Headland-Buderim Croquet Club in Buderim, Queensland | Community organisation
Headland-Buderim Croquet Club
Locality: Buderim, Queensland
Phone: +61 423 534 909
Address: Syd Lingard Drive 4556 Buderim, QLD, Australia
Website: http://croquetqld.org/new-clubs/sunshine-coast/headland-buderim-croquet-club/
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25.01.2022 Congratulations to member Kathleen Colclough who won the CAQ AC Div 1 Medal on 29th & 30th Aug., playing for the Past Presidents Shield. Kathleen won over Greg Whymark with games 5 each but hoops 72 48 to Kathleen in a field of 7 players. Well done.
24.01.2022 Facilitated on behalf of the club, coaches Helen & Ross Rillie saw The Empty Nesters Support Group came along (again) to have a game of croquet as a weekend activity on Sat morning 21st Nov. They all seemed to enjoy the experience given the loud cheering heard from time to time throughout the morning. A rewarding and enjoyable time for the facilitators who showed the group the basics of Golf croquet before leaving the group to their own (but on call for advise if needed) as they headed out to the lawns to put it all into practice. Who knows, maybe one day they will return to play a mallet sport, now the seed is planted! We welcome groups to come and try this great sport.
23.01.2022 Ross Rillie coaching very keen club members on 18th Mar, ready for the Pennant/Shield due to kick off on Monday 23rd. However, not long after, directives came through from the governing bodies, SCRCC & CAQ that many TOURNAMENTS for the season are to be SUSPENDED INDEFINITELY. Our Headland Cup to be played 26th April has also been postponed. Normal club play days will continue for now for those who wish to keep active whilst mindful of rational care needed to avoid the Corona virus.
23.01.2022 The C.A.Q. Open Mixed Doubles played on the 8th-9th Aug saw members Helen & Ross Rillie come away winners. Runner Ups were Deirdre & Gordon Giles. Mary McMahon & Richard Pickvance won the Plate with Pop Petersen & Dick Byers, Runners Up. Thanks and congratulations went to the members of Eildon Croquet Club who were wonderful hosts with the lawns in very good condition and the tournament run seamlessly. The players were looked after with free morning and afternoon tea which was a generous gesture fostering good will. The weather was perfect on Saturday becoming a little windy on the Sunday. Competitors were playing for CAQ Cup donated by Brian Rubock.
22.01.2022 Australian Croquet Coaching Program Launch Day 2: Gordon Matthews, John Tusler, Helen & Ross Rillie & Fred van Vugt from Headland-Buderim CC were among those that took part in the 2nd day of the launch. Greg Bury took the coaches step by step through the new manuals, held discussions and answered questions, this was followed by on lawn coaching demonstrations. The coaches were then tested on various scenarios on the lawn by Lynda Davis, which resulted in successful re certifi...cation of all coaches present. The coaches were rewarded at the end of the morning by receiving their Golf Croquet Level 1 & 2 Coaches Medal. The afternoon was then allocated to the Association coaches Level 1 & 2 who were also taken through their coaching program and awarded re certification and badges. Sessions for Level 3 Golf Croquet, Levels 1 & 2 Ricochet and Gateball will all be taken through the same coaching program in the near future. The new manuals are professionally presented with great colour coding, easy to read, precise and will make coaching so much better with all the resource knowledge needed in one place. These newly designed manuals, medals etc will help reflect a modern outlook of the sport in the eyes of the modern world. So thanks again goes to Greg, Lynda and Francesca for all their time and effort. May Greg & Francesca have a well-earned rest when the whole of Australia gains the immense benefit from their hard work, dedication and passion for this wonderful sport. Thanks also to the Nambour Croquet Club for hosting the day. See more
21.01.2022 A new 'drive through' larger machinery and storage shed on a new rebated concrete slab was finished on Friday the 13th Nov., except for reconnection of power still to come. A welcome improvement to replace a much smaller shed which only sat on pavers and therefore not moisture proof nor secure for the equipment housed there. The added concrete areas will make access to the lawns a little easier and make the general area, tidier. The project was largely achieved through a successful grant application from the Council Community Response Grant by the grants sub-committee chair, Sherry Tusler with only a small shortfall in costs arising. Credit also to Robyn & Kevin Leadbetter (Greens Director) with determination to see this project through to fruition. Thank you also to any volunteers who lent a hand to the project.
19.01.2022 Good Judges of weather. Only these 4 members using their instincts rather than relying on ‘the BOM’ were rewarded with a full mornings play without interruption of showers or drizzle on Friday 24th. The games were hard fought but very enjoyable in the pleasant conditions. Photo: Tony Masche, Helen Rillie, Jim Noskoff and Ross Rillie.
18.01.2022 Note to one’s self, remember to thank all our wonderful volunteers (seen and unseen) who do a myriad of work for their club and others playing pleasure. This time around saw our volunteers doing further work on Lawn 1 with the spreading of top dressing followed by leveling by way of rolling. The crew also did extra jobs such as the cleaning of gutters and pathways.
17.01.2022 Club Pres. Denis Bennett, Vice Pres. Ian Trewhella (at back of photo) and John Tusler with RSL President Michael Liddelow attended Maroochy RSL’s Sponorship, Donation and Media opportunity morning tea on Friday 28th Feb. The occasion, for Maroochy RSL to express their pride of all the worthy recipients and to help in their endeavours.
17.01.2022 Members Cheryl, Dianne & Noel keeping occupied at home both physically and creatively with Dianne also making face masks. And our resident poet laureate, Cheryl with her poem as follows. We were ready to play Ready to stay Then Social Distancing came our way Regulations had to be adhered... For the Covid virus was one to be feared The pin was pulled We stayed at home And unfortunately for us, it will be long Before we stand on the courts once more Ready to play the game we adore. We stick to the rules to play our game So now we have to do the same To beat the cause that’s put our nation Into apprehensive isolation. Looking at 4 walls isn’t much fun But sorry guys it just has to be done Cheryl Moodie See more
16.01.2022 15 players, including member Helen Rillie, contested the CAQ Qld Women's Singles Championship at Wynnum CC over 2 days of 29th Feb & 1st Mar. Beryl Turner was champion, winning the Liz Fleming trophy. Helen who had won the championship trophy in 2017 & 2018 went on to win the C.Donley Plate this time round. This was the first year the Men’s and Women’s Singles Championships have been played on different weekends. It proved very popular, especially with any couples who have e...ntered, giving them the chance to support each other. The other big benefit, to have more referees available at either event. The weather for this event was perfect as was the hosting. Congratulations and thank you to all. The winners of each block and the runner ups all received CAQ badges as recognition of their achievements. With some new players entering this competition, the depth of talent, hopefully holds Queensland in good state for future Interstate tournaments. See more
15.01.2022 Covid ignites the poet within some of our Wednesday afternoon Ricochet players. After light hearted email banter within the group, Arch (Morrison) penned this parody with his apologies to Banjo Patterson. Alas, Arch did not realize his slightly sexist overtones would stir indignation amongst the ladies. With more banter and exchange of views, with pen and paper, Arch made amends. Read on, and be entertained. The Man from Headland/Buderim There was movement at the clubhouse...Continue reading
15.01.2022 The Club is sorry to note the passing of John Heussler AM, member since 2013. John’s father and stepmother had been members of the Buderim Croquet Club in the 1950’s and he enjoyed following in their footsteps. John was keen member of the club, and an extremely generous financial supporter, John was highly regarded and will be missed by those in Buderim who shared his enjoyment of the game and his many friends across Australia. John would have been 90 years old in December. Just before he died, he was pleased to see his latest book had been published. Typically, he was active to the end. Our condolences to his family.
14.01.2022 Greg Bury launches conference. Our club was honoured to be the ‘first cab off the rank’ in Queensland and indeed Australia, with the launching of the new Australian Coaching Program on Wed 28th Oct. Greg (General Manager of the Australian Croquet Academy & National Coaching Coordinator) with Lynda Davis (Qld State Coaching Coordinator & Australian Director of Ricochet) were the presenters keen to ‘get the show on the road’. They were ably assisted during the day by Francesca ...De Wytt and Fred Van Vugt in the technical department! The purpose of the roll out of conferences is to provide a clear understanding of the new National Coaching Program and help set clubs up for success with the recruitment and retention process for all players. Due to Covid, current and potential coaches from around the region were split into the morning or afternoon. Session 1 held indoor included: Update from SportAus - Summary of pathways to coaching - Golf Croquet Levels 1,2&3 - Assoc Croquet Levels 1,2,3&4 (Ricochet & Gateball to be held at a later date) - Coaching training tools available - The role of a Presenter. Session 2 outdoor: The Australian Coaching Academy update - Coaching workshops Nambour Croquet Club will be the host for the re certification of coaches on Thurs 29th Oct. Thanks go to our club convener and the band of ladies who supplied a wonderful array of homemade goods for morning and afternoon teas. Thank you to everyone who helped in any way. All in all, a very successful launch.
13.01.2022 Greg Bury (National Coaching Director GC) led the first Qld Squad training session at Windsor CC on Sunday 23rd Feb. Members, Helen & Ross Rillie were among those invited. The Qld State GC team will be picked later in the year to represent Queensland in the Inter State Series to be hosted by Tasmania in Sept. All squad members were appreciative of Greg’s time and valuable advice. Francesca, once again spoiled the members with her wonderful cooking, time in helping set up for the day and photography.
13.01.2022 Doug Houston was nominated and accepted into the current Qld Development Squad. The squad is facilitated by highly respected coach, Terry Ericson. The three coaching sessions on Fridays began on the 6th Nov and hosted at Windsor CC. Doug is appreciative of the opportunity to be nominated and further improve his skills. Congratulations Doug.
13.01.2022 A Xmas get together for the club members and to show our support to our sponsors the Maroochy R.S.L was held on Tues 15-12-2020. It was unfortunate that many members did not attend, but some very disappointed they could not make it there to support and enjoy the occasion. However, it was rewarding that those who did came along, got into the festive spirit and made it a thoroughly enjoyable time with lots of chatting and mingling. The two course Xmas fare luncheon was very enjoyable and more than adequate. The tables were decorated along with bon bons with the usual party fare jokes within, bringing a smile or grimace to the face but entertaining all the same. The RSL is to be thanked for their ongoing support and congratulated on the friendly service provided to us.
12.01.2022 Club members did us proud at Nambour CC’s St Patrick’s Gala Day on Sunday 15th Mar 2020. Cheryl Moodie, Jan & Ian Trewhella, Dianne Meyer, Judy Caughley, Lorraine Stott, Arch Morrison and Tony Masche all participated in this great day of fun. Cheryl was the outright winner, winning all of her 6 games. Jan was one of five runner ups all on 39 points. How close. While Judy Caughley & Arch Morrison, won best dressed man & woman. Well done everyone and congratulations.
12.01.2022 On a less serious note. After concerns by a member after having to retrieve a ball from a shallow water run off trench..... well, the picture tells the story. Perhaps this is a good time to get creative and finish off that invention you never quite got around too.
11.01.2022 Mike (the Club's ex-Golf Croquet Captain) has been busy using his time without croquet to clear a very overgrown community garden in the park behind his garden so he can grow various green vegetable to feed his flock of more than 30 birds. So far he's planted kale, endive, celery, rocket, mizuna, Chinese broccoli, Malabar spinach, mibuna and green mustard. Also has two types of chicory seeds (the bird's favourite) on order to add to the crop in coming weeks. He will have a bountiful harvest coming up in a few weeks time.
11.01.2022 Scarifying of Lawn 1 took place Mon 23rd Nov with top dressing on Mon 30th. With 4 runs over the lawn with the scarifying machine, it was estimated by Richard that an average of 136 barrow loads of thatch were transported off lawn 1 to become mulch for the surrounding gardens etc. That’s a lot of walking. So a huge thanks to all the volunteers, Robyn & Kevin- Cheryl & Peter- Leigh & Richard- Bob & Don who worked physically hard out in the sun to maintain our lawns for the pleasure of other members to play on good lawns.
10.01.2022 Congratulations to Richard Long with winning the Spot the Ball competition. Richard has won a bottle of wine supplied by Fourth Wave Wines who we thank and who have been supporting the club’s Headland Cup for several years. Thank you again to Dianne Meyer for allowing your photo to be used as poster girl. It was very interesting and amusing to hear how some contestants went about the process scientifically. Hope it provided some brief but light entertainment during the self-isolation period. Thanks to all the good sports for having a go in true Aussie spirit. Richard is pictured with his true bush mallet. Good on you Richard. Want to have a guess at spot the (red) Ball? Share your guess on this site and the answer will be revealed down the track.
09.01.2022 Staff from Qld Tinber Flooring held their pre Xmas staff party activity at the club on Saturday afternoon. Weather wise it turned out to be a beautiful afternoon. And if the shouting and laughter were anything to go by, they certainly had a good time. Helen & Ross Rillie were the facilitators and introduced them to a shortened version of golf croquet. Ross commented afterwards that they would all make good players. On behalf of the group, Mark McCafferty thanked the club for the wonderful experience and said he would spread the word. Thanks again to the Assoc players forgoing their play afternoon to accommodate this group. It was appreciated by all and helps spread the word on what a wonderful sport it is.
08.01.2022 Member Ross Rillie, put up a fantastic effort to become the Runner Up in the ACA Bronze Medal (Qld) 2020 to winner Lawrie Simpson (Eildon) over the weekend 14-16th Aug. This event is invitational only with players selected on their world ranking. Matches were untimed, best-of-three 13-point games which is the truest test for an ultimate winner. Each state bronze medal winner (or runner-up if winners are not available) is expected to compete for the Australian GC Gold and S...ilver Medals. With Covid restrictions there is still doubt if the Gold/Silver Medal will go ahead in host state Tasmania in November. The Bronze Medal event was hosted by Wynnum CC. Managers, Referees and Support personnel were thanked for giving up their time before, during and after to make this a very successful event along with CAQ for putting on the competition. See more
07.01.2022 It was a pleasure to meet visitors, Claire McFarlane & Herman Camphuis both from Port Macquarie Croquet Club who joined us for GC play on Tuesday & Friday morning 17th and 20th. Herman also played Ricochet Wednesday afternoon before they headed off on their travels. Claire & Herman were very impressed by our club, with Claire commenting how good it was to see a good mix of both men and women. Herman is an agent for RPM mallets.
07.01.2022 Members Dianne Horsman & Lesley Johnston did themselves and club proud recently competing in The Range Croquet Club’s November Tournament. An association advanced singles event at Maleny. The tournament was run over 4 days with 4 divisions. Each division made up of 2 blocks with 4 players per block. Culminating with a play off between the winners of each block. Div 3’s ‘The Festival of Colour Shield’ played Saturday 7th November, saw Dianne come away the winner with Lesley Runner Up. Congratulations, well done. Sarah Widin, President of The Range CC presented Dianne with the shield.
04.01.2022 Afternoon Golf Croquet play has started. We are now on the winter start time of 2.00 pm. Most of us feeling stiff after not being able to play for weeks.
03.01.2022 Sadly the Headland-Buderim Croquet Club has decided to suspend all social play and practice until further notice. We shall resume as soon as the current government advice is relaxed and allows us to play croquet again. We look forward to seeing all our members again at that time and trust croquet players everywhere stay safe and healthy through this crisis.
03.01.2022 Keep the spirits up... Dianne Meyer & Helen Rillie playing pennants in 2015
02.01.2022 The Headland-Buderim Croquet Club has resumed normal hours of play, with the necessary social distancing and hygiene measures in operation and with a maximum of 20 members in attendance for any session of play. Unfortunately at this stage we cannot accept visitors to join us for play but hopefully when the restrictions on numbers are further relaxed in Queensland that will change and visitors and those wishing to learn how to play the game will be more than welcome to join us.
02.01.2022 5 club members are to be congratulated for their involvement in one way or another in the CAQ GC Open Singles held on 11th & 12th July. Bob Smith in particular, who stepped up into his first CAQ event and acquitted himself admirably. Helen & Ross Rillie also competed and played at Toombul along with Bob on the first day. Ross made it into the main event and played at Wynnum on the 2nd day while Helen & Bob played in the Plate, again at Toombul. Ross came so close to beating the eventual winner, in their knockout game going down 6-7. Pam Shepherd presented her trophy to the winner, Gordon Giles at Wynnum on the final day. Megan Stuart won the Plate. Thanks to Judy Caughley giving of her time to referee at Toombul CC on both days.
01.01.2022 The club is now in possession of a new mower thanks to the grants committee’s successful application for a grant of $9,300 through the Gambling Community Benefit Fund. Hopefully this will make the job of mowing just a little easier. And red ones go faster, don’t they!!
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