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25.01.2022 #gswitchenergysaver #energyefficiency #climatechange

23.01.2022 Ask us how you can get free hot water from the sun without a solar hot water system. Message us today to find out how. Gswitch not only saves $$$ in power bills but will literally make your home "The Smartest Home On The Block" Call us today for a free energy consultation and start saving. #gswitchenergysaver #gswitch #turnitoff #peaceofmind #safetyfirst #renewableandenergyefficientwarriors #energy #smarthome #climatechangeisreal #smartesthomeontheblock #freehotwaterfromthesun #solar

23.01.2022 OK this one comes with a warning!! Use of bad language and profanity is rife!! But it tells the story of how Australia is perceived in the climate change world. Ever wondered what Kyoto credits are? Get ready to CRINGE oh and hear some rather bad language #climatechangeisreal #gswitch #gswitchenergysaver #renewables #solar #energyefficientwarriors

20.01.2022 @TheAusInstitute is proposing a National Climate Disaster Fund, funded by a levy of $1 per tonne of all coal gas and oil produced in Australia to help pay for some of the increasing costs of these climate disasters. Sign this petition if you agree. To the Parliament of Australia -- Climate change is making natural disasters like fires, floods, heatwaves and drought more frequent and more extreme. ... These disasters are already costing ordinary Australians billions of dollars every year. Every tonne of coal and gas mined in Australia ends up as more greenhouse gas being pumped into the atmosphere, fueling climate change and making these disasters worse. These costs will keep increasing as climate change gets worse. We urge you to establish a National Climate Disaster Fund, funded by a levy on each tonne of all coal, gas and oil produced in Australia.

19.01.2022 Ever wondered where you use the most electricity? Get a free energy consultation with one of our experts and know where your money is being wasted and how to fix it. Sit down with us today and lets start saving you money so you can go on that Queensland holiday now! #gswitchenergysaver #qldholiday #gswitch #climatechangeisreal #energyefficient #solar #energyefficientwarriors #smartesthomeontheblock #visitqld #qldholiday #savemoney #cutpowerbills #nomorebillshock

18.01.2022 Benefits of a #Gswitch #HomeEnergyManagementSystem: 1. Monitoring and controlling your energy usage can achieve long term savings 2. Automatically schedule appliances to coincide with peak solar generation 3. Allows you to take control of your own power usage... 4. Turn appliances on and off remotely #gswitchenergysaver #energyefficiency #energyefficient #savepower #climatechange #reducecarbonfootprint #renewableenergy #solarenergy #takecontrolofyourfuture #energysaving #energysmart #hems #reduceenergybills #renewableenergysystems #renewableenergyisthefuture #electrician

18.01.2022 Put the power back in your hands! The AEMO wants the ability to turn off your solar system in times of grid stress. A better solution is to install a Home Energy Management System. Gswitch will automatically turn appliances on or off depending on the solar being produced from rooftop systems. No need to turn off inverters altogether, grid stress would be a thing of the past. October 26/10/2020 Renew Economy wrote this article: The AEMO has released and responded to the m...ajor themes of stakeholder submissions relating to its Renewable Integration Study (RIS) Stage 1 report, where it first unveiled in details its proposal to have the power to switch off rooftop solar PV if needed to maintain grid security. Read more here..... #gswitchenergysaver #gswitch #homeenergymanagementsystem #turnitoff #climatechangeisreal #smartesthomeontheblock #renewableisthefuture #renewableenergywarriors #renewableenergy #solar

18.01.2022 The Cost of Climate Change

16.01.2022 Ever wondered how the electricity supply chain works? Here is a very basic rundown. Also a little bit of info on wholesale electricity pricing. If you have any questions please just ask. New tariffs are being released on July 1st this year, there will be a little grace period but eventually we will all be required to go to the new tariffs if you want a heads up let us know and we can let you know all about whats in store.

15.01.2022 Gswitch is pleased to be involved in this latest Pilot Program on offer from Energex. Households in Chapel Hill, North Lakes, Wakerley and Springfield Lakes have been selected as the test beds for the HEMS. Send us a message if you want to learn more about this program and if you qualify to reduce your power bills and earn money for participating. #gswitchenergysaver #gswitch #energyefficiency #energex #peakdemand #northlakes #springfieldlakes #wakerley #chapelhill

14.01.2022 Send us your questions if you like and we can give you tips on how to reduce your power bills #gswitchenergysaver #gswitch #energyefficiency

14.01.2022 Electric Vehicles are becoming more and more popular of late. Installed this week a Tesla EV charging point in the basement car park of a high rise. With the roll out from car manufacturers of new cheaper priced EV's these points will be popping up everywhere. With the power needed for these points being comparable to what the actual apartments will use in a day, the older style buildings will not cope with the extra power required. With correct energy management these problems will be alleviated. Contact the Gswitch team today and see how we can help. #gswitchenergysaver #gswitch #climatechangeisreal #tesla #energyefficientwarriors #electricvehicle #energyefficient #savepower #thefutureishere #monitorenergy #saveourplanet

13.01.2022 We at Gswitch have been talking about Demand Response for a long time. Guess what? It may soon be here. With trials already begun in selected suburbs in Brisbane, Gswitch is leading the way. After 2 years of trials on 3 homes here on the Sunshine Coast, Energex are now stepping it up a notch and taking it to entire suburbs to trial. Households will be paid to participate in the demand response events and will have the opportunity to install a Gswitch at a greatly reduced cost. Take a look at this ABC report on Demand Response and let us know if you would like more information. #gswitchenergysaver #renewableenergywarriors #gswitch #energyefficiency #climatechange #renewablewarriors

13.01.2022 Ever wondered the true cost of those appliances left on all the time? Tips to reduce power bills

12.01.2022 Demand Response is a way of enhancing energy reserves by curbing energy use. This can be done through avenues such as behavioural change, manual and remote control of load. Or just make it simple and install a #HomeEnergyManagementSystem, like #Gswitch to ensure you don't get any surprise charges in your power bills . #gswitchenergysaver #energyefficient #energyefficiency #solar #reduceenergybills #climatechange #reduceyourcarbonfootprint #hems #renewableenrgyisthefuture #renewableenergysystems #takecontrolofyourfuture

12.01.2022 Got a low Feed in Tariff for your solar? Or maybe you don’t have solar? Install a Gswitch to make the most of your solar system and stop wasting hard earned money on power bills. Want a Gswitch or Solar? Contact us today to start saving money. @gswitchenergysaver @solar.united #gswitchenergysaver #energyefficiency #solarunited #zeronetenergy #climatechangeisreal #solarenergy #gswitch @ Sunshine Coast, Queensland

12.01.2022 This is exactly what we have been talking about for a while now. It will soon be a reality, buying and selling power via a VPP. If you want more information just ask how you can earn money through Demand response and become a part of a VPP. Message us to get more information

11.01.2022 "We need a legislated net zero target for the economy. That should be net zero by 2050, if not earlier". "Renewables are the cheapest cost of new generation," Mr Cannon-Brookes said. check out the full interview. #mikecannonbrookes Beyond Zero Emissions reports that in Australia large-scale solar and wind can produce electricity for $50 per megawatt-hour or less, well below the average wholesale price in recent years . #beyondzeroemissions #energyefficient #climatechange #g...switchenergysaver #renewables #energysaving #reducecarbonfootprint #takecontrolofyourfuture #hems #homeenergymanagementsystem #reduceenergybills

09.01.2022 How much does standby power cost you?? #gswitchenergysaver #gswitch #energyefficiency #standbypower #climatechange #renewableenergywarriors #renewablewarriors #saveourplanet

08.01.2022 Are you aware that on a sunny day, your rooftop Solar system produces more energy than you actually can consume? Ask us how you can harness this power! #gswitchenergysaver #energyefficiency #solarunited #energysaving #energysmart #sunshinecoastbusiness #climatechange #energyefficient

08.01.2022 You heard it here first! Santa is to blame for climate change #gswitchenergysaver #gswitch #energyefficiency #climatechange #renewablewarriors #blameitonsanta #warriorsforchange

08.01.2022 Want to know how to get free hot water? Gswitch can be set up automatically to make the most of your solar production and provide you with free hot water.

08.01.2022 Ever wondered what Gswitch looks like? Here it is up and running retrofitted into an existing home. #CreatingZeroNetEmissionHomes #gswitchenergysaver #energyefficiency #homeenergymanagementsystem #smartenergy #demandresponse #sustainableliving #renewableenergy #solarunited

06.01.2022 A house that welcomes you home? No more fumbling around in the dark trying to hold a phone torch and hunt through a bag to find your keys. No stumbling around tripping over shoes to get to the light switch. Gswitch will welcome you you home every time. Lights that come on automatically, appliances switch back on all done seamlessly in the background without you thinking about it. #gswitchenergysaver #gswitch #climatechangeisreal #smartesthomeontheblock #safetyfirst #turniton #renewableenergywarriors #renewableenrgyisthefuture #renewableenergy #homeenergymanagementsystem #savetheplanet #solar

06.01.2022 Nice to see we can come up with exports other than coal and our own rubbish #gswitchenergysaver #gswitch #energyefficiency #aussieinnovations #mikecannonbrookes

03.01.2022 If you are in to podcasts, here is one for the energy efficient enthusiasts out there. Here is just a snippet, "Take a moment to visualise what your home of the future might look like. Rooftop solar panels capturing energy from the sun to produce electricity. Smart appliances connected to an energy management system."

03.01.2022 Is this how the Australian Government really think? It is funny but disturbingly accurate #gswitchenergysaver #gswitch #energyefficient #climatechangeisreal

02.01.2022 Did you know that the AEMO is seeking the ability to turn off your rooftop solar? The abundance of solar generation in the electricity grid is causing problems and the only answer they have is to turn off the inverters to stop generating. Surely they can find other ways to alleviate the issues? This is a statement from the article:The latest Electricity Statement of Opportunities focuses in great detail on the growing issues of rooftop solar, which AEMO says can affect voltage management, frequency control, system strength, restart capabilities and push minimum demand down to levels where the grid will be difficult to manage.

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