Hamish Everard Natural Therapies in Pascoe Vale, Victoria | Nutritionist
Hamish Everard Natural Therapies
Locality: Pascoe Vale, Victoria
Phone: +61 3 9379 3888
Address: 446 Gaffney St 3044 Pascoe Vale, VIC, Australia
Website: http://www.hamisheverard.com.au/
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25.01.2022 Wow! So wonderful seeing one of our patients yesterday have so much success so early on in our Shake-It Weight Management Program. In the first two weeks she has lost 5kg!! But what she was most excited about was her Bio-Age had dropped 10 years in those two weeks. Keep up the great work!! Contact us now via email [email protected] if you too would be keen to join our Shake It Off Weight Management program. Now that the kids are back at school it’s time to concentrate on YOU! Tag a friend and Shake-It Off together!!!
24.01.2022 In accordance with with Stage 4 restrictions we can no longer conduct face to face Naturopathic Consultations. BUT.....We ARE still here for YOU!!!! Hamish is still conducting Telehealth consultations and all supplements can be express posted to you. We understand this is an incredibly difficult and uncertain time. NOW is the time to put your health FIRST. Please contact us on 9598 8978 to make a booking for a Telehealth consult, to order supplements or just if you need an ear! WE ARE HERE! Take care everyone. #wewillgetthroughthis
24.01.2022 ARE YOU HAVING YOUR DAILY DOSE OF HEALTHY BACTERIA? Probiotics are living microorganisms that, when ingested, provide numerous health benefits. They’re usually bacteria, but certain types of yeasts can also function as probiotics. You can get probiotics from supplements, as well as from foods prepared by bacterial fermentation. Probiotic foods include yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, tempeh and kimchi. If these foods are missing from your diet, don’t worry as we can provide you wi...th a guaranteed delivery of healthy bacteria in an easy once a day capsule! Probiotics Enhance Respiratory Immune Function: Administration of specific probiotoics may effectively stimulate the immune system against viral infection as well as augmenting natural killer cell activity in the respiratory tract. Studies have shown that specific strains of probiotics when taken daily significantly reduced respiratory symptoms, reduced the duration of viral infections and boosted immune function. We have over 10 different probiotic formulas available. Each one is designed for specific functions so CALL NOW to arrange an appointment to find out which one is appropriate for your needs! PASCOE VALE 9379 3888 BLACK ROCK 9598 8978
24.01.2022 Aargh!! The H Word!! There is no need to ride the hormonal roller coaster! Embrace womanhood and register today via email [email protected] for our Happy Hormones program AND for your FREE remote health check and we will have your hormones happy again in no time!! WE ARE DEDICATED TO YOUR HEALTH AND WELLBEING
24.01.2022 So we’ve all put on a little over the Easter break and in ISO so now is the perfect time to Shake It Off! Liz has had great success on this program. Here’s what she had to say.... I have been struggling with weight gain and despite exercise and dieting nothing worked. I was 85kg and increasing daily until I went to see Hamish and he recommended the Shake it keto program. I started on Feb 1 and after 6 weeks have lost 12 kg, 14cm off my waist and 11cm off each thigh. I fee...l amazing, it has been fantastic and I can’t thank Hamish enough for his support in giving me back my confidence and health, particularly now when optimal health is crucial to fight off illness. So what are you waiting for? Register now via email [email protected] for further info AND for your FREE remote health check so you can Shake It Off!! WE ARE DEDICATED TO YOUR HEALTH & WELLBEING See more
23.01.2022 Use these simple everyday tips to help support your sleep tonight and wake feeling refreshed tomorrow . Stop screen time at least an hour before bed. Enjoy a cup of caffeine free herbal tea before bed. Favourites include chamomile, lemon balm, lavender and passionflower. Try and go to bed and wake up around the same time every day to regulate your body clock. Exercise during the day, meditate at night or do both. Wear blue light filtering glasses when working. Limit light exposure before bed, use lamps, amber lighting or candles.
23.01.2022 We are super excited to now release our WELLNESS@ HOME programs!! We are now offering FREE remote health checks! It’s such an important time to make your health and wellbeing a priority so please take us up on our obligation FREE naturopathic health check, providing you with pointers to areas of your health which are compromised and our recommendation for the appropriate Wellness@Home program to get you back on track! Register now via email [email protected] ...for further info and to receive your FREE remote Health Check. (And be sure to share this offer with your family & friends also!!) WE ARE DEDICATED TO YOUR HEALTH & WELLBEING See more
21.01.2022 Please note that both Pascoe Vale and Black Rock clinics will be closed tomorrow only. Sorry for any inconvenience. At this stage, business will be back to normal on Thursday or we will keep you updated on any changes. Enjoy the beautiful sunshine Melbourne
20.01.2022 Try this berry delicious smoothie this week ~ packed with antioxidants!
17.01.2022 WELCOME MAISON It is with great pleasure that we welcome Maison to the Hamish Everard Natural Therapies Team. Maison is a qualified Naturopath and will be in the role of Patient Care at both our Pascoe Vale and Black Rock Clinics. She has a lovely caring nature and brings with her a wealth of knowledge after working in the Wellness Industry for the past few years. We welcome Maison to our team and know you will love her as much as we do. Please do not hesitate to contact her if you have any queries regarding your supplements or dietary plan that Hamish has prescribed. [email protected]
16.01.2022 A MESSAGE FROM HAMISH Hi everyone, I just wanted to check in with you all and say how lovely it is to have seen you all back in the clinic over the past couple of weeks! 2020 has certainly hit us all hard and I sincerely thank each of you for your continued support and patience as we converted to Telehealth Consults during the Stage 4 lockdown. We were still able to look after our patient’s health throughout these past few months which I am very grateful for. ... I have seen a huge increase in stress, mental health and sleep issues over this time which is obviously due to the obstacles that this harsh lockdown threw at us. Some have lost loved ones, their businesses, their jobs. Some have worked (and still are) remotely. Home schooling the children, not being able to see family, friends or travel. Sometimes the only thing to look forward to is what we are going to eat for the day so have developed the iso bulge from emotional eating and lack of the everyday normal exercise and movement. So.we are all back in the swing of things. There’s only 6 weeks until Christmas. So it’s time to get BACK ON TRACK. Time to put YOUR HEALTH FIRST! Due to the tremendous success of Telehealth we are excited to say - it is here to STAY! Our Telehealth Consults will be scheduled on either a Monday or Tuesday. Our Wellness@Home packages are also here to stay!! We are making it easier for you to put yours and your families health and wellbeing at the top of your list. Please call either of our clinics (Pascoe Vale 9379 3888 or Black Rock 9598 8978) NOW to arrange an appointment prior to Christmas. It’s already filling up fast so BE QUICK. So thank you once again and I look forward to seeing you all again soon. Sending love to you and your family. Hamish.
16.01.2022 Start your week off right by following these simple self care tips @metagenics_anz Hope you all have a great week
16.01.2022 Sick and tired of feeling sick and tired?? Our 2 or 4 week Express Detox will have you feeling refreshed and raring to go!! Time to get your B-B Bounce back! ... Do your body a favor and register now via email [email protected] for further info AND for your FREE remote health check. WE ARE DEDICATED TO YOU HEALTH AND WELLBEING
15.01.2022 WELLNESS@HOME Coming Soon!!!!! We are super super SUPER excited to be offering our new WELLNESS@HOME packages. More than ever, NOW is the time to make your health your number one priority!! These packages can all be done from the comfort of your home WITH OUR SUPPORT. Because we are dedicated to YOUR HEALTH!! Stay tuned..... NB. Register your interest NOW via email [email protected]
15.01.2022 Don’t forget our Wellness@Home programs! We know we can not see you face to face but we are dedicated to your health and wellbeing and can support you through our Wellness@Home programs. Enquire now via [email protected]
15.01.2022 We have a strict 24hr cancellation policy. PLEASE give us the courtesy of a phone call 24hrs prior to your appointment time if you are unable to attend. It is an incredibly busy time trying to accommodate everyone after restrictions were lifted and also prior to Christmas. We have an extensive waiting list so if you are unable to make it, someone else will be grateful for the spot!! Thank you kindly for your co-operation.
14.01.2022 Daily reminder to nourish your body from the inside out
12.01.2022 Fabulous insight on how to strengthen the immune system naturally (part 1) from our friends at Metagenics! Don’t forget to register for our Wellness@Home Immune Boosting Program and get ready to prepare for the war that is colds & viruses!! Register now via email [email protected]
12.01.2022 Start you week off right with a green smoothie, packed with greens and supporting digestion! #melbournenaturopath #naturopathy #naturalmedicine #herbalmedicine #nutrition
12.01.2022 Happy Monday ! Start this week of right by prioritising your health and putting it first #melbournenaturopath #naturopathblackrock #naturopathpascoevale #herbalmedicine #nutrition #healthylifestyle #healthyfood
10.01.2022 Needing some healthy dinner inspo for tonight? Here it is! Check out this green goodness salad that I promise will not disappoint. It’s packed with greens, antioxidants, fibre and flavour. Lamb was my protein of choice, but can be served with chicken, boiled eggs or tofu. Additionally, the goats cheese can be removed for a vegan alternative
10.01.2022 Now more than ever it is SOOO important to have your immune system functioning to its FULL potential.. Not only to keep COVID-19 at bay but also with winter upon us you need a strong healthy immune system to fight against the war that is viruses!. Register today via email [email protected] for your Immunity Boost AND for your FREE remote health check.... WE ARE DEDICATED TO YOUR HEALTH & WELL-BEING See more
10.01.2022 Sushi Bowl The quickest and easiest lunch and dinner! Not to mention it’s delicious and nutritious This was made with salmon and gluten free crumbed tofu, but your protein of choice can be substituted. ... Hope you enjoy
09.01.2022 Eczema is more than just inflammation of the skin, infact our immune cells are responsible for producing redness, heat and swelling (inflammation), as a way o...f protecting you. However, with eczema, your immune system has become highly sensitive and over-reactive to even the slightest exposures. What causes your immune system to be over-reactive in the first place? Read our latest blog article Eczema What To Do When You Need Relief to find out more! https://blog.metagenics.com.au/eczema-what-to-do-when-you-/
09.01.2022 There has been a lot of change and uncertainty of late which can lead to heightened levels of stress, tension and anxiety! . YOU ARE NOT ALONE! WE ARE HEAR TO HELP! . So register for our Stress Less program AND for your FREE remote health check now via email [email protected]. ... Don’t let your stress or anxiety get the better of you!!!. WE ARE DEDICATED TO YOUR HEALTH AND WELLBEING See more
09.01.2022 CHECK ON YOUR MATES! We just wanted to check in on YOU! Hope everyone is doing ok. Please know we are here for you. Look after one another. Be kind. STAY SAFE. STAY WELL.
09.01.2022 Sending our love to everyone and wishing you and your family a very Happy Easter! From The Team at Hamish Everard Natural Therapies xx
08.01.2022 Zinc is arguably the most important mineral. Researchers have found more than 300 enzymes that are zinc-dependant in the human body!! Zinc is vital for the grow...th and repairs of all tissues, activity of hormones and a healthy immune system (to just name a few!) The average dietary zinc intake can vary, depending on your age, sex and can even be different again if you are pregnant or breastfeeding! Food sources high in zinc include shellfish, meat, poultry, fish, legumes, eggs, nuts and seeds, and some vegetables; such as mushrooms, kale, peas and asparagus. If you suspect you aren’t reaching your dietary intake, your Metagenics Practitioner can test your zinc status using a simple zinc taste test. The test is simple and is based on the activity of a zinc-dependent enzyme in the taste buds of the tongue, how the solutions tastes determines your zinc status. Ask your Metagenics Practitioner about this zinc taste test at your next appointment, or to find a Metagenics Practitioner near you click here - https://www.metagenics.com.au/FindAPractitioner
07.01.2022 APOLOGIES. Our Black Rock Clinic will be closed next week and will re-open Monday 19th October AND due to a scheduled power outage our Pascoe Vale Clinic will be closed Monday 12th October and will re-open Tuesday 13th October. Sincere apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.
06.01.2022 The Gut. The epicenter for optimal health!! Register today via email [email protected] for our Healthy Gut program AND for your FREE remote health check. Lose the bloating, constipation, reflux or diarrhea and get to the bottom of what’s causing this discomfort. Our Microbiombe test will tell all!!... WE ARE DEDICATED TO YOUR HEALTH & WELLBEING See more
06.01.2022 Sleep is not a luxury. It is a necessity! We will have you bouncing out of bed with our Sleep Easy program in no time at all!. Register now via email [email protected] AND for your FREE remote health check so that we can help you overcome your sleepless nights!!. WE ARE DEDICATED TO YOUR HEALTH & WELLBEING
05.01.2022 ZINC SUPPORTING IMMUNITY There is very strong evidence supporting the role of zinc in immune functions, therefore, it is important to maintain adequate dietary intakes of zinc Oysters, Brazil nuts,Cashew nuts, Tahini, Parsley, Spinach, Mushrooms. When it comes to improving immune health, many people think zinc immediately. Although zinc does not work alone, it is indeed vital for supporting virtually every stage of an immune response when our bodies encounter pathogens ...(e.g., virus and bacteria) or dangers (e.g., tissue damage caused by oxidative stress or toxins). Zinc supports immune cells and enhances their functioning, such natural killer cell cytotoxic activity. Zinc has antioxidant properties that protect against reactive oxygen species. Zinc is important for the development and activation of T cells and antibodies and supports production of antimicrobial substances. Liquid Zinc is the fastest and most efficient way of increasing your Zinc status. A simple one dose a day may assist boosting your immunity!
05.01.2022 Yet another lot of Wellnes@Home packages ready to be posted!! These programs have been flying out the door! Remember now more than ever it is so important to make your health and wellbeing your number one priority! Whilst in ISO dedicate your time to your health!!! If you haven’t already done so, register at [email protected] Our programs include Shake It Off Weight Management program, Express Detox, Stress Less, Immunity Boost, Sleep Easy, Healthy Gut and Happy Hormones! We are dedicated to your health and wellbeing.
05.01.2022 Now more than ever you need to make YOUR HEALTH YOUR NUMBER ONE PRIORITY! We are here for you. You are not alone. Our clinics are still operating following all of the health and safety guidelines. We are offering face to face consults with distancing and sterilization. PLEASE wear your mask. Otherwise we can offer Phone/Telehealth consultations and Express Post out your prescribed supplements. Alternatively you may wish to pursue one of our Wellness@Home Packages - see previous posts outlining all of our packages on offer! And don’t forget our Immune Supplement Pack - keep you and your family’s immune systems boosted throughout this time. TAKE CARE. STAY WELL. STAY SAFE.
02.01.2022 Start you week off right with a green smoothie, packed with greens and supporting digestion! #melbournenaturopath #naturopathy #naturalmedicine #herbalmedicine #nutrition
02.01.2022 Hip Hip Hooray! It’s Hamish’s birthday!! We wish him all the happiness on his special day
01.01.2022 Happy Monday ! Start this week of right by prioritising your health and putting it first #melbournenaturopath #naturopathblackrock #naturopathpascoevale #herbalmedicine #nutrition #healthylifestyle #healthyfood
01.01.2022 As we all feel a little out of control, uncertain, anxious and confused right now here in Melbourne, it’s important to know there are things that we CAN control! Stay safe and well everyone. Take care of yourself and be kind to each other. We WILL get through this.
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