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Hayley Lam Health & Wellness in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Gym/Physical fitness centre

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Hayley Lam Health & Wellness

Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Phone: +61 401 085 110


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21.01.2022 Postnatal depression and anxiety and how it’s served me... My mental health was something I always took for granted (shame on me)! I class myself as a happy, positive person and I’ve spent most of my PT career coaching my clients through, amongst other things, mental health challenges, which I know is my true purpose and passion in life. #iloveit So when this diagnosis slapped me in the face three months postpartum, I really questioned how the hell I got here. Let’s be ...honest though, three months of sleep deprivation and a non stop screaming new born will certainly bring up some emotional baggage you’ve been hiding in the back closet. I had it coming... Admittedly, acceptance of the fact was the hardest thing for me. Asking for help is not my strong suit, particularly if it involves showing any form of vulnerability. However, I’ve come to have a love-hate relationship with the diagnosis. HATE - because it left me sleepless, feeling out of control and worthless, and undoubtably crippled deep to my core. And LOVE - because it’s awakened me to the thoughts running through my mind, and the feelings that ripple over my body which I’ve spent decades suppressing... Yes... decades!!! I’m beginning to understand its presence in my life. It’s not about the diagnosis, but what I was suppose to unveil through the process of healing. I feel a sense of relief and softness which previously, my hard exterior hated. The silence in my head is deafening... and I absolutely love it! So here I am... bringing some awareness to mental health (especially given R U OK day is this Thursday), and to the fact that life ain’t perfect. And certainly not like the one we share on the gram. What I’ve learnt though... even when you think you have your shit together... at some point, we have to face the hard stuff... big or small! And when facing our fears we must soften and disarm. Equally as hard is trusting and surrendering to that process. Without doubt, it is here that we find the peace and happiness we spend life searching for. See more

20.01.2022 2020: My soul’s expansion... Simon and I were reflecting last night on what a massive year 2020 has been for us. For most of it, we felt like we were in a dark room, and more recently... we’ve step out into the light and our souls have expanded far beyond our belief. I’ll be the first to admit even with the birth of our second daughter, which most would associate with pure joy, it wasn’t this way for me... it was a f*cking hard year. Throw in a global pandemic and it’s ...bound to test the best of us. But with reflection, sounds cliche, but I can see that this year was like my own real and true awakening. I’ve done some pretty intense and deep work on myself and peeled back many layers (with the help of an incredible support crew - thank you #innerwork). And the result... wow... epic... a much deeper understanding of ME... and also a much clearer vision for me, my business and my relationships and connections with self and others, to which I’m so freakin grateful for. As my family and I walk into the holiday season, I feel my heart is truly full. Unlike other years of uncertainty and somewhat emptiness, what’s ahead ignites me and lights me up. I’m so ready for more juicy growth and change. With that, I say thank you... thank you 2020... for sending me a f*cken massive storm. And also thank you for clearing the clouds and bringing me so much beautiful light. You might still be vibing me and this space, you might not! Either way it’s cool... But from my heart to yours... I truly hope this year, a midst the chaos, has expanded your soul beyond your wildest dreams. Here’s to more growth in 2021 See more

16.01.2022 Today I am showing up exactly as I am... perfectly imperfect. No make up, no concealer, just the way I am... being vulnerable yet blissfully free, happy and content. This beautiful facial thing (I call it a thing, because in reality, that’s all it really is... just a thing - it has no meaning), has been around for a little while now since my last pregnancy with Evie. I’m slowly beginning to realise its my bodies physical way of telling me to show up, in mind, body a...nd spirit. With hindsight, it is a true deep reflection of abandoning myself for too long. It’s covering my face, just as I’ve covered up and have been running from pain, feelings and letting stories depict my life. It’s for the times I’ve chosen to do, say, eat, exercise and heal the way others have told me to. It’s for abandoning my intuition and my inner knowing of what’s true and right for me. This beautiful facial thing will no doubt come and go (as evidence in the pictures taken over the last few months) but I no longer want to hide it as I know its my true compass which lets me know if I’m living a life in alignment with my core values. So thank you facial thing... for being here, for being my guide, for giving me the courage to not give a f*ck what people think about my appearance... and for allowing me to show up and rock it exactly as I am. #facialthing #healing #corevalues #loveselffirst #facialdermatitis #perioraldermatitis #rosacea #whocareswhatitis #perfectasis #perfectlyimperfect #showup #innerwork #awakenedlifestyle #bestdayever See more

14.01.2022 The masculine and feminine I attended my weekly ‘Awakened Lifestyles’ Inner Work circle last night hosted my the beautiful coach @cathyvalentine_ . The topic, the masculine and feminine energies! I love this topic and I was happy to share my experiences in circle about spending most of my adult life in the masculine. The constant pushing, doing, striving, hustling and forcing... it was never ending! Although my ability to move into the feminine is still a juggling act,... these days I find it much easier to shift back into equilibrium. After circle, I started reflecting on how the masculine continues to show up for me in motherhood. Quite poignant as we are away on holidays this week and the girls are sick, we’re sleep deprived and it’s bringing up some old feelings where my masculine energy was at an all time high. My mind loves to take me places it believes is safe but in reality, it never is I know the journey from maiden to mother is ‘suppose to be’ a very feminine experience. However, I’ve come to realise my inability to ‘let go’ has never let me fully embody the beauty that is motherhood. Even down to the birth of my baby girls, I can see how the constant pushing (pardon the pun) and doing, never really let me surrender to what my body had to do Would I go back and change it?! No... but with hindsight I can see how me peeling back the layers over the last few months has allowed me to start moving into my feminine and being more conscious in motherhood and parenting. Sounds weird, but in a way, I feel so relieved for the realisation that I no longer have to fulfil this masculine role 100% of my day. I receive so much joy from just be-ing in my feminine. I notice the little things... their smiles, their curiosity, their love, their affection and more importantly, their feelings and emotions. It gives me goosebumps just thinking about it. And yes, we still have our tough days, but I’ve realised it’s never too late to soften and embody the feminine which facilitates a secure bond and attachment with my girls. I can always return to this state of being, at any time I choose. Ahhhhh... My girls... my greatest teachers See more

10.01.2022 JOURNALING I’ve been called to journal a lot lately! Like A LOT! For the past month, my heart literally just wants to pour itself onto the page. Yet, I’ve spent the last month procrastinating about the thought of even starting. I sit on my bed, every night... I meditate, hold my crystals, do my cards, sniff my oils (yep... all the woo woo). I feel drawn to pick up a pen! Do I do it... no! Perhaps it’s because I subconsciously know my higher self has some big stuff to downl...oad, but my mind keeps pushing it away, not ready to face it yet. Today I picked up the pen... did she download?? YEP... a sh*t load! Like six A4 pages worth. I honoured the rhythm of the pen and gave myself some compassion for the few things I’ve been hiding in the back closet. The months of abandoning the calling to put pen to paper had its reasons. But in this very moment, I know that journaling is the missing piece of my puzzle to a stronger and higher connection with self, and my care for self practices. It’s just like my procrastination to meditate. It’s got to be, a daily, non negotiable. Whether it’s a sentence or ten pages... my inner being (she) needs to be heard. I’m interested... Do you journal? What leads you to journal? What prompts do you use to journal? I’d love to hear... hit me up See more

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