Hampton Park Community House in Hampton Park, Victoria, Australia | Social service
Hampton Park Community House
Locality: Hampton Park, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 3 8768 8342
Address: 16-20 Stuart Avenue 3976 Hampton Park, VIC, Australia
Website: http://www.hamptonparkch.com.au/
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25.01.2022 W O R K I N G F O R V I C T O R I A Are you interested in experiencing working for Casey Council? Take a look here... https://www.caseycardiniajobs.com.au//hands-up-if-you-want
25.01.2022 W E A R E G E T T I N G T H E R E Covid numbers are declining. Stay safe everyone.
25.01.2022 C O M M U N I T Y C O N N E C T I O N OpShopHOP fundraiser.....Wednesday 25th November 9:30-2pm. Limited numbers, only 3 spaces remaining. If you would like to join our Integrated Family Services team, please contact Jen on 9799 0708. BYO snack and donation for Family Services. Call now!
25.01.2022 Individual counselling. Low cost sessions. Available online, face to face (in COVID safe environment), or via phone. We all experience personal challenges or issues in our lives. No issue is too big or too small to ask for support. Contact reception to arrange a call back from our counsellor 9799 0708
24.01.2022 Victoria will return to its previous COVIDSafe settings from tonight, allowing for more visitors in the home, reduced mask wearing and increasing the number of workers heading back to the office. The move to further ease restrictions follows a reduced exposure risk and low community transmission. For more information on the new coronavirus settings visit www.coronavirus.com.au
24.01.2022 https://www.getactive.vic.gov.au/
24.01.2022 https://www.casey.vic.gov.au/events/casey-camp-out-2020 Camp out online! Event through City of Casey for local families this Friday 18th September....check the website and register now.
24.01.2022 S U P P O R T F O R Y O U The Independent NDIS Community Group provide information, updates, feedback, practical advice and support to people with a disability and have offered help to our Community. https://www.facebook.com/groups/NDISDiscussions2018/
24.01.2022 Victorians living in metro Melbourne and Mitchell Shire are now recommended to wear face masks in situations where they are leaving their home and physical distancing is not possible to help slow the spread of coronavirus in the community. These recommendations apply to adults over the age of 18, recognising both the lower transmission and disease severity in younger people, but also the difficulty in getting children to wear a face mask properly. The recommendation does not apply to wearing masks in schools and early childhood settings.
24.01.2022 S E A S O N S G R E E T I N G S From all of us to all of you, we wish you a very happy Christmas break and a great year ahead. Hampton Park Community House is closed until the 18th January 2021. Vacation Care will be available from Monday 11th January 2021.
24.01.2022 F L O R I S T R Y T A S T E R Exciting news about a new collaboration with Bunty & Fuzz Florists. We are offering a floristry taster class on Tuesday 8 December for $20 .. yes you read that correctly!! ... This class is more suited to beginners; to experience an introduction to flower arranging For members in our studio group that haven't come to a class as yet or for anyone that is keen to have a go at making a simple fresh flower arrangement, this class is for you! Check out the booking details below .. cost includes all materials and a starter tool kit https://www.trybooking.com/BMZFP
23.01.2022 F L O R I S T R Y T A S T E R S O L D O U T!!! If you missed out for the Taster, we are offering an eight week Floristry courrse in Term 1 of 2021 suited to beginners; to experience an introduction to flower arranging with the view to working in the Floristry industry. Call 9799 0708
23.01.2022 W H A T S O N ? Learning Ambassadors information session. . . .... . . @www.hamptonparkch.com.au #hamptonparkcommunity #hamptonparkcommunityhouse #hamptonpark #adultlearning #ambassadorswanted See more
23.01.2022 B E T H E C H A N G E During Children’s Week we were excited to meet May and Fionna two young leaders working with junior youth to transform Hampton Park. They are part of an impressive group of local young leader -mentors who are committed to selfless service to our community. They seek to develop themselves and their younger peers with the qualities of truthfulness, hope, generosity, compassion and excellence as well as grow intellectually and creatively. They meet regularly and engage in fun and meaningful activities and service projects. If you are between the ages of 11-15 years and would like to be a part of creating a joyous, friendly, supportive Hampton Park community give us a call on (03) 97990708
23.01.2022 I N T E G R A T E D F A M I L Y S E R V I C E S Relationships Australia offers a FREE parenting course for those in the community wanting to hone their skills, gain parenting strategies and information or just to connect with others. Please see the details on the flyer for further information.
23.01.2022 L E A R N E R S J O U R N E Y Hampton Park Community House celebrates learning at any age. As Adult Learning Week comes to a close, we celebrate our learning hero's like Christine, who has overcome learning disabilities to thrive as an adult learner, listen to her share her learning journey.#ALW2020 #renewyou https://youtu.be/vUAjpeDUfl4
22.01.2022 C H R I S T M A S A C T I V I T Y Enjoy creating an Angel and Santa decoration for Christmas!
21.01.2022 E M P L O Y M E N T O P P O R T U N I T Y The Australian Open is looking for casual Retail Assistants for the duration of the tournament, which does goes for two weeks in January for day and night. If you have anyone that has retail experience and is good with people this could be a job for them. If you have any suitable candidates please email their resume to [email protected] by Friday 13th November 2020. Interviews will be conducted on Wednesday 18th November... between 9:00am and 5:00pm. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us on (03) 9212 4909.
21.01.2022 K E E P A C T I V E Golden Yoga online 9am tommorow
21.01.2022 C H I L D R E N S S E R V I C E S Colour in and create...... Looking for an activity to keep the kids busy? ENJOY!
20.01.2022 C O V I D R E S T R I T I O N S E A S E From 11.59pm tonight, the 25km travel limit comes off in metro Melbourne. The boundary between city and country falls away.... Pubs and restaurants can seat more people, indoor sport can resume for 18 and unders, the numbers at funerals and religious gatherings can increase and gyms can reopen. And we're moving forward the reopening of indoor venues, with strict density limits including museums, galleries and movie theatres Victoria will move to the Last Step at 11.59pm on 22 November. Well done all. Stay safe!
20.01.2022 C O M M U N I T Y C O N N E C T I O N Integrated Family Services Hampton Park is accepting new Christmas items for local families this Christmas. If you would like to donate items or funds, please contact reception 9799 0708
20.01.2022 W O R L D D A Y O F S O C I A L J U S T I C E The United Nations' (UN) World Day of Social Justice is annually observed on February 20 to encourage people to look at how social justice affects poverty eradication. It also focuses on the goal of achieving full employment and support for social integration. . .... . . . @hamptonparkch.com.au #hamptonparkcommunityhouse #hamptonparkcommunity #WorldDayofSocialJustice #socialjustice #hamptonpark See more
19.01.2022 Watch this video to see how to wear a fabric mask safely during COVID-19
19.01.2022 Help keep Casey safe by getting tested and staying home if you have symptoms. - Fever, chills or sweats - Cough - Sore throat - Shortness of breath... - Runny nose - Loss of sense of smell or taste See more
19.01.2022 S T A Y A C T I V E We are pleased to offer Golden Yoga for over 60's to you in the comfort of your home. Moving For Life - Golden Yoga ... Starts Monday 24 August Call our tutor Avril to register your interest M: 0418 527 984 Inspiring Y O U to move your body, clear your mind & enliven your Spirit 96 Year old Tao Porchon- Lynch Yoga is for everyone. Yoga is for life ! https://youtu.be/oTmaTD5H0iM
18.01.2022 Yesterday was RUOK? Day and given the year 2020 has been, some of us may not be feeling OK. In the spirit of RUOK? Day and to support the community we are offering online zoom debrief sessions for anyone who would to talk/debrief to/with our Family Support Services counselor. Call us on: 97990708 or email [email protected] to book a call back.... We had a staff RUOK? zoom Get Together to check -in yesterday, thank you for supporting and caring for each other every day.
17.01.2022 M A K E L I T E R A C Y G A I N S It's never to late to claim your right to literacy. During Adult Learners Week 2020, House Manager Kate Madden, invites you to re-new yourself. Call us on (03) 97990708 to find out more. #renewyou #ALW2020 ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kwIoSomlM0&feature=youtu.be
15.01.2022 W E L C O M E Diane has joined the Hampton Park Care Group Inc. Board of Governance as a general member. Married with 5 children and 8 grandchildren, Diane has lived in Hampton Park since 1975. An active volunteer, Diane has contributed her time and energy to a number of community initiatives including: organizing the free community lunches... community gardening playgroup facilitation running the Hampton Park Primary School Breakfast Club presenting weekly Christian religious education classes at Hampton Park, River Gum and Coral Park Primary Schools for more than 30 years Come and meet Diane and our wonderful Board of Governance members at our AGM on Monday 29 March 2021. . . . . . . @www.hamptonparkch.com.au #hamptonparkcommunityhouse #hamptonparkcommunity #welcome #hamptonparkcaregroup #governance #hamptonpark
15.01.2022 Parent Peer Support Group PPSG - Once a month meeting Join local parents in supporting each other with the most important job of allParenting! Purpose get together and chat, encouraging each other, sharing strategies and stories, views and positive support. Goals To create a positive confidential environment, learning from each other, finding support and connection with other parents... Coordinator- Sarah Kimble contact 9799 0708 for enquiries or email [email protected] See more
15.01.2022 T H I N G S A R E L O O K I N G G O O D
15.01.2022 F A M I L Y F U N If Uniting Place is within your 5km exercise zone then you may like to visit Spoonville which is growing on the edge of the garden at Uniting Place, Hampton Park Uniting Church. We'd love more Spoonvillers to join us, so kids see what spoons (no plastic please) you have that would like to throw on their outfits (made by you of course!) and take resident here to make families daily exercise a little more interesting. You'll find Spoonville as you walk the path along Coral Drive.
14.01.2022 C O V I D 19 A L E R T From 6pm tonight Victorians enter a state of Disaster. Stage 4 lockdown with only medical places, pharmacys, supermarkets and service stations open. Only one person allowed to go to these places and we are in curfew from 8pm - 5am. Must not go outside of a 5 km radius for any of the above. Hampton Park Community House will continue to deliver essential services until advised otherwise in the next stage of business lockdown.... STAY SAFE AND STAY HOME
14.01.2022 Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas from all the Hampton Community House.
13.01.2022 A D U L T L E A R N E RS Adult Learners Week is an international celebration of lifelong and life-wide learning from the 1st -8th September. We are excited to celebrate learning with you! #ALW2020 #RenewYou
13.01.2022 R E M E M B R A N C E D A Y Remembrance Day is a Memorial Day observed in Commonwealth member states since the end of the First World War to remember the members of their armed forces who have died in the line of duty. This year we also remember the thousands of animals that served alongside our veterans. The theme this year is a sea of purple - Purple poppies for animals.
12.01.2022 C H R I S T M A S D O N A T I O N S The Hampton Park Library is collecting Christmas items for families in need that will be shared amongst the families supported at Hampton Park Community House - Integration Family Services Join in the community Christmas spirit, "Delivering Joy" and contribute to a great local cause, making Christmas great for everyone!
12.01.2022 A U T U M N F U N Chemical Science Day Incursion Vacation Care children experimenting with solids and liquids and learning all about Science. If you’d like to join in the fun... call: 9799 0708 . . . . . @https://www.hamptonparkch.com.au #hamptonparkcommunityhouse #hamptonparkcommunity #hamptonpark #childrenservices #scienceforkids See more
12.01.2022 HPCH Social Media logo
12.01.2022 C O V D 19 S T A G E 4 L O C K D O W N Hampton Park Community House will be changing the way we offer our services and programs over the next 6 weeks. Childcare - we will continue to provide care for vulnerable children and children of committed workers Adult Education - we will offer the following courses online via zoom: $$s & Sense - Financial Literacy 9 sessions from mid August... Adult Literacy Course 9 sessions from mid August Family Support Service - telephone, and vital support as well as food and essential goods provision ( within 5 km radius) All other Community House activities are suspended until further notice. For support & information call us on (03) 9799 0708 STAY SAFE AND KEEP WELL See more
12.01.2022 S T A F F H E A L T H & W E L L B E I N G Our November Staff Pack creation by Edith....How gorgeous is this? Well done! Look forward to seeing other staff members creations soon!
12.01.2022 R O A D M A P TO RE - O P E N Following the Premier's recent announcement Hampton Park Community House will remain closed (except for essential services) until it is safe to re-open. There are four steps in the process, beginning with Step 1 on the 13 September 2020.... While we are closed for now , our hearts are open and we look forward to welcoming you back when we re-open. Keep COVIDSafe: -Wear a mask or face covering -Don't go to work if you feel sick or unwell -Physical distancing (1.5 metres) -Cough and sneeze into tissue or elbow -Good hand hygiene -Outdoor activities
12.01.2022 G E T T I N G T O K N O W Y O U We are delighted to introduce Hampton Park Community House Chair of the Board of Governance for 2020-21, Rev Ric Holland. With a life-long commitment to social justice, Rev Ric is keen to make a positive contribution to Hampton Park Community House. Currently Minister of Hampton Park Uniting Church, his diverse career has included leadership roles across the not-for profit sector including the Marriage Guidance Council UK, Melbourne City Mi...ssion, the Animal Welfare League and Parkinsons Australia. Prior to his current role, he was Minister and Director of Community Engagement at St Michaels Uniting Church in Melbournes CBD. Rev Holland is an energetic and progressive individual committed to improving lives in the communities he serves. Welcome! See more
12.01.2022 S T A F F H E A L T H & W E L L B E I N G Thanks to all the staff that participate in creating our "STAYING CONNECTED" jigsaw puzzle during lockdown in October. Hope you all enjoyed the activities!
11.01.2022 Y O U R P L A C E T O C A R E F O R O U R P L A N E T R E C Y C L E ... National Recycling Week from the 9th -15th of November, helps you reduce your waste and recycle right. The theme of the 2020 National Recycling Week is 'Recovery - A future beyond the bin'. What can you make from recycled items ? Post your photo! . . . . #recycle #recycling #recycledmaterials #hamptonparkcommunityhouse
10.01.2022 Hampton Park Community House Children's services welcomes "Spoonville" to our community! Come and join us under the big tree!
10.01.2022 F A C E M A S K F U N D R A I S E R Edith's Production line Thank you all for your amazing support of our Fundraising efforts.... We appreciate your positive feedback.... ' Thanks for the masks, they are terrific!' Supporter Jan O
10.01.2022 M EN S M E N T A L H E A L T H We are delighted to introduce Rovel Shackleford as our new treasurer of the Hampton Park Care Group Inc. Board of Governance. Rovel brings with him a wealth of experience including leadership roles in education, mental health and business. Many of you may know Rovel from his work on the ACFE funded Casey Community Solutions project in the City of Casey and through his participation in a number of community groups like the Dandenong CALD Mental Health, Casey Cardinia Homelessness, Good Shepherd, Monash Health CoP and a wide range multicultural groups in the Region. Rovel is currently a Director at Lawson College Australia . He has a particular interest in and passion for supporting Men’s Mental Health & wellbeing and is seen here sporting an impressive mo for Movember
09.01.2022 C O V I D 19 L O C K D O W N We are so looking forward to seeing you back at the House & with the Premiers recent announcement we will need to postpone our re-opening until the lockdown is lifted. In the meanwhile, we are able to offer new flexible learning options, , Money Mate & Kick Start your Career in Community Services, English Language courses & more. Call us to book your place today. Stay safe & well, keep connected.
09.01.2022 Y O U R P L A C E for Early Learning and Childcare Enquiries: T 03 9799 0708 . .... . . . @https://www.hamptonparkch.com.au #hamptonparkcommunity #hamptonparkcommunityhouse #hamptonpark #earlychildhooddevelopment #earlylearning #earlylearning101 #earlylearningdevelopment See more
08.01.2022 I N T E G R A T E D F A M I L Y S E R V I C E S We wish you all a safe and happy time of celebrations in 2020. From our Integrated Family Service team.
08.01.2022 Sorry to inform you Christmas is just around the corner, approximately 16 weeks away! While you are clearing out your cupboards in lockdown, please consider donating NEW items to our Integrated Family Services for needy families. Our families greatly appreciate the community support and the thoughts of others. Drop off available in term 4.
08.01.2022 F A C E M A S K F U N D R A I S E R Our Family Services Manager, Edith is a fine crafter and is very busy making masks for our Family Services fund-raiser. Costing $5 each, all proceeds from the sale of the masks will go to support families in need. Email: [email protected] and place your order today!
07.01.2022 F U N D R A I S E R Thank you everyone who have generously supported our Face Mask Fundraiser. Due to increasing demand we are temporarily out of stock and are suspending orders until further notice. For further information E: [email protected]
06.01.2022 J O B S E E K E R S Working for Victoria is facilitating 2 types of online training for registered jobseekers so they can get the skills they need: a free TAFE course and a short online training unit in one of the below industries: cleaning and sanitation food preparation... health care customer service food packaging retail support Student or jobseeker register here: https://www.getsidekicker.com/create-sidekick-account? For information about Hampton Park Community House pre-accredited courses, English Language, Dollars and Sense and Adult Literacy call (03) 97990708 or email [email protected] We are here to support you See more
06.01.2022 O P S H O P H O P U P D A T E OpShopHOP trip is now full!...thanks to all those that responded. It's going to be a fun excursion. Anyone interested in registering interest and details for future trips, please email. [email protected]
06.01.2022 N A I D O C W E E K NAIDOC Week is here! Due to being postponed from earlier this year, NAIDOC Week celebrations run until the 15th November with the theme Always Was, Always Will Be. Many trees or groups of trees are important to the cultural or natural history of Hampton Park or have recognised association with Aboriginal culture or heritage like this magnificent tree outside the front of our community house.... These significant trees like our long indigenous history Always was, Always will Be to be celebrated.
06.01.2022 K E E P A C T I V E While we aren't offering seal yoga we can invite you to join our free 10 week online Golden Yoga Program for over 60's today. Enquire via messanger
05.01.2022 T H A N K Y O U On behalf of the management of HPCH, a heartfelt thanks to the Community House Network Southern Regions CoM, City of Casey, Network Managers and Monash Health for the beautiful pamper hamper received today. Thank you for all you are doing to support and care for us in these times.
05.01.2022 V A C T I O N C A R E Angelica from Supreme Incursions, pictured here, is trying out a Billy cart built by the kids in our Vacation Care Program. As part of the Billy Cart Bonanza incursion children use tools and hardware to build their own Billy carts and have fun driving them. Yay! If you'd like to join in the Vacation Care fun, call us on: 0418 317 432 or 9798 0343
05.01.2022 K E E P A C T I V E Join Avril and Raelene for free Golden Yoga (for over 60's) online -Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9am-10am To book your place: Call Avril on M: 0418 527 984... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSYA7_TaTzg&feature=youtu.be
04.01.2022 C O N N E C T I N G C O M M U N I T Y Hampton Park Library in partnership with Integrated Family Services Hampton Park hope to deliver joy this Christmas to local families. Visit Hampton Park Library to Donate.
04.01.2022 ONLY 2 spaces left. Get in quick to join our Integrated Family Services OpShopHOP this Wednesday 9:30-2pm. Call NOW.... 9799 0708
02.01.2022 C A R E F O R E A C H O T H E R During Stage 4 Covid restrictions, we have all had our share of ups and downs. Our staff and volunteers, like some of you, have at times experienced loss, loneliness and uncertainty. In these times it is so important to care for ourselves and each other. Thank you Jen, Edith, Di and Queenie our in-house Health & Well-being team, for creating these beautiful pamper packs. So thoughtful, you brighten our days.
02.01.2022 Y O U R P L A C E T O C A R E F O R O U R P L A N T R E C Y C L E National Recycling Week from the 9th -15th of November, helps you reduce your waste and recycle right. The theme of the 2020 National Recycling Week is 'Recovery - A future beyond the bin'.... Hampton Park Youth groups putting their recycling skills to work by creating some paper Mache
02.01.2022 S T A Y A C T I V E Daily walks around the Neighbourhood are a great way stay fit and well. Spring is on the way! House Manager Kate Madden shared this snap of golden wattle blossom. Share your pictures of your walks around the Neighbourhood. Inspired to submit your own Staying Active Story email: [email protected]
02.01.2022 R E M I N D E R !!! The Street Law Coffee Van is at Hampton Park Community House TODAY at 2pm... . . . . . @hamptonparkch.com.au #hamptonparkcommunityhouse #whatson #hamptonpark #hamptonparkcommunity #streetlawvan See more
01.01.2022 Join our Holiday Program Pets Day challenge! Select a picture from a day in the life of being a Fur, Feather or Scale Parent and post it without explanation and nominate somebody to take this challenge. 5 days, 5 photos, 5 nominations, 0 explanations HPCH Children's Services Director, Queenie, is pictured here with her pet Lucy and pup Coco.
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