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Hair 'n' Makeup with TLC

Phone: +61 410 472 980


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24.01.2022 You are what you eat!!! What matters really is what is on the inside - #fridge #mindset ... #body #heart #lookgoodfeelgooddogood #beyourbestyou #giftyourself #youdeserveit #hairnmakeupwithtlc

22.01.2022 First of the month First day of spring Bring on the warmth, fresh air, fresh weather, healthier happier times.... To new beginnings! #freshstart #newbeginnings #springhassprung #getfresh #getfit #gethealthy #postbaby #iamcomingatyou #lookgood #feelgreat #hairnmakeupwithtlc #nutrition #goodvibes #iloveme #whoiswithme

22.01.2022 I have always been a person of simplicities. Life should be enjoyed and embraced beyond the realms of personal belongings. It is unfortunate people will learn some hard lessons at this time but hopefully we all come out better for it on the other side.... #stayinside #2020 #pandemic #learntolovethesimplethings #appreciatewhatyouhave #speakup #speakout #lovefearlessly #liveandlearn #staysafe #bewell #hairnmakeupwithtlc

20.01.2022 Helen Reedy Can not believe I did not realise she was Australian. ... One of the Best songs ever!!! So glad I had already introduced her in movie and in song with the children, especially Ruby. #iamstrong #iaminvincible #iamwoman #beautifulvoice #helenreedy #sosad #thankyou Literally a favourite movie of mine for forever (yes have it in dvd) #petesdragon #lovethesongs #lovehervoice #strongmessages #needtowatchagain

19.01.2022 I love this! So cute and so true...... Don’t leave the house unless it is for - #thebarenecessities ... #cartoonfun #disney #junglebook #stayinside #besafelovelies #2020 #notaprilfools

18.01.2022 The last of our home learning covid colour. A splash of old school hair accessories. #ballet #haircovers ... #schoolcolours #blue #oldschool #hairbun #toocute #oldschoolgoodness #doesnotfit #nohatnoplay #braided #hairnmakeupwithtlc

15.01.2022 #everyonelovesagoodmuk #howdoyouliketomuk Beautiful sunny Gold Coast day ... Rocking the 90’s today..... #covidhair #nomore #babyouting #feelinggreat #lovelies #iamback #hairnmakeupwithtlc #goldcoast #felxibility #feelinghappy #arbonne #muk #mukhaircare

13.01.2022 As a Hair and Makeup Artist i Love to Educate and Encourage; Self Development, Self Worth and Happiness. Understanding most people are Conscious of their health nowadays i find it is not uncommon for people to overlook the largest organ in the body - Our Skin! ... And that 'what goes on the body - goes in the body' My Gorgeous products are 6 star, Swiss formulated - Healthy, Botanically based and inspired by nature, Vegan certified and Cruelty Free (Peta Approved) Pure, Safe and Beneficial! *Also with gluten free and nut friendly options I provide a variety of ranges; * Skin Care - No 1 in Anti Aging, Acne, Everyday and Sensitive Skins * Bath and Body - Wash, Exfoliate, Wraps, Hydrate * Baby Hair and Body * Hair Care - Cleanse, Masks, Colour Care * Sun Care * Makeup - Everyday, Photography, Natural Look, Film * Fragrance * Nutrition - Weight Management * Sports Enthusiast - Casual, Professional, Elite Covering Men, Woman, Teens and Babies

13.01.2022 We are what we sow We are what we believe We all deserve the Best! Life is like a box of chocolates - you never know what you’re gonna get.... But we do not go for our least favourite flavour, we go straight to the yummy ones that make us happy and feel good. We all have choices Choose you! #believe #youdeservethebest #findthegoodthings #glasshalffull #weallhaveachoice #always #happiness #lovecompletely #forrestgump #lifeislikeaboxofchocolates #beanindividual #expressyourself #hairnmakeupwithtlc

12.01.2022 What formula works best for you...... maths and science is what we all are products of. 1+1=2 To look good is to feel good but truly it all comes from within. ... If you are interested to hear more about my nutrition options - become a healthier, stronger, more confident you...... flick me a DM. (My website is also in my bio should you wish to peruse) #skinelixir #proteinshake #proteinboost #fibreboost #greensbalance #digestionplus #energyfizzsticks #herbaltea #bodycleanse #mindhealth #proteinsnacks #omega3plus #lookafteryourself #insideandout #hairnmakeupwithtlc

11.01.2022 Yes I always forget the ‘before pic’ Too busy getting into it, or just maybe too busy talking (perhaps the later if you know me) Haircuts when you get Nanny visits and have been waiting since January ... #4months #newstyles #thankfuck #alongwait #covid #newdo #lovethatlook #soneat #happytoseemum #smallthings #nosecondwave #longhairtoshorthair #thanksforcoming #notofficially #hairnmakeupwithtlc #maternityleave

08.01.2022 Hello trusty Clients Salon is closed now until July 2020. Appointments available from then for sure (some already booked) and I look forward to interacting and chatting to all my loyal peeps.... Enquiries always welcomed and retail is always available! May you all be Happy, Safe and Healthy through these current times. Talk soon and see you when I am looking at you #bookingsbyappointment #keepsmiling #behappy #besafe #goldcoast #hairandmakeup #loyalcustomers #personaltouch #lookforwardtoit #lookingafteryou #haircolour #haircuts #styling #mukhaircare #cosmetics #nutrition #skincare #lookgood #feelamazing #hairnmakeupwithtlc

07.01.2022 As we know in life anything is possible if we really put our minds to it. Ruby got a gorgeous little surprise today and with social distancing not getting in the way. Thank you to Joel Lo Sales and Marketing Consultant for popping by with her goodies ... #winner #easter #colourcompetition #youcandoit #doingwhatyouenjoy #havetobwinittowinit #surprise #eastereggs #ruby #isolation #socialdistancing #stillliving #competitionwinner #anythingispossible #goldcoastproperty #salesandrentals #salesandmarketing #robina #goldcoast

07.01.2022 When you do not drink coffee but the morning is cold and you really want a hot drink Out comes the herbal goodness Supports the liver and kidneys.... Soothes and calms the stomach Antioxidants supporting good health #arbonne #arbonneessentials #herbaltea #noartificialcolors #noartificialflavors #goodfortheliverandkidney #nocaffeine #nogluten #milkthistle #peppermint #licoriceroot #dandelion #sweetfennel Sooooo yummy! #beenpregnant #beenages #yum #cosy #hotdrink

05.01.2022 When you finally get to look after yourself..... #lookgoodfeelgood #ithinkitworked #lookgood ... #feelgreat #myturn #sorelieved #glowing #arbonnemakeup #makeupartist #newhairfeels #hairnmakeupwithtlc #mukhaircare See more

04.01.2022 Be your best you Always! Every day is your day, make the best of it if not for anything but yourself. Has covid got you feeling like you are in a slump?... Caught in a rut Are you looking for a new you, feeling better about yourself for yourself..... Do you need something different for you? #30daystohealthyliving #lookgoodfeelgood #challengeyourself #loveyourself #newyou #onlineassistance #notgoingitalone #helpmehelpyou #sports #elite #recreational #beforeandafter #moremeals #smallerportions #delivereddirect #youarenotalone #hairnmakeupwithtlc #guthealth IS WHERE IT IS AT DM me, call me #happytochat @ Hair 'n' Makeup with TLC

03.01.2022 Hi Lovelies So..... #lotsgoingonintheworld #covd19 #2020 ... A #reallybigdeal and quite #underrated by many. With #government policies influence and for the #safety of all I have decided to #stoptrading for the mean time. #washyourhands #keepclean #staysafe and for the #loveofgod #stayhome #stayactive #stayintouch #staypositive #loveoneanother #bekind #keepsmiling #seeyouwheniamlookingatyou #hairdressing #goldcoast #shoplocal #retail #stillavailable #online #contactme

03.01.2022 Happy Easter to all and to all a good day Whether with family, flat mates, friends or working may your day (while highly likely different to most years) be the best it can be and an experience in the best light possible. #children ... #bunnybreakfast #easter #toomuchchocolate #teamwork #happyeaster #isolation #2020 #earlymorning #parentlife #livingmybestlife See more

02.01.2022 When you finally get to do your hair after having a baby You are #inlove with your #newborn and #timeflies #finally #myturn ... #ithadtohappen #overdue #nothingisordinary #nottoofarout #hairnmakeupwithtlc #alwaysplayful #foils #newcolour #muk #goodness

01.01.2022 Cosy Saturday nights in..... #multitasking #fieldhockeyislife #hockeylove ... #cosynights #rainingoutside #cherubs #babysnuggles #supportingthegents #decentwin #stayingdry #feelingblessed #altiusrt #livestreaming #coordinatorscare

01.01.2022 Coming back! Taking appointments for the next few weeks to help clients out. All appointments i do need to ask: If you have been around anyone with Covid-19... If you have flu like symptoms If you have a high temperature If you have been out of the state or country over the last month. Are you in or been asked to self quarantine #isolation #gettingthejobdone #stayingsafe #helpflattenthecurve #hairyquestions #goldcoasthairdresser #males #females #byappointmentonly #muk #allservices #hairnmakeupwithtlc

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