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23.01.2022 Retinol (true vitamin A) * Has been shown to be inversely correlated with intestinal permeability - lower serum retinol (vitamin A) was associated with increased leaky gut * Has been shown to improve the tight junctions in the gut lining which controls what passes from the gut into the body. * Supports immune function and defence to parasitic infections, such as giardia * Has an intricate relationship with the gut microbiota. Together they influence the immune function by re...gulating the B-cell response. * Influenced by vitamin A the gut flora can promote a more tolerant immune response by upregulating T regulatory cells. I like to think of these T regulatory cells as the dampener on an overactive immune system. How to easily increase your retinol (not beta carotene which is hard to convert into retinol)? 1tsp of Rosita cod liver oil daily.

22.01.2022 I remember reading this article a few weeks before the birth of my 2nd child and it put me in the best mind frame to give birth (and made complete sense!) Up until the 1920’s women were not instructed to push during the second stage of labor (the second stage is the time between the full dilation of the cervix and the delivery of the baby.) Around that time, doctors determined that the second stage was dangerous to the unborn baby and pushing, they hoped, would get the bab...y out faster. Doctors, nurses, midwives and birth coaches often encourage a woman to push even when she has no impulse to do so (this was me with my 1st child!) By the 1980’s scientific evidence showed that the second stage of labor was not dangerous for the baby but actually helped to stimulate her digestive, eliminatory and respiratory systems. Pushing, in fact, can be dangerous to both the mother and the baby. When a woman is pushing she is holding her breath. Oxygen therefore, is not going to her uterus which makes contracting more difficult and painful. It is also not going to her baby. This can lead to a drop in the fetal heart rate and possible brain damage. Urging a woman to push harder and longer may, in fact, make things worse as the baby’s head and umbilical cord are compressed through the mother’s intensive effort, leading to (heart rate) deceleration and fetal hypoxia (oxygen deprivation). More information: See more

22.01.2022 Rosita cod liver oil (both the oil and capsules) are back in quick or they'll be out of stock again soon

21.01.2022 Rosita cod liver oil is back in stock Order soon as this stuff goes out of stock so quick lately! Cod liver oil and children's development, mood and behaviour: Infants whose diets include plenty of DHA have an edge in terms of early development. Research shows that children whose mothers had higher DHA levels at delivery had better attention spans well into their second year. During their first six months, these babies were two months ahead of children born to mothers wit...h lower DHA levels. As children progress through early childhood, the benefits of cod liver oil become even more pronounced. Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are some of the most important nutrients for reducing the risk of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). A deficiency of omega-3 fats has consistently been linked to ADHD, and studies show that the lower the level of omega-3s, the more pronounced the symptoms. A diagnosis of ADHD might truly be an omega-3 deficiency in disguise. In one study, ADHD patients reporting symptoms indicative of omega-3 deficiency (thirst, frequent urination, and dry hair) had lower levels of DHA than did ADHD patients without these symptoms. Subjects with low omega-3 fatty acid levels also had more behavioral problems. Research shows that DHA and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) found in cod liver oil also support a healthy mood. Sadly, antidepressants are commonly prescribed to school-aged children. It is possible that their depression may be a result of their need for more omega-3s. Personally, I noticed a massive change in my children when I started supplementing them with Rosita cod liver oil at the start of this year. Tantrums definitely lessened, anxiety reduced, more patient and attention span improved during school (I homeschool my son). Available at Happy Gut Organics:

21.01.2022 The goal should never be to eliminate multiple food groups long term (dairy free, gluten free, grain free, egg free, vegan etc.) It may resolve some reactions short term but then you'll become deficient in many minerals, vitamins and nutrients (and you'll likely end up in a worse state then when you started). When my family was reacting to so many foods the below table shows how we could still keep food groups in our diet and avoid nutritional deficiencies

19.01.2022 Last chance to grab a bargain on Rosita cod liver oil 150ml: now $59.95: The article below examins why Dr. Weston A Price favoured the Squibb brand and noted it was an excellent brand of cod liver oil. He also cautioned to avoid fermented and highly processed cod liver oils. Rosita is a replica of the Squibb brand - In 2014, Rosita Real Foods of Norway developed a cod liver oil using old extraction methods coupled with modern technology in the areas of natural antioxidants and oxygen free bottling. The all natural pale oil stays fresher for longer periods of time than the Squibb cod liver oil Dr. Price deemed excellent. It is a raw cod liver oil with the vitamins A, D and omegas in their natural state. More info:

16.01.2022 This tiny little pill has seriously been a life saver for me in the last 2 weeks. I'm talking about Arnica. Two weeks ago at 33 weeks pregnant I suddenly got symphysis pubis dysfunction. I didn't have this with my first 2 pregnancies and I'm pretty sure it came about because this has been a Summer pregnancy and I've been living in flowing dresses with no support for my increasing belly. My other 2 pregnancies were during the Winter and I lived in tights, pants and jeans whic...h all supported the belly. The pain was excruciating and walking become unbearable (not ideal when you still have 2 other kids to look after). I'm blessed to have a circle of naturopaths and homeopaths I can turn to and one recommended Arnica. Arnica is completely safe during pregnancy and fortunately I already had it in my fridge (ready to use towards the end of my pregnancy to prepare for the labour to minimise any swelling/pain afterwards). One day after starting the Arnica for the symphysis pubis dysfunction the pain had already reduced - walking was bearable again, I didn't have shooting pains when standing after sitting, and I could bend over without any pain. 1 week after starting the Arnica I can now lift my legs without pain, I'm walking painfree, and I feel like I can actually make it through the next five weeks. There are still some movements that are off limits but at least I can function day to day now. If you know a pregnant friend/relative share this post with them - it could save them a lot of agony towards the end of their pregnancy. I purchased this Arnica from iHerb: See more

15.01.2022 A recent European study indicates that raw milk actually helps to prevent colds, viruses, and respiratory tract infections, as opposed to commercially processed milk which provides little or no health benefits. The study of 983 children found that raw milk is superior in terms of immune-boosting nutrition. They found that raw milk works something like breast milk in providing protective, anti-inflammatory health benefits. Compared to pasteurized milk, raw milk was found to h...elp lower C-reactive protein levels, which are directly associated with inflammation. Raw milk, in other words, works against inflammation, while processed milk may help promote it due to its altered proteins. Mark McAfee, founder of Organic Pastures Dairy notes that peer reviewed, internationally published documentation showed that whey protein in raw milk stabilizes mast cells in the immune system. Raw milk made asthma get a lot better, and in some cases, completely disappeared. There is a polarity between two opposites: pasteurized vs. raw milk. Pasteurized milk contains large quantities of dead bacteria, which actually trigger inflammation in the body because it doesn’t recognize these as waste products. Your body then reacts by sending out mast cells and histamines to destroy pathogens, creating mucus which causes asthma, allergies, sore throats and ear infections to flare up. However raw milk does exactly the opposite. When the milk is alive with beneficial bacteria, the body recognizes it, and these bacteria can colonize to become part of a strong immune system. This is why I choose organic raw milk from healthy pastured cows. Click the link below to read more about the amazing health benefits of raw milk

14.01.2022 Always a happy day when a new batch of ghee, beef tallow and duck fat arrives Not all ghees are made the same - Tassie Tallow's ghee is made with the highest quality 100% grassfed raw butter and uses traditional Indian methods to ensure both the milk protein and lactose are removed. We've tried quite a lot of ghees on the market and I believe some still have the lactose present as my son develops a rash on his lower back after consuming them. The rash then disappears whe...n I remove the particular ghee from his diet. We also tolerate raw milk fine as it still has the enzyme lactate present which breaks down the lactose in the milk. Unfortunately pasturization destroys 100% of the lactate enzyme. This is likely why we don't tolerate butter or cream as the milk is pasturized in both of these products. Visit Happy Gut Organics website to view our range of healthy traditional fats: See more

14.01.2022 Glad I've never cooked on one of these - they put out high levels of EMFs

12.01.2022 Tomorrow is the last day Rosita cod liver oil 150ml will be on sale:

11.01.2022 Seeing a photo of these two together put a smile on my face

11.01.2022 Clary Sage is, THE labour oil. It is the go to oil to try to kick start labour and it also encourages more effective contractions when in labour. One more bonus - it helps initiate milk production, so it's great to use right after birth too. With my 1st child I went 7 days over my due date and the hospital did a membrane sweep to start his labour. I believe the sweep brought on his labour too powerfully and almost imitated being induced. When I was pregnant with my 2nd I... did not want another sweep so when I was 40weeks+1day I started sniffing the clary sage essential oil on and off throughout the day. I went into labour the next morning at 5am. Once in labour I rubbed clary sage oil (diluted with coconut oil) all over my belly every 30mins and the contractions progressed so quick at 5am they were 10mins apart (not painful at all), by 6am they were 3mins apart (still not painful at all), 7am they were 30 seconds apart and I gave birth at 7:06am. On two other occasions I have recommended clary sage essential oil when the mothers were going too far over their due date and didn’t want an induction both times they started labour that afternoon or the following day. * Do not use clary sage essential oil during pregnancy only use once you’ve reached 40 weeks and ready to meet your baby! * When past 40 weeks start sniffing the oil from the bottle and can also rub onto your ankles and abdomen. Once in labour rub onto your abdomen and keep sniffing from the bottle. When rubbing onto skin, make sure it is diluted (coconut oil, olive oil etc.) Mix 1 drop into 5ml of a carrier oil. See more

10.01.2022 One of the hidden health dangers of a plant based diet is an antinutrient called phytic acid. Phytic acid is highest in grains, beans, nuts + seeds. Phytic acid binds to minerals like phosphorus, iron, zinc, magnesium, and calcium and prevents absorption. Plant based diets can lead to a person becoming very low in iron and zinc because they are not eating animal protein which is rich in these nutrients. The sources of protein they are eating (nuts/seeds/grains/beans) are u...nfortunately robbing them of these vital nutrients. Proper preparation of grains, beans, nuts + seeds can reduce the amount of phytic acid. The best way to reduce phytic acid is fermentation. Unless you are preparing majority of these foods at home yourself you are likely consuming way too much phytic acid (nut milks/nut butters added to takeaway smoothies, almond milk with daily coffees, vegan meals at restaurants, pre-made nut bars/protein balls etc.) Removing 95% of the phytic acid in my diet is the reason why I think I've been able to remineralise my teeth so quickly (of course with the addition of regular cod liver oil + grassfed ghee).

08.01.2022 Popcorn can be a healthy snack if you have a popcorn machine and can choose the ingredients you add: 1. Organic popcorn 2. Once popped add a healthy fat - grassfed ghee/butter, duck fat or coconut oil + a generous amount of Celtic/Himalayan sea salt. Making it this way avoids the pesticides/GMO found in non-organic corn. It also avoids the added sunflower oil (which is not a healthy fat to be consuming - way too high in omega 6). Having an imbalance between omega 3 and omega ...6 in your body raises inflammation levels signifcantly (ratio should be 1:1 but unfortunately with way too many people the balance is off with way to much omega 6). Enjoy your popcorn knowing you're not increasing your toxic load and raising inflammation in your body

06.01.2022 Are you conciously making sure you include foods rich in Vitamin K2 into your diet daily? Most people in modern society are deficient in this unappreciated vitamin....are you? Do you get a new filling each time you go to the dentist? Are your gums receeding? Does heart disease run in your family, or have you already been told you have plaque on your arteries? Have you had heart surgery/stents? Do you have more and more varicose veins appearing on your legs? It's likely are very deficient in Vitamin K2. This article highlights the importance of vitamin K2. Foods rich in Vitamin K2 include: grassfed ghee, grassfed butter, natto, beef tallow, egg yolks, hard cheeses and liver. Don't be confused....Vitamin K2 is not the same as Vitamin K1 (found in cabbage and other vegetables) and Vitamin K1 does not perform the same functions in the body as Vitamim K2. Note: Vitamin K2 is most powerful when operating synergistically with vitamins A & D3 found in raw cod liver oil. Want to increase your Vitamin K2? Happy Gut Organics stocks both 100% grassfed ghee and beef tallow from Tassie Tallow - produced from their own Tasmanian cows munching on the lush Tasmanian green grass, their cows are cared for without the use of any antibiotics, steroids or growth hormones

06.01.2022 If you were planning to run a marathon do you think you would train to properly prepare yourself for the event? Well child birth is exactly the same you need to prepare your muscles to birth your baby. This is where perineal massage works amazingly. More info on these two websites: or

03.01.2022 Concerned about measles? This article is eye-opening: Measles is a disease of undernourishment, particularly deficiency in vitamin A. The high risk of death and complications of wild measles is because of this one missing nutrient. "Cod liver oil can provide vitamins A and D on a daily basis. Before the advent of vaccinations, the medical profession knew that the vitamin A in cod liver oil would protect children a...gainst all sorts of infections, including measles; parents heard the message to give cod liver oil in schools, from their doctors, from government officials, and even in Sunday school. Mum should take cod liver oil while pregnant and nursing, and should begin giving it to their children around two or three monthsuse an eye dropper or syringe for this. Children will not have any trouble taking cod liver oil when they start young. For older children, mix the cod liver oil with a little fresh orange juice, cream or warm water, stir and down the hatch. Use only cod liver oil containing natural vitamins." Both my kids take their cod liver oil (daily or every 2nd day). They haven't been sick for years. They don't need to be on antibiotics regularly, they don't have recurring ear infections, coughs, rashes etc. Their immune systems are strong and healthy. They get abundant amounts of vitamins A, D and K2 in their diets regularly which keeps them healthy. Until January 6th we are having a sale on Rosita cod liver oil and capsules.

03.01.2022 Why I wouldn't do labour without Arnica tablets: It supports any tissue that is under unusual stress - during labour your body is required to work in a way that it is not accustomed to, so Arnica can be extremely helpful. Reduces both swelling and bruising. Reduces the risk of infection. Promotes healing of the perineum or abdomen after birth.... Arnica should be taken at the first sign of labour, during labour and then for 3 days after labour. I took Arnica for my 2nd birth and I felt amazing after her birth - no pain, no swelling afterwards, no bruising, nothing. Arnica will definitely be in my labour kit this time around! I used this brand below last time from iHerb

02.01.2022 Looking back over this past year my health has improved in leaps and bounds. Symptoms I had last year no longer exist: 1. Eczema 2. Infertility 3. IBS 4. Heart palpitations when going to bed... 5. Toothaches, holes in teeth and infected teeth All I did this year was adopt the Weston A Price diet guidelines (initially to heal an infected tooth) and now I no longer have any of the above symptoms. I nursed my infected tooth back to health and have also regrown the enamel on 4 teeth so far. Now I can also eat a wider range of foods without reactions like eczema or severe tummy aches. This traditional way of eating, a diet that is high in fat soluble vitamins A, D + K2 has transformed my health. Daily I consume Rosita cod liver oil and Tassie Tallow grassfed ghee to ensure I'm getting enough of these valuable vitamins Dr. Price noted to be essential to health. As a New Years Day present both the Rosita cod liver oil and capsules will be on sale tomorrow. Go to our website tomorrow to grab a great deal: Are you ready for 2020 to be your healthiest year yet?

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