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Michelle Marsh / Aromanosis
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24.01.2022 I am so happy to announce that the NEW Aromanosis website is up! And I am even more excited to tell you about the FREE meditation and journaling course I have created called, Stressed to Blessed in 7 days! If you would like to take a look, head over to https://www.aromanosis.com.au/
22.01.2022 If you are sound asleep with blockout blinds in place and someone walks in and opens them so that the light streams in, waking you up. It doesn’t feel good. It even causes you physical pain when you try to open your eyes to the light for the first time. . It causes pain and yet you keep trying to open your eyes because you know you will adjust and you know sunlight brings good things. . The same is true for any eye opening learning. At first it can feel painful and even s...cary, as you are ripped from one reality and into another with eyes wide open and aware of things you were not aware of before. . But just because it’s painful, doesn’t mean it is inherently either good or bad. Instead we need to see the truth of the matter - the pain is just because of the newness and no more. . There are many eye opening truths coming out in the world at the moment and we all have a choice . You can try to keep your eyes closed, wishing for the blinds to be pulled down, and thus giving away all of your personal power.... . Or you can bravely open them and see what the dawn of a new era brings and make choices with your eyes wide open. . Drop an emoji below if you agree! See more
20.01.2022 I think about all that has gone on and that continues to go on for the past year and it seems almost overwhelming when you think about all the change and pivots we have all had to do. . Despite this, I believe great things can happen... huge, stupendous things! . There is one thought that always keeps me going when I wonder if my aspirations are too much.... . There is always a way you just have to find it. . This is a mantra I have said since I was a kid. I have no idea where it came from but I can look back and see it is my cure to any limiting beliefs that come my way (either internally or from someone else). . This is what we are talking about today on Purpose Balance and Burnout Podcast. I'd love for you to listen and let me know what limiting beliefs you are changing! . Listen at www.michellemarsh.com.au . . . . . . . . #startwithwhy, #theartofslowliving, #livemoremagic, #livethelittlethings, #thehappynow, #doitfortheprocess, #makersgonnamake, #dontquityourdaydream, #handsandhustle, #nothingisordinary, #mindfulness #mindfulnesspractice #selfawareness #creative #podcaster #podcastersofinstagram #podcastlife #podcastshow #limitedbeliefs #limitingbeliefs #mindsetmatters #mindsetpractic
19.01.2022 I am dead tired & bone weary. So tired in fact, that I made myself a herbal tea, went to the toilet and then immediately made myself a black tea when I walked back into the kitchen, completely forgetting about the first cup!. So I am now enjoying two teas as I write. Why am I tired?. Well Life is life-ing and my energy levels just aren’t keeping up. To be precise, we have moved homes and I am into week 4 of packing/unpacking and cleaning in every spare minute of the day. ...Because unfortunately, even though we are moving house, the kids still need attention and feeding (and a birthday party for my big girl), work needs working and life’s general demands still need to be met. So, from the moment I wake through to the moment I climb into bed, I am doing. As I reflect on how I currently feel after a month of this I have to giggle. As 3 short years ago, this was my everyday existence. Back then it was normal to have every moment accounted for and if I wasn’t being productive then I would beat up on myself for being lazy. And when I got to the point of knowing that it wasn’t lazy to not Do, then I had no idea how to hold boundaries in place so that life (and other people) didn’t fill in my precious ‘nothing’ time. I look back on that and now it is so obvious why I completely burned out. Why I shriveled up emotionally and mentally and was struggling to cope with the simplest of day to day tasks. But when I was in it, I couldn’t see it. I had gotten to the point where I was numb (physically, emotionally and mentally) and so I couldn’t feel the crushing fatigue and pain... (Finish reading at https://michellemarsh.com.au/dead-tired-bone-weary/ )
19.01.2022 Essential Oils and our Emotions There are two ways essential oils affect us emotionally. 1 - They are made up of constituents that have a direct affect on us.... 2 - We respond to them based off memory and experience. What experiences have you had of memories being elicited from smell?
19.01.2022 The messy reality of Happy Mail! Lol. I always see these gorgeous pics of friends making beautiful gifts for others and one question always pops in my mind.... How do they do it so neatly?! When I am making gifts its a messy affair!... You could even call it chaos . The end result is what matters though right? And I have to say that I know the lovely members and friends about to receive these gifts will love finding the surprise in the post.
19.01.2022 When we are young we are so eager to learn but as we grow older we become more and more tentative to put ourselves into the learning energy? . Is it because we no longer want to grow and evolve? Or that we believe there is nothing left to learn? . I don’t believe it is either of these things. It comes down to the fear of failing. And as we know from experience, when we are learning, we will have moments where we fail. Failure is an inevitable part of the learning process and... unfortunately it has gotten a bad wrap in our society. . We think that just because we are grown ups that we should already be good at all the things. And that it is children who are in the learning phase. But what if you changed your thinking to allow failure and thus learning and growth into your life. . Actually, scrap that. What if you INVITED failure into your life?! . Failure is what success breeds out of. . Failure is where growth is found. . Failure is a space of freedom and exploration. . Failure will force you to be more creative than you have ever been before. . Embrace the learning process. Embrace failure. And you will find that you finally begin moving forward in your life again. See more
19.01.2022 Are you a highly sensitive person? Yep me too! . On Sunday I went to the Makers Markets with Steve and the kids. It was a glorious day and I had an immense amount of fun. Once we got in the car however, the crushing fatigue hit me, I was unable to keep a chatty persona and all I wanted to do was go home and hide. .... Such is the life of a highly sensitive person who also happens to be a sensation seeker. . The highly sensitive part of me processes deeply - meaning when there is a lot of stimulus like multiple conversations, sights, sounds and feelings my brain can become overwhelmed quite quickly and wants to shut down. . I.e. I go from being an intelligent human being to one that finds it difficult to string two words together. . The sensation seeking part of me craves new experiences and excitement. This part of me likes to be social and experiencing all the world has to offer. It also needs to be fed. Or I have a tendency to dip into depressive moods. . It sounds crazy, but it is what it is and as much as I saw the highly sensitive part of me as a burden at first, now I see it as a gift because I have an ability to see and understand things at great depth . And this is a gift that has enabled me to help others in profound ways. . It works brilliantly as long as I keep boundaries in place (that’s a work in progress!) . Why am I sharing these odd traits?... Well actually they aren’t that rare. . It’s estimated that 20% of the population is highly sensitive. And that 30% of the highly sensitive population is also sensation seeking. . This means that next time you get together with 5 friends - chances are that at least one of you has this trait. . And hopefully, you can perhaps understand when they need to tap out or suddenly droop with fatigue. Or even get emotional after a stimulating day! See more
18.01.2022 Simple doesnt mean Easy. . If you want to be able to lift heavy things, you wouldn't expect to have just made that decision and be able to do it straight away. No, you would expect to train, you would use weights to help and you would increase the load over time. . Lifting heavy things is a simple concept... but its not easy. Because you need consistency over time and you also aknowledge the need for tools (the weights).... . This is the same for almost everything else in life and yet we are much more impatient. . You want to be mindful... take more joy out of the simple things in life? . Its going to take practice. And just like you use weights to support your training, reach for support when training your mind and emotions. For mindfulness training the essential oil blend Present Time will be your best friend. Xx See more
18.01.2022 With the New Year only a breath away I have been taking some time to contemplate my 'word' for the year. Who else chooses a word? My word for 2020 was CONNECTION. At the beginning of the year I thought I knew what connection meant but as I leaned into it I found multiple layers and the gifts that lay within were so much more than I had imagined. I found a new depth of connection with myself, with others, with spirit and with nature that I will continue to nurture and grow ...into the future. My word for 2021 is GROWTH. And as I contemplate what this could mean I intend beginning within and immersing in learning that will lead to personal growth spiritually, emotionally and mentally. The study load I have entered into could be interesting at times as balance is always a priority, but I have a strong vision of how my educational growth will benefit others as I pass the knowledge and experience forward. Have you chosen a word for 2021? I would love to know what it is! Share below what you chose and why!
17.01.2022 Im going to be sharing more about Aromanosis - which is a message that I believe to be an answer (or path to) anything we desire in life and our world is in dire need of answers, both at a personal and mass level. . The simplest way to describe Aromanosis is to say it is a practice of awareness and it is this increased awareness which allows us to create change internally and externally. . In this video I talk about why this is a critical message to share. ... . If it resonates please share with your friends who need to hear it too. #aromanosis #selflovejourney #selfawareness #selfactualization #personalinsight #mindfulness #personalgrowthpractices #personalgrowthjourney #selfawarenessjourney #meditation #essentialoilmeditation #beginwithin #healingjourney #healingfromwithin #journalinspiration #jounaling #selfacceptance #personalinsight #internalpractice #insideout #changebeginswithyou #personalresponsibility #personalpower #selfcare #lifecoaching #changeyourlife #emotionalrelease
15.01.2022 As you know we have made some changes to our Aromanosis Practice Group and as such your $30 per membership is now only AU$15 per month! Here is the important part to note: If you were a member already, your $30 membership has now been cancelled. To continue your growth and learning you will need to follow the link below to join with the $15 membership. And if you were um-ing and ah-ing about whether the investment is right for you, I truly hope that at $15 per month, you can ...see what an opportunity this is! Don't know what Aromanosis is? In a nut shell it is a practice using journalling, meditation, essential oils (and a few other things) to aid your personal development, self awareness and help you create the life you want. You can read more about it at https://michellemarsh.com.au/aromanosis-practice/ We are really excited about the new direction we are going in and know that you are going to love it too, once you see what we are up to! Our next Online Workshop is scheduled for Tuesday 15th Sep and we have a very special guest who is going to take our Aromanosis experience to another level. Please reach out to me at [email protected] or on Social Media @happymemichelle if you have any questions or comments. Thank you so much for being part of our community. It wouldn't be the same without you. Have a beautiful day Michelle and Alex xx
14.01.2022 I feel I am entering a time whereby I am embracing the role of ‘student’ more fervently than ever before in my (almost) 38 years of life. . As a hypnotherapist, coach and Registered Nurse I am no stranger to study, but the leaps I am entering into are requiring a depth of trust, introspection and effort which both scares and excites me. . The idea for documenting this journey came to me a few days ago as I was considering the importance of the role of ‘student’ and how, espe...cially as adults, we don’t like to be seen in this role. It’s often thought that a ‘student’ is someone young, inexperienced and with not much to offer the world. . This thinking is wrong. We should never abandon the role of student as the day we are no longer a student is the day we stop growing as a person and thus eventually will not be of much value to the world around as it will eventually outgrow us. . Instead, we need to embrace this role as one that is forever present, even when we step into the role of ‘teacher,’ when the time is right. . And as with all things in life, there are cycles that ebb and flow where we are immersed in learning and growth and those where we are more focused on the sharing of the knowledge acquired thus far. . As for my personal journey in 2021, I continue my role as ‘teacher,’ as an Aromanosis Coach, while immersing in my postgraduate studies in Creative Therapies, as well as undertaking Breathwork Facilitator Training. . On a personal growth level, I am reacquainting and broadening my knowledge of home herbal remedies and taking my connection to earth and spirit into new realms. . I am going to be sharing here what I am playing with, including the "failures"... as after all it is our failures that are our greatest teachers. . If you like the in depth accounts, head to my website at www.michellemarsh.com.au where I'll share any recipes, how-to's...or how-dont's! See more
12.01.2022 I’ve been MIA from social media for a little while as I immerse into a beautiful new phase of life. As many of you already know, the practice of what I now call Aromanosis, has evolved over the past 2 years. It started as a journaling practice which soon incorporated a unique meditation/hypnosis utilising essential oils for depth and anchoring. It has since grown to a practice utilising many ‘tools’ to enable awareness, connection and self actualization.... We have had our Aromanosis Practice Group going for 5 months and the whispers of the universe are telling me it’s time to take this to the next level. With emotional turbulence sweeping our world right now, I feel called to do my part in enabling others to release the fear, anxiety, stress and pain controlling them, to connect with the abundance, joy and purpose within. Shifts are happening within the world and we all have a role to play. This is mine. I am both scared and excited about what is to come next as I am very aware of the long road ahead to build Aromanosis into a thriving business of service and community which will always give more than it receives. With all this being said, I' love to invite you to follow my new Instagram account where you can be a part of this new community and where I am committed to teaching and sharing resources to help you on your journey to awareness, connection and self actualization. https://www.instagram.com/aromanosis/ There are currently no posts, but I plan to kick it off next weekend and would love for you to be there to celebrate the evolution. #aromanosis #selflovejourney #selfawareness #selfactualization #personalinsight #mindfulness #personalgrowthpractices #personalgrowthjourney #selfawarenessjourney #meditation #essentialoilmeditation #beginwithin #healingjourney #healingfromwithin #journalinspiration #journalling
10.01.2022 I used to hate realists. I called them "dream crushers." . I was happy living in my dream state where I could do ALL the things, all the time. The problem with that? Rewind a couple of years ago and this was my expectation: . 3 children who require 50% of my time.... . A husband that would like 50% of my time - but probably only gets about 10%. . A business that required anywhere between 50% of my time (and more of my headspace). . Friends that required 10% of my time. . And then I had me.... And all my aspirations of being healthy, fit and wise... And perfect in every way (a full time job in and of itself) . The problem with all of this? It adds up to be way over 100%. It’s impossible to keep to these standards. . I had lofty dreams, but I just spun my wheels as I tried to give everyone and everything all I thought I had to give. . At some point we have to get real and prioritise what REALLY matters. . Decisions like letting go of the perfectly clean home were relatively easy to make. . The challnege was found when I felt everything in my life was a good thing... but that there were too many of them. . I was so busy doing a half job on so many things that I didn't enjoy any of them anymore.... And on top of that, my dreams were getting no closer. . I had to make tough decisions to let go of things I really enjoyed. . Eventually I put my big girl knickers on and made those difficult decisions to let a lot go and this 'realist attitude' enabled me to finally start walking towards those lofty goals of mine. See more
10.01.2022 Where do you rate self awareness on your personal importance scale? If it’s not up the top you are missing something. Or you are not understanding what self awareness is and why it is critical in life. . Without self awareness you are just a reaction machine... Reacting to other people's moods and behaviours...... Reacting to life’s highs... Reacting to life’s lows... Reacting to things outside of your control... Reacting when your creation isn’t what you expected... . What if you could choose how you react? . Or what if there were messages in your reactions, guiding you to a happier life. . But you are missing them because you are too busy with the reaction itself. . Self Awareness is NOT about being egotistical It is being aware of self. Being aware of the emotions and what they are saying Being aware of your body and what it is saying Being aware of your mind and what it is saying . We receive guidance all day every day, but most of us are so busy living our lives and reacting to what occurs that we can’t hear it and don’t even know to look for it. . In our Aromanosis Practice we learn to reconnect with ourselves, to improve our self awareness and thus make the pivots necessary at the right time to take us where we want to go. . We run monthly workshops online via Zoom and as a practice member you get: . Monthly Aromanosis ONLINE workshops (via Zoom) . Access to the previous month’s Aromanosis Workshop (in case you miss the LIVE) . Access to all previous supporting Aromanosis MP3 recordings for personal practice . Bite sized personal development, perfect for busy women wanting to implement self care and personal growth . It’s only $15 per month. . Why so cheap? Because I want it accessible for EVERYONE. . Self development is not a luxury item. It’s a necessity. You need it for you and you need it because when you are better, that rubs off onto those around you and if you are a Mum like me, then that is the most important thing in the world. . Check it out via the link in my bio or message me if you have questions. Xx See more
10.01.2022 Carrying grief is exhausting. It ripples into every corner or your life, turning brightness into shades of grey despair. Grief is a burden we all shoulder where time does not heal and a postive attitude cannot bury. And many of us do not even realise the load on our shoulders causing us to snap at our loved ones and reach for food, alcohol and other crutches to numb what can'tbe numbed.... Grief is not spoken about and because of this we don't even realise how it is preventing us from living the life we dream. My beautiful friend Victoria Volk (Author, Grief Recovery Specialist & Reiki Master) is joining me next week for a Grief Healing Aromanosis Experience. You can join us for FREE by joining my email list at www.michellemarsh.com.au/grief-healing-experience . You will also find the latest episode of Purpose Balance & Burnout here, where Victoria and I dig deep into this traditionally taboo subject.
10.01.2022 Our emotions are a wonderful guidance system and we can use them to know if something is right for us or not. One of my favourite sayings is, If it feels good, do it. And if it doesn’t, then don’t. On the other hand, when we have patterns in our subconscious minds that are not working for our benefit, more times than not, when we try to change these patterns, it does NOT feel good. And yet the change is what you desire. Think of someone wishing to quit smoking. When they f...irst stop they experience a range of ugly emotions and thoughts coming up, which is the brain trying to sabotage the person’s effort. Does this mean they should stop trying to quit? No, it is just a result of what is happening at a deeper level. Yes it is both true that sometimes our emotions are a good indicator as well as sometimes our emotional reaction is the opposite of what is good for us. So should we discount our emotions altogether when making decisions or is there still value to be found. There is immense value to be found, but first we must be able to tell the difference between intuition and fear and this can only be developed through a self awareness practice. Our next Aromanosis workshop delves into our emotions and we will be learning how to ‘tune’ our emotions so we can hear what they are saying more clearly. Choosing your Essential Oil... Similar to January's workshop, you want to choose an essential oil (or blend) that helps to clear away any false beliefs/mistruths and/or helps you to align with your higher self. For example, blends like Clarity, Egyptian Gold, Highest Potential and Awaken will all work well. Or create your own blend out of oils like Frankincense, Sandalwood, Kuranya, Jasmine and Eucalyptus. Please note that this workshop is exclusively for Aromanosis members only but if you haven't attended one before and would like to come as a guest, please PM me for the registration link. To learn more about our practice group, head to www.aromanosis.com.au/aromanosis-practice
08.01.2022 A cup of self love created just for me. . Rose for self love Peppermint for energy Ginseng for vitality ... Calendula for healing Ginger for warming Lemon for focus Ginko for stimulation . For those attending our Aromanosis Workshop on the 28th, you will get to experience this simple yet incredibly nurturing tea ritual for yourself. . . . . . . #teastraw #teablends #selfcareroutine #selfcareritual #rosetea #pepperminttea #ginseng #calendula #gingertea #lemon #makeyourowntea #diyherbaltea #herbaltea #selfloveritual #healingteablend #healingtea #herbuses #medicinalplants #nurtureyourself #plantmedicine See more
07.01.2022 What does it mean to be a heart with ears for yourself? This is one of the questions we pondered last night before writing ourselves a letter from Grief to ourselves..... Safe to say illumination happened for a few of us (myself included). I know some people want to go through the journalling activities and Healing Experience again (or missed the LIVE) so I wanted to let you know that you can access the workshop if you are an Aromanosis Practice Member (as well as Last month'...s workshop, 'Releasing Limiting Beliefs.') And as an Aromanosis member you will also gain access to to all the LIVE monthly workshops as they come up. Our next workshop is on the Balance of Time and in this workshop we will be looking at all the demands we face in life and how we can find balance in amongst the chaos of it all. If you aren't an Aromaonsis member yet you can find more information and the link to join at https://michellemarsh.com.au/aromanosis-practice/ (It's only $15/month :>). See more
04.01.2022 Can you struggle with joy? Or do we even need to struggle? Is a quick fix OK to use or does it miss the point? . Perhaps when looking at a quick fix we should consider the goal. Is the end goal really what we want or is it the learning from the process on the way towards the goal what we truly desire? .... You may instantly think, ‘nope, it’s definitely the goal!’.... But consider this: Some people exercise because they want to look good. Other people exercise because they want to improve certain abilities. . The latter category, can’t just jump to the end because it’s the process that is the point. . Even if somehow we woke up tomorrow with XYZ skill we would not know how to use it effectively. There would still need to be a period of learning and practicing. . And as for the first category, it is worth delving deeper into WHY they want to look good. . Quite often on a ‘weight loss journey’ we discover there is a lot more to unravel and discover about ourselves that ends up being much more valuable than the end goal of ‘looking good.’ . Therefore, if we avoid the process (the struggle), we miss that which is of the highest value to us. . The journey to any goal is often full of struggle, so this brings us to the next question of ‘is it possible to enjoy the struggle?’ . If the experience of joy in struggle is foreign to you then you will be pleased to know that absolutely you can achieve this state. . And this ability is often what separates those who seek out learning opportunities and those who look for short-cuts for fear of emotional, physical or spiritual pain. . . . . . . #strugglewithin #strugglewithjoy #lifehacks #lifehacker #lifecoachingtips #perthblogger #perthmeditation #aromanosis #deepthoughts #doitfortheprocess #processoverproduct See more
04.01.2022 What is balance truly? And how do we obtain it? Is it a perfect state of being, where nothing ever goes wrong? . I don’t think it is. When I think of balance, I think of it as a rhythm or cycle, where we are in a constant state of change. In my mind, I have an image of a pendulum swinging left and right. In one direction is activity and creativity (let’s say its the right side) and on the other is rest and introspection (and we will say this is the left). . As the pendulum s...wings to the right, at the peak, just before it starts to descend again is a moment of weightlessness. It is effortless at that moment to be in that energy. On the right, everything is firing, adrenaline is pumping, action and creativity are happening and it feels really good. . Now at the apex of the left side, it too has a moment of weightlessness where it is effortless and bliss to stay in the energy of rest and introspection. . They both feel good. Because they are BOTH good for us. BUT there is only a moment of weightlessness before the momentum shifts to going back in the other direction. If we choose to stay at the apex of the left or right, it will take effort and energy to hold yourself there, resulting in a negative outcome. . For example, if we stay too long in the energy of the right side (action and creativity), we become overstimulated and unable to create anything of quality, eventually leading to hyper-emotional states like anxiety. And if we stay in the energy of the left side (rest and introspection) we can become lazy and detached and our mood can drop into feelings of hopelessness and depression. . So while it is extremely tempting to stay on one end or the other, the pendulum is always seeking balance and if we flow with it, we will find a balance of activity and rest that works well for us. (Because everyone has a different balance of how much rest vs activity they require). . My point in giving you this analogy, is so you can give yourself a break from chasing that perfect ideal. If you feel like you are forever adjusting your course in an attempt to energise yourself through activity and then pulling back for rest, then you are most likely doing a really good job. See more
02.01.2022 Tension has been rising in me for a few weeks... And I've been stuffing it down. . Today, when I was telling Steve I was ready to pop my internal dialogue stopped and my brain said, "You bloody fool Michelle. You advocate Stress Away for a living and are studying art therapy... why don't you practice what you preach?!" . So I listened to my inner (albeit slightly rude) wisdom and popped the diffuser on and cranked out some new paints. ... . I expected an angry mess to appear but instead these delightful sunflowers came out to brighten my day. . 2 hours later, I feel like a different woman. . What's your go-to stress relief? . . . . . . . . . . #arttherapy #creativetherapy #creativenow #artistsoninstagram #sunflowers #paintingart #palletteknifepainting #palletknife #stressaway #justbreathe #relaxationtime #anxietyrelief #stressrelief #stressrelieftherapy #essentialoilswork #creativity #processart See more
01.01.2022 Four more sleeps till our Healing Experience workshop! If you are on my mail list you will have received an email from me today with the link so you can access the workshop for FREE! For those of you who are not on my list - Don't worry, I am sending it again on Monday so head over to www.michellemarsh.com.au/grief-healing-experience now so you don't miss out!
01.01.2022 13 is a beautiful number. The 1 and the 3 represent creation and creativity and when you add them together you get the sensible, grounded number 4. What better combo for a semblance of balance? . This Friday is the 13th and I know some people have superstitions about this day, but when I tune in I feel an energy that is inviting change and growth It is an opportunity for expansion on a personal level... . But as with all invitations, you have to accept it, otherwise it will ...just pass you by. . With this creative change energy floating in the air, we want to extend an invitation of our own for you to join our Aromanosis Practice Group. . Our next monthly workshop (The Value of You) is on the 18th November. This online workshop is exclusively for Aromanosis Members only. . We would love you to join us and if you enter the code FRIDAY13 you will receive 40% off the membership cost! . This offer is valid until Sunday evening (AWST). Feel free to flick me a message if you have any questions. . . . . . . #blackfridaysale #blackfriday #number13 #discountcode #personalgrowth #perthworkshop #perthmeditation #selflovejourney #journalingperth #perthmeditation #perthpersonalgrowth #journalingworkshop #learntojournal #intuitivejournaling #journalingprompts #journalingprompt #journalingprocess #selfawarenessjourney #selfawarenesspractice #selfhealingjourney #selfhealingpower #selflovejourney #personalinsight #gowithin See more