Guildford Family Playgroup in Guildford, Western Australia | Community organisation
Guildford Family Playgroup
Locality: Guildford, Western Australia
Phone: +61 458 690 390
Address: St Matthew's Hall, Stirling Square 6055 Guildford, WA, Australia
Likes: 820
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25.01.2022 There is a Playgroup Committee meeting this Friday the 12th at 9:30am. At St Matthew's Hall. All Playgroup members are invited to attend. Find out how you can help your playgroup run. Stay tuned for a date when playgroup will re-open to be announced soon.
25.01.2022 Monday playgroup is having an egg hunt tomorrow So bring your bunny ears! And dont forget to get your tickets for out easter raffle. New families are welcome, but this is our last Monday session until after the holidays. One more Wednesday too!
25.01.2022 Busy day at playgroup today for Grandparents day Big Thankyou to Shona for providing the salt dough craft! Thankyou also to Shona’s mum for helping in the kitchen and to all the parents for helping clean up x
25.01.2022 We made gingerbread biscuits at Playgroup today! A few people asked for the recipe so I’ll share that here: It was our last Monday session before our Christmas party on Saturday. Friday session will run as usual.
24.01.2022 Happy International Friendship Day Playgroup is the perfect place to build lifelong friendships for both parents and children. Weve had so many of our move on from playgroup yet still remain friends with each other for many years. Playgroup is also a place where many little ones made their first friends If youre part of an amazing playgroup share your friendship stories today and tag us!
24.01.2022 This coming week is bring a Grandparent to Playgroup week! It's a wonderful opportunity to showcase the importance of grandparents and other senior adults in the lives of young children, their families and the community. Also just an opportunity for our littlies to show Grandma or Grandpa or the important senior in their life what they get up to at playgroup. We will have a grandparents' morning tea at both our Monday and Friday sessions.
24.01.2022 Fun for the kids in the school holidays. Run by St Matthew's Anglican Church.
24.01.2022 This is a note for our Monday session members: This Monday Playgroup WA are coming in to film a short video about Kaye our wonderful volunteer. They are making videos about playgroups being inclusive places for people living with disability. Your children may be filmed doing normal playgroup activities. They will bring consent forms to get your permission if you children will be on camera and you can request that they not be filmed if you like. If you have any concerns pleas...e PM us. Thanks, Your playgroup committee.
24.01.2022 Some pics from today’s session A big Thankyou to Shona for bringing shaving cream for some sensory play, the kids loved making ‘ice creams and snow’ with it
23.01.2022 Guildford Playgroup: Easter egg hunt! Our last Wednesday session for term 1 is on tomorrow morning. The bread dough is back! Plus we’ll be doing an Easter egg hunt
22.01.2022 Our Friday group leader Sophia has shared this great you tube video for some family fun and creativity
22.01.2022 We're famous! A little video from PlaygroupWA celebrating our wonderful, indispensable volunteer Kaye. Thank you Kaye for everything you do for our playgroup.
21.01.2022 We totally get it little man!!Repost @danyel_w He didnt want to leave Playgroup. Here he is outside protesting. Took some time to get him in the car!
20.01.2022 We are excited to announce Playgroup will open again next Monday the 22nd! We will run three sessions Mon 22nd and 29th and Friday the 26th before the school holidays. Then it will be 2weeks break before returning Term 3. There will be some changes and a lot of extra cleaning involved and we hope everyone will be on board to help. Please read our Covid-19 guidelines attached. See you soon!
20.01.2022 Making butterflies at Playgroup today . We have a session on Friday then 2 weeks break for the school holidays.
20.01.2022 A special treat today with the lovely Rev Katrina inviting the parents and kids to sit in on Graham playing the organ at St Mathews church Such a great opportunity, Thankyou Rev Katrina and Graham
20.01.2022 Hello Playgroup Families. We are sad to announce that at the recommendation of PlaygroupWa and because of the governments social distancing recommendations we have decided to close our playgroup for now. We are not sure when it will be safe to re-open but we will keep you posted on Facebook. if you have playgroup friends who dont follow this page please suggest that they join so they can be kept up to date. Stay safe. Enjoy your break. From your Guildford Family Playgroup Committee.
20.01.2022 Some great shapes in the bread today also! well done kids!
20.01.2022 There is a Playgroup Committee meeting this Friday the 12th at 9:30am. At St Matthews Hall. All Playgroup members are invited to attend. Find out how you can help your playgroup run. Stay tuned for a date when playgroup will re-open to be announced soon.
20.01.2022 Term 3 Playgroup committee meeting is happening tomorrow (Tuesday) at 10:30am at the Playgroup hall. We encourage any members to attend, especially if you have been considering joining the committee for next year. Come and learn how you can make sure Playgroup continues next year.
19.01.2022 Another great morning at Guildford Playgroup! The kids enjoyed making craft for the up coming St Patricks day The Friday tradition of making bread was also kept up with the beautiful Sophia supplying the dough
19.01.2022 Thank you to all our fantastic members and committee who made our Christmas party a wonderful celebration this morning! The kids had lots of fun bouncing and eating so much beautiful food! Thanks to Parties Kids Remember for providing the entertainment and Jumping Mates for the bouncy castle.
19.01.2022 Making cute kangaroos at Playgroup today!
18.01.2022 Video of the bread shaping today
18.01.2022 A phone was left at playgroup today. It seems to be locked or flat so we can't find it's owner. If it's yours please call Emily on 0414406759 or email [email protected]
18.01.2022 Our second last Friday playgroup is on this week, we’ll be painting some Christmas craft so bring your mucky clothes!
17.01.2022 Some pics from our Friday session! Hope you are all having a great weekend and look forward to seeing you soon!
16.01.2022 Fun for the kids in the school holidays. Run by St Matthews Anglican Church.
16.01.2022 Hello playgroup families. We would like to let you know how we are responding to the covid19 outbreak. At this stage Playgroup will continue as usual but we all need to be extra vigilant. In following with health department recommendations we ask the following; Please dont come to playgroup if you or your child is sick... Please dont come to playgroup if you have just returned from overseas Please make sure you child washes their hands frequently especially before and after eating We will keep you updated if anything changes or if we need to close. Stay safe. For more information please see the WA health department website;
16.01.2022 The warmer weather brought a smaller group today but lots of spooooky fun was still had! Thankyou Sophia and Shona for all the fabulous decorations and craft!
16.01.2022 To our wonderful members, Our whole playgroup committee is retiring at the end of this year because of kids going off to Kindy etc. This means for Playgroup to continue next year we need new people to step up and fill these volunteer roles. It is a wonderful thing to do for your kids and your community and a good way to make friends. If you have skills in a particular area maybe you can fill a role that suits you best.... We would love to find a new treasurer soon and all the other roles starting from term 1 next year. We will list a brief description of the roles below. If you think you can help please speak to one of us committee members; Kate, Emily, Sophia, Erin, Fleur or Anna. An added bonus is committee members dont pay playgroup fees! Committee roles to be filled; President: An overseeing role and the main contact with the community and the church. Treasurer: Banking fees and keeping track of playgroup spending. Enrollments Officer: processing enrollment forms and logging the details on a playgroup WA portal. Secretary: Overseeing communications and keeping minutes at meetings. Can be combined with or separate to a social media role. Monday Session Leader: Setting up for a session. Welcoming new members. Tallying daily fees. Tidying up. Optional to organise craft or other group activities. This is a good job to share between 2 or 3 people.
16.01.2022 Due to new restrictions regarding Covid, Playgroup will be cancelled this week. Please check back for Updated posts to inform everyone of ongoing cancellations and when we will return. Thankyou and stay safe everyone!
15.01.2022 We did some watercolour painting today.
15.01.2022 We had a lovely morning tea with our grandparents today for "Bring a Grandparent to Playgroup Day". Here we are making love heart paintings to show how much we love our grandparents. We also invite grandparents to join us on Friday.
14.01.2022 Don't forget playgroup tomorrow morning (Friday) is Halloween themed! We'll have Halloween craft and kids and adults can come dressed up (optional though!). See you then
13.01.2022 Congratulations Victoria and Lauren for winning the Easter raffle
13.01.2022 The raffle was also drawn with First and Second place winners contacted. We made $345 so a big Thankyou to all who participated!
11.01.2022 Theres something exciting Happening on Friday. Join us for Playgroup@home Special Mothers day craft Zoom meeting 10:45am -11:25am... Please contact Sophia to get the link and details at [email protected] You will need to have some craft items on hand at home such as paper, scissors, glue, glitter or coloured scraps of paper, if you have them, or textas/crayons, We will make a Mothers day crown and tree hand prints. Sophia will send copy of these pics to you. This is a FREE event for Guildford Family Playgroup Members only (all sessions), all you need to do is download the Zoom app. We cant wait to connect with you again!
11.01.2022 Please note there is no Playgroup tomorrow because of the public holiday. Enjoy your long weekend!Please note there is no Playgroup tomorrow because of the public holiday. Enjoy your long weekend!
10.01.2022 Bring a piece of fruit to share at Playgroup today!Bring a piece of fruit to share at Playgroup today!
09.01.2022 SOOOO many kids today for the bread we had to add another table
09.01.2022 Pattern stamping fun at Playgroup today!
09.01.2022 What a great First day back at playgroup!!! Thanks everyone for coming and making it so fun!! Well done Sarah on running your first official Monday session! See you all again next week for more fun, craft and laughs!
09.01.2022 Guildford Playgroup are very excited to announce that thanks to a Playgroup WA Lotterywest Grant we will be purchasing brand new toys and equipment in the coming weeks for everyone to enjoy! Playgroup WA
08.01.2022 We will be holding our AGM this tuesday at 12 (Dec 1st) at the playgroup hall. All members welcome. Please come along if you can help run playgroup next year. Playgroup is fully volunteer run and we can't do it without your help!
08.01.2022 Despite the wooly weather this morning we still had a great turnout! Big Thankyou to session leader Sophia again for her beautiful bread, as usual the kids enjoyed being creative with their dough
08.01.2022 Playgroup really needs YOU! Most of our committee are moving on to new things next year and we need people to fill the positions or playgroup just can't run. Almost all positions are up for grabs. We have a session leader for a Monday but we are looking for someone to lead a session on a Wednesday or Thursday as well as a treasurer, secretary and enrollments officer and president. If you thinking about helping to make sure playgroup continues to be awesome for our kids next y...ear now is the time to put your hand up and learn the ropes from the current committee. You will be fully supported by current committee members into early next year. It is such a wonderful thing to do for your kids and the community and many hands make light work. We are all volunteers and we can work together to make sure the responsibly doesn't fall on just a few.
07.01.2022 Wednesday playgroup. We have some St Patty's craft today and some sensory play. No bookings required! 9.30-11.30 $4 and a piece of fruit per family
07.01.2022 Easter raffle! Tickets are $2 each or 3 for $5. Available at Playgroup sessions from 22nd March and drawn on Good Friday. Winners will be notified by phone.... So dont forget to bring some extra change in the next couple of weeks for your tickets
07.01.2022 A phone was left at playgroup today. It seems to be locked or flat so we cant find its owner. If its yours please call Emily on 0414406759 or email [email protected]
05.01.2022 Come on down to playgroup this morning. The weather is lovely!
04.01.2022 We found Elis water bottle
04.01.2022 There's something exciting Happening on Friday. Join us for Playgroup@home Special Mother's day craft Zoom meeting 10:45am -11:25am... Please contact Sophia to get the link and details at [email protected] You will need to have some craft items on hand at home such as paper, scissors, glue, glitter or coloured scraps of paper, if you have them, or textas/crayons, We will make a Mother's day crown and tree hand prints. Sophia will send copy of these pics to you. This is a FREE event for Guildford Family Playgroup Members only (all sessions), all you need to do is download the Zoom app. We can't wait to connect with you again!
03.01.2022 Hi Everybody! We have a raffle going at the moment, the two prizes (nappy cakes) will be on display in the hall. Please did deep and support the playgroup $2 a ticket or 3 for $5.
02.01.2022 Hello playgroup families! We hope you are all keeping well. In an effort to try and keep us all connected please feel free to share any activities you are doing at home with your kids to keep them occupied and happy during this unique time. We will also post activities/web pages that have ideas that may be useful as we come across them. Take care Guildford family playgroup x
02.01.2022 NOTE: No playgroup this Friday or during the school holidays. We had a great playgroup session yesterday and loved seeing some old faces again. Just a quick reminder that we are now closed until next Term. So our next sessions will be on Monday July 20th and Friday July 24th. Hopefully things will be looking a bit closer to normal. We will still have to be vigilant with our hygiene practices and cleaning. Have a great holidays everyone! ... From, Guildford Family Playgroup. See more
02.01.2022 What a year 2020 has been! Who's looking forward to our Christmas party this morning?! . Here are a few photos of things we've done at our Monday session recently. Salt dough decorations and gingerbread biscuits. Water play and Christmas tree decorating!!... . Thank you to all our wonderful members. See more
01.01.2022 Playgroup is open tomorrow! MONDAY 25th Jan 9.30am to 11.30am
01.01.2022 Another busy day at playgroup today with 24 kids! Some great shapes in the bread again!
01.01.2022 Some pics from todays session The bread is proving to be very popular
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