Rosie Chehade | Businesses
Rosie Chehade
Phone: +61 400 152 011
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25.01.2022 Do you feel that? It’s a powerful time to be alive, fam! What would it look like if you FULLY showed up and expressed yourself in your business and your life without caring what other people think? ... Like share you, giving them all of you, of the time you do? For you to up level now, there has to be a shift. And it lies in this. Not more marketing, not more posting, not more strategy... The up level in you needs to be more vulnerable and authentic. Who are the other people you’re afraid will find out about you? And most importantly... what would you do right now if you knew you couldn’t f*ck it up after all? Please summon the strength to believe that you matter. You matter so, so much. And you belong here. If you have something to say - now is the time to say it. No more holding yourself back or playing small. Get clear what do you stand for? The planet is craving radiant feminine leaders who are willing to rise. The collective is craving humbled masculine leaders who are willing to be an anchor. Now is the time to share your truth with your community. The stories and lies of your ego telling you that you’re too much, or not enough, or insignificant will never go away. They just get smaller the more you take action anyway. It’s time to stop healing / working on yourself and start creating and TRUSTING yourself. You are whole. You are complete. You are ready and now... it’s your turn. What do you stand for? I invite you to share below. : @chloetarahhorder
25.01.2022 I remember when I first hit my 5-fig months and then my 6-figure year later moving onto getting my highest profitable multi months and years in business ever Stay with me here. The BRIDGE that escorted me from the up and down rollercoaster to a consistent channel of prosperity and wealth was ... Healing & integrating my inner-child. And this is what makes me a unique business mentor and exactly why my clients get so much success. You see, no one says this but when you start your business You’re actually going on a journey of healing your inner child. Your business is NOT a machine that performs for you. It’s a relationship you enter. With yourself. The journey of entrepreneurship often feels like a spiritual awakening Because in order for your business to rise, SHE gets to heal. SHE = your inner child. Your inner child is the gatekeeper to every next level in your business. I don’t care if you’re making 2k a month right now, 10k a month right now, or 50k a month right now. She’s at every single gate. The gate to 6-figures. The gate to your first million dollar year. The gate to speaking on stages. The gate to being seen/paid/and heard from your authentic self. You may taste 10k or higher months but you’ll never consistently relish in them until SHE feels safe to allow herself to receive again and again and again. You may have a lot of followers but none of them will convert to clients until SHE feels embodied in confidence, ready to lead humans through a journey she’s crafted from her highest self. You get where I’m going? Healing and integrating my inner-child was and still is the most potent medicine for my mission and business. This week has been EPIC in re-wiring core inner child wounds so that my powerhouse clients can experience the growth they’re truly craving deep down in their business. I’m about to go in with an on-track-to 7-figs-client and do another. And she (her inner child) is waiting at the gate for us. Let’s do this!
24.01.2022 We're in October, you guys! Holy moly! That means 12 weeks left of 2020. I have an important question to ask you on this pretty Sunday: where will you be in the next 12 weeks? The truth is that 2020 is not over yet. Even though so many people are wishing this year away.... Maybe it's finally time for you to draw a line in the sand and ask, "what do I really want from the rest of this year?". There are a couple of things that will make all the difference in how you chose to close out and finish 2020 and go from merely surviving to truly thriving!! SOOOO, Christine and I have decided to host a private group session to support you in your uplevelling and help you step into your full light and magic! Because we know you are ready to receive this!! This private call will be held this Wednesday, 7th October at 10am AEST time. Please mark your calendar now, as it’s very important you come LIVE. We’ll be coaching you as well so bring all your questions and we’ll personally support you! We'll teach you how to Accelerate your Success in a graceful way and also do a Live Q&A with you. It's not to be missed. No registration required. Here is the link: We will be giving you the foundations to activate and accelerate success in your life and Leadership/Business! Here's what we'll uncover: The key ingredients that will take you from stuck to next-level success in life and biz My Success + Leadership Triad that will make you a go-to leader in your industry Your core wounds and archetypes that are keeping you stuck / playing small / hiding Symptoms for you to identify where your core wounds are showing up and if we have time a mini healing around it Conscious, sub-conscious + unique strategies that will help you move forward with confidence & clarity and absolutely aligned to YOU! You’ll be able to get all your questions answered since this will be a very small group call (it’s only for you guys). Christine and I can't wait to show up and serve you in this way! There is nothing for sale at this training. We’re here to give you permission to move through with us. Hug you there!!
24.01.2022 The REAL reason you can't seem to sustain high income months... Reaching higher income levels has less to do with how smart you are and more to do with how SAFE you feel holding larger amounts of money. Take that in. ... Money has a direct influence on your nervous system because it's part of your survival. While creating more money in your bank account can be one of the most thrilling feelings in the world... it can also shock your nervous system. As you reach peak amounts in your bank account, fear of loss or spending can creep in. Can you relate?! In those moments, HAVING $7k...$14k... can feel scarier than only having $900 because the loss would be much bigger (or at least it feels that way) or you may be thinking... how will I keep this up?! Just this past month three of my private clients reached their highest income level in their business. Two made $26k in sales and two sold their house that couldn’t initially sell and was taken off the market (one at 75k and the other at $100k MORE than the asking price). Immediately when that happens, we CELEBRATE! And then... I took them through a safety and sabotage exercise to make sure they weren’t upper limiting their success. Money LOVES neutrality because money is a neutral energy. To sustain prosperity, you get to rewire your trust & relationship with money in your body, which is the gateway to your nervous system. Not your mind. Remember: you are worth it. This is your time to create financial freedom & expression. P.S. If you’re craving Check out my Money Magnet Activator, I am bias but it is an absolute game-changer. (Link in bio!) P.S.S. All RISE UP attendees - you’re being gifted this course as a BONUS to help you continue to thrive beyond our time together! If you’re in Qld and want in on our conference end of Oct jump on and do it. (Link also in bio!!)
24.01.2022 Drop DONE in the comments if you’re done with fighting the Universe! Claim that energy!
23.01.2022 Comment yours belowand let’s do this!
23.01.2022 On this 1st day of January 2021... I am standing for you. I am loving you. I am here for you.... I am praying for you. I am praying for your self-love and personal power. I am praying for your hope and internal peace. I am praying for your vision, clarity and resiliency to fulfill your supreme destiny this year. I am praying for your heart and emotional bandwidth. I am praying for the expansion of your financial territory that you may create more, do more, be more and have more of what you desire. I am praying that wherever your heartaches, you would experience healing waters as you read this love note from my heart to yours. I am praying that aches of loneliness and missing that plague many of us during these times of shitty co-vid be softened with the tender touch of your own divine love and light. Join me right here, right now. Reflect, release and RISE UP! I’m extending my hand to raise you up, saying, Borrow anything of mine that you need I have overflow. I see you, you are heard and you matter. HAPPY NEW YEAR May you BELIEVE in yourself. May you play BIG. May you refuse to let anyone define you. May you see the NEED for you. May you RISE to the challenge. And then rise again. May you be COURAGEOUS. May you LET GO of any negativity or criticism that comes your way. May you stop comparing yourself to others and start CELEBRATING the you right here, right now. May you PRAISE yourself and may you remain HUMBLE. May you RISK. May you EXPLORE. May you LEAP even if there isn't a net. May you SHINE. xo, Rosie
21.01.2022 Someone DM’ed me asking, ‘what’s the difference between your Rise UP Live Event + other events I’ve been to?’ This isn’t a motivational weekend where you go home and after a week, nothing’s changed!! It’s a culmination between mindset on both the conscious and sub-conscious level, transformation, connecting deeply, and being seen + supported by other soulpreneurs. ... This is about doing the SOUL work; busting through the fears that have held you back so you can stand tall within your knowing and truth, and leave feeling grounded and in your authentic confidence. THAT is what changes your business and life. We’ll be calling you forward to play a bigger game. We’re going to jam on your business - but not in the way you think! It’s not more strategy or outer work! This is doing the deep inner work - so you can grow, impact more people and make more money without the struggle and in a sustainable way in 2021. This weekend is NOT for the woman who feels like she needs to work harder or needs another thing before she can get started. YOU DO NOT NEED ANOTHER THING". Take it from the woman who has master degrees and over 10 certifications and special trainings as a coach + mentor. I used to live in the world of not ready yet. But, you know what? I was ready long before I decided to take that first step. You have a choice now. You’re ready when you CHOOSE to be. Making that choice is the 1st thing you can do to build the life you really want. Tell me what you’re ready for by declaring it below: I AM READY FOR____! P.S. 4 more days till our early bird with all the extra bonuses expire. Now is your chance to make a bigger move. Are you with me? I hope so. Because I truly believe you saying YES to this, is the moment everything will change for you. And I cannot wait to watch your transformation. Tap here: to save your early bird ticket and I’ll see you right here on the sunny coast. P.S.S. Any questions, drop them below and I’ll happily answer!
21.01.2022 Flashback: I received the best money advice I was ever given during a Breathwork class in Spain. Between chanting wahe guru and pumping my naval, I heard the teacher say... "How you deal with your failure is how you deal with your success."... Holy moly. A lightbulb went off. That's exactly how it goes with money, too>> How you deal with $500 in your bank account is how you deal with $100,000 in your bank account. (there is no difference) Money is not a number. It's a feeling. And further more it’s a neutral resource that gets channelled through you. If you're afraid to spend $500, what makes you think you're not going to be afraid to spend $100,000? And in that sense... why would you attract $100,000 if ultimately, you're afraid to spend it/use it/hold it/have it? The mindset work would have you: Journal about your fear around the success of $100,000. Write down all the limiting beliefs associated with that fear. Identify where the limiting belief started in your life. While this is a great start... it's not creating long-lasting change. Money is associated with your SURVIVAL which is nervous system. Not your mindset. How free does your womb feel right now? How free does the goosebumps on your skin feel right now? That is nervous system change and that is what I’m most excited about! CELLULAR shifts. Your beliefs about money go back lifetimes (think about your mother/father/their mother/etc.) Not just your childhood. And when that cellular transformation happens, you step into neutrality! Guess what money loves to circulate through? NEUTRALITY. It’s remembering that money is a neutral resource that the universe is circulating through you so you can be of the highest service, so you can be the miracle, the donation, the giver, the receiver. Talk about absolute liberation! Read this10 x ! And then comment below if you’re feeling this shift! P.S. I’m so excited to dive deep with my Rise UP women around this! Get ready, ladies! Your new affirmation will be the breath that leaves your lips because you’re going to be a living breathing example of wealth embodied. Link below - I’d LOVE to see you there! For those who have said YES, congrats! So excited for you to experience this!
21.01.2022 URGENT: Stop identifying as an empath Here’s why When you identify with something, it becomes harder to change it or manage it because you’re giving power to something outside of you - a thought / feeling / label. Question that you can feel what someone else feels. So often it’s the STORY we tell ourselves about what others feel that we experience.... All of that said, we care so much about helping people that I understand feeling energetically drained because you become so invested in your clients. But That’s not a sign that you’re feeling other people’s feelings that’s a sign that you’re not keeping good energetic hygiene. Some tips 1Go out into nature between sessions! Reconnect. 2Stay in your body; somatically present. If you’re there, nothing else can be. 3Prioritise your joy. When you’re at a higher frequency, it’s harder for lower energies to affect you. Something I do to help with this is walk Astro or dance between my sessions 4Light a white candle or burn incense + set a clear intention before your session. 5Don’t merge. Practice reminding yourself what’s their story + what’s yours. Say to yourself, That is their experience. This is my experience + my body. 6Let energy move THROUGH you; open the back of your heart. Oftentimes people hold onto energy out of unconsciously trying to help, but it serves you and them to let go and be present. 7Most importantly, feeling bad for your clients sees them as disempowered, but that’s not true. See their wholeness + capability. That serves them and you. 8And finally, remember that there is a bigger loving intelligence than you that is guiding their life. God, Universe, whatever you align with, has them... not your limited self. I’d love to know, do you consider yourself an empath? Drop YES or NO
21.01.2022 Well, here we are. The final day of 2020. As I sit here at the airport waiting for my back home, I’m reminded of what matters most. And I can hand-on-my-heart say that this has been the best year of my life. I went all in and backed myself in every single thing I did (sooo bloody much!! I’m my own success story. ) My dreams came true , my bigger visions came to Life. The way I showed up. Who I was being through all of it. I’m feeling at peace. Loved. Lit... up. and READY. My heart is overflowing in gratitude. May 2021 get better and better and better. As I look back on the posts through-out 2020, I feel a massive rush of love for the community of friends on this page; the encouragement and support of myself, my clients and each other is truly outstanding. I’m so in love with what I do. Everything is just getting bigger, better and stronger. Every single client that I've had the honour of working with in 2020, has been the inspiration for every single post and video and live on this page. And every single like or comment that YOU have made, has contributed to creating a daily source of inspiration for many. Just like you're on the journey with me, I'm on the journey with you. A big shout out to all my clients that I’ve had the honour of working with in the past year. For your willingness to show up and do the work, to go all IN with me - not to mention your deep wide expansive mind blowing upleveling and transformation. Holy moly, right!? To my team, I wouldn’t be where I am without you; my Rise + Thrive and soulful success sisters, my awakened tribe members and community. All of you. Thank you for trusting me on your journey. I love you. Thank you. Thank you for all the ways your Light has touched my life, whether directly or indirectly. Thank you for being who you are in the world, for staying true to you and living with an open heart. May you know yourself deeply and share that fully in the world. I look forward to backing those of you who are joining forces with myself in the new year. Here’s to 2020, in showing us just how bloody resilient we are. High fives for making it out alive and here’s to a whole lotta lessons and teachings to make 2021 less turbulent. Because I’m ready for so much more. And I know you’re ready too. Ready to reap the rewards. Ready to be an even better person, to ourselves and in how we serve others. Ready to move on, to step up, to shine even brighter! So ready! So this next year, even more than ever, let's back every decision we choose to make. Realise another level of our unlimited potential. Destroy another layer that's clouding our individuality. Never trade our authenticity for approval. And measure our "bigger and better" year by how much of a difference we make not only in our life, but the lives of others. Let's make 2021 mind blowing. Here’s to our bravery and inspired action in the new year.
19.01.2022 THE MISSING PIECE OF THE PUZZLE We have been misled into believing that the pursuit of our soul’s calling requires aligned action. Where the pieces of the puzzle will somehow fall into place and we will just KNOW how to leap forward, devoid of fear and uncertainty, into the great unknown. ... Um. NO. I truly believe a shift in consciousness goes so against our old internal conditioning that the process can be mistaken as chaotic, painful and completely illogical. What’s required? Courage. (Rise UP powerhouses - get excited for our Oct conference!! There’s going to be huge exploration and embodiment around this with you!) Love you! xo, Rosie
17.01.2022 I see too many brilliant women try to do everything at once, run with way too many projects and offerings at the same time, spreading themselves thin, not realising how capable they really are. Focus on ONE new thing at a time, get the accountability to stay consistent with it and discover how powerful you really are! ***... P.S. Qld-ers: Is Rise UP calling you? This powerful 2 day container changes businesses + lives!! I’m committed to supporting women in Leadership, so they can, in turn, help change the world. The world needs our heart, our clarity and our service! Full deets via link in comments!
17.01.2022 (***It’s not what you think***) CASH IS NOT THE ONLY FORM OF CURRENCY. I feel like a naked 3 yr old running around wild as I say this. Can you tell? How much power does money have over you in your business/purpose/career? ... Look: There are unlimited exchanges of currency. There are unlimited portals of prosperity. Are you open to them? Or are you so fixated on the ONE THING? That will FINALLY prove you are safe in your business/career? You are being tested, my love. For you to up level now, there has to be a shift. To go where you need to go, you need to drop the hustle... relax more. Because it's NOT about the money. Our economy is shifting and changing right now. Money is changing right now, yeah? SO I invite you to let go of the limiting belief that CASH is the thing that will make you feel safe right now. Your invitation: open yourself to other currencies that want to play with you and support you at this time. Abundance comes in ALL forms - it doesn’t look like only. It looks like: I serve love therefore I am love. I serve joy therefore I am joy. I bring joy. Follow the joy . And thewill show up.. Come from love of self and show up and serve love. Because BIG WEALTH COMES FROM HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS. I did this all of the pandemic and let me tell you Massive expansion, pleasure and joy streamed in that cash had nothing to do with. So eyes off the and focus instead on Other forms of currency for you to play with exchanging right now: value give back from a place of overflow collaboration community creativity + ideas Of This is your uplevel shift from micro-managing HOW the cash comes to co-creating from an endless stream of joy, service and abundance. And stop it. Really. That is all. Happy weekend-ing darlings! xo, Rosie : the divine @chloetarahhorder
17.01.2022 The scarcity grip is intense right now. starts with you, darling! Use this time to get to know your scarcity. What's coming up for you? ... What is she (scarcity) most afraid of? What spiral does she want to take you down? Your brain doesn't know. Your body does. Learn about her on a deep level. Confront her. Look at her and listen. It's only when scarcity becomes stagnant that it becomes toxic. Scarcity isn't going anywhere. You just grow with her. The conversation just shifts from this store or that store to what if I lose this? How can I sustain this? Did I just get lucky? And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that! Because guess what the 1 frequency of wealth is? Yup! SCARCITY! You can't know wealth without truly knowing your scarcity grips. The moment you know your scarcity on a deep level is the moment you take your power back. It can no longer catch you off guard or hold your gifts hostage. Regardless of what happens to the economy...make no mistake - exchange isn’t going anywhere. Money is a stand in for the exchange of value. The less fear you have in your vessel and the more tuned in you are to your innate abundance, the more easily you will be able to exchange with your fellow beings. You're being initiated into New Earth. New Leadership. That means new money. New levels of exchange. New beliefs in what prosperity and money mean to this planet/your bank account. Everything you thought you knew is now being re-coded. So here's what I invite you to do: Get cosy with not knowing what's next. You aren't supposed to know. Welcome to learning how to trust. Stay committed to your biz/your mission while also remaining detached from what it’s supposed to look like. Anchor into your innate abundance. Prosperity will stay alive in your bank account if you keep it alive in your body. Say outloud: [Your First Name/Last Name], isn't going f*cking anywhere. I'm here for the long game. Let's go. Leap, don't walk. Speak up, don't shy away. Make prosperity your main vibe. You are worthy and everything will work out!! Drop me a if you’re feeling me!
16.01.2022 Why Success Doesn’t Come to Everyone During a training a while ago, I was riffing on ease, grace and flow, when someone asked me: If it’s that easy, then why doesn’t everyone do it?!... The answer is simple: Most people don’t BELIEVE that they can do it. They haven’t decided what they want. They haven’t ENERGETICALLY chosen to step into their power. They haven’t felt SAFE to be seen as their true selves. They haven’t become open or even feeling WORTHY and deserving to receive with ease. They aren’t living this life of next-level thinking where we know what we receive is based on us on our programming, thoughts, feelings, and subsequent energy. Here is the thing: You get to live in a next-level world. You get to create your own rules. You get to create a different structure and a different paradigm for how things work for you. Everyone would do it if they knew, and if they believed. But they don’t know. And often, they are afraid to find out. Some of us choose a different path. Some of us choose to create new rules for how life, money, and business work for us. Some of us choose to shed all beliefs/ideas/ways of living that don’t serve us. Some of us choose the life of our dreams. And we do it again. And again. And again. We follow our heart’s desires fiercely. We choose to have it all. Today, I am celebrating 3 of my clients wins in their businesses! Because they showed up to the work. They were willing and they went ALL IN on themselves. It’s time to become willing to allow everything to work in your favour. It’s time to open up the endless possibilities for growth, love, power, and abundance that exist all around you. All of it is available right here, right now. If you don’t know where to start start with this: Dear ____ (whatever you believe in). I am willing to shift. I am willing to see things differently. I desire a life of ease, joy, flow, fun, love and massive abundance. Show me the way. I am willing to do my part. Please guide me and direct me. I can’t wait to hear how this goes for you! Emoji me below if you choose to have a life of incredible abundance and joy beyond measure!
15.01.2022 How many views your reel or video got... How many likes your last post got... How many email subscribers you have... What percentage your landing page is converting yet... None of it matters. Focus on SERVING. Whether that be hundreds or just one. When that’s the only thing you’re emotionally attached to, the rest sorts itself out. Drop me an emoji in the comments if you agree.
15.01.2022 MIND BLOWWWWNNNNN! I honestly can’t describe this feeling I have right now I just got half a dozen voice messages from my client It’s been a couple of months since our work together! This is exactly the result that goes WAY BEYOND our time together - and this is what I mean when I say permanent pervasive powerful impact!!... The money in his business is the highest and BEST it has ever been in his entire life! My gosh talk about blowing things out of the water, right! A 25k DAY Money FLYING in from BOTH businesses! Showing up confidently without needing to be anyone other than him! Getting high end clients and it has been all so EASY! Taken ownership of health and body + feeling so much better - stronger, healthier! In his words: I feel like a completely different person. It feels like there’s money flying in from everywhere which is unbelievable! The first week of opening I made money to pay the whole years rent! For the first time in my life, I had a 25k day, I’m getting high end clients and it’s feeling fucking great! Work is just FLOWING! And I’m not trying to be anyone, just me! I’ve really come into my own and that’s translating. People are saying, ‘I want to work with you.’ I have you to thank for that, Rosie! Doing the money work with you has been really amazing. You are a legend and I owe you big time. I LOVE what I do. I LOVE who I do it with. And I have no other words right now. Just a huge mile wide smile!! #clientlove
15.01.2022 In 1979 the Harvard MBA program conducted a study where graduate students were asked, have you set clear, written goals for your future and made plans to accomplish them? Only 3% had written goals and plans. 13% had goals but weren’t in writing, and 84% had no goals at all. 10 years later, the same group was interviewed again. The 13% of the class who had goals but did not write them down was earning twice the amount of the 84% who had no goals. ... The 3% who had written goals were earning, on average, TEN TIMES as much as the other 97% of the class combined. In order to achieve health, happiness, success - all forms of abundance - you need to first commit to making a change - and creating your vision is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible. Believe me when I say your body doesn’t know the difference between real and imagined. Last year my entire vision board became a reality - but I’m a hugely visual person. So whatever works for you. But what this does is creates daily evidence of your dreams. Last year I even put a bank statement with my money goal on the background of my phone. You can also speak it out loud, record yourself, write it out as a manifesto - you can create anything real using your imagination. Why? Because I want you to remember: Abundance is everywhere and I am trained to see it. Prosperity is always finding its way to me. Moral of the story? Go get some dreams down. Agree or disagree? xo, Rosie
14.01.2022 One of those back to back coaching days today... So many ask how I do it, and THIS sums it up for me. #bethevessel And oh my...! My 1:1 clients are playing full out + rocking it.... One has had 4 epic launches already, completely soul-ed out with EASE... creating high-level containers and shifts for her own high level clients... and is celebrating 2 new wings to her business, one of which is a publishing company! Another is celebrating overcoming her fear of taking her business bigger and has finally created the most epic signature program ever - the heart and soul of her work has finally clicked - and on track for her best launch ever (key and vital piece)... Another has overcome huge inner blocks from childhood and is feeling a deep sense of calm and better relationships as she’s growing her successful business (and we mapped out her irresistible offering and strategy for bringing in more sales through social media). Another completely rewired fear of success (which was actually blocking her abundance growth) and one of the deepest healings I’ve ever done that took her back to past life and the contract she made around not feeling safe to be successful or a leader! She busted through her energetic glass ceilings financially making her 1st 5-fig month, being seen in her industry and embracing her psychic and seer abilities. Plus starting with some incredible new clients. Yup! Them feels. #lovemywork
12.01.2022 Omg!! Omg omg!! What a write up! Check it out you guys!! Hot off the press - in the elite @saltmag Spring edition and an entire 8 page spread!! So honoured to be celebrated as one of the top 3 solpreneurs of our sunny coast alongside @karla.pizzica and @tamsyn_neill! Had soooo much fun with you ladies! Here’s a sneak peak of my interview: ... We are in a time of grand awakening and are living our purpose, fulfilling our mission and why we’re here on this planet, she says. My mission is to help others to know the perfection of who and what they are... Everybody that comes to me says, ‘I want this, I want that, I want more money. I want to be an expert in my industry.’ All of that is great, but to get to that you have to do the work and know your inherent worth. It’s like looking in the mirror and you finally see yourself as the universe sees you. You are so much more than your business or your job or anything the mind can place on you. When you actually tap into that, oh my gosh, it’s absolute freedom. If you’re on the coast, grab your copy! I’ll drop the digital version for you to catch the juicy juicy right here too!
12.01.2022 I have over 10 certifications and NOT ONE holds a candle to the MOST PROFOUND certification I’ve ever received MY LIFE. Being quite literally born into a business/success family certified me to help my clients embody their next level income/business/life. ... Recovering holistically from not 1 but 2 incurable diseases certified me to guide my clients through major sub-conscious and nervous system healing - through the BODY (not just the mind), changing their entire blueprint and creating electric experiences online and in-person. Healing major trauma certified me to guide my clients through the inner-child healing (the gatekeeper to every new level in biz) and shadow integration that changes their entire life and business. My corporate job trained me in managing over 700 people, millions of dollars and claiming my presence in a room full of MEN. Showing my clients how to step into their magnetic power and claim their presence on the internet no problem! Quitting my corporate job certified me to teach my clients exactly how to identify their soul purpose + follow their intuition. Walking 1000km across the entire width of Spain certified me to awaken people to their intrinsic wholeness and true self worth, the key that unlocks well, everything. Traveling the world certified me to teach my clients deep understanding and compassion for humanity regardless of behaviours. Starting my own business and quantum leaping it trained me in becoming the Marie Kondo of limiting beliefs and sabotage that are holding my clients back from getting seen, paid and heard as the prosperous queens/kings they are! Losing it all and leaving 1 mil on the table certified me as a money alchemist. It was jedi-training for creating prosperity from $0 to multi 6-figures so I can teach my clients how to do the same. Moving across country without logic but following my heart certified me to mentor my clients to manifest + follow their spiritual path. Conscious uncoupling with one of my most favourite humans in the most highest expressions of our truth certified me to identify and break codependent patterns that keep my clients stuck in their businesses/relationships/money (it’s all a relationship!) and come to know unconditional love. While I love and appreciate my certifications - MY LIFE, my SOUL having a Human Experience is what qualifies me as a powerful master coach and mentor. This is why my clients hire me. They know I’ve been there not just in a mock-training room but in REAL LIFE. There’s nowhere I can’t take my clients and they feel so safe in my energy. People don’t hire your certification, they sign up to work w/ YOU. This is exactly what I’m teaching my Soulful Success Accelerator Powerhouses right now. Their magic and magnetic energy is not found in systems or processes - it’s in THEM. Your turn! Share one major LIFE experience that changed you in the comments below.
10.01.2022 We are about to shake sh*t up around hereAnd I want you to know what’s coming. First take a moment to answer this: are you committed to breaking free of scarcity and experiencing permanent prosperity? That may look like... Six figures this next year Multiple six figures this next year Consistent five figure months in your biz. Financial freedom from your 9-5. A raise or promotion from your boss. A savings account that delights your soul. And, are you tired of repeating the same old money mindset rituals without getting the results you really want? It’s time to get up and create a quantum leap in your body and your bank account. So that’s why I created the 30 day Money Magnet Activator. What you’re about to embark on through this course is a completely new way of manifesting money, wealth and prosperity. So I invite you to Embrace a beginner’s mind. Open up your heart and solar plexus, the seat of your receiving + power! Because you belong here. Now, let me be clear this course is *not* just about money mindset. You’ve been reading/learning about money for a long time You listen to Abraham Hicks on the regular. You’ve taken money mindset courses before. And you’ve read all the things. You don’t need another money mindset tip. Or abundance ritual. You’re yearning for something more rich. I got you. During this course you aren’t going to just talk and journal about wealth. You’re going to heal it from the root. You’re going to taste it. You’re going to rewire with it as your guide. By the end of the 30 day activator, you will be dripping in opulence. Fully emerged in the possibility of who you get to be as a wildly expressed wealthy woman. Mmmm this is just the beginning. Can you feel it? Link right here
08.01.2022 I can use this holiday time to get ahead Oh, but Christmas is over now so I’ll work a little in between Have you caught yourself saying this? I know I have. ... So, let me tell you something that I’ve shared with my Soulful Success women: YOU HAVE PERMISSION TO TURN THE FUCK OFF. This is something I really want you to hear. Knowing when it’s time to turn off is part of building a successful business and LIFE. The busier I am in my business, the deeper my spiritual practice needs to be and part of that is unplugging, sometimes monthly. I learned this the hard way (burned out my adrenals and then some!!) but you don’t have to I’ve found a way out of it. Because of my experience navigating this, I find that I attract 2 types of people into my work: those who immerse themselves in inner/spiritual work but don’t know how to run a business because they are hiding; and those who have a thriving business but don’t know how to do the inner work so that their business is growing with grace + ease, instead of effort + struggle. Wherever you are in your journey, YOU have to find times to turn off so you can turn on within. YOU have to take dominion over these go-go-go patterns or the patterns that have you hide and play small. Give yourself permission to pause for as long as your soul + heart needs, and just enjoy your beautiful life. The work will still be there when you’re done, in fact a lot more full and depthful because you’ve replenished YOU. Swipe for the 2nd quote... because that’s where it’s at for me! Let’s ENJOY it! @ Healesville, Victoria
08.01.2022 It’s nothing fancy. To most, it wouldn’t even be worth a second look. But this moment is the most stunning to me. ... This wildly imperfect, exposed, raw woman you see with her untamed hair, cheeky side smile, scorched nose, weightier face and body, feet you can’t see the size of an elephant... Heart absolutely broken open, torn, ruptured, a bloody mess... and a kindness and radiance that only those who have suffered will understand. Is me in my absolute WHOLENESS. 4 years ago today - a very awakened, liberated me arrived in Santiago de Compostella - after a 1000kms across my incredible crazy-making, eye-opening, life-altering journey that walked me across the entire width of Spain to Santiago de Compostela and beyond. This is the inner journey, my loves. Of awakening. Of remembering. It can look messy at times. It’s absolutely not a path for the faint of heart, no, but for those who cannot lie any longer. And for those who have no other choice but to LIVE. If it makes you weep, if it scares the crap out of you, if it takes you to the bleeding edge of your identity and makes you want to vomit well it just may be your true path. Celebrating all that the Camino continues to give me today. #buencaminoperegrinos
08.01.2022 Which voice do you hear more often? The voice of your ego or the voice of your soul? Let me know below.
07.01.2022 Qld-ers : Just a heads up... I’m going to be talking A LOT about the upcoming RISE UP CONFERENCE for the next few weeks!! Why? Because I believe that these two days are going to be absolutely game-changing for those who show up! Isn’t it time you showed up powerfully for your business and/or life?... Isn’t it time you stop the sabotage and shed all those deeper layers of self doubt and fear? Isn’t it time you reconnect with your heart-led day-till-you-die mission and remind yourself how strong you are? Christine Corcoran and I are bringing our all to these two days! We are going all in so you can GO ALL IN! This isn’t just mindset or motivation. This is the deep work. The shedding of all that 2020 has brought up. No more hustle. No more hiding. No more telling yourself any more stories. We’re bringing you the best of everything we know and delivering it to you in a jam-packed experience designed to have you walking away feeling FREE of your core wounds, beliefs and stories and ready to become the go-to leader you are destined to be. You’ll magnetically attract the future you desire for yourself, be fully embodied in your worth and innateness and know the steps and actions you need to take to Rise UP in your business and life! We’ll blend the subconscious AND the conscious. The logic AND the heart. The action AND the alignment. Over 2 days we’ll rewire your mindset, financially liberate your bloodline through absolute embodiment (it’s not money mindset!!) it goes so much deeper!), realign your energy in a deep way and set you up for success! Are you ready to go all in with us? 24-25th October right here on my beautiful Sunny Coast. DM me for more info.
07.01.2022 QLD-ERS : Every single day I see soulpreneurs applying for our RISE UP high level conference and my heart is literally bursting! I LOVE what I do. I LOVE who I do it with. And I can’t wait to GET STARTED! ... This year, I realigned my business to only be doing what I love and I feel so vibrant and HAPPY! Deeply grateful. To those who have joined already, I can’t wait to welcome you into our 2 day container of magic and brilliance! I can’t wait for you all to meet one another! And I can’t wait to support you in UPLEVELING your business !! For anyone on the fence, we have an early bird offer (the bonuses alone are EPIC!) so you can decide what will support your dreams most. Just tap the link below to apply before end of the day!
05.01.2022 Merry everything, beautiful fam! Whatever this time of year means for you, I hope that it brings you love and laughter and those little moments that remind you what a JOY it is to be truly alive. May today be dedicated to drinking it in.
04.01.2022 ***ANNOUNCEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT*** IS YOUR BUSINESS ABUNDANT? Or do you feel like growing your wealth feels hard and unattainable?... That despite doing ‘all the things’, you still struggle to reach your earning goals? Do you desire more, but feel at a loss about how to get from A to B? You are not alone! But the good (great!) news is that things can feel and BE different! Your soulmate clients CAN flow to you with ease! Your bank account CAN be full to the brim! Your finances CAN support you to be in service and live out your mission! Better yet, access to this abundance is right at your fingertips. Can I get a hallelujah! Want to know the secret? Abundance begins within. YEP. While on point offerings, sales pages, funnels and websites (etc.) play a huge part in the success of your business none of these things will help you reach your financial goals if you are not first abundant WITHIN. Inner wealth looks like: self belief, standing in your worth and shouting it from the rooftop, positive self talk like ‘You’ve got this!’ and ‘I deserve this!’, and trust that there is more than enough for everyone. Inner lack looks like: a scarcity mindset, thoughts of ‘I couldn’t achieve that’ and ‘I don’t have what it takes’, playing small because you don’t believe you deserve everything you desire, and self doubt. If you crave wealth but are tuning into an energy of lack on the inside, you will not be abundant. Read that again! Abundance begins within. Every. Single. Time. If you’ve tried every business trick in the book but still aren’t earning the amount you desire, and that allows you to be in full service to the people you’re here to support then I have something for you! *drumroll please* My 33 day Money Magnet Activator Course! If you’re ready to step into your power and receive all the abundance and wealth you desire and deserve, then I’d love for you to join us! All the info is in the link right here:
04.01.2022 What a #peoplepleaser looks like on the weekend.
03.01.2022 Here's today's task at hand, HL fam. (Yes, I give you homework on FB.) Write down everything you want. Just the way you want it. Hit the comments and share with me. The power of sharing has the universe backing your declaring. i.e.: what would you want if anything were possible for you, the whole Universe were working with you (it is) and you couldn’t mess it up.... Pray this: I'm willing to see the unlimited possibilities that exists all around me. Everything I need and desire is coming to me NOW. I am willing to believe. Help me believe. Get excited. Choosing to experience the joy, relief, and gratitude of what you want already being yours now. (This is becoming an energetic match for what you want.) Throw yourself a dance party. I recommend salsa/bachata. 80s power ballads are so acceptable. Or any music that makes you feel good. The point is raising the vibe i.e. feeling good. Celebrate your life. And the amazingness that is you. You're welcome.
03.01.2022 If you know me you know that I’m going to be real. If you raise your hand to be an entrepreneur or a leader, you’re not just raising your hand to do this cool idea. You’re raising your hand to turn yourself inside out, reveal parts of yourself to the world that not many people are going to see. ... Show up in a way that most people will run and hide. Talk about things that are uncomfortable and sell when it feels uncomfortable, this is the journey of a leader. And that goes way beyond your role of whatever business you’re in. It says, I see the missing link in society, in this world and I’m going to create the solution to fill that gap. That’s what you’re in the business of doing. As a leader / business owner, you are going on a spiritual journey, a spiritual awakening. It’s not about being healed. This is not about healing. You don’t need healing. It’s about liberation. And as you spiritually awaken, your business ascends. Full stop. Your business is not a machine that’s supposed to be performing for you or validating you or making you feel good about yourself... It is a vessel, a ceremony, a bridge to create the legacy you are here to create. The reason why my business is so successful is not because I have what you don’t have. There’s nothing about me that is intrinsically special or more put together than you. The thing that is different is my belief system around what it is here I am here to do. The reason why I show up is because of the message I am here to deliver and it’s my inherent value that I believe in that keeps me showing up consistently. I don’t care how many followers you have, how much $$ or successful you are - we are all being called to a higher game. Full stop. It’s time to get out of the individual conversation of, how can I get more eyes on my business and shift it into how can I create a mission that serves humanity. That’s it!! So what are you waiting for? Who are you waiting for and why are you waiting??? We need leaders right now who are not going to be afraid to show up with fire heart beauty and truth. Are you with me? Rise up and join us: xo, Rosie
02.01.2022 This all comes from healing the past and becoming your authentic self.
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