Hannah Goding in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Product/service
Hannah Goding
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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25.01.2022 A little more about the Build Your Birth Team online workshop; why you need it and how I can serve you! DM or email me at [email protected] to secure your spot! Can’t wait to take you through your options!... Much love, Hannah xxx
25.01.2022 This whole process is about YOU! What I offer as a Birth & Postpartum Doula aims to help you to gain confidence to stand up for the maternity care you need and challenge standard care, set boundaries, debunk any fears, build foundations to have a nestled and cosy post-partum and initiate a magical breastfeeding journey, while being prepared to face all the roadblocks and challenges along the way. So, my offerings are specifically catered and altered to you and your needs thr...oughout this journey. If there is one thing that I learnt through being a student Midwife it is that not one approach will fit all and thats exactly why I left to do Doula work. In order to provide the kind of support that you are craving, there are no set amount of meet-ups antenatally or postnatally. I am dedicated to meeting your needs based on your individual circumstances. I want to make things as easy as possible and do what works best for you and your family. My website will be launching when I get back from Vietnam! Its only a few weeks away and I will have an EPIC discount for the first clients that book after the launch, so keep your eyes peeled! You will also be able to gain access to my downloadable offerings guide. This will highlight what we cover and what is included during our time together. I am talking delicious food, massage, access to epic tools, up to 8 WEEKS OF POSTPARTUM CARE! Plus so much more! I am so excited for you to see it. It has been put together with so much love so as you have everything you need to THRIVE throughout your pregnancy, birth and postpartum! Of course, you dont have to wait until the website launches to get in contact. Email or PM me if you want to chat before then. Lots of love, Hannah
25.01.2022 Feeling safe, held, respected, seen, heard... and supported through life’s biggest and most altering experiences is what makes all the difference. Maybe this support allows you the space to do the thing. Maybe lack of this support stops you from doing the thing. When it comes to birth... the support, the place, the people - they make or break your birth experience. Knowing your options and birth choices is half the battle! If you want to feel fully informed, If you want your dream team surrounding you... then attend my upcoming workshop! The Build Your Birth Team online workshop is the ultimate guide to knowing and understanding your options when it comes to support and care during pregnancy, labour, birth and the postpartum period You will learn; ~ the pros and cons to all the different options available (I’m talking doctors, midwives, public, private, hospital, home, doulas etc) ~ How much you may spend $$$ for each individual option ~ what the ‘Gold Standard’ of maternity care is and how to access it ~ Why carefully selecting your Birth Team is SO important! ~ What the research says about care providers and outcomes ~ Your RIGHTS when it comes to care providers .... PLUS SO MUCH MORE! The deets; ~ Thursday, feb 4th ~ 6:30-8:30pm (Melb time) ~ Via Zoom ~ $89 ~ It’s for anyone who is currently pregnancy, trying to conceive or plans to have a baby one day ~ Doulas or other health care professionals who work with birthing people are also welcome to attend! To secure your spot, DM ME! Or follow the links in my bio Cannot wait to connect with you #careproviders #birthsupport #birthteam #melbournedoula #postpartumsupport #knowyouroptions #maternitycare #knowledgeispower #homebirth #hospitalbirth #doulasupport
24.01.2022 Me day 1 of bleed ^ Last night I went deep into all I want to release and let go of and all I want to call in for the new year/decade. It felt big and emotional to do and today I woke up bleeding. I dont know why I am surprised by these serendipities anymore.... I needed this release. Its been an anxious month and a huge 10 years. I love this natural cycle & connection to an altered state. A time to go inward and reflect. I cant believe I went so many years believing that my bleed was a inconvenience, a nuisance. Well, no, I can believe it. Thats the patriarchy for ya. Im just sad that I spent many years in disconnect. I cant wait to teach my children (both boys and girls) the intricacies/magic/joy of menstruation. Thank-you for this gift Mother Nature.
23.01.2022 The cascade of interventions with induction of labour. Looks hectic doesnt it.
21.01.2022 I’ve created a workshop - the ULTIMATE guide to to knowing & understanding your OPTIONS when it comes to support and care during pregnancy, labour, birth & the postpartum period THE DEETS; the workshop will be held on Wednesday the 28th of October, via zoom... from 6:30-8:30pm (Melb time) $69 (a bloody bargain for the level and depth of info that I share with you!) Limited number of spots available - so secure your spot ASAP! DM me or email me ( [email protected] ) to book in Much love xoxo
20.01.2022 ITS BACK BABY!!! This workshop was created to help women, birthing people and their families to navigate the maternal health care system. It can feel like a minefield trying to work through it all, by yourself. Or especially, if you have never entered this system before.... Do you want to: Know your options Understand care providers and what they do Feel fully informed about WHERE you can give birth & WHO can support you Feel confident in the care you are engaging in Understand what support is available to you Have the best chance of having a physiological birth with no interventions Have a POSITIVE pregnancy, birthing and postpartum experience Be respected, seen & heard during this time in your life And build a birth team that best serves and nurtures you? Or if you are... Trying to conceive On your pregnancy planning journey Currently pregnant Planning to have a baby one day A doula who wants to give their clients current evidence & options around care and support A health care provider who works with pregnant women who ask you all the questions you don't quite have the answers to Wanting a better experience of birth then the last time THEN THIS WORKSHOP IS FOR YOU! The deets: - Thursday, Feb 4th - 6:30-8:30pm (Melb Time) - via zoom - $89 (unless you sign up to my email list BEFORE MONDAY for a discount ) This is two hours+ of comprehensive research put together in a super understandable, non-biased way. ~ This is the ultimate guide to knowing your options when it comes to care providers, models of care and support during pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period ~ Everything I share is relevant to all parts of Australia and is relevant to most parts of the world too! No matter where you live, what stage you are at in your life, what your hoping to achieve or who you are... I know you will learn a lot and take away some really valuable information To secure your spot DM me or follow the links in my bio
20.01.2022 I had a memory while working on a new blog about birth trauma. I was with a midwife, changing a womxns pad after her cesarean (a vulnerable position for anyone to be in). She still had the effects of the epidural and couldnt move yet. The midwife said to this womxn.. You know what they say; leave your dignity at the door and pick it back up on your way out... The definition of dignity is: Being worthy of honour or respect. Essentially this midwife was telling a womxn, a newborn mother, that even though she has just given birth to her new baby, just crossed a threshold into a new phase of life, has JUST gone through a HUGE transition she is not deserving of being honoured for the magical work she has done. She told this womxn, that while she was here, she is not deserving of respect. Respect for her choices, respect for her decisions, her views, her beliefs. No wonder 1 in 3 womxn are experiencing psychological birth trauma. There is no respect for birth, for womxn, our bodies or our babies. The way you are treated during labour and birth impacts your experience, there is no doubt about it. If you dont feel safe, respected, honoured, trusting of the people around you.why would your body open and birth your baby? Instead it is going to close as a self-protective mechanism. Birth is deeply sacred and there are professionals in the field that dont believe or know this. Midwives should be PROTECTING womxns dignity not suggesting they are not WORTHY of it. Let this be the reminder that you needed - ensure you have the right people in your birth space. If you arent feeling respected by your doctor or midwife (or doula for that matter) you have the right to change care providers and seek new support. YOU DESERVE RESPECT Blog on this to come... #respectinbirth #youdeserverespect #dignity #birthdoula #doulasupport #melbournedoula #innerwestdoula #hannahgodingdoula
18.01.2022 I woke up to a few messages about a post in my stories (swipe)... mostly from medical professionals saying its important to keep staff safe too. And I 100% agree. To me, these changes in hospital restrictions and everything that is going on right now, and how it effects birthing people, is an issue that goes beyond COVID-19. It begs to ask the question; why are low risk, healthy mothers and babies and people hoping to achieve a physiological, unmedicated birth going to hos...pitals to give birth in the first place? Its an issue that highlights home-birth inaccessibility, midwifery vilification and fear of birth. It highlights how home-birth and other ways of birthing is unsupported on so many levels. I hope the silver lining of this situation (or one of the silver linings) is that it opens up the doors for midwives to safely & more easfully open private practices and attend homebirths. For homebirths to be Medicare rebated so as $$ isnt a roadblock to give birth in this way. That our society can see that homebirth is safe, reduces likelihood of interventions and increases likelihood of physiological, unmedicated births. Its not a reckless idea. 5 people at a wedding is still acceptable, yet more then 0-1 support person at birth is not. Just proving further that birth is so overlooked in our society. This sends the message and proves that people giving birth are not valued, the extremely vulnerable experience of birth is not valued. This is not to say that we dont have a social responsibility right now to flatten the curve - but weddings prioritised over births demonstrates our modern societies prioritys. Lets normalise taboo ways of birthing. Lets unpack fears of birth and where they have stemmed from. Lets lobby for support and care to be accessible FOR ALL! Lets not forget that peace on earth begins with birth.
18.01.2022 I wish everyone knew where you came from and how brave and beautiful it is You are SO in your body and have a wise-beyond-your-years wisdom I want to see you stretch your wings and move beyond whats normal and whats been established at school... Your smile is so lovely, your energy is so lovely, fucking use the enveloping nature of your warmth - @the_angela_gallo This kind of stuff can only be said about you when its coming from someone so intune and so invested in you, your growth, your career and Doula work. I was stuck in the confines of fear that is Midwifery before attending the Dynamo Doula Training. A lot of unlearning happened when I stepped my foot into that space. I never thought I could work in birth again until I met @the_angela_gallo . She helped me to realise that this work is ACTUALLY possible. She showed me that I CAN help to create change and that my experiences within the system are worth something. She gave me permission to do the work that I am called to do, that makes my heart sign, that I believe I was born to do, that I craved to do (but couldnt do) when I was a midwife. She opened doors for me that I never thought possible. It is more than a Doula training. It is confidence training, personal development, mind expanding and passion-igniting training . She Doulaed me, held space for me, heard me, loved me, nurtured me and supported me (all things that are incredibly important to me as a Doula) until I could love myself and therefore do this for others. I couldnt recommend the in-person training more. To be in that space, to connect with like-minded women whose visions are inspiring and expanding (like those pictured above) to feel understood, to meet other amazing business women...was catalytic! I left changed. I felt different. A whole new world had opened up. And I am forever grateful. There are still a few more spots open for the Melbourne in-person training in October, lap it up NOW! Go and discover more of yourself and meet some other epic people like @thequeenofconfidence @dashaclarke @serinacrinisphotography @the_rachael_rose
18.01.2022 I talk a whole lot about BIRTH on this page but another topic that I am equally passionate about, but doesnt get enough limelight from me, is the Postpartum period. Did you know that the leading cause of death amongst women in the postpartum period is suicide? This speaks volumes! It proves that our systems and society are failing women. We do not value mothers/birthing parents, even though our society depends on the work that they do.... Often mothers feel like they are abandoned by the system after birth. Left on their own to figure out and navigate parenthood, caring for a baby, learning to breastfeed, juggle life, adapt to to the identity shift while also fulfilling other roles like caring for other children, running households or even going back to work. They call it Postpartum depression but it should be termed Postpartum Neglect. I dedicate time with my clients to really help them PLAN for the postpartum (this is just as important as planning for birth) and it goes far beyond setting up a cot and changing table. Its making sure they know what will help them to have the best possible start with breastfeeding and knowing who to call when challenges arise. Its setting up support systems so that the mother can do nothing but heal, rest, fall in love and bond with her baby. Its working with partners, so they know how to maintain that oxytocin bubble after birth. Its working with partners to make sure they also feel supported during this huge transition. Its preparing for sleepless nights and cluster feeding. Its massages, nutritious food, celebration, ensuring they spend time in nature. Its being a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on. This support is SO important and every birthing person deserves it. My clients receive SIX WEEKS of postpartum doula magic because this is the learning phase, the bonding phase, and it needs to be protected. #melbournepostpartumdoula
18.01.2022 Hello beautiful people, I am taking a much needed break from social media. Way too much consuming from me lately. If you would like to contact me Ill be available via email - [email protected]... See you in a week or two. Take care. Much love, Hannah xoxo Ps.... isnt my dog just the cutest? Her face makes my heart swell. I just love her that dang much!
17.01.2022 In response to @the_angela_gallo recent live about consciously procreating I wanted to discuss what came up for me When I was in the depths of a midwifery degree, I was SO unhappy and looking to fill a void in my life. I became fixated and obsessed with the idea of having a baby. It became a focal point of life/conversations ... what a convenient distraction from the problems I was facing...... I convinced myself that this deep rooted desire was a biological thing...my body trying to tell me that it is now or never. (It was not an instinctive feeling, I did not actually feel it in my body at all, it was all in my head) Liam was not for it at all, he didnt understand how I thought this was a good idea. We had no money, we were just at the beginning of degrees, we lived separately and I was not in a good head space. He has recently said that he actually thought I was going to leave him because of it... But for me, having a baby was the perfect solution to the feelings of lack and confusion in my life... But really, after much reflection, it was the only reason to leave Midwifery that I could justify to myself and I thought this was the only reason people would understand and accept. It felt much more selfless to have a baby than indulgently put my mental, emotional, spiritual, physical health first. I hate that at that time of my life I would have felt more comfortable telling people I was leaving the degree to become a mother then tell them that I am actually unhappy and struggling. And worst of all, I was going to use this baby as a scapegoat, a band aid fix for my problems There is no specific point to conclude this post. There are a million different angles and lenses I could discuss this from; irresponsible procreating, mental health, leaving midwifery, the effects that midwifery had, societal expectations of women...but really I am just wanting to share a bit about me and my life and my story and understand me more...maybe someone else can relate..
16.01.2022 When it comes to pregnancy and birth experiences I don't want anyone to say things like; " I wish I has saved for the right birth support & care " " I wish I invested more into my birthing experience "... " I wish I had learnt more before going into the experience " OR " I wish I knew my options " My partner hasn’t stopped hearing me bang on about how important it is to INVEST in birth & the experience of bringing a baby into the world, basically since our second date (thought it would be nice to give him ONE date, free of birth and baby talk). I’ve got a budget in mind (that we will both equally contribute to, obvi) so we can pay for: Our doula Our Midwife Some pre/postnatal yoga Breastfeeding support Placenta encapsulation Many massages I also have SIJ issues that are known to flare up in pregnancy, so Osteo to the rescue Childbirth education classes (so I don’t have to provide him with all the info) And I will probably need some professional, mental support too as I anticipate my diabetes related anxiety increasing But you see, because I work in this field, I know the support I will need/want. And because I help others receive this support I know how much it will all cost. In my online workshop ‘Build Your Birth Team’ I talk about rough costing and pricing to help you plan and prepare for this time in your life. I also understand and am sensitive to the fact that not all are in positions to spend lots of money on their birth. I still believe my workshop will help you, because we will run through all the options available then you can prioritise what is MOST important to you and make sure you have the means to access it. In the workshop, you will learn; - Care Provider, Model of Care and Birth Team OPTIONS - Why carefully selecting your team is SO important - The Pros and Cons to the different options - Costings of each option - What the bees knees of maternity care is and how to access it - What the research says about the different options and their outcomes for mothers and babies THE DEETS: This Wednesday, the 28th Oct Via Zoom 6:30-8:30pm (Melb time) Investment of $69 DM to sign up!
15.01.2022 Here are some common things you can expect to hear in the last few weeks/days of pregnancy: Baby is fully developed and is just getting fatter after ____ weeks Theres no reason for the baby to be in there anymore Its protocol to induce you at 41 + 3 You are measuring too big/small... Your placenta has an expiry date Because you are 36+ years old, we recommend induction The end of pregnancy is such a vulnerable time. Your probably feeling tired, over it and just want your baby in your arms. Attending appointments at the end of pregnancy, an already super difficult time, can really effect your mindset and take you out of your body, out of your zone and ask you to get into your thinking brain. Please watch as I debunk some of the common statements made and hopefully if you hear it here first and expect to hear it from your HCP, family member, neighbour or friend, it will lessen the impact. Im sure there are many more common things too...What were you told at then end of pregnancy?
14.01.2022 For this beautiful family, it was all hands on deck to support this mama. Reminding her of her strength and innate power, while also giving a good old hip squeeze. I will never tire of reminding birthing people how amazing they are. How their body and their baby are dancing together and know exactly what to do.... Your body knows how to breath, beat your heart, go to the toilet, vomit, orgasm, release an egg, create a baby, grow a baby, feed, nourish & keep that baby safe & warm. Just like how your body knows how to initiate labour & birth your baby! Youve got this, magical mamas
13.01.2022 During these unprecedented times, we need to support each other more than ever but perhaps not quite so face-to-face. Our health is our #1 priority. I myself fall under the immunocompromised category and as a small business owner I am unsure at this stage if this pandemic has already or will affect me in terms of income, clients etc. I have seen many posts online about childbirth ed classes, breastfeeding classes and others of the sort being cancelled and as I start to ta...ke this COVID-19 crisis more seriously and prioritise my health and the health of my clients I thought Id offer some distance doula calls. If you worried & concerned about your pregnancy care during this pandemic, if you are wanting to know your options moving forward and want to be held and supported during this time, then perhaps a distance doula call is for you. This way youre within the comfort and confines of your own home but can still learn, prepare and get informed. For the next few weeks I will offer these calls for $79 (for 1 hour) or a bundle offer of 3 calls for $200. This could be a really great way to prepare yourself for birth in a holistic and calm way during this crisis. I will hold space for you, answer any questions you might have and give you insightful & individualised doula support/love/care. For any pregnant person who is feeling anxious and unnerved, lets co-create a sacred, connected, passionate space, where YOU are celebrated, honored & nurtured. I may not be able to bring you bliss balls, fresh fruit & chocolate coated pretzels like I normally would but I can give you all of my knowledge & doula magic! DM me if interested xxx
13.01.2022 Did you know you are allowed to say NO to any damn thing you want when it comes to your pregnancy, birth, baby, body & postpartum? Making NO your default gives you time and space to figure out what you actually want. To do some research, discuss with people you trust and tap into whether it aligns with the care you want during your pregnancy, birth and postpartum.... That blood test, vaginal examination, epidural recommendation, GBS swab, abdominal palpation, the induction coercion, hands on breastfeeding help.... If you know nothing about it...SAY NO. If it makes you feel uncomfortable....SAY NO. If HCPs cannot provide the information you need to make an informed decision....SAY NO. If it doesnt sit well with you....SAY NO. You can always come back later and say YES if you change your mind or decide it is the right test/procedure for you! I heard this quote a while back from Shalome Stone over at @rockstarbirthmag and its stuck!
12.01.2022 Vaginal examinations are a routine intervention. VEs disrupts the flow of birth, the space and the concentration of the birthing person. And it requires the birthing person to change positions into lithotomy (generally this is an uneasy, non-instinctive position for birth.)... VEs are uncomfortable, intrusive, overused and often unnecessary. Studies have shown that 52% of birthing people undergo 3 or more Vaginal Examinations during labour and the most common rationale given by midwives is to assess labour progress. Having a VE done purely to assess dilation gives information that is essentially useless because it tells us NOTHING about what is going to happen in the future. You could present as 4cm dilated and birth your baby within the next hour. You could present as 8cm dilated and birth your baby 5 hours later. Dont fall into the trap of thinking how many cm dilated you are long youve laboured for = rate of dilation per hour. This is not accurate! Again, dilation tells us nothing about whats going to happen in the future. There is no research that suggests or recommends timing or frequency of Vaginal Examinations. As soon as the first one has been done, often the clock starts and the pressure is put on you by the hospital to progress by a certain amount, within a certain time frame. VEs are also subjective. Different health care providers can tell you totally different results and who is to say which one is right or not. Instead of getting caught up in dilation, stay in the flow of birth and work with your body, your baby and your instincts. Staying at home for as long as possible will help to avoid being asked to do VEs. Ask yourself; Is knowing how dilated I am going to help or hinder my birth? Is it going to take me out of my flow? Is it going to disrupt my concentration? Is it going to take me out of my body and into my head? You are allowed to say NO. You can refuse. This is your right as a birthing person.
11.01.2022 I just finished the chapter called So Tired I Could Die in Naomi Standlens book What Mothers Do Especially When It Looks Like Nothing and I want to to acknowledge all the mamas/parents out there who night after night have interrupted sleep for the sake of their childrens comfort and needs. I see you. I hear you. I think your fucking amazing.... Any mama/parents out there who have been through the trenches and feel as though they are starting to get their sleep back; what would you whisper in the ear of your newborn mother self if you could? What do you think she needed to hear? Happy Friday
10.01.2022 You got this! And we have your back. #supportingmamatotos #protectingmamatotos #hygieiahealthltd #UsToo #birthsupport #CrisisResponseForBirth
10.01.2022 Great info and alternatives to the standard Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT)
10.01.2022 I am still seeing clients during this time. Doula work is an essential service. Yesterday I went to hold the baby (and tidy kitchen, fold laundry etc) while mum & dad got some sleep. They deserve support during this huge time in their lives that has been heavily impacted by this pandemic.... And considering suicide is the leading cause of death for mothers the in first year postpartum, when they reach out, I help. And we all feel safe, comfortable and healthy to do so. Support that new parents may usually have (like parents, family, friends around, play groups, mothers groups, local cafes, parks, beaches) has been completely wiped. Limited to no visitors & restricted house support. Grandparents that live interstate, who were planning to stay for an extended time to help out, now have to self isolate & unable to travel and friends are steering clear so that they dont infect a pregnant woman. I even had a client with incontinence who could not access a physio to help with this major problem. Just as I would continue to care for you if you were considered a high risk pregnancy/birth; had diabetes, high BMI, VBAC, over 42 weeks I will still care for you during this crisis. Doulas are an essential service. It is such a tough time for mamas & families with new babies right now, and eventhough there was very little support to begin with, there is even less now. WE ARENT MEANT TO DO IT ALONE! So if you know anyone with children, a new baby - reach out! -Offer to do their grocery shopping -Cook them meals & snacks -Tell them to leave a bag of dirty clothes at the front door, so you can pick it up & return it freshly laundered & folded -Even a simple text to check in & see how they are feeling today Its more important than ever before.
09.01.2022 Have you ever stopped to consider that most of the birth information that you have has probably come from media like Movies, tv shows, tabloids, etc? (which mostly, does NOT ACCURATELY REPRESENT BIRTH). We HARDLY, BARELY learn about birth at school. And it’s rarely discussed within society.... So most people are learning about pregnancy, birth and babies when they become pregnant..Which is not too late, BTW! But it’s NEVER too EARLY either! Whether you are pregnant now or simply plan to be ONE DAY in the future, come and join my ‘Build Your Birth’ online workshop! I created this to give people/couples a really good understanding about the care they CAN receive when they become pregnant and to give you information about the support available. In my online workshop you will learn about: Care provider options Model of care options Birth Team options - Why carefully selecting your providers, teams & models of care are SO important - The pros & cons to the different options available - Rough costings of each option - What the ‘Gold Standard’ of maternity care is - What the research says about the different options & their outcomes for mothers & babies I also touch on: - Your rights when it comes to your providers - Some explorative journal prompts for you to work through - Questions to ask your care providers when you're meeting with them - so you can get a really good understanding of who they are, what their values are and if their care will suit your needs. The deets: Wednesday October 28th Via zoom 6:30-8:30pm (Melb time) $69 (a bloody bargain for all the info I share with you!) DM to secure your spot or follow the links in my bio I cannot wait to work with you Xxx #melbournebirth #childbirtheducation #birthprep #melbournedoula #doulasupport #birthrights #knowyouroptions
09.01.2022 Thank-you so dang much! Thank-you for being here, following me on this journey, liking my posts, commenting, DMing me, sharing, reposting, reading or watching from afar. This year has been huge for me in terms of growing my business and showing up online.... I resisted and resisted but I knew deep down that this was the way forward. To be honest, I lost my wind the last couple of months. Anxiety crept in, I had more clients and births and social media was the things that slipped past. But I am so ready for the new year - to show up, authentically, honestly and vulnerably. I want to give you even more educational posts on birth, breastfeeding and postpartum. And help you feel prepared and informed for your experience. I have a new offering that I am excited to share in the new year too. Currently (and throughout 2019) there was only one way to work with me - investing in me to be your Doula. But thats going to change because I want to reach more people this year and work with more people 1:1, face to face and online. I never saw virtual offerings as part of my biz. I love face to face, I love in person .... this is what I seek out in life so thought this was all I was going to offer. But Im ready.... and I hope you are too! 2019 has been a wild roller coaster in navigating business and life. It has not been easy but I made a few big steps - leaving my other job, getting biz mentoring and coaching, photo shoots, and making $$$ because people saw me online and hired me. This means I have broke even on what I have invested into my business and trainings to be a doula. It feels big! Im making a conscious effort to not plan 2020 too rigorously and just let the magic seep in. Following my heart in my main intention - to create more loving action. LOVING ACTION are my words for 2020. Cant wait to see where this takes me and hopefully, it benefits you in some magical way. All my love, Hannah xoxo
09.01.2022 Woah. Just contributed a chunk of $$$ to my Super account for the first time since starting my biz (or ever). Talk about #adulting ! Prior to this, my super had $2,233.74 in it (just for context, I asked my friends what they had and it averaged between $12-20k) and this was from my only on the books job at a pub before becoming a doula. Before and after that one pub job I had never been paid super (or paid tax ). All my nannying jobs were cash in hand and it wasnt unti...l last year that this started to play on my mind. I was undervalued and afraid to ask for what I was entitled too. It was nerve-racking & empowering transferring that money across. I felt like a total boss-woman but also was hit with a reality check; there is no one paying 9.5% of my earnings into my super each week, its 100% my responsibility. As a business owner, I am not just a Doula. I am also an accountant, graphic designer, content creator, admin person etc etc. This is sometimes a tad overwhelming for my 24 year old self, but its all apart of this path that Im on & doing the work I love is worth it. Take away message is; when you invest in the goods/services of a small biz, you are investing in their future! & owning a biz is expensive!!Consider this when you say someones pricing is too high!!
09.01.2022 Would you want a sceptic at your psychic reading? Would you want someone who despises running to be your marathon coach? How would it feel to have a psychologist who hasn’t done their own inner work?... How would it feel if your child’s teacher couldn’t be bothered with kids? Imagine hiring a celebrant who didn’t believe in marriage! We all have people in our lives that are the perfect support for different things; I have my party people, my deep convo people, my activity people I love them for everything that they bring, but you know when something isn’t their thing, right? Well same goes for birth workers - Would you want a lackluster, traumatised midwife, who has burnt out but needs the job to pay the bills at your birth? Would you want an OB who believes cesareans are the best option for all birthing people, supporting you to birth vaginally? Would you want a doula who is passionate about active labour at your planned cesarean? Not all birth workers believe in the same things. Many are not even taught the same things. Some don’t know what facilitates physiological birth. Some are taught to believe that birth is dangerous. Others trust the process, wholeheartedly. So, who do you want there? If you are feeling confused about your options and you want to ensure you’ve got the right team with you during your birth then my upcoming workshop all about your BIRTH CHOICES will give you the clarity you need. I will take you through; - Who can support you - Where you can birth - Cultivating your dream team - The pros and cons to each option - The costings for each option ..... plus so much more!!! You won’t get this kind of information at your standard childbirth education classes, even though it’s fundamental! Whether you are trying to conceive, currently pregnant or you just want to have a baby one day - it’s never to early (or too late) to know this information! Swipe for more info DM me to secure your spot OR follow the links in my bio Can’t wait to connect with you #birthchoices #knowyouroptions #melbournedoula #knowledgeispower #dreambirth #birthsupport #childbirtheducation #melbournebirth
08.01.2022 I challenge you to challenge everything in standard maternal health care Question EVERYTHING! The benefits, the risks, the alternatives to every test, check and recommendation. Everything! Just because something is normal doesnt mean its right for you!... A go with the flow attitude is seriously detrimental as it leaves SOMEONE ELSE in control, with all the responsibility. It leaves you open to being taken advantage of because they will be making decisions based on THEM - their biases, their experiences, whats easier for them and whatever else is going on in THEIR lives. Its easy to place all of our trust into health care professionals, thinking that they will always do whats best for you. But how on earth would they know what is best for you? They dont know what you have experienced, they dont know where your trauma lies, they dont know the effects that their decisions will have on you, your body and your baby. Health care professionals work FOR YOU! They are a resource for you, to help YOU make decisions about your care. Not thinking critically during this time leaves someone following a step-by-step run down of what to discuss with you, what tests should be done, when to pee in a cup, how many centimeters your bump should be etc. calling the shots. It is not created to you and your individual needs. It was created for the masses. I truly and deeply believe that you matter. Your feelings, your fears, your joy, your journey. So take responsibility and stand up for exactly what you want! #challengestandardcare #questioneverything #criticalthinking #whatdoyouwant #youaretheexpert #birthdoula #melbournedoula #doulasupport
06.01.2022 Do you have a deep desire to breastfeed your baby? Did you know that birth can have a huge influence on breastfeeding initiation? I really could go on and on all day about this topic, its one of my favs...I recently spent hours with a client talking all things breastfeeding and setting up successful initiation and to be honest I could of gone all day long.... But here are a few tips! Have immediate STS contact after birth - This helps stimulate instinctive feeding behaviours in babies (along with a million other benefits). Separation can cause stress & hinder milk supply/production. Let your baby choose its own birthday - Induction of labour impedes natural hormone production necessary for breastfeeding (and birth) and increases risk of other interventions. Your baby will be born when it is ready to Breath, Bond and Breastfeed! Asking baby to come sooner, without a true medical reason, may mean it is not mature enough to initiate feeding and have difficulties breathing which could cause separation. Avoid instrumental births - babies born via forceps or vacuum are at a higher risk of developing jaundice (due to bruising) and jaundice babies can be super sleepy. The possible bruising can also make certain positions uncomfortable to feed from. Avoid pharmacological pain relief - Epidurals and Pethidine are known to make babies drowsy after birth, this inhibits their instinctive breastfeeding abilities as they would rather go to sleep then use energy to feed. Physiological third stage of labour and Delayed Cord Clamping - this gives time for baby to initiate a first feed UNINTERRUPTED! If you are waiting for and birthing your placenta you cant be rushed out of your hospital room and staff must patiently wait. Also, babies receive adrenaline from the placenta through the umbilical cord, as its still attached, which makes them wide eyed, alert and eager to breastfeed. Plan for a vaginal birth - caesarean born babies are much less likely to want to breastfeed as their lungs and tummies...CONTINUED IN COMMENTS
06.01.2022 Having our babies close is a biological norm & it holds many benefits to care givers and children like; - promotes secure attachment - reduces crying and regulates breathing, heart rate & temperature - gives both parent and baby a sense of security, confidence, safety & calm... - prolongs breastfeeding - Mother is able to sample pathogens in babys system so breastmilk can produce antibodies to protect them () - can reduce postnatal depression & anxiety - allows greater freedom to get out, have hands free for tasks & play with other children Plus much much more... Being educated about babywearing is important in reducing concerns and understanding what is safe and optimal for you and your family. This is one of the most useful parenting tools you could have in your tools belt (remember - prams require flat, paved paths). Sarah does in-home consultations & group workshops (like what I had organised for my clients). She is a wealth of knowledge and we could really feel her passion. You can contact Sarah through @zarinah.melbourne.babywearing or email her at [email protected] I would highly recommend getting in touch!
05.01.2022 HAVE YOU HEARD THE NEWS Home-birth has been discussed in main stream media more than ever . And in a positive regard! . FINALLY it is getting the recognition that it deserves. So, I thought I would do a IGTV series on this topic, to give it even more light and to give people more info; statistics, options for homebirth in MELBOURNE, the benefits of this model of care, breaking down the criteria and its downfalls & problems people face who want home births.... With birth trauma at an all time high and at crisis point, I want more more MORE people to be aware of home birthing options. A recent study that had been going on for years has shown that homebirth is a safe option for low risk women and has the HIGHEST rate of normal, vaginal, intervention free births in Australia! Tune in with your morning cuppa over the next few mornings. Comment if you have any questions youd like me to cover! #homebirth #homebirthmelbourne #options #melbournedoula #hannahgodingdoula
05.01.2022 HOME BIRTH PT3: Here is the criteria for one of the Melbourne hospitals that offer a homebirth program. This plus:... - Singleton pregnancy - A term pregnancy, between 37-42 weeks What do you think? Tell me your thoughts? For some, meeting the criteria is worth having the homebirth. For others, meeting the criteria goes against the care that they want during their pregnancy, labour and birth. Then what options do these people have? While its great that this program exists (and we definitely need more of them), we need to see more care that supports women in THEIR choices. More information giving, respect for choices made, and support still received instead of criteria governed by hospitals for their OWN protection (refer to my post on direct organisational risk).
05.01.2022 Are you pregnant and finding yourself saying things like: I am just going to see what happens during my birth. We are just going to wing it. I dont want to make any kind of plan because I dont want to be left feeling disappointed if it doesnt work out that way.... I am just hoping for the best, the experts will know what to do. This, my friend, is what we call a Go With the Flow attitude and as much as I love your lax vibes, this attitude can be detrimental to your experience. Heres why. 1) If you are a passive participant in your birth this leaves room for SOMEONE ELSE to step in, control your experience and make decisions FOR you. Youre putting your birth in the hands of someone else! 2) You may feel it is unnecessary to educate yourself and therefore miss out on information that may make the world of different to your experience. Something as simple as knowing you can say NO to a vaginal examination could make your experience more peaceful as opposed to invasive, perhaps. 3) Health Care Providers or the experts cannot/will not always make decisions that are in YOUR best interest. I know its confronting to hear, but they have their own experiences, trauma and biases that dictate the way they make decisions. They probably know little about your experiences to, therefore they are unaware of how their decisions about your birth will affect you. They may base their decisions around what works best for MOST people...but what if you arent MOST people? My mum always tells me the story of when she went for a check-up while pregnant with my sister. As she was strapped to the CTG machine she overheard a doctor talking about a woman who was quite distressed at the end of her pregnancy. The doctor said lets just induce her now, then Ill be able to make my golf game tomorrow morning. A perfect example of why we cant put all of our trust into someone else when it comes to birth! But isnt creating a birth plan trying to control something that is ultimately out of our control? A birth plan isnt about being fixated on a certai... CONTINUE READING FULL BLOG POST HERE TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT BIRTH PLANS: https://hannahgoding.com/the-issues-with-having-a-go-with-/
05.01.2022 Mama nature has given us the epic journey of birth to not only help you bring earth side a new being but to give you an opportunity to connect with yourself, connect with your body, explore yourself further, expose and heal your wounds, discover your personal power and then be reborn. Each birthing experience helping you access any lessons needed to then raise and mother that child. Each birth exposing a deeper understanding of you.... It is a true HUMAN experience and one of the last left. A woman I worked with explained the influence of birth like this - It takes your right to the edge of life and just when you think you cant go any further, you do and you survive Who wouldnt want to experience that? I feel a sense of responsibility to share the power of birth with as many people as possible. As a woman who has not yet given birth, I need to spread the word, raise awareness to others who have not given birth so as you are aware of the magic that can take place, how it will change you and how it is a truly spiritual event. I also feel a responsibility to share how the system can interrupt the power of birth. How, unfortunately, standard care can often be disempowering. Taking your choices and control away from YOU and using hospital guidelines and protocols to do so. Disrupting your space with people that are not conducive to birth (crazy right considering these people are professional birth workers?), not respecting your choices and using disrespectful and coercive language, they often present as the expert instead of acknowledging that YOU are the expert. You dont have to fight for what you want, alone. Supporting yourself can be tough. Find care providers that align with you. Surround yourself with people who understand what you want to achieve & BELIEVE you can do it. Investing in your birth is to invest in one of the most important days of your life. #doulasupport #melbournedoula #birthdoulamelbourne #postpartumdoula #hannahgodingdoula #birthisspiritual #powerofbirth
05.01.2022 Tearing during birth is a huge topic of conversation amongst womxn, especially if there is a pregnant person in the mix. There is also a lot of fear around this going into birth. I find these conversations are (generally) not very helpful or productive. So I made this video because we need to do two things: 1. Normalise tearing because it is a natural part of birth and bringing your baby earth side.... 2. Know ways to avoid unnecessary tearing because, unfortunately, common practices within our birthing systems can increase your chances of tearing, like positioning, hands off/hands on, induction, forceps, vacuum, directed pushing etc. I hope this helps you in working through your fears and OWNING your birth! #perineum #normalizetearing #childbirtheducation #melbournedoula #sutures #avoidingtearing
04.01.2022 I can’t tell you how many conversations I’ve had with people who, once their babes arrived earth side, were deeply embarrassed about the way they handled visiting their friends/family members who had new babies. I’m guilty of it too and when I think back to it, I cringe so bad! These visits generally involved;... - Visiting quite early after the birth (as the parents are still finding their feet). - Sitting on the couch expecting/waiting to hold the baby. - Maybe bringing flowers, a stuffed you or cute outfit. Here is what new mamas/parents actually need from a visitor; - Space and time and the option to say no to the visit that is met with empathy and understanding - Someone to do a load of laundry and hang it out - Someone to do the dishes and tidy the kitchen - Someone to walk their dog or love on their animals - Someone to make them a cup of tea - They damn well deserve a foot rub or should massage - Maybe someone to entertain their older children - And they absolutely, without a doubt, no questions asked need someone to prepare nourishing meals and snacks.... Because all a new mama should have to think about it breastfeeding and bonding with their baby - community should do the rest! Next week I have availability to prepare 2 more of my epic hampers for new mamas/families They are all always a little bit different but here’s what you might expect; - 2 delicious meals (like soups, risottos, rice dishes etc) - 2 nourishing, one-handed snacks (like the dates pictured above, muffins, a slice, fritters, lactation cookies etc) - Herbal teas and tinctures - A soothing bath soak Plus some other goodie that a new mama would find handy! Forget about the stuffed toy that will get thrown in the pile... THIS is the best gift you can give to show your love and adoration for your new mama/parent friends All for $150! Message me if you’d like to treat the mama in your life or even if you want to treat yourself to this hamper, all homemade by mwah! As a doula, who has supported many families, I know whats up!
01.01.2022 Wanting extra support & guidance throughout your pregnancy? Wanting to feel more prepared & trusting of your amazing birthing abilities? Maybe youre in the early stages of pregnancy and want to be informed on your options ahead of the game! Or perhaps, you have a few weeks to go and want some emotional support, informational support & encouragement from someone experienced in birth.... In the comfort of your own home (either online OR in-person), this is childbirth preparation and education that meets YOUR individual needs. During our sessions we will dive deep into what you are hoping to achieve and what will support you in meeting your birth goals. Feel prepared, be informed and understand the divine wisdom that you, your body & your baby ALREADY hold. We can discuss things like: Care provider options & models of care Standard tests & screenings offered during pregnancy How your partner can support you in the birth space Natural pain relief options Informed decision making Birth plans, preferences and principles Active birth & Instinctive birth Breastfeeding education & planning Postpartum planning The cascade of interventions Your fears & blocks going into birth/parenthood What you can expect after baby is born Plus WHATEVER ELSE YOU WANT This is for you if: You want to learn, be informed and feel prepared for your birth You want to be an active participant in your birth You want to feel heard, held and supported throughout this time You want to be aware of the roadblocks and challenges you may come up against You want to understand what promotes & facilitates birth No matter where you are at in your pregnancy, its not too late/early to seek support & prepare yourself in this way. For FEBRUARY ONLY your investment is $350 for 6 hours of work together, over 2 or 3 sessions. After Feb this will be going up to $500 so if youve wanted to work together, lock it in now and save $150! You will be sent a questionnaire so I can fully understand where your at and how I can serve you PLUS if you sign up to my mailing list you will receive a few extra bonuses when you book! DM or email me for more info or to lock it in! Cant wait to work with you
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