Head Space Therapy in Gold Coast, Queensland | Community group
Head Space Therapy
Locality: Gold Coast, Queensland
Phone: +61 404 364 329
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25.01.2022 Being honest with yourself is key to living life to the fullest Are you honest with yourself? You probably are having a hard time answering this question because you know you are not or arent sure what being honest with yourself really means. The truth is human beings are hard-wired to create the perfect impression of themselves even when things arent right. Maybe its due to over-confidence, under-confidence, self-deception, placebo or prototype effects. But lying to yours...Continue reading
24.01.2022 Another opportunity to make the world a kinder, fairer and gentler place. Youve got this! Happy Tuesday everyone
24.01.2022 Healy is a microcurrent wearable medical device that has been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for relief of acute, chronic, and arthritis pain and muscle soreness due to overexertion. Healy also has non-medical applications that use individualized frequencies to help balance your mind and body and relieve stress. Healy was developed over the last 15 years in Germany and its an astonishing game-changer in performance, beauty, health and wellness, on all level...s, physical, mental and emotional.Through the science of quantum physics the Healy can measure your individual frequency via a quantum sensor then deliver back to you customised and specific frequencies to realign your cellular, emotional and/or energy centres back into bioenergetic balance. To put it more simply Healy can talk directly to your cellular energy. It can ask your cells what they need to heal and then deliver the exact frequencies your cells asks for or resonates with to heal. Check out my other page for more information https://www.facebook.com/Healy-Australia-Wearable-Medical-Device-For-Your-Health-And-Well-Being-576902542984382/ Or private message me direct if you'd like to know more and receive a complimentary reading.
24.01.2022 If your looking to try something a bit different take a look at this.... I have been working with KAP for few months now and the energy is amazing
24.01.2022 DEEP IN THE TANTRIC MUD We have been sent gurus, guides, angels, healers, provocateurs, allies and antagonists in all shapes and sizes. Our partners, our kids, friends and family members, lovers. Our therapists, our work colleagues, strangers on the subway. Our true teachers are all around us. Because the true teachings of life are ancient and lie deep within us....Continue reading
24.01.2022 Wisdom is truly knowing life as it is. It is knowing what thoughts are constructive and destructive. The quality of our experience of life depends on the way we think. Khentrul Rinpoche
23.01.2022 At times, you may find yourself with a friend who is upset, falling apart, confused, hopeless, sad, and afraid. Nothing is making sense anymore, they are overwhelmed, and the emotions are unrelenting. You are unsure how to help. While their pain may trigger you, and bring alive an avalanche of urgent, anxious, fixing energy activating the shadows of your own unlived life a doorway has appeared.... Slow way down. Ground awareness in your body and listen. Not just to the words they are saying, but to the secret request that is emerging out of their heart. Perhaps they are not asking for you to fix, cure, or even heal them. For they are not broken. Join together with them, get on their side, as you proclaim together that pain is not pathology. That sadness, grief, anxiety, depression, fear, and confusion are utterly valid and not evidence that they have failed and are unworthy of love. This may not be the moment for you to give them an answer, but rather to hold them as you confront the vastness of the question together. While you may be burning with the need to talk them out of their experience overflowing with solutions, techniques, and processes return into spaciousness. Infuse the environment with pause, rest, and resonance. With the slow circuits of empathy and presence, walk together into the aliveness of now. Give them the gift of a regulated, calm, soothing nervous system. Provide a permission field where they can come to be, exactly as they are, without needing to be something different in order for you to stay close. Together, you will be midwives of integration, a holding space for the unfolding of what is longing to be met within them. Never, ever underestimate the power of love. Even one moment of empathic, attuned, contact can change a person forever. Please dont forget that for many, they have never actually known this or have had it in only very small amounts. For it is rare in this sweet, tender, fragile, weary star in which we find ourselves. ~ Matt Licata [Image: Graszka Paulska]
23.01.2022 One day when you wake up, you will find that you have become a forest. You have grown roots and found strength in them that no one thought you had. You have become stronger and more beautiful, full of life giving qualities.... You have learned to take all the negativity around you and turn it into oxygen for easy breathing. A host of wild creatures live inside you and you call them stories. A variety of beautiful birds rest inside your mind and you call them memories. You have become an incredible self sustaining thing of epic proportions. And you should be so proud of yourself, of how far you have come from the seeds of who you used to be.~ ~Nikita Gill
23.01.2022 Every day is a reset, a resurrection, a chance to cultivate transformation. During these times, it is more important than ever to practice disruption and renewal.
22.01.2022 Your most powerful ally in the world is staring back at you in the mirror each morning. We cannot escape the effects of schooling, the media and other people’s expectations conditioning us to be a certain way. Somehow we feel as if criticising ourselves is a way of pushing our mind and body into a state of perfection and high performance. Embrace all of who you are with the knowledge you are a work in progress. Be happy for your small wins and see that your growing self aware...ness is sowing the seeds for positive change. There will be times when you feel like a hot mess so remember that change can be chaotic at times and sometimes falling apart a little is the best way to come together. Let go of perfectionism and the illusion of control. Be proud of your progress and back yourself by being kind on the inside. You thrive when you feel good inside and out. Yung Pueblo See more
22.01.2022 Everything in your life is a reflection of you The things you see other people love. The things that you see make others happy.... Its all a reflection of what you love and makes you happy If you love your family, you will love seeing others with their loving family. Sometimes you might think Wow, they have a better family than me! If learning makes you happy, you will see others that are happy learning. Sometimes you might look at others learning and say Wow, they are so much smarter than me! When you look at someone else and you think Wow, they are so much better than me You instantly compare yourself to them. When you compare yourself and think that someone is better than you, you put the other person up on a pedestal and put yourself down. Whenever you put yourself down, you beat yourself up. Instead of being inspired by someone else, you are in pain because of someone else. When you look at someone else, and you think that theyre better than you for something, it is just a reflection of your own greatness. For example; I am not a mum, so when I look at other mums I never think Oh wow, they are a better mum than me! Of course not! Because Im not a mum! However someone who dedicates their life to being a mum, might look at another mum and think Oh wow, theyre a better mum than me! The only reason you look at someone else doing the same thing as you, and think they do it better than you Is because you are too humble to admit that you are exactly like them! Usually the things that we dedicate our lives to doing, we have the highest standards for. The things that we love the most, we spend most of the time thinking about and talking about. If the thing you love the most is being a mum, then you will always notice all of the mums! Instead of beating yourself up for thinking that someone is better than you, look at how in your life you do the same thing. The things that you see in others, are the things that you have in yourself. Dont compare yourself to others, look at others and use them to get a deeper insight into the things that you love and make you happy. (On a side note; the things that you hate, and make you angry that you see in others are also a direct reflection of you! But more of that to come)
22.01.2022 6 Reasons You Should Spend More Time Alone Learn the healthy aspects of solitude. In today's constantly connected world, finding solitude has become a lost art. We tend to equate a desire for solitude with people who are lonely, sad, or have antisocial tendencies. But seeking solitude can actually be quite healthy. In fact, there are many physical and psychological benefits of spending time alone. ...Continue reading
20.01.2022 12 RESPONSIBILITIES OF MASTERY & 12 STEPS TO SELF LIBERATION 1- SELF-ACTUALIZATION Freedom from the "Victim-Victimizer Blame-Game" and willingness to be accountable for all perceivable manifestations as direct projections of intended learning from the personal Consciousness/DNA Template....Continue reading
20.01.2022 Small shifts in your thinking, and small changes in your energy, can lead to massive alterations of your end result. ~ Kevin Michel Art: Greg Dunn
20.01.2022 Be the observer, then be curious! You are not your thoughts, infact thoughts are misguided and for many are processed through the filters of fear, judgement, disappointment etc..... you are not your thoughts.....
19.01.2022 AFFIRMATIONS: Radiant Health. Steve Nobel Affirmations are one tried and tested way we can reprogramme our unconscious mind with new possibilities. Affirmations can raise the level of our thinking which in turn increases certain feel-good hormones. "I am a being of light. I am healthy. I am in divine alignment with my body. I am spirit housed temporarily within a physical body of bone, blood, organs and cells, this body is the sacred temple for my innermost soul, I have chosen this precious gift of physical life and I choose this gift of life each and every day. I am a being of light. Every cell in my body radiates light now. I am here on the earth-plane with a mission and that mission requires radiant health. Therefore, I focus on thoughts of radiant health. I invite feelings of radiant health. I am radiant health........"
18.01.2022 Our qualities exist side by side in paradox. Our softness becomes our strength. Over time we develop the ability to weather storms and to know we are equipped to deal with the heartbreaks of life. Allow the space to feel the sadness, the heartbreak and the grief knowing that it’s moving through the sky of your consciousness like storm clouds passing. The ability to feel things adds to the richness of life and allows us to connect to the pain of other humans. It can feel heavy... at times but in a way it’s glorious. Heartbreak is the other side of love, the price of attachment. Be grateful for your glorious beating heart, your aching sensitivity and your compassion. Some days our vulnerability makes us feel so fragile. Remember dear heart, it is your sensitivity that reveals the depth and breadth of your heart. Daniel Saint See more
16.01.2022 What is most beautiful is when a human is being undone as an ego, when the belief in a personal self is merging with its own sourcethe universal Being. When th...e tribal is absorbed in the universal, the human being has moved from person to pure presence and is in harmony with the Whole. This is the real yoga. Every person belongs to some tribe a tribe shaped by personal identity and conditioning. But the universal mind transcends the tribal mind. On the surface, such a one may appear to belong to some tribe, but internally they are the Self Supreme. - Mooji
16.01.2022 In the first stage of the journey you learned to replace harmful beliefs with helpful ones. It was such a relief to let go of negativity that it became a temptation to stay there to make your home in those newly acquired positive thoughts. But a positive self-image is still a mask. The next stage of your journey is becoming comfortable with the unknown. That which is beyond any story of yourself. It involves being clear and courageous enough to rest in bare awareness with...out having to create another identity, without needing to tack yet another belief to the end of I am. Experience the expansion, the silence, the spaciousness and the mystery that comes from resting in the truth of unknowing. It isnt comfortable, at least not now, but it is powerful and inherently creative. Its what your soul longs for. Use the sense of vertigo to leave behind the known, and let go of the need to tether your soul to anything solid or definable. Let yourself go, over and over, until it is second nature to be weightless. - Danna Faulds Art by Ana Novaes
15.01.2022 There Are Four Types of Love, A Healthy Relationship Needs All of Them The ancient Greeks did a lot of things well -- sports, art, philosophy -- but perhaps their greatest accomplishment was to define love as four separate but equal parts. If you're a fan of C.S. Lewis, you probably know about these: storge, philia, eros, and agape. Each one represents a different aspect of love, like romantic or familial. What is so perfect about them is that they embrace the full complexity...Continue reading
14.01.2022 A wise teacher once brought balloons to school, told her pupils to blow them up and write their name on one. After the children tossed their balloons into the hall, the teacher moved through the hall mixing them all up. The kids were given five minutes to find the balloon with their name on it, but though they searched frantically, no one found their own balloon. Then the teacher told them to take the balloon closest to them and give it to the person whose name was on it. In ...less than two minutes, everyone was holding their own balloon. The teacher said to the children, These balloons are like happiness. We won't find it when we're only searching for our own. But if we care about someone else's happiness...it will ultimately help us find our own.
13.01.2022 Connecting with our Goddess energy is one of the most powerful things that we can do. When we honor the sacred feminine inside of us and unleash the Goddess within, we tap into an abundant energy of ancient wisdom, transformation, possibility and open a divine channel to our medicine. Here are 11 ways to get you started on the path to reclaiming your divine feminine fire....Continue reading
12.01.2022 7 things that affect your vibration frequency from the point of view of quantum physics.Vibration in quantum physics means everything is energy. We are vibrant beings on certain frequencies. Every vibration is equivalent to a feeling and in the world "Vibrational", there are only two species of vibrations, positive and negative. Any feeling makes you broadcast a vibration that can be positive or negative.
12.01.2022 Balanced Open Blocked How are your chakras?
12.01.2022 Copied: Osho on fear and pandemics How do I avoid a pandemic? This question was asked to OSHO about 40 years ago during the AIDS period!... You're asking the wrong question", Osho replied, the right question should be: How to avoid the fear of dying caused by the epidemic (pandemic)? Because it is very easy to avoid the virus, it is very difficult to avoid the fear in you and in the world. People will die more from this fear than from the epidemic (pandemic). There is NO virus in this world more dangerous than FEAR. Understand this fear, otherwise you will become a dead body before your body dies. It has nothing to do with the virus. The scary atmosphere you feel in these moments is collective madness... It has happened a thousand times and will continue to happen. And it will continue if you don't understand the psychology of crowds and fear. You usually keep your fear at bay, but in the moment of collective madness, your consciousness can be completely lost. You won't even know when you lost control of your fear. Then fear can make you do anything. In such a situation you can also take your own life or the lives of others. So much will happen in the coming times: Many people will kill themselves and many people will kill more. Attention, be mindful. Don't watch news that trigger fear. Stop talking about the epidemic, repeating the same thing over and over again is like self-hypnosis. Fear is a kind of self-hypnosis. This idea will cause chemical changes in the body. If you repeat the same idea over and over again, a chemical change is triggered that can sometimes be so toxic that it can kill you. During an epidemic, energy around the world becomes irrational. This way you can fall into a black hole anytime. Meditation then becomes a protective aura into which no negative energy can penetrate. (Osho)
11.01.2022 Learning to love yourself is crucial in your ability to love others. Ask yourself the question: could you love yourself more?
11.01.2022 Understanding you are not this body, you are the soul within. All is transitory, life is a play a challenge to see if you will be love to all sentient beings.
10.01.2022 Connect to your body, your breath, your truth, your true power, experience your I am self being "in life" through opening your base Thanks Glyn Thomas
09.01.2022 Mental health is an area that tends to have a sense of taboo to be spoke about in the open. However it is as much a health problem as everything else that is going on. Next few weeks are going to be the killer. ... in. VIC... 100 people in the first lockdown died of suicide in the first week alone.... That was only in Victoria too. ... and 3000 nationwide since the pandemic ... yet we seem to hear nothing of this ... because you cant catch Suicide, I have had some people ...respond... just repeat that a few times and think about it .... yes it is viral its growing at faster rates than COVID up 50% in Aus alone .. yet nothing... no media ... nothing... The mental health issues related to lockdown and the pandemic are especially hard for people with depression. People need human contact. The wonderful charity MIND have a 24 hour helpline: 1300 554 660 or call:- NSW - 1800 011 511 Mental Health Line VIC - 1300 651 251 Suicide Help Line QLD - 13 43 25 84 13 HEALTH TAS - 1800 332 388 Mental Health Services Helpline SA - 13 14 65 Mental Health Assessment and Crisis Intervention Service WA - 1800 676 822 Mental Health Emergency Response Line NT - 08 8999 4988 Top End Mental Health Service ACT - 1800 629 354 Mental Health Triage Service Thank you
08.01.2022 Shedding the Layers: Getting to the Core of Your Being We all live our lives within repeated patterns of thoughts, actions, and outcomes. The foundation of such a cyclic life is deeply rooted in our subconscious mind, we will get to that later. First of all, how many times have you tried to break a habit and found yourself looking for tons of tips to make changes to your life? Or perhaps you asked for advice from friends?...Continue reading
07.01.2022 Self Love ~ When we truly put ourselves first and invest in our hearts desires, Then the pain, suffering and anxiety will begin to fade. ... This is the time, to turn inwardly and decide we want a better life. To wake up to our reality which is now shifting and changing. To observe the people in our life, are disempowering us and this is not what we want our future to look like. When we know, we need to walk away from a situation weve outgrown, It requires a deep commitment to self to stay true to your choice. To not allow the voice of the ego to convince us things will improve. The soul aspect of you will clearly show you, the suffering youre feeling, is due to putting others needs before your own. The more you continue to block out the voice of reason, The more depressed and broken hearted you will feel. Keep asking for signs to show you what is for your highest good. And to follow through with your intuition, or your gut instinct. Once you make a clear decision you will be supported. If you do need additional support I am lovingly here to guide you through this process. With love Daniela Birch Author of F**k the Fairy Tale Ending Copied from Daniella Perch
07.01.2022 Full Moon in Libra 29th March 4.47am Here we are under this sublime energy Have you felt the energy asking you to calm Asking you to heal Asking you to compromise... Asking you to show love, peace, serenity? Its time to restore balance in a system that has become chaotic. If you understand the energy of a Full Moon you will understand that together we are being asked to let go, surrender and begin a new phase of life. Under the energy of the Libra Full Moon you can become the person you envision for yourself. We all deeply desire the same outcomes. The outcomes of love, peace, harmony, balance and to feel these each and every day in your life. Now is the time to begin the change, no more procrastinating and indesisiveness (Libran traits) Together as a collective we all need to push through these to find a balance in life. How do you begin, you may ask? "Be the change you wish to see in the world" Make 1 small change today. Lets not watch the world outside of us anymore. Try asking yourself "What do I need to do to change the way I feel" Libran energy is about keeping the peace as we weigh up all possibilities and create a harmonious outcome. Try to be fair in your inner judgements of yourself, others and world events. Its time to lead with love as you express and communicate to resolve issues instead of bucking up against others and life. The energy is full of compromise in a gentle way. We have Aries the warrior, Venus the harmoniser, Chiron the wounded healer. Put together its asking humanity to recognise when your wounds of the past are coming to the surface try not to fight against them or project them onto others. They are entering the cycle of Libra to be healed to restore balance, harmony, equilibrium within your Internal self. It is through these wounds that we heal ourselves and create the change we desire in the world around us. Let your wounds be healed Let your deepest moments change you in a positive beautiful way
06.01.2022 No one became great at anything by only doing the easy stuff - do what's hard & learn to enjoy it! When you expose yourself to pain consistently it becomes something you pursue, it becomes your friend and you start to enjoy hanging out with it. Build a relationship with your pain because it builds the strength to do anything you choose or that comes across your path
06.01.2022 'When you shut down emotion, you're also affecting your immune system, your nervous system. So the repression of emotion, which is a survival strategy, then becomes a source of physiological illness later on. ' -Gabor Mate However, its not just your long-term health that can suffer if you suppress your negative emotions. There have been numerous studies showing that when we ignore our emotions, we can experience short-term mental and physical reactions as well.... Suppressing your emotions can lead to physical stress on your body. What emotion is being suppressed does not matter, the effect is the same. When it comes to regulating difficult emotions, there are two ways most people respond: they act out or they suppress. If you act out with a strong emotion like anger, you will most likely create undesirable consequences in your relationships, your work, and even your play. The ripple effects of acting out usually provoke more anger around you, which leads to more difficulty. The consequences of suppressing those big emotions can be even more dangerous. What many people arent aware of is that theres another way to regulate our emotions: Feel the feeling in real time. On one level, emotions are like energy waves, varying in shape and intensity, just like ocean waves. Their nature is to arise and pass away pretty quickly, like all natural phenomena. Ironically, efforts to talk yourself out of your emotions often results in increased rumination and perseveration. In other words, you will keep thinking about and holding onto those emotions youre trying to avoid. Research into emotional regulation suggests that mindfulness-based interventions can be helpful. Particularly focus on feeling the emotion and practicing forgiveness, compassion, and kindness at the same time.
04.01.2022 "If you want to know the secret to the universe and your body, think of energy, frequency and vibration" - Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein Healy Wearable vibrate energy into your body with specific frequency programs that you choose via the Healy app. (Free download). What is Healy?... Healy is a medical device (FDA clearance for the treatment of Chronic pain, Fibromyalgia, Skeletal pain and Migraine as well as for the adjutant therapy of mental illness, such as depression, anxiety, and associated sleep disorders. By introducing energy currents into the body, Healy is designed to bring the cell voltage back into the healthy optimal (physiological) range. Frequency Therapy The voltage potential ie the difference between the voltage inside the cell and the voltage between the cells, is responsible for healthy (physiological) cell metabolism. This mechanism explains why frequencies can be applied for many different purposes and disorders. Frequency applications have been developed over decades of research by practitioners and scientists. The safety of this method has been proved by many studies and decades of experience, which have been confirmed by thousands of applications from our own practitioners. visit website https://www.healyworld.net/en/partner/JennBabbs shop healy https://www.healy.shop/en/partner/?partnername=JennBabbs become a partner https://partner.healyworld.net/JennBabbs
04.01.2022 Responsibility One of my greatest lessons has been to take responsibility for my actions, my reactions, my emotions and my circumstances. This has been an inner journey of acceptance. When you dive deep into yourself you can finally own the unhealed parts of yourself that created the external circumstances to appear in your life.... Your life and your emotions can be triggered by those closest to you. In these times it can be uncomfortable and even heart breaking. You can at these moments choose many pathways, you can choose to: - Walk away - Blame the other - Close off to the world - Gossip about the person - Judge the individual - Beat yourself up - Blame yourself - End friendships and relationships Or - You can take responsibility for your part in the experience. It's not easy when you're suffering. It's much easier to do all the above. Please know this to be true.... "You take yourself with you wherever you go" I know, Why? Because I have done all of the above. When I lose myself in the situation I am not understanding the universal law of co-creation. My greatest gift to myself is to own my part in the circumstances that appear in my life. "Bring it back to me" is something I often say. Why? So I can heal the unhealed part of me that created the person or experience to enter my life. In truth when you truly get this you will understand why for each individual "There is nothing outside of me that can truly harm me" Be responsible, find your part, look deep within and heal, finally the people, situations and experiences begin to leave your reality. Your life changes You choose peace above all else. Healing is always about you not the other. You can only change the particle in you that created the experience outside of you. Begin today Change your mind Change your reality
04.01.2022 The greatest acts of intimacy are not found in the bedroom or in the pages of the Kamasutra. The greatest act of intimacy, can ONLY be found in your finding your authentic self. Leave a if this resonates with you.
04.01.2022 At some stage in grief, Ive observed many people naturally gravitate to seeking or making meaning from their loss. This happens often in traumatic circumstances, a well known example is Daniel Morcombes family, creating a foundation to educate and empower others, to ensure other children are not lost in similiar circumstances. People seek to take that loss in to their new and changed world and make a difference. To process it for themself and understand the impact their loved... one has had, and will have on their life thereafter. This doesnt have to be in huge ways, such as changing legislation or creating foundations. When I was grieving I found myself naturally drawn to writing, to quiet and creative endeavours. To turning inwards to connect to poetry, music and spending time growing myself to help others. People plant gardens, get memorial tattoos, write a book, take memory trips to scatter ashes, write a song, create beautiful anniversary events, whatever it may be for you. There is no right or wrong way, and no one can tell you how. I think we are drawn to something naturally.
04.01.2022 One can only offer what one has. When you love yourself, you touch that deep core of your being and allow your essence to flow. The process of loving is actually about the flow outwards, you are so satiated that it just has to flow from you outwards, then Law of Attraction would make sure you attract what you are. Hence, love becomes a silent exchange of energy. You would then desire for others what you desire for yourself.
02.01.2022 Healing is a Choice. Take responsibility of your Life and yourself. Invest in yourself. Wellness is Everything- Octavia Dingss
02.01.2022 How to Recognize Gaslighting and Get Help What is gaslighting? Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse that’s seen in abusive relationships. It’s the act of manipulating a person by forcing them to question their thoughts, memories, and the events occurring around them. A victim of gaslighting can be pushed so far that they question their own sanity....Continue reading
02.01.2022 Another Positive response from a quit smoking hypnosis session, 2 weeks later and success for a client who had been smoking all her life
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