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Hawkesbury High School

Phone: 0245796800


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25.01.2022 G R A D U A T I O N This morning students participated in an online Zoom graduation for Guide Dogs Australia to acknowledge their hard work and dedication. This term students have engaged in a series of learning activities to replicate their hands on experiences with the organisation. Keep up the great work guys!

25.01.2022 Welsh Pony Cob Society Australia 2021 Congratulations to Year 10 student Arabela Whitby who was last week awarded the Best Young Peoples Group Handler at the Queensland State All Welsh Show. After being affected by the Hawkesbury River flood waters Arabela made the difficult decision to scratch her own horses from the show, lucky enough on Thursday the weather took a break and an escape up north was possible. Arabela was able to borrow Barn Hill Bridget, a beautiful 3 year old filly, and underwent handler classes to still participate and come away with an award! What an amazing feat! Well done to Arabela who is now continuing to prepare for the Royal Sydney Show.

25.01.2022 T E R M 3 B E G I N S Term 3 Begins for students on Tuesday 21st July. We are looking forward to seeing everyone after the well deserved break.

25.01.2022 E N D O F T E R M A C T I V I T I E S Year 8 students today enjoyed a day filled with CPR training, learning safe water skills and group relays. Students were able to enjoy Richmond Pools all to themselves, what a great end to the term.

25.01.2022 C R O S S C O U N T R Y Cross Country will still be held on Wednesday 31st of March during SPORT periods. Modifications have been made to the track to ensure safety and a great day!

24.01.2022 T H A N K Y O U

22.01.2022 From classroom desks to dining room tables. See how the students, parents and teachers from these schools navigated online learning, and what they learned together along the way. #EdWeek20 *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*

22.01.2022 # B U I L D U P D A T E #BUILD- today we are continuing to build the tray. It is coming along and the crew are very happy with how it is looking. Well done to the #Build Crew!!

21.01.2022 Year 12 students will now have their COVID-19 test results fast tracked through pathology. They simply need to advise the nurse or doctor doing the test that they are HSC students. Results will be fast tracked to reduce disruption to their studies and exams.

21.01.2022 The Principal's Update includes information on parent teacher interviews, e-safety, school reports, the P&C, Wednesday afternoon expectations and the latest on COVID-19.

19.01.2022 H I B B E R T S L A N E P R O D U C T I O N S Enjoy this performance of 'Highway to Hell' by Year 9 Music.

19.01.2022 After the fire comes regrowth. See how Grafton Public School welcomed Baryulgil and Nymboida Public Schools, providing a safe haven for students from fire-affected communities so everyone could learn together and recover. #EdWeek20 *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*

18.01.2022 H I B B E R T S L A N E P R O D U C T I O N S Our school rock band has been diligently practising, weekly, to refine their skills as an ensemble. Enjoy an online performance to Walk The Moon's 'Shut Up and Dance'.

18.01.2022 I N D U S T R I A L T E C H N O L O G Y Our Year 7 - 10 Industrial Technology students have been working hard to complete their projects. Well done to all students who pushed to get these completed this term. They all look amazing!!

18.01.2022 E X T E N S I O N 2 M A T H E M A T I C S Extension 2 Mathematics students working collaboratively on a challenging Projectile Motion equation. Great to see our students working hard in the classroom.

17.01.2022 S P O R T S E L E C T I O N S If students have not selected their Term 2 WED SPORT options please log onto your Sentral Student Portal and do so by the end of the week.

17.01.2022 # B U I L D #Build has seen a productive year even though we experienced some setbacks due to COVID. In 2020 we have achieved the following: repaired all rust on the cab body, started panel work, designed and fabricated the tray and finished the doors ready for the final coat of paint. Well done to all the students that have been involved and the companies that have supported us along the way this year including - VG Auto Paints and Buttsworth. Thank you to everyone involved. It’s been a great year!

16.01.2022 S O N G L I N E S A N D S P E A R S To complete NAIDOC WEEK students painted song line artworks based on their location within the Hawkesbury. Students in 8HSIE also handcrafted their own spears after a series of lessons developing their cultural understanding.

16.01.2022 Y E A R 1 0 F O O D T E C H Our Year 10 Food Tech students cooking up a storm making some delicious creations. Great to see the innovation students are bringing to the kitchen!!! #masterchef #mykitchenrules

14.01.2022 We're working closely with the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC), NSW Health and other agencies to ensure our schools continue to operate in the safest ways possible during the COVID environment. Please read the latest guidelines published today:

14.01.2022 Y E A R 1 0 H I G H T E A Our Year 10 Food Technology students creative High Tea displays. They looked and tasted amazing!! Well done Year 10.

13.01.2022 E D W E E K 2 0 2 0 This week Year 8 have been learning together to develop their literacy skills through the use of Hawkesbury HS unique writing scaffold WALU. Students have also been researching and implementing surface area and perimeter information to create detailed pool designs.

13.01.2022 # B U I L D #Build - Today the crew finished cutting and preparing the outside frame for the tray ensuring it is square and of correct size. The students were introduced to Mig Welding and then worked to weld the frame together. Great effort today!!

12.01.2022 H O M E W O R K C L U B Our Homework club will be running on Wednesdays from 1.50pm - 2.50pm in the School Library. Open to all students who need assistance with homework, assessments and study skills. If you have any questions, see Miss Talidu in the HSIE/English staffroom.

12.01.2022 H S C M I N I M U M S T A N D A R D

12.01.2022 Please join this private group for information if your child is attending HHS Year 7 Orientation Day (01/12/2020).

12.01.2022 C L A S S S T A R S P O T It is so great to see the amazing learning opportunities happening in the classroom. Check out 8C Terrarium Making. Using this as a method to investigate the water cycle. Amazing Work 8C!!

11.01.2022 Sam Bonus of Year 10 We are so proud of you... Sam has set himself the amazing goal of swimming the English Channel in 2021 to raise awareness of youth mental health.

11.01.2022 V I R T U A L S H O W C A S E Traditionally, parents and carers would enjoy a great live display of student creative and performing talent. However, due to COVID-19 please enjoy this recorded display of musical and dance performances from students Year 7 - 12. Year 9 - 00.06sec Rock Band - 03.33sec Ryan Said - 04.52sec... Year 8 Dance Duo - 06.42sec Bronte McCombe - 09.03sec Year 8 Dance Ensemble - 13.07sec Rock Trio - 15.44sec Kiara Arnold-Warne 18.10sec Dance Ensemble - 22.28sec Rock Band - 24.18sec Year 10 Music - 27.02sec See more

10.01.2022 E D W E E K 2 0 2 0 Its been a busy week in Creative and Performing Arts subjects. Year 7 are learning together to develop their knowledge of rock music and creating preliminary still life sketches!

10.01.2022 E M E R G E N C Y M A N A G E M E N T P R O C E D U R E S This morning Hawkesbury High School will be participating in a whole school lockdown drill. Practising emergency drills and procedures has the benefit of preparing students and staff for a range of events providing the confidence to respond appropriately if an emergency does impact our school.

10.01.2022 Calling all parents and carers: Have you downloaded the School Updates app yet? Opt in to receive notifications about the operational status of our school (e.g. temporary closures). Find out more and download via *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*

10.01.2022 S T U D E N T S U C C E S S S Hawkesbury High School student Kelsea Nash has been selected as a member of the Macquarie Zone Soccer team to compete at the Sydney West School Sport Cup. Congratulations Kelsea, keep up the great work!

09.01.2022 # B U I L D I S B A C K #Build is back!! This week we started to mark and cut the tray frame we have researched other designs and chosen one we like to recreate. It is so great to see the opportunities for our students to develop their skills in a range of industries.

08.01.2022 E N D O F T E R M S P O R T P I C N I C We are looking forward to our end of term sport picnic tomorrow. The teachers have been training for the staff versus students cricket game. A BBQ lunch will be provided for all students.

08.01.2022 NSW School Counselling Service The recent flood disaster has greatly impacted school communities in large parts of western Sydney with schools reporting significant levels of stress amongst students and staff. It is for this reason that mental health support from the school counselling service will be available during the April vacation period.

08.01.2022 # B U I L D U P D A T E The #Build crew have been working hard on the tray and the main frame is now complete. They have also started to look at the brakes and how they work.

07.01.2022 Coming up this week...

06.01.2022 The new NSW school curriculum will build strong foundations in numeracy and literacy, give teachers more time on essential learning, and better prepare students for future work and study. Find out more: *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*

06.01.2022 Y E A R 1 0 F O R M A L

06.01.2022 #mondaymotivation

06.01.2022 Pass it on: #EdWeek20 is only 3 weeks away! Celebrate the amazing work of NSW public school students, staff, parents and carers learning together this year. More info: *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*

05.01.2022 Y E A R 9 G E O G R A P H Y Year 9 students are currently studying Sustainable Biomes in Geography, exploring a range of food staples and sustainable food options. Today students developed their palate and tasted a range of foods including crickets, mealworms, lentils, chickpeas, quinoa, sweet potato, lilly pilly, red kidney beans and buck wheat.

05.01.2022 B U I L D This week during #build students started to add fabricated tubs to the tray of the vehicle, these additions add style and individuality. We are excited to see students continue working on this amazing project and look forward to the finished vehicle!

05.01.2022 C R O S S C O U N T R Y Well done to our junior cross country 1st, 2nd and 3rd winners!

04.01.2022 C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S Hawkesbury High School would like to congratulate their Year 12 Music class on the completion of their HSC practical exams. Students have diligently worked with their teacher and accompanists to refine their performances.

03.01.2022 E N D O F T E R M A C T I V I T I E S Students enjoyed a day at Cables Water Park, jumping and sliding along the obstacle courses. Students took today’s wet weather in stride and had lots of fun. What a great way to finish the term!

03.01.2022 Hawkesbury High School - Year 12 Formal 2020

03.01.2022 P O S I T I V E P A W S Last week students continued their hands-on experience in working with Guide Dogs Australia to socialise and assistant in puppy training. Keep up the great work guys!

02.01.2022 I N D U S T R I A L T E C H N O L O G Y Our Year 11 Industrial Technology Timber and Furniture class have been working on their major projects. They have been working hard to complete their study desks. Well done!!

02.01.2022 B U I L D Today #build students finished preparing the car doors ready for the final colour application. The #build program is also progressing well with the cab having been stripped and undercoated and the tray is ready for installation with its mounting brackets attached. Amazing effort, keep up the great work team!

02.01.2022 H A L F S C H O O L A S S E M B L Y This week's half school assembly saw the recognition of student achievement and consistent diligence in Years 7, 9 and 11 TAS subjects. Well done to all students involved.

01.01.2022 I N G E N I U M P A R T N E R S H I P Today the Ingenium Partnership Program was launched between Hawkesbury High School and Wilberforce Public School. Year 9 students will provide mentoring to Stage 3 students, supporting them to complete independent projects that investigate and solve real-world problems. ... The program will help students to prepare for their transition to High School, as well as develop their future-focussed skills of critical thinking, creativity, communication, character, citizenship and collaboration.

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