Harry Van Koll Hypnotherapy in Northcote, Victoria | Mental health service
Harry Van Koll Hypnotherapy
Locality: Northcote, Victoria
Phone: +61 400 672 289
Address: Quarrion Lane 3070 Northcote, VIC, Australia
Website: http://www.harryvankoll.com.au/
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25.01.2022 Anxiety & Depression are the resultant effects of a deep disconnection with SELF. Such a large part in the process of overcoming these issues is reconnecting with Self, and finally dealing with all of the deep-rooted feelings and limiting beliefs about yourself that are blocking and protecting that inner-person from flourishing. We build up certain beliefs, ideas and misperceptions about ourselves from such a young age, and we begin to believe that we aren’t good enough, or...Continue reading
25.01.2022 Fear, Anxiety, Depression, all continue to perpetuate only because of the feeling of self-powerlessness that comes with being separated from your power, from YOU. And this separation from your power occurs through a deep disconnection from who you truly are... To overcome these issues for good, you really have to come back to yourself. ... You have to stop pretending that something outside of yourself is going to be the answer you’re looking for. You have to stop looking out there, and start looking in you. Because when you finally listen to the message of your anxiety, fear or depression, and you finally listen to what you’ve been trying to tell yourself through it all, you kickstart the process of coming back into your power, and back to YOU. And once you have YOU again, you become fearless. Resilient. Confident. All of the things that you feel you don’t have right now, are there, waiting for you to CONNECT. Because when you’re separated from yourself, you don’t have your own back so of course you start looking for ‘certainty’ outside of yourself. Because you don’t trust yourself or your own certitude. So you look for it elsewhere. Out there. But you will never find it out there. Because it cannot be found out there. Because everything that you’re looking for outside of yourself to feel better, to feel safe, to feel certain about life and about YOU, can only be found inside YOU. The antidote to fear and anxiety, is certainty in yourself. The antidote to depression and hopelessness, is the fulfilment of being YOU. So what’s in the way of you finding all this within you then? Yes, that is the question, isn’t it... I help people completely overcome and eliminate their Fear, Anxiety & Depression so they can reconnect with who they truly are... Anxiety & Depression Rapid-Breakthrough Learn More: www.harryvankoll.com.au
23.01.2022 It’s time to get back to YOU. www.harryvankoll.com.au
23.01.2022 Reconnecting with the REAL YOU beneath the anxiety, fear, worry and depression means YOU become the reliable strength and balance that you need. When you finally heal the inner-world, the outer world suddenly becomes easy to navigate, because you no longer are looking outside of yourself for that inner-strength and balance. YOU become the centred place of harmony within your life. YOU become the person you can rely on for security and peace. ... YOU BECOME YOUR TRUTH. www.harryvankoll.com.au
21.01.2022 And the one thing you have the most power to change in the entire universe are your own thoughts and beliefs! If you want to grow beyond your current limitations, fears and anxieties, the first thing you must do is to challenge your old thinking... www.harryvankoll.com.au
19.01.2022 There’s no point looking outside of yourself for the answer to an inner problem... You have to go WITHIN! Because the only answer that will ever truly help you beat your Anxiety or Depression for good, can only be found within the one place that you keep avoiding... ... Inside YOU. You have to drop all the outer excuses, face the fear, let all the old ego-stories and ‘masks’ go, and finally face the CORE of your true self. This is the key to reconnecting with who YOU TRULY ARE. This is the key to overcoming your Anxiety, Depression, Fear, Worry and Self-Doubt. YOU are the KEY. Not the lock! You are the KEY. Think about that... Helping people completely eliminate Anxiety & Depression to live a life FREE from fear, worry & self-doubt and reconnect with who they TRULY are... Anxiety & Depression Rapid-Breakthrough www.harryvankoll.com.au
19.01.2022 Just received some beautiful words from a client I worked with recently What a phenomenal transformation! Read the Full Testimonial here: www.harryvankoll.com.au/testimonials
18.01.2022 Here’s something that might change your life entirely Anxiety & Depression cannot be eliminated by the same part of your mind that is trying to work out how to fix them! If you’ve tried and tried to work out how to beat your anxiety or depression but you keep getting nowhere with it... I’ve got good news for you! ANXIETY & DEPRESSION ARE NOT SOMETHING YOU’RE STUCK WITH. What’s more, Youdon’t have to learn how to manage your symptoms. You don’t have to spend a lifetime putting up with them. Something a lot of people don’t realise is, ANXIOUS OR DEPRESSIVE BEHAVIOURS ARE NOT PART OF YOUR PERSONALITY. Let me say that again Anxious and depressive behaviours ARE NOT (and never will be!) part of your personality. The reason you haven’t been able to overcome your anxiety & depression yet is because everything you’ve tried has been based on what you THINK your problem is. But here’s the secret The TRUE cause of your anxiety & depression exists at an UNCONSCIOUS level. This means the key to freedom from your symptoms Also exists at the unconscious level. This is why you can be feeling anxious and depressed, and not even know why you really feel that way! You see, to overcome a problem like anxiety or depression, You have to use the same part of your mind that is creating it in the first place. Your UNCONSCIOUS mind. This might not be easy to understand at first Because how do you get to your unconscious mind anyway? But think of it this way, Isn’t it incredible that you have the power to unconsciously create such intense anxiety & depression symptoms? And wouldn’t it be even MORE INCREDIBLE if you could reconnect with that core part of yourself that is currently keeping you stuck, And instead, use that awesome internal power to free yourself? So then instead of being trapped in anxiety and depression, You can create the life you actually want to live?! It’s time to stop trying to fix the wrong problem! It’s time to stop trying to ‘work out’ why you feel the way you do! It’s time to do this the only way you haven’t done it yet... ___ Helping people completely eliminate Anxiety & Depression once and for all and finally reconnect with who they TRULY ARE... Anxiety & Depression Rapid-Breakthrough www.harryvankoll.com.au
17.01.2022 So inspiring to receive this message from a client I worked with recently who had been suffering with Major Depression and stuck in bed every day with debilitating Chronic Fatigue for way too long... A MASSIVE congratulations to you! So so so happy for you! ... Anxiety & Depression Rapid-Breakthrough www.harryvankoll.com.au
17.01.2022 Learning how to manage a problem isn’t dealing with the problem, it’s perpetuating it. FACE UP to the real issues that are causing the problem in the first place and you don’t just heal the problem at its core, you obliterate it for good... ... Anxiety & Depression Rapid-Breakthrough Learn More: www.harryvankoll.com.au
17.01.2022 You have to face ALL of yourself to if you want to discover who you truly are... it’s those feelings that come up in the silence, when you’re alone with no distractions... it’s those feelings and thoughts you have in social situations and conversations, when the talking pauses, when someone looks you in the eye and for that precious moment, you both really SEE each other... what comes up for you then? What feelings arise? Do you try to fill in this gap with more talk, with la...ughter, do you run? These are the walls that we create to protect ourselves from being seen. The culture that we live in, the social expectations, all abhor real connection. We try to avoid it at all costs, the moments of silence that feel awkward, the spaces of emptiness that we rush to fill so quickly... Why do we do this? What are we afraid of someone seeing? Why do we rush to hide distract ourselves from the moment? What are we avoiding? What is it we try so hard to keep running from every time we get close to it? OURSELVES Social anxiety is the illusion that we need to avoid real connection at all costs. But it really comes from not being connected with who YOU truly are in the first place. It’s really your own connection with yourself that you’re trying to avoid. So that brings us back to the original question, what is it that comes up for you in silence, when you are alone? What are you faced with in those moments, what are the feelings and thoughts come up? Because these are the barriers that in the way of reconnecting with who you truly are. These are the walls that have to come down. And you will continue to drive yourself mad until you finally do it! Until you take off that mask that lets you keep hiding, you will never truly discover your potential in the present. Because the REAL YOU is right here, right now. And the secret to finding your true fulfilment, which is hidden right here in the present moment, is facing that person and all of the feelings that are currently in the way of you seeing it. The REAL YOU is right here, waiting for you to finally look... Anxiety & Depression Rapid-Breakthrough Helping people reconnect with who they truly are and completely eliminate Anxiety & Depression to live a life FREE from fear, worry and self-doubt... Learn More: www.harryvankoll.com.au
17.01.2022 ANXIETY IS THE INABILITY TO TRUST THE FLOW OF LIFE... But life, is constant change! That’s all that ever happens! Any sense of things staying the same is always an illusion. Change is the most natural thing to occur in the universe. In fact, change is the ONLY thing that doesn’t change... And no matter how much resistance you put up against change, it still happens. Life is CHANGE. Life is FLOW....Continue reading
16.01.2022 Had to share this awesome energy from a client I worked with recently! Such a huge transformation from someone who was suffering with constant 24/7 debilitating anxiety from the moment they got up every single morning, intense fear of being alone, experiencing multiple phobias; of driving, being stuck in small spaces... all of which have now completely gone! A MASSIVE congratulations to you on facing yourself and overcoming your fear and anxiety! So so happy for you Wel...come to YOU! Wooh! Anxiety & Depression Rapid-Breakthrough Helping people completely eliminate Anxiety & Depression and reconnect with who they TRULY are to live a life FREE from fear, worry and self-doubt... www.harryvankoll.com.au
16.01.2022 Anxiety & Depression are burnt away on-contact when you reconnect with your INNER SELF... . . Anxiety & Depression Rapid-Breakthrough... Learn More: www.harryvankoll.com.au See more
13.01.2022 The only answer that will ever truly satisfy you can only be found within YOU... Anxiety & Depression Rapid-Breakthrough www.harryvankoll.com.au
12.01.2022 Truly overcoming Anxiety, Self-Doubt & Depression for good means dealing with those long put-off inner issues and feelings that we manage to distract ourselves from in daily life... But the distraction and constant keeping of ourselves busy doesn’t keep on working forever. Eventually, you will have to face what comes up in that silence, and what surfaces every time that you’re alone. ... Because when you do, you will discover something very powerful that has been waiting there for you the entire time. You will discover the REAL you. The YOU that you can rely on, and trust, in any situation. And you realise that your fear, anxiety and self-doubt only ever existed because you had somehow become disconnected from that powerful person. Eventually you have to stop looking outside yourself for all of the answers. And when you do that, you will come back to the one person you’ve been avoiding the whole time... the one person who has the only answer that you will ever need! The answer that you’ve been searching for everywhere else! Everywhere except the one place that it was always hidden... If you truly want to overcome your anxiety, fear and self-doubt, you have to go deeper than the surface symptoms and heal yourself at the core. The way out, is IN. I help people completely overcome their fear, anxiety & self-doubt and reconnect with who they TRULY are... Anxiety & Depression Rapid-Breakthrough Learn More: www.harryvankoll.com.au
12.01.2022 When you truly face yourself and heal all those deep, inner core-issues that are causing the outer symptoms, is when you finally free yourself to live your life as the REAL you... Anxiety & Depression Rapid-Breakthrough... . Helping people finally eliminate anxiety & depression once and for all so they can live a life FREE of fear, worry and self-doubt! . . Free 45min Anxiety Clarity Call to discuss your issue and what you want to achieve... Book below: . . www.harryvankoll.com.au (LINK IN BIO) . . . . #mindfulness #mind #anxietyrecovery #thoughts #anxiety #anxietyrelief #anxietyquotes #anxietyhelp #overthinking #stressrelief #selfcare #selflove #selfgrowth #personaldevelopment #entrepreneur #entrepreneurlife #selfdiscipline #mindovermatter #hypnotherapy #hypnosis #lifequotes #life #motivationalquotes #melbourne #melb #highstnorthcote #stress #stressrelief #selfcare #selfcarethreads
12.01.2022 Wow I had such an amazing session with a client today... YEARS and YEARS worth of Anxiety, Self-doubt, Major Depressive Disorder and Chronic Fatigue... all completely cured in 2 hours, and via Zoom... Wow congratulations to this amazing person, what an incredible transformation. Testimonial will be posted in a few weeks, so keep an eye out for this one! ... It’s so amazing to get to work with such inspiring people. Wow I love my job www.harryvankoll.com.au
12.01.2022 There comes a time when you finally stop looking outside of yourself for your own healing. And when that time truly arrives, so arrives your true healing...
12.01.2022 Book a FREE 45min Anxiety Clarity Phone Session with Harry today: https://go.oncehub.com/HarryvanKoll
11.01.2022 Just have to share how proud I am of a client I worked with recently, who committed to facing herself and her life-long anxiety and depression! She has completely overcome trauma stemming back from childhood, and has subsequently eliminated her all of her anxiety and depression! She achieved this with ONE Rapid-Breakthrough Session. A true testament to what you are capable of when you decide to commit to facing yourself wholly and completely... What a liberation. She’s now ...living her life freely and deeply connected with who she truly is. Powerful stuff. A MASSIVE CONGRATULATIONS to this powerful person! Incredible work Helping people completely eliminate their Anxiety & Depression so they can live a life FREE from fear, worry and self-doubt through my Rapid-Breakthrough Hypnotherapy... Learn More: www.harryvankoll.com.au
11.01.2022 One of the first real steps on the path toward real change is realising that the old story of the person you have been up until this point in your life, cannot come with you... One of the questions that can stop a lot of people from truly changing is, Who might I be without all of my problems?, this is especially true if you’re someone who has been suffering from an issue like anxiety or depression for years, if not most of your life, the mere thought of peeking into a lif...Continue reading
10.01.2022 ...This experience has changed my life hugely, I no longer cry all the time, I can go to work, no paranoia, no fear of conflict. Just a whole new perspective on life. I've started to look to myself not others for answers. This is the biggest change... - A powerful excerpt from a client testimonial I will be posting very soon, which has inspired today’s post! ... Anxiety & Depression Rapid-Breakthrough www.harryvankoll.com.au See more
10.01.2022 Ahh I’m SO SO happy for this amazing person! I just have to share this profound energy from a client I worked with recently. What an awesome transformation! Congratulations on reconnecting with the true power of who YOU TRULY ARE... ... WOOH! Anxiety & Depression Rapid-Breakthrough www.harryvankoll.com.au
09.01.2022 That deeper, powerfully resilient inner-you who you perhaps haven’t been in touch with for a very long time, is waiting for you to RECONNECT, just on the other side of facing the parts of yourself that are untrue... It’s time to get back in touch with that stronger person, with your inner-power, with your inner TRUTH. If you currently feel disconnected from that inner you, you probably feel like life is out of your control, and that your thoughts and feelings seem out of yo...ur control as well... You probably feel alone, stuck, and separated from that deep, inner certainty... These are all signs that the REAL YOU is trying to reach out to you. Anxiety and depression are the symptoms that come as a result from this disconnection. It’s the real you, trying desperately to get your attention so you deal with the parts of yourself that are untrue, and face the parts of yourself that are true. Overcoming these issues is about reopening that line of communication with yourself. It’s about listening to the deeper message. Rather than looking for more and more ways to silence it and distract yourself from it. The pain is there for a reason. The worst thing you can do is ignore it or seek to numb it. This, in effect, is ignoring YOURSELF. And this, is not sustainable in the long term. It only gets worse and worse. It’s time to finally LISTEN. And finally reconnect. The real you is waiting... Anxiety & Depression Rapid-Breakthrough Helping people finally eliminate their Anxiety & Depression and reconnect with who they truly are... You can book a (free) 45min Clarity Phone Session with me to discuss your specific issue over at: www.harryvankoll.com.au
09.01.2022 Fear of failure, fear of lack, fear of sickness, fear of loss... a feeling of any insecurity on any plane... THESE are the barriers that seperate you from living the life that you want. And I put barriers in quotes because, well, ...Continue reading
09.01.2022 You can only run from yourself for so long... But when you truly do stop and finally face yourself, you truly do discover the power of who that person is. ... Anxiety & Depression Rapid-Breakthrough www.harryvankoll.com.au
09.01.2022 No one is going to overcome your Anxiety or Depression ‘for’ you... No amount of prescribed exercises, techniques, coping strategies or someone else’s advice or suggestions is going to help you. There is only ONE person that has the answer to annihilating these issues from within - YOU. ...Continue reading
09.01.2022 IF YOU’VE BEEN TRYING TO OVERCOME YOUR ANXIETY OR DEPRESSION FOR YEARS BUT YOU STILL FEEL UNRESOLVED - IT‘S NOT WHY YOU THINK... To fully overcome your anxiety or depression, it means means facing the true unconscious cause underlying it - and this cannot be done just consciously! This is why you can talk and talk and talk about your problem in therapy or try to manage it through exercises and strategies but you still feel unresolved at your core. Here’s the truth As l...Continue reading
08.01.2022 When you’re finally sick of trying to bandaid over the surface symptoms of Anxiety & Depression and you make that radical decision to finally FACE yourself, you kickstart a process that ultimately leads you toward your truest Self, which is hidden beneath all the layers of fear, worry and self-doubt that are just the results of being disconnected from who that really is... When you reconnect with the REAL YOU, with that inner-power that comes from your trust in who you truly... are to the very core of your being, with your personal truth, then all that worry, that fear, all that self-doubt... these illusions can no longer exist. Because TRUTH annihilates illusion. And TRUST in SELF trumps fear, worry and self-doubt. And it all starts with that radical decision to finally stop ignoring yourself. To finally stop distracting yourself from what’s really going on deep within you. To stop pretending to deal with these issues by implementing different coping strategies and techniques which only ever serve to mask the pain and leave the root-issues wholly unaddressed. It’s time to break the pattern! It’s time to draw a line in that sand and decide to go INWARD and face that person who’s always been there, waiting for you to turn around and connect. It’s time to take responsibility for your whole Self and take back your power! It’s time to to reconnect with YOU. The real journey in life leads to YOU. The sooner you embark, the sooner you get there. So stop wasting your time trying to find the answers outside! Because you will never find them out there. You have to go where it hurts. You have to go the exact place your trying to avoid going... You have to deal with the very thing you’re trying to avoid dealing with... It’s the last part of the puzzle. It’s YOU. Anxiety & Depression Rapid-Breakthrough Learn More: www.harryvankoll.com.au
07.01.2022 Anxiety and its associated fear, worry and self-doubt, Depression and its associated hopelessness and helplessness all share the same core issue: disconnection from yourself, from your true SELF and the inner, trusted power of that person... Fear, worry, overthinking, helplessness, self-doubt, are all stemming from a fundamental distrust in life, in the world and ultimately in yourself. It’s a separation from your own belief in yourself. ... It’s a separation from your own power. It’s a separation from YOU. And this feeling or state of disconnection, saturates your psychology and every thought you have only serves to continue this deep illusion. And the longer this goes on, the deeper the depression can get and the more overwhelming the anxiety can become, panic attacks begin, it slowly it spirals until you finally face the core issue... And it’s all based around this one, core issue that you keep avoiding. When you finally decide to face yourself and reconnect with who you truly are beneath the anxiety and behind the depression, you finally find your power. You find the old you, who you used to be before it all got so bad. You find who YOU are and the real strength of that person. And once you reconnect with that person, you begin to act from your inner-sovereignty and realise that this REAL you is all that you ever needed to handle anything that life could possibly throw at you. You realise that this is why all the techniques and strategies and coping mechanisms never truly worked because in the end, they are not YOU, so how could you ever have relied in the long-term on something that isn’t you? You realise that YOU are what you need. You realise that you are ALL that you need. And that you are who you rely on. And you realise the process of really getting to this powerful place within yourself, was facing every damn thing about yourself that’s in the way of you being able to truly TRUST in that person. All the walls have to come down, all the masks must be removed. You have to wipe away ALL of the bullshit that’s in the way and finally just getting to facing yourself. Because that is where YOU are to be found. Right here. Right HERE. You just have to stop and finally look... Anxiety & Depression Rapid-Breakthrough Helping people completely eliminate Anxiety & Depression and reconnect with who they truly are to live a life beyond fear, worry & self-doubt... www.harryvankoll.com.au
07.01.2022 ANXIETY & DEPRESSION ARE NOT THINGS YOU JUST HAVE TO LEARN HOW TO PUT UP WITH FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE! Once you heal the unconscious root-issue underlying the surface symptoms, you finally break free from that old cycle and regain your LIFE back. Here’s what I mean......Continue reading
07.01.2022 When you find yourself lost in the scattered-thinking of trying to find your own happiness, running from thought to thought and not trusting yourself or your own opinion of what is right for you, this is the fear and lack-based thinking that must be overcome in this experience of Life, this thinking which comes from our deep ancestral ‘survival-mind’ and scatters your ability to act in line with your truest intentions of Self. You must STOP what you are doing when you find y...Continue reading
06.01.2022 And there are no restrictions on this form of travel! One of the perhaps more difficult things about being stuck at home during these times, is you’re stuck with yourself, which should be a good thing but if you’re someone who uses work and the general busyness of life to avoid yourself and to avoid having to deal your problems, then being stuck with yourself with nothing to distract you from it can be anxiety-inducing! But it shouldn’t be this way. ...Continue reading
05.01.2022 What a remarkable transformation from one of my clients who used to suffer from constant social anxiety, fear, worry and self-doubt... Imagine, through facing yourself completely and finally resolving the deeper issues, you get yourself to the point where anxiety no longer exists in your life... This is exactly what happens in the Anxiety & Depression Rapid-Breakthrough! It’s like you find the secret key to your life, and you find it within YOU. It appears, right before you...r eyes, once all that old pain, worry, and limiting beliefs are cleared out of the way. Some people burst into tears, others into hysterical laughter. For me, it was both! Because you finally see the pure, empowering simplicity of it all. And it just stuns you with bewilderment. And you find the very thing you’ve been searching for this whole time, your whole life. And it’s the one answer that makes EVERYTHING finally make sense... You find YOU. What a powerful thing to discover... Wow I love getting these messages from my clients! Anxiety & Depression Rapid-Breakthrough Learn More: www.harryvankoll.com.au
04.01.2022 FEAR is the only thing that ever stops us from creating wonderful changes in our lives... FEAR does not actually exist. Face it and free the REAL YOU! FEAR is the only thing that ever stops us from creating wonderful changes in our lives... FEAR does not actually exist. Face it and free the REAL YOU!
04.01.2022 True healing happens unconsciously... www.harryvankoll.com.au
04.01.2022 The continual search for something outside of yourself that is somehow going to be ‘better’ than what you are right now, apart form being an impossible search, is THE one thing that stops you from being able to find true happiness right now, which always exists right here, exactly where you are... When you put so much focus on trying to find the answers somewhere outside of you, you miss the present moment entirely. And this causes you to never be able to just sit still and ...be happy, it prevents contentment. But here’s the secret: contentment, is a feeling. And you feel things in the present. Always. So if you continually look for that feeling somewhere out in the future, somewhere that you haven’t arrived at yet, then you will never truly feel it in the NOW. Because the future is just more ‘now’. And so even when you do feel it in the future ‘now’, it will never be enough for you. You will always want ‘more’... So make a promise to yourself right NOW to never again look outside of yourself for your contentment and happiness! Don’t place your happiness somewhere that doesn’t exist, like the future. Reposition you’re contentment to where it actually exists: HERE. NOW. And give up the need to find answers outside of yourself! Because: If the answers to life can be found outside of ourselves in all our worldly knowledge, then those who study the most would have found it. The scholars of our world would be the happiest people in the world. Those who know the most would be leading the most fulfilling lives. But are they? (Richard Dotts) Are they? An interesting point to ponder, perhaps... www.harryvankoll.com.au
03.01.2022 There is a deeper part of you that can help you annihilate anxiety, depression, fear & self-doubt in a way that goes beyond ALL of the logical ways you’ve tried to fix these issues in the past... Once you get back in touch with this deeper part of yourself, you begin to realise the power that is actually inherent within you, that has always been there, waiting for you to RECONNECT. YOU, and only you have the key to your own healing, happiness and contentment.... It’s time to finally face that person. It’s time to get back in touch with the REAL YOU! I help people completely eliminate their Anxiety & Depression to live a life FREE from Fear, Worry & Self-Doubt and reconnect with who they TRULY ARE... Anxiety & Depression Rapid-Breakthrough Book a Free 45min Clarity Phone Session with me to discuss your specific issue here: www.harryvankoll.com.au
03.01.2022 Received a lovely testimonial from a lady I worked with recently Congratulations to this amazing person on facing yourself and overcoming your fear & anxiety. Wooh! Welcome to the REAL YOU. ... Anxiety & Depression Rapid-Breakthrough www.harryvankoll.com.au
01.01.2022 So happy to receive these lovely words from a recent client I worked with! Massive CONGRATS to you! This client was in such a state of overwhelm with fear and anxiety when we first spoke, the change in them has just been so incredible! Wow so inspiring. It was a pleasure working with you and I’m so happy for you! Welcome to the REAL YOU...... Anxiety & Depression Rapid-Breakthrough Helping people ELIMINATE Anxiety, Depression, Fear and Self-Doubt from their lives so they can reconnect with who they TRULY ARE... www.harryvankoll.com.au
01.01.2022 All change starts within...
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