Harmony Orthodontics in Riverton, Western Australia | Medical and health
Harmony Orthodontics
Locality: Riverton, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 9354 1080
Address: 132 Modillion Ave S 6148 Riverton, WA, Australia
Website: http://www.harmonyorthodontics.com.au
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25.01.2022 :) :) :) :) Put a little colour in your life ! :) :) :) :) Ligatures (or bands) are used in orthodontics to hold the arch wire into the slot on the bracket that's attached to your tooth. Dr Manaf will change these ligatures on every visit , and this is your opportunity to make a colourful statement ! Choose a single colour, choose two colours , choose the colour of your favourite team !!!... If you prefer to be more subtle , we have silver or grey colours that will blend in with your brackets . So take look at these lovely colours and decide what your colour scheme will be next visit , and most of all, have fun with them :) See more
24.01.2022 Your health and safety is our priority. Harmony Orthodontics are monitoring daily WA Health Department notifications to ensure we stay up to date with the Coronavirus (COVID-19) latest information. If you or your immediate family has travelled through China, Iran, Republic of Korea or Italy within the last 14 days please review the WA Health Department isolation guidelines.... Signs and symptoms of the Coronavirus include but are not limited to fever, cough, sore throat, fatigue and/or shortness of breath. If you or your family have travelled to an area COVID-19 is spreading and/or are experiencing any of these symptoms we request you contact our reception team and reschedule your appointment. The team at Harmony adhere to strict infection control measures so are open for all other new and existing patients as normal.
24.01.2022 A happy day for Jaz , who got her braces removed yesterday, looking fantastic Jaz !
23.01.2022 Did you know that Dr Manaf has been a practicing orthodontist for over 20 years in Perth ? That's a lot of experience and dental knowledge !! Dr Manaf is one of only a handful of orthodontists in WA using the highly advanced 'sure smile'technology too , 3D scanning to produce customised wires for perfect alignment of teeth !
23.01.2022 Fashions may come and go (and come back again ) but ....
22.01.2022 Jeru has a new smile ! She’s very happy with the results and we think she looks amazing !!
20.01.2022 How to Handle Orthodontic issues at home When you first have braces applied to your teeth, you may be nervous about something going wrong during your treatment . Try not to stress! . Here are some tips for what to do if you experience an orthodontic inconvenience. Fixing Common Braces Problems... Sensitive Teeth: When your braces are initially put on or when they are adjusted, you may experience some sensitivity for a few days. Taking an over-the-counter pain medication and sticking to soft foods can help provide relief. Broken Bracket: If one of your brackets pop off after eating something particularly hard, stay calm! If it’s in the front or middle of your mouth, try covering it with orthodontic wax to hold it into place until you can make it into the orthodontist’s office. If it’s in the back of your mouth, you may be able to slide it off the wire and cut the wire down with sterilized nail clippers, so it doesn’t poke your cheek. Bring the bracket to your next appointment. Protruding Wire: A wire sticking out and rubbing your cheek can be very irritating. In most circumstances, pushing it out of the way with a pencil eraser and putting orthodontic wax on the end of it will help. If it’s particularly long, you can cut the excess wire down with sterilized nail clippers and then apply wax to the end until you make it to your next appointment. Broken Ligature: Sometimes the tiny rubber band or wire that holds your brackets and wires together, called a ligature, will come loose. If the rubber band is coming off, try to carefully put it back into place with sterilized tweezers. If the wire ligature is sticking out, push it back into place with a cotton swab or remove it with a pair of tweezers .Loose spacer Spacers or separators are rubber rings that are put between your teeth. They are left in place usually for a few days. They open a small space between your teeth so that orthodontic bands will slip onto your teeth easily. Springs or brass wire may be used for this purpose. Sometimes spacers can slip out of position or fall out. If this happens, make an appointment with your orthodontist. You are probably ready to have the band placed.
20.01.2022 Did you know ..... 25% of Orthodontic patients seek re treatment because they did not wear their retainers ??? Once your teeth are straightened , you will always need to wear your retainer , every night for the first 2 years and then at least 3 times a week after that .... Dont be one of the 25%', wear your retainers and keep that wonderful new smile !!!
20.01.2022 Our wonderful Steri nurse Anu got married over the Christmas break ! We here at Harmony Orthodontics wish her and her husband a wonderful and happy life together !! Congratulations
19.01.2022 Smile ........it’s hump day !!!
19.01.2022 Its nearly here !! Hoping everyone has a relaxing long weekend :)
18.01.2022 All patients with upcoming appointments here at Harmony, please take time to read this important information COVID-19 GUIDELINES AS DIRECTED BY AUSTRALIAN SOCIETY OF ORTHODONTISTS... We appreciate the growing concern and uneasiness that some of you may be feeling regarding the COVID-19 outbreak. If you are worried about whether your care can continue with us through this period, please rest assured we are still open and ready to look after you. We are taking steps to make sure our clinic remains as safe as possible to give you the confidence that you can continue coming in to receive treatment and advice as necessary. To protect you and our team, we are implementing the following plan. Things may of course change but at this stage, this would seem to be the best approach. 1. Hand hygiene and cleaning practices will continue to be emphasised to reduce the spread of any infections. 2. Be aware of the following prior to and whilst you are in our clinic: - Maintain hand hygiene by cleaning hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds with soap and water or use an alcohol based hand rub - Keep your hands clean: - before entering an area used by other people - after using the bathroom - after coughing and sneezing - after eating food. 3. Practice food cough/sneeze etiquette by keeping away from other people, using disposable tissues or clothing (e.g. into your elbow), disposing of the tissues and cleaning your hands afterwards. 4. We have place hand sanitisers in our clinic for all to use 5. If you have a cold, flu, or runny nose, cough or believe you may be coming down with any respiratory illness, as a courtesy to other patients and our staff, please call to reschedule your appointment. 6. Please call us to reschedule your appointment if you have returned from overseas, or if you have had close contact with a person with confirmed COVID-19 while infectious, as you must self-isolate at home for 14 days. 7. If you develop respiratory symptoms or fever, please call health direct on 1800 022 222 and seek medical assistance. If you are unsure what to do or have any concerns, please contact us by reply email or call us on 9354 1080. We look forward to continuing to provide you with care.
18.01.2022 Well its sadly nearly the end of the school holidays , and we have been crazy busy here with so many kids getting their braces on these last two weeks !! So just a reminder to all the braces newbies and not so newbies, make sure you are taking that toothbrush and toothpaste to school with you to give those pearly whites a good clean after lunch, and keep that wax with you just in case !!
18.01.2022 As well as keeping all our instruments sterilized , Anu also makes all the retainers here! The special retainer plastic is heated and melted over the moulds taken in the surgery, and then trimmed to size , for the perfect fit to keep those teeth where they need to stay !! Great job Anu !
18.01.2022 What can we say ? its great to be back here working at Harmony, and we are enjoying seeing all your lovely smiling faces !! We still need to follow government regulations and request that all patients wash their hands on arrival at the clinic, and observe social distancing while in the waiting room. We also kindly request that while siblings and relatives often attend the clinic, they are kept to a minimum, or wait in the car :) We look forward to seeing you all at your next appointment !
17.01.2022 yes, it happens a lot !!!!! Always keep your retainers in your case to 'puppy proof"! them !!!
16.01.2022 Meet the Team Dawn has been our receptionist at Harmony for over six years . Dawn has over 30 years experience working in the dental field , training as a dental Nurse in the UK in 1988. She qualified as a dental radiographer in 1996. She moved to Malaysia for two years in 1998, and then to Australia in 2006, becoming an Australian citizen in 2012. ... She is an avid book reader, particularly history books , enjoys cycling, and walking her dog 'Jellie' , often taking her pet Bearded dragon along too ! See more
15.01.2022 What a fabulous result for one of our lovely adult patients , who had a wide gap between his front teeth. As the photos show, the gap has been closed perfectly and our patient is more than happy with his new smile . Its never too late for braces ,(as long as the teeth and gums are healthy) and we see many adults here at Harmony who have decided that they deserve a great smile as much as their kids !!
15.01.2022 We will be closing on December 23rd for Christmas , and will be reopening on January 4th 2021. Call us today to book your January appointment
13.01.2022 A'eesyah had her braces removed today and her smile here says it all !!! We think her new smile is amazing !!!!
12.01.2022 We are Back, we've missed you !! As government restrictions have eased dental restrictions , we are able to see our patients again at our Riverton clinic to provide most services. We would like to thank all our patients who had to have appointments cancelled , your understanding during this challenging time has been much appreciated .... While we have been able to re open the practice , we still need to follow government guidelines , and need to maintain social distancing in the waiting room area, and so kindly ask that only one parent accompany their children so as to not fill the waiting room. We will be asking all our patients to use the bathroom to wash their hands before they enter the surgery. We also kindly request that anyone who is not feeling well to postpone any appointments until they feel well . The team have endeavored to contact all our cancelled patients, but if you have not received a message from us , please call us on 9354 1080 or drop us an email at [email protected] and we will get you booked in as soon as we can . We look forward to seeing you all again !!!! :)
12.01.2022 What a happy face to start our Wednesday morning !! Alannah feeling super happy with her new straight smile , looking Good Alannah !!
12.01.2022 Sydnie flashing us a beautiful new smile this morning after her braces came off
11.01.2022 We hope everyone survived the storm without too much damage ! We lost our power at the clinic for a few hours and unfortunately had to cancel some patients . We would like to thank those people for their patience and understanding , we hate having to cancel appointments at the last minute , and are glad we don't have to do it very often :)
10.01.2022 Happy birthday to Dr Maznah Manaf , who celebrated her birthday yesterday !!!
10.01.2022 Its never too late to get braces ! Here at Harmony Orthodontics , we are seeing more and more adults who have decided that they would like to improve their smiles and have taken the plunge to get braces fitted . reasons for getting adult braces include wanting to improve confidence , a special event coming up, wanting better oral health, and maybe just having crooked teeth all their lives and deciding that they wanted a new smile !... There are other options if you don't fancy the traditional metal braces, we offer clear (white) brackets which are much less noticeable, invisalign , which are barely noticeable , or even 'incognito ' braces , which are custom made and sit on the inside of the teeth and are not visible at all ! If you are thinking about getting braces as an adult , you are in good company, celebrities who have worn braces as adults include Faye Dunaway, Emma Watson, Cristiano Ronaldo,Delta Goodrem to name but a few , oh and two of our Harmony ladies Dawn and Susan , who, are not celebrities .......yet !!!! If you think adult braces are something you would like to consider, contact us today for a low cost consultation , and Dr Manaf can discuss the best options for you
10.01.2022 Rapid Maxillary Expanders The purpose the the rapid maxillary expander or RME , is to widen the upper jaw (palate) when it is too narrow. it is custom made to fit your mouth, and will be fixed into place by the orthodontist.... The metal framework contains an expansion screw in the middle to widen the jaw, which is done by turning a special key once a day. The upper jaw contains two halves , which the RME gently opens , and holds the space until new bone fills the gap. Sometimes , a temporary gap will appear between the two front teeth, but this will close again during treatment. The teeth may be tender for a few days following the fitting, but simple painkillers can be taken if necessary. Regular check up appointments are required once the RME is fitted, to review the progress of the appliance .
10.01.2022 Three new beautiful smiles were revealed yesterday as Jacinta, Ming and Takayla all got their braces removed !! We think they all look absolutely fantastic !!!!!!
09.01.2022 A happy morning for Maria , who has just had her braces removed and looks amazing with her new smile :)
07.01.2022 We have come a long way !!!! We even have braces that fit INSIDE the teeth now too !!!!
07.01.2022 A brand new smile for Christmas !!! looking fabulous Caleb !
06.01.2022 "How many calories ???!!!" Susan , our practice manager celebrating her birthday last week with a rather delicious looking cake !!
05.01.2022 Mouthguards and Braces We at Harmony are often getting asked about mouthguards for sport when braces are fitted . Having a mouthguard profesionally made would normally be the best for teeth, however, teeth in braces are constantly moving , and so having a new mouthguard made everytime the teeth move would be very expensive . We recommend the home molded mouthguards sold by pharmacies while braces are in situ .... These will provide protection for teeth and braces , whilst being a less expensive option !! See more
05.01.2022 At least we think its summer , feeling a little more like winter !!!!
04.01.2022 Have a spooky night !
03.01.2022 Have you had braces fitted over the school holidays ? Are you returning to school with braces ? If so , congratulations , your new smile is now under construction, and to look after those braces you will need to take your essentials to school with you . your travel toothbrush and toothpaste to keep those braces gleaming after lunch (no one wants spinach stuck in those brackets !) ,wax , in case those brackets are causing soreness, and your inter dental brushes to clean food away from those hard to reach places :) Remember to say no to those sticky toffees , and chop up those apples into bite sized pieces . Lastly, have a great school year and work hard !!!
02.01.2022 Happy birthday to Deborah , who celebrated her birthday yesterday
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