Harmony Alliance: Migrant and Refugee Women for Change in Canberra, Australian Capital Territory | Non-profit organisation
Harmony Alliance: Migrant and Refugee Women for Change
Locality: Canberra, Australian Capital Territory
Phone: +61 2 6162 0361
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25.01.2022 We are looking forward to seeing you at this exciting discussion tomorrow in Sydney at 2:30pm. Please RSVP to [email protected]
25.01.2022 Carmel Guerra and Nadine Liddy from Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (MYAN) - member of Harmony Alliance - are guest speakers at an upcoming webinar hosted by SETSCoP on Wednesday 29 July at 1.00pm. Carmel and Nadine will be speaking on the latest edition of the National Youth Settlement Framework (NYSF 2020 Ed.) and how it can practically be applied to SETS service delivery. Webinar Details... How to apply the MYAN National Youth Settlement Framework 2020 Ed. to service delivery When: Wednesday 29 July at 1.00pm Click here to register: https://us02web.zoom.us//register/WN_-1egMUpOSaKiay8a-23JFw
23.01.2022 National Rural Women's Coalition and Migration Council Australia are hosting a webinar on rural settlement, featuring inspiring stories of migrant and refugee women. Register here to attend: https://tinyurl.com/y2ltkdhz
23.01.2022 Our first webinar on intersectionality is on tomorrow (3:30 - 5:00pm AEST) and there is still time to register! We cant wait to hear from the incredible panel!
21.01.2022 Hannah Dahlen and her research team are conducting a research project (through Western Sydney University) into womens experiences of being pregnant, giving birth and parenting during the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia. They have already conducted in-depth interviews and are keen to learn more by releasing this survey. It takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. Follow the link and add your voice to this study OR pass this on through your Facebook networks. All completed surveys where an email address has been provided will be entered into a raffle where 100 women will receive a $30 voucher https://surveyswesternsydney.au1.qualtrics.com//SV_8A1eQ6p
20.01.2022 Hi everyone, Our sister Alliance NATSIWA is holding a free webinar on 9 July in conjunction with the University of Queensland Public Health Department entitled "Social and emotional wellbeing during the COVID-19 and the re-emergence of #Blacklives Matter: The leadership and experience of Indigenous women" Please register your RSVPs here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/covid-19-and-the-re-emergence-
20.01.2022 Please join us for our annual update on the Alliances work. See you there at 2PM AEST tomorrow!
19.01.2022 We are resuming our Harmony Empowers - Leadership and Professional Development Webinar Series with a fabulous line-up of migrant and refugee women leading the COVID-19 health response in Australia. Please join us on Friday 18 September from 3:30-5:00pm AEST for an inspirational panel discussion featuring Dr Arunaz Kumar, Dr Kudzai Kanhutu and Dr Nadia Chaves https://us02web.zoom.us//register/WN_6rbtNnLeTrOXCmhfKsU0Lg
19.01.2022 Hi everyone, We have been getting quite a few requests for the recording of our third webinar in Intersectionality Discussion Series: Othering of culture as complexity in the context of violence against women The recording is now available to watch, but due to some technical issues, we could not capture the first 15 minutes of the session. This part included the acknowledgment of country, and introduction of the panel & panellists. The recording starts at the beginning of pa...nel discussion. Thank you for your kind understanding. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcICTVdKnKc
19.01.2022 The multilingual MyAusCOVID-19 App supports Australians from migrant and refugee backgrounds: https://www.theaustralian.com.au//2dd4f4745c8140ccbace533a
19.01.2022 ~July Member of the Month~ Multicultural Youth Affairs Network NSW (MYAN NSW) http://myannsw.org.au is a state-wide youth specialist organisation based in Sydney. MYAN NSW work to ensure that young people from multicultural backgrounds build their skills, knowledge and networks to actively participate and contribute to Australian society.... How we work is as important as what we do. Multicultural young people are at the centre of our work and we facilitate opportunities for young people 12-25 to participate in decision-making processes that affect their lives and shapes their future. We value young peoples culture and lived experiences and see them as key partners within our organisation. We collaborate with all levels of government, the not-for-profit sector and civil society to promote the rights and interest of multicultural young people and to ensure that they are recognised and represented in policy and practice. Weve recently embarked upon a very exciting anti-racism project. We are partnering with Democracy in Colour to co-deliver Anti-racism and Allyship training for multicultural young people and the community services sector. Our Youth Ambassadors have been trained to co-facilitate this powerful training, proving them with a platform to share their lived experiences, develop new skills and the opportunity to influence anti-racism work in our sector.
18.01.2022 Join Refugee Council Of Australia, Settlement Services International - SSI and Harmony Alliance for a national virtual forum discussing the experiences of refugee women and women seeking asylum and the responses from frontline services during the COVID-19 pandemic. When: Wed, June 17, 2020 12:00 PM 2:00 PM AEST... Please RSVP here:
17.01.2022 We are excited to announce that registrations are now open for our first webinar in the series, Our position on intersectionality: Addressing power, privilege, and colonialism, to be held on Thursday, 6 August, at 3:30pm AEST. This webinar features: Dr Maria Pallotta-Chiarolli academic, activist, and author of over 13 books, including her latest work, Living and Loving in Diversity: an Anthology of Australian Multicultural Queer Adventures. ... Dr Umber Rind a Yamatji Badimaya woman who works as a GP in Melbournes Northern suburbs. She also works part-time with Bubup Wilam, an Aboriginal Child and Family Centre. She enjoys community work and works in both the health education and anti-racism spaces. She has been an executive board member of the Islamic Council of Victoria. She is a Melbourne University graduate. Mary Lee a member of the Harmony Alliance and is participating in the panel in a personal capacity. Mary works as a Senior Project Officer on the Intersectionality Capacity Building Project at Family Safety Victoria. Mary has a background in program development and workforce capacity building in the context of responding to family violence. The webinar will start with a presentation of Harmony Alliances position on intersectionality, followed by a dialogue on our place as migrant and refugee women in the context of ongoing colonisation of the lands we live on and call home. The purpose is to reflect and build an understanding of intersectionality from the very basic and fundamental questions of power, privilege, and histories of oppression. The discussion will be facilitated by our chair, Maria Dimopoulos. There will be a Q & A session at the end. Please register here: https://us02web.zoom.us//register/WN__sPVVzVWQtel3sKNXwZaNw Attendance is free of cost and the discussion will be live-captioned for accessibility purposes. Please feel free to share the registration link with others in your networks who might be interested in participating. Very much looking forward to seeing you all there, Harmony Alliance Secretariat
17.01.2022 We have added two new languages (Dari and Swahili) to our Migrant and Refugee Women Survey and extended the closing date to 13th Nov 2020! Please help us by promoting it within your networks! Harmony Alliance and Monash Migration and Inclusion Centre want to hear from female international students, women on temporary work or family visas, and migrant and refugee women more broadly. You can inform key insights for policy, practice and advocacy concerning migrant and refugee ...women by taking our national survey here: https://monash.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0vm6sG5rHErNXQ9 The survey in open until 13th November 2020 and is available in eleven languages: Arabic, Thai, Vietnamese, Farsi, Dari, Nepali, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Punjabi, Swahili and English. The survey should take no longer than 20 minutes and all responses will remain anonymous. The survey participants will have a chance of winning one of 10 Coles-Myer vouchers to the value of $100.
17.01.2022 Meet the migrant women challenging stereotypes!
15.01.2022 Click play to learn more about our nationwide research on migrant and refugee women's experiences. There's one week to go before the survey closes! Please share the audio file with your networks. We are incredibly grateful for your support!
15.01.2022 The recording of our first webinar in the Intersectionality Discussion Series is now live! Registration details for our next webinar on Intersections of Racism and Sexism to take place on 20 Aug @ 3:30-5:00pm will be available soon.
15.01.2022 There is still time to register for this critical dialogue tomorrow at 2pm AEST. The discussion will be live captioned for accessibility. See you there! National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health Worker Association
15.01.2022 Did you miss the Harmony Alliance annual update last week? Heres the recording of our webinar. We are truly thankful to such an engaged and committed membership for bringing our work to life through their insightful questions, comments, and ongoing contributions. You all make the Alliance what it is and all it aspires to be.
15.01.2022 We stand with all those facing multiple and intersecting forms of vulnerability in the current crisis, and are slipping through the cracks. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1136385810028457&id=242485789418468
12.01.2022 ~ August Member of the Month ~ PRONIA is a peak ethno-specific welfare organisation in Victoria with over 47 years of service provision to the Australian-Greek and broader multicultural communities. PRONIA is a multi-service organisation that provides an integrated network of services supporting the vulnerable and disadvantaged people in our community. The organisation has extensive knowledge and expertise in the implementation of culturally and linguistically responsive pro...grams in direct services such as casework, counselling, and more recently mental health services, family and childrens services, aged care and disability, health and wellbeing programs, community education and training programs. Advocacy is achieved through policy work and representation on local, state and commonwealth advisory and consultative committees. In 2020 PRONIA continues to deliver prevention and early intervention activities with funding from federal and state governments. Collaborations with key organisations such as Senior Rights Victoria and In Touch provide a platform to advocate for the needs and culturally revenant services to those impacted by family violence. For the third consecutive year, PRONIA has participated in the Enhanced Pathways project by the state government to enable tertiary students to learn about the work in the family violence field. Throughout the years PRONIA has undertaken activities to raise family violence awareness in the Greek speaking community, via Greek print media, radio and presentations to social clubs. We look forward to making a difference to women, children and the elderly impacted by family violence, and to change gendered attitudes and behaviours which propel violence in our community.
12.01.2022 We are proud to stand with more than 200 other organisations to endorse implementing gender responsive budgeting which considers the needs and impacts of expenditure on a diverse range of women, as recommended in this joint submission to the UN http://ow.ly/gZxW50AFHpZ #AusUPR
12.01.2022 Moving Cultures Moving Stories are organising this workshop with an aim to raise awareness about the journey and experiences of people who come to Australia seeking safety. Register and share if you are keen :)
10.01.2022 "Domestic violence victims on temporary visas are being trapped in dangerous situations because they are unable to access crucial support, experts say, and the coronavirus pandemic appears to be exacerbating their plight". "How urgent is this problem? Women are dying." "It comes following the death this week of Western Sydney woman, Kamaljeet Sidhu, who was allegedly murdered by her husband less than a month after police took out an apprehended violence order against him. Ms Sidhu, 27, had moved with her husband from India to Australia two years ago, and was on a student visa at the time of her death".
09.01.2022 Thank you Najeeba Wazefadost for sharing this critical work with us! In policy, refugee-led organisations need to be equal partners in discussions of how state ...responses to COVID-19 are affecting all communities, including refugees. They also need to be part of the planning for how the international community will continue to pursue global goals, such as the Sustainable Development Goals, both during and after the pandemic. See more
08.01.2022 Harmony Alliance Council member Maria Osman putting forward issues and concerns for migrant & refugee women at the Western Australian State Recovery Stakeholder Engagement Roundtable on Women, hosted by Minister McGurk.
08.01.2022 Sabrin Farooqui of Cultural Diversity Network Inc. (member of Harmony Alliance), raises important concerns regarding financial abuse of migrant and refugee women in toxic relationships.
07.01.2022 A widely misunderstood term, and aptly clarified by MCWH
07.01.2022 An important letter to Harmony Alliance members and all of our friends and supporters! We hope you are all keeping well and safe in such challenging times. Over the past couple of weeks, the COVID-19 situation has evolved quite rapidly and unexpectedly. The pandemic and the associated public health measures have hadand will continue to havesignificant impacts on social and economic life as we know it. Migrant and refugee women in Australia are experiencing the shock in all ...Continue reading
06.01.2022 First discussion in the series will feature Dr Maria Pallotta-Chiarolli, Dr Umber Rind, and Mary Lee. The talk will be moderated by our chair Maria Dimopoulos, and will be followed by a Q&A session. Kindly RSVP to [email protected]
06.01.2022 Harmony Alliance is hosting an end-of-year membership forum and you are invited! The forum will start with an opening session with our new chair, Nyadol Nyuon on Thursday 26 Nov at 3pm AEDT. The opening session will be followed by dedicated sessions on our priority areas (economic security, women's safety and well-being, digital literacy, young women, and racism) in the following week. ... Register for the sessions you would like to attend here:
05.01.2022 A not to be missed event being kicked off by the dynamic, always brilliant, Nyadol Nyuon!!
05.01.2022 Invitation: Harmony Alliance Update on Thursday 04 June at 2pm AEST Year 2019-2020 has been a big year for the Harmony Alliance; we have expanded our networks, strengthened our policy and advocacy work, and took new leaps in our collective achievements. This has all been made possible by the continued engagement and contributions of our incredible membership. We have also faced unprecedented challenges, like many others around the world, due to the current COVID-19 global p...andemic. Migrant and Refugee women and their families (both in Australia and overseas) have been significantly impacted in a multitude of ways, existing systemic inequalities have been laid bare, and new forms of discrimination and disadvantage have emerged. We would like to take an opportunity to celebrate our successes, stand together in solidarity, and strengthen our resolve to continue working for an equitable future for migrant and refugee women in Australia. Please join us for a Zoom webinar with the Chair, Maria Dimopoulos, and the Secretariat of Harmony Alliance. Register here:
05.01.2022 Do not forget to register for this webinar on Friday 15 May!
04.01.2022 International Womens Policy: Why it matters and opportunities for engagement. This webinar provides an introduction to International Womens Policy processes for migrant and refugee women. You will hear from government and civil society experts on womens policy, who will discuss the importance of participation and engagement in International Womens Policy. Harmony Alliance members are invited to join in to learn about opportunities for engagement in international policy p...rocesses that impact the outcomes for all women. Register here:
03.01.2022 Come learn about entrepreneurship journeys of inspirational migrant and refugee women at our next event in Sydney!
03.01.2022 As we move towards more isolation in the home, theres going to be lots of women and children who are in the home with an abuser and who will be less safe AWA...VAs program manager Dr Merrindahl Andrew has said. AWAVA urges the federal government to take immediate action by increasing funding to the specialist services that women and children need for their safety, and communicating a clear public message that everyone has the right to be safe in their home. Join Fair Agenda and other advocates as we come together to make sure the members of our community most at risk, are safe and supported. Add your signature here https://www.fairagenda.org/familyviolence_pandemic (We apologise for the paywall!)
02.01.2022 Our sister alliance, Australian Women Against Violence Alliance have released their COVID-19 resources page. It includes a wide compilation of Family & Domestic Violence resources relevant to COVID-19, as well as a large list of resources for many other communities. You can view it here:
02.01.2022 Please join our Reconciliation week webinar - In this together: A dialogue between Indigenous and migrant/refugee women. When: May 28, 2020 02:00 PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney #NRW2020 #InThisTogether2020... Register here:
01.01.2022 Registrations are now open for 3rd webinar in our Intersectionality Discussion Series Unpacking the power of language: Othering of culture as complexity in the context of violence against women https://us02web.zoom.us//register/WN_haJy4FDsQN6l3tkT1czBog... When: Thursday, 03 September 2020, from 3:30pm to 5:00pm AEST. Registration is free of cost and the discussion will be live-captioned. Please feel free to share the registration link with your networks. This webinar features Jatinder Kaur, Faduma Jama, Laura Vidal, and Dr Trish Mitra-Kahn. The panel will unpack the power of languageand challenge the framing of complexity as something only relevant to particular manifestations of violence; highlighting the potential that this approach has to othering individuals and communities. In case you missed our previous webinar, the recording is now available to watch online at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWQrOw_VRsQ
01.01.2022 Our statement against the rise of racism in Australia in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic is available on our website.
01.01.2022 COVID-19 Information for pregnant women available in English, Arabic, Dari, Simplified Chinese, Vietnamese, and Nepalese. More languages coming soon! These factsheets are produced in collaboration with Royal Aust & NZ College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists RANZCOG
01.01.2022 Always an honour (and on behalf of the Victorian Multicultural Commission) to spend time with the womens committee at the Islamic Council of Victoria who hoste...d a High Tea to mark forthcoming celebrations of International Womens Day. Such an inspirational group of diverse Muslim women who possess the vision, the courage and the commitment to justice to steer us into a future that rejects ignorance and hatred. Thank you for enabling me to participate and contribute in some small way! See more
01.01.2022 Registrations are now open for the second webinar in our Intersectionality Discussion Series: Intersections of racism and sexism: Understanding unique forms of violence and discrimination against migrant and refugee women Sign up here: https://us02web.zoom.us//register/WN_ddStdqjiToe5ppODHLuiTQ ... The webinar will take place on Thursday, 20 Aug 2020, from 3:30-5:00pm AEST. Registration is free of cost and the discussion will be live-captioned. This webinar will focus on racism and sexism as experienced by migrant and refugee women in Australia. We recognise that migrant and refugee women are not a homogenous group, and have vastly different experiences, particularly when racism intersects with sexism, ableism, homophobiaor any combination of these. This panel discussion will highlight how intersections of these systemic forms of discrimination create multi-layered and compounded disadvantage for women, non-binary, and non-conforming people from migrant and refugee backgrounds. Speakers include: Dr Judy Tang, Nyadol Nyuon, Dr Ruth De Souza, and Dr Shakira Hussein. Discussion will be moderated by Harmony Alliance Chair, Maria Dimopoulos.
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