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25.01.2022 Can you relate? The good news is, all the up & down counts towards movement goals for the day We‘re cheering you on, mums! ... 7 day weight loss challenge starts 5th October, Register free now >> https://happy-apple-nutrition.teachable.com/p/7-day-challen
24.01.2022 Get our top 5 recommended tracking apps! Do you track your intake or workouts? We're all for tracking with out Mummy Body Makeover clients. Why? Because it's not only a great accountability tool, it's a great education tool as well. ... Once you gain an understanding of how foods and fitness add up and impact results, you're in a great position to manage without them. Until then, here's our top 5 tracking apps to check out... 1. My Fitness Pal 2. Lose It! 3. Spark People 4. The Bottom Line 5. Cronometer Let us know in the comments you're favourite food & fitness apps! NEW & Free 7-Day Weight Loss Challenge starts October! We'll show you how to lose 5+kg with ease and in a way that fits with the family meals :-) Message your email address now for details and to register Ellen x
24.01.2022 Hey mums , think you need to follow complex food rules to feel great in the clothes you want to wear? You don’t! Here‘s what to do instead... Our top 3 tips to feel fit & fabulous in time for summer 1. Track your intake - download a tracking app such as My Fitness Pal and track your intake to ensure you can eat what you like, without going over on your daily energy allowance ... 2. Drink more water - liquid calories is one of the most common causes of weight gain we see with our clients. By switching all drinks to water (and the essential coffee ) you‘ll be on track to lose 0.5-1kg per week! 3. Get an accountability partner - you don’t have to do this alone! It’s not about motivation or daily affirmations to stay on track, it’s about keeping accountable. When you have someone to report to each week and a support person there when you need them... staying focused on your goals is a whole lot easier. In fact, you’re 95% more likely to reach your goals with an accountability partner !! Free 7-day Weight loss challenge is NOW OPEN for sign up! Join us for menu plans, fitness, mindset & accountability. We start October 5 >> https://happy-apple-nutrition.teachable.com/p/7-day-challen
24.01.2022 Hey mama, I see you being way too hard on yourself about eating perfectly‘ everyday You don’t have to. It‘s part of a healthy diet to have good days and bad days... Times where you can easily make the best choices and times where it’s a struggle or you just don’t feel like it.... It’s all ok. The way I linke to think of it is using the 80/20 rule. Make the best choices you can 80% of the time and the other 20% you’re free to eat whatever you want... When you account for everything in this way it creates space in your diet to stay on track with your goal, enjoy food and eliminate the self pressure that comes from trying to be perfect all the time. Gimme a in the comments if you agree! NEW & FREE, weight loss challenge starts 5 October - 12 October. We‘ll show you how to lose 5kg without complex diets Get summer ready - Message your email address now to register. Ellen x
24.01.2022 Hands up if you can relate! Restricting snacks after dinner only leads to increased desire for them. Here’s why: You’re human! It’s normal to want what you can’t have. That’s why it’s so important to control rather than restrict The first thing we tell our clients who are wanting to curb after dinner snacking is to eat more throughout the day. Yup... eating more will help you to eat less later on... Go ahead and try it out for yourself and let us know if you notice any changes. Ready to put an end to overeating at night? We can help you! Book a free session where one of our dietitians will assess your triggers and put together a customized treatment plan. It is possible to curb late night snacking - we’ll show you how! Click below to book https://happy-apple-nutrition.au1.cliniko.com/bookings
23.01.2022 Can you relate? We’ve all done it at some point, right?... only to have the greens wilt in the veggie draw and the carrots turn soft! Here’s out top meal prepping tips... Feeling short on time when it comes to meal prepping? I hear you! Here’s my top 3 tips for fast and easy meal prepping...... 1. Set aside time each week to plan & prep. Choose a day and time that is least likely to clash with other things 2. Invest in a good set of storage containers. This is a must for speedy meal preparation 3. When putting meals together consider a protein food, carbohydrate and salad/veg to prep a balanced meal every time! Share your meal prepping tips below Ellen x #mealprepping #mealprepideas
23.01.2022 How to shed post baby weight, gain confidence and feel amazing. Here’s 3 tips to get you started... 1. Track your meals with a counting app such as My Fitness Pal. Once you learn your weight loss calories all you need to do is eat the foods you enjoy and stay under your daily calorie amount 2. Choose Nutrient Dense Foods so you never feel hungry ... 3. Fuel up with a good breakfast! This is so helpful to keep your snacking throughout the day under control, help you to feel fuller all day and stop non hungry eating & cravings Join our small group program Mummy Body Makeover! Learn your weight loss calories and how to choose filling foods that keep you on track. Lose 5-10kg by Christmas - Apply here https://happy-apple-nutrition.au1.cliniko.com/bookings Ellen
22.01.2022 4 ways to stay on track and reach your weight loss goals Hey mums, I remember when we had a client last month join Mummy Body Makeover and her biggest frustration was not being able to stay on track‘ She felt like no matter how hard she tried, weight loss would fluctuate. Some weeks up and some weeks down...... sweets would creep into her diet and Cravings / temptation would take over! It was driving her crazy and she didn’t know how to manage these situations, have the right expectations and keep moving forward. Here are four ways to stay on track with your weight loss goals and it starts with learning how all foods can fit... Once you know how to do this, problems like too many sweets, cravings and temptations go away. Next is to track your intake either on paper or in an app like My Fitness Pal Keep in mind that weight loss is not a direct path down. It’s normal to fluctuate but overall, see a loss. So don’t be discouraged by a little gain now and gain. It’s to be expected. I can help you to get off to the right start, stay accountable & on track. Book a free session and let’s chat >> https://happy-apple-nutrition.au1.cliniko.com/bookings Rochelle & Ellen #weightlossfood #weightlossgoal #weightlosshelp #weightlossprogress #weightlosssuccess #weightlosscoach #weightlossdiet #weightlosssupport #weightlossadvice #weightlossmeals #weightlossprogram #weightlossinspo
21.01.2022 Happy Easter from the Happy Apple team!
19.01.2022 Hey mum’s, Our brand NEW free 7 day weight loss challenge is NOW OPEN! Feel fit & fabulous ready for the warmer weather... Learn what healthy eating ‘really’ is with a 7 day menu plan Plus get access to daily nutrition and weight loss videos to kick start your goals before summer AND ... Our exercise physiologist designed training program to get you moving All while having the support of the Happy Apple team and fellow mums Click the link below to register free! See you there https://happy-apple-nutrition.teachable.com/p/7-day-challen Ellen x
18.01.2022 How to talk to your kids about food & nutrition, without giving them weird food hang ups or body image issues... First of all, I want you to know that you’re already doing amazing! Parenting is hard enough let alone having to shape life long food beliefs But this topic is one that comes up all the time with our mums in our coaching program so I thought to address it with some helpful tips...... Here are 5 things to keep in mind when talking to kids about food... Let them decide the portion. Kids are naturally very mindful and intuitive eaters Don’t label foods as good or bad Focus on health not weight loss Stay away from diet talk Keep it fun and enjoyable Free 7-day weight loss challenge is now open! We start 5th October! Sign up to learn our family friendly & time saving approach to weight loss >> https://happy-apple-nutrition.teachable.com/p/7-day-challen Ellen
18.01.2022 Make reaching your goals a breeze with this super simple strategy... Many clients come to us frustrated that nothing has worked for them. Cutting food groups, restricting intake, fad diets, increased exercise. All the usual things, but here’s the secret to setting and achieving what you want Make your goals SMART.... That is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time bound Following this easy formula ensures success and is a big part of how we get such impressive results so quickly for our clients. Schedule a complimentary session with one of our dietitians and we’ll help to get your SMART goals sorted for good
18.01.2022 Is non hungry eating keeping you from reaching your goals? We hear you!! For many of the mums inside our mummy body makeover program, non hungry eating is a bigger problem than first thought ... Those nibbles in the kitchen, meals on the run and big portions are creeping on the extra kg‘s without realising what’s happening! But you don’t have to settle for this because we’re sharing our top alternatives to non hungry eating today... Save this post to refer to later when you need a little inspiration & support with non hungry eating This month we’re hosting a new free Challenge to show you the exact steps to losing 5 kg‘s with ease. Mums, if you’re looking to get summer ready, feel amazing and boost confidence, join us on this free Challenge! Message us now to register
18.01.2022 How Sarah, mum of 2 lost 6kg... Sarah exercises daily for 40 min and felt like she was eating all the right things but despite this Her weight went up 10kg in the last few years without explanation ... Worried for her health and wanting to be a positive food role model to her kids, she decided to do something about it! WHAT WE DID: Set her up with menu plans that will keep her full, nourished and satisfied Gave her step by step instructions on exactly how much to eat at meal times so she gained control over portions Discovered that alcohol was creeping in extra energy and developed a better way to manage intake without having to eliminate it all together Added loads of variety to her diet so she was actually eating MORE than before the program THE RESULT: In 6 weeks Sarah dropped 6kg and 6cm from her waist She had the tools, support and ACCOUNTABILITY she needed to succeed Free 7 day weight loss Challenge starts 5th October! Feel fit & fabulous, register here now >> https://happy-apple-nutrition.teachable.com/p/7-day-challen
17.01.2022 Delaying the acknowledgement of wins along the way is holding you back. Celebrate NOW, not when you reach the end goal. Here’s why... As much as we’d all like it not to be... Weight loss and transforming your health takes time. It’s a process .... More than that, the end result is an accumulation of lots of little wins... Without them, the end is unattainable. You officially have permission to start celebrating the little wins!! That workout you didn’t want to do but did it anyway... That 0.5kg you lost this week The fact that you no longer struggle with overeating and good cravings The better nights sleep and increase energy your feeling These are ALL wins worth celebrating! Share your wins this week below Ellen x
17.01.2022 Quick & easy mid week dinner inspo! Save this to come back to later... Sweet potato is a healthy low GI carb meaning it helps to stabilize blood sugars and aid with weight loss Add your favorite protein and veg as toppings and you have yourself a tasty healthy meal. ... What toppings will you try? Credit: @milknhoneynutrition for the image #Thenewhealthy #lowsugar #rdapproved #dietitian #whatdietitianseat
15.01.2022 New Recipe inspo for the week ahead!! Save this to try later... our delicious Chicken patties with slaw Swipe for the recipe and let us know in the comments, what’s your go to midweek dinner?... Ellen x
15.01.2022 Mid week meal inspiration - Save this To try this week for an easy school night dinner option... INGREDIENTS 300g cavatappi pasta, or other kind cup olive oil... 1 teaspoon Gourmet Garden Garlic Stir-In Paste 1 cup whole-milk ricotta 3/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan, plus more for serving 1/4 cup lemon juice (plus zest) 200g kale, shredded teaspoon salt teaspoon black pepper Gourmet Garden Lightly Dried Basil, for serving INSTRUCTIONS 1. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add the pasta and cook according to package instructions until al dente. Reserve 1 cup pasta cooking water, then drain the pasta. 2. In the same pot, heat the olive oil at medium heat. Then add the garlic paste and cook until fragrant. Whisk in the ricotta, parmesan cheese, lemon juice and zest, salt and pepper until well combined. 3. Add 1/2 cup pasta water to the sauce and whisk until smooth. Add the pasta and the kale and continue to stir until the noodles are well coated and the kale softens. Add more pasta water as needed for a smooth sauce. 4. Garnish with lemon slices and basil, if desired ** for an extra veggie boost, add some broccoli florets and other family faves What’s your mid week go to meal? Let us know in the comments... Ellen x
15.01.2022 Hands up if you have tried to lose weight and failed? You're not alone... I was talking with a client from our program over the weekend and she was saying how amazed she is at the progress made in just a few weeks.... More than that... This time it felt 'easy' and effortless compared to pervious attempts. I'm sharing this story with you today because I want to remind you that past attempts to reach your goal weight have zero power of your next effort. It doesn't matter if you have tried and failed 50 times before... if you still want the result, YOU have the power to make it happen Need a little help to get started? Come and join our free 7 Day Challenge where we'll set you up with a menu plan, fitness ideas and tools to help you succeed. Most importantly, get the accountability and support! Click here to register and we'll see you there! >> https://happy-apple-nutrition.teachable.com/p/7-day-challen Ellen
13.01.2022 Dietitian Rochelle’s top tips for managing food cravings Do you find yourself craving something sweet in the afternoon? Or perhaps a favorite take away? You’re not alone! Food cravings are something we talk about with clients almost everyday.... And each time, the advice is the same. There are only ever 3 steps you need to follow when experiencing a food craving: 1. Notice it 2. Ride it 3. Let it pass Just like a surfer might approach a big wave! Cravings hit a height and then start to fade away. The trick is to hold off long enough for the wave to fall. Ready to put an end to cravings & overeating? We can help you! Book a free session where one of our dietitians will assess your triggers and put together a customized treatment plan. It is possible to stop overeating for good - we’ll show you how! Click below to book https://happy-apple-nutrition.au1.cliniko.com/bookings
12.01.2022 Hey mums, want some easy strategies to lose 5kg‘s? It is possible for you... even if you’re short on time and don’t fancy green juice for breakfast ... You don’t have to follow fancy fads and strange dietary trends to lose the baby weight! These checklist items will keep your goals on track. ... Save this post to refer to later and share it with a fellow mum for accountability and support Join free 7-Day Weight Loss Challenge! Feel fit & fabulousStarts 5th October! Click here to register >> https://happy-apple-nutrition.teachable.com/p/7-day-challen
12.01.2022 You have to avoid carbs to lose weight, right? WRONG! Here’s how to lose weight enjoying carbs ... Carbohydrates are an important source of fuel for the brain and body so avoiding them long term can be bad for health. Here’s my top tips for what to do instead:... 1. Choose high fiber options such as whole grain bread, rice & pasta. The more fiber the better! 2. Avoid eating carbs all in one go. Instead, space them out evenly throughout the day to keep blood sugar levels stable and promote weight loss 3. Keep portions to 1/4 of the plate (or 1 slice bread) Ready to lose 5-10kg in time for summer? Apply for Mummy Body Makeover small group program! And I’ll show you how... first session is FREE >> https://happy-apple-nutrition.au1.cliniko.com/bookings Ellen x
12.01.2022 Weekend recipe idea! Muesli is a healthy and delicious way to start the day - however... The pre made options are often packed with added sugar and calories!... This recipe will take you just 5 minutes to prepare and will give you 20 brekky portions. Give it a try this weekend and add your favourite ingredients to boost flavour and fibre! Let us know in the comments, what do you love in your muesli? Join free! 7- Day Weight Loss Challenge! Starts 5th October. Click the link to register and get summer ready :-) https://happy-apple-nutrition.teachable.com/p/7-day-challen Ellen & the team x
12.01.2022 Start your week off on the right track with these helpful reminders... Which one will you choose this week? We’re here to support you every step of the way!... Ellen Looking to lose 5-10kg before Christmas? Our small group coaching program Mummy Body Makeover is Open for applications! Apply for the next group starting soon >> https://happy-apple-nutrition.au1.cliniko.com/bookings #weightlossgoal #weightlosshelp #weightlossprogress
11.01.2022 Hey mums, ever wonder why you’re exercising but not losing weight? You’re not alone! Many of our clients feel the same way but the good news is there are a few easy fixes that can get the scales moving again... 1. Aim to eat the right balance of protein and carb. Not too much carb and enough protein. Try balancing meals with 1/4 plate meat / fish and 1/4 plate slow digesting carbs like quinoa or sweet potato ... 2. Include the right mix of cardio and weights into your training 3. Avoid drinking calories! Stay away from too much alcohol and avoid sports drinks, juices and other high sugar fluids 4. Track your intake to check if your eating enough or too much. A food diary can help with this We show mums how to lose 5-10kg with ease, gain confidence and feel amazing!! Apply for Mummy Body Makeover coaching. First session is free >> https://happy-apple-nutrition.au1.cliniko.com/bookings
11.01.2022 Did you know that balancing blood sugar levels helps with weight loss AND type 2 diabetes prevention? Learn our 3 tips now... I was talking with a client yesterday and her biggest concern was avoiding type 2 diabetes after having already had gestational diabetes She also wanted to lose baby weight, but her health was a bigger priority.... We spoke about the benefits of even the smallest weight loss (3-5kg) on health and diabetes prevention And... The role that blood sugar balancing plays in this. These are the three things I helped this client to achieve so she can reach her goals, now you can too: 1. Get the balance of your macros right. Eating the right proportion of fat, carb & protein is so important for weight loss and blood sugar balancing 2. Exercise daily for 45 min and mix up the routine. Just sticking to cardio will not do the trick. Try adding in some weights and yoga as well 3. just a 3-5kg weight loss can transform your health. It really doesn’t take a huge loss to notice benefits! Get started for free with our 7-day weight loss challenge!! Starts Monday October 5th, you’ll get our personal support, meal plans and fitness guidelines to kick start your journey to great health Sign up here now >> https://happy-apple-nutrition.teachable.com/p/7-day-challen
09.01.2022 ANNOUNCEMENT New & Free 7-Day weight loss challenge starts 5th October!!... Kick start your weight loss goals or just learn an easier way to eat well for great health... That fits with the family ... During the challenge you‘ll be set up with a 7-day weight loss menu plan... Daily inspirational and educational videos Plus live support from our expert dietitians with Q&A! Register free here now https://happy-apple-nutrition.teachable.com/p/7-day-challen See you there mums! Ellen, Rochelle & Rachel x
09.01.2022 Hey mums, give us a if you too have a 'toddler' style decor in your house! It's a real thing, right? Keep working on those health & body goals! You're doing great!... Looking after yourself first is the most important thing and we're here cheering you on... Oh and don't forget to jump on over and register for our free weight loss challenge this October, click here for details >> https://happy-apple-nutrition.teachable.com/p/7-day-challen Ellen #weightloss#weightlosscoach #weightlossgoals
06.01.2022 Did you know that checking in with an accountability partner, increases chances of weight loss success by 95%? That’s a big difference, right? Many of the mums we work with in our program come to us with the belief that success is more about restricting intake, exercising and following rigid rules ... When in fact... Having someone to support & guide you and provide regular check in‘s through the process is the MOST important part! Do you have an accountability partner? Come join us for a free 7 day weight loss challenge and get summer ready Menu Plan, Workouts, mind set and most importantly... ACCOUNTABILITY are all included FREE. Click here to register https://happy-apple-nutrition.au1.cliniko.com/bookings See you there!
05.01.2022 Three ways to prevent type 2 after having Gestational Diabetes... Around 15% of women will develop gestational diabetes during pregnancy and while this can be managed and disappear after baby is born The risk of developing type 2 diabetes is 3-7 times higher working 5-10 years ... For many of the new mums in our coaching program, this is a big concern and so today I want share 3 helpful tips to reduce risk of type 2 diabetes follow a GDM diagnosis 1. Lose 5-7% of body weight - You don’t have to lose a big amount of weight to reduce risk. Just 3-5kg can do the trick 2. Exercise daily for 45 min - regular physical activity whether it be a walk, cardio session, play in the park, yoga or weight training will help to keep type 2 diabetes away 3. Eat a balanced diet - the right balance of macros is the most important nutritional factor to consider to manage blood sugar levels Free 7 day challenge starts Monday October 5!! Join us to learn nutrition & exercise for weight loss and kick start your diabetes prevention now >> https://happy-apple-nutrition.teachable.com/p/7-day-challen The challenge gives you menu plan, exercise guidelines and nutrition lessons - all free! See you there, Ellen https://happy-apple-nutrition.teachable.com/p/7-day-challen
03.01.2022 3 ways to curb late night snacking Do you find yourself overeating in the evening? You’re not alone! Here’s our top 3 ways to help curb night time snacking for good so you can lose weight, gain health and boost energy! ... 1 Eat regularly throughout the day. A lot of the time it’s an irregular eating routine during the day that leads to overeating and cravings at night. Aim to eat every 4 hours throughout the day to keep snacking under control 2 Boost the protein content of meals during the day. Adding protein rich foods such as tune, eggs, nuts, tofu or lentils to meals helps you to feel fuller and reduce appetite for snacks 3 Seek support from a trained professional. Overeating is often not just a bad habit, it can have deep emotional roots and serious health implications Ready to put an end to overeating at night? We can help you! Book a free session where one of our dietitians will assess your triggers and put together a customized treatment plan. It is possible to curb late night snacking - we’ll show you how! Click below to book https://happy-apple-nutrition.au1.cliniko.com/bookings
01.01.2022 A reminder today to surround yourself with people who push you, who challenge you... Who make you laugh, Who make you better and who make you happy :-) ... Ellen & the team x P.S. Time is running out to sign up for the Free 7-day weight loss challenge! Click here >> https://happy-apple-nutrition.teachable.com/p/7-day-challen To register and join our private group where you'll get access to the accountability and tools you need to kick start your weight loss goals See you there!
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