Halliday Solicitors in Beechworth, Victoria | Lawyer & law firm
Halliday Solicitors
Locality: Beechworth, Victoria
Phone: +61 3 5728 1866
Address: "Gaolers Building", Old Beechworth Gaol 3747 Beechworth, VIC, Australia
Website: http://www.hallidaysolicitors.com.au
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25.01.2022 Long read about preparing for death. http://www.newyorker.com//07/11/the-work-of-a-hospice-nurse
24.01.2022 Interesting points of difference between NSW and Victoria, relating to the formal appointment of substitute decision makers to make medical decisions on your behalf. The first obvious difference is that in Victoria you can only have ONE medical agent at a time. Whereas in NSW you can appoint more than one who can act 'jointly' or separately. Another difference between our two states is WHO can witness the formal document. In Victoria two witnesses are needed and one of these witnesses must be 'qualified' to witness Affidavits. Whereas in NSW only one witness is needed but this witness must be a lawyer or court registrar or 'approved employee' of NSW trustee.
24.01.2022 Too morbid? Can you imagine getting together to discuss death over dinner? This last week has been palliative care week and the ABC Lateline program facilitated such an event http://mobile.abc.net.au//2016-0/death-over-dinner/7443744
24.01.2022 Participating in community forum on Advance Care Planning in Mt Beauty this morning. Hearing from local funeral director John Haddrick from Tate Funeral Services. Taking the mystery out of the process.
21.01.2022 We have been working with our local health professionals and community workers to develop Advance Care Planning resources. This article in yesterday's Age shares the perspective of a doctor on the ability of a 'plan' to guide family and friends at a difficult time, next Saturday 14 November we have planned a series of speakers and displays to explore our choices. http://m.theage.com.au//the-day-i-meet-you-in-the-emergenc
21.01.2022 Update: Friday 20 March 2020 Here at Halliday Solicitors we are prepared to face the Coronavirus (COVID-19). While we have not been directly affected by the virus, we continue to monitor the situation closely in the interests of our clients and our staff.... Our Beechworth and Yackandandah offices remain open at present with appropriate safety measures in place. If necessary, we are ready to implement remote operations to ensure a seamless service to our clients. If it becomes necessary - for community safety reasons - we have the ability to continue to support you, respond to your inquiries and generate documents through working. remotely. If you are seeking advice on any legal or conveyancing matter we are available to respond promptly. Depending on the nature and timing of your enquiry, the meeting may be conducted at our office (whilst it remains open), over the telephone or via video conference. For those clients who may be affected by the virus, either now or in the future, or for those who want to minimise direct human contact, we suggest a video conference. This can be conducted via Duo, Skype, Zoom, Facetime, or any other mutually compatible video software. Regardless of how the ensuing weeks and months unfold, our contact telephone numbers and email addresses will remain active and staff will respond. Beechworth Office: 03 5728 1866 Yackandandah Office: 02 6027 0553 Email: [email protected] Our staff may also provide mobile telephone numbers to clients, as required. We trust you all stay safe and take the necessary precautions until the virus is under control. Thank you and stay safe Helen McGowan Principal Legal Director
21.01.2022 Here's a great initiative from two great community organisations in Yackandandah: https://chuffed.org//totally-renewable-yackandandah-perpet
19.01.2022 Greetings virtual friends. We invite you to follow us on social media (here on FB and on twitter @Halliday_Law) to keep in touch. No pressure. An invitation to go on this journey together. We are feeling our way as to how we can add value, through our use of social media, to supplement our face to face contact. Perhaps you can suggest ways to do this?
18.01.2022 We at Hallidays are chuffed to welcome Ally Rose into the legal profession. Ally has been working with us for two years; initially as a law student then as a law graduate whilst doing her post graduate professional legal training. Today, Matt sponsored Ally's admission in to the legal profession.
18.01.2022 We're pretty excited about our new sign!
18.01.2022 One of the ways we support our community is encouraging people to talk with family and friends about advance care planning. Check out this radio national link https://www.facebook.com/radionational/posts/10154014483912378
17.01.2022 Saturday 20 June 2015, 7-10pm, Beechworth Amnesty International Curry Dinner Guest speaker: Susi Allen at Baarmutha Park Function Centre, Beechworth. This Saturday evening in Beechworth, our local Amnesty International group are holding the 11th annual Curry Night. It starts at 7pm and is at Baarmutha Park Function Centre, Beechworth. The guest speaker is Susi Allen a local person who works with farmers on Erromango Island, Vanuatu. The donation is $25 and the money goes to ...three projects; the Amnesty International campaigns which support women and children, the Indigo Atuaro Friendship Group (Timor Leste) to support teacher training projects, and to support the farmers of Erromango Island in Vanuatu. You can support both the event and the causes by coming along, donating a curry to share ( discuss with Kerrie) and paying $25. Please RSVP to Kerrie Connor 03 5728 2173 or [email protected]
16.01.2022 Recent research from the Queensland University of Technology explores family expectations when considering what is fair when designing a Will. http://www.uq.edu.au//families-and-generational-asset-tran
16.01.2022 In case you missed it Aretha Franklin died without a Will. This means her family have to ask a court to nominate someone to sort things out. ... Apparently 45% of people living in NSW do not have a Will. A Will is a simple document which nominates someone to look after things when you die - and tells that person who you are giving your ‘stuff’ to. Action: Make a Will https://www.facebook.com/315911548504515/posts/1848179841944337/
16.01.2022 Halliday Solicitors extend our condolences to the Halliday family after Brendan's passing this week. It's very sad. Brendan was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease in June Last year. It's been an honour to have inherited Brendan's professional legacy in our Beechworth practice.
16.01.2022 Our law practice is based in the Old Beechworth Gaol. Here’s a promo piece from our colleagues at the Australian Centre for Rural Entrepreneurship. https://www.facebook.com/ACREAustralia/videos/702647476736844/
16.01.2022 Did you know that Halliday Solicitors is open late on Thursday evenings? If you have a legal issue but you struggle to find time during business hours, why not make an appointment?
15.01.2022 Participating in the Advance Care Planning forum in Albury today. Dr Margi Gould offers the #ACDC formula. Appoint a 'person responsible' to assist in medical decision making when you are unable to. Communicate your wishes to your family. Document these wishes through an advanced care plan and legal appointment of your 'person responsible'. In Victoria this is a Medical Enduring Power of Attorney. Circulate your wishes to your family and health professionals.
15.01.2022 Helen McGowan from Halliday Solicitors is speaking at an Advance Care Planning Forum on Wednesday 7 October 2015. The forum is hosted by a group of local health professionals and will be held at the Albury Commercial Club,618 Dean Street, Albury NSW. There is one session at 1.30pm and a repeat session at 7pm. Places are still available, and it is free to attend. You can phone 0416 758 624 (particularly if you have questions) or book online now here https://www.eventbrite.co...m.au/e/acdc-community-forum-advanc Please consider coming along and learning about what is involved in developing your advance care plan. Speakers include: GP medical educator, Dr Margi Gould What is Advance Care Planning? Why is it important? Let’s Have the Advance Care Planning Conversation Clinical Nurse Consultant, Coral Marks What are the important questions to ask yourself and others about your future health care? Stories of how other people have done their Advance Care Planning Q & A Panel * General Practitioner * Legal Professional * Clinical Nurse Consultant * Cross Border Health Professionals ACDCAdvance Care Planning Working GroupEast Hume and Border appoint + communicate + document + circulate Communicate with those involved in your life and medical care. Document the information and instructions that will help decide and guide your future care. Circulate and communicate your wishes to your loved ones.
15.01.2022 There have been two articles in the media recently about planning for a good death. This one in the Good Weekend' from 5 November 2016 talks about 'death literacy' including tending to our loved ones after death. http://www.smh.com.au/good-/last-rites-20161102-gsgsum.html... Another article in 'The Monthly' reveals a Geelong based Doctor education program to encourage our health professionals to initiate end of life planning https://www.themonthly.com.au//14/we-need-talk-about-dying
14.01.2022 This post is about 'respectful relationships'. I am curious to learn how we become 'respectful' in relationships. Is 'respect' a skill we learn at home when we are little? Do we 'demand' respect when someone is not treating us properly? Are others able to teach us how to be 'respectful'. Recently, the Women's Health Goulburn North East, offered 'bystander' training which equips people to 'intervene' if they see unsafe behaviour. WHGNE have an established reputation for work...ing in our local community to build safe communities. Back in the day, I shared an office with the community based intake worker from child protection. I learned much during that time about the importance of building a 'safe' community. As a child protection worker, she often found herself intervening when children were in 'unsafe' situations. She got involved because someone noticed that things were 'not quite right'. When she got involved, she was able to connect people with support services and to 'name' behaviour as inappropriate. She was a powerful promoter of the power of the 'bystander' to intervene when things were 'not quite right'. Safe communities are built by people who respect each other. Links: Respectful Relationship course for schools http://www.whealth.com.au/training.html Victorian Police Code of Practice for investigating family violence http://www.police.vic.gov.au/content.asp?Document_ID=43361 A culture of secrecy ABC http://www.abc.net.au/local/photos/2014/05/07/3999663.htm The Australian Human Rights Commission report on the bystander affect http://www.humanrights.gov.au//part-4-bystander-interventi
14.01.2022 Interesting ABC radio podcast on using Enduring Medical Powers of Attorney and Advance Care Plans this morning ( Saturday 18 February 2017) http://www.abc.net.au//medical-enduring-power-of-a/8282686
14.01.2022 Participating in the evening session on advance care planning. Dr Margi Gould is encouraging us to think about what our quality of life looks like. This looks likes a picture of the 'machine that goes ping' Our health system offers extensive and comprehensive treatment but is this treatment consistent with your idea of a life worth living? When would you refuse medical treatment?
13.01.2022 Welcome to the brand new Halliday Solicitors Facebook Page! If you are in Beechworth or Yackandandah, we'd love to meet you. Why not drop in and chat to us about the law in Rural communities?
11.01.2022 Today we are helping one of our clients to convert 'general law' title into the Torrens Title system. Here in our community we come across many historical 'chains of title' when a new 'deed' was created for every sale, mortgage, probate. The Victorian government has asked people with 'general law chains of title' to convert them to Torrens. With a Torrens Title, all dealings are in one Land Register. From my desk in Beechworth I am checking that the 'chain of titles' is complete - from the first 'grant' from the Colony- to our clients. Then our searcher in Melbourne is cross checking that same chain, inside the historical Deeds archive. This work gives me an insight into the evolution of our legal system; from parchment - to digital records in the cloud.
11.01.2022 Coral Marks leading the #ACP session. Coral is a clinical nurse consultant in our local health district 'I have a family therefore I have an advance care plan' What are the important questions to ask yourself and others about your future care? Explore how other people have planned for their care
11.01.2022 Our next door neighbour in Eskdale busy mowing the lawn. We're offering legal services to the Mitta Valley on the first Tuesday of every month.
11.01.2022 What do you think of this sign? We put it out on the foot path when we are in the Yack office. Drop in and have a chat with either Matt Grogan or Helen McGowan, or if you prefer to make a dedicated appointment, you can book a time via our Beechworth office by phoning 03 5728 1866
10.01.2022 Hello Yackandandah and neighbouring communities. We are in town today if you want to pop in for a chat. Tuesday and Friday 2-5pm (And other times by appointment) Call us on 02 6027 0553
09.01.2022 Wintry old day for our first visit to Eskdale! We've started providing legal advice to the good people of the Mitta valley on the first Tuesday of every month, or by appointment.
09.01.2022 Many people have fond memories of working with our predecessor in this legal practice, Brendan Halliday. Brendan has had to retire from legal practice due to ill health. But he retains an active interest in his clients and how their legal affairs are progressing. Our thoughts are with Brendan and his family at this time.
08.01.2022 Big thanks to Denis for dropping in a supply of quality firewood to warm up 'The Rectory' . Drop in for a chat and experience our roaring log fires.
08.01.2022 Matthew Grogan, Yackandandah Community
07.01.2022 Loving this drive to Eskdale today to meet with clients. Stopping at the Lockhart Gap to absorb the view before a chai tea at the Church Cafe.
07.01.2022 Congratulations to Hallidays solicitor Matt Grogan and his partner Tamsin on the birth of their little bundle of joy Paddy Campbell Grogan!
06.01.2022 This link describes 'The Neutral Zone' which offers people (in this example separating couples) an opportunity to discuss the legal, financial and social issues relevant to their decision making. The two hour session starts early; before entrenched difference or conflict sets in. The session involves a lawyer, financial planner & counsellor working with people to unpack their distinctive issues. The likely cost is $500 The aim is to develop early understanding about the be...st pathway to follow. This approach builds from the emerging focus on collaboration rather than adversarial litigation. We at Hallidays like this approach. We prefer to focus on supporting our clients and community to discuss issues early, and avoid expensive, relationship destroying litigation. What do you think? Would this approach support you, your family or organisation to navigate transition? Helen McGowan from Halliday Solicitors: with you in change
05.01.2022 Halliday Solicitors is looking for a Systems Officer to help us to 'take care of business'. This role is a hybrid role which requires financial literacy and an ability to work with various IT systems at a high level. If you have these skills, and enjoy client interaction, we would love to hear from you. The hours are flexible and up to full time. We will consider a job share arrangement. The position will be covered by the Victorian Legal Service Award and is based in our B...eechworth office. Call Helen McGowan on (03) 57 281866 or email on [email protected] for a position description and the selection criteria. Applications close on 18 December 2015. www.hallidaysolicitors.com.au
05.01.2022 Today we at Halliday Solicitors worked with our colleagues at Withnell & Co to complete the first electronic conveyance in the Beechworth region. First Electronic Property Settlement in Beechworth A quiet revolution in property transfers has made its way to Beechworth.... On Friday 31st March 2017 the first electronic settlement of a conveyancing transaction for Beechworth took place. Two Beechworth law firms, Halliday Solicitors and Withnell & Co, used the PEXA e-conveyancing system to settle a Beechworth sale of property. The PEXA system replaces paper legal documents and cheques with online documents and electronic funds transfer, and is progressively being introduced throughout Victoria. Helen McGowan of Halliday Solicitors said At this stage we are just using the system for the last stage of settling the transaction. Eventually it will be possible to undertake the whole conveyancing transaction online. Rod Withnell of Withnell & Co said Under the paper settlement system we have to travel to Banks in other towns and sometimes have to appoint agents in Melbourne to attend at a Bank for settlement, to exchange cheques for paper documents, but with this new system settlement can be achieved online without leaving our Beechworth offices. The new system is presently optional but is expected to become compulsory by mid 2019.
04.01.2022 This is a great initiative, congratulations to everyone involved. Most happy to chip in. It's wonderful - but not surprising - to see Yackandandah leading the way!
04.01.2022 Inspiring Will Makers leaving their estate to preferred charities. Exploring the role of lawyers helping to draft a strong Will. http://www.sbs.com.au///07/your-will-really-your-last-word
04.01.2022 Dr Mark suggests inclusions in the Advance Care Plan could be 'I wish to cease all my medication' and 'I want my distress actively managed'
03.01.2022 If you live near Yack, Halliday Solicitors visit twice a week on Tuesday and Friday afternoons from 2-4pm. If these hours do not suit, let us know and we will arrange to meet you at a time that does. We have moved offices though so come and find us. We have moved FROM the WAW office near the supermarket, up the street and opposite the top pub, to the renovated 'hot office' in the Yackandandah Community Centre. Sometimes people 'value add' to their legal experience by shopping at the community op shop before or after their appointment.
02.01.2022 Research has explored what people think is a 'good death'. Here is a list
01.01.2022 Great to meet Tammy Atkins - Wangaratta today, thanks for your time.
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