Harmony Music Therapy | Medical and health
Harmony Music Therapy
Phone: +61 426 111 045
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24.01.2022 Harmony Music Therapy is very excited to partnered with Mercy Health Newport Home to provide group music therapy for the residents there for promoting social interaction and quality of life. Very thrilled to see our service been currently highlighted on the Newsletter for the residents and there family. Can't wait to have more music therapy sessions with the lovely residents there!
24.01.2022 Our new music therapist Hina is coming on board with us officially. She currently is also leading a music group for parent-child bonding and building up school readiness. Our kids love her so much! Welcome Hina.
23.01.2022 Music therapy support kids with ASD to communicate themselves in a creative way! #kids#autism#musictherapyandautism#musicspeaks#ASD#communication#sociaskills
22.01.2022 Participating in music is one of the best ways to connect. Take a break from the hard work. Take a good care of yourself #musictherapyrocks#livemusicrocks#jamming#vocal#harmony
22.01.2022 Has everyone had a great Christmas? Harmony Music Therapy had a meaningful Christmas concert with these lovely elderlies and their families. We love to see the smiles, laughters and sparks showing on their faces. More of the happiness yet to come in 2019. Wish you all a prosperous and joyful new year ahead! #musictherapy#musictherapyrocks#agecaremusictherapy#agecaremelbourne#agecare#residentialcare#mercyplace#elderliesrock#elderliesareawesome#qualityoflife#agingwithsmile#musicanddementia#lifestyle#reminiscing
21.01.2022 We are happy to announce that another brilliant music therapist Andrew is on board with us! His passion includes working with Children and older adult. And extra bonus, look what we found! He is on Melbourne Uni’s home page of Music Therapy!! #musictherapy#musictherapist#melbourneuniversity#melbuni#masterofmusictherapy#asd#agecaremusictherapy#melbourneconservatoriumofmusic
19.01.2022 Merry Christmas to you all!#agecaremusictherapy#merrychristmas#christmascarol
18.01.2022 September has slipped away so quickly. It's time for our monthly peer supervision group again in October! Here is some highlights for the last event. Lots of good feedbacks received from the group. We are glad to see all of you actively participating and getting the most out of it!.
10.01.2022 Being a music therapist means always learning new things! Some professional development is a must to provide evidence based practice to our clients! #bookworm #professionaldevelopment #musictherapy#research#autisme #musictherapyandautism
07.01.2022 We are so exciting to be the venue support for AMTA Music Technology PD & 2018 State Annual Meeting. See the event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1938288256465146/?ti=icl... It’s an awesome opportunity to learn and meet up with your colleagues!! The event is FREE, make sure you register through: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/music-therapy-technology-pd Password: SAM18 See you all on 4th Nov!! #AMTAVic#musictherapy#musictherapist#workshop#prfessionaldevelopment#docklands#harmonymusictherapybyjzcs @ JZ Centre Stage
07.01.2022 Music creates a bridge for people with dementia to find their true self, feel a sense of security and connection. The story of Eileen well explained the benefits of music therapy with dementia. Hope to see music be used effectively in more care homes!
06.01.2022 Welcome our Hina, our new music therapist! Hinako Fukuda is a University of Melbourne graduate with a Master of Music Therapy degree and background in violin performance. During her studies, Hina conducted her placement in a variety of health fields including palliative care, disability, in-patient at a major pediatric hospital and early intervention work. Hina’s practice focuses on early intervention and children with special needs, and she is also a private practitioner. Hina believes strongly in supporting families and children to thrive using a family-centers, playful and evidence-based practice. #asd#earlyintervention#musictherapy#childrenwithspecialneeds
06.01.2022 ----------------PEER SUPERVISION INVITATION----------- Where has the time gone? Hope all of you had a great September. And those who went to the AMTA 2018 Conference get the most from it. Harmony Music Therapy is going to hold the second peer supervision group in two weeks. The topic of our first group will still focus on Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Please see the invitation below.... We are excited to introduce you our case presenter Dewi. Dewi’s experience includes 3 years working in community disability, 4 years in Special Education, and 3 years in public hospitals. Dewi currently works as a Music Therapist and Key Worker for a community Early Childhood Intervention Service, and assists many clients living with ASD. The 1.5 hour group will include: - Case presentation - Case discussion and reflection - Explore the solution - Sharing practical music therapy skills It is a great opportunity to learn and share your experience with your peers in your practice. Any question or query please contact Erin Li on 0426 111 045 or email to [email protected] GROUP WILL HAVE A LIMITED NUMBER OF SEATS. MAKE SURE YOU RSVP ASAP. Hope to see you all again!
04.01.2022 Music Embrace and Connect people from different background. Human connection brings love joy and happiness. Have you recharge your body and mind today?#grouomusictherapy#communitymusictherapy#musicconnects#musictherapy#hummanconnection
03.01.2022 We are so exciting to be the venue support for AMTA Music Technology PD & State Annual Meeting. It’s an awesome opportunity to learn and meet up with your colleagues!! The event is FREE, make sure you register through: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/music-therapy-technology-pd... Password: SAM18 See you all on 4th Nov!! #AMTAVic#musictherapy#musictherapist#workshop#prfessionaldevelopment#docklands#harmonymusictherapybyjzcs @ JZ Centre Stage
03.01.2022 AMTA Vic SAM & PD We are very happy to support AMTA Vic for the annual meeting and Music Therapy Technology PD. Lots of fun and eye-opened technology was introduced by Rachael to meet clients’ various needs. Rachael’s 5 working stations win over all members’ eyes. Thanks for the hard work of the committee members. Looking forward to more PDs in 2019! #musictherapy#musictherapytechnology#PD#musictherapist#harmonymusictherapybyjzcs#amtavicbranch#australianmusictherapy @ JZ Centre Stage
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