
18.01.2022 PBL Awards Term 4 Week 8 Room Fish Guya: Aidan Ellery - For excellent, independent work in Mathematics Room Turtle Waraba: Ava Mizzi - Having a positive attitude towards completing her schoolwork... Room Goanna Yurrandaali: Charlotte Gander - Taking responsibility for her belongings Room Kangaroo Bandaarr: Damian Bindley for working hard and consistently in the classroom. Room Emu Dhinawan: Jorja Coggan for participation and enthusiasm during intensive swimming. Bronze Level Jorja Coggan Silver Level Tanikka Pracy Sports Awards: Jorja Coggan, Cameron Tighe
17.01.2022 Term 3 Week 9 PBL Awards: Room Fish Guya: Aidan Ellery For writing an engaging and descriptive story. Room Turtle Waraba: Tanikka Pracy - Being responsible by sitting at her desk and completing her classwork.... Room Goanna Yurrandaali: Brendan Palmer - For showing persistence in class Room Kangaroo Bandaarr: Shayne Williams For continuing to demonstrate persistence in all areas of her work Room Emu Dhinawan: Murri Priestley for engagement & participation in interactive Science lessons. Sports Awards: Braith Mirow & Nathan Dawe
17.01.2022 Don’t forget it’s lunch order day! Mini pies x 3 with chips and/or salad $6.20 Mini sausage rolls x 3 with chips and/or salad $6 Mini pizza (Hawaiian/meatlovers) $4.80... Chicken nuggets x 4 with chips and sauce $6 Sandwiches - any toppings (meat, letttuce, carrot, tomato, beetroot, cheese, mayo) White and multigrain bread available $6 Fruit salad $5 Mixed fruit $5 See more
16.01.2022 PBL Awards Term 3 Week 8 Room Fish Guya: Alyssa Ferguson - For her enthusiasm towards class work! Well done Alyssa! Room Turtle Waraba: Kal-El Pacey For improved effort in completing classwork... Room Goanna Yurrandaali: Charlotte Gander - For showing persistence and never giving up Room Kangaroo Bandaarr: RebekahThomson For improvement in her Maths program Room Emu Dhinawan: Angus Hare - For writing creative & imaginative sentences Sports Awards: Lucy Enks & Brendan Palmer
14.01.2022 Extreme Weather Conditions We acknowledge the heat is becoming extreme. We would like to encourage all students to be wearing hats and bringing drink bottles to school. Students are also encouraged to wear sunscreen. The NSW Beat the Heat website includes information on how to prepare for and stay healthy in the heat, how to recognise and treat heat related illness and how to care for people who are at risk of heat related incidents. For any questions or queries please contact the school on 6741 5200.
13.01.2022 PBL Awards Term 4 Week 4 Room Fish Guya: Nicola Benson - For being kind, helpful and a fantastic role model! Room Turtle Waraba: Hugo Young For improvement in using his walking frame.... Room Goanna Yurrandaali: Max Edmunds - For trying his best to work independently in Maths. Room Kangaroo Bandaarr: Owen Hubbard For Trying hard on his WHY questions in class. Room Emu Dhinawan: Ayden Riley For participation in interactive learning sessions. PBL Levels: Bronze Level Ayden Riley Silver Level Kal-El Pacey Gold Level Brendan Palmer, Alyssa Ferguson Sports Awards: Kal-El Pacey & Kenzie Edmonds
13.01.2022 Term 3 Week 8 Newsletter
13.01.2022 It was a busy day today at GS Kidd School. Students and staff wore red to acknowledge Day for Daniel - day of action to raise awareness of child safety, protection and harm prevention. The staff also celebrated World Teachers Day.
12.01.2022 PBL Awards Term 3 Week 3 Room Fish Guya: Jayden Rose - For working independently and following instructions! Room Turtle Waraba: Hugo Young For being responsible and working at his desk with his classmates.... Room Goanna Yurrandaali: Dyoaka Morris - For being a responsible and respectful member of our class. Room Kangaroo Bandaarr: Damian Bindley for consistent persistence in the classroom with his work. Room Emu Dhinawan: Lucy Enks -For using her standing frame to engage with interactive activities. PBL Levels: Blue Level Kal-El Pacey Silver Level Damian Bindley, Hugo Young Sports Awards: Hugo Young, Lochlan Head
12.01.2022 Dear Parents/Carers, In collaboration with G S Kidd P&C we are seeking some feedback to assist with some further school planning. We would appreciate if you could please complete the survey by Monday 21/09/2020
12.01.2022 Good morning Gunnedah The highlight of my week has been spending time with these guys.... Thank you to my darling little friends from G S Kidd Memorial Scho...ol and the many amazing staff who work there... Bless you all & Merry Christmas Here is a little video from our adventures. Thank you to Cat Fogarty for helping us to create something so special xx #love #family #merrychristmas #gunnedah
11.01.2022 Congratulations to our wonderful P&C
11.01.2022 A big thank you to Carla from Waterlilly Swim School for running our whole school intensive swimming program again for us. It's so wonderful to see the growth in the students swimming abilities and we value the partnership you have with our school.
10.01.2022 PBL Awards: Room Fish Guya: Seamus Dridan - For fantastic classroom work in his Community Based Learning program Room Turtle Waraba: Braith Mirow - Always working hard and trying his best Room Goanna Yurrandaali: Max Edmunds - For being a polite and well-mannered young man Room Kangaroo Bandaarr: Damian Bindley for persistence in learning his nan’s phone number... Room Emu Dhinawan: Jorja Coggan for a great start in the Emu class! Silver Level Brendan Palmer and Angus Hare Sports Awards: Aidan Ellery & Jorja Coggan
08.01.2022 PBL Awards Term 4 Week 7 Room Fish Guya: Seamus Dridan - For bringing a positive attitude into our classroom every day Room Turtle Waraba: Lochlan Head - For an enthusiastic attitude during Science lessons.... Room Goanna Yurrandaali:Brendan Palmer Responsible behaviour in the playground Room Kangaroo Bandaarr: Owen Hubbard For persistence in his classroom program Room Emu Dhinawan: Kenzie Edmunds - For enthusiasm and participation during interactive movement and music sessions. Sports Awards: Lucy Enks & Ayden Riley
08.01.2022 Calling all parents and carers: Have you downloaded the School Updates app yet? Opt in to receive notifications about the operational status of our school (e.g. temporary closures). Find out more and download via https://bit.ly/2PD2jd3 *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
07.01.2022 Students and staff are encouraged to wear red to support Day for Daniel this Friday #keepingkidssafe
06.01.2022 International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD) is a United Nations sanctioned day that is celebrated internationally on 3 December. It aims to promote public awareness, understanding and acceptance of people with disability. We acknowledge today and are very lucky to work with such a great bunch of students, their families and the wider community.
04.01.2022 "Learn as much as you can about the culture and participate." - Aunty Deanna. Each year, NAIDOC Week celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, who are part of some of the oldest continuing cultures on the planet. #AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe #NAIDOC2020 *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
04.01.2022 Challenge Art Competition!!! Online Voting: Tuesday 1 December - Tuesday 8 December via Challenge Community Services... Online voting for the People’s Choice Awards will take place on the Challenge Facebook page from Tuesday 1 December to Tuesday 8 December. Artworks will be sorted into albums by category, simply ‘like’ your favourite artwork per category to cast your vote. If you do not have a Facebook account, you may submit your vote via the form on this page: https://pages.challengecommunity.org.au/art-competition-2020 Online voting will close at 5pm on Tuesday 8 December, late votes will not be accepted. Some students from GS Kidd School have entered - good luck to all the artists.
02.01.2022 Every fortnight classes participate in life skills cooking lessons. They learn about food hygiene, food preparation and storage, cooking and the cleaning up process. Today the Emu and Goanna classes enjoyed making zucchini and corn fritters with a garden salad.
01.01.2022 Just a reminder that lunch orders will now be Thursdays from Gunnedah South Public School canteen. Please see the menu and login instructions for more information.
01.01.2022 PBL Awards Term 3 Week 10 PBL Awards: Room Fish Guya: Mackenna Hedley - For excellent, independent work in Maths!... Room Turtle Waraba: Kal-El Pacey-For being a kind, considerate member of the Turtle Class. Room Goanna Yurrandaali: Nathan Dawe - Writing a descriptive narrative Room Kangaroo Bandaarr: Damian Bindley For continuing to persist in his learning. Room Emu Dhinawan: Jorja Coggan For her ‘Emu in the Sky’ creation. PBL Levels: Bronze Level Kal-El Pacey, Tanikka Pracy Silver Level Kenzie Edmunds Gold Level Damian Bindley and Shayne Williams Sports Awards: Kal-El Pacey & Owen Hubbard
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