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Healing To Health
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11.01.2022 And the world shifts in response to you, to your evolutionary progress, in accordance to your energy. Reflecting, reminding, intensifying your positive expression. Let there be light Shining from within... As you step fully into your power Of creation And manifestation I love you and am looking forward to your divine expression of you as you impart your gifts upon the world And all those you meet Love And care for
03.01.2022 That moment when you realize that thing that your kids are doing, that is absolutely driving you nuts and triggering you emotionally, they actually learnt from you . Big breath out Time to focus inward, take my own advice and teach my children how to behave differently by modelling the desires behaviour. ... Children mirror everything they see! So we see a reflection of everything we are in our children. Which gives us a great opportunity for growth and learning, if we are open to it. Being a good parent is not about being a perfect parent. It's about being able to admit when we are wrong, taking ownership of our own behaviour and being committed to making the necessary changes, to create a new experience. When we change what we are doing, it changes the other person's response. And we can grow with our children as we all grow closer and more empowered through this experience
02.01.2022 Please take a moment to read this story, it will give you a different perspective of how to interpret things that happen in your life. Written by Dennis Adsit There is a Taoist story of an old farmer who had worked his crops for many years. One day his horse ran away. Upon hearing the news, his neighbors came to visit. Such bad luck, they said sympathetically.... Maybe, the farmer replied. The next morning the horse returned, bringing with it three other wild horses. How wonderful, the neighbors exclaimed. Maybe, replied the old man. The following day, his son tried to ride one of the untamed horses, was thrown, and broke his leg. The neighbors again came to offer their sympathy for what they called his misfortune. Maybe, answered the farmer. The day after, military officials came to the village to draft young men into the army. Seeing that the son's leg was broken, they passed him by. The neighbors congratulated the farmer on how well things had turned out. Maybe, said the farmer. Can you think of a time that something "bad" happened, only to be followed up with an amazing opportunity, that could not have happened, if the previous thing hadn't set you on that path? It is not possible to know the full flow on effect of a single thing that happens in our life until the time has well and truly passed. I encourage you to embrace this journey through life, the highs and the lows, the good and the bad, the sun and the rain. So is a bad thing good? Or is the good thing bad? Or do each neutralize the other? Or could it be none of these and mearly open to our interpretation? The story we choose to tell ourself of those events that are happening, that shape our experience? Please comment below if this means something to you
02.01.2022 What you can expect in a session with me
02.01.2022 65 years of nail biting cured in 30 mins. Now every time my mum calls, she tells me how beautiful and long her nails are, how much she loves them and how good she feels every time she looks at her hands She even needs to trim them now to keep them at her comfortable working length. If you think about it, everything we do is with our hands, how often do you look at your hands every day? ... Every time you look at your hands, how does that make you feel? Now imagine the compounding effect if every time you looked at your hands you felt joy, happiness, pleasure? Helping my family and friends is one of the greatest blessings of this journey. Thank you for trusting me and allowing me bring you so much joy, every time you look at your hands
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