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25.01.2022 Time to set your intentions for the month ahead. What is it you are trying to create? what is it you are trying to achieve? The Moons natal home is in cancer so this energy is very powerful. These two together are great for setting goals to do with family life and your home life and for any kind of healing of the emotional system.... Over in my members group I go into detail about this energy and how to use it, I also give members an opportunity to have a personal Moon reading. Sounds cool right? To join Ill leave the group link in the comments.

24.01.2022 "When a WOMEN chooses to step forward to breaks her chains, does the inner healing work and lets her spirit free she starts embodying Goddess Energy" ~ Gena L Abbott ~ To be clear, I do not use the word Goddess as "I am the chosen one". I do not use it to separate myself as better than anyone. ... I use it as a form of empowering. To empower my fellow sisters and myself to embody the energy that runs deep in us all. I know what women are capable of when they break free from chains placed on them by others, I know the power that runs deep in our veins from generations before, I know what that looks like and all the possibilities that can come from an EMPOWERED Goddess that remembers that SHE, is YOU! We all have so much more to discover in ourselves, so much more to give and so much more to receive. Its time to step forward and to Heal Thy Goddess This is a call to women that feel the deep yearning to learn and grow within themselves. A call to the women that knows she has so much more to give. A call to the women ready to embody the Goddess within. Heal Thy Goddess was created specifically for YOU by someone just like you. If this is you, click the link and JOIN.

24.01.2022 Announcement Time Be sure to check out the link below

23.01.2022 I received an email last night asking WHEN I would be doing the live lessons for the ~Heal Thy Self~ program so I thought Id share in here in case anyone else was wondering. When it comes to the live lessons they will be held every MONDAY (for 9 weeks) between 10 am-1 pm, duration being 30+ mins in our private FB group. The reason why I dont give a specific time is because of the little face hiding here little ones can be so unpredictable and sometimes she likes to... be part of the lesson I do my best to run my work around her, I do however aim really hard for 10 am BUT the good news is IF you cant make the LIVE lesson or maybe Im running a little behind it will be recorded so you can watch it at your own leisure. Also, as part of the program, you get private access to me to ask questions or even have a chat if need be. , . ! #multitasking With Love Gen x See more

23.01.2022 Happy Full Moon Friday Over in my "Heal Thy Goddess" group I did a video about the energy this Moon is bring and how you can work with it. I also give members an opportunity to have a Full Moon Reading as well Come join Heal Thy Goddess, it is a monthly membership helping women with healing and self discovery so they can tap into their own Inner Goddeess. ... You get access to meditations, readings, healings, Moon phase readings and some opportunities to pick my brain about all of the above. We are currently heading into our second month and our FOUNDING membership price is still running at just $20 per month. Join now and get your first week FREE. See more

22.01.2022 Our excited faces for all that is coming up

21.01.2022 Card of the day I dont usually post these on here but todays one is special as my Baby Girl randomly picked it out and the message couldnt be more on point, so let me share! ~The Sea of Mintaka~... Seeing the potential and bring the unconscious to light. I see so much potential in people, I can see all the magic one is capable of creating even if they cant see it for themselves. I know IF they just shifted through a few blocks they could literally do and/or be anything they wanted. Do you read that and feel like its out of reach? Because it really isnt, it really is possible and I can help you get started When we work through our old negative beliefs, remove some of the old emotional blocks and heal things we need to heal, we create space for positive energy to come through, for new ideas to show up, for motivation and creative energy to flow and not to mention we end up attracting new opportunities to show up too. It sounds deep and like hard work BUT nothing gets better or changes by sitting around Past , let me fill you in on a secret.. I figured out a way to make self-discovery, self-connection and self-healing easy, not in the sense of half-ass easy but in a way where this wont add another tedious chore to your day and it wont take up to much of your time. Yes, work is involved, Yes, you will need to prioritise yourself and show up but the outcome is worth it! We are counting down the days till we start the next round of our 9-week online program ~HEAL THY SELF~ 3days to go There are two payment plans- pay in full $195 or make smaller weekly instalments of $25. What are you waiting for? Its time to explore your FULL potential, its time to make yourself and your life YOUR priority. DM for more info or click on the link below.

21.01.2022 Guess what?? You are responsible for your energy! Let that sink in.. What are you holding on to? What are you letting play out in your head and in your energy? Who needs to put boundaries UP ? Who needs to shift and heal some BS stories. This was me last night check out my insta live ... Ps, Im here to help so if you need to brainstorm some ideas on who to shift those BS stories PM me Gen x

18.01.2022 Just 4 days until we start the next round of Are you in??

17.01.2022 Mentally Prepping!! Tonight Im recording a podcast with a podcast creator in NYC... Yup, as in NEW YORK CITY Ill be sharing how YOU can heal from past sexual trauma, more specifically Childhood sexual abuse. Talking about how you can go from being broken to living a life full of LOVE and freedom. ... My story has always been mine but I havent always owned it in a way that I was happy to share. It use to bring me a lot of shame, guilt, resentment and pain but over the years I committed to healing so I didnt have to carry that shit around, I chose to heal it on a deep and energetic level so it wouldnt be a family curse that would get passed down to my babies (that shit stops with me). I chose to get deep so I could be FREE. I dont particularly like having these conversations but heres a very sad and gut-wrenching truth, way too many people have suffered from this and way too many people have no freaking idea how to heal or even believe they are worthy of healing and that just makes my soul sad because it simply not true. You are WORTHY! IF this is you, I love you, I feel your pain, I see you and I am here for YOU! While I have a voice I will use it to talk to you about YOUR healing!! This podcast will be recorded tonight and then released early August. Want to know when this drops? Subscribe to my email list Gen x

17.01.2022 Attention I have a beautiful NON-PROFIT event coming up at the end of October in Perth. A Healing Circle event dedicated to women who fell victim to childhood sexual abuse. This circle will teach women how we hold this trauma but most importantly how they can HEAL on a deep and spiritual level. More info to come.... In order to help fundraise for this event I have put packaged this MOON GUIDE together for anyone who wants to start a MOON RITURAL. This guide will not only give you the basic knowledge on how to work with the Moon but also guide you in a Moon practice complete with guided meditations and Activations. This can be used over and over again as we experience a NEW and FULL Moon each month. This guide is a downloadable PDF with the meditation links embedded in the document. Easy peasy to download and easy peasy to follow. And hows this we have a FULL MOON peeking tomorrow midday, talk about perfect timing. This guide is retailing at $20 with ALL the processed going to @sacral_healing_meditation

16.01.2022 To my fellow empaths and sensitive souls. IF things are feeling heavy right now, you are not alone. There are some BIG things happening in the world and no one is immune to the changes. IF you need a break, a breather, or some downtime I encourage you to sit and listen to this guided meditation thats also infused with energy healing. IF you love it and want to have it on your phone to save you can download it FREE on my website. Made with love Gen x ... *This meditation was created for those who need grounding. For those who need to find peace in this unpredictable time. For those wanting to bring in the love and safety that is abundantly available to us all. In a time where fear and uncertainty is rearing its head, its important for us to stay calm and grounded and to trust that THIS time is happening for a reason. Find a comfortable sitting position, while the music plays concentrate on your breath. Breathing in LOVE and SAFTY and breathing out any fear and any insecurities. This meditation is infused with energy healing, for grounding your energy into mother earth and helping you bring you closer to your guides and inner self. It has an opportunity to bring healing and empowerment around this situation. I encourage you to breathe it and feel it. With love Gen x Please note, Haumanu own rights to all music and imagery used in their workings.

15.01.2022 , ! As we come into a new month that just so happens to marks halfway through the year I would like to also point out we have a full Moon this Sunday. Its no secret that 2020 has been a wild ride and for some a challenging one. This Full Moon is your opportunity to let it all go and start over with a clean slate. Your opportunity to take a deep breath! I may be in the minority here but I have really enjoyed 2020 so far. For me and my family we thrived and thoroughly enjoyed what 2020 has brought, now this isnt to say we havent felt or been affected by what the world has gone through we have just chosen to focus on whats in front of us. EACH OTHER. This has been how we have kept cool, this is how weve managed to be okay, this has been how we have been able to pivot despite all the disruption in the world. I invite you to try do the same this month (IF you havent already). ? , ? . On a side note, I want to add another reason why I love JULY so much, ITS MY BIRTHDAY! As I embark on my 33rd year I will be making sure I celebrate ME, to really take note of me and all my achievements and lessons so far. Sounds a little self-absorbed right? Lol I know, once upon a time I felt weird about it too but THIS is part of the healing process, this is part of growth, this is part of moving forward. ! I am wishing you all a wonderful July! Gen x See more

15.01.2022 Sharing a snippet of what MEMBERS get in ~Heal Thy Goddess~ 1) Goddess of the month A chance to connect and to invoke her energy. Regardless IF you are meditating or not you can still call upon her for guidance BUT ultimately to really connect and make the most of the Goddess coming forward sitting down to meditate with her is recommended. ... 2) Of course the beloved PICK A CARD posts- 3) Group Healing. Members get a chance to be apart of the group healing if they wish. I say group but I individually go through the members who have opted in and give them some 1on1 and IF something needs to be specifically addressed or a message needs to be given I will private message them. 4) Moon updates. What is sign is the Moon in and what sign/enerfy is she playing me? 5) Guided meditation created by yours truly to help with what we are working on for the month. 6) Personal Moon Redings. With every NEW & FULL MOON, it triggers a different area of life, while I might be experiencing the house of FAMILY you might be in the house of SELF. These mini readings are a perfecr aay to see what if personally going on for you for that month. Want in?? Membership is $20 each month. Join below Gen

15.01.2022 ~Confession time~ Ive been beating myself up for NOT having the mini-program I said I was going to do earlier this week ready. Ive been procrastinating, avoiding doing the work and blaming "technology" when really, that is not true and I know its not true bc what I was "creating" is already created it was just a matter of a few clicks then uploading it but my internal self was "sabotaging" it . It wasnt until I was showering tonight (anyone else finds the shower really ...good for brain work? ) that it hit me to WHY?!... I was creating something that is really beginner level stuff, like scratching the surface kinda stuff and THAT is not what Im here for. Yes, I want to help educate you in things, I want to help you understand and get familiar with the different stages of this journey BUT I need to be honest here. The work I am here to do IS NOT surface-level stuff. Its not beginners stuff, the work and the healing Im capable of helping you achieve is NOT something you can tippy-toe around. Let me be confronting for a moment. IF you are following me or seen me in the past as a client (as in yesterday and beyond) its because you have some BIG shit to clear and some deep-rooted healing needed You know how I know this? Bc the work Ive done on myself is not surface-level stuff and I made a deal with the universe long before this present moment that I would be someone to lead this path, someone to lead others into healing and in doing so I also put my hand up to learn it all by experience you name it Ive prob had some form of experience in that area, I mean why else would people follow IF not lead by example?! So for anyone that has been keeping an eye out for the "mini-course" I announced the other day, my apologies, it is NOT coming. If you were waiting for it I encourage you to reach out via dm and we can chat about what it was you were hoping for in this course and what we can do instead. Full warning though, it wont be surface level No more playing small, no more tiptoeing around the fact that almost all of us have some form of trauma stored. People are suffering and healing is NEEDED. I have the goods to release you from those old chains... A much different kinda post from me but some truth was needing to come OUT. Big loves Gen x

15.01.2022 The podcast I recorded the other night isnt scheduled to be released till the 6th of August ... Ive been given the link and the to share with anyone who wants to hear it BEFORE it gets released to the public. : I share how YOU can heal from past sexual trauma, more specifically Childhood sexual abuse. Talking about how you can go from being broken to living a life full of LOVE and freedom. Comment below or message and Ill send you the link ... Picture: throwback from last month, celebrating my amazing FILs birthday. These 3 beauties are the main reason why I do what I do. Healing myself to be a better me to help raise strong, powerful and intuitive young women, this is not just possible for me and mine but possibly for you and YOURS. Lets rise up and raise THEM how WE should have of been @ Haumanu

14.01.2022 Deep healing is taking place... I welcome it, I embrace it, I embody it. A form of healing Im really drawn to and encourage my clients to step into is "Inner Child Work". Inner Child work is when we let our inner child step foward and show us a time when our little spirits were broken or hurt in anyway. It can be tough work being confronted with the memories and some realisations but my gosh is it POWERFUL stuff.... IF you are intreseted in learning about this form of healing I invite you to come join us in ~Heal Thy Goddess~ where the month will be commited to our inner childhood and healing her broken spirit with the help of a very special Goddess. Why is this work important? When we leave things unhealed we carry it around and over the years it affects us a lot more then we care to admit. Childhood is where belief systems are formed, where patterns start, where fear is ingrained in us and so on but just because it was experienced in these early years does not mean it has to determine how we live and experience life today. Healing is possible!!! Link to join the group is in the comment section. Gen x

14.01.2022 Heal Thy Self The next intake is now OPEN and we commence 21st of June on a New Moon A 9-week online program helping women learn more about their Mind Body and Spirit and to help them on their healing journey by using live lessons, meditations, energy work and more.... We all have a past, we all have something we need to heal from but the HOW TO part is missing. To truly heal we need to understand how we hold on to things and how to release it from us. We need to learn how to recognise our triggers and how to pivot around them so we dont fall back into old habits or old ways of thinking/feeling. Heal Thy Self not only teaches you these things but also brings HEALING. Each week you get -Access to me for Q&A -Downloadable PDF lessons in the members-only section -How to video guides -Guided meditations -Affirmations -Crystal guide -A private FB group where live lessons will be done for those that prefer LIVE interaction. Investment is $199AUD upfront OR a payment plan is in place due to covid19 for just $25 For more info or to register click

14.01.2022 1st June 2020 Something thats been in the pipe-line for a while is now coming to Haumanu. I dont think youll be able to guess (only bc its not something weve had before) but IF you want to give it a crack at guessing I invite you to comment below. First person to correctly guess WINS ... Not open to the cheeky friends that already know

13.01.2022 Heal Thy Goddess Become a FOUNDING MEMBER To join click the link below of for more info head to the Heal Thy Goddess FB group.... HeadPhones IN

13.01.2022 Gotta love FB memories Todays memory was from 8 years ago, initially, I was mortified I shared this in the first place but then it gave me time to reflect and show me how far Ive come. Im sharing not bc I need a pat on the back but so you can see what healing really looks like, what it can do and how liberating it can be IF you chose. I posted about being really hurt by someone that was supposed to love and support me. I remember posting it and how hurt and ang...ry I was, I also remember thinking that this was the last straw Lets just say I stayed angry and hurt for a while, I cut this person out and told myself I didnt need them and in doing so I added another block to my growing "issues". Fast forward to when I was in the thick of my healing journey (a couple of years in) I was given the opportunity to revisit and re-connect this relationship. My nervous system was wired to run, my heart didnt want to let them back in and my ego wanted to stay in my hurt, anger and fear. I had to really remind myself that I was going into this situation with having started the healing process. I was going in with more space in my heart, more space in my mind for understanding and going in not alone but with the love and support of my husband. That situation ended up being one of my most profound healing moments EVER. Turns out there was a lot of miss-communication, a lot of passed on anger and hurt (from others) and ego that didnt need to be there. In this Healing not only was 1 relationship restored but 10+ relationships. I could cry just thinking about it. " , , . , !" This is just one of the reasons why I am so passionate about HEALING, why I harp on about it all the time and why Ive dedicated my work to teaching it. This isnt just something for me but for all of us. ~ ~ Teaches you the foundations of Self-healing. It will help you understand how situations, people and things can play a role in how you think, feel and live. It will teach you how you can shift stagnant energy out of your body. It will teach you how to let go of what no longer is needed and how you can transmute it to work in your favour. It will teach you more about yourself. It will teach you how and when to put boundaries in place and when (or if) those boundaries need to be re-addressed for healing. starts . Are you ready to heal? See more

12.01.2022 !! Ive always been a birthday lover, even with getting older. I dont see it as one year older but one year MORE wiser, one year more in tune, one more year longer in LOVE and so on. Ive seen what happens when people deny and fight the "getting older" process, Ive seen what mid-life crisis can do to an individual and to a family so I made peace with ageing a very long time ago. Im making sure no matter whats going on in my life to always find the, be grateful for what I have, where Ive been and what Im working towards, to learn from my mistakes (trust me there plenty of them) and to make the most of the opportunities in front of me. I still have so much to learn but I know it will all come with the years that follow, which to me is exciting. Ive been completely spoilt this year and feeling so loved up and happy despite lying in bed like a cripple lol (yeah, mentally Im good with aging but my body on the other hand. Picking up babies can be dangerous work). Serious question. How do you feel about getting older? Do you celebrate the extra year around the Sun? "Resisting it is time-wasting and lets be real, NO ONE has time for that!" #happybirthdaytome #celebratingme #birthdaygirl

11.01.2022 Somethings been on my mind and it could involve YOU. Are you in? Check out our "stories" to find out and to vote

10.01.2022 Message reveal!! For those that picked a card the other day here are your messages. Now just a reminder that this is the last public pick a card post on this page. Ill be moving them into the Heal Thy Goddess membership so if you want to still continue getting them I invite you to join. Ill be doing more open style reading and healings plus guided meditations/activations. Its going to be amazing!!!

08.01.2022 Baby girl turned 2 today. This weekend we celebrate HER with all her quirks, sas and cuteness. I also reminisce on our journey together, as she grew in my sacral and how she entered this world via home birth right in my healing room. From the very beginning, It was IF by magic (the story would actually freak you out, in a good way) which just set the theme of her whole existence, MAGIC!! At around 14 weeks there was some issues and for a little while, I thought she wouldnt... stick around. But again, magic was at play. I knew very quickly that the little soul I was carrying would need more than my conscious eating but ALL of my consciousness (mind, body and spirit). I did ALOT of deep meditation with her, a lot of energy clearing and a lot of past life shifting (both for her and I). I guess you could call it Soul preparation?! Healing one life to make the next life better. The whole experience is one I will never forget and one I will always jump at the chance to talk about , If you have any questions is regards to hypnobirthing (self taught) pregnancy meditation, home birth or even mindset around birth please ask a way?! FUN FACT: I actually wanted to become a doula a couple of years ago and knew that IF I wanted to go down that path that having the experience would be very beneficial. I had already had two VERY different hospital births so to have my 3rd as a very holistic and very positive homebirth experience I feel like I would make a perfect doula. Something I hope to pursue once my girls are more independent. WORDS OF WISDOM: trust your body, trust your intuition, be and feel into your present moment, cherish the memories you have, attempt your dreams and learn from your past "oh shit" moments. Life is precious and before you know it two years will have passed. Happy 2nd Birthday, Baby Girl!

07.01.2022 Monday Vibes To me, forgiveness is an ongoing process. Some things are easier to forgive while others we can find it hard to comprehend the thought of forgiveness BUT to not forgive is a form of self-storage, a way to keep yourself in victim mode and a way of causing disease not only in YOU but those around you. For me, I chose to practice forgiveness to not only liberate myself but also those I love (like this cheeky monkey here ) because what we do not heal we pass down t...o the next generation and to me that is not okay, forgiveness = healing and I am ALL about the HEALING. Dont get it twisted, forgiveness does not mean you forget and it certainly doesnt mean you then go and INVITE that situation or person back in your life, you can forgive and still have some serious boundaries in place (learn those lessons and remember your WORTH). Say it with me, BOUNDARIES!! How do you even forgive you ask? A good place to start is with YOURSELF. Check out my insta video for a little more on this subject, the link is below Hot tip: Rose Quartz is a great crystal to open up your heart/love portal where forgiveness can thrive

06.01.2022 Monday Vibes means sharing over on instagram, because I can Click the link to watch Talking about MANIFESTING. Side note, you could be doing it all wrong, but thats okay bc I am here to help. ... Send me a DM if you want to find out more jucy ways on how to call in all the goodies you want

06.01.2022 Podcast Interview Healing Sexual Trauma Through Healing The Chakras with Gena Abbott I also want to take this opportunity to share I will be hosting a Womens Healing Circle here in Perth at the end of October. This is dedicated wholly and solely to women that have suffered from childhood or adolescent sexual abuse. This healing circle will be FREE with the purest intent to helping you in your healing journey. Numbers are limited so if you are interested in joining please... DM me. Click the LINK to listen to the podcast Throwback to when my big girls were little and I was in the THICK of my healing. The beach was my calm space, the place I could just BE.

05.01.2022 Sacral Chakra Goodness Im in FULL creation this week, check it out

05.01.2022 Over in my private group, Ive just introduced our second Goddess for ~Heal Thy Goddess~ Her energy is strong, resilient and focused. She works closely with wild life, the Moon phases and relies on nature for healing. She also took it upon herself to look after young women therefore she can bring deep healing to our Inner adolescent self. Wanna learn more about this Goddess?! ... Come join us, link in the comments.. $20 per month (first week is complimentary). Heal Thy Goddess *This group is a monthly online Wemens Circle. Creating a space each month where we will have a theme around a Goddess that is intuitively pick. We make her our focus point and learn how WE can tap into her energy & virtues/power because believe me when I say this WE ALL embody them, we just need to be reminded how to access and use them. IN this group there will be guided meditations to help you build that Goddess up (aka YOU) PLUS this will also be where I do Moonphase readings for those who want to work with the Moon, pick a card post (unfortunately I wont be doing these publicly anymore), crystals knowledge for the months theme, group healings, monthly mantras/affirmations, hot seat FB lives (randomly pick someone to work with LIVE) and so so much more! This GODDESS CIRCLE will not only help your personal growth and understanding of self but also help your relationships, mothering, healing, work-life and IF your an entrepreneur itll even help you in this area and potentially help you make more money. How, do you ask? I harp-on about this ALL the time, but just in case you need to hear it again, WHEN we are opening up and learning more about OURSELVES we start breaking down blocks that might be standing in our way so that we can reach our full potential- The Goddess you are born to be.

04.01.2022 SHUT THE FRONT GATE I am officially published and LIVE as a contributor at Thrive Global And just so you can see the sheer awesomeness of this Thrive Global is an American company that provides behaviour change technology and media to support individuals struggling with stress and burnout - think mental health. It was founded by Arianna Huffington who co-founded Huffington Post. ... **insert happy dance** You can find the article below and IF you could share that would mean so much to me and the work I am trying to do in this crazy world

04.01.2022 Okay, ladies, Its been a few weeks since our last "pick a card" post and thats bc Im making some changes (for the better, of course) but this will be the last public "pic a card" post as Ill be shifting it into a private Facebook group for Haumanus very own membership program Heal Thy Goddess If you love these posts and want to still receive them plus other magically things I offer I invite you to join, we being this Thursday before the Full Moon peeks. For anyone wa...nting more info or to join Heal Thy Goddess click this link and read the discription For now, though here is your chance to flex your intuition and pick a card that calls you. Think about an obstical you may have or an area in your life that you need guidance on, this card will provide practical and grounded action for the next step. Take a deep breath, concentrate on the picture and feel into it, comment the card below and Ill reveal its message soon. Deck: NEW! The Starseed oracle by Rebecca Campbell

03.01.2022 This may be of interest...

03.01.2022 Another "SHUT THE FRONT GATE" moment Im in a magazine!!!! The Natural Health Mag UK - August edition.... Ive been holding off on getting too excited because I wasnt sure how my part was going to be laid out or look but Im pretty blood excited nonetheless. I was asked a series of questions about Crystals, the best way to meditate with them and the benefits. I was also asked to create a simple guided meditation that someone could do to connect with their chosen crystal. I wanted to make the most of this opportunity so I went a little "extra" and created a landing page dedicated to NHM readers. This page jas a guided meditation (created by me) and further crystal information which they loved and included the link in the write-up Go check it out, link below Ive been working with crystals and their healing properties for years now both personally and professionally, they are a part of my daily life (right now Im currently wearing Herkimer diamonds for spiritual alignment and awareness) and something I strongly encourage my clients to explore so I felt very comfortable and confidant in offering my knowledge to this platform Feeling super proud, Gen x

02.01.2022 Heal Thy Self The next intake is now OPEN and we commence 3rd August 2020 A 9-week online program helping women learn more about their Mind Body and Spirit and to help them on their healing journey using live lessons, meditations, energy work and more.... We all have a past, we all have something we need to heal from but the HOW TO part is missing. To truly heal we need to understand how we hold on to things and how to release it from us. We need to learn how to recognise our triggers and how to pivot around them so we dont fall back into old habits or old ways of thinking/feeling. Heal Thy Self not only teaches you these things but also brings HEALING. Each week you get -Live lessons -Access to me for Q&A -Downloadable PDF lessons in the members-only section -How-to video guides -Guided meditations -Affirmations -Crystal guide -A private FB group where live lessons will be done for those that prefer LIVE interaction. Investment is $199AUD upfront OR a payment plan is in place due to covid19 for just $25pw PLEASE NOTE: this is the final time I am offering this price package. After this intake pieces will be going up and the weekly payment plan will go so IF you want to take advantage of this package NOW is your time. For more info or to register click

02.01.2022 Calling ALL GODDESSES Ive been thinking about HOW to bring back the GODDESS CIRCLE package, these were so popular when I was offering them before I had baby number 3 and Ive been dying to bring it back in a way that could work in with everything and not be just limited to Perth. Heres what Im thinking, a monthly online Goddess Circle (Heal Thy Goddess)(obviously online solves distance haha.)... But Imagine this, each month in a private Facebook group we will have a theme around a Goddess that I intuitively pick. We make her our focus point and learn how WE can tap into her energy & virtues/power because believe me when I say this WE ALL embody them, we just need to be reminded how to access and use them. There will be guided meditations to help you build that Goddess up (aka YOU) PLUS this will also be where I do Moonphase readings for those who want to work with the Moon, pick a card post (unfortunately I wont be doing these publicly anymore, sorry I know how much you love them), crystals knowledge for the months theme, group healings, monthly mantras/affirmations, hot seat calls (randomly pick someone to work with LIVE) and so so much more! This GODDESS CIRCLE will not only help your personal growth and understanding of self but also help your relationships, mothering, healing, work-life and IF your an entrepreneur itll even help you in this area and potentially help you make more money. How, do you ask? I harp-on about this ALL the time, but just in case you need to hear it again, WHEN we are opening up and learning more about OURSELVES we start breaking down blocks that might be standing in our way so that we can reach our full potential- The Goddess you are born to be. Im inviting YOU to be a founding member of the Heal Thy Goddess, not only will you get to join at its lowest cost ($20per month) and get all the juicy stuff above BUT also be able to help me shape this beautiful space for future Goddesses. No lock-in fee and you can opt-out any time but I know youll love it so much that youll never want to leave Are you in??! May seems like a great time to start ;) Send me a PM saying GODDESS and we can go from there x Gen x

01.01.2022 People crave and in most cases look for it in the wrong places. Connection to is key in being able to fully connect to those around you and things that FILL you with love and joy. Connection to self gives you a sense of worthiness that no one else can. Connection to self gives you the ability to put boundaries in place towards things you may find toxic but in a way that is polite and from a place of love. ... Connection to self widens your perspective to new ways of thinking and or feeling (life is about GROWTH). Connection to self deepens your relationship with those you love. When you know yourself, accept yourself, love yourself for being YOU, you see others in the same light and feel for them deeply. Connection to self gives you permission to live in your happiness. Connection to self gives you permission to live passionately. Connection to self means living in your TRUTH. Connection to self helps you drop the judgment. Connection to self attracts abundance. Connection to self is protective. Connection to self is where you will find true happiness. Connection to self is FREEING. Connection to self is LOVE, therefore, the opposite of selfishness. Connection to self is HEALING. Connection to self is LIVING. Stop looking outside of yourself for connection and start looking inwards. This is where its at, this is where it all begins. Heal Thy Self is a self-healing, self connecting and self-accepting program. Guiding you to true and deep connection of Ladies, are you ready? DM or comment for link. , "" . Gen x See more

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