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Han and Her Four Men
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25.01.2022 B O Y D ' S || Forest Dragon. . We spotted this guy on our hike today! He was soo pretty with all his colours . . Even better was that he happily sat and posed for pictures for ages! Such a fun find!... . . #boydsforestdragon #australianreptiles #lizard #hikingadventures #mossman #thisisqld #seeaustralia #daintree @visitportdouglas See more
24.01.2022 C A R M I L A || Beach The perfect place for amazing sunrises, epic sunsets, massive tides and fun fishing adventures. P.s. excuse the poor quality of the last photos, they were just phone snaps on the run.... @ Carmila Beach See more
23.01.2022 E L L I N J A A || Falls. . Travelling, it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller ~ Ibn Battuta. . .... Yesterday was a day of exploring and ended in waterfalls . Leight went prospecting at the base of these falls and came out with only a few coins. The boys had fun making dams, exploring the surrounding rainforest and I kept offering families/couples/backpackers a photo of them altogether infront of the falls. Its amazing seeing their faces light up (especially the mums!) at someone offering to photograph their family altogether. They think theyre wasting my time but Its actually my favourite moment as I know how it feels and its so important for mums to be in the photos too!! . When everyone else left, Sam asked me to teach him some more photography. So, a quick touch up on composition and on focus and I set the settings, handed him the camera and let him guide me to exactly where he wanted me. This is Sams photo. He's 8. Yes, I did the settings and the editing, but you can't edit a bad photo. I think only a few more lessons and then he will be flying solo. . . #ellinjaafalls #waterfallway #athertontablelands #millaamillaa #exploretnq #discoverqld #seeaustralia #roadschool #kidphotographer #photographylessons #waterfallphotography #waterfallphotoshoot #reddress #traveldiary #vanlife #travelquotes #ibnbattuta #hellostoryteller #hs_365storyteller See more
22.01.2022 H A R V E S T The Fleureiu. . A last minute decision to turn off the highway and into this gem of a place was 100% worth the delay to our travel day. . .... When we left Port Elliot, we had the plan of seeing how far we could get travelling towards the Yorke... and we got about 20kms down the road before big, bright signs and the promise of fresh produce caught our eyes. A sucker for all things direct from farm gates, we headed out with our cardboard box into the strawberry fields and Oh. MY! They were the BEST tasting strawberries we have ever had! . At $5/picking adult (kids free) and $10 for a take home box (about 1kg) and the promise that you can snack on as many as your stomach can handle (which turns out to be quite alot of these delicious morsels), it turned out to be a great value morning tea/dessert/snacky snacks. . . Sliced up later that night with some vanilla icecream for dessert and we were in Heaven! Make sure you pop this one on your list as you're headed through the region... its pretty awesome! . #harvest #strawberryfarm #fleurieupeninsula #harvestthefleurieu #strawberryfields #southaustralia #fleurieupeninsulafood # @ Harvest The Fleurieu See more
22.01.2022 A T H E R T O N || Tablelands... . Seriously the most Amazing scenery! Unfortunately there's not many pullovers where you can hop out of the car and take photos... so what do you do? Up your shutterspeed and go for gold . Swipe to see!. .. This panoramic was taken out of the window of our moving car at 90kms/hr. Its not perfect but I love it all the same..... . #panoramic #landscapephotography #athertontablelands #roadtrippledge #seeaustralia #creativephotography #epicphoto #thisisqld #discoverqld #exploreTNQ 1 of 2 | Sent via @planoly #planoly See more
20.01.2022 K R Y S || The Savannah King. . The world's biggest crocodile, shot in 1957 by "One- Shot Krys" Krystina Pawlowski in Normanton Qld which earnt her the position of the world's first Female fulltime Crocodile Hunter. . Many dont believe that its correct, but at 8.63m long, its officially in the Guinness World Records. Unfortunately, all photos of the beast were destroyed in the 1974 floods so this is merely an artists representation from the numbers on the official records.... . We asked one of the local indigenous ladies about her opinion on whether its a correct representation or not and her answer was as follows: . "It doesn't matter if that's true or not as theres an even bigger one still out there. People see it only in the wet season in the Norman River. Hes dark in colour and so old he has shells on his head (local barnacles). You see people all the time in little tiny boats out on the river but there's not a chance you'd see me in a small boat on that river!" . So, believe it or not, Krys the Savannah King may be unseated from his throne in the not too distant future! . . #normanton #krysthesavannahking #beast #crocodile #salty #worldrecordholder #traveldiary #vanlife #locallegend #seeaustralia #thisisqueensland #discoverqueensland See more
20.01.2022 Even though we arent walking on coconut laden beaches at the moment, or exploring hidden railways, traversing through ancient rainforests or at one of Australia's greatest landmarks... we still managed this week to spend our 13th wedding anniversary doing something fun... eating dumplings . . . Thanks Mum and dad for having the kids for a sleepover so we could have a kid free night; a rare luxury indeed. .... To my husband Leighton, my number one man, thank you for being my greatest adventure . . #13thanniversary #justus #mygreatestadventure See more
19.01.2022 B E H A N A || Gorge . Not everyone's journeys look the same and thats what makes them wonderful . . A 7km hike yesterday... in the rain...and little man forgot his shoes so did it bare foot. ... We bombied in cold rockpools and got soaked through as we walked the rainforest. We scoffed cream buns whilst hiding under a rock crevice. We slipped in the mud. We laughed and sang. We argued and bickered. We were still and silent as we watched the birds.... we adventured. . . #adventure #behanagorge #travelkids #caravanningaustralia #caravankids #moss #rainforest #thisisqld #discoverqld #exploreTNQ #epicphoto #landscapephotography #vanlifediaries #cairns #seeaustralia @ Cairns, Queensland, Australia
17.01.2022 Z I L L I E Falls. . . This waterfall was really nothing special... if you stayed up the top where the lookout was. But, A super slippery, muddy and steep climb to the bottom (seriously hold onto those trees!!) Opened out into another world. .... . The waterfall crashes onto large volcanic boulders, all kinds of moss and vines surround the area and mist from the falls swirls around creating the most amazing soft blue light. . We could have spent the whole day down there. . This photo sums it up. Mismatched clothes, torn pants, wonky haircuts and mud splatters. We arent perfect but we are having the most perfect adventures together. And thats what its all about . . . Hope you've all had amazing adventures, no matter how big or small. Han x. . #zilliefalls #seeaustralia #adventure #discoverqld #exploreTNQ #instaplace #travelkids #traveldiary #vanlife #athertontablelands #waterfallway See more
17.01.2022 . . . #itshot #icecreamday #iceypoles #queensland #boys #boylife #vandiary #traveldiary #travelkids #karumba #samsgrumpy #notreally
16.01.2022 L A K E || Proserpine One of the best free camps in Queensland. No cost... Incredible views Flushing toilets Hot showers World class Barra fishing... What more could we have asked for? Camping here was perfect for exploring Airlie Beach and surrounds. The kids loved playing on the waters edge (they asked about 50 times just to make sure there definitely weren't crocodiles!) And flying kites (seriously, its windy there, do not put your awning out!). A little bird told me that there will soon be a small fee for camping there, but even as a low cost camp-site, its still 100% worth it. #lakeproserpine #proserpine #runwildmychild #thisisqld #seeaustralia #kite #lakesidecamping #freecamp #vanlifediaries #travelfamilyblog @ Lake Proserpine
15.01.2022 B R O L G A S || and Sarus Cranes. . I always thought that Brolgas were rare... they certainly aren't around the Karumba region!! What started as a fun Game of spotting them soon became a "oh look mum, more brolgas". . I had even made Leight pull the car over when we were running late to check in because I thought we wouldn't see any and I wanted a photo . #rookieerror .... . . But actually, I've loved seeing them all and although we didn't see any crocs in Karumba (you need a boat), we did enjoy a relaxing 7 days of fishing, swimming, photoshoots and having drinks with friends. . . #funfact : Sarus Cranes are actually bigger than Brolgas and although they look the same, Sarus have more red on their heads and have pink legs. They are the tallest flying birds in the world, standing at up to 1.8m tall. But Brolgas are more famous due to their better dancing. . #brolga #saruscrane #birdsofaustralia #discoverqld #seeaustralia #roadschool #traveldiary #vanlife #naturephoto #karumba #normanton #gulfofcarpentaria @ Karumba, Queensland See more
15.01.2022 M I L L S T R E A M Falls. . Our first waterfall in Qld! The falls are actually wider than this but I loved that tree down there, showing off all its golden leaves. .... What a change from living in the Outback for the past 3 months! . #exploretnq #millstreamfalls #waterfallway #athertontablelands #discoverqld #seeaustralia #roadtrippledge #picoftheday #waterfall #landscapephotography #traveldiary #vanlife #travelaustralia #queensland See more
14.01.2022 P R E - T E E N boys don't care so much about being in photos . . . This little cute mural though is thanks to #begavalley and @thegypsysoulstudio and raises awareness for #idpwd2020 . .... #togetherweachievemore . . We loved our little stay in Bega! We loved day tripping around and seeing all the region has to offer. It really is such a beautiful part of the world . . #angelwings #streetart #dreambigflyhigh #attitudecheck See more
14.01.2022 M O S S M A N Gorge.. We are really glad to have done it, but won't be rushing back. Overall, we found it a bit underwhelming! We still made our own fun and definitely had an adventure, but paying $36 to walk a gorge that didn't "wow" us... it was quite overrated. We will give credit where credit is due though, it is the most well maintained park we have been in! Could this be the curse of travelling though? We have seen and done so much... that Things that are supposed to be amazing are just a bit meh in comparison to others?!? I definitely know that everytime we go somewhere, we are open minded about what our experiences will be, but even then... If you've done Mossman, what's your thoughts on it? Have you experienced the same on your travels? Let us know so we don't feel so bad #mossmangorge #hikingadventure #traveldiary #travelaustraliawithkids #travelkids #vanlifediaries #planoly
14.01.2022 Throwback to this fun campspot... Mystery Bay just south of Narooma, NSW. Nestled amongst the towering gums and on the edge of the beautiful beaches of south coastal NSW lies this little hidden gem. . We have found it really hard finding cheap spots, especially during school holidays, but this was awesome and affordable!... . Highly recommend putting this spot on the list and use it to explore wonderful surrounding towns such as Narooma and Tilba. . . #holidayherethisyear #explorensw #hiddengem #southcoastnsw #mysterybay #mysterybaycampground #jaycoexpanda @jaycoaustralia See more
14.01.2022 I have soo many photos that I haven't shared so I'm going to jump on board Throwback Thursday and every Thursday get rid of some of the backlog! . Today's throwback is back to Clem Walton Park (freecamp!) in internal Qld. .. Matt was sitting on this branch waiting for the redclaw to get in his trap. We didnt have much success with that net, but did manage to have a go with the communal net where we caught 9. He was so excited!.... #tbt #clemwalton #thisisqld #seeaustralia #greataussieroadtrip #thebiglap #travelkids #hellostoryteller #reflections #rivercamping #freecamping #traveldiary #huntergatherer #redclaw #planoly See more
13.01.2022 M O U N T - G A M B I E R. . This place was pretty cool! It's been on my #aussiebucketlist for ages and I'm so glad we went. . We visited Little Blue Lake and a few of the other sinkholes around, home to some of Australia's best Cave diving experiences. Whilst we didnt don the wetsuits, we still appreciated these beauties from above.... . Next was Blue Lake (yeah I know, They're quite creative in SA!) Where the kids learnt about the volcanic craters in the area. . And lastly, was Umpherston Sinkhole which was just spectacular! With a Garden planted at the base and Ivy growing down all the sides... it was quite magical. . We stayed at the Bellum Hotel which has free camping behind in exchange for the purchase of a beer... or 8. We keep getting suckered into these pub stays... and before long, we have half the bar shouting us drinks . It's never a quiet night when we roll in but it is a fantastic way to meet locals and find out all the local knowledge of an area. Thanks @bellumhotel and Mt Gambier it was a blast! . . #southaustralia #visitsouthaustralia #mountgambiertourism #littlebluelake #umpherstonsinkhole @southaustralia @ Mount Gambier, South Australia, Australia See more
13.01.2022 A G N E S || Waters. Home to this amazing Paperbark trail. Surprising beautiful, unfortunately too short! I could have lived in that forest. It had such an ethereal vibe about it. We went at 4:30pm when the sun was just peeking through the backs of the trees .... Although I do love the ocean, give me trees and mountains; its my happy place. #paperbarktrail #agneswaters #visitqueensland #thisisqld #discoverqld #explore #fairieslivehere #seeaustralia #fulltimetravel #traveldiary #travelfamilyblog #instaplace #grammableplaces #foresttrail
12.01.2022 I'm coming to Atherton and Cairns! Tag your friends and family that need some updated pics or need me to capture their special moments
08.01.2022 Y O U ' V E Got this South Australia! . 6 days of lockdown and then 8 days of restrictions will beat the virus. We have so many wonderful friends and family in SA and I know its tough, but we are here for you. Shout out if you need someone to talk to or entertain you whilst you're in lockdown... our life is a constant circus .... Please please please also remember the travellers at this time. You might be stuck in a house but they're stuck in a caravan... most with children. Send wine! And above all, remember that Kindness wins everytime. Sending love and support to you all. Catch you on the other side. Han, Leight and the boys xo Port Noarlunga Jetty from July 2020. #southaustralia #portnoarlunga #travellingfamily #sunsetphoto #abcmyphoto #seesouthaustralia #lockdown
08.01.2022 H O W || wonderful and Peaceful it is when Brothers dwell together in unity and Harmony. ~ Psalm 133:1. . Our current bible verse that we are trying to live by. With all the rain this week, the boys have been a little bit touchy towards each other. I'm getting this verse printed onto this image to remind us all about keeping our emotions in check. The rest of the chapter goes on to say that when we do so, the blessings will be abundant. . I'm going to put it in the bathroo...m, on the fridge, in the boys bunks, on our coffee mugs, in the car, on their foreheads.... everywhere . Dwelling in a caravan isn't always easy, but when we do so in unity, we are surely blessed. . . from our hike to Behana Gorge. How beautiful to see ferns and mosses and fungi all growing harmoniously together out of the side of a pipe. Just growing beautifully together exactly where they were. I think we can all learn from that . . . #behanagorge #bibleverse #naturequotes #hiking #brotherquotes #vanlifediaries See more
07.01.2022 W E S T E R N Creek station. . Well we spent 2 days trying to find gold, but we had no success . . We stayed at Western Creek Station just south of Georgetown which was great at $20 a family.... . The kids loved stoking the Donkey (old school hot water heater fuelled by fire) and stargazing at night. We even managed to see a massive line of lights going across the sky. Josh was convinced it was an Alien invasion whereas I was reliving my "Tomorrow When the War Began" teenage years. It was almost disappointing when we got back to civilisation and phone reception and found out it was just Elon Musks new SpaceX Satelites . . The scenery out here was amazing though, these quartz outcrops were spectacular at sunset . . Heaps of Wallabies, some Bush turkeys, Jabirus, Freshwater Crocs and plenty of friendly cattle. Oh, and make sure you get some beef from the Georgetown butcher... that rump steak was amazing! . . #stationlife #stationstay #camping #rockyoutcrop #goldprospecting #goldcountry #georgetown #localbutcher #shoplocal #discoverfnq #thisisqueensland #savannahway #traveldiary #alieninvasion #spacex See more
06.01.2022 M O B O Creek. . What started as an off the cuff walk, took us to this magical spot. Its not a popular walk trail as its only 600m and a tricky spot to stop at as you weave your way through the mountainous rainforests, but its so worth it! . Definitely a place where fairies live!... . #mobocreekcrater #athertontablelands #laketinaroo #magicalplaces #seeaustralia #australianlandscapes #creek #rainforest #hiking #hikingadventures #secretplace #hiddensecrets #exploreTNQ #thisisqueensland See more
06.01.2022 Well some brake issues on the van yesterday had us pulling into the beautiful Thala Beach Resort's driveway. Half an hour of @leightonbudge and his amazing mechanical skills and we were on our way again (but not before a few photos ... I may have chosen the pullover place quite specifically )! Seriously though, this man keeps us on the road and Im so thankful for him! . . So our adventure heading North continued... we have an exciting gig coming up soon, stay tuned for mo...re Tropical Queensland adventures!! . . #thalabeachresort #mechanicalissues #coconuts #thisisqld #discoverqld #exploreTNQ #vanlifediaries #seeaustralia #thebiglap See more
06.01.2022 Exploring some of the Yorke Peninsula at Moonta Bay . . . #moontabay #seesouthaustralia #traveldiary #travelkids #holidayherethisyear #vanlifediaries #yorkepeninsula #travelaustraliawithkids
06.01.2022 P A R O N E L L A || Park The story of a Spanish Dreamer, Josè Paronella and his dream of building Castles in Australia. I think the biggest thing we certainly took away from this place was that when you dream big and work hard at those dreams to bring them into reality, it becomes a monument for future generations.... Everything this man did was with the future in sight, not the present. He planted trees that would never reach maturity in his lifetime, he built the second Hydro Electricity power supply in Australia. He built castles in a rainforest in the heart of farming and sugar cane country. It gives us hope that our dreams that we are planning to build once we stop travelling may become something bigger for future generations, long after our time. #paronellapark #innisfail #visitqueensland #menacreek #thisisqld #dreamer #dreambig #inspirationalpeople #traveldiary #grammableplaces
05.01.2022 Yes, we are still here!! We have been enjoying lots of catch up time with my family and some friends. . Will share our #canberra adventures soon .... . In the meantime, we finally have some sunshine and some down time to enjoy swimming in the pool. . . #freelensing #wildflowers #adventures #natureinfocus See more
04.01.2022 S O M E T I M E S || the best adventures aren't what you're doing, but who you're with. . And sometimes, you get to swim under Queensland's most photographed Waterfall, Millaa Millaa Falls with your amazing friend and do both . . .... @intotheout2020 #millaamillaafalls #travelbuddy #thisisqld #exploreTNQ #athertontablelands #waterfallphotography #waterfallway #seeaustralia #traveldiary #aussiebucketlist See more
03.01.2022 J U S T Call me the Cow Whisperer . . . #cows #stationlife #camping #cowwhisperer #outbackqld #brahman #westerncreek #roadtrippledge #offthebeatentrack #traveldiary #vanlife
03.01.2022 Our new motto . . . Daintree life is certainly agreeing with us . .... . #daintree #exploreTNQ #travelkids #junglekids #runwildmychild #boyslife #vanlifediaries See more
02.01.2022 C A T H E D R A L Fig. . A MASSIVE fig tree that sits in the middle of a tree rainforest, just a short drive from Yungaburra. This thing has to be seen to really appreciate how huge it really is! . .... #cathedralfigtree #bigtree #rainforest #athertontablelands #discoverqld #exploreTNQ #traveldiary See more
02.01.2022 M A L A N D A Falls . . A cute little waterfall right at the Caravan Park! We stayed at Malanda Falls CP and as they are Tawk members, the kids stayed free for the first 2 nights which meant it was only $24/night (unpowered). The park had heaps of animals which entertained the kids and as you were surrounded by rainforest, the birdlife was amazing to listen to! I think Whip Birds will always be one of my faves . . Whilst we didnt see any of the illusive platypus during our... time in the tablelands, we sure did see plenty of other wildlife. . . #malandafalls #malandafallscaravanpark #waterfalls #waterfallway #athertontablelands #exploreTNQ #discoverqld #seeaustralia #experienceoz #tawk #traveldiary #vanlife See more
02.01.2022 There's been a long standing rivalry between our home town of Busselton and some small Port town in South Australia. . I never even knew the name of the other town, I just knew that it was South Australia clutching at straws to have something bigger and better than the West. . So, when we were on the Yorke Peninsula, we had to settle the debate for ourselves and go and stay at the cute little town of Port Germein.... . . So I know at this point you're all wondering... who actually has the longest timber jetty in the Southern Hemisphere? . See, the answer to that question is easy, It's Busselton, But SA is still here, clutching at straws because the Busselton Jetty isn't straight and not fully timber piled anymore. See, a cyclone, a fire and another storm wiped out the end of Busselton Jetty and so it's had to be rebuilt over the years whereas the Port Germein Jetty, in its sheltered Bay has remained somewhat unaltered. . After walking the SA jetty a few times (you have to get right out to the end where the water is, as its incredibly tidal here), we can confirm, not only is WA's jetty alot longer, but it also is alot more practical! . Sorry SA. Good try though! . . . P.s. this post is all tongue in cheek. We loved our overnight stay at Port Germein . . #yorkepeninsula #jetty #busseltonjetty #portgermeinjetty #rivalry #fightingwords #westisbest #australiasbigthings See more