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25.01.2022 We’ve been running a free 7-Day ‘Trust’ Meditation Challenge this week 3 x 7 minute meditations a day for 7 days straight! I’m enjoying finding different spots where I can take a quick time out of my day There’s still time if you want to give this a go. Link is in my bio.
25.01.2022 #146 This week, I’m here with the amazing Jonathan Hammond. Jonathan is an Author, Spiritual Teacher, Energy Healer, Shamanic Practioner, and Spiritual Counselor. In his own words, he is a healer who helps people come back to their nature. This episode, as well as Jonathan’s work, is very relevant to our world now. A world were people are anxious, they are looking outside of themselves, and or feel disconnected from the world. We talk about Huna and its principles and Jonatha...n offers some really practical things we can do or change within our lives to feel more connected and to heal from the past. Even if you think you don’t have a trauma to heal from, listening to Jonathan’s words will no doubt add something to how you approach the world, those around you, and yourself. Learn More & Read Transcript: Never Miss Another Episode. Subscribe On: iTunes: Spotify: Stitcher: Youtube: Grab my FREE 7 Minute Daytime Reset Meditation:
24.01.2022 We often hear the term surrender, but what does it mean to live from this place...
24.01.2022 This is mind-blowing!
24.01.2022 So proud of every single soul in this photo... It’s been an epic adventure over the 4 days Retreat. I always struggle to find words that do any kind of justice of what we experience on these journeys. What I will say is.... we are waaaaaay more than what we think we are and what we are truly capable of ... Our next retreat will be July 15th. We’ll be opening registration soon. So much gratitude , G x
24.01.2022 #136 My amazing guest this week is Mark Gober with a conversation around consciousness and spiritually that will make you question the world we live in. Mark is an award-winning author as well as a podcast host and international speaker. Marks background is in business as a Partner at Sherpa Technology Group in Silicon Valley and previously as an investment banking analyst in New York. But despite being a left-brainer, the universe had different plans for him and guided him ...towards questioning and researching consciousness and how we understand it. Does our brain create consciousness or is it the other way around? What have near-death experiences taught us? How much do our intentions for our lives actually affects them? Have your ever wondered if there is a purpose to our lives? Does anything we do matter? These are only some of the mind-blowing and deep questions that we answer on this episode, with the help of Mark. This episode really made me think, and I hope it will spark something for you guys as well. Learn More & Read Transcript: Never Miss Another Episode. Subscribe On: iTunes: Spotify: Stitcher: Youtube: Grab my FREE 7 Minute Daytime Reset Meditation:
23.01.2022 Mission accomplished. Last night, we ran our free ReConnected webinar. I have no words for the amount of gratitude I have to see a global community come together of beautiful souls and hold space for one another. Its truly needed now more than ever. I spent time in the Sardinia #bluezones along with @dave.o.brien where people live the longest, healthiest and happiest in the world. The elders are hugely respected, treated like rockstars & the whole village celeb...rates when they reach 100 years old. Community, purpose, love, respect for one another and the land they lived on is what allowed this to flourish. In the digital age, we have an opportunity to embrace it and use it for the greater good and create a safe place for people where we are encouraged, heard and respected. From this place we can really bring more meaning into our lives and then be an influence to the loved ones around us. On my own personal journey, who Ive surrounded myself with has been pivotal for my own happiness, growth and connection to self, others and our sacred earth. If this resonates with you, from August 31st for 4 weeks, a global community will be embodying the work we teach thats transformed my life and many others. Hit me up in the comments or message if you want to find out more. Much gratitude, Guy See more
23.01.2022 #133 My awesome guest this week is Professor Donald Hoffman. An American cognitive psychologist and popular science author, along with his latest ground-breaking book The Case Against Reality. Though this topic can easily get into science geek-speak fast. I thought we did a fantastic job of keeping this conversation grounded for us regular folk :) I seriously loved this podcast episode and Don Hoffmans research will blow your mind. We dive into lifes big mysteries and big... questions, and I promise you this podcast will have you pondering about the universe and what it means to be human for days after. Enjoy! Learn More & Read Transcript: Never Miss Another Episode. Subscribe On: iTunes: Spotify: Stitcher: Youtube: Grab my FREE 7 Minute Daytime Reset Meditation:
22.01.2022 My latest podcast with @markgober_author dives deep down the rabbit hole on consciousness. Mark is the author of the award-winning book An End to Upside Down Thinking (2018) and the sequel An End to Upside Down Living (2020). He is also the host of Where Is My Mind? podcast (2019), featuring his interviews with world-leading consciousness researchers Eben Alexander, Dean Radin, Rupert Sheldrake, Russell Targ, Raymond Moody, Jim Tucker, Nobel Prize-winning physicist Brian Jose...phson, and many others. Mark serves on the Board of the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) and the School of Wholeness and Enlightenment (SoWE), and he is an international speaker. Marks background is in business as a Partner at Sherpa Technology Group in Silicon Valley and previously as an investment banking analyst in New York. He graduated magna cum laude from Princeton University, where he wrote his award-winning thesis on Daniel Kahnemans Nobel Prize-winning Prospect Theory and was elected a captain of Princetons Division I Tennis Team.
22.01.2022 My daughter Ava making a guest appearance at our retreat. Never seen her get so many hugs
21.01.2022 Incredible global meditation last night with existing members and newbies who joined us whilst doing our ReConnected 4 week program. Im always humbled by these incredibly powerful practices and forever grateful to be part of something very special As #rumi once said Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames
21.01.2022 Retreat in full swing! @omosoundjourneys @petra.brzovic @opentablebyronbay @gymearetreat
20.01.2022 For those looking for more connection, clarity, courage and life on your terms...Come join us.
20.01.2022 Getting ready for our ReConnected retreat! We’ll be live streaming a meditation from here THIS Friday morning 6am Sydney time. If you want to jump in on the action, click the link in my Instagram bio
19.01.2022 Another incredible #retreat I’m absolutely blown away by the human spirit and the support, care , gratitude and love for one and another in the space of 4 days. With all the challenges that are going on in the world right now,... this work is truly needed , and I feel absolutely blessed to be able to pass on this wisdom that has helped heal and transform my life
19.01.2022 Early-Bird Registration now open for our upcoming Northern NSW Retreats! July 15th-18th & August 3rd-8th. If you do decide to join us, you won’t receive an itinerary before you arrive (or once you’re there, for that matter). ... You won’t know what’s coming next. This is intentional. We can’t begin to heal and to stop living with fear until we learn to surrender to the unknown. The unknown is the only thing any of us are really afraid of, at the end of the day. What we can tell you is those who attend the retreat find clarity about what they want & how to get it. reconnect with their inner child. go beyond the conscious & subconscious mind, entering a state of hyper consciousness. release feelings of shame, guilt, jealousy, fear and unworthiness. see the power within themselves ignited so they can own their life and take control. The retreat cultivates transformation so we can experience untethered joy, loving relationships and genuine self-worth. No, doing this kind of work won’t have the same impact from home. Creating a powerful shift requires a completely immersive experience and the support of a small community. Secure your Early-Bird spot before the end of April. Link In My Bio
19.01.2022 Fantastic #podcast with #ProfDonaldHoffman The Case Against Reality Though this topic can easily get into science geek-speak fast. I thought we did a fantastic job of keeping this conversation grounded for us regular folk :) I seriously loved this podcast episode and Don Hoffmans research will blow your mind. ... We dive into lifes big mysteries and big questions, and I promise you this podcast will have you pondering about the universe and what it means to be human for days after. Enjoy! Link to podcast in my Instagram Bio. #guylawrencepodcast #letitin #meditation #author #awareness #cognitivepsychologist #consciousness #donaldhoffman #entreprenuer #evolutionarypsychology #guylawrence #health #healthadvocate #meditation #professor #speaker #visualperception #wellness #wellnesscoach #thecaseagainstreality See more
19.01.2022 #134 This week, myself, @omosoundjourneys and @petra.brzovic will be answering some of your amazing questions. As always, we love hearing from you and answering your questions the best we can. Should we force ourselves to meditate? (1:30) Is the desire to stop meditating, rooted in the fear of it changing our lives? (4:50) Guys personal experience with leaning into the unknown. (8:41)... How can we align our passions with financial success? (10:54) What do we need to do to reveal the true self? (20:31) What is the relationship between breathing and cold exposure in the Wim Hof method? (21:32) How can we incorporate self-love into our daily lives? (23:33) What is Body Vibing and how does it allow us to centre ourselves? (26:43) How can we move past burnouts and more forwards? (30:07) How can we releaser ourselves from the pressure of working towards something we want? (39:17) Reasons why meditation can get harder and how we can overcome it (46:30) Link in bio and on all podcast channels.
18.01.2022 With the arrival of my baby daughter, Im taking a month off podcasting. Each week I am selecting some of my favourite episodes, and republishing them here #70 This week I welcome the awesome Dr John Demartini to the show. He has read over 30,000 books, been teaching for over 40 years, and it is safe to say John is an inspiration who walks his talk and knows his stuff.... It was truly an honor to have John on the show today. We went deep pretty quickly, but we also discussed the heart of the matters and what can be holding us back in life and preventing us from having our own breakthrough experience. Enjoy!
18.01.2022 #131 My awesome guest this week is Miguel Franco. With over 35 years of research and teaching experience in the field of Human Consciousness, this podcast goes deep fast! I loved every minute of this conversation, and we covered a lot of ground. Some of the things we dived into were: - Sensitive since early childhood. My first energetic experiences. Spiritual/Psychic/Science studies. Near-Death Experience. Books. Racing Project. The Dark Night of the Soul. Coming back.... - The Vibrational Universe - How consciousness arises and manifests in physical form, a bio-energetic perspective - High Flow States and Matrix Learn More & Read Transcript: Never Miss Another Episode. Subscribe On: iTunes: Spotify: Stitcher: Youtube: Grab my FREE 7 Minute Daytime Reset Meditation:
17.01.2022 Very excited to be running this FREE training on August 20th. Live In Flow. See comments for more details
17.01.2022 This just landed! Fantastic #podcast with @brucelipton The Frontier Sciences: Evidence-Based Practises & Principles Guiding You To Transform On this episode we discussed Bruce’s best-selling book, The Biology of Beliefs, and talked about changing our subconscious programming in order to break through our mental limitations. ... Knowledge is power, and knowledge of self is self-empowerment, as Bruce puts it. If you’re looking for ways to grow and become more empowered, then this episode is for you. Link to podcast in my Instagram Bio. #guylawrencepodcast #letitin #meditation #author #biologist #brucelipton #entrepreneur #guylawrence #health #healthadvocate #motivator #science #speaker #spirit #thebiologyofbeliefs #welcometotheevolution #wellness #wellnesscoach See more
16.01.2022 I encourage everyone to listen to what @rev.billmcdonald shares here. We are living in an extremely complex time, and if we are to create positive shifts I believe we really need to reconnect to that deeper part of ourselves and what it truly means to be human. Podcast drops this week
16.01.2022 My first official Fathers Day... what a gift So grateful to @lynda_griparic_naturopath for making this day extra special. Feeling blessed.
15.01.2022 Swipe right Very excited to be running this tomorrow! ReConnected. Link in my IG Bio if you want to register :) See you there! @omosoundjourneys @petra.brzovic
15.01.2022 Fantastic #podcast with @jonathan_hammond_author The Shaman's Mind This episode, as well as Jonathan’s work, is very relevant to our world now. A world were people are anxious, they are looking outside of themselves, and or feel disconnected from the world. ... We talk about Huna and its principles and Jonathan offers some really practical things we can do or change within our lives to feel more connected and to heal from the past. Even if you think you don’t have a trauma to heal from, listening to Jonathan’s words will no doubt add something to how you approach the world, those around you, and yourself. Link to podcast in my Instagram Bio. #guylawrencepodcast #letitin #meditation #author #entreprenuer #healing #health #healthadvocate #liveinflow, #motivator #professionalhealer #shamanism #speaker #theshamansmind #wellness #wellnesscoach See more
15.01.2022 #144 This week, myself, @omosoundjourneys and @petra.brzovic will be answering some of your amazing questions. As always, we love hearing from you and answering you to the best of our knowledge and abilities. ey points with time stamp: How to be at peace with the future and things we cannot control (1:22)... How to support loved ones through hard times while respecting our own needs (7:02) What does surrender mean to us? (11:59) How can I spiritually support my son with reactive airway syndrome? (17:29) Does the Wim Hof method clear and or activate the energy centres? (23:46) What to make of the charged feeling after group intentions? (28:25) What to do if our children interrupt our morning meditations? (35:25) Is it normal to lose one’s sense of self during a meditation? (40:28) Tips on where energy blocks are stored in our bodies (44:51) What does it mean to feel lightheaded after meditation? (50:09) Where do we find music for meditation? (53:06) Should we journal daily? (54:10)
13.01.2022 Recently interviewed scientist #donaldhoffman on my Let It In Podcast... His recent book The Case Against Reality is mind blowing! All new episodes coming your way in August. Got some epic guests in the pipeline #depakchopra #quantumphysics
13.01.2022 #151 Guy and his wife Lynda come together in this one-off podcast to reflect back over the year that's been. In a relaxed conversation, they share some of their biggest challenges, becoming a parent and what podcast guests have inspired them to take action in their own lives. Learn More & Read Transcript:... Never Miss Another Episode. Subscribe On: iTunes: Spotify: Stitcher: Youtube: Grab my FREE 7 Minute Daytime Reset Meditation:
12.01.2022 #135 My awesome guest this week is Jeffrey Rediger with an eye-opening conversation around the concept of healing. Jeffrey is a medical director for the McLean south east, adult psychiatric programs and a leader in ground-breaking neuroscience research. He is also an instructor in psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, has a Master of Divinity degree from the Princeton Theological Seminary, and is a licensed physician as well as a Board-Certified psychiatrist. In this motivati...onal episode, we talk about Jeffreys new book, Cured: the Life Changing Science of Spontaneous Healing and his professional opinion on how we as humans can heal. I found this conversation incredibly interesting because Jeffrey really interweaves science and divinity and teaches us how we can utilize that in our everyday lives. We hear about everything from nutrition to healing our identities and beliefs and how it all ties together to make us as humans the healthiest that we can be. He then leaves us with the uplifting fact that we all matter. I was really influenced by the emotion and positivity in this episode and I hope you enjoy it as well. Learn More & Read Transcript: Never Miss Another Episode. Subscribe On: iTunes: Spotify: Stitcher: Youtube: Grab my FREE 7 Minute Daytime Reset Meditation:
11.01.2022 #144 This week, myself, Matt, and Petra will be answering some of your amazing questions. As always, we love hearing from you and answering you to the best of our knowledge and abilities. Our conversion this week centres around a wide range of topics including healing, the act of surrendering to the unknown, supporting our loved ones through difficulties, and fitting our obligation as parents into our spiritual journey and meditations. We really enjoyed answering your questio...ns and we hope that you find the answers you were looking for. We also hope that you find other questions and answers helpful to your journey. Learn More & Read Transcript: Never Miss Another Episode. Subscribe On: iTunes: Spotify: Stitcher: Youtube: Grab my FREE 7 Minute Daytime Reset Meditation:
11.01.2022 #137 My awesome guest this week is Reverend Bill Mcdonald, a director of hearts and a tool-man of the soul. Our conversation revolves around one seemingly basic concept: love and how centring our lives around it can change us for the better. Rev. Bill, as his friends call him, is an author, award-winning poet, motivational speaker, and a Vietnam War veteran and in this episode, he tells us what he thinks will bring us joy. What is the effect of gratitude on our worldview an...d life? What does Bill think we need to dedicate our lives to? What really matters in life and how can we use it to change ourselves for the better? What is God? I know, were answering some really deep and personal questions. But whatever your thoughts on these questions might be, I guarantee you will not regret hearing what Bill has to add. Learn More & Read Transcript: Never Miss Another Episode. Subscribe On: iTunes: Spotify: Stitcher: Youtube: Grab my FREE 7 Minute Daytime Reset Meditation:
10.01.2022 #145 This week, my guest is the amazing Jeffery Olsen. Now, before even listening to this episode, I recommend you take a deep breath, be thankful for all you have, and give your loved ones a hug if possible. My conversation with Jeffery is guaranteed to take you through a whole spectrum of emotions. Jeffery is a best-selling author with an international influence and audience. After experiencing a traumatic car accident which took the lives of his wife and youngest son, whil...e inflicting multiple life-threatening injuries on Jeffery, he went through a mind-boggling near-death experience. Tune in to listen to his experience and how he was able to choose joy after such a tragic loss. His journey wasn’t easy but he has a lot to teach us all about loss and the process of healing. Learn More & Read Transcript: Never Miss Another Episode. Subscribe On: iTunes: Spotify: Stitcher: Youtube: Grab my FREE 7 Minute Daytime Reset Meditation:
08.01.2022 My daughter Ava is growing in front of my very eyes... Every time Im in her presence she reminds me to be completely present. To be gratefully for what have in our lives right here right now. Its been an intense week with our 4 week program starting this Monday, along with being new to fatherhood... it certainly reminds me to practice what I preach ... Theres nothing more fulfilling than surrendering to the journey, and detaching from the outcomes. I know the direction Im heading, I just dont want to miss all the mini adventures along the way So grateful for Ava and @lynda_griparic_naturopath who are always there for me.
07.01.2022 My greatest teacher #magicmoments Captured by @lynda_griparic_naturopath
07.01.2022 #132 My awesome guest this week is Peter Panagore. Honestly, this episode is mind-blowing. Peter had an NDE (near-death experience) whilst ice-climbing. He recounts the whole story, along what happened when he died, and how he adjusted to life after the whole experience. My jaw was open for most of this conversation, and it will certainly leave you wondering in awe of this magical experience we call life. Enjoy! Learn More & Read Transcript:... Never Miss Another Episode. Subscribe On: iTunes: Spotify: Stitcher: Youtube: Grab my FREE 7 Minute Daytime Reset Meditation:
07.01.2022 Here we come Sydney! First workshop in 9 months! Yew! @omosoundjourneys ... It will be in Curl Curl on Sunday 22nd November if you want to join us
07.01.2022 But I’m happy to say we are going ahead with the retreat on 7th Jan. If you want sneaky peak behind the scenes, come follow me on Instagram stories @guyhlawrence
07.01.2022 Love getting feedback like this about my podcast #grateful Link in my Instagram bio if you want to tune into my podcast G x
06.01.2022 #134 This week, myself, Matt, and Petra will be answering some of your amazing questions. As always, we love hearing from you and answering your questions the best we can. Answering your questions, we will be covering topics like problems with meditation, self love, discovering our true selves, and aligning out passions with financial success. The central theme with ultimately be gratitude and trust and how we can trust the universe to guide us to the right path. I hope you g...uys will get the answers you were looking for. We really enjoyed discussing them and we hope you enjoy listening to our answers and experiences as well. Learn More & Read Transcript: Never Miss Another Episode. Subscribe On: iTunes: Spotify: Stitcher: Youtube: Grab my FREE 7 Minute Daytime Reset Meditation:
06.01.2022 @live_in_flow_retreats Its easy to say follow your heart, but its also easier said than done... and more importantly, how do you tell the difference from the whispers of your heart to the noise in your head? In this short video, we break down a few key points to help listen and trust your heart more each day. @omosoundjourneys @petra.brzovic Ps. This was taken from my Let It In Podcast. Link in my bio
06.01.2022 Fantastic #podcast with #MiguelFranco Consciousness Engineering For High Flow Performance I loved every minute of this conversation, and we covered a lot of ground. Some of the things we dived into were: ... - Sensitive since early childhood. My first energetic experiences. Spiritual/Psychic/Science studies. Near-Death Experience. Books. Racing Project. The Dark Night of the Soul. Coming back. - The Vibrational Universe - How consciousness arises and manifests in physical form, a bio-energetic perspective - High Flow States and Matrix Link to podcast in my Instagram Bio. #guylawrencepodcast #letitin #meditation #awareness #consciousness #entrepreneur #guylawrence #health #healthadvocate #letitin #liveinflow #miguelfranco #motivator #performance #podcast #speaker #wellness #wellnesscoach See more
06.01.2022 Swipe #132 My awesome guest this week is Peter Panagore. Honestly, this episode is mind-blowing. Peter had an NDE (near-death experience) whilst ice-climbing. He recounts the whole story, along what happened when he died, and how he adjusted to life after the whole experience. My jaw was open for most of this conversation, and it will certainly leave you wondering in awe of this magical experience we call life. Enjoy. #nde #meditation #letitinpodcast
06.01.2022 Ps. Please excuse the hair lol
05.01.2022 #Repost @omosoundjourneys Hey Sydneysiders.. this Sunday we are coming together to ReConnect!!!! if there is anything we need now it's to come together .. ... I honestly believe that is what this whole year has been about. Reminding us how disconnected we are and teaching us to reconnect to our self, each other, the planet and life itself. Mr. @guyhlawrence will be in town to join forces and create a powerful 1/2 day event full of experience, practices, and new insights. We will see you there Lots of love Matt PS. We have limited spots in the venue due to covid restrictions.. so be sure to book sooner than later.
05.01.2022 #Repost @chefpeteevans Yesterday Nic and I were honoured to be invited to join the amazing breathwork and sound healing retreat held by @guyhlawrence and Matt Omo @omosoundjourneys and assisted by @wildforlife (anni) . Thank you for holding the space for deep spiritual work for all that attended and for the absolute gift that you all are. We are beyond grateful and definitely have an extra skip in our step and lightness in our being. We look forward to having you all o...n the EVOLve podcast soon to share your wisdom . See more
04.01.2022 #130 My awesome guest this week is Gay Hendricks, a New York Times bestselling author and his books include Conscious Loving and The Big Leap. His book The Big Leap had a huge impact on my life, and its certainly a book I highly recommend. I was excited to bring Gay onto the show to talk about his latest book: Conscious Luck - Eight Secrets To Intentionally Change Your Fortune. What if you could create your own luck? What if living a charmed lifebeing lucky in love, lucky i...n money, lucky in your chosen workwas within your control? The good news is that its all entirely possiblewhen you know how! Learn More & Read Transcript: Never Miss Another Episode. Subscribe On: iTunes: Spotify: Stitcher: Youtube: Grab my FREE 7 Minute Daytime Reset Meditation:
03.01.2022 Fantastic #podcast with of @heartsintrueharmony IntentionallyCreate Conscious Luck His book The Big Leap had a huge impact on my life, and its certainly a book I highly recommend. I was excited to bring Gay onto the show to talk about his latest book: Conscious Luck - Eight Secrets To Intentionally Change Your Fortune. ... What if you could create your own luck? What if living a charmed lifebeing lucky in love, lucky in money, lucky in your chosen workwas within your control? The good news is that its all entirely possiblewhen you know how! Link to podcast in my Instagram Bio. #guylawrencepodcast #letitin #meditation #author #awareness #consciousloving #consciousness #gayhendricks #guylawrence #health #healthadvocate #meditation #motivator #psychologist #psychology #speaker #spiritualcinemacircle #thebigleap #wellness #wellnesscoach See more
02.01.2022 We often get asked, how do I meditate when I have children constantly distracting me? In this short video, we break down a few points that can help make it fun meditate with your children. Learn More: Ps. This was taken from the Let It In Podcast with Guy Lawrence. Subscribe On: iTunes: Spotify: Stitcher: Youtube:
02.01.2022 Eye gazing... #hearopener #beingpresentinthemoment
02.01.2022 Great session #musclebeach
01.01.2022 Thank you Sydney, we had a blast Next stop, 3 Day Retreat, Jan 2021 @omosoundjourneys @petra.brzovic @gymearetreat
01.01.2022 #143 Have you ever been curious about the way you breathe? Or even about your breath itself? Generally, we all go through the motions of inhaling and exhaling everyday with little to no thought. We don’t notice our breath unless we’re not breathing! But as you will hear in my conversation this week with the amazing James Nestor, there are so many health benefits that come from breathing correctly. James is a science journalist who has written for the Scientific American, the ...Outside Magazine, National Public Radio, The New York Times and more and in this episode he is here with me to discuss his newest book Breath: The New Science of Lost Art and the importance of our breath in maintaining our mental and physical health. If only more of us knew how to breath correctly we would not need to rely on many medications and alike. So, if you are interested in the breath and breathwork, or if you are a mouth-breather, this one is for you. Learn More & Read Transcript: Never Miss Another Episode. Subscribe On: iTunes: Spotify: Stitcher: Youtube: Grab my FREE 7 Minute Daytime Reset Meditation: