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21.01.2022 Shoalhaven Heads has the best postie in Australia, he always has a smile on his face and time for a quick chat.

19.01.2022 It's almost June - how did that happen?

19.01.2022 Australia is the place of "Big Things". You name it and we've got it big somewhere! It's a part of the tourism circuit in Australia and many places have cashed in with great success, Shoalhaven Heads could do the same !! How about a big pelican or a big dolphin? I'll leave two comments down below and please 'like' which one you think would be better! If you have another idea please leave it in the comment section. We can't wait to hear what you think!

19.01.2022 Hello everyone ! We hope you all had a merry Christmas and a great New Year (the fireworks were amazing here in the heads). We apologise for our lack of online presence this past year; we are looking forward to getting back on track this year ! We wish you all a fantastic 2017 !

18.01.2022 OK - regarding the length of Seven Mile Beach - seems that a bit of further clarification is required. Seven Mile Beach is officially the bit from Gerroa to the... old mouth of the river in Shoalhaven Heads. The distance between those two points is just a bit over seven miles. With me so far? The other side of the old mouth of the river is officially Comerong Island and not Seven Mile Beach at all. So when you walk from Shoalhaven Heads to the breakwall you are actually walking on two beaches, briefly on Seven Mile and then 5Km on Comerong Island. The reason for the names? The name Seven Mile Beach pre-dates the digging of the canal by Alexander Berry which, many years later, lead to the near-permanent silting up of the mouth of the Shoalhaven River. So at the time it was named it very clear that Seven Mile Beach ended at Shoalhaven Heads because that was where the mouth of the river was. Later as dunes formed, the stretch from Gerroa to Crookhaven Heads resembled one single uninterrupted beach and people naturally assumed that it was seven miles long. Alright, hope that clears it all up. The photo's from 1964 incidentally.

17.01.2022 Hi All, is anyone missing a dog. Call 0414488080

16.01.2022 We hope everyone has had a great start to 2016 and that all is well. Just a reminder that the Monster Charity Day is on today at the heads pub. Come along for great day with live music and activities for the kids. Hope to see you all there.

14.01.2022 TAFE STUDENTS RETURN TO THE STREETS OF SHOALHAVEN HEADS TAFE SURVEYING students from the Wollongong Campus of TAFE Illawarra Civil Engineering and Surveying Section will be visiting the village again for the first of three Survey Camp activities scheduled for 2017. They will be in town from 29th-31st March. As part of their training program the students will be completing set tasks throughout the village streets that simulate real jobs.... The students and teaching staff involved wish to express a thank you to the locals for the tolerance and consideration shown to them throughout the previous activities and all look forward to visiting the Village and engage again with the friendly locals.

13.01.2022 Fauna Workshop / Presentation South East Local Land Services is hosting a local fauna forum on: When: Friday 12th May... Time: 9.30am to 1pm (includes morning tea and light lunch) Where: Shoalhaven Heads Bowling Club Presentations will include: Microbats and Greater Gilders of the Berry Corridors (Garry Daly) Frogs of the Shoalhaven (Chad Beranek) Conservation of Potoroos and Brush-tailed rock-wallabies in the Shoalhaven (Melinda Norton) Please RSVP to Andrew Britton on PH: 4464 6020 or Email: [email protected]

06.01.2022 Magpies are nesting, watch out little dolphin!

05.01.2022 FREE SENIORS FESTIVAL TICKETS - Due to the inclement weather the competition in the March 2017 Heads News has been extended to midday March 4. Read the Heads News for the details.

04.01.2022 At tonight's forum meeting the Heads News learned of the Development Application by the owners of Coastal Palms. The plan is to add 99 new camping sites and convert 53 short term sites into long term sites. These plans affect many residents nearby as well as residents in the park. View the application via the Shoalhaven City Council website, go to the site given and enter DA17/1019 into the search box. Please view the submissions of other residents, this development proposal seems to be very risky due to flooding and the owners do not seem to have the locals' interest at heart. To submit an objection use the link at the bottom of the page labelled "Contact us about this application".

01.01.2022 Hope everyone had a wonderful Australia Day, we really do live in a lovely part of the world!

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