headspace Collingwood in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Community centre
headspace Collingwood
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 3 9417 0150
Address: Level 1, Corner Lulie & Abbott Streets 3067 Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Website: http://www.headspace.org.au/headspace-centres/headspace-collingwood
Likes: 1148
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24.01.2022 Posted @withregram @headspace_aus There are always options to manage your money. Welcome to week 2 of Money Smart Mondays. This week's topic: Managing your money If you have less than $150 in your savings before you next get paid, you might need to look at your income and expenses. Swipe across for some tips on how to get started with managing your money. For more visit the link in our bio.
23.01.2022 Here is the last of our headspace day videos! Remember to tag a friend in the comments for your chance to win a $100 voucher!
23.01.2022 Meet Nicholas! What do you do for fun? I’m a bit of a big-kid at heart so I love building LEGO, having nerf gun fights, playing guitar hero and dancing around my apartment to pop music!... What brings you joy? The things that bring me joy include getting to water my houseplants once a fortnight and watching them grow, FaceTiming my friends and having a good laugh together, infectious smiles from strangers and getting out adventuring/exploring. I recently discovered a really cool waterfall near my house! What is your most favourite quote? Winston Churchill once said if you’re going through hell, keep going and to be honest, the place that I was in when I heard this quote really felt like hell so it helped me to hold on and to get through it. Most surprising fact about you? I have a 5 year old son, I was 17 when he was born and I coparent with his mum! He is definitely part of the reason why I have a burning desire to better the world that he is going to grow up in. See more
22.01.2022 Please note that headspace Collingwood will be closing at 5pm on Wednesday 30th December and 3pm on December 31st for NYE. We apologise for any inconvenience. If you require support, please contact: eheadspace 1800 650 890 Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800... Lifeline 13 11 14 If it is an emergency, please present to your local emergency department or contact 000
22.01.2022 Posted @withregram @headspace_aus There are a lot of ways to describe sexuality and (gender). Many of these are captured by the terms LGBTIQA+, but these can mean different things to different people. Having words to describe ourselves and others can be helpful. Explore what LGBTIQA+ means now.... Remember: The way you describe your sexuality and gender, and who you share it with, is totally up to you.
22.01.2022 Take a health check on your gaming and internet use. There are a lot of tips that can help with keeping your game time in balance. Time on screens can sneak up without you realising it. Here are some things that you could consider.
21.01.2022 Participate in a short survey on improving mental health support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people, and go in the draw to win a $100 gift voucher! We are looking for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander community members aged 14-25 Australia-wide, to be a part of this important project. If this is you or you know someone who might be interested in participating, please click on the following link to enter the survey and find out more: https://www.sur...veymonkey.com/r/headspaceforyoungpeople #coxinallridgeway #headspace #indigenoushealth #mentalhealth #culturalpractice #culturalsafety
21.01.2022 Its NAIDOC week this week and there are plenty of events to get behind to continue to celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and achievements. Check out what's going on in your state here: https://bit.ly/3lg2Yz2 #naidoc2020
20.01.2022 headspace wishes you a safe and joyful holiday season! headspace Collingwood will be closed for the main public holidays (25th and 1st). During this time, headspace is still here for you. You can get support for your mental health by creating a headspace account at headspace.org.au, or you can speak to someone 1-on-1 via online chat, email or over the phone at eheadspace.org.au or 1800 650 890.... If you are in an emergency situation or need immediate assistance: Call emergency services on 000 If you need to speak to someone urgently: Lifeline 13 11 14 Kids Helpline 1800 551 800 Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467
20.01.2022 As lockdown restrictions continue to change, you may feel unsettled or anxious about what this means for you or the people you care about. It's okay to feel this way about yourself and others. There are a range of things you can do to keep you in a healthy headspace. Visit our website for more tips https://headspace.org.au/parents/
20.01.2022 Are you a family member or friend supporting a young people who is currently receiving support at a headspace centre? If so, we would love to hear from you! If you have a few minutes to spare, please complete our survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/famfriend2
19.01.2022 Stay tuned for our headspace Day activities!
18.01.2022 Check out the second of our headspace Day videos and join Christina for some yoga! https://youtu.be/eogC_-rFaJc
17.01.2022 Self-care is important in order to maintain a healthy relationship with yourself as it helps increase positive feelings; boosts your confidence, self-esteem and it shows that your needs are important. headspace Collingwood Youth Advisory Committee have decided to call this month ‘Self-Care September’, and we want you to treat yo self! Everyday for the next month we will be giving you some self-care ideas or challenges to try; but remember self-care doesn’t need to end in Sep...tember. Looking after yourself is needed for a healthy headspace, all year round. #headspacecollingwood #selfcareseptember
17.01.2022 If you need immediate assistance, contact mental health services or emergency services on 000. If you need to speak to someone urgently, call Lifeline 13 11 14 or Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467. If it's not an emergency, find your nearest headspace centre and you can speak to one of our counsellors, or explore our online services at eheadspace.
17.01.2022 headspace Day at Collingwood is nearly here! Over the next week we will be posting different video's based around the 7 Tips for a Healthy headspace and $100 vouchers will be up for grabs!
17.01.2022 Meet Khalyce! What do you do for fun? I love making pasta and eating pasta. I recently got a pasta machine for my birthday so I’ve been very excited to put it to use. ... What’s a surprising fact about you? I’m half African-American, half Italian-Australian. Most people are surprised by this because I’m so pale. Genetics are funny sometimes. Self-care tip 101: Sleep more! I read Matthew Walker’s ‘Why We Sleep’ last year and it completely changed my relationship with sleep. It’s so important and I don’t think enough people are aware of the impact sleep has on our quality of life. If you were down to your last $10 what would you spend it on? Goat cheese <3
16.01.2022 Meet Sophie! Describe yourself in 3 words Friendly, Genuine, Passionate... What do you do for fun? Lately, I’ve been having fun listening to podcasts on walks, practicing Yoga, knitting and doing Trivia nights with friends over zoom! What is the best piece of advice you’ve received? Those who matter don’t mind, and those who mind don’t matter - Dr Seuss Yes, It's cliche, but the more I surround myself with people who support and inspire me, the more I realise just how true it is. These people matter so much to me because they like me for who I am. They don’t mind any of the superficial stuff. If they do mind, they’re not supporting me or being a good friend, and so their opinion doesn’t need to matter. Dr Seuss was a smart guy! Self-Care tip 101: Journalling is the best! Everyone thinks it's daunting at first but it can be so cathartic to get your thoughts out of your head and onto paper. I’ve learnt so much about myself and if you’re an over-thinker like me it’s a godsend when wanting to make big decisions in life. If you were down to your last $10, what would you spend it on? Definitely Mango Gelato! Stay tuned over the next few weeks to meet more of our Youth Advisory Committee members!
16.01.2022 Tonight is the night! Posted @withregram @wgpsevents AUCTION FOR AN AUCTION : TONIGHT 6PM! Our grand fiesta was having a siesta this year but @jelliscraiginnernorth efforts to support us have remained!... This year we are thrilled to bring the auction for an auction back, however we are going to be doing it a little differently! Given the trying times of 2020 @jelliscraiginnernorth wanted to share the love and try to use this event to raise funds for mental health programs in the inner north as well as for our school. We are thrilled that the @jelliscraigfndn have agreed to support us as well this year and will match the fundraising efforts dollar for dollar up to $10,000! If achieved they will be donating these additional funds raised ($10k) to adolescent mental health programs run by @headspacecollingwood @headspace_aus There has never been a more important time in our lives to support our community and mental health related issues. To make this a great success, we need your help too! If you or anyone you know is considering selling a property in the inner north in the next 12-18mths you can participate in the auction for an auction! PLEASE TAG YOUR FRIENDS OR SHARE THIS POST with those you think may benefit from participating. T&Cs available on request but the most important thing to know is that there are no upfront or out of pocket expenses. Message or call Sam on 0425834583 to find out more. Thank you to @jelliscraig and the foundation for supporting us this year, we are so grateful #westgarthprimary #auctionforanauction #headspace #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealth #adolecentmentalhealth #headspaceday #northcote #jelliscraig #community #support #auction #realestate #realestateagent #melbourne #wgpsevents #wpsfiesta #community #support
16.01.2022 Today is World Mental Health Day. With the challenges of this year, mental health and wellbeing has never been more important. So this year, the message from @aumentalhealth is simple: "Look after your mental health, Australia."... To discover more tips on what you can do to fulfil that promise, visit the link in our bio #LookAfterYourMentalHealthAustralia.
15.01.2022 In addition to our post earlier today, where we discussed the message that ‘There’s more to say after R U OK? We would also like to acknowledge the important step BEFORE asking R U OK? which is ‘Making sure you are ready’. In keeping with our Self-Care September theme we encourage you to think of the phrase we always hear on an aeroplane you need to put on your own oxygen mask first before assisting others. ... If you’re not in the best headspace to support someone right now, it is completely OK to ask someone else to check in with them instead. Asking R U OK is a beautiful, kind way to support the people around you, make sure to extend that compassion towards yourself as well. And remember a conversation could change a life! #selfcareseptember #headspacecollingwood #ruok https://www.ruok.org.au/
15.01.2022 Day of Fun is back on September 1! Just because you’re all safely socially-distanced, doesn’t mean you can’t dabble in a little friendly competition. Available over Zoom, we’ve got three options for groups of all sizes.... Want some full-bodied fun that’s big on laughs and light on thinking? That’d be our Funlympics. Prefer your parties come with trivial top notes? Virtual Trivia has you covered. Or if you’d like something with a hint of hints, our Virtual Escape Rooms are ready to roll. Have fun and feel connected. Throw a virtual A-Party with your friends on September 1 and help us put the fun back into fundraising with our friends at Funlab! https://www.strikebowling.com.au/parties/virtual-parties
15.01.2022 Are you a young person that has had access to or know someone who has accessed YSAS, headspace Collingwood or headspace Frankston? If so, we need you for the below opportunity!!! ‘Ideas Day Youth Speaking Truth’. September 30th from 4pm-7pm via ZOOM... Ideas day is an annual day run by YSAS as part of Youth Engagement and Participation. Do you want to make change within YSAS and the broader youth sector? We want to hear your ideas and suggestions and then use these to create this change. Even though this year the event will be held via ZOOM - there will still be fun, laughter, and performances by young people. To register just let your worker know or contact us on [email protected].
13.01.2022 Due to the newly announced 5 day lockdown for Victoria, headspace Collingwood will be moving all appointments for Monday 15th Wednesday 17th to telehealth sessions It’s probably not the news anyone wanted to hear but we have gotten through it before together and we will get through it again You can still call the office on 9417 0150 for support during this time if you need support out of our hours or over the weekend, call @lifelineaustralia on 13 11 14, @beyondblueofficial on 1300 22 4636 or @kidshelplineau on 1800 55 1800
13.01.2022 Meet Georgia! Describe yourself in 3 words: I am creative, weird and shy... What do you do for fun? I draw illustrations, make podcasts (Braided Series from Artful Dodgers), daydream and play games on the Nintendo Switch If you could change one thing about the world what would it be? Higher salary/income for people who work in the Arts. Plus, more money to organisations like Artful Dodgers (a community art space for young people) so they can do their good work without having to rely on applying for grants. Self-care tip 101 Just taking at least 5 minutes out of my day to be mindful and keep myself grounded. I tend to daydream a lot, so I often get caught up in my own head and miss what it feels like to be out in nature or the flavours of the food I am eating. So being mindful lets me focus, feel grounded and I can enjoy the simple pleasures in life.
13.01.2022 ~ COMPETITION TIME! ~ We want to hear from you! What do you do for self-care? Post your photo, a 1min video or tell us your tip in the comments below. The winner will be drawn on Wed 21st 12pm and receive a $100 voucher!
12.01.2022 Today is Wear It Purple Day! For more information, head to https://www.wearitpurple.org/
12.01.2022 How to ask a friend how they're going in a pandemic: 1 There’s no right or wrong way but it's important to choose a way that feels comfortable. 2 Keep com...munication open and see if they want to talk about things. Maybe you’re not the right person for them to talk to right now, but you could let them know that there is free and confidential support online or over the phone from places like eheadspace, Kids Helpline and Lifeline. 3 Listen to their concerns and keep an open mind. 4 Support your friend and help them build their support network. For more support on how to cope visit > bit.ly/2XaOOF9.
11.01.2022 Supporting a family member or friend who is attending a headspace centre? We’d love to hear how we can make our service better for you by completing this short survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/famfriend2
11.01.2022 Today is World Suicide Prevention Day. We are joining our friends at Suicide Prevention Australia to shine a light on suicide prevention and encourage conversat...ions. If you or anyone you know is struggling, please reach out for support: Contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 Contact the Suicide Callback Service on 1300 659 467.
09.01.2022 You are more than just a number on a set of scales. You are soulful, beautiful, kind and spiritual. You are loving and open and free. You are caring, vibrant and you glow. Your body is worth loving too, because you couldn’t be all these things without it. Embrace all of you. We ask you to ask yourself; How can I be more in love with my body?. As we explore the topic of body positivity and our relationship with our bodies, please reach out to your support network to talk th...rough any feelings that might arise. Butterfly Foundation . #loveyourbodyweek #headspace #headspacecollingwood #bodypostivity #selflove #selfcare
08.01.2022 Love Your Body Week is Butterfly’s annual national awareness campaign to promote body confidence and celebrate body diversity in all Australians. Today we have chosen to discuss body positive zones within the home, school and social environments and have shared some tips on how you can help to create a safe, inclusive body-positive zone. Today we have chosen to discuss body positive zones within the home, school and social environments and have shared some tips on how y...ou can help to create a safe, inlcusive body-positive zone. We ask you to ask yourself; How can I be more in love with my body?. As we explore the topic of body positivity and our relationship with our bodies, please reach out to your support network to talk through any feelings that might arise. Butterfly Foundation #loveyourbodyweek #headspace #headspacecollingwood #bodypostivity #selflove #selfcare
06.01.2022 Here is the first of our headspace day videos! Remember to share or tag someone in the comments for your chance to win a $100 voucher!
05.01.2022 Today is headspace day and we are focusing on the small steps you can take every day that support your mental health. Every change starts with a few small steps. Tell us the steps you take every day in the comments below.
05.01.2022 Hello everyone! Headspace Collingwood is excited to be introducing the YAC (Youth Advisory Committee) who are a group of young individuals who meet on a weekly basis to keep our centre a youth-focussed, safe and inclusive place! The committee also actively organises fundraisers, advocates for Mental Health, attends protests to create an equitable society and influences wellbeing within the community.... Keep an eye out over the next few weeks for some posts about the unique individuals who help shape and change the way that Headspace delivers services to young people.
03.01.2022 Can't believe this was 1 year ago today! #Repost @coach_lester This time last year playing in the annual @headspacecollingwood charity (my favourite event of the year). The Headspace team do an incredible job raising awareness and providing a holistic mental health support for the youth. Headspace continue to make such a huge impact among many kids around the world. It’s always a pleasure to be apart of this event! ... #headspace #mentalhealth #footy #youth #awareness #wellness #support See more
03.01.2022 Today is R U OK Day. This year, the message is 'There's more to say after R U OK?' It's hard to know what to say if someone tells you they aren't ok. Listening to their concerns, encouraging them to take action and checking-in regularly after your chat are three great places to start. After today, keep the conversation going and make each day a good day to check in with loved ones. A conversation could change a life.... Get some tips on what to say after R U OK at https://www.ruok.org.au/how-to-ask.
03.01.2022 Check-in reminder: don't forget to check in on your strong friend, your happy friend and your quiet friend. When you know a friend is going through a tough time, it can be hard to know what to do or say. If you think your friend is having a tough time, it's a good idea to reach out and offer support. For more tips visit our website.
03.01.2022 Check out the third of our headspace day videos! Remember to comment and tag a friend for your chance to win a $100 voucher
02.01.2022 headspace Collingwood in partnership with headspace National, are hosting a webinar for parents and carers of young people to support their mental health through COVID-19. https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/collingwood-covid-19-parent
01.01.2022 headspace Day is nearly here! Over the next week we will be posting different video's based around the 7 Tips for a Healthy headspace and $100 vouchers will be up for grabs!
01.01.2022 Losing your job is tough. headspace Work & Study is here to help If you need support as you look for what’s next, headspace Work & Study can help. Our support is free and all online we use webchat, video, email, or the phone so you can access it from anywhere. Talk with an experienced Specialist today on 1800 810 794 or visit headspace.org.au/workandstudy
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