headspace Pilbara in Pilbara, Western Australia | Youth organisation
headspace Pilbara
Locality: Pilbara, Western Australia
Phone: +61 1800 290 626
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25.01.2022 Our 'create' session is on tomorrow! We will be using nature to make prints ready to hang on your wall or even gift as pressies for xmas. Email, call or text Dee if your young person would like to join. ... Drop off and pick up at EPIC building!
25.01.2022 Schools out!!!! Newman Senior High School staff and student celebrated with a slip and slide that went for daaaaaayyyyyssssss! Enjoy your break everyone
24.01.2022 such exciting times ahead!!! https://news.wapha.org.au/local-agency-to-run-two-new-pilb/
24.01.2022 This awesome group finished headspace Pilbaras Phoneography program last week but we start a new one today!!! Its unreal how many talented photographers we have out here
23.01.2022 were getting ready for Wear it Purple day on Friday!
23.01.2022 big news day!!! Anglicare WA will continue to lead headspace Pilbara since 2018, headspace Pilbara has been Australias first headspace outreach service and todays announcement means that Anglicare WA will continue to be by our side as we open two centres next year- in Karratha and Hedland.... we cannot wait to keep doing what we love amongst the red dirt
23.01.2022 A good read for parents of teens
22.01.2022 new staff member update Everyone say hi to Karri!!! She started with headspace Pilbara in Karratha about a month ago as our Youth Wellbeing Worker. Karri is originally from New Zealand but has called Karratha home for a number of years. We are loving stories about her new puppy as well as hearing her cry out her favourite saying "what the dickens!" here is a little about Karri... fav topping on toast? thick avocado and s+p tea or coffee kinda person? Coffee which of the 7 tips do you like the most? get enough sleep, because if you get enough sleep it makes the other 6 easier to achieve. how would you describe your job to a 5 yr old? I check in with people to make sure they are okay and happy with life. what do you love most about working at headspace? that the young people are fully involved and are heard. See more
22.01.2022 staff development day If you contact us today, please leave a message and we'll get back to you next week. Our whole team, yes that means Newman, Hedland and Karratha, is partaking in team care! ... Thankyou for understanding and if you are seeking assistance, swipe away this gorgeous pic of the Pilbara to find helpful support lines.
22.01.2022 A massive thank you to all the wonderful people who supported the 2020 RYSN Amazing Race this year! Xtreme Edge and @Kmart Karratha supplied some awesome prizes! Thank you all to so many people that we can’t fit in this post #fb This update came from the Roebourne Police on Twitter
21.01.2022 Keeping up with this lot during The Amazing Race was not an easy feat! A huge shout out to Roebourne Youth Police Officers for organising a race around Karratha for young people to get involved. Orgs came together to put on challenges and they were just brilliant From Mission Australia's remote control car racing at the pump track to diving for gems in the pool More photos and a bigger appreciation post to come...but that's for next week as the adults of headspace Pilbara need the weekend to recover from the action
21.01.2022 Well done Hedland SHS!
19.01.2022 Always fun and games with Clontarf
19.01.2022 #Repost @tedsliverpool I bet you all that as you read this - you cant NOT see your nose. But it is so important to realise that, yes your nose is there, your brain filters it out.... Which means... What else does your brain filter out? Happiness because it is focused on sadness? Good times because it is focused on the past? Enjoying the presence because it is focused on the worry about your future? Loving and feeling loved because it is focused on your weight and body? Being mindful helps you to place yourself back in to the present, focus on what is ACTUALLY happening right there right now.
18.01.2022 Sticking around Karratha in Jan? Pool entry on us! Terms and conditions apply.... free entry between 2-6pm only... free entry for those between the ages 12-25 years See more
18.01.2022 ever wanted to know what the inside of a cop car looks like? or how heavy the water hose is that firefighters use? all of this and more can be answered if you head over to this awesome event!
18.01.2022 young people coming together digitally for a wear it purple extravaganza!!!!
17.01.2022 when we all do a our little bit to ensure the safety and well-being of children and young people...well frankly, we have a better community. tips we can all do - be a positive role model. children and yp are always watching - smile or even wave. teenagers arent scary... - add child and youth views at home, school, sports and workplaces etc - speak up when you see places/people that are unsafe - teach culture. all kinds. your own, others...explore what you dont know with children and young people. See more
17.01.2022 meet us up the hill tomorrow at 8am!
16.01.2022 good ol fashion games have been quite the hit of late
16.01.2022 Do it for your mates, for your family, for yourself!!! Wednesday 25th November 6:30pm @ Wickham Light supper will be provided. Please register to Vicki on 0455661633 or [email protected] (for catering)
15.01.2022 a big thankyou to Bushlolly who we partnered with to add their establishment to The Welcome Here Project. "The Welcome Here Project supports businesses and services throughout Australia to create and promote environments that are visibly welcoming and inclusive of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and queer (LGBTIQ) communities." All businesses can register...why don't you do it now!... https://www.welcomehere.org.au/ Let's get those rainbow stickers on windows all over town
15.01.2022 Need a doctor when your local practice is closed? When it's urgent but not an emergency, if you live in the Midwest, Pilbara or Wheatbelt, you can access a doctor after hours, on weekends and on public holidays. Just ring Call A Doc on 1800 225 523 to book an appointment with an experienced, Australia-based doctor. If it can wait until your usual GP is available, that is usually the best option as they know you best. In an emergency call 000.
15.01.2022 we are loving the support- thankyou for all that have booked their spot! please keep them coming in, we are on a mission to create more tolerance and understanding in our communities! everyone is welcome to join, you are guaranteed to learn something new (and have lots of fun and laughs with your local green team )
15.01.2022 Today is World Kindness Day Being kind doesn't only impact others, it can also make us feel better too. Celebrate the day with a small act of kindness! You could try thanking someone you appreciate, offering help to someone or contacting a friend just to say hi!
15.01.2022 From where it all began with our founder Katherine Hudson to our fabulous Board Directors and Youth Action Council of today, this is our story. Thank you to The Story Mill for capturing the message of Wear it Purple and its 10th anniversary. #WeAreTheChange #WearItPurpleDay2020
14.01.2022 Awesome to see the celebrations!
13.01.2022 hey Newman this comp is for you
13.01.2022 not all heros wear capes everyday there is an opportunity to be kind, to smile, to make someones day its not the size of the gesture but the gesture itself ... EVERYONE has purpose and place on earth. if you ever feel like you dont, try doing something nice for someone and notice all the good feels it gives you https://www.facebook.com/1825401099/posts/10213918980008373/?extid=3QfwTQGLRHUAvxWm&d=null&vh=i
12.01.2022 were at the park again! listen out for the music, thats where we will be. Come say hi
11.01.2022 Karratha, Wickham and Roebourne young people get into it!!!
10.01.2022 Win Participate in a short survey on improving mental health support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people, and go in the draw to win a $100 gift voucher! We are looking for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander community members aged 14-25 Australia-wide, to be a part of this important project.... If this is you or you know someone who might be interested in participating, please copy the following link into your browser to enter the survey and find out more: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/headspaceforyoungpeople
10.01.2022 #Repost @chatsafe_au If you see something online that makes you feel upset or troubled, maybe take a break from social media or do something that helps you relax. And you can always remind your friends to do the same :) Its also important to let others know if you feel affected. Find someone your trust to speak about it or give these numbers a call: ... Lifeline 13 11 14 Suicide call back service 1300 659 467 Emergencies 000 #MentalHealth #SuicidePrevention #SelfCare #StayConnected #ItsOkayNotToBeOkay #MentalHealthAwareness #EndTheSilence #Tips #chatsafe
09.01.2022 what a colour explosion it was at Karratha SHS today very awesome to see staff and students wearing purple and/or rainbow
09.01.2022 #Repost @themindroom Today is World Suicide Prevention Day. So lets talk about it.... FACT: Suicide is the leading cause of death for Australians aged between 15 and 44. FACT: In 2017, preliminary data showed a total of 3,128 deaths by suicide in Australia. FACT: Men are three times more likely to die by suicide than women and ABS data (2012) shows more people die from suicide than road deaths. FACT: Suicide prevention is about more than just mental ill-health. Recently the ABS released a report which identified a personal history of self-harm, family disruption, relationship problems and economic problems as key psychosocial risk factors that could contribute to suicide. . You dont need to be a clinician/GP/expert to reach out - just a good friend, a great listener and provide the space to talk. Listed below are some ideas to help you start the conversation: Ive noticed that you havent been yourself lately, is everything ok with you? . Im worried about you. Im wondering if we can talk about whats troubling you? . Youve seemed really (down/sad/angry/unhappy) lately. Im worried that you might be thinking of hurting yourself or suicide. Can we talk about this? . Trust your instincts and access suicide prevention resources to assist you in having the discussion. Some resources include: @Lifelineaustralia @BeyondBlue Suicide Call Back Service (search, Discussing Suicide: How to talk to somebody about suicide) . It is better to reach out than avoid the person for fear of getting the conversation wrong. Experts generally agree that asking someone whether they are thinking about suicide is unlikely to make the situation worse or put ideas in their head. . By acting as eyes and ears and reaching out to anyone whos going through a tough time we can show them theyre supported and encourage them to access help sooner.
09.01.2022 We couldn't add anymore colour into these photos if we tried! What an amazing way to conclude Pride Month in Karratha Balls up Binggay was hosted by the incredible Ayleesha Tryed who had everyone in stitches with her hilarious sass ... Karratha sure knows how to dazzle with sequins and tassels in every direction and how about all those runway and lip-syncing moves!!!! Did we just find a tribe of qweens for next year? Thankyou thankyou to everyone who came and made it a night to remember And of course, thankyou to our youth mental health supporter Pilbara SITE PICS - Marg Bertling Photographer for capturing the event. You are a legend and we just loved your contagious energy
09.01.2022 we https://www.facebook.com/735261736609546/posts/1996766860459021/
09.01.2022 This is something to look forward to Newman!!!
09.01.2022 #Repost @tiktok_australia Catch live streams every night this week at 5pm (WA time) from some of Australia's best First Nations artists for NAIDOC Week. Live on their TikTok handles: Monday: @jmillaofficial Tuesday: @kee.ahn... Wednesday: @dabakerboy Thursday: @syccoworld Friday: @mitchtambo Artwork designed by @mollyhunt4food See more
09.01.2022 R U OK?Day is Thursday 10 September and this years message is Theres more to say after R U OK? Learn what to say next so you can have a conversation that could change, or even save, a life. Visit www.ruok.org.au/join-r-u-ok-day #theresmoretosay #ruokday #ruok
09.01.2022 Happy Wear it Purple day this years theme is: we are the change- 10 years of celebrating rainbow young people. this theme envisions the importance of encouragement, empowerment, and emphasis on making effective change for LGBTIQ+ people and all minority groups. ... LGBTIQ+ people exist in all diverse communities, ethnic backgrounds, religions, socio economic status, genders, neuro-diversity groups. it is everyones responsibility to motivate, inspire and uplift the community to make sure everyone feels included and safe.
07.01.2022 Flex Cafe has your pre hike caffeine boost and post hike refreshment ready for you! we will be handing out these vouchers from 7am! see you on Saturday!
07.01.2022 thanks for the support Kevin Michel MLA. communities with shared activities increase a sense of belonging thus impacting positively on ones mental health and well-being. looking forward to The Big Yellow Walk 2021 edition already
06.01.2022 Go Youth Wellbeing Worker Briony!
05.01.2022 Receiving your exam results or report card can be tough if you didn’t get the scores you were expecting. Remember that these results don’t define you and there are many pathways you can take to reach your goal. Your local jobs and skills centre have all the knowledge to get you where you want to go so give them a call.
04.01.2022 think green is your colour? we are looking for a new team member! https://www.seek.com.au/job/50414843
04.01.2022 Here is your Saturday reminder for the headspace Pilbara app! In here you can find the services that can help you, your fam and friends when you need assistance. Download it and have a look see what and who is around!
03.01.2022 Tea, Coffee, Cupcakes and stimulating conversation. This Thursday 10th Sep is national "Are you Ok Day". The NNC would like to raise awareness of this day for a... gold coin donation come and enjoy morning tea on us. Please join us and meet the newest member of the NNC team, our new community health nurse. We will also be joined by some local organisations to discuss mental health and where to find help. See more
02.01.2022 here here here...look here to be part of the green team in Hedland!!! https://www.seek.com.au/job/50986803
02.01.2022 #Repost @minus18youth Every year, we close out Trans Awareness Week with an incredibly important day of significance: Transgender Day of Remembrance. It's a chance to remember and honour the lives lost to transphobic violence, and all every single trans trailblazer no longer with us. It's also a solemn and immediate reminder of WHY Trans Awareness Week is so important. Ending transphobia is a job for all of us being an ally isn't just a week-long activity, it's something we do every day.
01.01.2022 BIKE CLUB EVERY THURSDAY @ The Youth Shed, Karratha
01.01.2022 Today marks the start of Trans Awareness Week. It's an opportunity to celebrate our trans friends, learn about gender identity and take action to support the trans and gender diverse community. Here are a few tips on how you can help young people who are trans and gender diverse feel supported: Respect pronouns (if you're not sure what pronouns someone uses, just ask them) Listen to the perspectives of the trans and gender diverse people in your life... Continue to educate yourself To learn more visit the link in our bio. See more
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