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Happisoul in Manly, New South Wales | Medical and health

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Locality: Manly, New South Wales

Phone: +61 411 474 754

Address: Freshwater 2096 Manly, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 Something uplifting during these challenging times! Which is your favourite I love the goats in the tree!! Love these

24.01.2022 Importance of connecting with your loved ones, share your feelings at these uncertain times

24.01.2022 3 spaces left. Group mentoring Sydney 11th Sept- Secure your space -

23.01.2022 Have you had a busy Day? feel like youre in your head not present with yourself your family or your friends? Why not spend eight minutes of your life tapping with me to help you let go of your day so you can ease into your evening and sleep well Please leave any comments if you do the tapping and you feel relief and feel more connected and grounded

23.01.2022 What can we do differently from now on? Im certainly more aware of the environmental impact travel has and will be contemplating more whether I need to actually travel especially on a on plane, cars are very polluting too of course, its a difficult one as all my family are in the UK and very dear friends! A huge challenge for all of us but time to contemplate the changes that must happen wouldnt you agree? How would you make your changes, whats one thing that you know you can do differently from now on?

22.01.2022 Being truthful without judging others

22.01.2022 Tap along with me to rapidly relieve any stress that you’re feeling especially if you’ve only got a few minutes, it’s really great to be able to very quickly reduce your cortisol levels support yourself to feel and think more clearly. Please leave your comments below about how it may have helped you and don’t forget to share xx

22.01.2022 Excited to begin a day of Mentoring and Tapping practice with EFT students and practitioners The Concentric Manly xx

21.01.2022 A very good reminder

21.01.2022 We are designed to be close to nature feel the stillness and the beauty when close to nature, notice there is no commentary no judgement it just is....let yourself BE

21.01.2022 I always feel so uplifted and proud of practitioners and students who commit themselves to developing personally and professionally, a wonderful day together to review Practice Tapping skills And knowledge. Thera is always more to learn and experience xx

20.01.2022 Hi there, I am now on Day 11 in Hotel Quarantine! only 3.5 days to go till I breath fresh air again and enjoy real hugs! Its been an amazing human experiment and I have really embraced it. I have been posting my updates on my personal FB page... I would like to share this beautiful painting that my dearest late Mum painted. Its one of many that we discovered after she died. Have a lovely day, be inspired and make sure you take time out for you to connect and ground xxx

20.01.2022 I love this conversation with how we can makes simple steps now to pave the way for this magnificent new earth

20.01.2022 Sometimes its just ridiculous cuteness!

19.01.2022 Please practice feeling into your gut......and listening to your heart There lies the truth. More than ever we need to be so incredibly discerning. The future can be so beautiful........let's come together for freedom, equality, creativity, community, peace, compassion a whole new way of being and living in harmony with nature.

19.01.2022 Healing the end of a 20 year relationship: I recently consulted Alison presenting with issues of extreme stress around a 20-year relationship that had ended 9 months prior and I was having problems moving on. I felt connected to my old partner energetically as we were working through the divorce and I couldn't seem to shift the feeling that there was still hope when there was none. After one session and a whole lot of personal commitment to overcoming the issue, Alison guided me to the place where the energy was lying and helped me clear the emotional charge to let go and move on. Her technique proved to be highly effective for me and i would recommend her service to anyone who just needs a little help turning the page. Thanks alison.

17.01.2022 Zoom Tap Along to reduce effects of isolation & covid related stress - Tuesday 22 6pm -

17.01.2022 Please Appreciate the power of your positive vibrations, the healing effect you have on yourself, your body and all living beings around you is absolutely extraordinary! Therefore the importance of letting go of negativity including thought patterns limiting beliefs and ways of being is absolutely critical right now. Truly begin to Love and honour the gift of life We are in a very powerful transition like never before, nothing stays the same everything is always changing but there is as we all know a huge planetary universal shift happening right now. This amazing group of beings yesterday at the Tapping mentoring day illustrated the power of love and the vibration of what that can bring to each and everyone of us and all those we meet!

16.01.2022 Id love to do a shout out for my lovely friend Amy Down....Amy is a very kind, compassionate and highly skilled health coach who is offering this jam packed wi yer reboot package read more below and click the link for more details . . The Mummy Mojo 30-Day Winter Group Detox is a guided step-by-step program, to remove toxic build-up from your body and replenish mineral deficiencies for a healthier, happier, and more vibrant you. This special edition detox is filled with delicious winter-warming and nourishing soups, curries, smoothies and stews, and comes with free additional immune-boosting therapies and strategies. Delivered via emails, video tutorials and daily text message reminders, you are supported throughout in our private Facebook group, and will be motivated and inspired by an awesome sisterhood of other like-minded women.

16.01.2022 "We are singing and dancing our future into manifestation" Love this lady and so appropriate for these times xx

14.01.2022 Tricky at times to do, but when practiced more frequently you feel the benefit and therefor inspired to practice being in this moment fully more

14.01.2022 I love you all

13.01.2022 Free online Tapping Stress Relief Event 8 April 9am Sydney time 7th April 4pm Pacific time-

13.01.2022 Path to peace tapping group returns & Online tapping new dates -

13.01.2022 Pain relief from dislocated shoulder! reduced pain killers Just had to share this lovely feedback from a lady I have been helping: "I have a dislocated shoulder & waiting for surgery I was in constant pain taking pain killers everyday to try and get some relief. Then I attended a group session on line. At first I thought it was stupid and silly tapping parts of your body for some sort of relief.... Then I decided to give it a real go. Well to my surprise it is WORKING. I have been doing this for the past 6 weeks and now find I only require pain killers once or twice a week. Its marvellous and I also suffer from depression, anxiety and panic attacks it has also helped immensely. If feeling anxious before going out or doing something I happily tap away for about 10 mins and it really makes me feel calmer and more relaxed. Its really changed my life and I thank Alison so much for giving me this gift as I would call it. So I recommend that even though you maybe sceptical give it a go. It might just change your life." See more

12.01.2022 Proposed EFT Training Level 1 & 2 February 2021. Expression of interest. Please reply -

12.01.2022 Tapping group tonight & Pay what you can - EFT workshop reminder BOOK NOW -

11.01.2022 Glad I can laugh at myself! Correction 2021 World Tapping Summit Feb 22nd -

11.01.2022 4 spaces left EFT level 2 personal development & practitioner workshop 27-28 Feb -

10.01.2022 EFT workshops Level 1 & 2 - Nov - Sydney You are the healer, skilled, focused tapping assists to release the lower vibrational frequencies often connected to past negative experiences and emotions such as; fear, shame, regret & trauma etc to support you to be in the higher frequencies such as joy and peace and love.

09.01.2022 Have you got brain fog? Cant focus or think Clearly? Try this short tapping sequence to clear your head and become Present and at peace! Please share if this helps in the comments below?

09.01.2022 Feeling trapped or stuck? As some of you know I am in quarantine in a hotel in Sydney. I was feeling a little trapped but not after tapping! This tap along can be applied to anytime you feel helpless. Please leave comments on how you find it and do share particularly with anyone else who feels stuck and in quarantine.

09.01.2022 Excited to launch my new Monthly Q & A EFT and Tapping practice sessions Please check the details below in the about section. Private message me or contact me if you’d like more details. Hope you can come it will be fun and informative. No previous experience necessary, [email protected] 0411474754

08.01.2022 (Reminder) Zoom Tap Along. Reduce effects of stress/isolation - Tonight 6pm -

08.01.2022 Mmmmm I invite you to watch this one! Just a segment of a Movie Dinner with Andre, in relation to where the world is right now xx

07.01.2022 Important update on online coaching availability & new tapping video to release feeling helpless and stuck-

07.01.2022 I was just now definitely getting caught up in my head doing a little too much on my phone! checking my emails etc however, I did come across this and its allowed me to stop look out my car window at the ocean after a lovely walk with the dog and appreciate all that around me and feel the aliveness within!

07.01.2022 "I had heard of tapping many years ago but never looked into it. I came across Alison by chance, no one I knew was or had tapping before and it felt right to give it ago. After researching Alison's website I felt compelled to reach out and book in a session. I was amazed in all honesty how quickly we got to the source. I have rebooked and will continue to work with Alison. Alison is kind, loving understanding, patient non judgmental and makes you feel loved and support right from the word go. If you have not tried it, give it ago see how it lands for you I highly recommend this modality and Alison" . Much love and light to you all Sarah

06.01.2022 losing your Mum as some of you know is one of the most significant loses. I feel very loved and supported thank you for all your kind words of comfort

05.01.2022 Make Peace with your body Join me to release frustration about your body particularly if youre feeling tense this is a short tap along please leave your comments below if you find it useful. Ive been feeling tense in my neck and shoulders and after just doing this for a few minutes Im feeling much more at ease and Im feeling calm and peaceful

05.01.2022 Yesterday was history Tomorrow will be a mystery Today is a gift, that’s why it’s called a present Yesterday was history Tomorrow will be a mystery Today is a gift, that’s why it’s called a present

05.01.2022 Too much pain. He wanted to leave this world.... I'd like to share this Mothers post 3 sessions of Tapping on behalf of her teenage son. "I approached Alison to see if she could help with my 14 year old son who had decided one morning that it was going to be his last day. He had it all planned out in his head of what he was going to do. The last thing he was going to do was give me a big hug goodbye and say he loved me before I went to bed with me not knowing what he had dec...ided to do. I found out through his best friend Later that day, Tomas was very calm when I spoke to him about ending his life. He just didn’t get why we were here and what the point was, he felt that life was worthless and meaningless. Tomas has had 3 sessions with Alison so far, these sessions were pushed forward by Alison, thank goodness, due to the urgency! From the very first session I saw a lighter Tomas, he had found someone that in his words understood him and how he was feeling. After the 3rd session Tomas came bouncing in the room so happy saying mum this was the best one yet, Alison really gets me. It was so good we went back in different time lines and changed things, mum she really is good I want more sessions with Alison. She is so good at explaining things to me. Tomas has always been anxious since starting secondary school, having issues with older boys etc, but lockdown has really heightened this. However, now he can see a light at the end of his dark tunnel! He is learning to deal with life situations through Alison’s work." This is only after a few sessions! Thank you Alison! Please do get in touch if you'd like to receive some support. I never underestimate the power of Tapping and connection to others.

05.01.2022 Go on have a go? Whats happens? I just did it, it prompted me to breath and stop

04.01.2022 Are you feeling under pressure? Tap along with me to feel lighter and happier about what you need to do. Please remember to leave a comment about how is helps you xxx

04.01.2022 See the good, share you love, keep focused xx

04.01.2022 Enjoying a group tapping session together to arrive into our new space yesterday, its all about letting go of anxiety and tension in the body and mind that prevents you from feeling safe to be in the present moment to be with others and yourself

04.01.2022 Reminder. Online Stress release tonight 6pm Are you feeling fearful, trapped, sad missing loved ones , isolated? We are all being affected in so many different ways by the impact of this virus, it is completely normal to be feeling this way. However, it can way heavy on your heart and EFT Tapping can relieve that pressure and quite weight from your body, leaving you feeling lighter, more connected and at peace with an ability to be able to move through this very difficul...t time knowing your ninth alone I would like to invite you to join me tonight at 6pm via Zoom to acknowledge what a huge year it has been for all of us. Also, to support those feeling anxious during this time with an increase in restrictions including lock downs over the Christmas period where some of you will feel lonely and isolated. Together I will guide the group to focus in on your personal emotions as stated above at this time so to release what is not serving you. We will close with a meditation and visualisation to assist us to move forward together towards a brighter, inclusive harmonious future. Details Zoom invite: Date: Tuesday 22 December Time: 6-7pm Sydney time (Approx 40 mins tapping and meditation) You are encouraged to stay till the end to share any insights What to do next 1) Express your Interest by 7pm tonight by either PM or email [email protected], especially if this is your first time joining 2) At 6pm tomorrow Click this link to Join. If you have issues with link copy and paste this into google 3) Or Click this link to download Zoom us 4) Enter Meeting ID: 397 252 2184 5) By joining the group tapping experience, you agree to take responsibility for your own wellbeing. Hope you can join me and other light minded souls Donations greatly appreciated link below. Any donation you can offer to this very worthy charity will assist putting an end to this dreadful way of existing About this organisation: We operate bear sanctuaries in China and Vietnam where bears are rehabilitated and cared for and where our bear teams gather vital evidence of the effects of hideously painful daily bile extraction. Our world-class bear rescue centres in Chengdu, China and Tam Dao, Vietnam provide the bears with comfortable dens and semi-natural enclosures where they are able to recover in safety and spend the remaining years of their lives in the company of other bears. To date, we have rescued nearly 600 bears. Please don’t forget to reply to register Much Love Alison

03.01.2022 Opening my heart - Post workshop review This event is likely to sell out quickly! If you would like a conversation with me about this workshop and if it's right for you you can connect with me via a PM or call 0411474754 I have just completed the Level 1 & 2 EFT Practitioner training with Alison and I have also been blessed to have a coaching session with her too. Alisons ability to support me and take me on a journey of self discovery has been invaluable. Her encouragement ...and support helped me to release major blocks, to see how those blocks were created and to come to a place of acceptance so that I can ultimately move forward and create the life of my dreams. I am really looking forward to working with Alison again for ongoing coaching and I know that her continued support will help me to step into my own power and to keep me moving forward one step at a time. Thankyou Alison! See more

03.01.2022 Path to peace tapping group returns Wed 9th Sept BOOK NOW -

02.01.2022 1 Day Retreat in Sydney! Togetherness For some time now I have been pondering on how I can assist others in person rather than online to experience and feel into a brighter future, moving away from dwelling in the doom and gloom and almost Armageddon type predictions of our future planet Earth. It is because of this that I am offering this one-day event with locals from the Sydney area or if you wish to travel and that’s wonderful.... This day is about coming together, sharing ideas, being in community to raise the vibration for Mother Earth, to support her in her rebirthing process and how we engage with her in the future. Limited numbers for this event so it’s important if you are interested that you reply to this email with any inquiries that you may have and to leave a small deposit to secure your space. Details: Dates: Sunday 23 May 10-5pm Venue: Freshwater, Near Manly NSW Cost: Minimum donation $50

01.01.2022 Last chance to BOOK. EFT Q&A and tapping practice this Monday -

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