Haberfield Public School P&C | School
Haberfield Public School P&C
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25.01.2022 Before Covid fully disrupted things I was able to gather a few donations for Trivia Night. As Trivia Night looks highly unlikely this year I am attempting to make the most of the donations. We will be holding an online auction or online raffle...final decision pending as I look at what items I have. It's the only real opportunity to raise any funds this year. If you would like to donate an item to be auctioned or raffled off or know of a business who would like to get involved can you please let me know?
24.01.2022 Here is the agenda for next week's meeting.
21.01.2022 The P&C will host a family-friendly online trivia night on Sunday 13 September from 6-7pm as the online auction comes to a close. There will be a great mix of questions for parents and kids covering everything from movies and music to science and geography. We hope that many of you can join us on the night! Zoom Meeting ID: 283 508 3432... Passcode: 038089 Don't forget to visit the auction site! www.32auctions.com/HPS2020
20.01.2022 Get your orders in now for March birthday buckets! If you child has a birthday during the April school holidays, they don't have to miss out. You can order an early or belated bucket for them Buckets are $1 per student in your class with a choice of 4 fillings which you can mix and match. To order go to https://haberfieldpandc.square.site/ Any questions can be sent to [email protected]
20.01.2022 Here are a few points that I noted down from last night’s P&C meeting. Attendance has unfortunately been a bit low the last few months, I really do encourage people to join in. Meetings have been running very efferently and finishing on time! Ms Jacobsen and Ms Porter attended and gave quite a few updates. Attending means you get the full rundown and not just a few of my dot points and you have the opportunity to ask further questions which they are happy to answer. You can a...lso join in discussions about what the P&C can do to assist the school and planning for next year. These are just a few items of note: The AGM is on 24 November and will be immediately followed by a general meeting. To be eligible to vote at the general meeting you must become a member prior to then. Amanda will be sending out instructions on how to join via Flexischool and the deadline to do so soon. The lease for the current canteen provider is coming to an end so this will go to tender. The winner (whether it’s the same group or a new one) will commence term 1 next year. The P&C has a rep on the tender panel. The Year 6 end of year talent show will take place but will be via Zoom as parents are still not allowed on site. The Year 6 dinner will go ahead in some format. Covid risk assessments and planning are taking place to see if Canada Bay will be able to host again this year. No parents will be allowed and there will be some changes to ensure the event is covid safe. $2,000 was approved to go towards the event to reduce the ticket price for students. A couple of outstanding questions regarding works for the sensory garden are being finalised this week. It will then go to tender and work will be done during term 4. Remember to complete the Tell Them From Me survey! Kindy interviews are happening now via Zoom. New kindy orientation videos were made and will up on the school’s website so that families can view as many times as they like. A P&C video was created to share with new Kindy parents. It’s being finalised and will be sent to families and posted on the school website. Camps for this year will not go ahead. The P&C will be looking into bringing back the parent education/information sessions with the first one hopefully around mental health. They will take place via Zoom. Stay tuned for details. Fundraising and events were discussed. Possible ideas which meet current restrictions include a book sponsorship initiative. We are also brainstorming ideas for next year if events must remain online. Around $4500 was raised from the online auction. Members will receive an email about the upcoming Volunteer of the Year awards regarding who we would like to nominate. See more
18.01.2022 Volunteer of the year nominations The NSW P&C Federation invites all affiliate P&C Associations across NSW to nominate a candidate for NSW P&C Volunteer of the Year 2020. A finalist will be chosen from each of the 16 electorates by independent judges with the ultimate winner of the title announced at the dinner. The P&C Federation recognises the importance of all P&C Association volunteers, and this annual awards dinner is a wonderful opportunity to acknowledge and celebrat...e the contributions of our volunteers. Jennifer Moore was proudly nominated by HPS P&C last year due to her commitment and excellent work, and she won the 2019 award and attended the award dinner. HPS P&C will be eligible to nominate one candidate from our P&C community again this year to be considered for the award. Please send your nomination (person name and reason, less than 300 words) to [email protected], or alternatively you can nominate someone at the P&C meeting on 24th November. If multiple nominations are received, the 24th Nov P&C meeting will elect one final candidate to enter . Decisions on finalists will be made by NSW P&C Federation before15th December 2020.
16.01.2022 Auction ends 10pm TONIGHT! We have almost hit $3,000! Keep those bids rolling in! www.32auctions.com/HPS2020 And don't forget about trivia tonight 6-7pm!... Zoom Meeting ID: 283 508 3432 Passcode: 038089
16.01.2022 The online auction has taken off and we are up to $1843 in bids and donations so far! Thanks so much to everyone who has already put in a bid. Don't forget to share with you friends and family. The auction ends Sunday night. https://www.32auctions.com/HPS2020 Also a reminder about the online family trivia night this Sunday 6-7pm.... Zoom Meeting ID: 283 508 3432 Passcode: 038089
15.01.2022 The Haberfield Public School P&C AGM will be held on Tuesday 24 November at 7pm via Zoom. To nominate or vote at the AGM in November, you MUST BE a financial member of the P&C at the meeting prior to the AGM. ... Membership payment We are moving the membership form and payment to Square this year. In order to join again for 2021 please use this link, complete the form, and pay your $2 membership fee: https://haberfieldpandc.square.site The following positions will be open for nominations at the meeting: Executive President Vice President x 2 Secretary Treasurer Sub-committees Cake Stalls Events Grants Sustainability Other positions WestConnex Representative Position Descriptions for the Executive office bearer positions are available. If you would like to find out more information please see the P&C Association's website: https://www.pandc.org.au/faqs/ or email [email protected]. We look forward to seeing you there!
14.01.2022 The next P&C meeting will be on Tuesday at 7pm via Zoom. Please note that there is no meeting scheduled for September so get in now if you have anything to raise prior to October! If you are unable to attend you can always contact me or any of the other Exec with your concerns and we can try to resolve or raise it for you at the meeting. Zoom Meeting ID: 283 508 3432 Passcode: 038089
14.01.2022 I just received an email that the Christmas tree supplier has run out of stock!!! The fundraiser organisers are quickly trying to find a second supplier. This has never happened in all the years they have running it. They think it's due to more people being home this Christmas because of Covid. I will update everyone ASAP
13.01.2022 Unfortunately, due to Covid-19 the P&C is not able to hold our annual Trivia Night fundraiser which normally bring in around $14,000-$16,000 each year. In place of the event, we are holding an online auction with the donations that were kindly donated to us prior to the event being cancelled. The auction will officially open on Monday 7 September at 8am and will close on Sunday 13 September at 10pm. You can visit the site now and browse the items on offer. www.32auctions.com/HPS2020
13.01.2022 REMINDER! P&C Meeting tonight via zoom. Join Zoom Meetinghttps://au01web.zoom.us/j/66340882048?pwd=R2hqK1FnQ1dDcTY5cUEvMWpLaEJxZz09 Meeting ID: 663 4088 2048... Passcode: 921818 See more
11.01.2022 We put in a grant application to cover costs for the last step of the Sensory Garden project. We have moved to the next round but now need your help! Click on the link below and vote for HPS! You can also share the link with friends and family :) https://www.johaylen.com/cbp2020
10.01.2022 If you would like to vote at the next P&C meeting please remember to renew your membership (or join for the first time!). It's all online now. $2 membership fee: https://haberfieldpandc.square.site
09.01.2022 www.32auctions.com/HPS2020
09.01.2022 A reminder that the Haberfield Public School P&C AGM will be held on Tuesday 24 November at 7pm via Zoom. A general meeting of the P&C will be held immediately after the AGM, and agendas for both meetings are attached. Zoom log in details are as follows: Topic: Haberfield PS P&C AGM & General Meeting Time: Nov 24, 2020 07:00 PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney... Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2835083432 Meeting ID: 283 508 3432 Passcode: 038089 Dial in: +61 2 8015 6011 Australia Membership payment now on Square - new members and renewals We have moved the membership form and payment to Square this year. In order to join for 2021 please use this link, complete the form, and pay your $2 membership fee: https://haberfieldpandc.square.site We welcome all new and returning members. The P&C is a great way to get to know other members of the school community, and be involved with the school. Please note that under P&C Federation rules, nominations and voting at the AGM will be open to Committee members who were financial members before the October 2020 meeting. All new members and renewals received after October will be eligible to vote at the general meeting following the AGM, and meetings in 2021. If you have any questions about these meetings or the P&C please send us an [email protected], and we hope to see you at the meeting next week!
07.01.2022 HPS Online Trivia Night! Saturday 23 May 7:30pm Our annual Trivia Night spectacular may be postponed until later in the year, but it doesn’t mean we can’t have a little fun now!... Jason, our trivia host extraordinaire, has kindly offered to run this for free just for parents are carers of HPS! He hosts online trivia nights through the week via zoom and they have been heaps of fun! It will be free to play and while aimed at the adults it is kid-friendly if the kiddos are around or want to help with the questions. I know my two have come in very handy! How it works: The event is run through zoom Your household can be its own team or you can join forces with other friends (remotely of course!). If you choose to play as a larger team, Jason will pop you into breakout rooms between questions to discuss your answers. No other teams can see or hear you during this time. Jason will automatically being everyone back into the main room when it’s time for the next question. There are 2 round of questions with a few chances to win bonus points through games How to register: Once you have your teams sorted, email [email protected] with your team name, a list of those who are playing and the email address that each will be using when logging into zoom. This allows Jason to create breakout rooms. Please register by 7pm on Friday 15 May! On the day: Use the log in instructions emailed to you (This will come from Jason prior to the event) Once logged in change your screen name to read your name Team Name (Jen The Winners!, for example) Have a piece of paper ready and that’s it! (oh, drinks and nibblies are highly recommended as well ;) ) The winners: The winners will win glory and admiration of all! (Aka it’s super hard to sort prizes while in isolation and not knowing how big the winning team will be!) Competition and prizes for kids: We will run a few comps for kids in the lead up. Send through an email with their name, year and photo/video (for judging) for each comp that they enter. Winners will be announced on the night Gift vouchers will be emailed to the winners! Categories: Best Lego creation (Kindy - Year 2) Best Lego creation (Years 3-6) Creative isolation or isolation hack video (Kindy Year 2) Creative isolation or isolation hack video (Years 3-6) While Jason is hosting this for free, there will be a link to donate a few $ to the tip jar for those who would like to. I’ll share the details on the night. Any questions please email/message me!
07.01.2022 REMINDER! Wellbeing workshop Tonight 7pm!!! We understand that the current COVID situation is very challenging for many families, and it may have impacted our students’ mental health and wellbeing. To better support our students at home, P&C has invited our School Counsellor Jeffery Reid to come to talk to us on some common behaviours that have been observed at school and some practical tips that parents can use at home to boost students' mental health and wellbeing.... Parents will also be encouraged to ask questions during this interactive session. We are very thankful for the support from the school (especially Karlynne and Jeffery) on this initiative, and we look forward to seeing you at the workshop. Regards, HPS P&C Executive Committee Workshop details: Topic: Tips to boost students' mental health and wellbeing by Jeffery Reid (School Counsellor) Time: Mar 8, 2021 07:00 PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney Join Zoom Meeting https://au01web.zoom.us/j/64793691064... Parents can join with any email addresses, no need to use student email accounts. Meeting ID: 647 9369 1064 Passcode: 327756 One tap mobile +61370182005,,64793691064#,,,,*327756# Australia +61731853730,,64793691064#,,,,*327756# Australia Dial by your location +61 2 8015 6011 Australia Meeting ID: 647 9369 1064 Passcode: 327756
06.01.2022 We understand that the current COVID situation is very challenging for many families, and it may have impacted our students’ mental health and wellbeing. To better support our students at home, P&C has invited our School Counsellor Jeffery Reid to come to talk to us on some common behaviours that have been observed at school and some practical tips that parents can use at home to boost students' mental health and wellbeing. Parents will also be encouraged to ask questions du...ring this interactive session. We are very thankful for the support from the school (especially Karlynne and Jeffery) on this initiative, and we look forward to seeing you at the workshop. Regards, HPS P&C Executive Committee Workshop details: Topic: Tips to boost students' mental health and wellbeing by Jeffery Reid (School Counsellor) Time: Mar 8, 2021 07:00 PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney Join Zoom Meeting https://au01web.zoom.us/j/64793691064 Parents can join with any email addresses, no need to use student email accounts. Meeting ID: 647 9369 1064 Passcode: 327756 One tap mobile +61370182005,,64793691064#,,,,*327756# Australia +61731853730,,64793691064#,,,,*327756# Australia Dial by your location +61 2 8015 6011 Australia Meeting ID: 647 9369 1064 Passcode: 327756
05.01.2022 The auction is now officially open! https://www.32auctions.com/HPS2020
05.01.2022 Online P&C Meeting - 2 June, 7pm We will once again open the floor for a Q&A session regarding the return to school. Join us to discuss how the return is going for your family and to discuss other P&C issues. The agenda is below in the comments. Meeting ID: 283 508 3432... Password: 038089 See more
05.01.2022 P&C meeting tonight at 7pm. Meeting ID: 283 508 3432 Passcode: 038089
05.01.2022 I am the P&C rep on the tender panel for the new canteen. If you have any feedback regarding canteens that you would like to share or things you would like me to consider when reviewing applications please either comment below or email [email protected] by tomorrow night.
04.01.2022 The P&C will be holding a Christmas tree fundraiser this year! Trees are $80 with $22 of that comes back to us. All orders are taken online though the website below. Details about the trees can be found on the website as well. Tree collection will take place at the school on Saturday 5 December. Deadline for ordering is 30 November. If you have any questions just let me know! Please share with friends and family :) https://schooltrees.com.au/haberfield-public/
03.01.2022 The online auction ends tomorrow night. You don't want to miss out! www.32auctions.com/HPS2020
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