Hannah Rottier | Health/beauty
Hannah Rottier
Phone: +61 400 560 449
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25.01.2022 I am just so grateful to be aligned to a company that sets its sights much higher than the dollar figure....all about the bigger picture. We strive to be the best IN the world and the best FOR the world. https://www.theiconic.com.au//just-how-good-are-b-corp-bra
25.01.2022 HAPPY EASTER! I hope today you were able to find joy with your family (and some chocolate ) Of course not the Easter anyone planned on. Imagine just how grateful we will be for the little things in life when this is over. Lots of love xxx
25.01.2022 Park plays with my beautiful two. I feel I could say it again and I know won't be the last, they are my absolute world and my gosh the love I have for them! In this uncertain time, one thing is clear, remember what is important and show gratitude for that. I couldn't be more thankful. . .... . . . . . . #heartfull #parkplay#playground #somuchlove #myboys #boys #hideandseek #ifoundyou #grounding #barefoot #outsideplay See more
23.01.2022 TOMORROW NIGHT I would love for you to come along and find out more If you are curious at all, do it, nothing to lose. Only information to gain (and some laughs, nibbles, and If you are lucky, maybe even a baby Albie cuddle ) Comment or Message if you would like to attend.
22.01.2022 Maybe you will scroll past because it is 'one of those' businesses or you couldn't see yourself being a 'salesy person'. But if you continue on, part of you is curious...Please trust your gut and do yourself a favour and read on. Need an extra income... OR Hate your job OR Just need a positive outlet in your life OR You love Arbonne already and want to know more (P. S check out our new catalogue here. https://embed.widencdn.net//AUNZ_Catalogue_ArrivingSoon.pdf Arbonne turns 40 this year! Stronger than ever, we are going no where but up. I couldn't be more excited to be a part of a company that's values align so well with my own. I cannot wait to continue to grow my business in 2020 and along side it grow myself. Our MISSION ; We empower people to flourish with sustainable healthy living. You may be curious, it may or may not be for you, but please take a look. I am here if you have any questions at all Xxx
21.01.2022 Celebrate your best friend or your love with this amazing deal. Also 45% SALE ON NOW (until 19th Feb) - Check out special offers at... hannahrottier.arbonne.com
20.01.2022 Could not be happier, an afternoon in the sun with my two little boys at a gorgeous little beach. I never knew love like this existed. Life really is great, I am cherishing every newborn snuggle, but at times it can feel a bit like Déjà vu. Feed, sleep, nappy, repeat. So I find it so important to get outside. This was deifnitely the lift I needed yesterday. Do what makes your heart happy . .... . . . . . #sunshine #summerishere #beautifulbeach #sandy #earthing #newborn #dejavu #dowhatyoulove #mumoftwo #babyboys #cheekyboy #happytimes See more
19.01.2022 Each step closer toward zero waste future. I love that it is not just about being the best company IN the world but the best company FOR the world. People and planet before profit
18.01.2022 While we are all stuck at home, why not tune in to hear some more about what we do. No obligation, sit in your pj's and eat junk food type of commitment My favourite. In all seriousness, if now isn't a time to consider another income stream, in the health and wellness industry, that is online and global.... Not sure when is.... So much love to you all in this crazy uncertain time! Xxx Comment, like or DM me for link.
17.01.2022 Amazing, this makes me so happy and proud!
17.01.2022 My favourite people at my favourite place. I don't live far from here, but I cannot wait for it to be my backyard What a happy Mothers Day I had! . . .... . . . . #heartfull #somuchlove #beachlove #winterweather #notwinter #discovertasmania #mumofboys #mothersday See more
16.01.2022 Made me smile I hope you are all staying safe and well in these more than trying times. So much love to you all, especially those who have been directly impacted. Whether it be your health or your livelihood or your family or friends, the number directly affected is unfortunately only going to grow. So be kind to yourself, your family and friends. Love them from afar, stay home (if you can) and of course like this little guy, wash your hands xxx
16.01.2022 Happy 40th Birthday Arbonne! Today marks a special day, not only 40 years strong, but it marks our company becoming B corporation certified. So proud to be aligned with a company that keeps raising the bar. The care they have for the environment, society and sustainability has now been recognised. Not only the best products out there but the business is second to none. Read more about where we are headed and realise why I am so excited. ... https://www.forbes.com//arbonne-celebrates-forty-years-an/
14.01.2022 First time adulting since Albie arrived. Such a great afternoon celebrating the love of some beautiful people . . . .... . . . . @gaffers @beauy__ #adulting #wedding #heartfull #beautifulceremony #love #husbandandwife #handsomehusband See more
12.01.2022 Join me to manage the damage this holiday season! I am so passionate about this program that is all about sustainable healthy whole food choices. I know I am well and truly due for a reset after bub and this silly season. Never a better time to make a change. 2 Free Gifts - Gym Bag... and Our amazing RE9 Cleanser PLUS Another Free gift from our best sellers For less than 12/day and 45 Money Back Guarantee.... MAKE 2020 YOUR YEAR!
12.01.2022 Anyone else feel like this during ISOLATION? I find myself looking in the cupboard and fridge constantly for my next snack. Step in Arbonne Nutrition to get me back on track, join me to reboot-... 10 Day Cleanse OR Full 30 Days to Healthy Living FIRST 5 to join me, SPECIAL just for YOU. COMMENT 10 or 30 or DM me Offer only until 30th April .
11.01.2022 30 DAY RESULTS! 4kg down 12.5cm gone Energy levels increased Clear mind... Bloating reduced Skin glowing Going to sleep straight away, sleeping soundly (other than waking for a newborn ). So I have been putting off for days from posting. Worrying about all the imperfections, unflattering lighting, the progress I still want to make. The judgement of 'just another before and after from a "shake diet". But you know what I am PASSIONATE about this program and these products. I am proud of myself. Proud I was able to chose healthy eating over junk when I was being woken 1-2 hourly. But I was more than coping because I was filling up with whole healthy foods. I am excited to continue becoming the best version of myself, inside and out. Next goal, add some exercise It occurred to me, so often we chose unhealthy/comfort foods when we are going through a challenging time. Even though this is the very time we need to consciously make better choices so we can better cope with the stressors we face. Not newsworthy at all I know, but certainly a light bulb for me after this 30 days. We all know our gut health is linked so closely with our mental health. What is currently holding you back? . . . . . . . . #healthyeating #30daystohealthyliving #mentalclarity #clearskin #newborn #30daychallenge #messagemefordetails #icanhelp #healthylifestyle #beforeandafter #stress #weightloss
11.01.2022 My world, my smile really says it all really. Initially when I looked at this photo I saw bags under my eyes, my hair not brushed or clean. Then I look at my gorgeous boys and all our smiles and felt immediately ridiculous for critising myself. Sure it's tiring at times, putting the needs of these little people first, like not washing my hair or the fact I can't remember what a good night's sleep feels like. But I honestly wouldn't change it for the world. What a privilege I... have to be their Mum and watch them grow. As the cliche goes, times goes far too quickly and we need to cherish every moment! . . . . . . . #heartfull #somuchlove #mumofboys #toddlers #brothers #grateful #cherisheverymoment #cheekyboys #selflove #sleepdeprived See more
06.01.2022 Unveiling of new products with the help of Albie In my excitement missed beautiful new lip duos will post photo in comments xxx
05.01.2022 My happy place. For so many reasons. The sun on my back, the beautiful views, the place I will soon call home, my littlest snuggled in close, the peace, the quiet except the sound of birds, my toddler laughing and the waves. I could go on... I realised something yesterday, definitely not ground breaking but I feel others may relate. After listening to a @brendonburchard video. Self care is a term being thrown around a lot lately. For a good reason. But really it's meaning i...s so much more than putting a face mask on once in a while or even getting a massage. Sure those things help. It is in fact checking in with yourself DAILY. Doing things like meditating, moving your body, eating foods that serve you, getting enough sleep, filling your mind with positivity and inspiration. This last one is a hard one, if you are like me and look at social media, especially early in your day. You are immediately bombarded with the world's negativity. Then without realising you have started your day in that space. The realisation I had was that not only am I terrible at one of those aspects but ALL OF THEM at the moment. Now my mission is to change this. So my question is this, what are you feeding your body and mind? Also I would love to know, where is your happy place?
03.01.2022 Cannot beleive this cheeky monkey turned 3 on the weekend! He is the funniest, most caring, observant and empathetic little fella. Watching the bond between the two of them grow melts my heart. Even if I have to watch him like a hawk as he sometimes tries to give him too much " love" Albie is very forgiving Never a dull moment here. . .... . . . . . #twoboys #mumofboys #3yearsold #3years #somuchlove #heartfull #heartwarming #littlefamily #familyoffour #threenager #toddlerfun See more
03.01.2022 Makeup Master Class #1- Tips and Tricks 1.How to clean your makeup brushes and... 2. BROWS- How to do your brows- I learnt so much!
02.01.2022 My beautiful boys! This makes my heart want to explode. Don't get me wrong adjusting to two isn't easy at times. But moments like this make it all worth it. The sleep deprivation, although real, is made easier second time around knowing it doesn't last forever. It continually gives me renewed respect for all Mums out there. I want to also take the time to acknowledge the kindness of complete strangers. The lady who at the play centre sent her child to play with mine, as she c...ould see I was trying to breastfeed and get a toddler to put his shoes on at the same time. The other lady who stopped me early on when I was out with two and told me 'you are doing a great job'. You never know when someone needs to hear that, but please so I am so grateful for beautiful souls like this. My aim is to pay it forward. . . . . . . . #heartfull #somuchlove #toddlers #pyjamas #brotherlylove #respect #kindwords #compassion #empathy #grateful See more