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Hannah Campos Yoga in Fitzroy, Victoria | Tutor/teacher

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Hannah Campos Yoga

Locality: Fitzroy, Victoria

Phone: +61 499 638 617

Address: 202 Gertrude St 3068 Fitzroy, VIC, Australia


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24.01.2022 Cherishing sweet toddler snuggles.

21.01.2022 Here are 5 ways we incorporate aspects of Steiner/Waldorf early childhood philosophy into our family home life and parenting and toddler.

20.01.2022 In this igtv I share why we don’t use the polite bite and how I think it has bigger implications around trusting your instincts and I discuss some of the ways we offer dessert foods and how I’m working on adjusting my language to offer all foods with equal enthusiasm.

16.01.2022 The week began with an ending and ended with a beginning. It’s such a privilege, joy, and inspiration to guide another group as they embark on the journey of learning, connecting, and self discovery that is a yoga teacher training. Trusting the process on all levels.

15.01.2022 I am so proud of the online yoga library the team at @gertrudestreetyogastudio has put together over the last few months while the studio has been closed but I’m also thrilled to be getting back into the studio bright and early tomorrow morning to connect with you in person. I’ve listed my NEW timetable below, spaces are limited to 10 for social distancing so be sure to book in advance! Monday 7am SOLD OUT... Wednesday 5pm SOLD OUT Wednesday 6:15pm SOLD OUT Thursday 12:30pm 2 spaces Sunday 9:30am SOLD OUT Sunday 11am 5 spaces p.s the online library isn’t going anywhere you can access it on our Online Membership for $15 per week and it’s complimentary to everyone on our Unlimited Membership.

15.01.2022 2+ years and we’re still going strong Breastfeeding is such a journey - and so much work! From the first 5 weeks of excruciating nipple pain and leaking milk everywhere, to breastfeeding all day and night on demand. From breastfeeding on planes, on floors, in cafes, in carriers, in spas, and everywhere in between to night weaning, and creating boundaries, and toddler nursing - it can feel like a full time job. I’m endlessly grateful I was raised knowing and embracing the ...benefits of breastfeeding, and that I had the support and education to learn how to breastfeed well when Neesa was born. I recognize that this isn’t the case for everyone and that for some women breastfeeding is not an option. And also in our celebration of #worldbreastfeedingweek we must recognize the racist legacy of breastfeeding including learning about the racist history of wet nursing, what racial disparities we continue to see in breastfeeding today, and how we can work to support #blacklivesmatter in all areas of wellness - including breastfeeding.

13.01.2022 Side Body focus this week :: Expanding our awareness of breath from 2D (front and back) to 3D, gaining strength and mobility, and moving energy through the Gall Bladder Meridian associated with the wood element.

13.01.2022 Holding Neesa’s Avo (grandpa) in our hearts as he crosses over and continues his journey beyond his earthly body. Grief is a strange thing, made more complicated with covid restrictions. I’m so grateful @jaspah_ has spent the last two weeks with his family in NSW and I’m also so looking forward to him coming home soon so we can be together. Explaining to Neesa the death of a much loved family member (particularly someone who is very much in her mind daily) is not something I... anticipated having to do right now and while I felt a little unprepared, I’m grateful to be on this mindful parenting journey that helps me navigate and support her best.

13.01.2022 The lack of personal space and privacy that comes with having a toddler is...intense. Luckily for me our fur baby has been training me for it for the last 5 years.

12.01.2022 While it might appear that a yoga practice is designed for the individual, all of these practices were created in the context of the collective. Our yoga practice is not a place to hide or escape. It is a place to boldly show up. To do the inner work, to build strength, resilience, trust, and empathy. A place to empower ourselves so that we can then support and empower our communities. How are you taking your yoga with you off the mat?

12.01.2022 Why is it important to be speak up on social media about Black Lives Matter? Isn’t it just performative and virtue signaling? I’ve been asking myself this. Aren’t we supposed to be muted and listening? @ayanagabriellelage has two really great insta TV videos about this that I highly recommend you go watch - I’ve summarized a few of her points below. ... Posting publicly demonstrates support - that’s valuable -it’s not enough, but it’s a start. Posting publicly might result in a white follower (or person you actually know!) messaging or commenting with anger of confusion. This is good! This means you can start a conversation and educate them instead of burdening black people to do that. Posting opens the door for more in depth, challenging, uncomfortable conversations. This is a good thing. Posting a black square is easier than sharing your support in your own words. Follow up your blackouttuesday post with substantive posts that amplify black voices. It is not about going silent, just refocusing the conversation. There seems to be a fear of doing something wrong or saying something offensive that keeps people paralyzed from speaking up. It’s okay to say the wrong thing, it’s okay to get called out. It’s part of the learning processes. Did you know that people are much more likely to post a story because it doesn’t disrupt their curated long lasting Instagram feed? Take the time to make a post. Not just a black square but something that shows your followers that this is important to you. That you are listening, learning, engaging in self enquiry around your own biases and committed to ending systemic racism.

10.01.2022 The lack of space and privacy that comes with having a toddler is...intense. Luckily for me our fur baby has been preparing me for the last 5 years.

09.01.2022 Mommy and me salads for lunch. Healthy, intuitive, non violent (vegan) eating is a passion of mine and I’m so grateful to pass is along to my daughter. Here are a few our food values/policies... 1. Living the value of ahimsa (non harm) through plant based food. We are privileged enough to have easy access to healthy, nutrient-rich whole plant foods + we love all animals, it’s a no brainer for our family. 2. We all eat variations of the same thing. We don’t make kids meals. In this photo I’ve separated Neesa’s food because she asked me to but after seeing mine she asked me to mix hers up as well. Things I might change to make the meal kid friendly are: less spice (although she likes more spice than me often), smaller quantities, separate categories. 3. You don’t have to try it. has some wonderful thoughts on the polite bite and how that affects your intuition and ability to set boundaries. We use encouraging language and suggestions but no rules. 4. You don’t have to finish your plate. Kids (with healthy eating habits) know how to regulate their appetite. Some days she eats a lot. Some days she doesn’t. That’s okay. 5. We don’t serve dessert. If we have something sweet to offer it is offered on the same plate as the savory food. This takes away the hierarchy of food and removes it as a bribe to eat other food. She’ll often eat a few bites than eat something else and come back to it. Another way I serve sweets is as a stand alone snack without making a fuss. p.s. she (at 2 years old) ate this whole meal including independently trying both mushrooms (but deciding to give them to our dog) and asked for seconds of rice, lettuce, and avocado.

09.01.2022 Where has the time gone? Swipe to see 1 week old Neesa in the same sling.

09.01.2022 Let’s celebrate a women who championed justice, embodied integrity, and persevered her entire life...and remember her legacy as we take action in the upcoming election. #vote2020 #notoriousrbg

08.01.2022 Enjoying a slower pace and time in nature with this ray of sunshine after 5 early mornings and full days of work at the studio. Taking a deep breath in and letting a big sigh out as the pendulum swings back into parenting mode at home for a day. @ Clifton Hill, Victoria, Australia

08.01.2022 We love you @jaspah_ Happy Fathers Day

07.01.2022 From the earliest years of my life right up to today I have been surrounded by and supported by the most incredible women. The gratitude I feel for this sisterhood is beyond words. Thank you. Challenge accepted @maudleger @kristiarnewilsonyoga

06.01.2022 Creating an achievable and realistic morning practice has been key for me to feel grounded and settled in my day, particularly as we traverse such uncertainty during a pandemic. While I don't have the time as a working mom to have a long morning ritual I have created a collection of simple practices that support my personal wellbeing. If you are struggling to create a consistent morning practice or feel like you don't have time to create rituals within your day, I encourage you to explore what simple practices are most potent for you and what can easily be integrated into your existing morning routine and see how you feel!

06.01.2022 As I’m sure many people living in Melbourne are - I’m feeling a bit low today. With only 41 cases of covid today across the entire state it seems unreal that lockdown will extend for so much longer. As I digest the news I’m attempting to acknowledge all the complexities and nuances of my emotional response and make space for them. It’s so easy these days to position yourself firmly for or against anything and the polarizing effect is something I’m actively working to So this is what I’ve come up with so far: I’m grateful to live in a country that takes action to prevent loss of life. I appreciate the government support at the state and federal level keeping our business and family afloat. I’m frustrated we can’t go into nature to hike and camp which seems very low risk. I’m disappointed that yoga studios are being lumped in with gyms and that all facilities are being labeled as high risk even though there is no evidence to prove it. I’m unsettled by knowing our business will be closed for 7-8 months. I’m enjoying a slower pace and more family time. I’m missing our GSY community. I’m deeply sad that I won’t be able to see many friends and family members for a long time. I’m concerned that the new roadmap seems like an elimination strategy which I don’t think is feasible and sustainable. Wow it’s a lot to process! Sending my love to everyone coping as best they can with whatever restrictions or covid related challenges you are facing.

05.01.2022 In this time of uncertainty where daily I feel overwhelmed by the unknown, far away from family, nervous about running our business, tired from running after a toddler all day, I find myself continually coming back to simple practices of GRATITUDE. I am grateful to have this incredible bushland within 5km of my house. I am grateful for the the warm cuddles and unconditional love our dog and for living in alignment with my love of animals by being vegan.... I am grateful to be able to work flexible hours and spend time as a family in the middle of the day. I am grateful for the full presence that parenting demands. Feeling gratitude doesn’t erase my personal experience of stress or dissolve bigger community and global issues but it provides me much needed perspective and helps me moment to moment to find grounding and joy. What simple practices are you employing during this time? @ Clifton Hill, Victoria, Australia

02.01.2022 Defund the police Abolish the police I’ll admit that I’ve always viewed the police as a necessary evil. While it was easy for me to see that massive reforms and changes were needed it never really crossed my mind that there was an option to defund or abolish the institution all together. One of the things I’ve been learning more about this week is what defunding or abolishing the police could actually look like and here are some things I’ve learned: ... Imagine if there were well funded, trauma informed, crisis intervention teams working together with community activists ready to deescalate conflicts? Imagine if social workers were dispatched to calls that involved mental health emergencies? Imagine a reinvestment of funds from police hired to patrol poor communities directly to those communities to fund infrastructure, community projects, and uplift areas which is directly shown to lower crime. Imagine if your brake light was out and a city employee pulled you over and changed it for you right there? If you are like me and the thought of defunding the police or abolishing it completely sounds scary or impossible or simply unknown I encourage you to read more about the possibilities behind the words. The reality is that the police was created to police black bodies during slavery and as an institution it is at least long outdated and at most a threat to the lives of many people it claims to protect. Let’s do better.

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