Hackham East Primary School OSHC in Hackham, South Australia, Australia | Education company
Hackham East Primary School OSHC
Locality: Hackham, South Australia, Australia
Phone: +61 8 8382 3824
Address: Collins Parade 5163 Hackham, SA, Australia
Website: http://www.hackhame.sa.edu.au/oshc.htm
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24.01.2022 Foody Friday At Hackham East OSHC, we love cooking! We are fortunate enough to have the recipes from various staff members and their families. Some of the recipes have been used for generations and date back close to 100 years! Share with us your recipes, or experiences using ours, we would love to hear from you.... This recipe has been around for many years and has lots of different versions. This particular recipe comes from a staff member who often tells the funny story to our children of how for years she had egg on toast while the rest of her family ate Tuna Mornay, because she decided she didn't like it based on it's look. One day she eventually tried it and it turned out she loved it! She was so disappointed she hadn't tried it earlier, as she missed out on eating it for years! This is why you should always try food before you decide you don't like it.
24.01.2022 This recipe comes from one of our Educator's Uncle, who was born in Singapore to a Chinese Family. He moved to Australia, and bought with him many of his traditions, including a love of food and cooking. Now Singaporean food has some very distinct flavours that many of us may not like. So this uncle, redesigned some of his recipes to suit Australian taste buds. Sadly the uncle is no longer with us, but we are certainly grateful he took the time to teach his niece how to make ...this great recipe. This recipe is extremely easy to make and often our older children will make it for the group with little or no assistance. We generally don't add the onion, as many of our children don't like the taste of onion, but like many of our recipes, this recipe is very adaptable and you can use the vegetables that suit your families tastes. We use Basmati rice as it's easy to cook, has low GI and our children love the taste of it. The Fried Rice freezes well, so if you are time poor, make a big batch and freeze containers of it to heat up for lunch or to add as a side dish on those busy nights.
23.01.2022 Music can have a huge impact on our moods and feelings. Who doesn't pump the volume up loud when your favourite song comes on when you are in a good mood? Or chill out with your favourite ballads after bad news? Did you know that the right beat can impact on your heart rate too? This is some relaxation music we found can help our children in times when they are in a meltdown, or overwhelmed with strong emotions. We just turn it on low and let our children know we are there... if they need us and give them the space and time to become calm, and talk to them afterwards about how we can avoid that incident/reaction in the future. Sometimes they just listen to the music, sometimes they like to watch the screen (it has some beautiful pictures of nature projected like a slideshow). The beauty of this one is it is over 3 hours long, so will outlast even the most intense meltdown We have heard that some of our children like to listen to it going to bed as well, as it relaxes them and helps them fall asleep. There is something very hypnotic about this lovely music. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFcSrYw-ARY
22.01.2022 Today is Autistic Pride Day! So, today I will be posting some various information about autism, autistic pride etc. This is a great video about the positive aspects of autism, which sadly many children and families don't hear enough about.
22.01.2022 This is always a hit with our children! Ready for another easy recipe? Then why not try our Tuna Rice Loaf (Recipe taken from Kids in the Kitchen Cookbook, published by Health Department of Western Australia 1998). The egg is optional, and we use Basmati Rice. While Brown (or wholemeal/wholegrain) rice is the best option, not everyone can handle the texture, so Basmati rice is a happy medium. We also often forget to add the breadcrumbs
22.01.2022 Foody Friday Tune in from 3pm-6pm, for some of our favourite mouth watering recipes Foody Friday Tune in from 3pm-6pm, for some of our favourite mouth watering recipes
21.01.2022 Staff are still working from home where possible to help reduce the risks of COVID-19. This is Buster hard at work
20.01.2022 A look back on some of our Vacation Care Fun last holidays, while we start planning for the October holidays These are some of the innovative engineering masterpieces the children made on our Engineering day. We had 3 challenges, the strongest bridge using only straws and blutac, the tallest structure using only spaghetti and marshmallows and the most creative space ship using only lego and it must have a special/unique feature. The children used their problem solving skill...s, teamwork, creativity, fine motor skills and stem skills on this particular activity. Plus we kept some marshmallows to eat afterwards
20.01.2022 Good news, we will be reopening on Monday 18th May! There will be a few changes in place, so if you require care, please request a booking form. When we return, we will be implementing the following to ensure a safe environment for our children, staff and families, we thank you for your cooperation with this.
19.01.2022 Who doesn't love a good Taco? Forget buying the pre-made packet sauces, it is really easy and quick to cook from scratch. The recipe is also easily adaptable for more or less depending on how many Taco's your family likes to eat It also freezes well, so you can double the recipe and freeze half ready for a healthy 5 minute meal on those busy days. Chilli Con Carne - makes enough for 12 tacos... Ingredients 500g lean mince 1 small onion crushed garlic (I use about 2-3 teaspoons) splash of olive oil 1 Tablespoon of Tomato Paste 1/2 Cup water pinch of chilli powder (more if you like them spicy) 1 capsicum 1 tin Red kidney beans Method Chop onion, capsicum and crush garlic (or cheat and buy pre-made crushed garlic ). Heat oil, add chopped onion and garlic and lightly saute (cook it until the onion looks see-through) add mince and brown. Stir chilli powder, tomato paste and water together then pour over meat, stir until simmering. Cover and simmer for 5-10 minutes (add more water if required). Add kidney beans, chopped capsicum and heat. Serve chilli con carne inside hot taco, with lettuce tomato and cheese. Enjoy
19.01.2022 Last week we turned our home corner into a box fort The children came up with a set of rules, and yesterday afternoon several children broke one of those rules (not tidying up after themselves). So this afternoon the box fort was a crime scene while we investigated who was responsible ... The children have now tidied the box fort and are back playing in it, promising to keep it tidy from now on Hopefully they will remember to follow their rules this time
18.01.2022 Thank you to all the nurses and midwives who do such a wonderful and important job for our community
18.01.2022 This is a brilliant video to help children understand autism (not bad for adults either ) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dUbsyd8Fnyw
17.01.2022 Happy Mother's day! Thank you to all the Mums, Nanas, sisters, grandmas, Aunties, friends, guardians and in some cases Dads, for all the 'Mum' jobs you do for our OSHC children and their families. Your hard work, love and kindness has helped to create some amazing, independent, creative, productive and sensitive human beings that it is our privilege to help care for
15.01.2022 Foody Friday Ever tried making scones with children? Scones are very yummy, but require limited handling, something most young children don't really understand when cooking. This recipe is not technically a scone recipe, but our educator created this recipe to take to family occasions, where a member of her family was allergic to egg. In those days, finding recipes with no eggs was not as simple as googling it, (the internet was still in it's infancy and most people didn't ha...ve access to it). Hence the recipe was created by trial and error. A discovery was made when making this recipe with a group of 4 year olds at a long day care centre - it doesn't matter how much children 'play' with the dough mixture, the scones will still turn out soft and moist. This recipe is adaptable, and the 'surprise' can be anything that suits you. We have had 'strawberries and cinnamon', 'apple and cinnamon', 'choc chip', 'cheese and mixed spice', 'prunes and mixed spice', 'dates and mixed spice' and more. Have fun with this recipe and remember it is meant to be icky sticky when preparing it, that is what makes it so appealing to children.
15.01.2022 Mmmm... Pizza... In the mood for pizza, but want to serve something healthy? Then why not try our yummy pizza scrolls. If you are short on time, you can always add your favourite pizza toppings on top of a piece of bread and heat it up under the grill. Pizza Scrolls... Ingredients 2 cups of Self-raising flour 40g butter, chopped 1/2-3/4 cup of milk tomato paste your choice of pizza toppings, such as onion, capsicum, mushroom, ham, pineapple, rocket, spinach... cheese Method Pre-heat oven to 180C (especially if an electric oven), coat a lamington tin/slice tray with olive oil (my grandma recommended using a bit of paper towel ), Sift (or plonk it if you are like me ) into a bowl and using fingertips, rub butter into flour for 2 minutes or until fine and crumbly (or cheat, melt the butter and mix with a fork until fine and crumbly ). Add 1/2 cup of milk, mix to soft dough, adding more milk if necessary. Turn onto lightly floured surface, knead for 30 seconds. Roll out dough on baking paper to a 20x30cm rectangle approximately, an odd oblong shape will do just as well, just try to ensure the dough is 5mm (or 1/2 cm thick). Spread tomato paste over the dough, leaving a 1 cm edge. Spread your pizza toppings evenly over the top leaving a 2 cm edge, top with cheese. Using the paper as a guide, roll up dough from long side, so you have a big sausage shape. If your roll is falling apart when rolling, stick it together by brushing some milk on the dough and pressing the edges together. Using a sharp knife, cut roll into slices about 2cm thick. Place cut side down on tray and bake 20 minutes until golden. Enjoy
14.01.2022 Please be advised that this page will not be active for term 4 2020. Please direct all communication to Ally, Belinda or Jenny at the service or via our mobile 0437198833, alternatively you an email [email protected] Thanks!Please be advised that this page will not be active for term 4 2020. Please direct all communication to Ally, Belinda or Jenny at the service or via our mobile 0437198833, alternatively you an email [email protected] Thanks!
14.01.2022 Today we had an unexpected visitor This is an almost life size drawing of Australia's largest carnivorous dinosaur. It is in the same family as the T-Rex and was around during the Jurassic period. For more information check out this article ... https://www.abc.net.au//australias-largest-meat-e/12366880
12.01.2022 Wishing everyone a safe, healthy and happy Easter.
10.01.2022 The children redesigned our home corner into a hospital, complete with triage desk, paediatrics ward, kitchen/cafeteria and waiting area. Now they just need some patients
09.01.2022 Today is National OSHC Educators Day! We would like to thank our hard working OSHC Educators for the wonderful job they do! One of our children made this for us today to help us celebrate
09.01.2022 Our pets are missing the children, but otherwise doing well. How are your pets coping?
09.01.2022 Cooking is fun, but also teaches valuable lessons in mathematics, language, communication, reading, hygiene and nutrition. While we normally promote healthy eating, occasionally it is OK to treat yourself, just make sure you share these ones and don't eat too many there is a lot of sugar in these meringues! These photos are from this time last year
09.01.2022 We know how much our children love colouring-in-sheets. I wonder what unique details the children could add to these?
09.01.2022 Looking for ways of explaining Coronavirus/COVID-19 to children? SA health have some great resources for parents to download on their website, including a booklet about the virus aimed at children https://www.sahealth.sa.gov.au//information+for+parents,+c
07.01.2022 Working from home when you are an OSHC Educator...
06.01.2022 My final farewell It has been a wonderful 7 1/2 years working with the Hackham East OSHC community. There have been many memories made, and lots of laughter shared. I have seen young timid kindergarten children grow up to be confident young leaders heading into high school. I have heard a wide range of questions from a range of curious minds. I have had the joy of seeing things as if for the first time, through the hearts of the children. I have found out more about myself... by helping children discover who they are. I hope the OSHC children will remember how much I cared about them, and not doubt their own potential and abilities. I hope they will remember their times with me and Trish and think fondly on it, and use it to help booster their confidence as they start new chapters in their lives. I hope I have made even a fraction of the impact that you and your children have had on me. I wish the new Director Ali, good luck and best wishes as she takes on the best OSHC I have had the privilege to be a part of. If you wish to keep up with what I am doing, or keep track of how Buster and Lizzy are going, you can follow us at Unique Jacky Art and Craft Goodbye, good luck and take care in the future and I am sure I will see you around in the local area From Jacky, OSHC Director See more
06.01.2022 Happy Father's day! Thank you to all the Dads, Pops, brothers, Grandpas, Uncles, guardians, friends and in some cases Mums, for all the 'Dad' jobs you do for our OSHC children and their families. Your hard work, love and kindness has helped to create some amazing, independent, creative, productive and sensitive human beings that it is our privilege to help care for
05.01.2022 Something that all educators and teachers agree on is how important routine is for children. This may seem almost impossible to maintain with everything changing in society at the moment. however a routine does not mean you need a strict timetable and in times of upheaval, distress or trauma, routine and structure in a child's life can help to make them feel safe. So it is helpful if you can make a new routine, and keep as close to 'normal' as possible. Some families have th...eir children get up and get ready for school (including uniform) before starting lessons at the kitchen table. The routine you choose, needs to suit your needs and family, and it does not have to look like anyone else's. It should be adjusted if it isn't working too, sometimes it can take a few weeks to get into a good routine and flow, so make sure it work's for your family. Remember routines do not need to follow rules on time, for example a timetable would look like this: 7am - Get up & get dressed 7.30am - breakfast 8am - chores 8:30am - morning lessons 11:00am - morning tea 11:15am- family walk Where as a routine would look more like Get up & get dressed breakfast chores morning lessons morning tea family walk A routine follows a "this, than that" focus rather than set times. This allows flexibility when an activity may run longer than expected or may need to be finished earlier if it is not working. Someone who is a stickler for routines is Buster, and he is really struggling to understand why when I am dressed and ready, I don't leave to go to work. I am sure he will adjust with time though
03.01.2022 Tune in from 3pm-6pm tomorrow for Foodie Friday, where we will share lots of yummy recipes!Tune in from 3pm-6pm tomorrow for Foodie Friday, where we will share lots of yummy recipes!
02.01.2022 OUT OF SCHOOL HOUR CARE DIRECTOR LEVEL 6.4 This contract position for 37 hours per week will require the Director to work: Before School Care 7:00-9.00am... After School Care 3:00 6.00pm Vacation Care & Student Free Days 7.00am 6.00pm The contract is from: 12/10/20- 26/11/21 There will be a probation period of 3 months from the starting date at which point the Principal and Director will discuss suitability of the role and where appropriate the extension of the contract will be continued. At the end of the contract period the tenure may be negotiated to become a permanent position. Desirable knowledge and experience: Sound leadership, operational and financial management skills Ability to relate well with children, families and staff Knowledge of the NQF and MTOP Knowledge of the CCMS and Children Services Award Required Qualifications: Diploma or Degree level qualification as approved by ACECQA First Aid qualifications as approved by ACECQA Responding to Abuse and Neglect training Criminal History Screening For further information and a copy of the Job and Person Specification please telephone: 83823824 or email [email protected] Please submit Application with three professional referees to be addressed to 'Director's Position' and emailed to [email protected] Applications must be submitted by 5pm on Monday 21/09/2020.
02.01.2022 Pet check in Lizzy is her usual chilled out self, and Buster has been busy running through the house (and over my computer keyboard ). Penny has for the most part been good, but this morning she gave us a bit of a scare as she stopped eating and was a bit flat. ... Rabbits have a unique body metabolism which requires them to eat and poo constantly (it is also why they are so light and fast), so if they stop eating they can very quickly deteriorate. Fortunately we keep a very close watch on our animals (they are members of our OSHC family after all), so Penny was at the vets very quickly to be checked over. After a thorough examination, the vet believed it was just a tummy ache. We are not sure of the cause yet, it could be because she is missing the children, she may be grooming herself more than normal due to the season and swallowed too much fur, or it might be the hay's quality is not as good as normal due to the drought and fires. The good news is that with some antacids, anti-inflammatory medication and some mushy critical care food she should be back to normal in a day or two as we caught it early. Fortunately Penny quite likes the critical care food and was happily feeding herself with it, even tipping the spoon over to make sure she got it all (normally you need to syringe feed it to rabbits, but Penny is not like most rabbits ). Thanks to The Southern Animal Hospital for their excellent care as always.
01.01.2022 Some more Autistic pride
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