Healing Hands and Hooves | Entrepreneur
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25.01.2022 Every single horse on this planet CAN successfully go barefoot...but NOT every single owner. Often in the comments of our posts, we hear statements such as thi...s: I tried barefoot and it didn’t work for my horse - not every horse can go barefoot How many times have we heard this statement...or ones just like it? Too many to count. But...barefoot isn’t just about taking the shoes off... ...it’s a LIFESTYLE choice for both you and your horse. If you try taking a horse barefoot, and they seem sore or reluctant to walk on anything but soft ground...should you put the shoes back on? What should you do? You don’t want your horse to suffer...it’s hard to watch the animal you love, looking like they are in pain. But you should be asking yourself... WHY....can’t my horse cope barefoot? WHY? And the answer is ALWAYS down to 3 vital elements: Diet Management Hoofcare If any one of these 3 elements are off, then your horse is going to have problems. And those problems were happening, way, way before you ever took the shoes off But then when the shoes do come off, and all of those issues that have been building up for years, start to show themselves in the cold light of day.... ...you start to PANIC! So the natural conclusion would seem to be... BAREFOOT is to BLAME So, what do many owners do? They put the shoes back on...and with it...the blindfolds that have kept them blissfully unaware for years. But those problems your horse faced whilst trying to go barefoot, haven’t just gone away with the addition of a nailed on, permanent, metal shoe. NOPE. They are still there simmering in the background just waiting for the opportunity to cause havoc with your horse....and your wallet! For those of us who do keep our horses successfully barefoot, we KNOW that it is the DIET that counts FIRST and FOREMOST. Followed very closely by the MANAGEMENT, eg how you keep your horse. And then the HOOFCARE. Those REALLY ARE the 3 simple things standing in the way of your horse successfully going barefoot. Just 3 things!! So, next time you hear the statement, I tried barefoot, it didn’t work for my horse - not every horse can go barefoot then ask the owner how they feed and manage their horse... ...we GUARANTEE that this will be at the root of the problem. Not genetics...not over breeding...not weak feet. In Issue 29, just like every other issue of this pioneering magazine, we discuss and publish real life stories, education and information that will help you, inspire you and motivate you to go and STAY barefoot. BUY ISSUE 29 OUT NOW IN PRINT or ONLINE DIGITAL: http://bit.ly/BHMIssue29 or Go here to SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/ANNUALsub Every horse CAN go barefoot...but not every owner! The BHM Team Image from Rehabbing hooves in Croatia, by trimmer Marko Babi, in our latest Issue 29.
21.01.2022 Hi I am excited that you are here on my page. I am very passionate about helping horses to be happy, healthy and performing at their best. Which can lead to a harmonious partnership between you and your horse. Head tossing can be extreme and effect horses in many ways. It can also be caused by incorrect diet and muscle issues.... This beautiful mare has severe head tossing. This video shows the incredible change after a total change in diet and one Emmett treatment.
13.01.2022 This actually came up as a memory for me! I didn’t write it but I wish I had A Good Mare ... There’s something different about the way a good mare connects with her rider. It’s special. Like an unspoken agreement. Once a mare chooses you as her person, it’s like she has an instinct to protect you, to fight for you. It’s almost as if she takes ownership of you. I believe the good mares have a deep sense of intuition. They can read your mind. They know what you’re thinking even before you do. The good mares I know breathe fire in the face of challenge and then somehow, miraculously, know to quiet themselves when a timid child is plopped on their back for a pony ride. They are clever, cunning and calculated, which can be your greatest enemy or your saving grace. The good mares I know do not tolerate egotistical riding. They do not tolerate force. They demand tact, finesse and emotional control. But once you have won a mare’s heart, you have won all of her. In exchange for your bestand nothing lessshe will give you everything. Written by: Lindsay Paulsen Happy Adventurous trails Lisa
09.01.2022 Bella, our beautiful pig, decided to have breakfast with my gorgeous stallion this morning. He is so patient with her
05.01.2022 Be aware there are THREE possible causes of ‘Staggers’ 1. Mineral Imbalances the most common 2. Mycotoxins - from Rye-grass or Paspalum 3. Wobbler Syndrome... should always be verified by X-Ray It is generally thought that ‘staggers’ is caused by the Lolitrem B endophyte in Rye-grass over late summer/autumn. However a lot of horses exhibit the same symptoms as Moon in the video clip when there isn’t any rye-grass in their pasture or at other times of the year. In which case the cause is most likely to be imbalances to the minerals which run the nerves and the muscles, causing the spooky, hyper-sensitive reactions and weakness in the hind-quarters. If Mineral Imbalances aren’t considered it is easy to think the horse must be a ‘Wobbler’. This is why the latter should always be verified by X-Ray to make sure they aren’t pts unnecessarily! Thanks to Nicki for sharing her experience: I had only owned Moon, a 6 year old Standardbred, since just before Christmas and he was straight off the track. His behaviour slowly changed and he became spooky, reactive and was stumbling over his own feet. (Video taken about 5th March) He had been off the green grass for over a week on soaked hay, salt, oaten chaff & a toxin binder but was not getting any better. I called my vet who did bloods and spent over an hour testing him on the ground. After sending videos to Massey vets he was diagnosed with ‘Wobblers Syndrome’ and I was told his outlook was not good. This was due to his behaviour becoming quite dangerous for both Moon and myself. Calm Healthy Horses was recommended to me and Jenny kindly came out to visit Moon and gave me some supplements to put into his feeds 3 x a day. We gave him SOS and Alleviate Gold for his staggers/spooky issues and started him on Premium MVA for his general health because his coat had deteriorated. I couldn’t believe the difference after 2-3 days! Moon was calmer and not at all reactive. I could even put a light cover on him again! My poor horse was so deficient and the Calm Healthy Horse supplements made such a difference! How can I ever thank you Jenny. You saved Moon’s life Nicki, Christchurch, NZ
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