HAES Australia | Community organisation
HAES Australia
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25.01.2022 A refreshing and reassuring message from Kiera Buchanan (psychologist) and Kate Lane (dietitian) as we take steps to emerge from lockdown...
24.01.2022 Join us to learn more about what weight stigma is, how it shows up in the world, how people are being affected and what we can all do to contribute to making our communities more inclusive and less stigmatising. HAES Australia is a not-for-profit organisation for health professionals seeking to contribute to collective advocacy in healthcare. We comprise a Leadership Team of volunteer health professionals and an Advisory Board comprising people with a diverse array of live...d experiences. #WSAW2020 #HAES #WeightStigma #SocialJustice
24.01.2022 Our organizational values reflect the core beliefs, behaviour and actions we commit to in order to fulfill our mission and ultimately our vision. It is critical that our values are action oriented. Each of us can reflect and know that we are acting in accordance with our values. Respect being accountable for our words and actions; regardless of setting or audience... Advocacy creating an active and vibrant network, committed to the cause; achieving change through a shared strategy Inclusion listening and learning; understanding that diversity does not exist without inclusion Evidence-based critiquing and using current evidence in all our work; contributing to ethical research through collaboration Community having a shared vision; being connected and compassionate, proactive and kind Social Justice focussing on equality, equity and participation; positively contributing to a safe, fair and just society #HAES #StrategicPlan #vision #mission #values
24.01.2022 Not long now until HAES Australia launches its first Strategic Plan at the upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM). The AGM will be held on Tuesday 17th November, 2020 8pm (VIC/TAS/NSW/ACT) 7:30pm (SA)... 7pm (QLD) 6:30pm (NT) 5pm (WA) The AGM will be held on-line and is open to all HAES Australia members. We'll review what we've managed to achieve over the past year and outline what's coming up in 2021. #HAES #AGM #StrategicPlan See more
23.01.2022 Over the past couple of weeks, we've been enjoying the diverse scholarship at the Fat Studies: Past, Present, Futures conference. Coming up in week 3, Dr Carolynne White, HAES Australia President, outlines collective actions taken to end weight stigma and discrimination in Australia. To celebrate week 3 of the conference, the conference organisers are doing a buy 1 get 1 free deal! ... Anyone who registers by the end of the week will receive an email asking for the name and email of the second registrant. Don’t miss this!!! #FSNZ20 http://FSNZ.online
22.01.2022 We are gratified by the engagement and response to #NationalGrammarDay our effort to shed light on the utter nonsense that is World O**sity Day. We want to give a shout out to the brilliance that is #WorldObesityDayHack created by @scotteeandfriends. We applaud and stand with the awesome humans being glorious, living their excellent lives and disrupting the dominant paradigm.
21.01.2022 This coming week, from 28th Sept to 2nd Oct, is Weight Stigma Awareness Week. Each day, we will be posting about the many aspects of weight stigma which aim to increase our awareness about the many harms of weight stigma to raise awareness and offer ideas about how we can ALL make a difference in optimising care for all people, in all bodies. Before we launch into the week, we want to pay respect and tribute to the founder of Weight Stigma Awareness Week, Chevese Turner, a t...ireless advocate, colleague and friend to many of us. Chevese founded the Binge Eating Disorder (BEDA) in 2008 after identifying a need for greater advocacy for individuals affected by binge eating disorder (BED) and the providers who treat them. She speaks often about her own experiences of weight stigma, and the need for recognition of and access to care for those with eating disorders in all bodies. It is largely through the work of BEDA under Chevese’s leadership that Binge Eating Disorder was finally recognised as an official eating disorder diagnosis in 2013 and that since this time, people with BED have had greater access to care and funding streams. Chevese is a tenacious advocate and has helped to directly name one of the most under-acknowledged variables in health and wellbeing weight stigma. She also helped set in motion one of the most incredibly important articles about weight bias in health professionals when she encouraged Dr Rebecca Puhl, a weight bias and stigma researcher with the Rudd Center (Yale University), to survey eating disorder treatment professionals about weight bias. The results, although perhaps unsurprising, point to the work that lies ahead of us in healthcare to first address weight bias in healthcare providers to provide inclusive, respectful and high quality healthcare across all body sizes. We recognise that there is still a lot of work to be done, and HAES Australia are an advocacy organisation committed to changing the conversation. Learn more about us here: https://haesaustralia.org.au/ #WSAW2020 #EndWeightStigma #HAESAustralia
18.01.2022 Starting tomorrow, join us to for daily posts about the many ways that weight stigma can influence and impact. Join us to learn more about what weight stigma is, how it shows up in the world, how people are being affected and what we can all do to contribute to making our communities more inclusive and less stigmatising. HAES Australia is a not-for-profit organisation for health professionals seeking to contribute to collective advocacy in healthcare. We comprise a Leaders...hip Team of volunteer health professionals and an Advisory Board comprising people with a diverse array of lived experiences. #WSAW2020 #EndWeightStigma #HAESAustralia https://www.haesaustralia.org.au/weight-stigma-awareness-we
18.01.2022 Sending a huge THANK YOU to the 126 members, stakeholders and community members who took the time to complete our recent survey. Listening to and learning from your insights and experiences will help strengthen HAES Australia as an organisation and guide our future development. This week, we look forward to taking the next steps in our strategic planning process, with Jenny Jackson Consulting facilitating the first of two workshops with our Leadership and Steering Committees and Lived Experience Advisory Board. Watch this space!
17.01.2022 https://www.sciencedirect.com//a/abs/pii/S1740144517303790 Experienced weight stigma can be explicit (i.e., deliberate, such as beliefs that fat patients are lazy and weak-willed) or implicit (i.e., non-deliberate, such as an environment that does not accommodate fatter bodies), and research suggests that even implicit biases among physicians contribute to health disparities for marginalized people (Chapman, Kaatz, & Carnes, 2013). Ultimately, weight stigma (both implicit ...and explicit) can manifest as healthcare professionals’ negative attitudes and behaviors towards higher weight patients (Phelan et al., 2014; Sabin, Marini, & Nosek, 2012; Tomiyama et al., 2015). These negative attitudes and behaviors not only contribute to higher weight patients’ experiences of weight stigma at their healthcare provider’s office, but they likely negatively impact their future health care utilization, either with that provider or other providers. (Mensinger, 2018) A weight-centric position would suggest that addressing weight stigma is best addressed by changing attitudes and environments, with the explicit goal of enhancing engagement in weight loss services. In contrast, a weight inclusive paradigm position to address weight stigma would be to develop awareness of, and directly address, biases within healthcare - which not only include personal attitudes & behaviours, but also research & policies - which are then associated with guilt, shame and avoidance. From there, to offer collaborative health behaviour decision making based on lived experience and evidence-based care. Everyone, in every body, deserves high quality, respectful healthcare. Everyone. https://www.haesaustralia.org.au/weight-stigma-awareness-we HAES Australia, as a group of individual health practitioners, is an organisation working to address weight stigma, notably in healthcare. Our work aims to advocate and partner alongside people with lived experience to advocate for increases in equity in healthcare. Learn more about us, and become involved as a healthcare practitioner here: https://www.haesaustralia.org.au/ #WSAW2020 #endweightstigma #haesaustralia
17.01.2022 Following our announcement last week, HAES Australia would like to invite Australian adults to contribute to our first strategic plan by completing a short survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/HAESAustralia For HAES Australia members, please check your inbox for an email with a link to the member survey.... The confidential survey will be open until Friday 14th August. We look forward to listening to and learning from a diverse range of voices and perspectives as we plan our next steps as an organisation.
17.01.2022 We’re proud to share the vision of this growing and developing organisation. This is our guiding star so to speak. Everything we do, say and don’t do or say will be in support of working towards and achieving this vision. Our vision is for a just and compassionate community, where all bodies are respected and belong.... Deep gratitude to all that helped shape and refine this important statement. Thank you to Jenny Jackson of Jenny Jackson Consulting for her guidance and support during the process of developing the Strategic Plan. Jenny your expertise was invaluable. #HAES #StrategicPlan #vision #mission #values
17.01.2022 We shared our vision yesterday. Today we share the mission that was developed through consultation, conversation, and collaboration. This has been a rewarding and humbling process, there is so much wisdom in the HAES Australia community. Our mission is our commitment. It outlines what we do, the piece of the action that we stake our claim to. Our vision is grand, it is aspirational and inspirational. Without our mission it could be paralyzing! There is a lot of work across m...any sectors to be done to achieve it. So how do we stay the course as HAES Australia and do our bit of that work well? Our mission will keep us focused, it will guide us to say yes or no and ensure we are effective. Our Mission: We promote equitable access to evidence-based healthcare and life-enhancing practices for people of every size, through information, resources, and advocacy. #HAES #StrategicPlan #vision #mission #values
16.01.2022 National Diabetes Week kicks off today and this year focuses on supporting the emotional and mental health of people living with diabetes. In Australian Diabetes Educator, Fiona Willer (Advanced Accredited Practicing Dietitian) shares how "the HAES principles offer a guide for supporting people with diabetes to regularly engage in enjoyable physical activity, eat well and manage their blood glucose levels (BGLs) without closely controlling energy intake." Using evidence f...rom research and a case study, Fiona shows how a Health at Every Size approach can support both the physical and mental health of people living with diabetes. While this article emphasises taking a ‘health gain’ approach for people with larger bodies, such an approach has benefits for all people. Thanks Fiona! Content warning: Reference to BMI and medicalised language.
16.01.2022 In a timely follow up to Louise Adams’ radio interview, this article asks, what if doctors stopped prescribing weight loss?. This article is available free for a limited time. Content warning: Some medicalised language and discussion of BMI and weights.
16.01.2022 A year that none of us could have predicted, has given us time to pause and reflect on where we have been and where we are going as an organisation. HAES Australia was first established in 2016 and, since then, has grown to an organisation of over 200 members, including verified providers from a range of health and fitness professions, as well as general, medical and student members. HAES Australia is excited to announce that over the next few months, we will be working with... Jenny Jackson Consulting to develop our first strategic plan. As part of this process, we will invite your participation through a survey to listen to and learn from our members and community and plan our next steps as an organisation.
15.01.2022 While you’re here enjoying #NationalGrammarDay why not join us https://haesaustralia.org.au/Join-us. HAES Australia is a central place for Health at Every Size professionals in Australia to connect, learn, and unite and for interested people to find an Australian health professional who is fully trained and experienced. HAES Australia supports the work of these medical, health and fitness practitioners, and provides information to the public about weight inclusive health se...rvices. Consider joining us to meet other like-minded colleagues, be kept up to date, participate in progressing the field, get involved with advocacy within Australia and have your services listed on our Verified Provider Directory. Membership is available for community members and health providers who wish to learn more about weight-neutral approaches. #BeTheChange #HAES #JoinUs #SocialJustice #Advocate #Community
15.01.2022 It’s almost here! We are excited to announce that HAES Australia will launch its first Strategic Plan at the upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM). The AGM will be held on Tuesday 17th November, 2020 8pm (VIC/TAS/NSW/ACT) 7:30pm (SA)... 7pm (QLD) 6:30pm (NT) 5pm (WA) The AGM will be held on-line and is open to all HAES Australia members. We'll review what we've managed to achieve over the past year and outline what's coming up in 2021. See more
14.01.2022 Make sure you have your say! The opportunity to contribute to our first strategic plan closes this Friday. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/HAESAustralia (link in bio) For HAES Australia members, please check your inbox for an email with a link to the member survey.... We look forward to listening to and learning from a diverse range of voices and perspectives as we plan our next steps as an organisation. #HAES #StrategicPlan #diversity #community
13.01.2022 Weight stigma has significant impacts on people in many different ways, both subtle and more overt. Although it is acknowledged that people in all body shapes and sizes can feel critical or negative towards themselves and their bodies, weight stigma is specifically directed towards, and felt most significantly by people in larger bodies. We all absorb ideas about weight, shape and size via strongly socialised messaging, and weight stigma are the specific ways that our biases... are enacted in the world. We might think about stigma as something that is perpetrated by unkind individuals, and although this can definitely be the case, it is more often perpetuated by people who simply are not aware of the harms of exclusion. As a group of health professionals, we feel strongly that examining our own weight biases (amongst many other biases that we hold as humans) is one of the keys to reducing the harms of stigma. The impact of weight stigma can be catastrophic, resulting in delayed or denied healthcare, reduced opportunities in educational and workplace settings, increased allostatic load (the wear and tear on a body that occurs with repeated or chronic exposure of stress) and greater risk of health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension and type 2 diabetes. Weight stigma in and of itself directly contributes to illhealth - physical, social, emotional and psychological. This week, we encourage you to learn more about weight stigma and join us for important conversations. https://www.haesaustralia.org.au/weight-stigma-awareness-we. Who are we? HAES Australia, as a group of individual health practitioners, is an organisation working to address weight stigma, notably in healthcare. Our work aims to advocate and partner alongside people with lived experience to advocate for increases in equity in healthcare. Learn more about us, and become involved as a healthcare practitioner here: https://www.haesaustralia.org.au/ #WSAW2020 #endweightstigma #haesaustralia
12.01.2022 HAES Australia is a hub for finding weight inclusive health practitioners. We have more than 70 verified providers who are committed to evidence-based, weight-neutral practice. Our providers come from a number of different health and fitness professions and have completed at least 16 hours of HAES-specific training, and are committed to ongoing HAES-related professional development, which is reviewed annually. The process to become a HAES verified provider involves a review ...of the applicant’s qualifications, HAES training and experience, and marketing and advertising materials. As a not for profit, our membership fees go straight back into the organisation’s running costs and our wonderful Lived Experience Advisory Board. Everything we do at HAES Australia is focused on improving access to safe and equitable health care for all bodies, particularly those experiencing weight stigma and marginalisation. If you’d like to join our growing list of verified HAES providers, visit our website! https://www.haesaustralia.org.au/Join-us
10.01.2022 Grab a cuppa and pull up a chair to listen to Louise Adams’ interview on ABC Afternoons with James Valentine earlier today. Louise is a Clinical Psychologist and Vice-President of HAES Australia and shares where Health at Every Size came from and what it’s all about. If you listen, Louise is on at the beginning - about 36 minutes in.
08.01.2022 We have a draft of HAES Australia’s first strategic plan! With input from 126 people who completed our survey, and insights from workshops with our steering committee and Lived Experience Advisory Board members, we’re working together to shape HAES Australia’s future. Thank you to everyone who submitted their thoughts and ideas. Your ideas have helped us develop a new vision and mission, identify our shared values and determine strategic priorities for the organisation. ... Over the next couple of weeks, we are looking forward to workshops with Jenny Jackson Consulting and our Lived Experience Advisory Board and Steering Committee to continue to refine the strategic plan. We can’t wait to share it with you!
08.01.2022 We were thrilled to have so many people attend the HAES Australia AGM last night. It was very exciting to launch the strategic plan for 2020-2021. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this via the survey. ... Thank you to the brilliant and wise Lived Experience Advisory Board members. And thank you to the volunteers in the leadership and steering groups. We will be introducing our Vision, Mission and Values over a series of social media posts. The full strategic plan will be available on the website over the weekend. #HAES #StrategicPlan #Vision #Mission #Values
07.01.2022 Weight stigma is weight-based discrimination arising as a result of dominant cultural attitudes and beliefs held about individuals or groups of people based on their weight, shape or size. Researchers have offered definitions such as: The social devaluation and denigration of people perceived to carry excess weight, [which] leads to prejudice, negative stereotyping and discrimination toward those people.The judgment of a person’s character, work ethics, and personality based...Continue reading
06.01.2022 With gratitude to Elissa, a member of our Lived Experience Advisory Board for sharing their lived experience... As a child, teenager and adult, I went on pretty much every weight loss diet under the sun. I was successful at so many things, but always failed at diets. I now know that 95% of the time diets don’t actually work. Would you take medicine or have surgery that only had a 5% success rate? And yet the weight loss industry continues to thrive by selling a broken p...roduct. Dieting made me miserable and food obsessed. At 44, I am now relearning how to eat and move in a way that enhances my health and wellbeing without silly rules and restrictions. I am also embracing the #bodyneutrality movement which, as a children’s entertainer, is super important to me. Diet culture needs to be systematically dismantled, so no child, teen or adult has to go through the unhealthy relationship with food and movement that I have been through. HAES Australia are incredibly grateful for the leadership and guidance of the Lived Experience Advisory Board, who are a group of community members from diverse backgrounds and experiences, who provide advice and feedback regarding HAES Australia’s activities, plans and policies. The Lived Experience Advisory Board meet four times a year, or as needed, and members are paid for their contributions. HAES Australia, as a group of individual health practitioners, is an organisation working to address weight stigma, notably in healthcare, learn more about weight stigma here https://www.haesaustralia.org.au/weight-stigma-awareness-we. Our work aims to advocate and partner alongside people with lived experience to advocate for increases in equity in healthcare. Learn more about us, and become involved as a healthcare practitioner here: https://www.haesaustralia.org.au/ #WSAW2020 #endweightstigma #haesaustralia
06.01.2022 With gratitude to Carolynne, the president of HAES Australia, for sharing her lived experience... Weight bias is a matter of life and death. Four years ago, my Dad ended up in an intensive care unit after having complications during surgery. ... One week later, the treating team held a family meeting. Based on his condition, his age and his body size, they felt his prognosis was poor and prepared us for the worst. When the team learned of Dad’s active lifestyle and his community activities, they took a different approach to his treatment and he survived! HAES Australia, as a group of individual health practitioners, is an organisation working to address weight stigma, notably in healthcare. Our work aims to advocate and partner alongside people with lived experience to advocate for increases in equity in healthcare. Learn more about us, and become involved as a healthcare practitioner here: https://www.haesaustralia.org.au/ Learn more about weight stigma here: https://www.haesaustralia.org.au/weight-stigma-awareness-we #WSAW2020 #endweightstigma #haesaustralia
03.01.2022 A few weeks ago, Grace Jennings-Edquist shared her wonderful story of how pregnancy changed her relationship with her body, from one of dissatisfaction and shame to appreciation. Sadly, this experience is not universal. Over the past couple of months, HAES Australia has received emails from a number of pregnant women whose experience of pregnancy has been marred by weight stigma and discrimination from their GP and antenatal service.... In response, HAES Australia was pleased to provide feedback last week to the Australian Government Department of Health as part of its review of the Pregnancy Care Guidelines. In our submission, HAES Australia advocated for weight-neutral approaches to physical activity and nutrition in pregnancy and consideration of the impact of weight stigma, food insecurity and social determinants of health on pregnancy and birth outcomes. HAES Australia recommended that weight-inclusive approaches be promoted in the guidelines for the antenatal management of pregnant women and trans, gender-diverse and non-binary people across the weight spectrum.
01.01.2022 HAES Australia is a proud sponsor of the online Fat Studies: Past, Present, Futures FSNZ20 Conference, beginning on 18 June 2020. Register now to hear from Fat Studies Scholars, Activists and Advocates from around the world, including Sonya Renee Taylor @sonyareneetaylor, founder of The Body Is Not An Apology. If you would like to register but are experiencing financial barriers, scholarships are available. #FSNZ20... Edited to add rego link http://fsnz.org/registration.html
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