headspace Dandenong in Dandenong, Victoria | Non-profit organisation
headspace Dandenong
Locality: Dandenong, Victoria
Phone: +61 1800 367 968
Address: 211 Thomas Street 3175 Dandenong, VIC, Australia
Website: https://headspace.org.au/headspace-centres/dandenong
Likes: 753
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25.01.2022 !! FINAL WEEK OF FREE GIVEAWAYS !! Congratulations to another set of winners!! We are now at the end of our competition so be sure to tag ALL your friends for your last chance to win! This year for headspace day our theme was about encouraging young people to reflect on the small steps every day that we can take to look after our mental health.... Healthy habits can make a big difference to your mental health. Every change starts with a few small steps. Do you have a friend in your life who think deserves some pampering? This is now THE LAST WEEK of giving away FREE SELF-CARE PACKS! To help your friends get started, we are giving away packs valued at OVER $100 each. ARE YOU ELIGIBLE?: If your friend lives in the City of Greater Dandenong, and is aged 12-25 years old, they are eligible! TO ENTER: 1) Tag the friend you want to nominate 2) Have you AND your friend follow our page 3) In one sentence, tell us why your friend deserves a self-care pack Tag as many friends as you like, and then get your friend to tag you also - the more the merrier! Also be sure to share this post to get the word out there Also be sure to SHARE this post to your story get the word out there!! #youthmentalhealth #headspaceday2020 #smallstepseveryday #selfcare #nominateafriend #youth #mentalhealth #headspace #freegiveaway
24.01.2022 Meet Amelia, a volunteer in our headspace Narre Warren Youth Advisory Committee (YAC). She has translated common FAQs about masks from English into Mandarin (Chinese). She will be speaking about using face masks which are currently compulsory in Melbourne and across Victoria anytime you leave the house. Mandarin is the most commonly spoken language in the world. In the Greater Dandenong and Casey region, it is the 4th most commonly spoken language, other than English! A wri...tten translation is also below 12 Victorian Government DHHS /
22.01.2022 headspace Dandenong & Narre Warren have created a survey for parents and carers of young people 12 - 25 to learn how you are doing during this time so we can develop tools and resources to support you. Please complete the survey here: https://bit.ly/2XMPAZr
21.01.2022 Happy Diwali Everyone! From all of us at headspace Dandenong #diwali #diwali2020 #diwalilights
20.01.2022 Anglicare Frankston running one-off online info/discussion grp for parents and adult care givers about gender identity/fluidity. This will be held online Tuesday 1st December 6:15pm - 7:45pm. Registrations are essential.
19.01.2022 headspace Dandenong is seeing young people for scheduled appointments in-person, online, and via telehealth. Please contact us on 1800 367 968 or email us [email protected] to make an appointment.
18.01.2022 Parents and Carers Photo challenge! You spend all day every day caring for others, and we want to make sure you remember to take care of you. Small steps every day can make a big difference to your health and wellbeing How to enter:... Three parents or carers who submit the most interesting / unique photograph including a brief description of their self-care activity will win one prize each valued at $330. What activities and practices that you deliberately choose to engage in on a regular basis to maintain and enhance our health and wellbeing? The photo challenge is opened to all parents and carers who live in the City of Dandenong, Casey and Cardinia shire including surrounding areas. Entries can be submitted via email to [email protected] with the subject line ‘Small steps everyday’ Entries must include: maximum of three photos with a brief description, full name, current residential address, mobile number. (So we can contact the 3 winning parents/carers) Entries close 11pm on Monday 19th October. Winning photographs to be announced on Friday 23nd October. The competition will be judged by a panel, comprising of staff from headspace Narre Warren and Dandenong and/or staff from a partnered organisation. You don’t need to be a professional or have a fancy camera: just have fun and be creative. For Full Terms and Conditions email [email protected] . . . . #smallstepseveryday #carersweek2020 #headspaceday2020 #worldmentalhealthday #mentalhealthweek #mentalhealth #photochallenge #hsnarrewarren #hsdandenong #headspacedandenong #headspacenarrewarren #cityofdandenong #cityofcasy #cityofcardinia #familypeersupport #familyinclusive #youngcarers #selfcare
17.01.2022 Happy World Sexual Health Day! It's important to highlight the possibility of sexual lives free from violence and coercion, full of choice, respect and communication. Watch the video that headspace Dandenong's YAC put together around why sexual health is important to them.
15.01.2022 Our friends at Women's Health in the South East have developed key messages for Sexual and Reproductive Health Week in collaboration with other women’s health services across Victoria. Check out these resources on contraception, abortion, sexually transmitted infections testing, cervical screening, and sex during COVID-19. Sexual and reproductive healthcare is essential healthcare. If you have any questions about the campaign or its content, please do not hesitate to contact ...Lara from headspace Dandenong. This week is Sexual and Reproductive Health Week. It acknowledges World Contraception Day (26 September) and International Safe Abortion Day (28 September). COVID-19 has disrupted or changed the way we access healthcare, but sexual and reproductive health is still vitally important. Women’s health services across Victoria have come together for Sexual and Reproductive Health Week, to deliver information to you about contraception, abortion, sexually transmissible infections testing, cervical screening, and sex during COVID-19. You have the right to access sexual and reproductive health care, regardless of your age, ability, ethnicity or cultural background, visa status, socioeconomic status, sexuality, or gender identity. Sexual and reproductive health is essential. #YouAreAPriority #ItsAllEssentialCare #GenderEqualRecovery #SRHIsEssential You have the right to safe and appropriate healthcare, at all times, including during a pandemic. This means that the health care services that you access are high quality and safe spaces; are culturally appropriate and use interpreters; are open to questions and communication that helps you make the right healthcare choices for your situation; provide accurate and evidence based information; respect your privacy; and respect your pronouns and relationships. If you or someone you know has questions about accessing sexual and reproductive health services, please call 1800 My Options on 1800 696 784. You have the right to make your own choices regarding your sexual and reproductive health. If you feel like someone is controlling these choices by using pressure or violence, please call 1800RESPECT 1800 737 732.
14.01.2022 Collecting Solidarity Art Project. We are putting together a mural of individual art pieces and would love for lots of young people to contribute towards it! This is for anyone aged 12-25 years.... We will provide you the canvas and you can use whatever art medium you like (paint, oil pastles, ect) to express and represent your experience or understanding of mental health, or what it means for you through artmaking. If you are keen, or want more information then put your details in the listed survey and we will be in contact. This project is being facilitated by Jodie, who is an arts therapy student on placement here at headspace. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/STV98HS
14.01.2022 At headspace Dandenong we know that the lock down can be tough, and may be causing anxiety within our community. We would love to share some ways to help you out! Anxiety is something that we all experience from time to time. The experience of anxiety is our body’s way of preparing us to manage those difficult situations. Sometimes anxiety can help us perform better by helping us feel alert and motivated. Anxiety can come and go but for some people, it can stick around for... a long time and end up having a big impact on their daily life. When this happens, it might be time to do something about it. If your anxiety is sticking around, contact the team at headspace Dandenong at 1800 367 968, or if you want to talk to someone anonymously jump onto eheadspace. #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #anxietyrelief #youngmen #multicultural #headspaceaus #headspacedandenong #dandenongplaza #diversitymatters #diversityandinclusion #therapysupport #mentalillness #mindfulness #melbournecbd #covid #victoriamelbourne #employmentsupport #sexualhealthservices #youthclinic #ptsd #allyship #blm #humanrightscampaign #videodesign #positivevibes #coronavirus #quarantine #covid19 #southasian
13.01.2022 Accessing contraception is essential, even during a pandemic. While we are under restrictions, you still have the right to go and purchase condoms or contraceptive pills. There are many types of contraception some contain hormones, and some create a barrier to prevent sperm from entering the cervix through the vagina. If you are questioning what contraception is right for you, go and talk to a GP or sexual health nurse (which you can access at headspace Narre Warren and hea...dspace Dandenong!) They will be able to explain your options and help you find the contraception that works best for you and your circumstances. You have the right to see a health professional for this reason, even during COVID-19. While in lockdown, there might be increased pressure from a partner regarding when and how you use contraception. Remember, you have the right to make your own decisions regarding contraception and your sexual and reproductive health! #YouAreAPriority #ItsAllEssentialCare #GenderEqualRecovery #ContraceptionIsEssential You have the right to safe and appropriate healthcare, at all times, including during a pandemic. This means that the health care services that you access are high quality and safe spaces; are culturally appropriate and use interpreters; are open to questions and communication that helps you make the right healthcare choices for your situation; provide accurate and evidence-based information; respect your privacy, and respect your pronouns and relationships. If you or someone you know has questions about accessing sexual and reproductive health services, please call 1800 My Options on 1800 696 784. You have the right to make your own choices regarding your sexual and reproductive health. If you feel like someone is controlling these choices by using pressure or violence, please call 1800RESPECT 1800 737 732.
12.01.2022 Today was WEEK 3 in our Fit For Your Mind online series. It has been such a pleasure working with Axis Performance and Access Australia Group assisting our young clients to get active from the comfort of their own home. DID YOU KNOW? Access Australia Group is a not-for-profit organisation that’s been supporting young people living with disability or disadvantage through targeted education, employment and community programs! They are one of our community partners for supportin...g our young clients with their employment needs. Axis Performance are a local fitness centre who employ people like Dan Atkinson who is a Clinical Exercise Physiologist and Rehabilitation Specialist, to design workshops for young people with variable levels of fitness and mobility, to maximise their engagement with exercise. As we know, exercise is one of the three pillars of health, next to sleep and nutrition - all of which have GREAT benefits for our mental health! Only one week to go! If you are keen for employment support, fitness support, or mental health support, be sure to reach out to us at headspace, or refer your friend!
11.01.2022 Just a reminder that the first of the spoken word workshops are happening next week! Click through and register via eventbrite to book in your space as places are limited. Look forward to see you there!
11.01.2022 At headspace Dandenong, we care about our South Sudanese young people and we want to help share their youth voice on Mental health! We interviewed 3 young people to share their stories on belonging Collaborating with @CMY and @SSAYUnited, we raise awareness on the issues of belonging for our South Sudanese young people in Dandenong. A big shoutout to the amazing young leaders for sharing their personal stories and advice! If you feel that you are struggling with belonging,... please know you are not alone! Our young people suggest you reach out to: - headspace Dandenong - Centre for Multicultural Youth (CMY) - @ssayunited #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #anxietyrelief #youngmen #multicultural #headspaceaus #headspacedandenong #dandenongplaza #diversitymatters #diversityandinclusion #therapysupport #mentalillness #mindfulness #melbournecbd #covid #victoriamelbourne #employmentsupport #sexualhealthservices #youthclinic #ptsd #allyship #blm #humanrightscampaign #videodesign #positivevibes #coronavirus #quarantine #covid19 #southasiangames2019
11.01.2022 This is just one of the amazing pieces of art that has been sent in for our Collecting Solidarity art project! This piece has been put together by Alessandra and reads 'Flowers don't bloom without a little rain. Everything has it's purpose even pain' Just a reminder that the pieces are due back so if you're participating can you please chuck them in the post (gently ). We understand that Aus post are working hard right now and we want to make sure everyone's art is included.... Thank you!
09.01.2022 To support the eating disorder community during the COVID-19 crisis, Eating Disorders Foundation of Victoria are running a range of online support groups. The groups are led by facilitators who have lived experience with an eating disorder. These groups will be facilitated online and you can head to their website to register.
08.01.2022 headspace Narre Warren and headspace Dandenong will be closed from Friday 31 July to Monday 17 August 2020 due to a confirmed positive case for COVID-19 at our Narre Warren centre. While we are disappointed we won’t be able to see you in person, our whole team is committed to continuing to support you during this difficult time with online and telehealth options. You can reach us via [email protected] We are confident no young people, family or friends who came to the centre have had close contact with this person who tested positive to COVID-19 who was last at our Narre Warren office on 21 July 2020. But, as always, if you develop any cold or flu like symptoms - no matter how mild - we encourage you to get tested and stay at home! Stay safe and we look forward to seeing you soon!
08.01.2022 We are hosting an LGBTIQA+ Spoken Word performance online TOMORROW night. To participate please register via eventbrite, otherwise you can watch the live stream tomorrow at 7pm!
07.01.2022 It's R U OK Day today, the National day we remind everyone to ask the people in your life if they are ok. This year the message is 'There's More To Say After Are You Ok' - helping guide people so they know what to say if someone says they're not ok. You don't have to be an expert but you can make someone feel heard and supported and get the the help they might need.... 2020 has been tough so it is now more important than ever to stay connected, check in and support the people around us. #ruok #ruokday #ruokday2020 #theresmoretosay #checkin #support #friends #family #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #breakthestigma #lookafteryourself #lookaftereachother #conversation
06.01.2022 Meet Prarthana, a volunteer in our headspace Dandenong Youth Advisory Committee (YAC). She has translated some common FAQs about masks from English into Kannada. She will be speaking about using face masks which are currently compulsory in Melbourne and across Victoria anytime you leave the house. Kannada is predominantly spoken by people of Karnataka, South India. #facemasks #translation #kannada #youngpeople #youth #headspace #physicalhealth #mentalhealth #covid19 #dandenong
03.01.2022 Casey-Cardinia Rotaract are hosting a Disney themed trivia night on the 17th of October where 50% of the proceeds are donated to headspace Narre Warren! Check it out! $10 entry, hosted over Kahoot/Zoom and the magic of Disney, a perfect Saturday night in if you ask us!
03.01.2022 DON'T FORGET YOUR FACE MASK Around Melbourne and Victoria, face masks are currently mandatory to wear when leaving the house. One great way to minimise waste and save money is to look into cloth masks! Our centres would like to thank the lovely Emma at The Vintage Geek for whipping up these youth friendly masks for our Youth Advisory Committee volunteers, to help keep them safe when heading outside. DID YOU KNOW? Our centres are still running FREE services for young peop...le every Monday 9:30am-4:30pm, Tuesday - Friday 10am-6pm, and every second Saturday 9:30am-2:30pm! We are offering appointments online or via phone, and where required we have in-person appointments available too. If you are visiting our centre for an appointment, or any other medical appointments, don't forget to wear a face mask to keep you and those around you safe #facemask #covid19 #youthfriendly #headspace #volunteers #dandenong
03.01.2022 Axis Performance, Access Australia Group, headspace Dandenong and headspace Narre Warren have partnered together! We are supporting young people to get moving via a four-week online group fitness session called 'Fit For Your Mind' Our Peer Support Worker, Dani, and our YAC volunteer, Phuong, from headspace participated in the program via Zoom, whilst Daniel, the Exercise Physiologist from Axis Performance took the lead running the session. Clients joined via Zoom and we all got our work out on! Week 1 done, bring on the next 3 weeks
03.01.2022 If you haven't already, please complete our survey for parents and carers!
01.01.2022 Hey friends! Join us in this campaign by commenting how you are making connections after iso and help encourage other young Womxn stay connected for their mental health
01.01.2022 This week is Speech Pathology Week and we have a video for everyone to meet Dawn our Speech Pathologist!
01.01.2022 Today we’re proudly supporting Wear it Purple Day! Join us by wearing a touch of purple to show your support for LGBTIQA+ young people! Our Youth Advisory Committee would like to tell LGBTIQA+ young people that you are loved, worthy and deserve to feel comfortable in your own skin We know that navigating your sexuality and gender identity can be tricky. If you’re in need of support, remember that we at headspace Dandenong have your back
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