Leading Together in Hawkesbury, New South Wales, Australia | Business service
Leading Together
Locality: Hawkesbury, New South Wales, Australia
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25.01.2022 Are you an armchair critic or are you the man in the arena? I love this quote from Theodore Roosevelt, "The man in the arena" As a visual, I think how easy it is to sit on a couch on a weekend and yell at the TV about how to I want my team to play elite football. As it is easy from the comfort of our loungeroom to be an armchair expert. We know how to play and how to coach. We get frustrated when our favourite players cant catch the ball. It is much harder however to ...put in the thousands of hours required to play at that level. The discipline required and sacrifices made that most of us just wouldnt do. When you are the person standing up and leaning into it the challenges it becomes so easy for others to criticize you. As so many people are making hard decisions during difficult times and needing to lean into the challenges. Maybe we need fewer armchair critics and more men in the arena. I am heading off to the arena hope to see you there.
25.01.2022 Acting with self-care is a daily practice. Some days it is easier than others. #selfcare #onmyside #emotionalintelligence #authentic #equineassistedlearning
25.01.2022 For a Friday fun one... Coming up to the weekend where I am normally thinking about my competition or going to riding club. Which are all canceled due to COVID, because horse riding as a sport is not COVID safe? Maybe jousting is the answer.
24.01.2022 https://www.huffingtonpost.com.au//wisest-things-your-kids Have you ever had wise words given to you by a child. Do you remember what they were?
22.01.2022 I recently was in the KMPG building in Sydney CBD and they have prominent signage "a smile can travel 1.5 meters". Shout out to KMPG for such a beautiful message, changed my mood, and was a great visual cue to smile. A simple smile could change someones day, it costs nothing and its contagious. Lets spread a kindness virus instead. Just because we need to physically distance from each other should mean we have to socially distance. #smiling #kmpg #bekind #physicaldistance #smileatastranger
22.01.2022 I have been geeking out and watching some incredible horsemen. Amazing what can be achieved with consistency and patience. It doesnt matter where you start as long as you start. The change is possible if you stick with it and just take the first step.
21.01.2022 Lest we forget. #rememberanceday #wewillrememberthem
20.01.2022 Drop the mic... this just happened. https://weheartentrepreneurs.com/interview-jannine-jackson/
19.01.2022 I dont know if you are experiencing this too. Trying to make plans in 2020 is getting ridiculous. Something goes in the diary and then... it just magically gets canceled and out it comes. I keep trying - maybe just maybe this time.
18.01.2022 Bren Brown has amazing insights. I love the concept of tension she articulates it so well. We all experience it. The concept of a strong woman who is tender. Courage, being brave when you are scared. So many tensions in life especially now. If you get a chance I highly recommend reading her books. Or listening to her. #brenebrown #inspired
17.01.2022 The workplace has changed rapidly and leadership is having to change with it. To lead an organisation with remote working we need to think differently about what are the most important skills in the workplace. Is emotional intelligence the future "Essential Skills" required? https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/352884... #halcyonvision #emotionalintelligence #covid19 #remoteworking #leadership #essentialskills
16.01.2022 I heard this quote recently. It was a timely reminder for me to think about what I am focusing on, and how I show up affects others. What is the weather like for you today? #emotionalintelligence #learning #bekind
16.01.2022 Sometimes you just need to say I am here for you.
15.01.2022 This is why I cant play poker. I am really terrible at lying and my face tells you exactly how I am feeling at any given moment. #myfacedontlie #emotionalintelligence #halcyonvision #readmelikeabook #transparent
15.01.2022 I love how Brene Brown articulates the tension between being strong and vulnerable. Its a real lived experience for me. The constant tension of wearing different hats, CEO, mum, wife, horsewoman and all of them requiring different parts of you to show up and be present. Sometimes all at once! #thestruggleisreal #brenebrownquotes #vulnerability #equineassistedcoaching #livingmybestlife #horses
13.01.2022 Use your voice for kindness, your ears for compassion, your hands for charity, your mind for truth, and your heart for love. Spread a little love and kindness today. Heart emoji if you agree. #kindness #love #charity #hope #truth #compassion #help #randomacts #hugs
13.01.2022 Today I am going to work on chasing my dreams rather than getting through the day. Time is a strange concept right now anyway. Hard to tell where one day or week starts or ends. So should do something today that gets me one step closer. #livingthedream #goals #dreambig #itsthelittlethings
13.01.2022 This horse makes me laugh. Duke has a massive personality and always up to mischief. I tried to on camera him poking his tongue out at me when I asked him to move. If you look closely you will see it. It was so funny that I was actually undoing my training couldnt help it. How can you get mad at that face.
12.01.2022 It’s ok to do you. Just do you well.
12.01.2022 #Kindness hoping its contagious.
11.01.2022 The more I learn about horses the more I learn about myself and the more I understand people. How we show up matters, it isn't easy, and I am far from perfect. I am a work in progress, and I keep trying to improve. #horsemanship #improving #leadership #leadingtogether #emotions #emotionalintelligence #learning #horses #emotions #emotionsmatter
11.01.2022 https://www.instagram.com/p/CEjoKNThzKv/ Learning is a lifelong pursuit and what has changed is the more learn about leadership and horses the more I realise that my biggest lessons come from the least expected places. I have learned more about leadership from being with horses than I have from leadership textbooks.
10.01.2022 Some times you just need to spread your sparkle in the world. Get your sparkle on.
10.01.2022 What lessons are we learning during the Pandemic? What will leadership look like in the future? The transformation is happening and emotional intelligence may be more valued than our economic management. Leadership skills are about more than managing a budget, how do we make people feel? It might be time to transform our skills to be more about our people than our bottom lines. https://www.sydney.edu.au//resilience-and-empathy-vital-fo
10.01.2022 Let it go. #emotionalintelligence #beingpresent #anxiety #anxietyrelief #worryless #liveyourbestlife
10.01.2022 Wow it was cold this morning....
10.01.2022 Anyone who knows me personally will know I have arachnophobia. Even looking at spiders makes me want shake and vomit. So why post a photo of a spider!!! What I realised yesterday that with all the work I am doing with horses it is working across so many areas of life it’s ridiculous. ... Yesterday I faced one of my biggest fears. I went to load my horse onto the float and a huge spider was already in the float. Big enough for it to have its own bay. I could see it’s beady eyes looking back at me. Feel the fear and do it anyway. I thought. Time to do what you need to do. So I got my broom and scooted it out and beat it to a pulp. Now for some of you that wouldn’t be an issue but for me that was literally facing my biggest fears. I am not going to lie I was physically shaking like a leaf. However the piece that really got me was how quick I could bring it back. By the time I got to my horse I had bought my heart rate down breathing back and wasn’t focused on the spider. Wow!!! Helping my horses and other people is changing my life in ways that I wouldn’t have even thought it could. I am not sure I can say I am an arachnophobe anymore. I can still say I don’t like spiders and I am scared. #facingfears #wow #changinglives #horses #arachnophobe #spiders #fear #control
09.01.2022 I wonder if all the conspiracy theorists are just in denial about COVID. I guess we are all grieving for what we have lost during the Pandemic.
08.01.2022 Practicing gratitude this morning. So thankful for the fact that I have a beautiful place and gorgeous ponies to wake up to.
07.01.2022 Interesting article about social connections and empathy. Holding hands and trust can make you feel better. I think most of us know this at some level. Now they have proven it. #holdhands #empathy #connection https://dana.org//in-sync-how-humans-are-hard-wired-for-s/
07.01.2022 Dont... Has anyone told you not to do something or behave a certain way and that is the one thing you focus on? Dieting is a great example for me. Dont eat sugar its bad for you. So I am thinking all day about a packet of lollies and how I am not allowed to eat it. Guess what the first thing is I grab for when I am tired. Or you are not allowed to travel, so what do you think about all the amazing destinations and things you are missing out on. I call it FOMO (my fear ...of missing out). COVID is certainly testing my FOMO. I had my Aha! moment teaching someone to ride on the weekend and they were focusing on "the dont". They could do that for about 6 or 7 strides and then they would be doing the precise thing that they were trying not to do. So, try replacing your dont with a do. It worked. My inspiration came from listening to two podcasts only days apart about this exact thing from two different horsemen telling the exact same story just from their own point of view. Warwick Schillers Performance Horsemanship and Double Dan Horsemanship told the story of the blue tree. Dont think about the Blue Tree - anyway the only thing you think about is the blue tree. Highly recommend both of their podcasts, great storytellers. Do... When you fill your mind with what you want and the stronger you can make the visual the easier it is to do. Try a vision and fill in the feelings, sights, sounds, and smells. The clearer the image the easier it is to create that end result. That is why sports psychologists talk about the visuals. Visualise the ball going through the hoop no net. If it works for elite athletes why cant it work for you or me? Our brains are wired to do only one thing at a time and when we create a mental picture they are brilliant at filling in the blanks and making that happen. So I am going to practice finding more dos instead of more donts. #doing #emotionalintelligence
07.01.2022 Confession, I love Brene Brown! Everything she says just makes so much sense to me. I am crushing on Brene #brenebrown #leadership #courage #potential #vulnerable #brave #leadingtogether #growth
07.01.2022 You got this!! Live in the moment with gratitude. #thankyou #gratitude #selfcare #yougotthis #emotionalintellence
05.01.2022 "I See You" is a beautiful life lesson. Its from the Avatar movie. In the movie Avatar to greet someone with "I see you" was an expression of greeting with an open heart and an open mind to be in the present moment. I see you physically and spiritually. When you really see someone, you see all of them. You see their love, you see their soul, you acknowledge them in their entirety. I wonder if in our crazy world if we started trying to greet people with "I see you" how di...fferent it would be. When you find someone special in your life and they stop and look at you when they really see you. You know, you are being seen, you can feel it. I am going to make an effort to stop, especially now, and really see people I know and love. I wonder if you can spend a minute or two and say "I see you" to someone special and see what it feels like. I dare you to try. #emotionalintelligence #idareyou #iseeyou #beinthemoment
04.01.2022 Let’s see if I show a little ass... who will give me a like.
04.01.2022 My passion is what has been my driving force. I have worked hard for most of my life doing things that others seem too hard. My advice is to find something you are passionate about and dream big. You may just change the world. Or may just change your world.
04.01.2022 Oh this is so true.
03.01.2022 I wanted to tell you a little bit about when I starting managing staff. I had no idea what I was doing. I was terrible. I thought I had to be more "authoritative" than the person next to me. I was in control so people just needed to do as I said. There was no "win-win" it was my way or the highway. I look back now and shudder. I honestly didnt know there was any other way. All the managers I had worked for up to that point were very results-driven. If you didnt reach your ...numbers, you were marched into the office to justify your job. Fear was how you got people to do their job. I had no role models to learn how to lead or how to mentor someone. However, here I am now more than 20 years later, I have learned how to manage in a way that is more authentic to me and it works! I have learned how to coach teams into high performance staff that want to come to work. They even laugh. They are self-motivated and managed with compassion and outcomes. It is possible to enjoy your job. #emotionalIntelligence #loveyourlife #BeTheBoss
02.01.2022 Oh yes, this is so relatable. Trying to work from home with all the animals provides many moments of hilarity and weirdness.
02.01.2022 Sometimes you are in the wrong job or a wrong relationship. A father said to his daughter You have graduated with honors, here is a car I bought many years ago. It is pretty old now. But before I give it to you, take it to the used car lot downtown and tell them I want to sell it and see how much they offer you for it. The daughter went to the used car lot, returned to her father and said, They offered me $1,000 because the said it looks pretty worn out.... The father said, now Take it to the pawn shop. The daughter went to the pawn shop, returned to her father and said,The pawn shop offered only $100 because it is an old car. The father asked his daughter to go to a car club now and show them the car. The daughter then took the car to the club, returned and told her father, Some people in the club offered $100,000 for it because it’s a Nissan Skyline R34, it’s an iconic car and sought by many collectors! Now the father said this to his daughter, The right place values you the right way. If you are not valued, do not be angry, it means you are in the wrong place. Those who know your value are those who appreciate youNever stay in a place where no one sees your value. #emotionalintelligence #worthit #valueyourself #youareenough #yougotthis #change
01.01.2022 Gratitude can literally lift your mood. Its a daily practice. What is something right in front of you that you can be grateful for today?
01.01.2022 Spring has sprung and the horses are shedding. Hair is everywhere! Whats your top tip for shedding ponies?
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