Hannah_the_dog_groomer in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Pet service
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
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25.01.2022 From lady-beards on #schnauzer crosses to outright MOHAWKS! Jasper the #terriermix is ready to ROCK this week with his stunning new #dogmohawk At a special request from mumma, it was TONS of fun creating this look on Jasper the terrific #terrier ... If youve got something youve been wanting to try on your pet but been to afraid to ask, Im the groomer to do it! I feel a special coming on....tbc. #dogmohawks #terriergrooming #hannah_the_dog_groomer #fundoggrooming
24.01.2022 Sooty is one of the most zippy little pocket rockets of a 13 year old that Ive ever met! Being a #maltzu owner myself, its great to know that they can live so happily into their twilight years It was nice to clear her eye area out, even with the cataracts, every bit helps! Look at that crooked smile.... What a love bug #maltese #shihtzu #littleblackdog
23.01.2022 Along with Bella came her hunk of spunk brother Diesel! Also a #maltzu Diesel looks almost nothing like his sister! Isnt it strange how different some siblings look!... #maltzu #maltese #malteselovers #shihtzu #hannah_the_dog_groomer
23.01.2022 A tidy up was on the cards for Bosley today! A little snip here and a bit of a brush there and it was all over! A fluffier, puffier pup went home to a happy dad ... #hannah_the_dog_groomer #minilabradoodle #poodlemix
23.01.2022 Have you ever met an eternally happy dog? Well you’ve seen one now in @oakey_the_groodle In for his first ever groom yesterday, this puppy was not phased by anything! ... Constantly smiling and too irresistible not to keep cuddling my days are tough not! #toocute #puppygrooming #hannah_the_dog_groomer
23.01.2022 Little Fergie the 14 week old #poodle had his first ever groom today! He had no fear! Happy to give everything a go, brave puppies like this mean I can push the envelope a little bit further with the groom
23.01.2022 A true fashionista! Putting his best foot forward Bentley was a #moodle with an agenda, to get as many licks in before the end of our groom! Anyone else got a happy licky dog at home? I know my #maltzu would kiss all day if she could! #littlewhitedog
22.01.2022 The second #puppy of today! Fergus the 14 week old #poodle
22.01.2022 Little Louie the #maltese cross has fur better suited to a woolie sheep than a little dog! I cant decide if he needs to be sheared, deshed or brushed out!?!?! With the tongue in the right place got there in the end! ... #littlewhitedog #maltesecross #hannah_the_dog_groomer
20.01.2022 Darling little Shadow the 9 month old labradoodle is a growing girl who suffers from severe hip dysplasia. I thought it best if we do the whole groom on the floor to protect her from any falls or dangerous movement during her cut. It worked out very well indeed! ... Dogs who suffer from bone conditions like this can get sore from the water being too cold or too warm, their legs being moved too much in any direction and in severe cases even the vibration of the razor over their sensitive hips can cause swelling and pain. Theres a lot of work going on behind the scenes to groom ever single dog! and even more when they come with special instructions. It was a great groom made even better by the long talk I had with Shadows mum about exactly what her pup could and couldnt do. Even if its just a sore foot from the park yesterday, it helps to talk to your groomer about it! #puppywithspecialneeds #specialneedsdog #jindalee
19.01.2022 Ever seen a #maltipoo ? Oxley was my first and boy what a difference one haircut can do for a little boys confidence Mum even brought in his very own birthday bandana so he could show off his new looks! #littledog #fluffy #hannah_the_dog_groomer
19.01.2022 @dougie_the_bernedoodle a happy ending to a wonderful groom, not a fur out of place #hannah_the_dog_groomer #doggroomingbrisbane #deshed #designerdog #brisbanedogs
18.01.2022 Little Marley was a bit nervous for her first groom with me so she hung out in the salon for a little while, getting settled before jumping onto the grooming table. Her tummy wasnt keen on treats to start with, but by the end of the groom she was happily wagging her tail and smiling for a treat.....or two (shh...) Theres a lot of feeling each other out for a first groom and taking it easy helps build the trust much quicker than tossing a pup into the unknown!... Its wonderful to see how much confidence a dog gains in the few hours we spend together. #caboodles #nervousdog #littlewhitedog #smilingdog #hannah_the_dog_groomer
18.01.2022 Sorry for the spam but look at the last photo of Mjs perfect little foot!!!!!! Its been a busy few weeks! Practice makes perfect! ... It has taken me a while but my confidence in teddy feet has been building and I feel like I may never stop learning different ways to trim a footsie! #teddybearpaws #poodle #hannah_the_dog_groomer
18.01.2022 Today was a day full of PUPPIES!?!?! It was a relatively quick turn around from scruffy to fluffy! Macies Mum has got it going on! Macie gets bathed regularly and brushed almost on a daily!!! ... A groomers dream come true! With no knots, I could style macie however mumma likes Great job mumma Steph! #groomeddog #maltzu #maltese #shihtzu #puppy
17.01.2022 Did you know #cavoodles fur can take after either parent? A shorter, curly coat means that the Cavoodles #poodle side is stronger while a longer and silkier coat means the #cavalierkingcharlesspaniel is the more dominant gene! Both coat types require similar levels of care though!... #hannah_the_dog_groomer #cutepuppypics #pullenvale
17.01.2022 Little Alfie from earlier this week was finding his winter coat a bit troublesome now that the days are beginning to heat up. (Today not included, perhaps he has a jumper at home ) We had to go very short to get all the winter blues off him! But he was much happier for it ... #cavoodle #littledog #hannah_the_dog_groomer
17.01.2022 How many of yall can say that your client fell asleep on you right after you finished clipping their butt! Well that seems to be a far too common occurrence these days in my line of work! #bestjobever #doggroomer #bernadoodle #brisbanedogoftheweek
16.01.2022 Juno is the youngest pup Ive ever groomed (and Im #inlove) Is grooming puppies the best part of my job? Yes! That AND making a buddy for life ... At only 11 weeks old, mum told me they were exposing Juno to as much as possible so she learned to conquer her fears early on. With the growth rate of her fur I can predict that Juno will have many many grooms in her future and she will be able to conquer them all with that smile intact #minilabradoodle #dogsofindooroopilly #puppygrooming #nofilter
15.01.2022 We had Billie the 4 month old puppy in for her first groom today. After a little chat with dad we think we may have had one or more of Billies siblings through?? Could it be true? more investigations ahead... Shout out to grooming the family #dogsiblings #cavoodlepuppy #cavoodle
15.01.2022 Bonnie the #schnoodle was keen for a lot off the top but just a bit off the beard Keeping a smidge of her #schnauzer heritage, we gave her a fun cut to help show off her best self! #poodle #hannah_the_dog_groomer
14.01.2022 Leo wasnt feeling much like a groom today! but he handled the harassment like a boss! Being an elderly gentleman he was a little unsteady on his legs however it wasnt anything a strong supportive hand couldnt help #miniaturepoodle #smalldogsofbrisbane #poodlemix
14.01.2022 A flare for fur was what Milo had this winter! But with warmer weather on the horizon, Milos after a softer look to weather Australias summer heat. #littledog #spitz #littlewhitedog #hannah_the_dog_groomer
13.01.2022 A #cavoodle doo was in need for Freddy! A bit too much hair had his coat all up in a knot! We had to go short but Freddy didnt mind in fact he gave us a smile at the end for all the troubles #cavoodle #cavoodlesofbrisbane #cavoodlelove #hannah_the_dog_groomer #smalldogsofbrisbane
13.01.2022 Sorry to my Friday boys and girls! I can get lazy with posting about you in excitement for the weekend! Alby the magnificently fluffy #moodle came by the salon for a fluffing of his fantastic fur! He got a full groom in time for his human sisters birthday! ... #maltese #poodle #maltesecross #littledog #littleblackdog
13.01.2022 How is it that some dogs are just so darn photogenic? Ill have some of what shes having! Bella the Maltzu was looking fine before her groom and feeling fancy by the end! #maltese #shihtzu #maltesecross #hannah_the_dog_groomer
11.01.2022 Believe it or not, Zoey is Not a puppy! She is smaller than many of the puppies Ive groomed to date but Zoey is a fully grown #cavoodle Mumma was a #kingcharlescavalier and dad the #poodle And together they have created the cutest little pint sized pup ... #notapuppyanymore #tinydogs #tinydog #littledogs #smalldogsaustralia
07.01.2022 How fast can a dogs tail wag? If wed had the police speed gun in I bet it wouldve clocked a million k/hr easily on Jack the #maltese cross #shihtzu Too funny!... #maltzu #littlewhitedog #softfur #kenmore #hannah_the_dog_groomer See more
06.01.2022 Theo is a 7 month old #tamaruke What is a Tamaruke I hear you ask? Not exactly sure to be honest ... A cousin of the Cobberdog and labradoodle? Supposedly they are the true non-smelly dog even when wet! (can confirm!) What I can definitely tell you with confidence is that they are a joy! Theos mum keeps him very well brushed so we left his coat long today gave him just a little tidy up on the face and feet. #littlebrowndog #hannah_the_dog_groomer
05.01.2022 Grace, the shy and timid, came by the salon for a full groom on an already stunning coat! Mummy likes to use MooGoo on her and I think I fancy that too! Coming from a pharmacy background I know how important skin health is so I like to keep ingredients natural! ... I use Natures Specialties products which are Ph balanced and gentle on not just the dog but me too! Perhaps Ill add some MooGoo into the mix? what do people think? #naturaldogproducts #poodle #smalldogs #healthydogcoats
04.01.2022 It is with a broken heart that I share the news of Belle’s passing. There wasn’t a moment she wasn’t a *part* of any and everything I was doing. She was the happiest of dogs and she wagged her tail until the very end. She suffered from massive kidney failure and was gone within the day. ... She suffered no pain and was surrounded by myself, her dog-sister and her family. I cannot express enough gratitude to the Vets that let us sit with her privately for hours today while results and decision were made. They treated our fur-family member with the utmost respect and dignity and held my hand through it all. Over a decade of bottomless love with this girl. She was a dork, just like me! And her shadow at my side will be sorely missed. X
04.01.2022 Sorry, no social distancing possible with a puppy on the table #rulebreaker
03.01.2022 Oh Benny-boo! You break my heart with your curls!!! Ever met something so huggable? Benny is a #bichonfrise crossed with a #maltese and makes for an interesting groom with hair that wants to grow where it grows! Benny enjoys a nice walk and snuggles on the couch, he always sleeps on his back and will make you laugh every day! ... #maltesecross #bischonmaltese #hannah_the_dog_groomer
02.01.2022 Hi Friends, Just want to apologies for my grooms today that I canceled last minute (or missed entirely in contacting). My beautiful Golden girl "Belle" collapsed this morning and we rushed her to the Vet. ... She's undergoing tests now and I have little news for the time being. But she is comfortable. Thank you for your kind words and understanding on my lack of preparedness today. Hannah the dog groomer
02.01.2022 Look at those lashes! Stellar the #spoodle flutter those babies at me all morning! Irresistible A sweet baby girl indeed. She got the zoomies in the backyard with my Golden retriever before, during AND after her groom! Too. CUTE! ... How does everyone even deal with puppy energy? #ihavequestions #spoodle #littleblondedog #hannah_the_dog_groomer
01.01.2022 My all time favourite fluffy puppy Toby came to see me last week Minimal puppy bites and only one scream when the clippers were turned on!!! Mainly....we just had fun! ... Tobys fur has grown super duper quick! So we gave him a right and proper shave down now that were already into the high 20s during the day! Love this boy! #puppygrooming #malteseofinstagram #maltese #maltipoo #maltesepuppy #littledog #brisbanepuppies #brisbanepuppygroomers #brisbanepuppygroomer #hannah_the_dog_groomer
01.01.2022 Our favourites were back to get their summer cuts today! Blood Brothers Jack and Benny tore up the salon and brightened up my Friday with their never ending energy! #dogbrothers #cutelittledogs #hannah_the_dog_groomer
01.01.2022 Who doesnt love a bit of SHAGGY! Milo the #maltzu puppy was one of the most chill little puppys I have met to date! At only 4 months of age, that is a rarity! Sure, he screamed at me for 10 minutes when I turned the clippers on, but what 4 month old wouldnt?... Once he got over the fear (and realised I wasnt actually hurting him ) Milo turned into the most placid of pups! What a champion! #chillpuppy #4montholdpuppy #maltese #shihtzu #hannah_the_dog_groomer
01.01.2022 Ohh my social media game has been shockingly fatigued this past week! if you havent seen your pup on here yet, its coming I swear! Dougie the #bernadoodle came for his 6 monthly #deshed the other day. A stranger coat type than this Ive yet to see. ... The most successful tool Ive found for getting rid of his fly away top coat? My two hands just pluck pluck plucking! Love this boy! #returncustomer @dougie_the_bernedoodle #beautifuldog #oodlesofdogs #hannah_the_dog_groomer
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