Happy 'N' Healthy Kidz FDC in Hillarys, Western Australia, Australia | Childcare service
Happy 'N' Healthy Kidz FDC
Locality: Hillarys, Western Australia, Australia
Phone: +61 404 099 691
Address: Cook Avenue, 6025 Hillarys, WA, Australia
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24.01.2022 We spent the day at Yanchep National park. I am developing an appreciation of nature within the children, to instil this appreciation I aim to engage the children in repeated and varied opportunities. This requires to experience, explore and process information to get beyond the surface level. Today we spent 5 hours at the park. We were unschooling taking a moment to enjoy nature and explore the abilities of our minds and bodies. As an educator it is always a beautiful mo...ment when unschooling, having zero programmed mathematics or language completely child-led when the children show you their capabilities and learning. Luka wrote his name in the dirt and Ruby spoke about the weight of sticks and stones. We learnt about kindness and compassion by being gentle with bugs and silk cocoons. We ensured after our BBQ there was no trace of garbage left behind. I watched the childrens faces light with joy as they found tree beetles, as they balanced with pride, whilst they played imaginary games amongst all age groups. Today we slowed down and enjoyed the winter sun. Today I didnt feel like I was working. I felt as if I was spending the day with my family. See more
24.01.2022 The children spent the day smelling the scents of fresh rain on the grass and trees. Splashing in the mud and enjoying every moment of being a child
24.01.2022 Unstructured Nature Play What an absolutely beautiful day for being outside, in nature experiencing what mother nature has created for us. Perths secret garden is a truly magical place that invites our imagination. ... Luka was determined today to further progress his climbing skills, ensuring he felt safe. Watching him climb up the trunk getting to the highest point before turning around to put his feet first. Hannah: "Luka How come you turned around?" Luka: Because it is safer. Pearl shown development with her walking. Having great persistence and confidence today as she walked to her friends, investigated the mud on the ground and sitting at the bottom of an entrance to a tunnel pointing to go in, looking and observing at all the leaves around her. The children showed great persistence and problem solving skills today climbing, running, jumping and navigating the branches as well as the muddy puddles. Solving each problem as it arose from where to step without falling into the mud, which way around is the safest and even the safest branch to climb. Unfortunately we lost a gumboot when Luka decided to jump into a deep muddy puddle. I tried to find it but it was so deep I couldnt get it out Although it scared him he continued to play and explorer. Later I asked the children Me: "What is it that you are proud of today?" Luka: Falling in the mud and making my friends laugh. Today a long piece of bamboo became a wand to stir up the river. As an educator, today I ensured I took a step back allowed the children to investigate their play and lead the way. We did not take any resources or treasure hunts. Today was completely unstructured. I enjoyed watching how the children problem solved, worked together, and moved their bodies in the Squelchy mud
23.01.2022 We are so lucky that we got to see him on Wednesday. RIP, he will be missed
23.01.2022 Today we were reunited with Meg from Nutmegz!! As we took part in music and movement class in the park Children naturally enjoy music, they can have fun, be creative and dance around burning off that energy. As we participated in a larger group today the children could refine those ever growing social skills as they worked as a team and sharing the recources. ... We began by saying hello to Uni and singing the hello song. Then we moved on to making sure we had all of our body parts so we could sing and dance to the hokey pokey. -developing those large motor skills We were given 2 egg shakers each and we matched their colours to those on the huge parachute we were sitting on. Then we used the eggs to dance with. We shook them up high, low, to the left, to the right, round and round & to the beat. -improving coordination and balance and even our small motor skills. We then moved on to dancing under the parachute and relaxing on the ground as it floated above. -Body regulation as the children gathered their breaths and relaxed. To finish off, Meg brought out a BUBBLE MACHINE!!! You can see the joy in their faces as their morning with Meg ended. Sshhh, the children have no idea how much they LEARN when learning is fun and motivating. Music and movement classes have shown to improve childrens memory, cognitive development, and are a multi sensory experience that engages many different regions of the brain all at once for a whole child approach to learning. Its added benefits include listening, looking and moving, skills that will be required as the move on to further schooling years. Nutmegz Mumfis Munchkins Family Day Care
23.01.2022 There is no such thing as bad weather just bad clothing" - Part of my philosophy that was embedded today. We all had our rain jackets and wellies on aka Galoshes (New word of the day) ready to explore and adventure through Star Swamp. We jumped, sang, danced and played in the big muddy puddles. ... "Dance, dance, dance in muddy puddles Splish, splash, splosh, splish, splash Dance, dance, dance in muddy puddles Splish, splash, splosh, splish, splash With a big splash here, and a big splash there Here a splash, there a splash Everywhere a splish, splash! Dance, dance, dance in muddy puddles Splish, splash, splosh, splish, splash" We are discovered that if we let petals go in the puddle the wind would move them around. We tested our knowledge of what floats and what sinks. We made fairy boats out of paperbark and found new ways to come down a muddy slope. There is always so much to learn and discover in #alwayslearning #natureplay #natureplaywa #learninginnature #learningthroughplay #familydaycare #familydaycareaustralia #fdcaustralia #multiageclassroom
22.01.2022 Today wasnt a very nice day to go to the zoo. Instead I decided to set up a small light provocvation. The children liked exploring light, shadows and reflection. Today is a mixed age range of 4,3,2 and 1. Each of them found something to explore. Questions we pondered on:... Why are there so many colours? Can you change a colour of an object through light? Why can we see the light on the wall with the block facing this way but not this way? Master L: Becuase the light cant get through there. We even re told the 3 little pigs story using the blocks, magnets and cubes. Making houses, and even a big bad wolf. Next time we will get the light table out and create a dark room.
22.01.2022 What an wonderful idea.
21.01.2022 Penguin Awarness Day No better place to learn about Penguins then Penguin Island. We learnt that the penguins in Perth are the smallest of all the penguins and known as Little penguins, Fairy penguins or blue Penguins. We found penguins, pelicans, Turns, Lizzards, and fish. Compared bones from the touch and feel area with our own bones hypothesising which bones they could be from. ... We saw the birds in their nests and in flocks. We explored the island keeping to the boardwalk to conserve the wildlife and keeping them safe. We cooled off with a swim before having a picnic lunch with Sam and Tracey their FDC crews and even a Lizzard who wanted some watermelon juice decided to join us. A big thank too to Rubys mum and grandma for coming along and sharing this experience with us but also being an extra set of hands and eyes. I am very greatful. Such a fabulous day.
21.01.2022 We are independent, We are capable, We are strong. This is the children's favourite activity at the beach. They scale the rocks from bottom to top, then top to bottom .... You can see how much concentration it takes as they figure out where to put their feet and hands to keep them selves safe and to keep moving foawrd. Their dedication to get to the top is amazing to watch, the pride on their faces as they each successfully finish and the encouragement from one another is truely heart warming. 'You can do it Sophie' 'Put your hand there and your foot there, that's it' 'You got it' These are just some of the words of encouragement and affirmations the children gave one another. #familydaycare #reggioemiliaapproach #naturallearning #beachdays #capablelearners #natureplay #natureplaywa #naturealliance
20.01.2022 We changed our nutmegz session from Wednesday to Thursday this week. Today saw the children engaging their imaginations through simple instructions from Meg. They were completely immersed for more than 20 minutes before we began moving our whole bodies. Meg also began todays session with a get to know you game.... Each child had the opportunity to say their name, their age and their favourite food! What a fun way to get to know each other The children enjoyed bouncing the shakers on lycra, and being sleepy bunnies even our littlest 15month old was engaged and joined in on the fun, following the lead of the older children. These sesssions are always so engaging and full of opportunities to gain skills which will be needed when heading off to school and well, in general life really too! Today some of these opportunities includee Patience Turn taking Listening to and following instructions Rhythm Spatial Awareness Not forgetting to mention the incredible learning that unfolds and helps to develop the childrens cognitive skills and of course their fine and gross motor development. So much fun ans unsuspecting learning and development packed into an amazingly session. Thank you again Meg, we cant wait to see you next time!
20.01.2022 This week is all about MUD, glorious mud. Today we went out into nature as the sun was shining and went on a hunt for muddy puddles. We found an old favourite that we have been waiting to appear for a few weeks now. Its a big puddle that is gooey, sticky and makes the best splashes We sang and danced in the puddle ... "Jumping up and down in muddy puddles Splish, splash, splosh, splish, splash Jumping up and down in muddy puddles Splish, splash, splosh, splish, splash" We made mud pies and soup, the children practised mark making and writing their names. Climbed and hid and played dinosaur games. Playing in mud inspires the children to practice social skills such as cooperation, negotiation, communication, and sharing Math and science skills are practiced as children make before and after comparisons, solve problems, and measure and count ingredients for their mud pies. This is the scientific process in action! A connection to nature and develop an appreciation for the environment The open-ended nature of mud encourages creative thinking and allows children to freely create without fear of making mistakes. This also contributes to a childs sense of self. The greatest benefit of mud play are the memories being created.
19.01.2022 The morning began with Aussie finding a crate of limestone rocks. They lined them up, Aussie prodceeded to have a great idea to transport them to the wooden stumps to make a house for the millapeeds. The children worked together and listened to one another, worked cooperatively and ensured everyone stayed safe. After stopping for some morning tea we read the story of Tiddalick and spoke about the moral of the story before we dived into whittling sticks. The children strippe...d bark off their stick noticing that some wood/sticks are easier to whittle then others. 'See how smooth my stick is' 'Im doing it Hannah' We then used these sticks as our pencils for mark making. Sam and I showed the children the aboriginal symbols and asked if they could use their new wood pencils to draw aboriginal markings in the soil. Viv: 'Look I've made a rainbow' Luka 'Hannah come see my star' Whilst eating our lunch we listened to dreaming stories, aboriginal music and were visited by a friendly 28parrot. The children danced to the music. At the end Jude said 'I enjoyed spending the morning with you' What the children developed today: learned knife skills, which are important life skills in general. relaxed despite being challenged Concentration Children assessed and managed risk by keeping themselves and others safe. Their natural curiosity was channelled into something useful. Fostered independence. We helped them to become more capable as well as assess risks. Improved coordination.
19.01.2022 Today we organised for Meg from @Nutmegz to come and do a educational incursion to learn all about the fruits and vegetables of the rainbow, and how important they are for the healthy development of our minds and bodies. Meg was able to keep the children engaged for the entire hour with songs and games. We are so excited for our next visit.
18.01.2022 Connecting with our minds, bodies and nature. Yoga under the trees this morning. #familydaycareaustralia #familydaycare #naturealliancefdc #natureplaywa #yoga #perthisok #earlychildhoodeducation #fdca Little yoga gems
17.01.2022 Today we immersed ourselves within the sand and the water, we smelt the sweet scents of the salty air. We spent time becoming mermaids and mermans and magically transforming into little humans again. We built sandcastles and searched for crabs.. We discovered that we can climb the rocks, we just have to believe in our selves and that our bodies are capable. We became confident and persistent explorers whilst enjoying the beautiful weather.
15.01.2022 We spent all day on Thursday among the trees. Adventuring and exploring, being trolls under a bridge, spending time with some feathered friends whilst sausage sizzling and enjoying every moment of our childhood #outdooreducation #naturallearning #fdc #fdca
14.01.2022 Family Day Care beautifully explained.
14.01.2022 We are working on a new play space for daycare. After we had pulled a few of our weeds out (with the help of an amazing parent) we discovered this little dude. We may have unkowingly demolished his home. However there was so much excitement and spontaneous learning when we found him. Hannah: Why must we put him back in the garden? ... L: Because the animals might eat him Hannah: What animals could harm the frog L: A hawk We learnt about what eat frogs for dinner, what frogs eat, and where they live. We are hoping to find out what species he is to see if we can further research him and how to encourage more into our garden We found other super cool creatures including snails, millipedes, skinks, worms and even a centepede and a termite! Who knew such a neglected small garden could create so much curiosity.
14.01.2022 Maggie Dent has just posted about Multi Age groups. A very good summary on what I wrote about multi-age groups yesterday.
14.01.2022 Today we headed off to the park enjoying some sunshine. Worked on our balancing skills, drawing skills and jumping skills. Miss M sat on the ground with a stick in her hand. Hanah: What are you doing with the stick? M: Im drawing, Im drawing a girl. ... Miss M expressed her creativity whilst enhancing her fine motor skills We explored light, identity, patterns and textures through this great little idea. The children described their natural top, dress and wings. What was their favourite dress and why. Brn of the Forest Learning Provocation Station #natureplay #meaningfulplay
13.01.2022 This week we are discussing changes of state. Children learn about types of solids, liquids and how temperature affect substances in different states and how matter changes state. We used candles with our experiment, the heat from the flame melts the wax, we discussed that this is a reversible change as the wax then becomes a solid again. We used the liquid wax as glue, a stamp and we watched it run until it cooled enough to stop running. It was fun to watch the c...andle and watch the wax drip. We talked about how the wax was changing before our very eyes from a solid to a liquid. The children were captivated by the activity as it ignited their curiosity by the hands on learning journey and the discovery of melting and solidifying of the wax. We enjoyed learning about practical scientific concepts To extend the childrens learning, and curiosity we will explore if any other resources will melt like the candle wax (Beeswax and Crayons), we will explore other reversible changes such as ice and irreversible changes by making a bicarbonate of soda volcano, and baking a cake. I hope this interest and curiosity flows into our nature curriculum and the children become interested in changes that occur in our gardens and nature such as a seed to a flower, a caterpillar to a butterfly.
11.01.2022 Descriptions in photos
11.01.2022 Although there is currently so much negativity surrounding adults around the world at the moment. We are all trying so hard to ensure we are not passing these emotions and anxieties onto our most vulnerable little people. A day making memories, sleeping and resting under the trees, watching the koalas, kangaroos, kookaburras, cockatoos, and ducks. Adventuring into the bush climbing over logs, jumping off rocks, and finding hidden treasures will ensure that their childhood... remains positive and full of experiences. I am not one to normally brag, however I have the best job in the world. Down at Yanchep sleeping amongst the gum trees. Totally peaceful
10.01.2022 We've been to the zoo recently and the map was a huge interest to all the children. I have put out our animals, created a zoo and added a map of Perths zoo. Maya and Sophie picked up the animals and then search for them on the map. ... They were excited when they found them. See more
09.01.2022 If you havent voted for your Family Daycare educator, coordinator or service you still have time
08.01.2022 Lets talk multi-age classrooms There are many benefits of multi age preschool classrooms. It builds confidence in younger children, enhanced language and behavioural skills whilst maximising intellectual potential. Older children benefit gained leadership qualities by mentoring younger children building responsibility and empathy, alongside becoming independent and proactive to opportunities. ... Multiple age group establishes a sense of uniqueness- On what they can do not what they cant do. It motivates children and helps to nourish their own strengths and abilities. Children become more cooperative rather then competitve, grows confidence and introduces new ways to develop and grow. Today I have a 1 year old, a 18 month old, a 2 year old and a 3 year old in class Its important to ensure that the classroom design and materials are intentional and inclusive for all age groups. This can be challenging as they are all at developmentally different levels. Ensuring I have enough materials and set ups to develop and extend all all childrens learning in a holistic manner ensures that their experience is joyful and vibrant. #multiageclassroom #fanilydaycare #fdcaustralia #hollistlearning #learningthroughplay #childcare
08.01.2022 Adding simple materials for a nature walk Today Sam from Mumfis Munchkins and I decided we would make the most of the beautiful winter weather and take the children out for a nature walk. I made some cardboard cut outs of vases for the children to fill with pieces of nature that was special to them. Hoping it would spark curiosity within the children. (It did!)... As I gave them out the children excitedly told us that they were going to put flowers and leaves in them. The children were immersed in the idea as we set off, stopping at the first bush of flowers and every bush we passed. The children described and observed the differences of each type of flower they came across. As we walked we stumbled across a track. One of the girls asked Can we go down here? I asked Is there enough space for the pram to fit? Yes then yes we can head down there. We are all so delighted that we did because we found a BEE HIVE. A remarkable find. A bee hive in a fallen tree trunk. The children sat in amazement as we watched and observed the bees busy at work. Ensuring we didnt threaten them or disturb them in anyway. The children continued to play in the area using their imagination and expanding their social skills as they harmoniously worked together to dig holes using their hands and sticks and found stones to use as treasure. Finding charcoal to mark and draw on other branches and trees. As we left Sam spotted at Kookaburra on a branch high in the trees. We observed this then all of a sudden we hear Miss L singing the lyrics to Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree. We also noticed the bivuak we made weeks ago was still standing and that other children must also be enjoying it as we could see others had added stones and a camp fire. We hope its still there when we go again. Today allowed for the children to develop: Imagination Creativity Fine motor and gross skills Verbal and non verbal skills Fostering the childrens natural curiosity Increasing theor knowledge and respect for natural environments Appreciation and care for living environments and so much more
07.01.2022 Today Mumfis Munchkins came over to enjoy the beautiful sunshine, the children participated in fruit and vegetable stamping. First I explained how to create the stamps and then allowed the children to create their own ideas and their own prints. We had discussions about the colours and the types of fruits and vegetables that they could see. This experience fosters colour recognition, the different types of fruits and vegetables and extends on the previous discussions about... healthy eating and making healthy choices at local shops. The children enjoy the freedom of being able to source their own learning and for it to be intrinsic, one of the moments that stood out to us today was when Willa asked why I had the whiteboard markers next to the window. I explained it was there for them to draw on, I explained the boundaries and let them play. During their play Willa and Luka decided to see who was the tallest and measured themselves to find the answer. They enjoyed being able to test their bodies and see how far they could jump, ensuring that themselves and those around them were staying safe.
06.01.2022 We are fishing off our boat today. Hannah Ive got a huge Salmon Ive catchded a big big shark Ive caught a red fin. ... Weve spoken about catch and release if the fish are to small we must allow them to grow before we can take them out of the oceans, we spoke about why this is important and the impacts this can have on our oceans. Weve had a barbeque to cook up all our catch of the day and we thought all of the fish were delslcious Im thinking it might be best to have some tuna for afternoon tea today. Outcome 1- Children have a strong sense of identity we explore different points of view in dramatic play and share different aspects of culture. Outcome 2- Children are connected with and contribute to their world.
05.01.2022 Please, if you are in agreement that the new childcare package is undervaluing our Educators, could you take a moment to sign the petition. Thank you https://www.change.org/p/scott-morrison-change-the-ecec-rel
03.01.2022 Leaves and Bark This morning we had a slow start with the children not wanting to leave but to play outside in the garden. After morning tea we headed off to the park to collect some bark, leaves and for some time exploring nature. L, J and M all enjoyed balancing along the logs and walls. M spent alot of time climbing the rocks. We found different types of barks some were rough others were bumpy and smooth We spoke about inner and outer bark as the trees had diff...erent types of barks on them and on the ground. L found a nature slid and before long all three children were lining up and taking turns to go down the slide. L asked J "could you please give L a push" "Thanks" It was Js turn "L you push me" L "Use your manners" J "Please" "Thank you" Please and Thank yous were then used every single time it was required. Once we arrived home we began exploring textures by painting on the different bark surfaces. We discussed how the surface felt to paint on and how it was different to painting on paper. We made nature paint to use. To make coral red we used tumeric, baking soda and water and microwaved for 30 seconds. To make dark blue we used frozen blueberries and water. Microwaved for 30 seconds. To make orange/yellow we used tumeric and water. Microwaved for 30 seconds. I have now set up a exploration area to identify bark, and leaves. I hope to be able to add to it with different leaves and different types of park over the coming days. We plan to use the painted bark as fairy houses to end the process, allow other children in days to be able to paint some park as well
03.01.2022 This is 100% how I do it too. I know the educators I work closely with also implement this type of behaviour with their children. It works so well with the children and I love seeing them develop empathy and being pro-active in helping their hurt friends as a result of it. It’s also amazing to witness how secure they feel in their play when they know they have ownership of their materials (aren’t forced to share) and how much conflict is avoided once they learn the skills for asking for the materials once their friend is finished (I also encourage their friend to go and inform the person waiting for a turn once they’re finished with the materials). Sometimes, rarely we have to implement a timer to remind our friends that others also need to use the recourses. The socio-emotional progress they display is truly wonderful to observe.
03.01.2022 Today we headed off to naturescape playground for some quality outside adventure. When we arrived we saw a sign saying Have a go this became our new motto for the day. We had a go at making the little houses for the resident fairies at dragon fly corner. Each of the children couldnt wait to begin. Luka found a few sticks to make a teepee to start the house, one of his sticks had a very special V so the other sticks could lean onto it and that stick would hold the others ...up There were so may homes for the fairies even a tunnel and bridge. We cant wait to go back to see how their community is going. As we walked to our new adventure the children discovered a tall tower to climb. HAVE A GO I certainly was a little nervous going up myself, however each of the children showed great confidence climbing up and coming down. Allowing the children with opportunity to climb these tall towers allowed the children to self risk assess believing in them as they took these risks and allowing them to say if they are safe or not. Climbing the tower engaged and challenged the children and supported their growth learning and development. (Dont worry I will always eliminate the bad risks if children was to asses it as safe) We climbed and balanced along the logs including jumping from one stump to another. The children carefully tested the affordances of the log spanning across the creek to get to another platform. As they face their challenge they calculated the risk of crossing to the other side, also honoring their psycomotor balancing skills. Some of the children chose to go across on their bottoms as others had the confidence to walk straight away and others decided they will practice walking across gaining confidence each time. What an adventures day. Botanical kings park Nature Alliance Family Daycare Service #1000hrsoutdoors #natureplay
02.01.2022 Every Friday we attend Monkey Sports where the children develop gross motor skills and learn the basic skills of different sports. So far we have learnt Kicking (soccer) ... Underarm throw We went on a bear hunt (book week) Hitting and hand eye coordination Football throws/hand passes The children are loving it and I have heard many times Are we going to Monkey Sports today?" They listen and follow instructions really well. I have found this a great introduction for instructional learning for the children that are off to pre-kindy and kindy next year. Their confidence, and skills are growing and they all make me proud to be their educator every single week.
01.01.2022 Mixed age groups? At a founding Curiosity approach settings we offer an open plan & mixed age group nursery. 36 children from 0-4 It’s amazing to watch as... older children support & engage with babies. As babies watch an observe their more capable peers Together they play, engage & learn together x Maria Montessori believed in mixed age groups she felt that through Observation: Younger children learn by watching older children as well as adults. In a mixed-age classroom, older children who are completing challenging lessons are an example to the younger children; they show what is possible. We appreciate it is not feasible for all settings, to offer mixed ages, however we celebrate the mixed age groups of childminders who offer a family type set up with a variety of ages playing & learning together. Let’s consider. ... We ourselves as adults understand what it’s like to start a new job, to move to a new place, with new faces & a new environment to get used to. It’s unsettling, nerve wracking & it’s hard ! Let’s consider the impact of moving children from room to room, changing key persons every year can add unnecessary upset & challenges for young children, especially in these Early years where they are developing self regulation skills ? It can be unsettling to transition to another room, new faces & a new environment to negotiate & settle back in to. Could we as Early Years nurseries, do more to provide family style set ups? Or perhaps ? The adults move with the child ? Children who stay with a specific Key workers from the beginning to the end of their time at nursery? as in Waldorf Education ) Imagine Challenging but not impossible? A Change of mindset ! Working in a mixed age environment is a wondrous experience for all children & staff. Opportunities for sustained shared thinking, empathy & relationships A cohesive family unit. At The Curiosity Approach we talk about being an extension of home instead of a watered down version of school. What better way than allowing mixed age children to stay and/ or play together Something to consider ? Something to reflect on ? We all have different Early Years settings & it’s impossible to do everything, but we CAN do something. Look to our ‘ Childminding’ colleagues to inspire us They work SOLO & manage mixed age groups. Therefore isn’t it feasible & possible for nurseries to do the same ? Look to the images below. A Curiosity Approach setting with mixed age groups. How Amazing is this * Perhaps mixed age groups is NOT for you - & that’s OK . Then consider HOW to make transitions seamless and easier for children! Remember we Can’t do ‘everything’ but we CAN do something #montessori #mixedagegroup
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