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Hamlyn Views School in Hamlyn Heights | Special needs school

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Hamlyn Views School

Locality: Hamlyn Heights

Phone: +61 3 5215 5700

Address: 45 Calvert St 3215 Hamlyn Heights, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 Sasha says ‘We’re all in this together!’ Please follow the HVS COVID-19 Guidelines to help keep our community safe!

24.01.2022 On Thursday, students took part in activities that recognised their strengths for IDFPD. There were also some class parties where students baked cupcakes, made pizzas, danced and enjoyed the sunshine with their friends and teachers, celebrating their abilities and uniqueness. In Visual Arts, Mim has been working with students across the whole school to create a collaborative, colourful canvas which was donated to the school and further celebrate our student's individuality. Thank you to the school leadership team for accepting the canvas

23.01.2022 PRINCIPALS ASSOCIATION OF SPECIALIST SCHOOL AWARDS 2020. Last Friday night the virtual award ceremony for this prestigious special education awards program was held with Michele Marcu the fabulous MC. We were thrilled to have 5 of our staff short-listed (final 3) this year in 4 categories with Justin Bennett (Graduate Teacher) and Lacey Pietsch (Primary Teacher) named winners. Congratulations to both of them and to all our shortlisted staff - Carolyn Haskett (Education Support), Claire Thomson (Primary Teacher), Marty Dufty (Specialist Teacher) and other nominee Dave Rittinger (Allied Health. This was an amazing achievement and one our school community should be very proud of. You should be assured we truly do have outstanding educators at Hamlyn Views School.

22.01.2022 Presenting this week’s assembly. Enjoy

22.01.2022 School starts for all students tomorrow Friday 29th January at 9:00am. Looking forward to a great year with our school community.

21.01.2022 Presenting this week's assembly. Enjoy.

21.01.2022 Professional learning looks very different in the Covid world! Today our school staff are working on Covid Safe practices, AAC use to support Communication and Wellbeing strategies to look after our own and everyone's mental health. As a school we are very grateful to have a staff group that are dedicated, passionate and willing to be leaners themselves... P.s. and braving the cold gym to do so

19.01.2022 Well done to Maddison and Zulfiqar on their successful completion of the Passport to Employment Program. They have explored career interests, met job providers from across Geelong and completed mock interviews to practice for the real thing. They are both very proud of their efforts.

19.01.2022 Some photos from our Walk for Wheels event today Monty the moose even made a guest appearance and we got very lucky with perfect weather Well done to all our students for their participation and efforts!

19.01.2022 The National Gallery of Victoria are hosting a few free events online this week to recognise and celebrate NAIDOC week.

19.01.2022 JOB VACANCIES: We require a Fixed-Term Graduate Teacher and Classroom Education Support (Teacher Aide) to join our school community in 2021. Please go to DET’s Recruitment Online website for position details. Applications close Tuesday 6th October.

18.01.2022 Presenting the final assembly for T3. Have a safe holiday, enjoy the time with family and see you all rested and ready to go for Term 4.

18.01.2022 Presenting this week’s assembly. Enjoy

18.01.2022 If you missed it in this week's assembly, our new school building names have been decided - bundjil (wedgetail eagle), djirnap (cockatoo) and porrgil (rainbow lorikeet). Thank you to all our familes, students and staff for helping, and well done to the Student Leadership Group for organising and coounting up all the votes.

17.01.2022 Anybody that visits our school, leaves at the end of the day having felt something pretty special. To celebrate our vision for the inclusion, achievement and fulfilment of our students, our Parent and Community Engagement Group are working on documenting the 'Hamlyn Views Way'. We asked our Student Leadership Group a series of questions to get a feel for what the 'Hamlyn Views Way' means to them. 4-part survey questions to follow

17.01.2022 Thursday 3rd December is International Day of People with a Disability. Individual classes be having small celebrations with lessons aimed at celebrating the diversity and ability within disability, and sharing some games and COVID friendly, individually wrapped snacks to celebrate the day. If possible, we are also encouraging students and staff to wear orange or teal in honour of the day. #seetheabilitywithinthedisability

16.01.2022 Presenting this week’s assembly, with a lovely message for wonderful ES staff and an extra special sign off at the end. Enjoy.

15.01.2022 The Hamlyn Views Way, as described by our Student Leadership Group... Q.3 - Do you enjoy school?

13.01.2022 FOUNDATION SCHOOL TOUR. Although we can’t have school tours at the moment, we hope you enjoy checking out a day in the life of our Foundation students and our wonderful school. We can’t wait to meet you all

13.01.2022 NAIDOC week is a week for celebration, an opportunity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to come together and be acknowledged for their many achievements. Here are some photos and videos of our students engaged in activities while they learn about and celebrate NAIDOC week. Well done everybody!

13.01.2022 A couple more Book Week snaps to add to the camera roll

12.01.2022 The Hamlyn Views Way, as described by our Student Leadership Group... Q.1 - What makes school fun?

12.01.2022 Presenting this week’s assembly, and guess what...Warren did it again - please excuse the incorrect date. Enjoy. P.s keep your eye for the fun dance at the end, compliments of EY students and teachers Thanks

12.01.2022 Here’s some support links and helpful information on what you can and cannot do with your children during lockdown, particularly for children with complex needs:

11.01.2022 Our Student Leadership Group met yesterday and discussed a change to the naming of our school buildings, an upcoming student-teacher basketball game, made a video for the walkathon next week and talked about what we could do to celebrate the end of the school year. They also got an invitation from Sue to High Tea later in the month. Great work everyone

11.01.2022 Happy Special Person's Day to all our parents and carers! Here is a reading of 'Guess How Much I Love You' by some teachers and students at HVS to celebrate the occasion. 'Guess How Much I Love you' published by Walker Books and written by Sam McBratney and illustrated by Anita Jeram

11.01.2022 Student Free Day - Monday 24th August 2020

10.01.2022 R U OK? Remember to check in with family, friends, colleagues and anyone that might need a friendly ear - not just today, but all year round

08.01.2022 Some of our later years students have learnt the Aknowledgment of Country and we would like to share it with you in honour of NAIDOC week this week. Well done later years!

08.01.2022 Our wonderful school was featured in the Geelong Independent! Thanks to our staff and families for making HVS an outstanding community for our students!

08.01.2022 This week our LY students visited genU Community Nurseries in Geelong to check out their indigenous plants, for our greenhouse. Thank you to the wonderful staff who showed us around. We can’t wait to come back later and purchase our plants #AdvanceProgram #volunteering #communitypartnerships

08.01.2022 Only 8 days to go until our WALK FOR WHEELS event! Please get your friends and family members to pledge a small donation to raise money for our school bus by completing the pledge sheets that were sent home a couple of weeks ago. We also thought it would be great if students could come wearing the colour of their favourite HVS Values character - either Sasha (yellow), Rani (purple) or Lenny (teal). It only has to be a t-shirt or whatever you might already have at home. Weather forecast is set to be 18 degrees with a chance of rain, but it's early days and we're sure we can get out in between showers. GO HVS!

07.01.2022 Today we recognised Remembrance Day across the school. Thank you to our Student Leadership Group member Tristen for coordinating the 1-minute silence and playing of the Last Post, and also to our LY students for supplying the poppies from our school garden

06.01.2022 Hi Everyone, A reminder that there is a student free day on Monday. Have a great weekend, and stay safe. - HVS Staff

06.01.2022 The Hamlyn Views Way, as described by our Student Leadership Group... Q.2 - Do you feel comfortable and safe at school?

06.01.2022 The Hamlyn Views Way, as described by our Student Leadership Group... Q.4 - What do you enjoy most about HVS?

02.01.2022 Victoria moves to Stage 4 Restrictions from 11.59pm tonight Information regarding this can be found at: Our school is required to abide by the restrictions and will be closed Monday 15th February to Wednesday 17th February (inclusive). Today's Seesaw message provided the Assistant Principal Michele Marcu's contact details if it is essential for your child to attend on any of these 3 days. The school office will be staffed from 8:30 am Monday for phone enquiries. We appreciate your patience and co-operation as we work through the next five days together. Please Stay Safe.

02.01.2022 HAMLYN VIEWS SCHOOL returns to onsite learning tomorrow - Thursday 18th February. Check Seesaw message about changed drop off and pick-up procedures. See you then.

02.01.2022 Our Student Leadership Group wanted to remind everyone about our Walk for Wheels event next Tuesday, and if you can, to come dressed in one of our school value colours

02.01.2022 Today our 2020 student leaders were treated to High Tea with the principal to thank them for their efforts across the year helping our school. Thanks to the members of the Green Team and Student Leadership Group. Thanks to their mentors Nelly and Warren also. Well done everyone.

01.01.2022 Return to school day one has come and gone. Despite a very wet start there were many excited students ready to begin a new year of learning. It was great to see so many families with their children onsite as we appreciate the reduced restrictions. We will do it all again on Monday for the start of week 2. See you then.

01.01.2022 Today our LY students got to enjoy their first community access trip since Term 1. They travelled to the Geelong Botanical Gardens to see the greenhouse. Although it was cold outside, they felt how warm it was inside, and now have a good understanding of how a greenhouse works for when we build our own at HVS as part of our Advance Community Program

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