Happy Paws Haven Inc in Eatonsville, New South Wales, Australia | Non-profit organisation
Happy Paws Haven Inc
Locality: Eatonsville, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 2 6644 9936
Address: 140 Tindal Road 2460 Eatonsville, NSW, Australia
Website: http://www.happypawshaven.com.au/
Likes: 15345
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25.01.2022 We desperately need your help! We have recently had a large number of domestic pets surrendered due to Covid. We currently have 55 pets on site to care for. This takes, a lot of time thanks to our selfless volunteers & money. We run entirely on donations and we are desperately needing more funds to continue giving them the treatment they deserve. Can you spare a few dollars? Any amount would be greatly appreciated. #donationsneeded #WeLovePuppies #myclarencevalley #welovecats #charity
22.01.2022 I am Vinnie and my big smile is just part of my loving, playful, affectionate personality. I love humans and get along very well with other dogs. Right now I share my kennel and run area with Dee, another greyhound. My brother Kevin is now lounging about in the home yard. The three is us would make great companions for any age group.... we are just that kind of really versatile dog! And, anyway, everybody knows that greyhounds make great pets. Go on, take the next step!!R 251000043 #happypawshaven # myclarencevalley #greyhoundsaregreat #greyhoundsofinstagram #adoptagreyhound #rescueagreyhound. #adoptadog #welovedogs #adoptdontshop #welovegreyhounds
21.01.2022 These two guys took a half second breather to have a quick photo taken. From the moment they are let out of their shared kennel it is non stop play, run, shadow box, chase, tease. Then they give each other a mutual reprieve before starting all over again. Cleaning their kennel and their yard means you need to have eyes in the back of your head, because they particularly enjoy playing piggy in the middle, with their carer in the middle! Rocco is about 14 months old, a Lab/ke...lpie/Staffy cross and, once upon a time was a shy young man. Now he is simply a dog who loves humans and other dogs. His mate Mitchos is about 9 months old, a Kelpie/cattle/ridgeback cross. He too loves humans and is very smart and very active. Both dogs would make great family pets for an active family and interactive familyR251000043 #happypawshaven #myclarencevalley #rescuedogsofinstagram #adoptdontshop #rescueismyfavouritebreed #adoptadog #shelterdogs #welovedogs See more
21.01.2022 Over the past week we have had a number of happy ADOPTIONS!!!!!! This is Josh and his new pup Brewster. Josh volunteers at HPH and started with us recently after he adopted a kitten called Sander. Lucky Sander, lucky Brewster, lucky Josh and lucky HPH!!!!!! Our other adoptions are Harley, Rocco and Bryanne. The folk who adopted Harley came to HPH looking for a little dog and... away went Harley. Often , before we even get a chance to advertise, a dog can find a home be...cause the right person turns up. Rocco , on the other hand , has been on Instagram and our website and many people have enquired about him . His new owners were prepared to drive from Victoria, met our criteria, reckoned Rocco was the one for them and went out the gates with their new pet! Lastly, little Bryanne. If you like gingers you couldn’t go past this one... and her new owners didn’t! So thank you all for adopting a rescue animal. And keep in touch as we love to hear how our animals are settling in and becoming part of your lives.#happypawshaven #myclarencevalley #adoptdontshop #adoptarescuedog #adoptarescuecat #adoptarescuekitten #rescueanimalsofinstagram #welovedogs #welovecats See more
20.01.2022 I am Toby and I am an 8-9 yr old Siberian Husky. When I first came to HPH I was in a pretty bad way and I was so sore all over. But I could feel how much everyone loved me and just knew that everything was going to be OK. It has taken a while and a bit of surgery but now I am a new boy. I run like I never knew I could, you can see my smile,and I just love my carers. I would love a home of my own where the people would care for me, take me on walks, play with me and make me feel special like they do here at HPH. Please consider me..... TobyR251000043 #happypawshaven #myclarencevalley #siberianhusky #adoptdontshop #adoptadog #rescuedogsofinstagram #shelterdogs #rescueismyfavouritebreed #welovedogs
20.01.2022 When you adopt an animal there is paperwork required under NSW law. Much is filled out here but you will be guided on what you should do at your local government office once you take your new pet home. Just as important to us here at HPH is ascertaining that you are the right person and that you are getting the right animal. For example if you are wanting to adopt a young dog , do you have a secure yard? If you are an older person , will the tiny dog that appeals to you be a ...potential trip hazard? Or that very big dog and your very small child? We are very keen for all our beautiful animals to have a happy home but we need to make as sure as we can that it is a GREAT match. So please think about your circumstances. We are here to help. R251000043#happypawshaven # myclarencevalley #adoptdontshop #welovedogs #welovecats #rescuepetsofinstagram #rescuedogs #rescuecatsofinstagram #rescueismyfavouritebreed See more
19.01.2022 It is Friday the 13th and it could just be the luckiest day of your life. Here at HPH we have lovely older cats , junior cats and kittens, all black and beautiful.Check out our website for details or come and visit us. You are always very welcome. R251000043 #happypawshaven #myclarencevalley #blackcatsofinstagram #blackrescuecats #blackcatsarebeautiful #adoptacat #welovecats #adoptdontshop #exploreclarencevalley
18.01.2022 When I first met Boof he was stretched out full length on his back on top of the papers on the chattery. He was sooooo laid back even though he had only just come to HPH. Not surprisingly big beautiful Boof has been ADOPTEDThank you to his new family from all of us at HPH . #happypawshaven #myclarencevalley #bigcatsofinstagram #rescuecatsrock #adoptdontshop #welovecats #adoptacat #rescuecatsofinstagram
17.01.2022 Always needing volunteers here at HPH. Maybe you like cats and kittens or maybe you prefer puppies and dogs. They all need love and care. Or maybe you have maintenance skills... there is always plenty to do. Even a short amount of time would be highly appreciated, so please consider a volunteering role. Thanks from all at HPH#happypawshaven #myclarencevalley #volunteering #adoptapet #rescuedogsofinstagram #rescuecatsofinstagram #adoptdontshop #welobedogs #welovecats #rescueismyfavouritebreed
15.01.2022 Please help us find this dog
14.01.2022 Dash is a friendly affectionate little fellow of about 4 years old. He loves a cuddle, loves a game and thoroughly enjoys playing with the puppies in his pen. But he is scared of big dogs.Being a young Jack Russell cross Foxie , Dash will need a fully secured yard and, given his level of energy, it would be great for him to be adopted by an active family. He is waiting and ready for his new home.R251000043 #happypawshaven #myclarencevalley #jackrussellcross #adoptdontshop #jackrussellsofinstagram #welovejackrussells #adoptapet #cutedogs
14.01.2022 Hello. My name is Dillon and I am 9 months old.All my siblings have now been adopted and I am just waiting for my new home. I am a playful loving pup although probably the quietest of the lot. I get on well with all the dogs here at HPH and all the humans too. But now that my canine family has gone, I want a human family too. I am desexed, wormed, chipped, vaccinated and treated for all the normal parasites. So.... come on. Adopt me!!!!! R 251000043 #happypawshaven #myclarencevalley #happypuppyhappylife #exploreclarencevalley #adoptapup #adoptadog #rescuedogsofinstagram #welovedogs
13.01.2022 This little one came to HPH in very poor condition, along with 4 siblings. We were told that the pups were 8 weeks old , but their teeth suggested that they were much younger. And every hip and rib bone was showing. Despite their sad beginning they have responded quickly to good care and a loving environment. Now they are normal, healthy playful puppies and they are ready for their new homes.All are desexed, immunised, chipped and have been regularly treated for all the normal parasites . R251000043 #happypawshaven #myclarencevalley #adopdontshop #puppiesofinstagram #welovepups #adoptarescuepuppy #rescueismyfavouritebreed
13.01.2022 Our volunteers have to put up with a lot. A lot of cuddles, a lot of love, a lot of licks, a lot of adoration. If you are up to it, if you could cope, then join the volunteers at HPH. We need hands on volunteers for our dogs and puppies, people to walk our dogs, people to do some maintenance because puppies and dogs are pretty hard on... almost everything really. If you can’t volunteer , then maybe you could spare a dollar or two. Thank you in anticipation from all our animals and all of us.#happypawshaven #myclarencevalley#adoptdontshop #adoptapuppy #rescuepuppiesofinstagram #rescueismyfavouritebreed
12.01.2022 Scout came to us as a very skinny and hyperactive border collie cross. His owner had to move into town for work and no longer had the space and time for Scout. We changed his diet, put an adaptil collar on him to calm him down and gave him an active friend to play with. This has resulted in a nicely rounded calmer dog who is no longer anxious or shy of people and who loves to play. He would make a great active family dog especially if he also has another similar dog to play w...ith who is intelligent and of the opposite sex.Currently his best friend is a Belgian Shepherd Malinois. Scout is desexed microchipped and immunised, treated for all the normal parasites. He is looking for his new family953010001258614 #happypawshaven #myclarencevalley #bordercolliecross #adoptadog #rescuedogsofinstagram #adoptdontshop #rescueismyfavouritebreed #welovedogs #bordercolliecrossofinstagram See more
11.01.2022 This fine looking cat is Archie and he came to us with Milly. He is almost 4 years old and is a Norwegian Forest cat, soft to cuddle and affectionate. He enjoys people and will happily come up to you for a pat. Archie is ready for you to enter his lifeR251000043 #happypawshaven #myclarencevalley #adoptacat #rescuecatofinstagram #norwegianforestcat #rescuecatsrock #adoptdontshop #sheltercats #welovecats
11.01.2022 This little copper torti tabby is called Milly and she is about 10 months old. Apart from her gentle affectionate nature , she has a stunning coat of many colours! The more you look the more designs and colours you see. Milly came to HPH because her owner moved and couldn’t take her. So she is looking for her new home and is very ready to go, desexed, chipped, vaccinated , treated for parasites and vet checked.Gradually she is getting used to the other cats here but she would be very happy simply to be with you!!! R251000043 #happypawshaven #myclarencevalley #exploreclarencevalley #colouredcats #rescuecatsofinstagram #adoptdontshop #adoptacat #welovecats #sheltercats
10.01.2022 As you know , we love to hear how our HPH graduates are going. Do you remember Buddy? He was adopted about 3 months ago and he is obviously loving the life! Thank you for sharing with us R 251000043 #happypawshaven #myclarencevalley #adoptdontshop #adoptadog #rescuedogsofinstagram
10.01.2022 I am Merida and I was abandoned. Fortunately HPH took me in and cared for me. I am gentle, affectionate and sometimes shy, not being pushy when visitors arrive. I get on well with all my feline friends here in the battery but do love to be stroked by my carers. I think I would make a great companion for someone who wants an older quiet friend in their life. I am ready for my new home, everything being done ie I am desexed, , wormed ,chipped , vaccinated and treated for all the common parasites. So lease consider me 943094320411143 #happypawshaven #myclarencevalley #exploreclarencevalley #welovecats #rescuecatsrock #olderrescuecats #adoptacat #adoptdontshop #rescuecatsofinstagram
10.01.2022 Are you looking for a puppy? These are just SOME of our little ones now ready for adoption. They are desexed, vaccinated, chipped, treated for common parasites, vet checked and...... full of cheek!!!!! You are most welcome to visit us at HPH and check out all of them. If you are considering adopting a dog, particularly a puppy, please give some consideration to your own situation eg do you have a secure yard, do you have the time and energy for raising a lively puppy, if ...renting, does your landlord allow pets, if you work, how will your puppy fill in its day, if you are an older person will a puppy become a trip hazard???? Our aim here at HPH is to make sure, as far as we can, that the right home is found for the right dog. Then everyone is happy R 251000043 #happypawshaven #myclarencevalley #adoptdontshop #adoptapuppy #rescuepuppiesofinstagram See more
10.01.2022 Rescue dogs can be adopted by ANYONE , even Mr Biden!! Here at HPH, a no kill shelter , we have all sorts of dogs waiting for a new family and a new life. Please consider adopting a rescue dog when you next want to welcome an animal into your home. #happypawshaven #myclarencevalley #rescuedogsrock #rescuedogsofinstagram #adoptdontshop
07.01.2022 This is a GOOD story. Not long ago, Deepak, one of 8 puppies who arrived here at HPH in exceedingly poor condition, was adopted. That left only Dillon. However, his new home was just around the corner. Deepak’s new family noticed that , once he settled in with them, there was still something lacking in his life. At HPH he had plenty of siblings, plenty of friends. So his wonderful family felt that his life would be whole with a companion dog. And what better mate than his brother. When they saw each other they were over the moon. So now both boys have each other and an absolutely fabulous family. What incredibly caring people. Thank you so much from all of us here at HPH#happypawshaven #myclarencevalley #adoptdontshop #welovedogs #rescuedogsofinstagram #rescuedogsrock
06.01.2022 Chika came to us with the name Gloom, but she was not a gloomy cat all. Cheeky, vocal, affectionate, demanding , oriental looking but not GLOOMY ! So, we changed her name to something that means feminine , oriental , young petite flower, the Japanese given name of Chika. This suits her beautifully as that is exactly what she is! Like all our wonderful cats here she is looking for love and s is immunised, micro chipped,de-sexed, and regularly treated for worms and fleas 991003000593878 #happypawshaven #myclarencevalley #rescuecatsrock #welovecats #rescuecatsofinstagram #adoptacat #adoptdontshop
05.01.2022 Gorgie is Loving life!!! He is a surprisingly good dog!!! Loves chewing things that he shouldn't . But he is learning beautifully. Thanks again Sally , he is loved so much by the family.
03.01.2022 Edwin is an extremely affectionate 6 month old . So affectionate that it has taken an inordinate amount of time to get these pics. Edwin likes to be next ( as in very very close) to the photographer rather than in front of the camera! If you are looking for a smooch baby then Edwin is your boyR 251000043 #happypawshaven #myclarencevalley #adoptacat #welovecats #rescuecatsofinstagram #rescuecatsrock #adoptdontshop
02.01.2022 Contemplative cats, Estée and Toshi, both thinking about their potential forever home whilst they enjoy a hot afternoon nap. Both are about two years old and would love to be part of your family by Christmas. R251000043 #happypawshaven #myclarencevalley #adoptacat #welovecats # rescuecatsofinstagram #adoptdontshop #rescueacat #rescueismyfavouritebreed
01.01.2022 This beautiful Red Cattle Dog is, unsurprisingly, called Red. He is just over 6 and a half years old and is desperate for a family of his own. He is friendly, gentle ,LOVES people and just wants to be with them and be petted by them. He needs someone who can give him plenty of time and affection and would not thrive in a place where is is left by himself. Most of all he would be the most loyal boy you could ever want. Red is waitingR 251000043 #happypawshaven #myclarencevalley #welovedogs #rescuedogsofinstagram #rescueismyfavouritebreed #adoptadog #adoptdontshop
01.01.2022 Happiness is an afternoon snooze with your best mate. Dream on little ones. Your very own home might be just around the cornerR251000043 #happypawshaven #myclarencevalley #welovekittens #adoptakitten #kittensofinstagram #adoptdontshop #rescuekittensofinstagram #
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