Hastings Valley Archery Club in Lake Innes | Sport & recreation
Hastings Valley Archery Club
Locality: Lake Innes
Phone: +61 466 289 647
Address: Cnr Burrawan Forest Dr and Cowarra Access Rd 2446 Lake Innes, NSW, Australia
Website: http://hastingsvalleyarchery.org.au/
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25.01.2022 Hi Everyone, The HVAC gate will be open from 0830 till 1130 this Sunday 29 November. This will enable those club members without a key along with those that do, the opportunity to come along and have some fun. A no stress morning for those that want to send a few arrows down range or even partake in some friendly competition. A good mornings shoot on B Range today. Would love to say how quiet it was but these little critters are out in force. ... Cheers.
25.01.2022 ****RANGE CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE**** Hi Everyone, Still no update on when we can get back on the range. As soon as we are advised by NSW Forestry we will let you know.... Cheers.
24.01.2022 Hi Everyone, Don’t forget we are having our Members Only Shoot this Sunday starting at 0830hrs. As usual, please give Merv a call on 0466 289 647 to book in. Should be a good shoot that will see us get back into the bush for a B Range round with a couple of curve balls thrown in to keep it fun and challenging. Conduct of the shoot will be briefed Sunday morning along with an explanation of the Double Point targets for the braver archers amongst us. Look forward to seeing on S...unday. Cheers.
23.01.2022 Hi Everyone, Just a quick reminder that it’s our Members Only Shoot this Sunday starting at 0830hrs. Please book in with Merv on 0466 289 647 as we are still under COVID restrictions so first in best dressed. Hope to see as many as can make it. Cheers.
22.01.2022 Hi Everyone, Another great day of archery was held yesterday with the Club Members Only Shoot. Had a few more turn up than I expected so had to split our shooters into two teams. Slowed the shoot up a little so will ensure I fix that for next time. Regardless, I’m sure everyone had a good time. Unfortunately I had to leave before the second round was shot so thankfully I have been advised of the results for the day. Austin took out the day followed by Keith then Geoff. Specia...l mention to one of our members (Prez) for shot of the day. I only mention it as it’s usually me sticking arrows in trees. Welcome to my not so exclusive club mate . Regretfully we said goodbye to one of our core members, Geoffrey Drew. Geoff is moving north with his beautiful wife Jenny. On behalf of the club, we wish you both all the best. Geoff has been incredibly generous with his time, skill and knowledge to the members of our club. Thank you just doesn’t quite seem to cut it. Your presence will be missed mate, thank you! The next club event is another Members Only Shoot to be held Sunday 25 October starting at 0830hrs. Please give Merv a ring (0466 289 647) to book in as we are getting closer to the current maximum capacity under the COVID regulations. Hope to see you at the next shoot. Cheers.
21.01.2022 Hi Everyone, What a beautiful day today, and to top off such a great day, the roof is on! Even though we only had six members for the morning, a lot was achieved. Big thanks to Peter, Tony, Geoffrey, Merv and Keith. Next Club Shoot (Members Only) is scheduled for Sunday 27 September starting at 0830hrs. You thought the last shoot with the Honey Bear was fun, you ain’t seen nuthin yet . Hope to see as many members as we can on the day, it’ll be fun.... Cheers.
20.01.2022 Hi Everyone, What a great morning. Good turn out with 14 members turning up for a fun shoot. Set out the 3D targets on and beside the practice range. The honey bear proved the most challenging (the photo with the stumps in the foreground, honest, the bear is in there) and was particularly appreciated by Austin. I think I heard him say he would like to see more targets set out that way. I think Archery Supplies are having a special on arrows at the moment . The 60m target was... a choice, play safe with the deer or go double points for the feral cat. Bentley pulled off a magnificent shot for double points leaving some of our more seasoned veterans going over, under and around. Eventual winner for the day was decided on the novelty shoot, the dart board. Austin took out the compound by the narrowest of margins with a score of 73 with Bentley giving the Old Fella a scare with 72. Rafael took out the recurve with a score of 33. Next scheduled event is our Working Bee on Sunday 13 September starting at 0800hrs, followed by another Members Only shoot Sunday 27 September starting at 0830hrs.
19.01.2022 Hi Everyone, This Sunday 11th October will be another Members Only Club Shoot starting at 0830hrs. Please Ring Merv on 0466 289 647 to book your place. Good to see our members are using the club throughout the week. Great way to clear the head and have some fun, especially when you have the peanut gallery heckling in the background . Its your club so come on out and use our awesome facilities. The only caveat is that you need to ensure you’re a financial member.... Hope to see a good turn out on Sunday. Cheers.
18.01.2022 Hi Everyone, What a beautiful day at the club this morning. The weather could not have been nicer. Only a small turn out for today’s Members Only Shoot which was a closely fought battle between Merv and Keith. The winner being a closely guarded secret . Cheers.
17.01.2022 Hi Everyone, Just a quick reminder that we have our Members Only Club Shoot this Sunday commencing at 0830hrs. Please ensure that your give Merv a ring on 0466 289 647 to book in as each club shoot has seen us getting closer to capacity for attendance in accordance with COVID restrictions. As with previous club shoots, the day is BYO food and drink. My apologies for not providing a post shoot report from the last Members Only day, my bad. Will try and make up for it this week...end with a few photos for good measure. Needless to say, the day was a complete success with Keith yet again taking out the day in the shoot off. Big thank you to Merv for ensuring the day ran smoothly. Hope you are all doing well and staying safe. Look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on Sunday. Cheers.
16.01.2022 Hi Everyone, A big thanks to those who were able to help with the working bee yesterday. The club looks good with mowing, edging, target bag repair, roof cleaning and getting the bags off the ground and onto tyres. As there are no scheduled shoots for the remainder of the year, I’ll have the gate open at the club this coming Sunday 29 November from 0830 till around 1130(ish). This will give those financial members with or without keys the opportunity to come along and have a... shoot and socialize. If the interest level is there, will even get some of the 3D targets out. Cheers.
15.01.2022 Hi Everyone, Forestry Corporation of NSW have granted permission for Hastings Valley Archery Club Members to access our permit/lease area. Next scheduled event is a Working Bee Sunday 11th April starting 0800hrs. Cheers.
14.01.2022 Hi Everyone! Here’s an overview of what we’ve got on for August. First up, despite many crossed fingers the worsening Covid situation has put a stop to any chance of lessened restrictions or Open Days, so we’re still very much in the age of Social Distancing & 20 member limits at our events. In the early days of Covid we were uncertain about how and when we’d be getting back to normal, so the club’s calendar on both Facebook and the website was left untouched so we could jum...p back into it. Now that it’s clear that the restrictions will be lifted in a slow and staged manner, we’ve thinned the calendar out to the events we’ll be able to run. If things improve promptly further additions may be forthcoming, but for now the events on the calendar are as set in stone as they can be, so please reserve some dates for shooting! Sunday August 2nd is a Working Bee. There’s the usual maintenance to be tackled and more work to be done on the new start line structure so if you’re free please head down and lend a hand. Working Bees begin at 8am, and it needn’t be said that Covid protocols will be in place. This means food and drink is still BYO. Sunday the 9th and Sunday the 23rd are both club shoots. Booking are required for these events due to the attendance limits. If you know you’re free on those days, book in now with Merv on 0466 289 647. BYO food and drink, social distancing, yada yada A final reminder that shooting requires you to be financial (so you are insured). You can pay in cash at the shoot or do a Direct Deposit. Membership fees are $85 for adults, $40 for Juniors and $170 for families. Direct deposit funds to Account Name ‘Hastings Valley Archery Club’, BSB 637-000, Account Number 713326135. If you’re paying by direct deposit, please put your name as the reference for the sake of our accountant’s sanity! Keep an eye out on Facebook for event reminders and recaps. See everyone there!
14.01.2022 Hi Everyone, December is finally here and what a hell of a journey this year has been! First up, next Wednesday 09 December we will be having a Club get together at the Hibbard Sports Club commencing from around 6:00pm. Unfortunately, the Club will not be able to pay for or subsidise food and drink this year (it’s been a bit of a lean year). Hope to see as many as we can. Sundays shoot was a lot of fun. Merv, Leigh and myself had a little competition going. I think we all agr...eed that none of us shot well and that more practice is definitely in order. We did seem to provide plenty of mirth for Keith who was enjoying our more than ample What The moments. The gate will be open again Sunday 13 December from 0830 till 1100 for club members. As with last Sunday, the idea is to just have some fun on the Practice Range and maybe a little competition for those who are interested. The Committee meeting was held tonight and we envisage next year is going to be a lot better. We are working on ways to get Open Days back up and running and reinvigorate our Club. From me, I just want to thank the Committee for all the hard work they have put in this year in keeping our Club going. Cheers.
13.01.2022 Hi Everyone, With summer on the way, and probably another hot dry one, I highly recommend having a read of this shared post on snake bite. A personal snake bite kit is not expensive or heavy and easily fits onto a quiver belt. Don't forget our Members Only Club Shoot this coming Sunday. Please remember to give Merve a ring to book in. Hope to see as many members as possible.... Cheers.
13.01.2022 ****RANGE CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE**** Hi Everyone, The Hastings Valley Archery Club Range and facilities are closed until we have been advised otherwise by NSW Forestry. This includes HVAC Members that have been issued keys. Please remain safe and our best wishes are with all of you.... Cheers
13.01.2022 Hi Everyone, Just a quick reminder that this Sunday 13 September is a working bee starting at 0800hrs. Would be great to get a good roll up as there is the usual maintenance plus hopefully getting the roof squared away. Just as an item of interest, a little bird told me that we have a Jedi shooter amongst us. Apparently one of our top shooters turned up and realised he had not packed his sights. A few arrows were released entrusting to the Force. Oh well, arrows are cheaper... by the dozen mate . Nice to have someone else providing the entertainment for a change rather than yours truly. Cheers.
10.01.2022 Hi Everyone, Hope to see as many as we can this Sunday at 0800hrs for our last working bee for the year. Cheers.
08.01.2022 Hi Everyone, Due to the poor weather conditions this weekend, our Open Day is now postponed to Sunday 18th of April. Merv will be in contact with those that have booked in for this Sunday to advise of the changes. Please stay safe this weekend. Cheers.
05.01.2022 Hi Everyone, The weather really spoilt us today with clear blue skies and hardly a breath of wind. Novelty target set out to 62m. All I could do was clip the edge. The Prez showed us how it was done with a nice shot just above the buttons. The girls also gave Dad a run for his money. Don’t think that he’s to pleased with my planting the seed for brand new bows for Xmas for the girls. They seemed to like the idea. Next club event is our last one scheduled for the year. Next S...unday 22 November starting at 0800hrs is a working bee. Would be great if we could get a good turn out and give the club a good tidy up before the Xmas break. Although there are no scheduled events until next year, I will endeavor to run an occasional Sunday shoot and advertise on Facebook for those who do not have a key or would just like to catch up with other members. Hope to see you next Sunday. Cheers.
05.01.2022 Hi Everyone, Not much to report since last shoot Sunday 1st November. We have another Members Only Shoot this Sunday 15 November. As usual, please book in with Merv on 0466 289 647 to reserve your place as we are still under COVID restrictions governing attendance numbers. With warmer weather coming, earlier starts for a quiet shoot are proving to be very healthy for the body and mind. We are so fortunate to have the facilities and forest available to us for our sport. A lap ...of A or B Range always present plenty of beautiful flora and fauna. Have even come back in the past to the Practice Range to be greeted by roo’s having a lounge under the shelter. Hope to see you this Sunday, Cheers.
04.01.2022 Hi Everyone, a HUGE thank you to those members that were able to make it to the working bee on Sunday. A lot was completed and as you can see, a little more to go with the roof. Despite all the hurdles the club has faced with fires and now COVID, the Club is still forging ahead with committed members ensuring we have great facilities and well organised and fun shoots. Don’t forget to Let Merv know (0466 289 647) if you can make the Club Members Only shoot this Sunday coming to book in. Hope to see you on Sunday for another great shoot. Cheers.
03.01.2022 Hi Everyone, The HVAC Range and Club Rooms are still off limits at this time. Unfortunately NSW Forestry have still not given us the go ahead to resume activities. Cheers.
02.01.2022 Hi Everyone, Just a quick reminder that there is no club organised event for this weekend. There is a working bee planned for Sunday 13 September starting at 0800hrs. There is still plenty of things to do on these days with basic maintenance tasks and weather permitting, completing the roof. Financial members with keys are using the range throughout the week as can be seen by the attached photos. It isn’t bad enough that the first shot was a shocker and low, but to fail to c...heck your sight setting and follow up with another! Maybe I should take up golf . At least my shooting buddy got a good chuckle out of it. Happy Father’s Day for Sunday.
02.01.2022 Hi Everyone, Don’t forget tomorrow night we will be having a Club get together at the Hibbard Sports Club commencing from around 6:00pm. Hope to see as many there as possible. The gate will be open again Sunday 13 December from 0830 till 1100 for club members. As with last Sunday shoot that was held, the idea is to just have some fun on the Practice Range and maybe a little competition for those who are interested. Hopefully I can do a little better than last time.... Cheers.
01.01.2022 Hi Everyone, just a quick reminder that we have our Members Only club shoot this Sunday. Willy Weather App has assured me that the forecast is for a partly cloudy day with light winds, so will be a great day. Don’t forget to give Merv a call on 0466 289 647 to book in as numbers are limited due to COVID restrictions. The day is also BYO food and drink if you want refreshments. Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday. Cheers.
01.01.2022 Hi Everyone, Sorry for the late update on yesterday’s shoot. We had a great turnout yesterday and still managed to come in under the COVID cap. Everyone had a good day with plenty of smiles all round. The days competition was a leisurely six targets, one arrow on each. Target spread was from a strategically placed Honey Bear on A Range (you’re welcome Austin), three targets across the Practice Range with the final two placed just off to the right of the Practice Range. I take... no responsibility for the nasty target placed behind the arrow magnetized log (nice one Prez). Outright winner for the day was Keith closely followed by Austin. Handicap Compound winner was Peter. Recurve was Raphael. Recurve Junior was Claire. Compound Junior was Bentley. The usual selection of prizes being awarded by Merv. Next shoot is a Club Shoot (Members Only) is scheduled for Sunday 11 October starting at 0830hrs. Hope to see as many as possible on the day. Next shoot will hopefully have an interesting target or two. I have a very cunning plan. Cheers.
01.01.2022 Hi Everyone, Unfortunately the weather wasn’t in our favour for yesterdays shoot. A couple of our members shot B Range regardless and had some fun (evidence attached). The majority opted for the Practice Range and the promise of shelter if the heavens opened up. We have another Members Only Shoot scheduled for this Sunday the 01 November. Hopefully with easing of restrictions with allowable numbers at the club we can now get even more members on the range for our shoots. We w...ould still ask that you contact Merv on 0466 289 647 to book your place. Hope to see you on Sunday. Cheers
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