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Home Care Assistance North Coast NSW in Yamba, New South Wales | Medical and health

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Home Care Assistance North Coast NSW

Locality: Yamba, New South Wales

Phone: +61 2 6646 3527

Address: 72 Yamba Rd Unit 1 2464 Yamba, NSW, Australia


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24.01.2022 Home Care Assistance North Coast - now an Approved Provider for Commonwealth Home Care Packages and ready to Change the Way the World Ages! We can give you better service, and much better value, for your Home Care Package. Phone us any time - weekends, holidays and evenings included.

23.01.2022 Some good news to end the year! Australia's oldest scientist will stay on campus, aged 102. Australia’s oldest scientist, 102-year-old Dr David Goodall, will again be allowed to work from Edith Cowan University after it reversed an earlier decision. A 102-year-old Perth man who is also Australia’s oldest scientist will get to keep an office on campus after Edith Cowan University reversed a decision that would have forced him to work from home.... Dr David Goodall was told in August that he had been deemed a health risk due to him taking about 90 minutes and four to five public transport changes to travel to the university’s northern suburban Joondalup campus. The news gained international attention and debate about the treatment and value of older workers. The university has now agreed to give him an office at its Mount Lawley campus, reducing his travel time. Goodall’s career in ecology spans 70 years, and he is an honorary research associate in the centre of ecosystem management. The university’s vice-chancellor, Prof Steve Chapman, said Goodall’s new location was next to the campus support office, ensuring colleagues would be present throughout the day if Goodall needed assistance. I am pleased we have found a solution that will ensure David can continue to be based at ECU, he said. ECU is seeking to renew David’s honorary appointment this month as planned. Source: The Guardian newspaper.

23.01.2022 A remarkable life! #homecare #agedcare Today's news contains a report of a remarkable person. Like us, you may never have heard of her - but her story shows how long and full a life can be. Our many Clients each have their own remarkable story - we are all unique and special in our own way. Reporter Clare Hollingworth, who broke news of World War II, dies aged 105...Continue reading

20.01.2022 Due to the limitations of pharmacological approaches to dementia and other forms of cognitive decline, scientists are relying more on non-pharmacological treatment plans, such as cognitive therapy, as a way to help delay the onset and slow the progression of symptoms of cognitive decline. Non-pharmacological interventions are based on the concept of neuroplasticity, which is the brain’s ability to reorganize connections in the brain, create new connections and even create new...Continue reading

19.01.2022 Home Care is Growing! We take calls every week from people who are just starting out on a journey - exploring options for help to live at home, for themselves, or for a parent or friend. Most people do want to stay in their own home - the place they know - and the good news is that it's getting easier. Private pay is one option - quick and easy and wonderful, with the right Provider. A Government subsidised "Home Care Package" is the other - and it's a very popular option.... There are now over 70,000 people nationally who are receiving a Home Care Package, with subsidies ranging as high as $54,500 per year. There is a waiting list too - with another 53,000 people assessed as eligible, and now on the "national queue" - but the Government is steadily releasing more Home Care Packages. 6,000 new high level places are being released over the next few months, and by 2021/22 Government expects to be funding at least 140,000 Home Care Package places nationally. That means Home Care places will double in just four years. So - Home Care is growing. Just as important though, Home Care is changing. We are part of that change - offering better choice, better quality of care, and far better value for our Clients. Typically - our Home Care Package Clients receive 30% - 50% more hours of help per week than the "big name" Providers can offer, and at lower cost too. Better Caregivers; better choice; better service and better value. Getting older is not the end - it's part of our journey. Life is about living. Give us a call - any day - any time! Dave and Meg: 02 6646 3527, or Mob: 0419763910.

13.01.2022 A Better Choice for Home Care - Call Us! #homecare #agedcare #homecarepackage #wellness #changethewaytheworldages It's been a long wait - but the day has come! Anyone receiving a Government funded Home Care Package can now choose Home Care Assistance - for better quality of care, for people who really listen, for Home Care based on wellness and positive enjoyment of life. And for better value too. Are you tired of seeing massive Case Management and Admin fees taken out of ...your Home Care budget? Tired of seeing 30% - 40% of the budget vaporised by fees? Need more hours of help than your Provider will give you? Sick of a constant change in schedule and Caregivers with no warning? Want to use some of those "unspent funds" and they won't cooperate? If you have a Home Care Package through another Provider, the chances are you have experienced all of those problems and more. The good news is - you don't have to put up with it any more. The funding rules have changed! You are now free to transfer your Home Care Package to our service. Alternatively - if you are still waiting for a Home Care Package - you can choose us right from the start and have the best from the very beginning. We keep our Admin and Case Management below 10%. We will NEVER charge an Exit Fee or try to lock our Clients in. We will give you MORE hours of quality care each week - with true choice and true Client control. You choose how to spend unspent funds. You choose the schedule. You get the same wonderful Caregivers each week. You can also access our unique Cognitive Therapeutics Program - for people experiencing short term memory loss - as part of our comprehensive Home Care Package service. Call us on: 02 66463527 - or send us a query through our website at: If you know someone in need of care - tell them about us. Forget everything you know about how bad things used to be. We really are something new in Home Care. Home Care Assistance truly is Changing the Way the World Ages!

13.01.2022 A Home Care Package Getting where you want to go. We have now had 3 months of the new funding rules for Government funded "Home Care Packages." In that time we have met and talked with many older people and their family members, to answer their questions about Home Care under a Government funded Home Care Package. Taking up a Home Care Package is easy - but choosing the best option is harder. Step 1, of course, is to really look at all the available options - and ask th...e right questions. These are the questions we recommend you ask of every Home Care Provider: 1. How much of my Home Care Package will you take for Administration fees? (10% to 15% is common) 2. How much of my Home Care Package will you take for Case Management fees? (10% to 25% is common). 3. How many hours of Home Care can you provide for me, at Monday to Friday daytime rates? (This gives a good measure for comparison between Providers). 4. Do you charge an Exit Fee if I decide to move to another Provider? 5. Will I be "locked in" to a Home Care Agreement with a long notice period. (Some Providers require 2 months notice). 6. Will I have a choice of Caregiver, and can I keep a regular service with a Caregiver I like? If a Care Provider is reluctant to give clear answers to any of these questions - be very cautious. A Home Care Package is simply a budget - an amount of money provided each day to cover your Home Care costs. If your Provider takes 35% of your Home Care Package subsidy for their own Administration and Case Management fees, that means more than a third of your budget is gone, leaving far less support for your real day to day needs. Your Home Care Package becomes like a bridge, with vital bits missing! At Home Care Assistance North Coast our policy is: - Zero Admin Fees - Zero Case Management fees - Zero Exit Fee That is a huge saving - all of which goes into extra services. So our Clients receive many more hours of actual Home Care - for the services they really need. Typically, we can provide from 25% to 50% more hours of Home Care at no extra cost. Or some of the savings can go into extras like: Gardening services, Podiatry, Physiotherapy ... We also give you a choice of Caregiver - and consistency over time. Most important - although we don't charge for "Case Management" you WILL receive genuine personal care and attention. We know all our Clients, we stay in touch, we are always here to help - every day of the week.

12.01.2022 Home is where you make it.... It doesn't matter how big your home is, or how small, or what anyone else thinks of it. Home is wherever you make it. This week Four Corners on the ABC exposed the rorts and exploitation in some "Retirement Village" operations. All of the residents interviewed had one thing in common - they wanted safety, security and comfort in their home. They all paid a high price to get that - and then they were disappointed. Excessive fees, complex con...tracts, poor service..... It's appalling. Home Care is a great alternative - to give you safety, security and comfort where you really want to live - in your own home. Of course - sadly - excessive fees, complex contracts and poor service exist in Home Care as well. You need to make a careful choice. Our offer to our Clients is absolutely clear: No Admin Fee; No Case Management Fee; No Exit Fee. No hidden fees at all!! Just the very best value and the very best quality of Home Care - wherever you make your home. (We can even help you if you live in a retirement village). We are an Approved Provider of Government Home Care Packages - and we are the best choice across the North Coast and Northern Rivers of NSW. Your Home Care Package can be transferred to us easily and simply. Call us on Ph: 02 6646 3527 or Mob: 0419 763 910 - any day, any time. You can watch the Four Corners report here: See more

09.01.2022 A word about Penalty Rates #penaltyrates #homecare #agedcare As Employers and as concerned members of the community we wish to say that we do not support the decision by Fair Work Australia to reduce weekend penalty rates for the Retail and Hospitality industries. The decision does not apply to our own work, or to the wonderful people we employ as Caregivers. However the decision will lead to calls from some sectors of society to roll out this mistaken and misconceived ch...Continue reading

07.01.2022 Home Care Fees - Get A Better Deal! #homecare #agedcare The issue of Home Care fees is making headlines. Under the current Commonwealth funded Home Care Packages system many providers are spending a third of the Client's care budget (or even more) on Administration and Case Management fees. The result - far less money available for the In Home services people require. At Home Care Assistance North Coast we currently have minimal for Admin and Case Management. You can trus...t us to give you a better deal. We believe Home Care subsidies should be spent on the services people need - not wasted on unfair Administration charges. That makes us very unusual - but our mission is to Change the Way the World Ages. The article below illustrates why Home Care Package Clients need a better deal: Compton calls for review of ‘repugnant’ home care admin fees By Darragh O'Keeffe on October 20, 2016 in Community Care Review. Government and aged care stakeholders need to take a real look at the delivery of home care packages as too much money is being taken by providers in the administration of services, the former chair of National Seniors has said. Everald Compton, chair of the Longevity Forum and former head of the government’s Advisory Panel on Positive Ageing, said that great hierarchies of administration had been created within major aged care providers. I find it quite repugnant that a third of a package goes towards the administration of the service. That should not happen, Mr Compton told aged care providers at the Leading Age Services Australia national congress last week. We need to alter that because older people on packages simply aren’t getting the benefits that they should, he said. At the most, 10 per cent of a home care package should be spent on the administration and delivery of the service, Mr Compton said. His comments come amidst increasing concern over the administration fees charged to home care clients. Last month Tasmanian independent MP Andrew Wilkie accused community care providers of charging their clients excessive administration fees on a scale that amounts to systemic rorting of government subsidies. Mr Wilkie told Federal Parliament that he had received many complaints from older people and their families about ridiculous administrative costs being levied on consumers (read that story here). Earlier this month Community Care Review reported that fees topped the list of home care complaints to the new Aged Care Complaints Commissioner in the first six months of 2016 (read that story here). Consumer peak body Alzheimer’s Australia has previously proposed that the government introduce a cap on the administration fees providers could charge and for all admin charges to be published on My Aged Care.

05.01.2022 Home Care Choice - The Sun Rises! #homecare #agedcare We are now less than 3 weeks away from a new world of choice in Home Care. When the sun rises on 27 February anyone with a Commonwealth Government Home Care Package will be free to choose a new Home Care Provider if they wish to do so - and the funding for their Home Care will move with them. This is a fundamental change, placing control over Home Care back with the Client - where it should always have been! Beware thoug...h! Some of the large Home Care Providers are attempting to hit their Clients with a very large "Exit Amount" - a penalty fee taken out of any unspent Home Care Package funds if their Client leaves them to get the better service and better value they deserve. If you have a Home Care Package - you do NOT have to agree to a change in your Home Care Agreement to introduce an "Exit Amount" penalty. An "Exit Amount" cannot be charged unless it is included in your Home Care Agreement - and you do not have to agree to any such change. I mean - why would you? At Home Care Assistance North Coast we will NEVER charge an Exit Amount. Our Clients are free to leave us at any time - but we think it is very unlikely that they will. For your Home Care Package we provide: - Many more hours of excellent Home Care each week. - No massive "Admin" or "Case Management Charges" - Genuine personal service - The opportunity to meet a Caregiver in advance - Personal service based on genuine consultation We are the new choice. We are the better choice. To transfer your Home Care Package for better service and better value, call us any time on: Ph: 02 6646 3527 Mob: 0419 763 910 Home Care Assistance is Changing the Way the World Ages.

03.01.2022 Wow - so Meg and I are very impressed!! Maybe we wouldn't encourage our Clients to go this far, but what a fabulous thing to see!!! Not saying age is no barrier, but we are capable of more than we realise.... This is wonderful.

02.01.2022 It's about time...

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