Guided Hypnosis with Bernice Fitzgibbon | Brand
Guided Hypnosis with Bernice Fitzgibbon
Phone: +61 416 798 062
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23.01.2022 Well everyone I no longer have a website. I decided to shut it down as I wasn't using it nor marketing my business since before Christmas. I have also gone back to nursing where I feel my knowledge and skills are most needed at this time. I am also focusing on my partner's online business which has a component that involves sports performance an area I am passionate about. Thank you all for your support over the past 5 years and I wish you all health, wealth, and happiness as you move forward in these uncertain times. God bless you all. Bernice xxx PS I will still be hanging out here.
23.01.2022 @living well with sharon martin
22.01.2022 Vulnerability is showing up no matter how scared you are and being honest, being yourself. So I want to talk about change and how I deal with it. I don't do it well at all. In fact the older I get the less I deal with it. The more skills I have the more complicated I make it. I listen to others and it seems so simple and it is but as humans, we always find a way to over complicate things. So with that been said I am struggling with change at this very moment. If you w...ere to look in you would think wow how fantastic is that. You are moving to a beautiful property with everything you always wanted so why would you be absolutely terrified? Well here's the thing it is the unknown. We are only going there as caretakers until the property sells. We have an old dog who is deaf & has dementia. He relies on routine & familiar surroundings. There are no fences so if he gets too stressed he could take off and because it is a very large property with bush around he could get lost. Okay, let's stop there! Can you see the pattern? The what-ifs!!!!! Why is it that we create stories of the future that hasn't happened yet and cause ourselves unnecessary anxiety to something that may or may not happen yet. I had thought about doing a live on this and probable will once we move which by the way is today. Don't be surprised if it is in the middle of the night when I can't sleep.. I guess this isn't the best time to promote my businessespecially if you need help with dealing with change & anxiety! Anyway as I am not promoting but allowing you in to see me as I am then that is okay. See more
20.01.2022 New Year's resolutions!! Why do most people fail to stick to them despite having the best intentions? Sarah from Wholesale TED does a very good job of explaining this and how you can increase your chances of success by making small changes.
20.01.2022 This article is worth a read if you are looking for a way to live in this time where fear & uncertainty about your future & the future of the world is ruling every waking moment of your life. This is especially critical for those working in leadership roles.
19.01.2022 look for the opportunities.
18.01.2022 We all buffer in some ways. Many of us have big buffers, like overdrinking, overeating, or people-pleasing. Some of us have worked through one layer of bufferin...g just to discover a new one. I know thats the case for me, even though I tolerate a lot less than I used to. We buffer with things like food, alcohol, and other distractions because they make life more bearable. But on the other side of the buffering is some really important information that youre going to want access to if youre planning on creating the life you really want. In this episode, were diving deep into why we buffer and what were tolerating. Well talk about why your capacity to respond to life is lower when youre buffering, and what all those things youre tolerating have to teach you. And well chat about what happens when you stop buffering, and what youll need to do next. Give this new episode a listen.
16.01.2022 Deep love and respect to anyone that is affected at any level by the current wave of intensity. Inspired to share my perceptions.Yes Corona is a huge purific...ation of fear and a cathartic shift into a higher consciousness of disengaging all the paradigms of fear, political manipulation, economic manipulation and also health disempowerment. It is an opportunity for people with awareness to lead from authentic love and intentional living and to remember the infinite power of our immune system. All illness is purposeful and consciously or unconsciously attracted to us because of a whole suite of to why we attract it into our field of energy predicated by emotional,spiritual and physical factors.Our immune systems can be lowered just as much by a virus as they can be negative and fearful thoughts. mass fear potentially lowers our vibration and our immunity.( if you allow it) Collectively inspiring our families and communities to be empoweredand to vibrate love, peace, and connection and a trust in the greater universe would be a healthy response. Its a time to tune in to ourselves and not the media. Statistically this virus is minimal relative to current and past flu season fatalities and yet being exploited to create an epidemic of fear. For what purpose? What is the economic gain? What is the political agenda? What is the higher purpose? I am holding true to light and power and releasing all semblances of darkness and disempowerment even when it is pitched in the guise of protection. Our immune systems are standing on the shoulders of all of our ancestral knowledge, wisdom and life times of resilience at a physical level and a spiritual level.. This is a chance to visualise and practice all that we know, stepping up into alignment and higher awareness greater than ever before The power of the masses is phenomenallets redirect the fear into every ounce of positivity that you can muster. believe in your immune system.boost it..believe in the power of your thoughts to create a peaceful reality.. take this gigantic pause in reality to actually rest and revive and release stress..not contribute to it Our children are watching.they are learning from our every choice right now. Notice your fear responses and remember that you are powerful, you can manifest, even when the collective odds and the resources seem against get to choose to initiate a spark of hope and positive energybecause a community of like minded souls with positive projection can totally turn this hyper projection from the dark into the light. You have the ability to tune in and create a resonant vibration of love and healing and positive outcomes You might just be you, but you are capable of enlightened thoughts, feelings and vibrations (You are the universe after all, so act like it ) Release all archetypes of disempowerment and lets release this archaic dark masculine propaganda paradigm release the victim mentality release the scarcity release the deception of disease release the insanity of panic buying Take the chance to pause with your loved ones and talk about what makes you stronger, brighter and lighter. Talk about resilience, talk about power, talk about manifestation, talk about a loving universe that operates harmoniously when we release fear. During this phase I choose to be safe and for my family and the families of this earth to be loved and protected and guided with faith in the abundant supremely resourceful universe and not allow the fear vibration to dictate my choices. This is calling for the leaders of our planet to rise up and lead from total truth and spiritual is a choice.death is a choice.. we are not powerless participants on this earth.we are infinitely wise, powerful, creative beings who can choose love and trust and faith and wellness With the grace of mother earth and eons of transformation and tipping points behind us I invite you to step onto the path of peace. do it for yourself, do it for the people you love and most of all the children of this earth need leadership based on something other than reactivity, In the core of our DNA are threads of trauma and loss and it takes a brave spirit to rise up and consider not only what else is possible.but how you choose to show up when faced with mass negative impending projections of doom. if we are creators of our reality and we can vibrationally impact our universe, and we can then let us stand together in unity consciousness and remember our power and our truth and lets positively project a solution based on love, integrity and LIGHT Deep Blessings Mel
12.01.2022 35 yrs I have been nursing. Many experiences, emotions, good times & bad and I can still say I am proud to be a nurse. It is humbling but heartbreaking overwhelming frustrating but very rewarding.
12.01.2022 Kindness costs nothing but can mean much.
12.01.2022 15 Ways to Bring More Positive Language into Your Classroom and School
11.01.2022 Gossip is a virus. Don't let it infect you
11.01.2022 Do you think anything positive can come from this?!
09.01.2022 How not to get sucked in by the negativity of the news & those around you.
08.01.2022 Something to think about.
07.01.2022 Watch your thoughts and your inner conversations...your mind believes them and will work on producing them as events in your life.
06.01.2022 just a reminder. None of us get through life unscathed. Be compassionate especially with yourself.
06.01.2022 2020 is nearly upon us... Is it going to be another year of the same when it comes to WEIGHT-LOSS GOALS? Starts with a HISS and a ROAR that peters out to a tomorrow, next week, month and another year rolls around. The VIRTUAL GASTRIC BAND is a remarkable program that may help you change your attitude towards food and help regain control over cravings and bad habits. Don't have time to commit to one on one sessions then the Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis Audio series may be right for you.
05.01.2022 Merry Christmas to everyone Take care and above all have fun. xxxMerry Christmas to everyone Take care and above all have fun. xxx
04.01.2022 'To those beginning this journey, you will get through this...' We don't know who needs to hear this today, but these inspirational words from a teacher in Chin...a surely helped us. We're keeping spirits up, weekdays from 10am on ITV and STV, so you're not alone! We'll be here for you for as long as we can be.
03.01.2022 how the brain responds to panic and stress
02.01.2022 Funny Friday! Well I suppose this is one way of tricking your brain
02.01.2022 Most people's lives don't run smoothly. It is how you deal with the rough times that are important.
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