The Gunnedah & District Pony Club Page in Gunnedah, New South Wales | Horse riding school
The Gunnedah & District Pony Club Page
Locality: Gunnedah, New South Wales
Phone: +61 427 230 880
Address: Gunnedah Show Ground 2380 Gunnedah, NSW, Australia
Likes: 949
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25.01.2022 More behind the scenes from Sydney Olympics. An interesting read!
25.01.2022 Hi everyone; Just a reminder that our AGM is scheduled for Tonight, 6pm @ the Imperial Hotel in the Pool room. For Covid regulations, can you please RSVP your attendance by 1pm via text (0427230880) or email [email protected] - so that we can let the venue know numbers.... Hope to see you tonight Di
24.01.2022 Happy New Years members!!
23.01.2022 Morning GDH Pony Club training days are this weekend - just a reminder that both training day and camping / over night stable nominations forms are due in today - 30/9/20. If you need either form - pls send us a message (inbox or email [email protected])... Looking forward to catching with everyone. Lots of fun activities planned!! Di
23.01.2022 Hey everyone, with 2021 kicking of with a fantastic season, cooler weather, green paddocks lush with grass and dams full of water, its a great time to re-new your membership for 2021 with GDPC and get ready for a fantastic year of riding! Below is the link for our Gunnedah Club, new members are always welcome. We will be running some Come & Try days this year. ... Please watch this page for more details. Remember that there must be an adult from each family join. x GDPC h
22.01.2022 A great insight into the Sydney Olympics opening ceremony from Steve Jeffreys & Sandy Langsford @ Equine Sense
21.01.2022 Only Two days left to nominate! Entries close 30/9/20 Open to all pony club members residing in zone 5!!... Come for three fantastic days of instruction, fun and friendship!! For nomination forms email us at [email protected] or inbox our Facebook page !
21.01.2022 Apologies - not many photos today. Kids enjoyed Big Ball, Bare Back, Dressage, Sporting, Polocrosse and flat riding! Thankyou to EVERYONE - we really appreciated how everyone volunteered during the day - it made the day run very smooth and relaxed!!... If you took any photos; please don’t hesitate to share them with us
20.01.2022 It’s on this weekend! Sunday 15th November 2020 8.30am... Currabubula Pony Club Sporting Day HIGHEST POINT SCORE & RUNNER UP (Boys & Girls separate) The Canteen and Secretary areas are HORSE FREE ZONES Entry via Suttons Road only Canteen in Operation on stable side of the grounds near office: Snacks, Drinks, BBQ Lunch. Bacon & Egg Rolls, Tea/Coffee available from 7.30am Age Groups Led U7 7 & u9 9 & u11 11 & u13 13 & u15 15 & u17 Associate *Boys & Girls separate *Led - any age rider, remain led for duration of day, led from the horses shoulder *U7 (& all other classes aside from Led) - must be unassisted and independent Bending Barrel Keyhole In & Out the Paddock Flag 3 Mug Running Tee Ben-Bar-Aft Stock Horse Race Straight Barrel All Pony Club rules apply including full Club uniform (logo’d pony club sporting polo shirts permitted) with Pony Club approved helmets, boots and gear 2020 PCA Proof of Membership must be presented to the office, COVID-19 declaration completed along with payment made and age group pin collected before mounting Failure to do above: No ride - No exceptions Riders will be gear checked at the entrance to the arena and may also be checked at any time throughout the day Currabubula Pony Club Committee reserves the right to change the program at any time without prior notification Time-keepers decision is final. Protests will NOT be accepted or entered in to. In the event of cancellation due to wet or extreme weather, announcements will be made on the Currabubula Pony Club Facebook page A COVID-19 Safety Plan and Risk Assessment is in force All persons must complete a COVID-19 declaration upon entry to the grounds Responsibility: Ride at own risk. Currabubula Pony Club Committee and members do not accept any responsibility for accident, injury or illness of; horse, rider, groom, spectator, or any other person, or damage to motor vehicle / accessories during the currency of this event
20.01.2022 Gunnedah members joined in on the Glen Innes Camp Leavers party tonight. Got to love a good colour fight!
18.01.2022 We are so lucky to have an amazing club Secretary! Thank you Di Hobden for everything that you do for our club
18.01.2022 With restrictions being lifted 26/9/20 Camping is now permitted at our training days (with conditions) Please contact us at [email protected] For nomination forms
17.01.2022 Sadly we have decided to postpone the proposed SJ/Dressage, Combined training/Equitation weekend. It was a very busy planned weekend trying to provide an oppor...tunity for members to be out & about. The predicted high temperatures affect both horses and people and the club is committed to the welfare of both. A big thank you to the riders who had nominated and the Judges/ pencillers who had committed to this weekend. We hope you will join us in the cooler months of 2021. See more
17.01.2022 Entries close THIS FRIDAY
17.01.2022 Roberton gordon drive near bushes lane walking up the road right now if anyone knows this filly?
16.01.2022 Just a reminder 2021 GDPC Membership All GDPC memberships must be done online through the Omni sports page. No memberships can be done at club level. All Junior Riding Memberships MUST have one adult member per family who registers as well. ... 2020 Active Kids rebates can be redeemed for 2021 membership BUT must be registered online before 31st Dec 2020. After this date they become void. Membership Numbers & details have been emailed out to all current & 2019 members - IF you have not received your number - please email us at [email protected] and we will resend email.
15.01.2022 OCTOBER - NO SHOW SCARECROW - COMPETITION Even thou we had to cancel our show this year, the Gunnedah show spirit is alive and well. The show is so much more an event; it’s a community of volunteers, sponsors, competitors, and locals who love attending every year. We’ll be back with the real show in the future, but in the meantime, we’ll make do with our 'No Show Scarecrow' visual reminder throughout the month of October. In the spirit of keeping the show alive, Gunnedah Show Society will be supporting the Agricultural Show Council ‘No Show Scarecrow’ campaign and are inviting our community to take part in our local competition for Schools, Shop Front Window Displays, Residential, Rural and Zone 5 Pony Clubs. How to enter: Build your scarecrow, Display and email your photographs to [email protected] and publish on social media, remembering to tag in both @ASCofNSW @gunnedahshowsociety and use the hashtags #noshowscarecrow #gunnedahnoshowscarecrow We are looking forward to seeing your scarecrows and we hope to see our town alive with visual reminders of the vibrant show spirit with colourful, creative displays. For further details please see attached Information flyers or contact the Gunnedah Show Society on 6742 1867
15.01.2022 Hi everyone; Just a reminder that our AGM is scheduled for Tuesday 24th November, 6pm @ the Imperial Hotel in the Pool room. Meals can be ordered at the Bar on arrival.... If you have anything you would like to add to the agenda for either the AGM or the General Meeting can you please advise by the 18th November 2020 For Covid regulations, can you please RSVP your attendance by Tuesday 24/11/20 - 1pm - so that we can let the venue know. We look forward to seeing you at Gunnedah Pony Club's AGM.
15.01.2022 MEETING This Tuesday 13th April 2021 6pm @ the Imperial Hotel - all welcome MEETING This Tuesday 13th April 2021 6pm @ the Imperial Hotel - all welcome
15.01.2022 Camp 2018 - look how dry it was! Sad to not be hosting a full week, but VERY EXCITED to still be able to host three training days in replacement of camp!! Lots of fun instructors and many disciplines covered over the three days this October long weekend. ... Don't miss out - Forms due in today!!
15.01.2022 Looking for a safe pony for a beginner (just coming of lead) to ride at our training days next weekend. Please inbox if you have one you can lend.Looking for a safe pony for a beginner (just coming of lead) to ride at our training days next weekend. Please inbox if you have one you can lend.
15.01.2022 Just a quick reminder that if you want to use 2020 active kids vouchers for 2021 GDH Pony Club Mbship, you need to renew online via the OMNI sports page by the 31st December.Just a quick reminder that if you want to use 2020 active kids vouchers for 2021 GDH Pony Club Mbship, you need to renew online via the OMNI sports page by the 31st December.
14.01.2022 Congratulations to our Gunnedah Members ( Grace, Hallie, Oscar, Georgia, Janika, Nic & Matt ) who traveled to Glen Innes this week and attended their camp. Here is a photo of GDPC Members before the last day of competition. Well done to Oscar Thomson for winning Highest Visiting Club Point Score and to Georgia Hollis for receiving the Reserve HPS for a visiting club and the courteous award. ... Congratulations also goes to Janika for receiving reserve HP for an associate visitor. Congratulations kids!! Look forward to hearing all About it. Thanks GI For hosting our kids!
13.01.2022 Make sure you pick up your copy of the Gunnedah Times paper & read all about our November rally dayMake sure you pick up your copy of the Gunnedah Times paper & read all about our November rally day
13.01.2022 If your In Tamworth - make sure you support the Twth Pony Club and buy a Bunnings Sausage!!
13.01.2022 Updated 24/9/20 - Woo Hoo!! For anyone planing on attending our training days next weekend (3/4/5 Oct) please give us some time to see how these new rules will change the running of our event. We will notify members as soon as we know!
12.01.2022 Georgia and Janika Hollis at Glen Innes Camp Congratulations girls and great photos!!
11.01.2022 Camping Nomination forms have been emailed out to members for this weekend Please check your emails
10.01.2022 Attention recreational horse owners! Transported Stock Statements (TSS) for Horse Movement are now available as a FREE PDF you can download from the LLS websi...te. You can print this form as many times as you like and share blank copies with friends as it does not have a serial number. This TSS for Horse Movement CAN NOT be used for transporting any other type of livestock as it does not meet National Livestock Identification Guidelines (NLIS). If you are making a return trip on the same day you only need to complete one form. To read the FAQs head to Download a copy of the form here
10.01.2022 We are so excited about the return of the Gunnedah Show next weekend! For all competitors, we will be delivering to the showground next Wednesday, Thursday and ...Friday. If you would like to place your orders for wood shaving and produce, give us a call on 6742 0673. And for every order taken to to the showground, you will go in the draw to win this fantastic Pryde’s pack! First prize is 5 bags of EasiResult with 5 runner up prizes of EasiLyte 1kg. Drawn on Friday at lunchtime and delivered to you Friday afternoon. We look forward to seeing you at the show and best of luck! Pryde's EasiFeed Gunnedah Show Society
09.01.2022 Beautiful memories from 2yrs ago! Will be back bigger and stronger when Covid restrictions are lifted! We hope that you have an wonderful holiday break. ** ... Don’t forget we have three days of training over the October long weekend. Please email us at [email protected] (open to visiting members residing in Zone 5) for information ** See more
09.01.2022 TRHA Youth Clinic ~ hosted by our very talented horseman Clay N Kim Evans. TRHA & Reining Australia are excited to bring this clinic to our youth and places w...ill fill fast. Please note to ensure maximum benefit to all, youth must be independently riding (no led). Members you have first opportunity don’t miss out. Please contact Mandy Mackay 0408 669011 See more
09.01.2022 Free Poster - Footfalls (Reloaded version) Do you know the order in which a horse uses his legs in walk, trot, canter and gallop? It's a handy skill that help...s with your riding (see your certificate manuals). Please note, the walk starts with a foreleg as per this video clip provided by Dr Andrew McLean: He added that this idea of the hind leg first stems from the dressage concept of the hindquarters being the powerhouse of forward movement. That is true, they provide the power for forward movement, but the first leg to move to walk from halt is always a foreleg. The only time a hind leg is ever the first to move is when it so far behind that it's almost in Swing phase itself. Certainly a horse standing square or even remotely square-ish moves the front leg first. You can download a clear copy of the poster from the PCA website under 'Horse Resources' by following this link: #horsepaces #footfalls #trot #canter #gallop #footfalls #alifewithhorsesstartshere
08.01.2022 Don’t forget our Training days over the long weekend.
05.01.2022 Exciting to see Zone Calendar of Events for 2021 ‘Bring It On’ Jude
04.01.2022 Further to this previous post. For all enquires regarding selection etc please contact:- Kylie Rowland Mobile:- 0427 831 311. Email: [email protected] ... Jude RAS 2021 Information. Jude Hi all The Horse Committee of RAS have agreed to change the Pony Club age group from UNDER 17 to UNDER 18 for the 2021 Sydney Royal Easter Show. At this stage we don’t have any forms or confirmation of how entries will be processed as soon as we know more we will post this information to our website. Pony Club day for 2021 is Monday 12th April 2021 (usually a Tuesday) and will be as normal with Covid-19 restrictions as yet to be confirmed: Individual riders Pairs all riders must nominate as an individual rider Team of Fours all riders must nominate as an individual rider Area Showjumping Teams Area Team Sporting Teams Please circulate to your members to ensure that selections are completed in plenty of time prior to official applications which usually open mid-November. Kind regards Kerren Britton Executive Officer Pony Club Association NSW P O Box 2085 Wollongong NSW 2500 02 4229 8977
04.01.2022 **COPIED FROM ZONE 5 FB Page ** Important and relevant information regarding Risk Assessment. PLEASE READ AND SHARE. Jude Please see updated example risk assessment which includes the most recent NSW Health update. This update does not specifically address overnight stays however I cannot see any problems allowing overnight stays from the 1st October, clubs will need to assess the risks of this activity and document the risk mitigation strategies that they will put in place ...Continue reading
03.01.2022 #princephilipdukeofedinburgh #gunnedahponyclub sends our deepest condolences to the royal family
03.01.2022 A great day at Currabubula sporting day. Congratulations to our 10 Gunnedah riders who competed. You were all amazing. And a great job by all the parents
02.01.2022 Pause to Remember On Remembrance Day 2020, at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, we pause for a minute’s silence to remember those who sacrificed much in war for our peace and safety. It is fitting we remember our wonderful Walers too during WW1 Australia committed around 130,000 horses and New Zealand over 8,000. The term ‘Waler’ was first used by the British in India referring to those horses that were bred in the colony of New South Wales. By 1867, the Waler had developed a reputation as one of the finest cavalry horses in the world, and battles like the charge of the Lighthorse at Beersheba in 1917 made legends internationally of our homebred, outback-toughened horses. Their feats of endurance and bravery on the battlefield during WWI are hard to imagine the horses often did not drink for days and had limited food rations and they proved tougher than camels in the desert. There were also artillery horses, the pushers and pullers, often the unsung heroes of the battle ground. Daisy and Belle were a pair of Walers who saved their driver, a man named Banks, when he fell into a shell-hole and became stuck in the mud. No one was around so Banks called out to his two trusty horses. ‘Here Daisyhere Belle’ Then ‘Left DaisyBack girl, back!’ Daisy came to the rescue by turning her rear towards her master until he could grab a hold of her tail. Using all her strength, she gently pulled Banks free. (Forgotten heroes: the Australian Waler Horse, pp. 49-50). Sadly only one horse returned to Australia. The horse, named Sandy, belonged to Major General William Bridges who was killed at Gallipoli. After the war Sandy spent the rest of his days out to graze at the Central Remount Depot at Maribyrnong, Vic. For ANZAC Day this year, we invited Pony Club members to send in photos of their 'Driveway Tributes' during COVID-19 lockdown. You may enjoy viewing it again on this special day. #walers #pcaremembranceday #australianwalers #remembranceday Photos: Victorian Art Gallery, Murrumbateman Pony Club, Australian War Memorial.
01.01.2022 Further information from Dr Kerry Chant, regarding ‘Overnight Activities’ Jude The update from Dr Kerry Chant states: Overnight activities COVID-19 is transmi...tted easily in household-like settings. Overnight accommodation settings where facilities are shared by people from different households and children require additional adult supervision and interaction, such as camps, may have an increased risk of COVID-19 transmission should someone attending be infected. As the COVID-19 situation can change quickly, schools, facilities and overnight event organisers should: consider the level of community transmission in the local community just before the overnight event is to be held, along with the other risks associated with the event as part of a risk assessment process pay particular attention to excluding anyone with symptoms before the event, and consider arrangements for isolating and testing anyone who develops symptoms during the event. The risk of transmission is likely to be lower in primary school children. The risk of disruption of HSC exams may be higher if these events are held for secondary school students and one of these students or staff members becomes infected. Overnight activities may take place so long as accommodation facilities and overnight event organisers develop and implement a COVID-19 Safety Plan and event organisers consider the issues above. COVID-19 Safety Plan guidance is available from the NSW Government website for caravan parks and camping grounds, and for hotels and accommodation facilities. See more
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